Only the heart is vigilant: the eyes of the soul of Diana Gurtskaya. Diana Gurtskaya biography and personal life

A photo of Diana Gurtskaya without glasses, with open eyes, cannot be found on the net. On this occasion, some time ago, skeptics tried to put forward a version of a PR fraud on the part of a popular singer. Allegedly, the artist’s eyesight is all right, and she received fame only out of pity.

Diana herself did not give any comments on this matter. She did not even try to debunk the created myth, did not agree to act without a permanent accessory. The singer reacted absolutely calmly to reproaches of excessive closeness.

According to her, there is no need to look into the eyes of a blind person, hoping to see a reflection of her soul there. Whole inner world the artist was embodied in her compositions, which Gurtskaya with enviable constancy releases to the court of demanding fans.

The future celebrity was born in the capital of Abkhazia, the city of Sukhumi on June 2, 1978. At first, the parents did not know about the problems with the vision of their daughter. Everything was revealed when a little girl fell off the couch and smashed her face into blood.

Fearing for the health of the baby, mom and dad went to the examination. The ophthalmologist stunned the parents of the future singer with terrible news - the girl will never see. According to unverified data, the artist turned out to have congenital atrophy of the optic nerve.

In several children's photos, Diana Gurtskaya is without glasses, with her eyes open. It is clearly seen that the appearance of the artist is typical for blind people. Apparently, the singer's relatives decided on such publications, trying to protect the young woman from the attacks of ill-wishers and envious people.

AT early age Gurtskaya did not experience problems with communication and household chores. Her parents tried to protect their daughter from their own experiences about this.

They did their best to instill self-respect in the blind girl, did not distinguish her from the rest of the children with excessive pity. The older brothers always took care of their sister and tried to please her at every opportunity.

As the artist recalls, Rustam was 15 years older than her, but he always took with him to meet with friends, for walks, to the movies. It was the young man who was able to find opportunities for the family to move to the Russian capital when civil clashes began in Georgia.

Rustam subsequently became the producer of his sister, promoting her to the first steps of all musical competitions.



The musical abilities of the blind girl developed very early. According to the singer, she began to sing before speaking.

Parents, inspired by their daughter's talent, helped her as best they could:

  • bought musical toys;
  • always turned on the music;
  • taken to all sorts of concerts.

Diana showed stubbornness and strength of character at the age of 8. The teachers of the music school did not want to enroll Gurtskaya in a piano course, citing her blindness as the reason for her refusal. The girl was able to prove her ability to learn by playing a popular tune by ear.

Simultaneously with music lessons, Diana combined her studies in a boarding school for blind children. Parents had to patiently explain to their daughter why her classes were different from regular lessons in a standard comprehensive school.

At the age of 10, the aspiring singer managed to perform on the stage of the Tbilisi State Philharmonic together with famous singer Irma Sokhadze. The recognition of her talent by the audience and the star of Georgian jazz gave impetus to further hard work in this direction.

Excellent recommendations after the music school helped the singer successfully pass the exams at the Gnessin School of Music for the class of jazz vocals. Even then, Diana Gurtskaya could not be seen in the photo without glasses, with her eyes open.

In parallel with music lessons, a talented girl mastered the stage art at GITIS, and then entered the Moscow State University. Lomonosov on the course of art criticism.

In 2003, Diana received a diploma with honors in this area. All this time, Gurtskaya toured a lot, successfully releasing all new collections of songs in her own performance one after another.

Personal life

Long time about love experiences successful singer nothing was known. For the first time, changes in the personal life of Diana Gurtskaya, whose photo without glasses, with open eyes can not be found anywhere, were discussed after she met her future spouse. It is noteworthy that the first meeting with the future chosen one did not make any impression on the artist.

They were introduced solely in order to provide legal protection to the blind artist. Peter Kucherenko was already famous for his tenacity and talent in preserving the copyrights of show business stars.

But the young man immediately liked the defenseless blind girl with an angelic voice and a difficult character. He began to look for ways of rapprochement; Peter had to spend a whole year to win the heart of his beloved.

The young man showed miracles of ingenuity, trying to surprise the incredulous celebrity with romantic surprises.

