The strangest and most interesting hobbies. An overview of the most unusual hobbies in the world - ideas for hobbies for extraordinary people

Human hobbies today are limitless, it's hard to argue with that. We have already managed to tell you about many of them, but still there are such hobbies that, due to their novelty and sometimes even unusualness, many of you have not even thought about! And today we will tell you about them in detail!


One of the most interesting and exciting hobbies today is geocaching. This hobby has a huge number of varieties and forms. Depending on the scale of a particular game - treasure hunting competitions, geocaching can be engaged not only in very wealthy individuals, but also quite ordinary people.

We have already mentioned a little about its essence. In more detail, the whole point of the game is to find a treasure buried somewhere. As a rule, several teams take part at once, and so the team that finds the treasure first is the winner. If we talk about the scale of the game, then geocaching is played both at the city level and at the level of the whole country or even the world!

To engage in geocaching, any beginner will have to acquire the necessary knowledge about the features of the game and skills, as well as necessary equipment. Read more about geocaching .


Bookcrossing is rightfully one of the most , which, although poorly developed, still found hundreds and thousands of its admirers around the world. Its essence lies in the fact that a person, having read this or that book, marks it in a special way and leaves it in any accessible place. Further, the coordinates of this book are posted on the forum or bookcrosser portal, which allows another person to find it and perform the same manipulations in the future.

The main idea of ​​such a hobby is to support the worldwide circulation of books. Admirers of this hobby firmly believe that someday it will take on impressive proportions and be able to turn the whole world into one big library.


Literal translation from English. The word Slacklining sounds like "walking on a sling." The whole essence of such a hobby, the level which depends on the length of the sling (cable) and the height of its fastening, consists in the practice of balancing, moving along a sling stretched between two stationary objects (stations) (usually nylon or polyester).

The level of difficulty of passing the "track" directly depends on the width and structure of the line. The amount of tension on the line can be adjusted according to the preferences of the individual slackliner, based on his level of training and experience.

There are many forms of slackline today. There is even a trick slackline, the essence of which is not in the usual walking and balancing on a line, but in performing technically and physically difficult on a tight rope, requiring serious physical training and experience in such an extreme hobby from the slinger.

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Publications in the Literature section

Unusual hobbies of Russian writers

Many eminent writers could not imagine their lives without their favorite hobby. For some it was quite harmless, for others it was extravagant. For example, Leo Tolstoy learned to ride a bicycle at the age of 67 and fell in love with this activity with a passion. Kultura.RF talks about other boring hobbies of Russian classics.

Mikhail Lermontov and painting

Drawing was for Mikhail Lermontov more than just a compulsory academic discipline. A relative of the poet Akim Shan-Giray, recalling his childhood years, wrote that Lermontov had a love for the fine arts even in the very early age: “... he was happily gifted with abilities in the arts; even then he painted quite decently with watercolors and sculpted whole pictures from colored wax ... "

Mikhail Lermontov. Pyatigorsk. 1837-1838. State literary museum, Moscow

Mikhail Lermontov. Attack of the Life Guards Hussars near Warsaw. 1837. State Lermontov Museum-Reserve "Tarkhany", Lermontovo village, Penza region

The first mentor of Lermontov in painting was the artist Alexander Sosnitsky: it was he who prepared the young man for admission to the Moscow Noble University Boarding School. Later, Lermontov took painting lessons from the eminent Russian artist Pyotr Zabolotsky, who later painted two portraits of the poet himself - in 1837 and 1840.

Lermontov was a versatile artist. He painted landscapes, portraits, genre scenes, military subjects, illustrations for own works and even cartoons. His best work associated with the Caucasus - these are paintings in the spirit romantic painting written during and after the first link. To date, 13 Lermontov's oil paintings on canvas, cardboard and wood, more than 40 watercolors and more than 300 drawings and sketches are known.

