Sergei Pritula and his family. Sergey Prytula showed rare family photos

Properly prioritized is the key successful career. Sergey Prytula, who at one time realized this simple truth, is today a talented and quite popular Ukrainian actor and TV presenter. How did he manage to reach the top? His life and personality will be discussed in this article.

Sergei Prytula: biography. origins

Facts from life famous people were always interesting to the viewer. Sergey Prytula (photo posted in the article) was born on June 22, 1981 in the small town of Zbarazh, which is located in the Ternopil region of Ukraine.

At school, Sergei was an avid student of honors, which later served as the reason for which he received a gold medal. In 1997, he took second place, having defended his scientific work at the Academy. After graduating from school, he dreamed of moving to Kyiv, but his mother’s “you will disappear there” put an end to these dreams, and Sergey Prytula entered the Academy of National Economy in Ternopil.

IN student years Member of numerous youth organizations, is now an activist in the volunteer movement.

Way to success

According to Sergei, he was a member of many youth organizations and had an active influence on their development. Later, our hero created his own informal union "Mitzi" together with like-minded people. The guy played at the same time in KVN, took part in various competitions.

In 1999, for the first time, he received the position of presenter on Radio Ternopil, where he broadcast under the pseudonym Gray. In the same year, without thinking twice, he paid for a course of study at a London college, where he passed the upcoming session as an external student and studied until 2001. So everything started well.

But in his studies, as it became known later, Sergei Pritula was disappointed. Therefore, I decided to get a job in the same London. He tried himself in a wide variety of professions: from a loader and builder, ending with a cook's assistant and a waiter.

Upon his return to Ternopil, Prytula took the position of student dean of his institute and resumed his work on the radio. In 2002 he defended his diploma. He became the director of the center for youth initiatives, continued his studies in the magistracy.

Two years later, after passing the casting, he appears on the air of the program “It was yours - it became ours”, from which, he believes, his career began.


In 2005, Sergei moved to Kyiv at the invitation of the Music-Radio radio station. Already next year, as a member comedy club UA on Novy Kanal, creates its own caustic image, speaking out against the celebrities present in the hall. Sergei Pritula remains in the position of resident until 2009.

2008 is characterized long list posts. So, for example, he lingers in the role of the host of the project “Are you smarter than a fifth grader?”, As well as “Fine Ukraine” and “Rise”.

In 2010-2011, Sergey is the TV presenter of the show "Ukraine Does Not Believe in Tears", "Make Me Funny", "Sing If You Can".

In 2012, he decided to try the role of co-host on the project "Who is on top?". On the "New Channel" it was possible to follow how Prytula, together with Olga Freimut, Alexander Pedan and the "CabrioLeto" project, conquer Ukraine, traveling around the country (it is also worth noting that the sixth season of the show started in 2017.)

The following year, together with an old friend, he appears on the air of the Pedan-Pritula Show, which lasted until 2014. Despite being busy, in 2013 he was a member of the jury on the Sing If You Can project with Anna Sedokova and Dima Kolyadenko.

Starting in 2014, Sergey hosted the show "Passion for the Inspector", and in March 2015 he began to hold the position of host on the show "Superintuition".

In November 2016, the show of his own comedy project, Varyati, starts on Novy Kanal. It becomes the first Ukrainian comedy show.

Simultaneously with his work on television, Sergei broadcast on the radio, where on this moment is not going to return, as he is completely busy with the development of his project. Besides, everything else time runs to prepare for the national selection for Eurovision 2017, where he is one of the presenters.

Personal life

For 35 years of his life, our hero was married twice. The first wife of Sergei Pritula gave him a wonderful son Dmitry.

At the moment, he is married to the Donetsk beauty Katerina Sopelnik and openly declares that he is certainly the happiest man in the world. The second marriage caused big interest the public, which surprised Sergei himself. To such an incomprehensible hype around, he gave a detailed post-response in his account on the social network Facebook, which says that everything is in order in his life, as in the life of his ex-wife Yulia.


“Rest,” says Sergei, “should be passive, so in free time I, of course, like to sleep, well, or visit the cinema. This is probably the dream of many adults.

It is known that in her free time, Pritula visits not only cinemas, but also a gym to keep fit. If she is fine, then the mood will be good. But our hero considers the game of airsoft to be his hobby. And this positive person, who is extremely difficult to see without a smile, considers himself an adherent of Ukrainian cuisine.

From everything it is clear that Sergey has many talents. And the fact that they all serve for the good of the Motherland is very important.

Yesterday, June 17, Ukraine and the whole world celebrated International Father's Day. In honor of this, the Ukrainian showman arranged a small celebration. Together with his wife and children, he went on a picnic and fishing. The TV presenter shared cute family photos on official page in Instagram.

Sergey Prytula published two photos on the Web. On the first one, he is depicted with his wife Ekaterina, 9-year-old Dmitry and 10-month-old. The whole family smiles sweetly at the camera. In the second picture, the showman poses with his son while fishing. “My,” the TV presenter briefly signed the pictures.

