Stupid last names. The most unusual names that Russians give to their children

What is the most important individual feature of each person? That's right - it was his people who began to call each other in ancient times, but the surnames appeared relatively recently. How were they formed? By what principle? Who invented them? Of particular interest is the question of who created the funny surnames. Or have they become such only now, and previously sounded quite normal? We will try to find answers to these and other questions today. It is quite possible that, considering this topic, we will laugh heartily!

in Russia

Different peoples of the world at different times formed the main distinctive features each person. In Russia, for example, surnames began to appear in the XII-XIII century, but in Europe they began to spread much earlier.

The first to introduce such a concept as a “surname” into use in Russia was Peter I. Before that, people called each other. They were also called “reklo” and “name”. In the decrees of the king regarding the census of the population of a certain area, it was stipulated that all residents should be recorded “by name with fathers and with nicknames”, which meant first name, surname and patronymic.

The first surnames in Russia were received by princes, nobility and boyars in the XIV-XV centuries. Basically, they came from the names of their patrimonial estates: Kolomensky, Zvenigorodsky, Tver, etc.

Later (in the 17th-19th centuries), servicemen and merchants of the Russian land began to be called surnames. Their surnames also came from geographical names. But not from the possessions that they disposed of, but from the localities from which they were born: Rostovtsev, Moskvichev, Astrakhantsev, Bryantsev, etc. As you can see, the suffixes of the surnames of merchants differ from the suffixes of the surnames of princes. According to them, modern residents with similar surnames can easily determine which lands their ancestors came from.

In the 19th century, surnames of people close to the church began to form in Russia. Many of them were artificially created from various words of foreign origin. A significant group of such surnames is formed from the names of church holidays and the churches themselves: Assumption, Rozhdestvensky, Epiphany and others.

As for the peasants, their surnames, in fact, reflected their street nicknames. Sometimes they changed. In one family in one generation there could be several surnames at once.

Many peasants of Russia received their "main names" only after the October Revolution, before that they were nameless.

Modern surnames

Currently, every inhabitant of the planet Earth should have a surname (with rare exceptions). Most Russian surnames originated from patronymics, but not by adding the suffixes -ovich, -ich, -inich, etc., but in the form of the so-called semi-patronymic with the suffixes -in, -ov. For example, the son of Peter is Petrov's son (the resulting surname is Petrov), the son of Nikita is Nikitin's son (the surname is Nikitin).

Funny surnames: whose fantasy is it?

But until now, scientists cannot determine the etymology of such surnames as Danilin and Danilov, Voronin and Voronov (with suffixes -ov and -in). The same applies to the question of how and by whom funny surnames were invented. Why do some people say their name with their heads held high, while others blush when introduced in public? Indeed, very funny surnames can sometimes cause self-doubt of their owners, a real obstacle to success. Fortunately, today the legislation allows anyone who wants to change their name to a more attractive one. But then a person becomes part of the gray mass and loses his amazing uniqueness. How to be? Do funny surnames interfere with life? Let's try to figure it out.

Some enthusiasts for the sake of a good mood (their own and other people) create the ratings "The funniest surnames in Russia." The organizers of such actions ask the residents of our country to send real stories people who have come across in their lives with one or another original surname. They study phone books, various registers. They photograph the funny names of doctors on the plates of offices, the names of company leaders, badges of employees of retail outlets in order to confirm the reality of the existence of such people. And then make them public with modern technologies communication and connections.

Having studied such ratings, you can ensure yourself a good mood for the whole day! And let them say that it’s ugly to laugh at someone else’s last name, that they only do it in kindergartens, we will do it anyway! Not to offend any of the owners of such a name, but for the sake of a sincere, genuine smile on his face. So, get acquainted in absentia with unique people!

List of funny surnames: real stories

An employee of one of the commercial banks regularly maintains a register of shareholders, in which more than seventy thousand names have already gathered. Deciding to highlight the most interesting of them, he was very surprised, as there were a great many of them! Such as Tadpoles, Popik and Truffle, he did not even take into account! Among them, he found the following: Kakashkind, Beeliner, Chmyryuk, Tampak, Intraligator and many others. The owners of these surnames, by the way, successful people— owners and directors of companies! And they do not interfere with their lives interesting name— on the contrary, it allows them to always be in the spotlight!