Nikolai Gogol and needlework

Nikolai Gogol was one of the most enigmatic figures in Russian classics. The writer had not only strange habits and phobias, but also hobbies. For example, Gogol collected miniature editions of books that we today call "pocket". Sometimes he spent fabulous sums on books that were not at all interesting to him in terms of literature just because they were miniature. So, although he was indifferent to the exact sciences, he wrote out a mathematical encyclopedia for himself only because of its sixteenth-part format.

Handmade accessories of the sisters of Nikolai Gogol. Photo:

The writer had another unusual hobby. According to the literary critic and close friend of the classic Pavel Annensky, Gogol enjoyed needlework. With great diligence, he cut out batiste shawls for himself and repaired his overcoats. The ability to handle a needle, most likely, he inherited from four sisters: Anna, Maria, Olga and Elizabeth.

He was fond of writing and cooking. He liked to treat his friends with homemade dumplings and dumplings. Gogol's favorite drink was goat's milk, which he cooked according to a special recipe with the addition of rum, for some reason calling it "mogul egg", although real eggnog is a completely different dish of sugar and eggs.

Vladimir Nabokov and butterflies

Young Nabokov was a teenager who was enthusiastic and keenly interested in the world around him - and he also adored butterflies. Love for these fragile insects later grew into real scientific research: Nabokov proved himself to be a serious researcher-entomologist and was even the first to describe some types of butterflies in his scientific articles.

Butterflies from the collection of Vladimir Nabokov. Photo:

Butterflies from the collection of Vladimir Nabokov. Photo:

The butterfly became a symbol of his work: the researchers counted 570 references to this insect in Nabokov's works. The writer said more than once that if he had stayed in Russia, he would most likely have been a modest research assistant in some provincial zoological museum.

Nabokov studied butterflies wherever he lived: in St. Petersburg, then in the Crimea, then in France and in America. As a result, Nabokov chose Switzerland for his permanent residence. When asked why he decided to settle there, Nabokov invariably replied that main reason there were butterflies. For almost 70 years of the writer's life in exile, he collected several impressive collections, but only butterflies of the American and Swiss periods have survived to this day.

He loved the writer and boxing. As a teenager, Nabokov worked with a personal trainer, hit a pneumatic bag and had a habit that irritated his classmates to beat in the English manner "with the outer knuckles of the fist, and not with its lower side." In the poor emigre years, boxing allowed Nabokov not to be left without a roof over his head: he gave not only lessons in tennis and French, but also in boxing. Moreover, knowledge of boxing helped Nabokov naturalistically describe the fight scene in the novel "Feat":

“Darwin and Martyn, instantly clenching their fists, raised their arms bent at the elbows (the right one covers the stomach, the left moves like a piston) and began to step elastically and lively on tense legs, as if dancing. ... but when Darwin's fist suddenly flew out and Martin cracked his jaw, everything changed: the fear disappeared, it became good, light in the soul, and the ringing in the head from the shake sang about Sonya - the real culprit of the duel.

Alexander Kuprin and aviation

The author of "Pomegranate Bracelet" and "Duel" had an exotic passion - by modern standards, he was a real extreme. Alexander Kuprin was attracted by the romance of aviation. Being a man with a powerful complexion, he rose into the sky in a balloon and airplanes and descended on sea ​​bottom in a diving suit.

In 1910, they fulfilled their common dream in Odessa with the help of the Farman, then a popular French-made aircraft. The pilot and passenger sat in the open cockpit of the "flying whatnot": in front - aviator Zaikin, behind him - Kuprin. The flight ended in an accident - enthusiasts almost paid for their dream with their own lives. There were so many impressions that they were enough for the whole essay “My Flight”. Later, Kuprin wrote many more stories dedicated to the origin of aviation and brave pilots: Bird People, Magic Flight, Dreams, Sergei Utochkin, Sasha and Yashka, Lost Heart.

When in 1910 the aviation department of the aeronautical school was opened at the Gatchina airfield, Kuprin began to come to the airfield frequently. He became friends with the pilots Prokofievs, with the pilot Konovalov - they often lifted him into the air, and he, in turn, dedicated stories to them. Kuprin forever retained an enthusiastic attitude towards the "people of the air", and put the feeling of flight above the "miracles of the most wonderful of fairy tales."

