Why is Diana Gurtskaya blind. Gurtskaya

Diana Gurtskaya always enters the big stage in the image familiar to the viewer. And even in glossy magazines it is problematic to find her photo without glasses with open eyes. Not so long ago, the artist decided to make an exception and please fans and journalists with a new look without dark glasses. This trick caused a lot of feedback from different segments of the population.

Shocking image of a romantic singer

I decided to appear in a new role for the sake of filming a new video. Work on the video format of the song written brilliant composer Victor Drobysh "Losing You" caused the appearance on the Internet of a photo of the singer without glasses with her eyes open. For the sake of filming, the woman abandoned the usual pop image.

In the photo, Diana's eyes are covered by a ribbon with a floral print, after which it is replaced by an elegant lace stripe. Critics considered such a move quite bold and interesting.

A curious moment in the clip was the footage where Diana Gurtskaya appears without glasses with open eyes, which immediately appeared in the photo in the media. The actress decided to abandon the glamorous bandages and painted her eyelids with black shadows in the style of smoky eyes.

Parents did not immediately realize that the girl was losing her sight

IN early childhood Diana showed no signs of vision problems. She behaved in the same way as her peers and her eyes were not clouded. But when her parents made a small rearrangement in the house, she fell, trying to sit on the sofa and severely mutilated her face. Frightened parents took her to the doctor for an examination, as a result of which it became clear that Diana's gaze wanders and does not focus on surrounding objects.

For the first ten years, the parents took the girl to ophthalmologists, wanting to find a specialist who could cure the eye disease. But they all made the same diagnosis - this disease is incurable.

Having failed to find a way for their daughter, the parents sent her to a specialized boarding school for children with congenital blindness and vision problems.

But for Diana, this was not enough. She dreamed of sitting down at the piano and learning how to play. Therefore, while studying in Tbilisi, she convinced the teachers of the Music School that she could play by ear. Regular classes helped her develop not only the ability to play, but also to sing. At the age of 10, she already performed on the stage of the Philharmonic and was not shy about the public.

In subsequent years, an amazing girl has achieved incredible results in music. She managed to break into the Russian stage thanks to her talent, and not connections. And over the years of work, she developed a taboo: “never insist on your own exclusivity and never arouse pity in others.” Therefore, the image of Diana is always perfect. She takes care of her own appearance and always leaves the house with perfect makeup and looks after her figure. Such scrupulousness cannot boast of many world stars.

    Do you like the work of Diana Gurtskaya?

Vision problems did not prevent Diana Gurtskaya from entering the stage music festival by taking part in international competition. So the first photos of the performer without glasses with open eyes appeared in the media. She did not want to show the judges her exclusivity and arouse pity.

The woman is still proud of being noticed by Igor Krutoy and other masters of show business thanks to her talent, and not blindness. The fact that the girl does not see anything they learned much later during the signing of the contract.

Popularity and career rise

The song "You are here", performed by Diana Gurtskaya on the big stage, made an incredible sensation. The singer sang it so emotionally and truthfully that most of the audience had tears streaming down their cheeks.

Never before have songs been sung with such emotional anguish in the voice. So Diana was not only remembered, but also loved. She managed to penetrate into the soul of every listener, leaving an indelible mark on it.

The singer's first album, released a year later, sold out as soon as it hit the windows of specialized stores. It was a success that Diana's mother would be proud of. But she could only watch the rise in her career from heaven. That is why Gurtskaya's performance was so reverent and lively.

Having started her career on the big stage, she continued to develop further. Without putting emphasis on her exclusivity, the girl first entered the Gnessin School, and then the first time at GITIS. Having mastered the basics of creativity at the institute, Diana continued to rapidly climb career ladder and delight fans with new albums and performances.

But even though she never seeks to promote at the expense, photos without glasses still appear on the Internet. They show that Diana has a slightly slanted look. This is the only thing that distinguishes a woman from other people.

The blind 35-year-old singer, Diana Gurtskaya, has never appeared before her fans without dark glasses in her entire 15-year career. But, now fans have a chance to see their idol's face without those huge black glasses.

Diana Gurtskaya dared to part with her usual glasses for the sake of a new video clip for Viktor Drobysh's song called “I'm Losing You”. In the video, the blind celebrity appears in different images: sometimes her eyes are covered with an eye patch in the form floral patterns, then a beautiful lace ribbon flaunts on her face. However, in the third image, the singer decided to do without glasses and bandages, but simply close her eyes, the eyelids of which are made up with dark shadows.