Treasures of phone books

Another company of enthusiastic comedians decided to study the telephone directory of Moscow. And here is their Top Funny Surnames! Among the 2.7 million subscribers there were the following: Blyabkin, Blyablin, Blyaror, Blyakher, Blyakhman, Blyakherov, Bobik, Bobinchik-Rabinovich. By the way, there are not even one such family in Moscow, but several. special attention deserve Martyshkin, Nedryshchev, Zadnikov, Sukhozad, Pupkin, Sivuho, Khernykh, Hernes, Heresh, Kherenkov. It remains to sympathize with subscribers with the names Zyuzya, Shmal, Shnurapet, Zuduyviter, Zababashkin, Sivokobylenko, Glukin, Paltsapupa, Sivokoz, Durnopeiko and Narko.

There are also owners of the names Sharikov, Chainikov, Didus, Gavva, Abebe, Varenye, Gergelaba, Zhuikov, Bobro and Bobik in the telephone book of Moscow. No less interesting are double names: Engel-Mengel, Honest-Khoroshko, Kill-Joyful, Buffalo-Cat, Shura-Bura. But again, we advise you not to be upset by those who may have read their own among these surnames! You are unique, be proud of it! In order to dispel the myth that such surnames interfere with life and success, we present a list called “Funny Athlete Surnames”. Among them, it turns out, too, there are lucky ones!

Funny names of football players

Thirty of their owners can easily get into the hit parade of funny names among football players. Mostly they are athletes of foreign football teams. It just so happened that their names, which can be proudly pronounced in their country, sound very funny in Russia. On our soil, such football players will not be able to avoid smiles:

December 18 is the Day of Civil Registry Office Workers. Lovely ladies not only announce the creation of new families under the march of Mendelssohn, but also daily do more routine work: register deaths, adoptions and births of new children.

This year, more than 101 thousand babies were born in the capital, in the past 134.5 thousand, in 2011 - 125 thousand. Most often, parents chose such names for their sons as: Artem, Alexander, Maxim, Ivan, Mikhail, and for girls - Sofia (Sofya), Maria, Anastasia, Daria, Anna. But from year to year there are also parents who want their heirs to have such a name that no one will certainly have in kindergarten, class, school, institute ... What specifically encourages them to do this, they probably themselves don't really know, but the fact remains.

Casper you are my Beloved

The Moscow office of the registry office "RG" talked about the most unusual names registered in Moscow since 1998. So, the boys were called Dmitry-Amethyst, Matvey-Rainbow, Nikolai-Nikita-Nil, Count, Dar, Ivan-Kolovrat, Mercury, Kantogor-Egor, March, Christamrirados, Prince, Prince, Cosmos, Angel, Wind, Will, Dolphin, Yaroslav-Lyutobor, Ilya Bogodar, Kasper Beloved, Arkhip-Ural, Jeremy Patron, Kit, Luke-Happiness, Summerset Ocean, Monono Nikita, Ogneslav, Buddha-Alexander, Master, Peace.

The girls were given the following non-trivial names: Pleasure, Polina-Polina, Golub, April, Cherry, India, Princess Daniella, Rosiyana, Russia, Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Moon, Lyalya, Angel Maria, Lunalika, Princess Angelina, Alyosha-Kaprina, Oceana, Joy , Alena-Flower, Dolphin, Fox, Radostina, Sofia-Sun.

As explained in the press service of the department, there is no fashion or tendency to be fond of unusual names in Moscow. From one to 12 facts of non-standard names are registered annually. According to the head of the registry office of Moscow, Irina Muravyova, most often an exotic name is expecting a child in a family where one of the parents is a foreigner.

For the love of "VIA Gre"

Residents of the Moscow region are less inventive with non-standard names. So, according to the statistics of the last three years of the registry office in the Moscow region, the boys were called: Anikey, Ion, Ermak, Lukilianne, Hoan, Altair, Andre, Prince, Yakub, Jason, Julius, Daniel. Girls: Zemfira, Cassandra, Esther, Zabava, Kupava, Ustina, Avdotya, Consuelo, Birch, Cassiopeia, Madonna, Roksolana, Raspberry, Mercedes, Bagheera.

In the registry office of the city of Korolev near Moscow, an unusual name is registered - Viagra. Happy parents - the driver Nikolay and the housewife Anastasia explain their choice by three reasons. The first of them is the beauty and originality of the name, the second - the drug of the same name contributed to the long-awaited conception of a child, and the third reason is a long-standing love for the VIA Gra group.