Every person has a hobby: someone likes to embroider, someone plays football, someone bakes delicious pies. But there are people whose favorite hobby raises only one question: “What? Are you really doing this?" Today we want to tell you about the strangest hobbies (weird hobbies) that are practiced abroad. In doing so, you enrich your lexicon useful vocabulary, and horizons - fascinating information.

Giving away ten dollars to strangers - distribution of 10 dollars to strangers

Reed Sundridge is an unemployed who gives money to passers-by. Every day he gives $10 to someone he thinks is going through tough times. Reed keeps a notebook where he writes down when and to whom he gave the money, as well as how the person intends to spend it. The philanthropist is well aware that $10 is extremely little (precious little) even for a beggar (down-and-out). However, the purpose of his action is not to enrich anyone, but rather to spread the idea (spread an idea) that it is necessary to help those who need it. You can read Reid's blog and learn more about this movement.

Egg shell carving - eggshell carving

Remember the saying You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs (You can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs), an analogue of our “They cut the forest - the chips fly”? Times are changing, and now this saying has lost its meaning: an omelet can be made without breaking eggs, but turning them into works of art. While you and I are making scrambled eggs and poached eggs, foreigners are carving amazing patterns on the shell. This is truly filigree work (intricate work). Such a hobby requires high concentration (deep concentration) and attention to detail (attention to detail), you will have to tinker with shells (both with egg shells). But this activity helps to distract (take your mind off) from the routine and create a real masterpiece with your own hands.

Geocaching - geocaching

If as a child you read adventure books and always dreamed of finding a treasure, take up this hobby. Abroad, geocaching is already addicted to about 3 million people who love to spend time in the fresh air (outdoorsman). So, people take an invaluable thing (thing of little value), put it in a waterproof container (waterproof box) and hide it in some historical or just interesting place, although sometimes "caches" can be hidden in the wilderness (off the beaten track). At the same time, they record the coordinates of the location of the thing and register them on the site. Another "cacher" takes the coordinates and looks for a thing, after finding the cache, he hides his "treasure" in another place, then the story repeats. This hobby will get you out into the fresh air and introduce you to interesting places(introduce you to interesting locations).

Ghost hunting - ghost hunting

Have you always envied the guys from the Ghostbusters movie and wanted to hunt guests from underworld(afterworld)? Then join the lovers of this hobby, hunt down ghosts (hunt down ghosts) and explore paranormal phenomena (explore paranormal phenomena). Ghostbusters go to haunted places and try to collect evidence of the existence of ghosts. I must say that this is an expensive hobby, so for people with ordinary income, it can only be an occupation in their free time (avocation).

Bug fighting - bug fights

This hobby is especially popular in eastern countries. People catch praying mantis, spider, stag beetle, grasshopper or other similar insect. After that, they put two insects in the cage and lightly push them with a wand to piss them off. Angry insects start a fight that goes on until one of the insects stops moving (stop moving) or tries to run away (try to run). At first it may seem that this is the cheapest and easiest hobby, but in Eastern countries, the best insects (insects of the first water) can cost upwards of $100!

Extreme dog grooming - extreme dog grooming

If you have a charming fluffy dog ​​and a little imagination, then extreme grooming will give you and your pet many pleasant moments. To create a masterpiece you will need non-toxic dyes (non-toxic dyes), good scissors (pair of good scissors) for haircuts and a calm fluffy dog ​​(the last element is the hardest to find). Come up with a funny pattern and do it right on your pet's fur, let your imagination run wild (go wild). Your painstaking work (painting work) can be highly appreciated at a special Intergroom competition. On the other hand, animal advocates consider this hobby a mockery of dogs.

Appearing in the background on TV - appear in the background of TV

This hobby is quite rare, and its most famous adherent is Paul Yarrow, who managed to "light up" in more than a hundred stories. As soon as Paul sees that a camera is being installed in a public venue, he immediately begins to hang around in the background. Perhaps Paul wants to become a member of the film crew (cast member) and become famous (come into prominence). Or maybe he is just a very sociable person and wants to finally be interviewed.

