The longest surnames list. The longest surname

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With the help of a surname, we are firmly connected with our ancestors. Studying the history of the origin of our surname and penetrating, so to speak, deep into our kind, we have the opportunity to find many of our relatives (close and not so), who can give us quite a lot new information, that is, to which we could not have reached on our own. As a rule, the inhabitants of our country have simple surnames, which are often the same. Also, for example, in China there are about five hundred surnames in total. And in Iceland, people do not have surnames at all - they are replaced by first names and patronymics.

But those surnames that exist in the world can be not only simple, but also extremely difficult to pronounce. And all because these are the longest surnames in the world. For example, this article will give impressive surnames.

Surname of 35 letters from a resident of Hawaii

Janis Lokelani Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahunaele, who lives in Hawaii, does not yet have the longest surname in the world. Although it is a word of thirty-five letters. Her woman got it when she got married, so a woman's pride in her surname is great. And she even once had to make a scandal when one letter of her last name did not fit in the driver's license. The thing is that there are only 34 windows for entering a name and surname in this country. Therefore, a woman constantly had problems because of such a long surname - first when obtaining a driver's license, and then with authorities.

The authorities eventually offered the owner unusual surname cut it down a bit or take your maiden one. But Janice flatly refuses, explaining that she wants to preserve the memory of her dead husband, and instill respectful attitude to the people of Hawaii. Therefore, she always needs to have both an identity document and a driver's license with her in order to avoid many misunderstandings.

Surname 43 letters of a Turkish resident

A resident of Turkey is very proud of his surname Ayiltsiklikirmitsibayraktaziyankagramanoglu, consisting of 43 letters. Most are unlikely to be able to simply read, let alone pronounce, such a long and difficult surname. But, despite this, the resident of Istanbul does not lose heart, because the surname that belongs to him contains a proud and patriotic definition. And who will decide on his own to reject something glorious?

100 letters in the last name of a Hawaiian girl

An even greater number of letters are embedded in the surname of a girl living in Hawaii. The parents gave the girl a kind of "inheritance", naming her Napu Amo Hala Ona Aneka Vehi Vehi Ona Hivea Nena Vawa Keho Onka Kahe Hea Leke Ea Ona Nei Nana Nia Keko Oa Oga Wan Ika Vanao. Agree that the surname looks like an exercise that allows you to study the arrangement of characters on the keyboard. Of course, with such a long surname, the girl immediately had some difficulties. These 100 characters were naturally not included in the school magazine when the girl started attending school. However, the parents are not going to change such a girl’s name at all, because it contains very beautiful words, but everything in a girl should be fine.

Long Russian surnames

The longest surname in Russia is Arkhinevolokocherepopindrikovskaya. Yes, these 33 letters are real name, owned by a gymnast from the Soviet Union. It is hard to even imagine how the presenters pronounced such a long name when they invited the athlete to speak. There are no longer surnames in our country, and they are unlikely to appear.

There was another interesting surname, which sounded like this: Three times the Order of the Red Banner. It belonged to a man who was an American boxer, but had Russian roots. In addition to this surname, the athlete is no longer famous for anything. And today the longest Russian surname is Hristorozhdestvenskaya, which consists of 20 letters. The bearer of this is Lydia the Christ of the Nativity, who is the author of a textbook on the English language.

German surname of 24 letters

Bernd Ottowordemgentschenfeld has the longest German surname, which consists of 24 letters. He also had to deal with various problems that arise when writing any papers. Because of this, his wife and daughter decided to halve the name - and now they are Gentschenfelds. However, Bernd himself is in no hurry to part with his last name, which has its own family history. Surely, this is the right decision, because we must know and remember the history of our ancestors.

A surname is what connects us with our ancestors, helps to understand and feel the depth of the family. Tracing it, you can stumble upon a lot of interesting things, for example, find namesakes - potential distant (very distant, but still) relatives.

Most residents of Russia, like other countries, have simple, often identical surnames. For example, there are about 5 hundred of them in all of China, and even less in Korea. In Iceland, in general, they do fine without them, replacing them with a name and patronymic.

But some surnames are so different from others that they involuntarily attract attention. For example, the longest surname. It is impossible not to notice it, but it is much more difficult to remember it.


Janice Lokelani Keihanaikukauakahihulihekahaunaele, a resident of the state of Hawaii, received this surname when she got married. She is deservedly proud of her 35-letter surname, because she has a very deep and glorious history. But it also creates a lot of problems.