In the Russian registry offices in the last three years, such names as Zhuzha, Tulip, Salad Lettuce, Millionera, Air traffic controller have been registered. By the way, people abroad are also good at fiction. So, according to the American pension fund, every year hundreds and thousands of children with unusual names are registered in the USA: Eros, Charisma, Lancelot, Lexus, Fantasia and even the Messiah. So, over the past two years, more than 1,000 Messiahs have been registered.

The right to change

However, psychologists say: children with unusual names can have a lot of problems in adulthood. Especially if the associations that an unusual name evokes from strangers do not correspond to the personal qualities of the child. After all, the more unusual the name, the more it attracts the attention of outsiders. Therefore, from childhood, such a child will feel his unusualness, difference from others. This, of course, will leave a very deep imprint on the psyche. Not every child and not every adult can withstand increased attention to his person.

But if the young Prince or the graduate of the Angel-Mary school do not want to continue their life path with such names, they have the right to change them. Until the age of 14, this is done through an appeal to the guardianship and guardianship authorities, after 14 years - through the registry office, but with written permission from the parents. Well, after the age of majority, that is, 18 years old, a young man has the right to independently come to the registry office, write an application and change his name. This year, by the way, 6455 people used this right, last year - 8320, the year before - 7834.

In the name of the revolution

After the October Revolution in Soviet Russia, it was fashionable for children to give the most unimaginable names. In the dictionary of Russian personal names, the author of which is Nikandr Petrovsky (the name, by the way, is also not the most common), you can find the following popular names of that era: Electrification, Revolution, Decree, Bow, Tractor, Algebrina, Turbine, Diesel, Drezina.

It used to be that the girls were called Dazdraperma (from the slogan "Long Live the First of May"), Revdit - ("Child of the Revolution"), Pofistal - ("The Winner of Fascism Joseph Stalin") and even Perkosrak ("The First Space Rocket").

But among the strange revolutionary names there were those that then took root and they were called babies for a long time afterwards. For example, Vladlen (abbreviated as Vladimir Lenin), Ninel (the same Lenin, only in reverse), Kim (Communist International of Youth).

The stars do it too

World celebrities are also not averse to inventing something like that.

So, in the family of football player David Beckham, one of the children was named Brooklyn in honor of the New York area. American rock musician Frank Zappa named his daughter Lunar Sputnik. The daughter of the famous film actress Gwyneth Paltrow received the uncomplicated name Apple, and David Bowie christened his son Zoe: it seemed to the singer a good consonance - Zoe Bowie. By the way, the son did not appreciate the violent creative imagination of his parent. Growing up, he replaced Zoey with a neutral Joe, which, they say, greatly upset his father.

Other Hollywood celebrities were no less original. Today, among the star children, there are such names as Dandelion (Dandelion), Pitches (Peach), Pixie (Fairy) and even Fifi Trixibel - a combination of sounds that cannot be translated.

Help "RG"

The longest name in the world is an Indian named Brahmatra. It consists of 1478 letters, which are a series of merged names of historical places, the names of famous diplomats, theologians, scientists, etc. It takes at least ten minutes to read it.

Compared to him full name Miss S. Ellen Georgiana Ser-Lekken from Montana in the USA - mere trifles, only 598 letters. A lush set of names is not uncommon in Spain either. The famous painter Pablo Picasso's full name was Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomukeno Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso.

And in France there lived a family deprived of a surname. Instead, she wore a set of numbers - 1792. And four sons in this family bore the names of the months of the year. Thus, in the passport and other documents it looked like this: January 1792, February 1792, March 1792 and April 1792. The last representative of this strange family, Mr March 1792, died in September 1904.

Each person pays a lot of attention to his surname. He studies its meaning, where it came from, what are its roots. However, the most ridiculous and unusual surnames presented here do not bring joy to their owners, and many seriously dream of getting rid of such a gift from their parents.

One can only be surprised at the inexhaustible human imagination and have fun from the heart when meeting such proper names in serious documents or on door plates in the offices of respectable bosses. The list presented is real surnames found on the territory of Russia and belonging to its citizens. Numerous photos are evidence of this.

The culture of the Cossacks has always been unique and somewhat different from the cultures of other indigenous peoples of Russia. This originality was also reflected in those nicknames that were given to warriors according to various signs or qualities of character. In the future, with the advent of surnames in the 19th century. they became official surnames.