Extreme ironing - extreme ironing

Extreme ironing is one of the most dangerous sports. His fans take ironing boards to a remote place and... iron their clothes. Some do it on the slopes (mountainside), while skydiving (whilst parachuting), scuba diving (scuba diving), etc. If you are interested in this original sport, join

Friends, today I want to talk not about addiction. Yesterday, while sorting through the closet, I accidentally stumbled upon an album with icons, which I had long forgotten about. It was my first hobby… such a sweet childhood memory… Hobbies are different for everyone, everyone has their own…

Do you remember what you collected? For example, my brother raved about stamps, my son bought dinosaur figurines from all stores, and my niece collects “impressions” by traveling to different countries. But curious, what are they - the most interesting hobbies in the world?
It seems to me that for modern man a hobby is such a kind of outlet that allows him to stop being a responsible employee, an employee of a serious organization, a boss, even a family man, to relieve himself of the burden of obligations and remain a child who selflessly sorts out colorful candy wrappers from a “secret” box, covering himself with a blanket.

Of course, “wrappers” can be very, very expensive, and some interesting hobbies definitely cannot be put in a box or even covered with a blanket, however, the essence remains the same - a person does something for himself that is pleasant and interesting only to him .

A hobby is not always collecting and collecting, it can be intangible, but in any case it develops a person. Hobbies are different for everyone.

There are many different hobbies, but I will rank those that seem interesting to me personally. And you can find ideas for your hobby.

Collecting fragrances

Many girls collect fragrances

This is a very exciting hobby for girls, which can have several subspecies: you can collect perfume bottles, especially such rarities as products by Lalique and others. famous artists, you can enthusiastically search for well-preserved vintages, tiny miniatures, perfume boxes, as well as compare vintage fragrances with their modern descendants.

The most interesting thing for me is to use my collection according to my mood, then it becomes a real hobby, and not just an accumulation of bottles and boxes covered with dust in a chest of drawers. Personally, I like vintage perfumes, especially rare fragrances that don't "hit in the nose" in public transport and do not seem monotonous and flat. Each such smell takes you back to its era and makes you try on the image of that time.

Construction of houses of cards

Building houses from cards

This unusually meditative activity is akin to contemplating a candle flame or flowing water. At the same time, as my beloved Hercule Poirot said, “when I work with my hands, the gray matter begins to function much better.”

Really, fine motor skills develops memory and promotes sharpness of perception, and precise hand gestures make you focus on movements. This unloads the brain, and makes it possible to solve problems that have been tormenting you for a long time. And what can be made from such simple items as ordinary playing cards can surprise even experienced architects. I think this hobby is more suitable for men.

An original hobby is breeding crickets

In China, this is one of the most ancient and beloved hobbies. Here, special cages are built for these insects, in many cases resembling real palaces. Insects are bred for their singing - crickets chirp amazingly melodically in the evenings and at night. It has a bewitching effect on people - the real music of nature.

By the way, it’s quite possible to try this hobby with us - crickets are sold in pet stores, it’s very easy to keep and feed them, just pour a handful of oatmeal on them, and regularly “toss” cabbage leaf or lettuce.

Making jewelry from beads

Beading has become a wonderful hobby for girls.

And this activity works like meditation, especially knitting and weaving beaded cords and plaits. The monotonous movements of the hands leave the brain free to work, and it successfully thinks over the current situation, and the subconscious mind, “breaking free”, chooses the most correct solution.

In addition to psychological relief, beading makes it possible to obtain unique jewelry that is now very popular and fashionable. ancient art bead weaving is reviving and becoming a very sought after hobby around the world.

Embroidery of pictures and icons with beads, beads, pearls and semi-precious stones

Embroidery pictures as a hobby

This type of hobby arose along with a passion for beading, however, in Russia, salaries for icons have been embroidered with small northern pearls since ancient times. This is a very painstaking work, but it is a real creative process, although people are engaged in it, sometimes very far from art or church canons.