Gurtskaya finally surrendered to the persuasion of her beloved to become husband and wife only after Kucherenko persuaded the capital's astronomers to name again open star her name.

Young people played a magnificent wedding in 2005, and even in colorful photos from the celebration, Diana Gurtskaya cannot be seen without dark glasses, with her eyes open.

A family

After marriage, the artist gave birth to a son, Kostya, 2 years later. She admitted in an interview with reporters that she was afraid of repeating her own fate in the fate of an only child. Her fears were in vain - the boy was born absolutely healthy.

Happy mom left for a while tour activity trying to make as much time for the baby as possible. And only when Kostya grew up, the woman returned to the profession.

Despite the busy schedule, the artist tries to always be aware of her son's life. He took her blindness for granted, promising to always help his mother at the age of 4.

The kid goes to a regular school and is not embarrassed that even on family photos Diana Gurtskaya cannot be seen without glasses, with her eyes open. As the singer herself said in an interview, Konstantin dreams of growing up and coming up with the “right” medicines for mom.

In addition to professional work on stage, the singer devotes a lot of time to helping families with children who have vision problems.

By her own example, she shows the parents of such babies that life does not end with a child’s illness, that parents can and should adapt special children in society as much as possible.

In 2005, the Gurtskaya-Kucherenko family created the At the Call of the Heart charitable foundation. The purpose of this organization is to help blind and visually impaired children in self-realization, the embodiment of their talents and support in everyday life.

In addition to helping creative endeavors, the foundation is trying, if possible, to return the ability to see this world to all children whose recovery depends only on the financial side of the issue.

Several dozen operations have already been performed, after which the sick guys saw all the colors of life for the first time. For Diana Gurtskaya, who has never been photographed without glasses, with open eyes, even on international passport there is no greater joy.

In every child who has become sighted thanks to the work of her foundation, she sees her own unfulfilled dreams and is very proud of the small amount of good that she can bring to the life of a sick child.

Diana: At first I was embarrassed by Petya - so serious, smart ... And suddenly he began to call me. I tried to immediately “translate arrows”: “Would you like to call Robert?” And she called her brother. But once Petya could not stand it and said: “When I need Robert, I will call him, but now ...” From that moment we began to talk on the phone for an hour, two at a time. I was very excited by these conversations, but I forced myself to think of him only as wonderful friend. I swear, I was afraid to even think about love. As I say, I'm a realist. And she perfectly understood that it was one thing to see me on stage, at home, and quite another to live constantly with a blind person ... Therefore, she kept repeating to herself only about friendship. But you can't fool your heart. When I saw him, I was worried, blushed, I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time ...

Peter: Until one Easter, I seriously put Diana on the couch and said that "we need to consider our relationship from a new angle." All the relatives at that moment disappeared into the kitchen so as not to disturb us. And Diana was embarrassed, giggling.

Diana: When Petya said about the “new angle”, I also decided to show my cards. I gave him several cassettes with sentimental films, such as "Dancing in the Dark", and also Nodar Dumbadze's book "I See the Sun". Petya, in response, opened Korolenko's story "The Blind Musician" and read it to me with such feeling that everything turned upside down in my soul. And having read to the end, he said: "Enough books and films for us, the topic is closed." When, a few days later, Petya went on a business trip for a month, I realized how much I miss him. And she admitted to herself that she “fell in love” with this person very much ... But when he returned, Peter directly asked: “Will you marry me?” - I still didn’t give a direct answer, I flirted with all my might, although in my heart I thought: “Do you really, so kind and smart, doubt it ?!” Then, on Valentine's Day, Petya gave me a diamond ring, and our future with him was determined ... Six months later, in September 2005, we got married. Of course, work, career, applause, it's all wonderful. But much more important than this is the confidence that your loved one is next to you, your support, with whom you fall asleep and wake up together ... I am especially pleased that Peter's family received me wonderfully. And I love them all very much. I call Petya's parents mom and dad, and I perceive his sisters as my own.

- Peter, sunglasses Diana did not embarrass your relatives?