  • Karaybeda
  • Motsny
  • Rotan
  • Gubach
  • Nesvyatipaska
  • Titsky
  • Ubeykobyla
  • Good evening
  • rodentub
  • zasyadwolf
  • Hoodier
  • Unclean
  • Walking day
  • Weakness
  • Drozhiruk
  • rottooth
  • Pidkuimikha
  • Nosulya
  • Neeshmak
  • yellowleg
  • Helpbatko
  • Mordan

Of course, the Cossack guys also had ordinary ones, Orthodox names, but given the specifics of the troops, frequent campaigns and close communication, people with the same names had to be distinguished, and then observation and humor came into play. For example, two Sashas could be very different in appearance or in temperament, and then each received his own nickname. Now, no one could confuse them during roll call or call them in battle during a fight.

Bulgarian, Moldovan, Gypsy

Everyone knows that in Russian Federation people of different nationalities live, there are even entire villages where Bulgarians, gypsies live, and many Moldovans have long Russian citizens. They also include surnames. which cause. if not wild uncontrollable laughter, then surprise for sure.

  • Bestrescu
  • Fanta
  • Rakova
  • Khachapuri
  • trifle
  • Zapadlovsky
  • Cherepovsky
  • cats
  • Razdvinogov

Caucasian surnames

  • Nadoev
  • wallpaper
  • slop
  • Sarajevo
  • Plebos
  • Pliev
  • Onanidze
  • Onaniashvili

  • Porosenkov
  • Don't fuck up
  • Hemp
  • Shmal
  • Zhopina
  • Yablonskaya
  • Vagina
  • lokhov
  • Shelyukhin
  • Shmarin
  • Mozgoedov
  • Durnopeiko
  • snot
  • Sexual
  • Svinar
  • Kovyryalov
  • Zhirnov
  • Zhirinovsky
  • Chmyr
  • Moshnin
  • Khokhlupoykin
  • Syringe
  • Moshonkin
  • Brekhunov
  • Mityukov
  • Mondina
  • Mochenkin
  • Fonderkin
  • Sosunov
  • Pechenkin
  • Pichugin
  • Khryukin
  • Golobokova
  • Goloshchekin
  • Quarter
  • Tretyak
  • Dobrobaba
  • Onan

To make sure that the list is not made up, it is enough to enter any surname into a search engine and you can immediately get several dozen lucky people with unusual surnames. Help in the search and telephone directories of megacities.

Double surnames with strange meanings

In Russia, it is not uncommon for people to have double surnames. Usually they are written with a hyphen and sometimes cause a lot of trouble to their owners. Where do they come from? The paths are different:

Someone adds a pseudonym to their native surname, this usually happens in creative environment to be different from others and not to be confused with other actors. (For example, the wonderful actor Pankratov Cherny).

There are also historical ones. Two noble families, when they became related, united the surnames of the spouses (Musin-Pushkin).

Someone got a last name orphanage during the war years, thanks to the indefatigable imagination of educators.

Let's get acquainted with these unique words:

  • Buffalo Cat
  • Bit Ivan
  • Honest-Khoroshko
  • Kill-Joyful
  • Shura-Bura
  • Drinker-Nefedoya

Surname Collectors

There are civil servants whose work is directly related to documents and personal data of people. Among them there are a lot of people who know how to appreciate humor, so they cannot pass by the next family pearl. There is large collections names from which you can laugh more than one evening. In every job, even such a paper and boring one, you can find its charms. Here is one of the interesting selections:

  • Muhosranov
  • Serobaba
  • Blyakher
  • intraligator
  • Nedorezov
  • Akulibaba
  • Dolbnya
  • Bibik
  • Nedorezov
  • Dohlik
  • Pipko
  • asshole
  • Wartkin
  • Saloed
  • Pogulayko
  • skins
  • Khertukheev
  • Khrennov
  • Smorshchuk
  • Wart
  • Shurlo
  • Burdyga
  • Golotsutskov
  • Neumyvakin
  • Sinebryukhov

Sometimes such collectors not only write down their finds in a separate notebook, but also make scans as evidence that such funny surnames really exist, and are not just another notion.