Pictures and icons embroidered with beads are unique author's things that can be not just a hobby, but also a source of substantial income. Many collectors are happy to acquire such valuable and unusual paintings. Just imagine what it will be great gift boss! By the way, I wrote about what to give to the boss, who, as a rule, has everything. Curiosity!

Construction of models from improvised materials

An interesting hobby for men is the construction of mock-ups.

This hobby usually comes from childhood. Many boys and girls made chests of drawers from shoe boxes, built models of airplanes and ships, made toy furniture and even houses out of matches.

Having survived to adulthood, this love becomes an interesting hobby, and some craftsmen become real artists, creating unique works of art from cones, branches, bark, pieces of cloth, boxes, clay, and even salt dough.

Cultivation of house plants

Growing orchids is an exciting hobby for women.

Perhaps this is one of the most common and popular hobbies. However, it can be complicated by planting, for example, orchids in an apartment.

These are exceptionally beautiful flowers that retain their decorative effect for up to 9 months. Many of the orchids can adapt well to living conditions in an apartment, for example, butterfly orchids - phalaenopsis. For others, you will need to equip special greenhouses or create conditions similar to their native climate. But with good care, these exotic plants will thank their owners with lush, rich and luxurious flowering.

The cultivation of mini-orchids deserves special attention. They are quite rare in culture, but do not take up much space, the collection can fit even in a very modest room.

Feeding birds and stray animals

This is one of the most noble and disinterested hobbies. Such people deserve all gratitude and respect, because for the most part far from rich people do this. They spend their personal savings on animal feed, making sure that in cold and hot weather they always have water and food.

Vitsin loved to feed pigeons

One of these bright people was the wonderful Soviet actor Georgy Vitsin, who was very fond of pigeons. Being already a very elderly man, he walked the streets of Moscow every day, and his pigeons literally flew behind him in flocks. In his pockets he always had seeds and bread for his pets.

Such people take care of stray dogs and cats, attaching them to new owners and helping to treat them if the animals get sick. If there were more such people, it seems to me that there would be less cruelty towards our smaller brothers.

Collect toys usually girls

Someone collects porcelain dolls, someone collects robots and transformers. This hobby also comes from childhood and it gives an adult no less joy than at the age of five. Then a donated doll or car gave a feeling of boundless happiness, this feeling remains the same now. Each found thing is another little life lived, a reminder of a long-gone and forgotten time.

This type of hobby allows not only to satisfy the desire of the owner to own some rarities, but also preserves for posterity many things that could be lost.


This wonderful and useful hobby can become a hobby and the meaning of a lifetime. He has many various kinds– from the desire to visit as much as possible different countries to extreme tourism.

Extreme tourism is a hobby for real men

Lately, survival in wild nature. A person goes to the desert, jungle, taiga or to a desert island with a minimum number of things, and most often with one knife, and tries to live there without help. certain period. Of course, this hobby is not for everyone, but people like Bear Grylls and his Lost show make real men and strong-willed women risk their lives to prove that a person has almost limitless possibilities.

sand collecting

Not all people know that sand from different parts of the world and various places differs not only in composition, but also in texture, color and shades. From glass bottles with sand samples from around the globe, you can make compositions of amazing beauty, because there is even black sand in the world. It is formed by ancient lava rocks, which, under the influence of air and soil erosion, have turned into whole beaches of black sand over millions of years.

There are several masters in the world who create amazing pictures from colored sand. Interest in collecting sand was also spurred on by a massive outbreak of sand animation.


A great hobby for girls is making rolls.

This is one of the most delicious and useful hobbies, and even with a huge selection of topics. You can collect cookbooks or recipes, collect and cook only exotic dishes, or revive ancient recipes of national cuisine.

You can get involved in cooking meat dishes or bake amazing sweets, master the intricacies of cooking sushi and sashimi, bake bread in a Russian oven or cook kvass with sbiten. This hobby will bring great benefits to your family, friends and acquaintances, because they will be fed the fruits of your labor - the most refined and delicious dishes.