The last letter didn't fit.

All the official forms of Hawaii have only 34 boxes for letters, in which even the surname does not fit, not to mention the first name, first and second. Because of this, she had serious problems obtaining a driver's license, and after that - numerous explanations with representatives of the authorities. They have repeatedly suggested that Keshorten her surname, but she wants to keep it as a memory of her dead husband, and also as a tool to combat disrespect for the indigenous people of Hawaii. After all, that's how she took the offer to shorten her surname or even take her maiden one.


This combination of 43 letters, unpronounceable for the vast majority, is actually Turkish surname. Not the most common, but the longest in this state. But no one offers its bearer to reduce or even change it. And Ayiltsiklikihimself is very proud of her and would never agree to such a step.

If you literally translate it into Russian, you might get "the son of the hero-bearer of the flag with a star and a crescent." How to refuse such a proud surname?

Napu Amo Hala Ona She Aneka Vehi Vehi Ona Hivea Nena Wawa Keho Onka Kahe Hea Leke Ea Ona Nei Nana Nia Keko Oa Oga Wan Ika Vanao

This set of letters looks like a typing exercise, but it's just another last name. It is worn by one of the young residents of the state of Hawaii. She has had problems since childhood. When she went to school, her name simply could not be entered in the class magazine.

But parents stubbornly refuse to change or reduce it, because in a free translation into Russian it means: "many beautiful mountain and valley flowers fill Hawaii in breadth and length with their fragrance." Well, how can you deprive a girl of such a beautiful name!


This is not a joke, but a real Russian surname worn by a Soviet gymnast. One can only envy the professionalism, endurance and volume of the light presenters who called her to speak. There are no longer surnames in Russia and it is unlikely that they will ever appear.

Three times the Order of the Red Banner

Another sports surname. This time it belonged to a man, a boxer from America of Russian origin. True, he was not particularly famous for anything other than his 27-letter surname.

Surname of the doctor, 1612 letters

But the longest surname consists of 1612 letters. For obvious reasons, we do not include it in this post. It is unlikely that you even want to read it in full, let alone memorize it. Moreover, both relatives and patients call the doctor simply Sonya. It is believed that on average a person needs at least two days to learn it by heart. I wonder if Sony himself knows her?

A surname is a family name passed down from generation to generation, most often through the male line. It indicates the belonging of a person to a particular genus or family. This is a kind of distinctive "sign" of one person from another. But some surnames are so popular that, without knowing the date of birth, you may not even find the person you need. Well, at least Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich. According to statistics, more than a thousand people live with such a full name in Russia alone. Things are completely different for people who have rare surnames. Here you can’t confuse them with anyone. But that's just how they live - good or bad?

From the history

In Russia, surnames appeared relatively recently. For the most part, they came from the nicknames of people who were given to them by the type of work or place of residence, and patronymics (after the name of one of the ancestors). Well, for example: there lived a man named Ivan, his son's name was Ivan's son. That's where this one came from famous surname. Or this option: a person lives near the settlement (or in itself) Beloozero, which means that he is Belozersky.

Around the 14th century, surnames began to appear among the people of Veliky Novgorod, who, most likely, adopted this custom from the Lithuanian principality. Subsequently, Moscow princes and boyars began to "acquire" them. The rest of the population of Russia did not have a surname until about the middle of the 19th century. By the way, all this time they were transmitted exclusively by inheritance, and only through the male line. Women didn't have that right at all. And only after 1891, after the abolition of serfdom, absolutely every peasant had this distinctive feature. Finally, the process of forming surnames was established closer to the middle of the 20th century.

Is it easy to live with them?

Partly, no. Many believe that the owner of a rare surname should be proud of it. But in practice, the opposite is true. Most people are even embarrassed by their surnames, since, in general, they do not sound very beautiful, which brings a lot of problems to the owners. Imagine, in a lesson, the teacher says: "Balda will go to the blackboard." There is laughter in the class, and the child is offended. Or, for example, a sign on the office of the director of an enterprise: "Alexander Alekseevich Khvostik." And these are far from the most offensive surnames. That is why many people with rare surnames want to change them. Fortunately, there is such an opportunity in our country. It appeared in the early 30s of the last century. The number of queues at the passport office has doubled since then. A lot of dissonant surnames were changed. Then their number decreased by half.