For me and my loved ones, Diana is an ordinary, normal person. That a blind person cannot live full life, is a stereotype of our society. In other civilized countries the situation is completely different. I do not perceive my wife as a woman who must live in a special space, fenced off from the world and its problems. You can be an absolutely healthy person, but at the same time completely flawed and limited. Yes, Diana has dark glasses. So what? No need to stick them out and no need to be shy, this is part of her life. The main thing is that, despite them, she achieved a lot. This is her great personal, strong-willed merit, plus, of course, the help of her family. But, you see, you need to have colossal courage to compete with sighted people ... In general, for me, the topic of Diana's blindness simply does not exist. And there is a beloved woman who will soon give birth to my son or daughter. When I was previously shown photos of other people's children, I did not understand parental tenderness. But when he himself saw a small dot on the ultrasound - our child, he felt complicity in a great miracle.

- Diana, will your child have vision problems?

Thank God, the baby with eyes will be fine. When Petya and I got married, as expected, we went through all possible examinations. Besides, I believe in myself and in God. By the way, our baby is so smart and active that the ultrasound does not even allow us to consider who we should expect - a boy or a girl. But my intuition tells me that there will be a son. So that's great. And then we'll have a daughter. We are young, healthy people, we have a place to live, we have something to feed our children. So we have everything ahead ... When we got married, I immediately thought about the child. But I had to wait a year. And when it happened, I couldn't believe my luck. I remember asking Petya to look at a pregnancy test, and he said: "The result is positive." And I screamed in hysterics: “No, it can’t be!” He was surprised: "Yes, here it is - two stripes." And my hands and feet are cold, laughter and tears at the same time. And only then I was able to believe that it happened. By the way, my joy turned out to be “contagious”: my daughter-in-law Natalya, the wife of my brother Robert, immediately became pregnant. He got married recently, and before that he kept saying: “He worked, he worked, but there was still no time to have children.” And then, as ordered, he will have a child! So Natasha and I go to the doctors together and it seems that we will give birth in one week.

Photo: Yury Feklistov

- How do you carry the pregnancy?

Normal, although you have to monitor the weight and cope with toxicosis. Unlike my husband, who eats right, I love everything “harmful” - adjika, spicy salads, barbecue. It may not be healthy, but it is so tasty - life itself is felt in such dishes. On the other hand, I eat little - because I'm picky, and besides, I don't sit down at the table after six in the evening. I always had to limit myself in food, because I am small in stature, and if I put on weight, it will be immediately noticeable, and the scene requires beauty. Now I am already in my fifth month, and I weigh, as before pregnancy, 48 kilograms. But now for me weight is not the main thing, the main thing is the health of the child.

Diana Gurtskaya is a famous singer who was born on the territory of Abkhazia - in the glorious city of Sukhumi. Even as a child, she was practically no different from other children who constantly rejoiced and enjoyed life. But one day an incredible situation happened when the girl fell off the couch and broke her face. As a result of the examination, the doctors realized that the girl would be blind. The parents were shocked at first and simply couldn't believe that this had happened to their child. Gurtskaya told reporters that her parents could not tell the girl for a long time what was happening to her. She also reports that her friends constantly told that the world is filled with various colors, but the little girl did not believe in this, since everything was black in her mind.

Diana since early childhood dreamed of becoming a singer. She really liked not only music, but everything that was connected with it. She started her love of music with a small children's piano. It was given to her by her parents for the next holiday. At first I didn’t know how to play and just pressed the keys. Even when no melody was heard, the girl constantly rejoiced and enjoyed the sounds. It was this moment that became a turning point, and the parents were forced, in addition to regular school, give it to a music school. At first, the training was quite difficult, since the notes were not visible and everything had to be perceived only by ear. But then the learning process became quite simple, and the classes did not take much time.

The future singer was the most youngest child in family. Subsequently, by the way, her brother Robert will become her producer. She graduated from a boarding school for visually impaired and blind children in Tbilisi. And, of course, a music school in piano. She made her stage debut at the age of 10, singing a duet with Georgian singer Irma Sokhadze on the stage of the Tbilisi Philharmonic.

During her singing career, our heroine collaborated with such masters as Jose Carreras, Goran Bregovic, Iosif Kobzon, Grigory Leps. She is an honored artist Russian Federation.