Embroidery with gold and silver thread is a great hobby for women

The art of embroidering with the finest gold and silver thread is a rather expensive and rare hobby.

In the old days, this type of art was mainly owned by women from high society and nuns in convents. Now there is no need to pull a thread of real gold and silver, there are excellent strong and beautiful threads made of artificial materials. But the works embroidered by them look no less luxurious than the old designs.

This hobby requires high skill and skill, as well as excellent patience and perseverance, as well as good eyesight, because this is a very painstaking and slow work. But the result obtained can surprise with its beauty and unusualness.

Collecting salt samples

Many will be surprised by this kind of hobby - they say, it is salt and salt in Africa. Of course, in its composition, it is almost identical everywhere. However, there are many varieties of salt, either natural or obtained through special processes. There is smoked and peppered salt, with the aroma of raspberries and lemongrass, sugar-white and black, sea and fossil, table and sacred - Thursday.

Salt is a unique substance without which there is no life and any food loses its taste and attractiveness.

Yes Yes! Such a hobby exists! Look.

Pumpkin carving is an interesting rare hobby

Ray Villafen's work

A year ago, Ray was invited to the White House to carve a pumpkin for Halloween!

For me, these are the most interesting hobbies. And for you? Let's share our passions! Submit photos of your collections. I will definitely post them on the blog.

After a person stops using alcohol or drugs, after a while there is a vacuum that helps fill the hobby. Any narcologist will confirm: in order to more easily defeat one addiction, you need to replace it with another. For example, dependence on work, beloved woman, child, someone goes to the temple. And some of my former patients have found interesting new hobbies.

Unfortunately, today not everyone can afford to travel while on vacation. Alas, this is the reality. And here your favorite hobby will come to the rescue. Be sure to read the article on my blog,. Find a lot of interesting things for yourself!

Whatever your hobby, the main thing is that it does not turn into aimless gathering and does not take strength, money and health from the family. Only then will a hobby be useful when it brings joy and benefit to others. Do you agree?

Hobby is a favorite activity that allows you to temporarily escape from routine problems, and enjoy the process itself, and what is the result. Surprising is not only the huge variety of these same hobbies, but also their very content: some hobbies are simply extraordinary! Check out a selection of the most unusual, amazing, and even strange hobbies, and the people who became famous thanks to them, perhaps this will also become your source of inspiration.

1.Home decoration with lids

Olga Kostina, a resident of the Urals, became famous thanks to the fact that she decorated her house with colored plastic covers. To do this, she needed 30 thousand caps, which she diligently collected, sorted and washed, and then attached with nails and a hammer. Now lid ornaments, resembling embroidery, adorn the facade of the house, gates and outbuildings. It is not surprising that this miracle attracts tourists from all over the world.

2. Huge ball

Decorator Mark Carlmine once decided to paint a baseball. Over time, he got used to it and applied only 22894 layers of paint to it, as a result of which the ball began to weigh 1587 kg. This ball, which is more appropriate to call a ball than a ball, has become famous, and now people from all over the world come to add another layer of paint to it. The creator has one rule of his creativity - each new color applied to the ball must be different from all previous ones. Such a hobby has gained its followers, as evidenced by photographs of other huge colorful balls.


Charity has long been almost the main hobby of the powerful, but one person, an unemployed American, Reed Sandridge, really elevated it to the status of a hobby that can rightfully be considered the kindest hobby of all known today. After he was fired from his job, he decided to help those in need for free. He does it in the following way: takes 10 dollars, goes outside, finds himself, in his opinion, in need, and gives him this money. Reed has a special notebook where he writes down all the good deeds he has done in order to preserve the memory of the people he has ever helped.

4. Unusual dog haircut

This hobby has recently become widespread in China. And a certain Katherine Miles from Australia managed to make it his profession, and become a first-class stylist for animals. A variety of bizarre figures are cut out of wool, dogs are dyed in the most juicy shades and they are made into real works of art.

5. Pumpkin carving