The rarest surnames in the world

Oddly enough, some people not only do not want to get rid of this kind of individuality, but they themselves invent it for themselves. In this, a resident of San Francisco stood out. In order to be the latest in the telephone directory, he took a surname for himself, which in Russian is read as Zzzzzzzzzra, and in English - Zzzzzzzzzra. It is even recorded as the rarest in the whole world. Although in the UK there is also a lady who has a very extraordinary surname - Maud I. Aab. She, like Zzzzzzzzzra, claims a place in the Guinness Book of Records.

Three times the Order of the Red Banner - a "sports" surname that belonged to a boxer who lived in America, but had Russian roots. Unfortunately, she did not help him reach the top in world sports.

Also abroad you can find quite rare surnames, which in translation into Russian mean: Sports Cavalcade, Difficult Football Victory, International Conflict, Superstrong Cement, Chicken Paw.

But what about us?

The rarest surname in Russia belonged to a Soviet gymnast. At the same time, it was also the longest. Judge for yourself: Arkhinevolokocherepopindrikovskaya. As lovers of Soviet sports said, praise the professionalism and endurance of the presenters who called this gymnast to perform!

Here are some more extraordinary examples. And although these are not the rarest surnames, nevertheless they certainly cause a smile. So: Good-day, Trouble, Kuzya, Doll, Mandyuk, Kuku, Crooks, Frying pan, Oridoroga, Nepeyvoda, Krutiporoh, Kukish, Water, Non-drinking, Yesterday, Zacheshigriva, Pumpkin, Khvataymuha, Terrible, Sausage, Kill, Unprintable, Accountant, Kafta, Dolphin, Killerwolf, Zadavishka, Blyabkin, Kakashkind, Tampak, Truffle, Amanita, Doggie, Wild, Kitty, Zadnikov, Heresh, Obzhorin, Onanizev, Hernes, Sivokoz, Mudel, Zababashkin, Shmal, Zhabonos, Glukin, Yablonko, Zabavik, Shnurapet, Pava, Tsaluy, Hard worker, Okolokulak, Nit, Leftovers, Beeliner, etc.

Unusualness is the forte of the West!

We present you some more rare surnames (foreign). List:

  • Nipple - in translation means "phallus".
  • Deaf - "death".
  • Gotobed ​​- if in our opinion, it is "go to bed."
  • Bottom - "back".
  • 1792 is one of the rarest and most original surnames that a married couple had in France. Do you know what she means? You won't guess anything! This is the serial number of the months in which their children were born.
  • Orellana-Plantagenet-Tollmash-Tollmash - a person with this surname lived in the UK.
  • Gediminaite-Berzhanskeite-Klausutaite - in fact, these are several princely families-ancestors of a resident of Lithuania.

Do all letters fit?

It turns out that there are also such surnames that cannot be entered in the forms of documents. They just don't fit in there! A resident of the state of Hawaii faced such a problem, who, after marriage, received an addition to her personal name Keihanaikukauakahihulihekahaunaele. The fact is that only 34 letters can be entered in most of the questionnaire forms of this state. There are 35 of them in her last name, and even the name needs to be determined somewhere. Because of this, the woman had a lot of problems with the authorities while receiving various documents. She was constantly offered to change her surname to her maiden one, or at least shorten it a little. But in memory of her dead husband, she did not agree to this.

Another long and not only rare, but also the only surname that is more reminiscent of a set of syllables for working on a keyboard is the following: Napu-Amo-Hala-She-She-Aneka-Vekhi-Vekhi-She-Hivea-Nena-Vava -Onka-Kahe-Khea-Leke-Ea-She-Nei-Nana-Nia-Keko-Oa-Oga-Wan-Ika-Wanao. Her poor owner, a young resident of Hawaii, suffered with her already in school years. A set of syllables simply did not fit in a class magazine. Parents flatly refused to change their surname for only one reason: if you translate it into Russian, then it will sound in the following way: "many beautiful mountain and valley flowers fill Hawaii in breadth and length with their fragrance." Well, how can you refuse such a miracle?

Brevity is the soul of wit!

More recently, an unusual study was conducted in the United States. It showed that almost all letters of the alphabet are used in the surnames of residents. The only exception is Q. And in the Department of Health in England, the rarest surnames are recorded, in which there is generally only one letter. For example: B, J, N, O, A, X. Yes, there is nowhere to be short.