Funny names of public people

Among famous personalities, you can often meet people with strange surnames. They exist in all areas and countries, including among our athletes and media personalities.

football players

  • Karyaka
  • Smertin
  • Kolodin
  • Zlobin
  • Popel
  • Mazilu
  • Contra
  • Kakashvili
  • Krivoruchko
  • Jop (Poland)

Hockey players

  • Krutokhvostov
  • Ovechkin
  • Myshkin
  • Koshechkin
  • Mogilny
  • Vypuukal (Czech Republic)
  • Vibl (Czech Republic)
  • Jablonsky
  • Skvernyuk

tennis players

  • Chesnokov

basketball players

  • Najera
  • Khryapa

Biathlon, skiing

  • Deri Earth
  • Chudov
  • Cr. Stick
  • Sacherbacher


  • Borzakovsky
  • Borzov
  • B. Shieblowski


  • A. Malysh
  • Zebra

A person, of course, is not free to choose a surname. He gets it from his family. Some owners, having become adults, are in a hurry to change their surname that poisons their lives, others go through life with it, without complexes and proving in deed that it is not the name that makes a person, but just the opposite, if he is a purposeful, self-sufficient person.

Kirill Sobolev

If the hands are golden, then it doesn’t matter where they grow from.

Like a family, a surname is not chosen: everything is predetermined even before the birth of a child. The origin of funny names is connected with the traditions of different nations. Sometimes funny surnames in the passport become an obstacle to building a career, so it's good that everyone has the right to change their first and last name after reaching the age of majority.

Cool last names

Modern unusual names Surnames are a memory of the era in which they appeared. decent in Russia noble families began to form relatively recently, and before that, families were called by words used in folk speech and not subjected to any censorship. So, for example, if one of the father's eyes was blackened or he was lame, the family was called Krivenky. With the same logic, they named Bezpalye, Bezukhie and Bezruchko. No other countries in the world can compare with Ukraine and Russia in the originality of surnames.

Slavic cool, unusual surnames:

  • unwise;
  • whiny;
  • Wretched;
  • Semirozum;
  • Prusachok;
  • Pyatizhopkin;
  • Bobinchik, ave.

Funny surnames of people

original, interesting surnames people have of different nationalities. Many of them surprise and make you laugh until you have stomach cramps. It is unlikely that everyone who got funny surnames, first names or patronymics in the passport lives in harmony with them, because such people have to be mocked and ridiculed from others since childhood. Nevertheless, it is worth treating this with irony and humor, because there will always be a person who is even more unlucky, for example, Lyubov Koshek or Zakhar Zapadlovsky.

For VK for girls

Living with a dissonant surname is not very comfortable, so most girls tend to change or at least hide it from others. Young women of the fair sex are selected for social networks beautiful, concise pseudonyms, only partially reminiscent of a real surname. Thanks to this, discontent and shame disappear, but friends, nevertheless, easily recognize girls. What cool surnames for Vkontakte exist? Examples of successfully modified aliases:

  • for Naumenko Ira - Naum Irina, Naira;
  • for Prus Sveta - Lana Tarakanova, Lana Prus;
  • for Anna Kuznetsova - Anna Blacksmith (literal translation into English);
  • for Nastya Ivanova - Ivanna Nastina (replacement of FI).

The funniest surnames in Russia

Carbon monoxide Russian surnames can be found in the telephone directory. For example, in the capital there are several families with interesting options: Dobryden, Yesterday, Eyboginy, Galoshes, Kuku, Khvataimukhi, Shiborsch, Zadneulitsa, Kukishi. The list can be continued for a very long time: different authors (as a rule, social services workers) compile large-scale selections and ratings of the funniest names / surnames registered in Russia.

For girls

In any large team there are owners of strange, ugly and even obscene surnames. From a huge number, we can distinguish such interesting surnames for girls:

  • Brekhunov;
  • Zhopina;
  • Kazyavkin;
  • Sexual;
  • Mozgoedov;
  • Khryukin;
  • naked;
  • Zhirnov;
  • Durnopeiko;
  • snot;
  • Dobrobaba;
  • Corpse;
  • Lokhov;
  • Non-peypivo.

Complex double rare female surnames Russians:

  • Shura-Bura;
  • Kill-Joyful;
  • Bita Marya;
  • Honest-Good;
  • Buffalo-Cat.