Feel with your soul, not with your eyes

Diana Gurtskaya constantly declares that she feels the whole world with her soul. Thanks to this, she manages to be a wonderful singer. Many people constantly laughed and said that she should not be a singer. Diana never stopped on her way to her goal. Mother never stopped either. She always asked her daughter to continue her activities. Also, the woman gave her to specialized schools that allowed her to develop her abilities.

Even at an early age, Diana Gurtskaya began to actively engage in music. After a few years, she mastered the instruments. Of course, at first the teachers were against it, and did not want to take it. Sometimes it affected the girl, but she did not stop. Now Gurtskaya is considered a famous singer, and all this is thanks to her desire.

What is behind the glasses?

Diana is a famous singer, and many people know her, but no one has ever seen her without glasses. There are many people in the world who do not like the singer. This is not strange, since the world is not perfect and there are always such skeptics. You can always meet people who will spread negative rumors about the singer. Recently, quite often on the Internet one could see messages from "kind" fans that Gurtskaya is not blind. These statements could occur quite often. Sometimes they could significantly affect the minds of other people, and therefore the attitude towards the singer always remained tense.

Many people regularly state that there is no blindness and that this is just PR. The thing is that Diana almost never appeared without glasses. It was this factor that significantly influenced people, since they could not understand what was hidden behind them. Many have stated that everything is fine with her vision and therefore she does not take them off. Diana reacted sharply to such statements and constantly felt embarrassed.

The singer's managers, in turn, sent such people to the attending physicians. Doctors constantly confirmed the fact that she really did not see, but there were always those who did not believe. Sometimes Gurtskaya came across photographers who offered to take off glasses for a lot of money. The singer has always refused such requests. She believes that it makes no sense for other people to look into her eyes, which do not see anything. The star has been on stage for several years now and understands that such situations can only strengthen her spirit and prevent her from breaking down.

Diana Gudaevna Gurtskaya(Georgian დიანა ღურწკაია; born July 2, 1978, Sukhumi) - Russian pop singer and public figure; Honored Artist of Russia (2006). Member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Commission for the Support of Family, Children and Motherhood.

Diana Gudaevna Gurtskaya
Date of birth July 2, 1978
Place of birth Sukhumi, Abkhaz ASSR, Georgian SSR, USSR
Country Russia
Professions - singer

The daughter of a miner Guda Adamurovich and a teacher. Diana's mother died in 2001. Blind from birth, Diana became the youngest, fourth child in a large family, she has two brothers and a sister. Elder brother Robert is her producer. She graduated from a boarding school for blind and visually impaired children in Tbilisi. At the same time, she convinced the teachers of the music school that she could learn to play the piano.
At the age of 10, she made her debut with a performance at the Tbilisi Philharmonic, sang a duet with Georgian singer Irma Sokhadze.
In 1995 she became one of the winners music competition"Yalta - Moscow - Transit". In 1999 she graduated from the pop department of the Moscow School of Music named after the Gnessins. In 2003 she graduated from the Institute Modern Art and entered the magistracy of the Faculty of Arts of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.
In March 2000, the ARS studio released debut album singers Diana Gurtskaya"You are here", which included songs by Igor Nikolaev and Sergei Chelobanov.
Second album released in 2002 Diana Gurtskaya"You know, mom."

March 1, 2008 in the Tbilisi Sports Palace took place qualifying round, according to the results of which in May Diana represented Georgia in Belgrade at international competition"Eurovision 2008". She became the first blind singer from Eastern Europe to take part in Eurovision.
In 2009, on the International Paralympic Day, held for the first time in Moscow, the Organizing Committee of the Sochi-2014 Olympics awarded Diana Gurtskaya the status of the Sochi 2014 Ambassador as a person who popularizes the ideas of the Olympic and Paralympic Movement in Russia and the world.

One of the founders and Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation for Assistance to Blind and Visually Impaired Children "At the Call of the Heart".
Diana Gurtskaya- Member of the Public Council under the Chairman of the Federation Council of Russia.
Since 2011 - Member of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Commission for the Support of the Family, Children and Motherhood.
Since 2013 - by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 603 of 07/03/2013 Diana Gurtskaya was appointed a member of the Commission under the President of the Russian Federation for the Disabled.