By the way, today the rarest surname in Russia also consists of one letter (or syllable): E, O, Yu, An, Yang, To, Do, and so on. Moreover, their owners are not in a hurry to change them.

What's in a name?

It turns out that not only surnames can be rare. The same thing happens with names. So, for example, in 2002 in the capital of our country, parents named their son very unusually. His name sounds like this: "The Biological Object of a Human of the Voronin-Frolov family, born on June 26, 2002." Many were wondering how they would call it abbreviated.

Very and surnames in some cases can play into the hands of their owners. Many people have become famous all over the world thanks to them. But the majority still try to get rid of their rare and surnames, since they only bring them inconvenience both when reading them and when writing them. Not to mention the smirks.

Just Tolly

It turns out that the longest surname was borne by a British resident Tollmash-Tollmash de Orellana-Plantagenet-Tollmash-Tollmash, who was born on June 12, 1884, and he died of a severe pneumonia on February 20, 1917. At school they just called him Tolly. There are also surnames with non-recurring components. Among them, the longest belonged to Lady Caroline Jemima Temple-Nugent-Chandos-Bridges-Grenville, who lived from 1858 to 1946.

The longest one-piece english surname belonged to a resident of Scotland. Based on 18th century parish registers, it is written as NinAchinmacdholicachinskerray. The initial three letters indicate the gender of the person wearing it. Nin is the female form of Mac. And it consists of 29 letters.

Titled persons

And in our time, the longest surnames, which consist of four parts, have titled persons, these are Lord Thurlow (Hovell-Thurlow-Cuming-Bruce) and Earl Warnk Lifa (Montague-Stewart-Wortley-Mackenzie).

The unusual and long surname belongs to a woman who lives in the Lithuanian city of Kaunas. It consists of the surnames of three genera, the descendants of which it is. It is written as follows Gediminaite-Berzhanskaite-Klausutite.

Problems with last name

A German who has the name Bernd Ottovordemgentsschenfelde (Bernd Ottovordemgentsschenfelde) is the bearer of the longest surname in Germany. It consists of 24 letters and, as experts from the University of Lepzig confirmed, this is the largest surname in the history of Germany.

Bernd, a 45-year-old tiler, had many problems in the process of entering passport data into any form. He had to shorten his big name. His wife and 14-year-old daughter shortened their surname and are now Gentschenfeld. Bernd himself tells that his father wanted to give him another name, but fortunately his mother intervened and forbade it.

As life shows, very long surnames cause serious problems. This summer, a young girl from Sri Lanka, Abegunevardene Jennifer, who lives in the UK, lost her vacation, the employees of a travel company refused to draw up documents for her because of her long surname.

Resident of Istanbul

The longest single-component surname is carried by a resident of Istanbul in it as many as 43 letters. This is how it is written in Russian: AIYILTSIKLIKIRMITSIBAYRAKTASIYANKAGRAMANOGL. Translated into Russian, it means: "The son of the hero of the standard-bearer of the flag with a crescent and a star." This man is proud of his name.

In our vast country there are also long monosyllabic surnames, in the first place is the surname that belongs to the author of the textbook in English Christopher Lydia Petrovna. The surname consists of 20 letters. The second place is occupied by the surname Kosmodemyanskaya. It consists of 15 letters. The third place belongs to the name of Voskoboynikov. It has 14 letters.

Who has tried for himself or his child, having come up with a long name that will no longer be found in any corner of the world? And how do they live now with such names?

Long female names

They say that the fate of a person depends on his name. In some cases, this is indeed the case. After all, often the name is the first thing that another person can learn about us. Interesting name conceals originality and individuality, and this is especially important for the beautiful half of humanity. In addition, people who have a very long name become quite popular in the society around them.

Surely, parents who choose very long names for girls are guided by this. No one will call a daughter with such a special name a gray mouse! True, it often happens that they refuse to call by name. One Hawaiian restaurateur was so happy about the birth of his daughter that he decided to give her a beautiful poetic name "Many beautiful flowers of mountains and valleys begin to fill Hawaii in length and breadth with their fragrance." Everything would be fine, but when the girl began to go to school, her classmates at the first meeting decided to come up with a shorter name for her.

Even less lucky with the name of a 35-year-old woman from Montana. All we know is that it consists of 598 letters and starts something like this - with. Ellen Georgiana Ser-Lekken. All friends call her much shorter - Snowal, and those closest to her shorten it to "Oli".