Sometimes seemingly normal surnames look strange and funny in combination with women's professions. A selection of such funny, sometimes scary tandems:

  • doctor Patients;
  • artist of the Meshkov fashion house;
  • decrepit beautician;
  • seller-cashier Skorobogatov;
  • Pediatrician Plague;
  • geologist Zemlyanaya;
  • store manager Gnilomyasov;
  • Headmistress Book.

Funny male surnames

Usually funny male surnames catch the eye of those whose work is connected with the analysis of a huge number of letters and applications. Among the recipients and applicants, one can meet Kozlov, Kisel, Pasyukov and other citizens whose names bring a smile to their faces. Listed below are ridiculous and funny Russian surnames of Russian men. These include:

  • Blablin;
  • Nadryshchev;
  • Blyakherov;
  • Bobbinchik;
  • Kherenkov;
  • Zababashkin;
  • Glukin;
  • Pupkin;
  • Blablin;
  • Zadnikov;
  • Bobik;
  • Abebe;
  • Sharikov;
  • Sukhozad;
  • Sivokoz;
  • Didus;
  • Durnopeiko;
  • Cord.

The funniest last names in the world

Among other peoples, Moldovans and Romanians have succeeded in creating funny names. Among them there are many Boshar (translated as “pumpkin”), Mosh (“grandfather”), Surdulov (“deaf”), Berbekaev (“ram”). Chechens are not inferior to these peoples, their families can be called Pomoevs, Saraevs, Nadoevs and even Playboys. The funniest names and surnames in the world are also found among Armenians and Georgians - these are Zaseyans, Opokhmelyans, Zarzhaveli, Dobegulia.

There are many funny Japanese names - Nakamode, Sukasena, Oherachu, Komushishi, Shirehari, Herovato. An insurance agent lives in America, whose name is Chip Munk, when pronounced, the words combine and sound like a "chipmunk". In addition, the United States is known for the prevalence of such a surname as Assman, which translates into Russian as “ass man”. The Canadian Wacko family would be called the Crazy. The Polish resident Bzdashek Zapadlovsky also distinguished himself.

A separate list should be formed among famous personalities - football players and athletes. Foreigners proudly wear surnames in their own country, but in Russia they sound ridiculous and ridiculous. List of players who were unlucky with the name:

  • Mandanda Steve;
  • Child Paul;
  • Cicinho;
  • I am Conan Didier;
  • Laziness Ivan;
  • Gad Maryan;
  • Kaka;
  • Nasri Sameer;
  • Chuka Stefano Okaka;
  • Kakalov Georgy;
  • Pukki Teemu;
  • Fool Abdullah;
  • Popa Mariusz;
  • Pivko Rafal;
  • Ogogo Abu;
  • Pukanich Adrian.


Cossack roots can be recognized by the names in the passports of Ukrainians. Sharp-tongued Cossacks, without stint, gave funny, sometimes even insulting nicknames to their brothers. So, the funniest surnames of Ukrainians have survived to our time:

  • Vernyvolya;
  • No breath;
  • Davikoza;
  • Vykhrestyuk;
  • Abyyak;
  • Pidoprygor;
  • Zazhryshchenko;
  • Exhibition;
  • Ridkokasha;
  • Hakalo;
  • Pindyura;
  • Zhopinsky;
  • Galushka;
  • yellowleg;
  • Walking day;
  • rodentub;
  • Nosulya;
  • Unclean.


Not only Slavic surnames can make Russians laugh. Funny Jewish surnames can only be appreciated together with the name. These "pearls" include:

  • Lolita Outsole;
  • Melon Merlin;
  • Psyche Vatnik;
  • Cylinder Grave Digger;
  • Monya Baldhead;
  • Leya Sherenga;
  • Helm Robovstone;
  • Itsyk Lechitsa;
  • Me Shalashibes;
  • Fanya Cork;
  • Shmulik Rag;
  • Rivka Shovel;
  • Motya Naftalin;
  • Faina Dratva;
  • Immanuel Footcloth;
  • Maria Help;
  • Lena Dial;
  • Pesya Barrier;
  • Chaim Kukish;
  • Tsylya Shkurnik;
  • Aron Benefit;
  • Yosef Pshik.