Diana Gurtskaya without glasses: Watch VIDEO

Diana Gurtskaya without glasses: A brief history of the famous singer

Diana Gurtskaya knows firsthand how to live in a world without colors, informs the Wordyou website. But with her creativity she enriched music world million shades. Thanks to the activities of the singer's charitable foundation, many blind children were able to feel truly happy.

Diana was born on July 2, 1978 in sunny Sukhumi. She was the youngest daughter in the marl family Guda and Zaira Gurtskaya. Parents were already at an honorable age; my father used to work in a mine, and my mother taught at a school. The baby was surrounded with love and care not only by her parents, but also by the older children - brothers Dzhambul and Robert and sister Eliso.

At the age of 10, she stood on the stage of the Tbilisi Philharmonic and sang a duet with Irma Sokhadze herself. It was the first resounding success of the young talent. DIANA GURTSKAYA'S CAREER In 1995, 17-year-old Diana Gurtskaya applied to participate in international festival pop song "Yalta - Moscow - Transit". For the competition, the singer chose the song "Tbiliso". The soulful performance of the young Georgian did not leave indifferent even the masters of the Russian stage, among whom were Laima Vaikule, Mikhail Tanich, Igor Nikolaev, Alexander Malinin, Lolita and Igor Krutoy.

Throughout her long career, the blind singer Diana Gurtskaya has never taken off her dark glasses. And then the day came when the singer decided to take off her glasses in her new video.

Gurtskaya dared to part with her usual glasses for the sake of a new video for Viktor Drobysh's song called "I'm Losing You." In the video, Diana appears in different images: either her eyes are covered with a blindfold in the form of floral patterns, or a beautiful lace ribbon flaunts on her face. However, in the third image, the singer decided to do without glasses and bandages, but simply close her eyes, the eyelids of which are made up with dark shadows.

It is known that in early childhood, Diana was no different from the rest, so the parents did not even know that their daughter did not see anything. Everything became clear after one day the girl fell off the sofa with a crash and smashed her face into blood.

Her parents did not know what to do: they took her to different doctors, but even the best ophthalmologists only confirmed the incurability of the disease. Diana herself for a long time did not even know that she was different from other children. Later, she graduated from a boarding school for blind and visually impaired children in Tbilisi and convinced the teachers of the music school that she could learn to play the piano.

She never appears in public without sunglasses. But they are for a 35 year old Diana Gurtskaya is not just an accessory. Behind dark glasses, the singer carefully hides her eyes. Why? Diana herself does not like to talk about this.

“Sunglasses are part of my life,” she only states.

“I was shocked when I found out the truth about myself”

But now the secret that these glasses have been hiding for 19 years has been revealed! The secret was revealed by a random camera flash. Journalists met Diana Gurtskaya at a fashion show. At some point, the light turned out to be so bright that through the dark glasses the eyes of the star became visible: large, with long eyelashes and ... so sad! True, the look was very defocused. So it is immediately clear that these are the eyes of a blind person.

“I haven’t been able to see since I was born,” Diana Gurtskaya says. “Although, if I could return the color perception that I had before my mother’s death, I would not have asked for more ... Parents did not immediately understand the problem. The first month did not notice anything. But then my mother was embarrassed that I did not react to her movements. She told dad.

And the parents decided to take their daughter to the doctors. So it turned out that the girl was blind.

“Of course, mom and dad were very worried,” Diana sighs. — I was taken to the best ophthalmologists. But they, all as one, kept repeating: “She won’t be able to see!”

At the same time, the child himself did not even ... suspect about his illness.

“My parents didn’t dare to talk to me about this for a long time,” the artist recalls. “So I thought that everyone lives in the same darkness that surrounds me. I grew up like all ordinary children: I ran, played, played pranks, fell, of course, broke my elbows and knees. But mother's kisses removed any pain.

However, with age, questions began to appear.

“Friends were talking about some paints, and it seemed to me that they had the same perception as mine,” Diana continues. - When I was six years old, all the same age began to prepare for school. I also really wanted to go there. But on September 1, she stayed at home. I didn't understand why. And pestered my mother with questions.

In the end, the woman had to tell that her daughter was not like everyone else.

“Of course, there was a shock when I found out the whole truth about myself,” Gurtskaya sighs. But my life hasn't really changed. Everything was as before. At the age of seven, Diana went to Tbilisi to study at a boarding school for blind children. The girl was able to finish music school memorizing notes by ear. And in 1995, 17-year-old Diana Gurtskaya became the winner of the Yalta - Moscow - Transit contest, where she was noticed famous composer and singer Igor Nikolaev. It was he who helped the girl get on the big stage.