“Sergiyka, I’m waking up to the father in the afternoon!”, “Happy father’s day, Sergius! all the blessings of the earth!”, “There are people like you, from whom even through the phone screen comes good and love. Thank you for your sincerity”, “You have a wonderful family. I thank you for mutual understanding and great life happiness”, “Happy holiday to you! Happiness to you and your family! ”,“ Here is a real family! ”,“ Like a miracle photo. Sinulka broke her heart - so sweet. Zі saint. Tatki can take the butt, ”commented netizens.

Recall, not so long ago, on June 7, Ukrainian TV presenter and comedian Serhiy Prytula boasted a photo in swimming trunks. He was photographed while swimming in one of the most picturesque waterfalls in the Carpathians. In the photo that the showman posted in in social networks, he poses in his swimming trunks, standing on a large stone, and shows a naked torso. Look for details and a photo in ours.

Watch videos that show little known facts about the wife of Sergei Prytula:

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Sergey Prytula - Ukrainian TV presenter, actor, stand-up comedian, author and co-producer of a sketch show Faina Ukraine, ex-host of the morning show Climb and show Ukraine does not believe in tears (New channel) , post-show host Passion for the auditor, Who is the beast?, presenter superintuition, show host Variats.

Sergei Pritula has a son Dmitry from his first marriage, who was born in 2008. And in July 2017, it became known that the TV presenter became a dad for the second time. The second wife Catherine gave birth to his daughter Solomiya.

The whole country knows TV presenter Sergei Pritula as a merry fellow and wit. He always has sparkling jokes and a great mood. The showman created for himself the image of a positive person, a diligent family man, a patriot. On the blue screen he appears almost every day, but he tries not to advertise his personal life. But "Vzglyad" found out the juicy details of his amorous affairs.

It turns out that the face of the "New Channel" Sergei Pritula broke up with his wife Yulia. A reliable source close to the star told us that the couple has not lived together since the past year. And their five-year-old son Dima stayed with his mother. Moreover, Sergey is already in a relationship with a new passion. According to our information, he is dating 29-year-old Katerina Sopelnik. The blonde works together with Prytula on the same TV channel. And in several projects, Serezha was Katya's direct supervisor. Later, he arranged a passion as an administrator in his comedy show "Var" yati, with which the artist tours the country.

Beloved comedian is from Donetsk. She came to conquer the capital and get a higher education. Katerina studied at the Institute of Culture with Poplavsky, and then got on television. Having worked with Prytula in several programs, the girl fell head over heels in love with him, and the couple began a stormy love affair at work. About a year they are together: work, rest and sleep. Rumor has it that Sergey even bought an apartment in Kyiv for his nonresident girlfriend. In joint photographs Serezha and Katya look really happy. However, in public they do not show their feelings to the fullest. Lovers even try to keep apart at corporate parties and parties with colleagues.

Judging by the pages on Julia's social networks, ex-wife Prituli, she is also quite happy and successful. Now she works as a PR manager for the singing TV presenter Olya Tsybulskaya (participant in Star Factory - 1 on Novy Kanal), leads an active social life and brings up her son Dima. In some photos, 30-year-old Yulia poses with a man - perhaps her new boyfriend.

Recall that Sergei and Yulia met in 2007 in Ternopil. He selected his staff for work, and the girl came for an interview. How test Prytula asked Yulia Andriychuk (nee last name - "Look") to wash his hair, and she agreed. The showman liked the fact that the young lady was without complexes, and a month later the couple got married, and later they got married.

Path to glory

Sergey Pritula's career began with playing in KVN, which the guy became interested in as a student. After graduating from the Ternopil Academy of National Economy, he got a job as a DJ at a local radio station and went on the air under the pseudonym Gray. I went to study in London for a year and a half. Upon his return, he toured the country with the KVN team. In 2005, a talented guy moved to the capital. Soon he became a resident of Comedy Club UA. When the show began to be broadcast on TV, Pritula came to real fame. For five years, Sergei has been working on Novy Kanal. He led morning show, a tourism program and a song contest. Especially rated was his sketch show "Faina Ukraine", which he created together with his colleague Andrey Molochny.

Sergei's wife and son

His new love- Ekaterina

The first years of student life laid the foundation for who your obedient servant is today. Find yourself in big city where no one knows you - what could be better? He was an active participant in a number of youth organizations, together with like-minded people he created an informal and unregistered union "Mitzi", and self-publishing house "Slyuna". In parallel with his studies, he played in KVN, took part in competitions amateur performances.

Born in 1981, in the famous Galich town of Zbarazh, in the Ternopil region.

1997. Took 2nd place in Ukraine in the defense of scientific works at the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (MAS). gold medal at school, and a passport of a citizen of Ukraine. I opened a new page in communicating with women, and after listening to my mother's "where do you go to Kyiv, you'll disappear there!" - Entered the Ternopil Academy of National Economy.