Chinese given names and surnames

For foreigners Chinese names are a set of hieroglyphs of incomprehensible meaning. However, every name in this country carries a literal meaning, which is sometimes not just funny, but even indecent. Funny Chinese Names and Surnames:

  • Fàn tǒng - means "fool", "lazy/freeloader";
  • Lái gāo cháo - "reach orgasm";
  • Shǎn diànqiú - "ball lightning";
  • Hè hèhe (needs no translation);
  • Сháng gāo cháo - "frequent orgasm".

Even without going into the details of the translation, many Chinese have names that are funny in pronunciation:

  • Sun Vyn Vchai;
  • Take out Sam Drink;
  • Take out Su Him.

Funny celebrity last names

The real names of Russian pop stars, cinema and show business are not as harmonious as their pseudonyms. Below are just them short list. funny surnames famous people(the first is a pseudonym, the second is a real name):

  • Pavel Kashin - Pavel Kvasha;
  • Jasmine - Semendueva Sarah;
  • Queen Natasha - Break Natasha;
  • Marshal Alexander - Minkov Alexander;
  • Malinin Alexander - Vyguzov Alexander;
  • Andrey Razin - Krivorotov Vadim;
  • Lolita Milyavskaya - Gorelik Lolita;
  • Rotaru Sofia - Rotar Sofia;
  • Abraham Russo - Ephraim Apjyan;
  • Rubashkin - Chernorubashkin Boris;
  • Stashevsky Vlad - Tverdokhlebov Vyacheslav.

Top funny last names

For outsiders, very funny surnames are another reason to have fun, but their owners often have a hard time. From kindergarten, such people have to endure ridicule from their peers, so many of these “lucky ones” sooner or later decide to make changes to their passport data. Below are the strangest surnames registered in the territory of the CIS countries:

  • crap;
  • Golomudko;
  • Worm;
  • Vshivtsa;
  • Perebeinos;
  • Bananovich;
  • Siskov;
  • Viper;
  • Vypirailova;
  • killwolf;
  • Steering wheel;
  • Single poses;
  • Dohlik;
  • Uncle;
  • Podlyuk;
  • Dulya;
  • Drishch;
  • Chmyryuk;
  • Asshole;
  • Beeliner;
  • Kakashkind.


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What names do not call the parents of children! Loving moms and dads do not spare their own children, giving them strange, absurd, long and dissonant names. Surely, many children with such names have a hard life, but such is the will of their parents ... Of course, each person is unique and inimitable in his own way, each is exceptional in his own way, but is it necessary to emphasize the uniqueness of your child by choosing a rare and unusual name for him?

Many people think that yes, and give their children such names that it remains only to part their hands: Zhuzha, Viagra, Tulip, Lettuce, Millionaire, Air traffic controller - all these are real names registered in Russian registry offices over the past couple of years, and that's just small part of the list. So, the list of residents of the Moscow region in 2009 was replenished with five unusual names: Genevieve, Cinderella, Spring, as well as Mark Antony and Milord.

In 2008, the following were registered: Sever, Dolphin, Wind and Angel. The girls were named Luna and Galavictoria. There was also Lettuce, Air Traffic Controller, Just a Hero. All of these babies received birth certificates. However, one child has been denied registration for many years in a row.
The parents of a boy named BOC rVF 260602 (Biological Object of a Human of the Voronin-Frolov family, born on June 26, 2002) cannot receive either a birth certificate or a medical policy for him. As long as it lasts litigation, the boy with no name visits none Kindergarten, no school.

In 2009, the registry office of the city of Pavlovsk, Voronezh region, issued a birth certificate to a girl named Russia Kitsenko.

It is noteworthy that this is not the first Russian woman with the name Russia: her namesake is growing in Nizhny Tagil - Russia Shramkova.

An unusual name is registered in the registry office of the city of Koroleva near Moscow - Viagra. Happy parents claim that they had three reasons to name the child so: the beauty and originality of the name, the drug of the same name that contributed to the conception, and, finally, a long-standing love for the VIA Gra group.