Well, the longest woman's name was given to a girl born in 1984 in Texas. For parents, it turned out to be an unpleasant surprise that the graph in the metric could not accommodate the fruits of their imagination. "Roshandiatlineshyaunneweshenk Koyaanfsquatsiouti Williams" was all that could be written there when registering the child's name. But the father did not leave his idea and subsequently filed an application in which he asked to increase the first name of his daughter to 1019 letters, and the second to 36 letters.

Long male names

If girls are called mostly by proud fathers, then long names for boys are usually given to themselves by the boys themselves. After all, this is a great opportunity to show the whole world how different they are from others. But in some countries, long names of people are not at all uncommon, but quite common.

In order not to go far, it is enough to recall the well-known artist Pablo Picasso. It is already difficult for many people to understand his work, and if it is still signed by him full name... It sounds like this: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomukeno Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso. If you manage to learn it, you can always show off this knowledge in a society of creative people.

And in the city of Edinburgh there is a man who literally made a name for himself. His father named him quite trivially - Nicholas Usansky. His life has developed in such a way that he does not have a wife or children. Although he had already chosen the name Marmadyuk for his future son. The desire to change his name came to Nicholas a long time ago, but his father only approved this idea just before his death. It all started with the humble name of Barnaby Marmaduke Usanski. But after a couple of months, the man realized what he was missing, and decided on more. After all the changes made, his full name is Barnaby Marmaduke Aloysius Benji Cobweb Dartagnan Egbert Felix Gaspar Humbert Ignatius Jayden Kasper Leroy Maximilian Neddy Obyahulu Pepin Quilliam Rosencrantz Sexton Teddy Upwood Vivatma Wayland Xylon Yardley Zachary Usansky. One can only guess where his imagination will lead him if he does have children. By the way, Nicholas's friends continue to call him Nick, ignoring all the changes in his metric.

Unlike Nicholas, our next hero got his name at birth. It consists of as many as 31 words and 201 letters. Everyone just calls him Derek, and he's not so reverent about what's written on his passport. Moreover, he himself does not always remember all the components of his name. It sounds like this - Derek Perlane Stein Jackson Hunter McCloy Kennedy Scott Forsyth Henderson Boyd Robertson O'Hara Johnstone Miller Dawson Armor McDougall McLean McKean Fife McDonald Jardine Young Morris Denny Hamilton Watson Greig Wallace McQueen.

Long Russian names

Well, in our native country with names it was quite simple. Except for some points. Yes, after October revolution, which thundered in the most remote corner of Russia, amazing names instantly gained popularity. It seems that the parents of the 20s competed with each other who would name their child especially patriotic. As a rule, they tried to form neologism names. In memory of these days, we are left with people with the curious names Dazdraperma (Long live the First of May), Dazdrasmygda (Long live the bond between the city and the countryside), Oyushminalda (O.Yu. Schmidt on an ice floe) and others, no less unusual.

Fortunately, this period was very short-lived. Society gradually calmed down and the names of the children began to be given quite normal. Now there is a noticeable fascination with primordially Russian names, sometimes almost forgotten. But to be honest, real names ancient Russia were more like nicknames. Beautiful and sonorous church names came to us from completely different languages, mainly from Greek.

It is believed that the longest male Russian name This is Konstantin. It is very common in modern world. Although, if we recall Appolinaria and Panteleimon, they will be one letter longer. But these names are now extremely rare. And among the female Russian names, Alexandra and Efrosinya are in the lead.

The longest name in the world

And finally, it's time to find out which lucky person has the longest name in the world. In combination, this is also the longest man's name, and it belongs to a man from India. It is no wonder that everyone prefers to call him by his last name, because it is quite simple - Brahmatra. But in his name there are no more, no less than 1,478 letters! If you try to read it, be prepared for the fact that it will take about 10 minutes. And the task will be very difficult, since all these letters make up only one word. No one knows how it actually sounds, because no one has ever dared to say it out loud. But it consists of the names of geographical places, the names of scientists, diplomats, in general, not a name, but a whole encyclopedia.

Of course, such cases are quite rare. In general, people choose for themselves and their children simple beautiful names. And, probably, this is correct, because it is not the name that should adorn a person. And even the most unpretentious name in the world can be made famous and memorable.

But, as the editors of the site managed to find out, some people would even be happy to wear rare names and last names. More about the most popular Russian surnames can be found out.
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