The first years of student life laid the foundation for who your obedient servant is today. Finding yourself in a big city where no one knows you - what could be better? He was an active participant in a number of youth organizations, together with like-minded people he created an informal and unregistered union "Mitzi", and

self-publishing house "Slyuna". In parallel with his studies, he played in KVN, took part in amateur art competitions.

1998. He passed the casting for the position of a radio host and after a long preparation, in January 1999 he appeared on the air of "Radio Ternopil 106.1 FM" under the air pseudo "Grey".

1999. After some deliberation, I paid for a course in one of the London colleges, passed the next session as an external student.

2000. To the song of the Brothers Gadyukins "Bye-bye, dear, bye-bye", he crossed the Ukrainian-Polish border to hang for almost a year in a country where the word of David Beckham weighs more than the word of the prime minister.

Disillusioned with learning, in those colleges where students fall from ceilings on their heads

la plastering, and the level of teaching was lower than expected. I found solace in my work. I went through all the stages: from a builder and a loader, to a waiter and assistant cook.

Returning to Ternopil, he held the post of student dean of his institute, and again began working for Radio Ternopil.

2002. Led a student strike at the university, defended his diploma and stayed to work in the "alma mater" as director of the center of youth initiatives, studied at the magistracy. Despite this, he was actively engaged in promotions, organizing concerts, toured with the KVN teams around Ukraine.

2004. He passed the casting for the position of the host of the program "It was yours - it became ours" and soon appeared on the air of one of the

national channels.

2005. Received an invitation from the metropolitan radio station "Musіc-radio" and in November began to work on the air, having previously said goodbye to the city of Ternopil and replenished the lava of those who "came to Kyiv".

2006. Resident of "Comedy Club UA", participant of weekly parties and TV versions.

2007. The most important event in life is marriage.

The status of a married man obliges, therefore, changes in career jumps are confirmation of this: a debut in theater production. Own author's column in the magazine "Profile". Host of the morning program "Rise" on the New Channel.

To date, there are no convictions, I work on children, I respect the family, and I believe in a happy future for Ukraine

Prytula Sergey Dmitrievich is among the top ten most popular showmen of the Ukrainian television space. He has enough active life and vast experience in conducting various types of transmissions. In parallel with his work on TV, Sergiy Prytula manages to work and help people involved in the military conflict in eastern Ukraine.

University education

The small homeland of the showman is Ternopil region (Ukraine), where Sergey Prytula successfully graduated from school with a gold medal. Studying at one of the Ternopil universities, the future presenter took an active part not only in the educational process, but also in public life university. On his account - participation in various projects, organizations, competitions, performances. At the same time, an alliance called "Creators" is being created, the informal leader of which was Sergei Prytula. His biography in his student years is very rich due to his leadership abilities. However, a decisive role in his life, namely in career terms, was played by his innate sense of humor.


Since 1998, Prytula has been climbing stairs career ladder. At first it was the position of a presenter at one of the Ternopil radio stations. Later, Sergey became the director of the center at the university, dealing with youth initiatives and projects. In addition, he actively took part in the performances of the KVN team, which even toured the country.

Sergey Pritula received a more serious offer in 2005 from a radio station in the capital, where he moved to live and work. For several years, he manages to successfully perform in the Ukrainian version of the Comedy Club show.

Initially, he gained popularity among viewers thanks to the morning program “Rise”, which Pritula hosted together with Pedan and Olga Freimut. As it turns out later, the same colleagues will be connected by another project on Novy Kanal - the entertainment show Who is on Top, which will be especially successful among celebrities and the audience. Plus, there will be a television project "Pedan-Pritula-Show", full of high-quality humor, jokes and gags. One of the most famous programs where Prytula acts as an author, actor and producer is Faina Ukraine. This is a kind of sketch show, the situations in which are borrowed from folk life.

Personal life

As a rule, the life of the leader behind the scenes causes no less interest in the audience, and perhaps even more than his working days. Sergei Pritula is no exception. His personal life and family ups and downs have long been attacked by journalists. As you know, the TV presenter is currently in a second marriage. He recently married Ekaterina Sopelnik, a colleague from Donetsk. From a previous marriage with Yulia Andreichuk, Sergei has a son. As the professional comedian himself notes, they have maintained normal relations with their ex-wife, and now they can be said to be friends with families.

Interesting facts

In everyone's life extraordinary person There are cases that completely turn life around. Sergey Prytula like this in an unusual way found his first wife. At one time, he asked her to wash his hair, which was done right at work. Passions began almost immediately, and after a while the young people got married.

Pritula was constantly credited with novels with his partners in various projects. In particular, there were rumors about Sergey's difficult relationship with the Ukrainian television personality Olga Freimut, and later with the star comedy show"Comedy Vumen" by Ekaterina Varnava. However, Pritula safely ignored all these gossip and laughed it off with general phrases.

For the showman great importance has healthy food. According to him, he will not be able to live long without Ukrainian borscht, and generally without national dishes. Moreover, he not only follows proper nutrition, but also visits the gym to maintain tone. In his free time, he prefers to relax morally: sleep or watch interesting film at the cinema.