Personal life of Diana Gurtskaya

Married since September 21, 2005. Her husband is a professor at the Department of Constitutional Law of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, a lawyer, Doctor of Law Pyotr Aleksandrovich Kucherenko (born May 3, 1974), who, together with his wife, created a fund for helping blind children "At the call of the heart."
On June 29, 2007, the son Konstantin Kucherenko was born in the family.

Festival of Diana Gurtskaya "White Cane"

International Charity Festival "White Cane" - modern creative project created and implemented Diana Gurtskaya and her fund for helping blind and visually impaired children "At the call of the heart."
On October 15, 2010, Moscow hosted the 1st International Charitable Festival "White Cane - Tolerance, Equality, Integration".
It was attended by young blind and visually impaired artists from eight countries of the former USSR.

On October 17, 2011, the II International Charitable Festival “White Cane. Without Borders". In joint numbers with popular Russian artists, students and pupils of specialized educational institutions from 11 CIS countries.
The third festival took place on October 16, 2012 at the Musical Theater and was held under the motto "A real fairy tale is life!" Over the past years, among the honorary participants of the festival were Jose Carreras, Goran Bregovic, Larisa Dolina, Nadezhda Babkina, Dmitry Malikov and many others.
On October 7, 2013, the IV International Festival"White Cane", which was attended by young artists from 12 countries of the former USSR and far abroad.

March 16, 2014 as part of cultural program Sochi-2014, on the closing day of the Paralympic Games, the Winter Theater of Sochi hosted a gala concert "White Cane - Paralympic Games", which presented the guests of the Paralympic capital with the best creative performances for all the years of the Festival. The highlight of the event was the performance of the legendary Spanish tenor José Carreres, who came specially to support young blind and visually impaired artists.
On October 15, 2014, the V International Charitable Festival "White Cane" took place in Moscow. Alsou, Natasha Koroleva, Alexander Oleshko, Oleg Gazmanov, Anita Tsoi, Mark Tishman, Zara, the A-Studio group, Marina Devyatova, and others, as well as children from 10 countries of the former USSR, took part in it.

Awards and titles of Diana Gurtskaya

On September 1, 2014, by Decree of the President of Russia No. 593, she was awarded the Order of Honor for "great contribution to the preparation and holding of the XI Paralympic winter games 2014 in Sochi"
On December 30, 2010, by Decree of the President of Russia No. 1649, she was awarded the Order of Friendship for "active social and charitable activities"
Cavalier of the Order of Honor of Georgia.
Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.
Order of Saint Barbara (ROC).
Golden Order of Serdar (Republic of Turkmenistan).

Pronunciation of the name Diana Gurtskaya

The stress in the original surname falls on the second syllable. The singer's surname, despite its form, consonant with Slavic, is a surname of Mingrelian origin, and has a different declension paradigm. For example, the brother of the performer, concurrently her producer, is called Robert Gurtskaya.

Musical creativity of Diana Gurtskaya

Musical creativity is reflected in the following:

Discography of Diana Gurtskaya

1. 2000 "You are here" (studio "ARS")

magic glass
Are you here
I'm sorry
bewitch me
Is there love in the world
Without you
I do not love you
two moons
2. 2002 "You know, mom"

Name: Diana Gurtskaya

Date of Birth: 02.07.1978

Age: 41 years old

Place of Birth: Sukhumi city, Abkhazia

The weight: 62 kg

Growth: 1.68 m

Activity: singer, public figure

Family status: married

Diana Gurtskaya is one of the most famous and talented singers of our time. Since birth, Diana has suffered from blindness, which cannot be eliminated even with the best medical technology. Despite this, the talented singer managed to win the special attention of her fans and present a large number of songs and albums.

Many people are interested in what Diana Gurtskaya looks like without glasses, with her eyes open, but such photos are practically inaccessible. The singer always appears in public only in dark glasses, noting that she can only be herself in front of her loved ones, and the stage becomes a special “thread” connecting her with the outside world.

Short biography of Diana Gurtskaya

Diana Gurtskaya was born on July 2, 1978 in Sukhumi (Abkhazia) in an ordinary working-class family. Her father worked as a miner, her mother was a teacher.

As a child, the girl behaved in the same way as her peers. It was for this reason that the parents did not know for a long time that their daughter was suffering from congenital blindness.

The misfortune became known only after Diana accidentally fell off the couch and broke her face. Medicine was powerless. A couple of decades later, medical technology still fails to give Diana her sight.