The young singer in dark glasses with an unusually beautiful voice penetrating the heart, immediately fell in love with the audience. People so wanted to help the "poor blind girl"! One man even offered to give her his… eyes. Of course, Diana refused. Medicine is not yet capable of such a transplant. But Gurtskaya nevertheless made an attempt to see the world in colors.

In 2003, during a tour in Ufa, she was persuaded to come to her center by ophthalmologist Ernst Muldashev. He gave Gurtskaya great hope. He said that the nerve is alive, which means that Diana will be able to see!

The singer was operated on in the clinic. To the left and to the right, Muldashev was giving interviews that the vision for the star was about to return. But the miracle did not happen, although the doctor was famously promoted. Gurtskaya, on the other hand, was recovering from anesthesia for more than a year, was endlessly ill and lost 15 kilograms!

What if the baby will also live in darkness?

Alas, Diana was left blind. But this did not prevent her from finding her female happiness. In 2005, the star married lawyer Pyotr Kucherenko. And a year later she got pregnant.

- It was such a blessing! Diana recalls.

In fact, she was very worried about the eyes of her unborn child. What if the baby will also live in darkness? Therefore, the first thing, as soon as the boy was born, Gurtskaya asked the doctors if everything was in order with his vision?

Fortunately, all is well. Kostya is already six years old. He is the main mother's assistant. And one of the few who sees her without glasses.

- My mom is very good! he says.

We know. And Diana is in vain embarrassed to show her eyes. After all, they are amazingly beautiful!

Source: taini-zvezd.ru

Everything about the life of stars is interesting - from health to the number of husbands. Particularly interested in what they are trying to hide. That's famous singer Diana Gurtskaya is examined almost under a microscope - they are trying to look under her black glasses on the floor of her face and see what is hidden there? What does Diana Gurtskaya look like without her glasses and what led to blindness? In our article, you will learn about the life and the most significant facts from the biography of the singer, show photos and videos and try to answer your question - is she really blind or is it PR?

When Diana Gurtskaya first appeared on the big stage, she stunned the audience with her voice, and her song “You are here”, written by Igor Nikolaev, immediately became a hit. Diana is a famous singer, during her singing career our heroine collaborated with such masters as Jose Carreras, Goran Bregovic, Iosif Kobzon, Grigory Leps. She is an honored artist Russian Federation. And many people know her, but no one has ever seen her without glasses.

Recently, quite often on the Internet one could see messages from "kind" fans that Gurtskaya is not blind. These statements could occur quite often. Sometimes they could significantly affect the minds of other people, and therefore the attitude towards the singer always remained tense.

The singer, entering the stage in dark glasses, immediately attracted attention, and although it was already known that the girl was blind from birth, for some reason many doubted this, and the question of whether Diana Gurtskaya really does not see was one of the most given.

Although such an interest can still be explained, because we are used to the fact that people with disabilities rarely achieve something in life, and then a fragile girl appeared before the audience, who managed to win their hearts, having gone a long and rather difficult path to recognition .

Recall that Diana was born in 1978 in the city of Sukhumi (Georgia) in a simple large family.

She really was born blind, which her parents did not even suspect at first, and when they realized that something was wrong with their daughter and turned to specialists, they made a disappointing diagnosis - congenital blindness, moreover, the girl does not and will not chances of gaining sight.

“My father and mother did not dare to explain my condition to me for a long time, and I could not understand why the world is black for me. After all, parents and friends talked among themselves about some colors and colors ... But gradually some kind of seventh or eighth feeling formed in me, which painted my world, understandable only to me. I have been living in it ever since. This is the world, just the way I imagine it to be. But at least I feel comfortable in it.”

That fortitude, which young Diana possessed, helped her, being in eternal darkness, to go through life towards her goal. After all, God, having taken away the sight from the girl, rewarded her with a special gift - an extraordinary voice, which already at the age of 8 was such that it delighted the teachers of the boarding school for blind children, where Diana studied.

Over time, the girl not only honed her vocals, but also learned to play the piano, and at the age of 18 she already became the winner of a music competition.

Having moved from her native Sukhumi to Moscow, Diana graduated from Gnesinka and began to take her first steps on the Russian stage. In 2000, the world saw her first debut album, after which four more appeared, and the singer herself began to actively perform with concerts and go on tour.