Giving unusual names to children in honor of heads of state and significant events was popular during the Soviet Union. For example: Arvil is the Army of V.I. Lenin, Artaka is the Artillery Academy, Bestrev - Beria is the guardian of the revolution, Waterpezhekosma is Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman cosmonaut, Vector - Great Communism triumphs, Vilan - V.I. Lenin and the Academy of Sciences , Vilorik - V. I. Lenin - the liberator of workers and peasants, Vilyur - Vladimir Ilyich loves the Motherland, Vladlen - Vladimir Lenin, Volen - Lenin's Will, Dazdrasmygda - Long live the bond between town and country

Dazdraperma - Long live the first of May, Dotnara - Daughter of the working people, Izil - Fulfill the precepts of Ilyich, Kim - the Communist Youth International, Tape - Lenin's labor army, Lorierik - Lenin, October Revolution, industrialization, electrification, radiofication and communism, Pofistal - The winner of fascism Joseph Stalin, Kukutsapol - Corn queen of the fields, Decree, Barricade, Bow, Idea, Sovdep, Tractor, Novomir, Purple, Energy, Disizara - Child, boldly follow the revolution, Zheldora - Railway, Pyatvchet - Five-Year Plan at four years, Uryuvkos (Hurray, Yura in space), Perkosrak (First space rocket), Luigi (a) - Lenin died, but ideas are alive ...

Not only in Russia, but also in China, unusual baby names are in vogue. Quite often, children are called names that symbolize some big events or slogans. Among the most common, names that in translation mean "Protect China", "Create a Nation", "Journey into Space", "Civilization". Parents name babies in memory of victims devastating earthquake what happened in Sichuan - "Hope for Sichuan"

A lush set of names is not uncommon in Spain either. Few people know that famous artist Pablo Picasso's full name is: Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomukeno Crispin Crispiano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz and Picasso - 93 letters in total.

Some time ago, a family lived in France, deprived of the most ordinary ... surname. Instead, she "wore" a set of numbers - 1792. And four sons in this family bore the names of ... months of the year. Thus, in the passport and other documents, it looked like this: January 1792, February 1792, March 1792 and April 1792. The last representative of this strange family, Mr March 1792, died in September 1904.

In Latin America, parents like to give their children exotic names. A quick scan of Venezuela's phone book reveals names like Taj Mahal Sanchez, Elvis Presley Gomez Morilo, Darwin Lenin Jimenez, and even Hitler Eufemio Mayora.

Among the "masterpieces" invented by the inhabitants of the province of Manabi are Super Strong Cement, Sports Cavalcade, Tough Football Victory, Chicken Paw, International Conflict.

A baby lives in Sweden, to whom his parents gave an unusual but sonorous name - Oliver Google. His father, who has a Ph.D. in search marketing, decided to name his child after his favorite search engine, Google.

The longest name in the world is an Indian named Brahmatra. It consists of 1478 letters, which are a series of merged names of historical places, the names of famous diplomats, theologians, scientists, etc. It takes at least ten minutes to read it.

"Hello Two Kilograms of Rice!", "Hello Silver Dollar!" - this is how two residents of the Kandhmal district in the Indian state of Orissa greet each other when they meet. This corner of India holds the championship in the most unusual names that parents invent for their children. Two kilograms of rice is a memory of a gift sent down by the state: it is this measure of rice that is given out by decision of the authorities for each child born.

The youngest daughter of the owner of one of the local restaurants entered one of the schools in the city of Honolulu in the Hawaiian Islands. Her first and last name consist of 102 letters. Here they are: Napu Amo Hala She Ona Aneka Vehi Vehi Ona Khivea Nena Vawa Keho Onka Kahe Hea Leke Yea Ona Nei Nana Nia Keko Oa Oga Wan Ika Vanao, which translates as "many beautiful flowers of mountains and valleys begin to fill Hawaii in length and breadth with their fragrance." She was never included in the class magazine.

The Indian Brahmatra has a “competitor” - Miss S. Ellen Georgiana Ser-Lekken, (born in 1979, Montana, USA), and the first letter “C” in her name is just the beginning ... And then another 597 letters.

I must say that Americans are generally rich in inventions. The Jackson family from the city of Chicago branded their five children, naming them: Meningitis, Laryngitis, Appendicitis, Peritonitis, Tonsillitis.

There is a girl in the Hawaiian Islands, the daughter of the owner of one of the local restaurants. Her first and last name consist of 102 letters. Here they are: Napu-Amo-Hala-She-She-Aneka-Vekhi-Vekhi-She-Hivea-Nena-Wawa-Ke ho-Onka-Kahe-Hea-Leke-Ea-She-Ney-Nana-Nia-Keko- Oa-Oga-Wan-Ik a-Wanao. She was never included in the class magazine. In Russian, this means: "Many beautiful flowers of mountains and valleys begin to fill Hawaii in length and breadth with their fragrance."