Diana as a child with her mother

From childhood, Gurtskaya aspired to perform on stage and sing. Many people were not serious about this desire for creativity, being sure that the blind could not win real popularity. However, parents still supported and helped develop singing skills.

At the age of 8, Diana already had to show the strength of her character. Then the teachers of the music school did not want to take the girl to study. Despite such a test, Diana managed to prove her ability to play the piano, after which she began to combine her studies in music school and in a boarding school for blind children.

At the age of 10, the aspiring singer successfully performed at a concert. Then she was taken to the Tbilisi Philharmonic, where she managed to master the basics for further creative development. Diana even performed with Irma Sokhadze, one of the best Georgian singers. From that time on, Diana realized how important the stage was to her.

Diana Gurtskaya: photo

After the girl successfully graduated from school, she managed to move to Moscow and enter the Gnessin School, in the department of jazz vocals. After graduating from college, a career in Russian show business began. In 2000, the debut album was released with the help of the ARS studio. From the very beginning, Diana began cooperation with Sergey Chelobanov and Igor Nikolaev, who still write lyrics for talented singer. The second album was the collection "You know, mom" (ARS), which is recognized as one of the best.

Diana Gurtskaya showed the strength of her character from the very beginning. Exactly strong character in combination with vocal data allowed the singer to win fame.

With Alla Pugacheva

  1. Diana, despite her congenital blindness, is not only engaged in the release of albums. The singer often goes on tour and participates in the recording of songs - duets. Such creative activity confirms that Gurtskaya is ready for anything to stay on stage.
  2. In 2014, Diana released a video for the song "Losing You". It was then that the audience was able to see Diana Gurtskaya without glasses, with open eyes, not only in rare personal photos, but also on video.
  3. In 2016, Diana took part in the popular television program Alone with Everyone. The singer spoke about the features of her life. This transfer became important for Diana, who helped many of her fans in similar life situations.
  4. In 2017, Diana Gurtskaya participated in the dubbing of the film "Despite everything." It was the first experience of scoring a movie, which turned out to be successful. The positive decision to participate in dubbing was due to a special scenario and the opportunity to feel the heroine who was dubbed.
  5. Diana is a recognized philanthropist. Gurtskaya is a public figure. Diana Gurtskaya works in Public Chamber Russian Federation, travels to boarding schools to conduct "Lessons of kindness", deals with social issues with the help of special societies. Diana Gurtskaya was awarded orders of state importance of Georgia and the Russian Federation.

Singer on stage

Active creative activity and the desire for social action confirm: Diana Gurtskaya has a strong character.

What Diana Gurtskaya hides behind her glasses

At the beginning creative career Diana Gurtskaya appeared vile rumors. Many people doubted that the talented girl actually suffers from congenital blindness. There were rumors that dark glasses and blindness were just PR to attract special attention. In addition, people did not see Diana without dark glasses, as a result of which rumors spread that hurt the young singer. Despite such a test, Diana Gurtskaya remained on the stage and continued to hide her eyes, focusing on vocal abilities and strength of character.

With Igor Nikolaev

Many media outlets offer a lot of money to get a photo of Diana Gurtskaya without dark glasses, with her eyes open. However, the singer never agrees to such proposals. Only in the video "I'm losing you" you can see the singer without dark glasses. Also noteworthy is the clip “You know, mom”, which reflects the life of the singer: a young blind lady plays the violin in the passage and meets a guy who wants to help a new acquaintance, collects money, but the operation after the operation turns out to be ineffective. The clip "You know, mom" still turned out to be life-affirming, because main character, like Diana Gurtskaya, is content with what she already has.

Diana Gurtskaya with her husband

Diana also had to go through an ordeal involving her eyesight. Diana only has light perception, as she could distinguish the color of objects and know where the window was.

However, later, in adulthood, the singer was faced with acute glaucoma and the need for surgery. The surgery was successful, thanks to which light perception was preserved.

Diana Gurtskaya with her son Konstantin

Photos of Diana Gurtskaya without dark glasses, with open eyes, are not available to her fans. However, Diana Gurtskaya is ready to please her admirers with new touching songs, each of which becomes a real hit.