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Incredible Facts

Not any of us will be able to appreciate this kind of painting at its true worth and read between the lines the meaning laid down by the author. But, nevertheless, the cost of paintings contemporary artists sometimes just going wild and collectors and connoisseurs of art from all over the world come to the auction to buy the creation they like.

Sometimes for a picture they like, they lay out such sums of money that even the authors themselves remain extremely surprised.

Below is a list of the strangest contemporary paintings that were sold for millions of dollars.

1. "Spatial concept" - Lucio Fontana (Lucio Fontana)

This painting was sold for fabulous money at an auction in London. It seems as if the author simply painted over the canvas with color and "torn" the picture with oblique lines. The question arises, of course, for a million: if the artist wants to get more for a similar picture more money, should he just make another cut?

Or maybe the more the cut features mow, the higher the quality of the picture?

2. "Blood Red Mirror" - Gerhard Richter (Gerhard Richter)

Sold for $1,100,000 .

"Picture - mirror" went under the hammer for 1.1 million. Of course, this artist is the author of many beautiful works, however, to understand this, apparently, you just need to be born an artist.

Rembrandt paintings revealed

It is difficult, if not impossible, to see in this masterpiece something like a mirror. Perhaps the collector who purchased it just wanted to see himself in more light when looking in the mirror.

The most expensive paintings

3. "Green and white" - Ellsworth Kelly (Ellsworth Kelly)

The works of this artist are very controversial, critics differ in their opinions about their value, but, of course, this picture is the most that neither is real gem.

This is the most common canvas with a deformed circle in the middle, and there are people who are willing to pay for the right to add this creation to their collection for as much as a small thai island .

4. "Untitled" - Mark Rothko (Mark Rothko)

Many spoke impartially about this picture, but it is rather simply boring. If your child after graduation art school If I brought you such a picture, then there would be two possible scenarios for the development of events:

a) you would be terribly proud and hang a picture instead of a TV

b) would say to him: " Good job, baby. Just let's draw something different next time!"

5. "Untitled" - Blinky Palermo (Blinky Palermo)

Sold for $1,700,000.

This picture, like many other creations of this artist, is a layering of colored canvases on top of each other. One of the critics noted that he peered at this picture for an hour, but could not find anything in it.

Another critic put it more deeply: "The paintings of Palermo offer the viewer's eye to see multifaceted changes in tones, while traces of painterly nuances and excesses on the surface of the canvases are completely absent, instead a person can see beautiful, undiluted colors."

The most famous painting thefts

You have to be a real professional in your field to mask the lack of color solutions in this way!

strange pictures

6. "Dog" - Joan Mira (Joan Mira)

In fact, the World has a lot of good ones, but this one really stands out and not in the most positive way.

Or maybe the collector who bought it just wanted to own part of the legacy of a talented artist?

7. "White Fire I" - Barnett Newman (Barnett Newman)

It is obvious that people who buy this kind of paintings are extraordinarily rich. But rich people become rich because of their intelligence.

If so, why would an intelligent collector buy such a work from an online auction based on the meager description of it on the site?

The name of the painting is a mystical term that is directly related to Torah. The Torah itself is aimed at deep spiritual unity, which Newman is trying, according to him, to instill in the viewer through his works.

But is it really so? Or maybe it's just difficult for an inexperienced person to trace the relationship between two lines on a blank canvas and the Torah?

8. "Untitled" - Cy Twombly (Cy Twombly)

This work was done on hastily at home on plain paper using conventional wax pencil, that is, the same material that used by a child when learning to write in kindergarten.

Picasso painting is the most expensive work of art

If you dull your eyes a little and look at the picture, doesn’t it seem to you that this masterpiece is very similar to a baby’s attempt to learn how to write the letter “e”?

9. "Cowboy" - Ellsworth Kelly (Ellsworth Kelly)

Kelly studied art for over four years at cultural institutions in Boston and Paris before deciding on the direction of the style of his work. After doing some research, he concluded that his works will be "block".

To an inexperienced eye, the choice may seem erroneous, because what is the value of these blocks, implemented on paper? Nevertheless, it is worth admitting a mistake, because from the point of view of the economy, the choice is very correct, but from the aesthetic side, the author is unlikely to have made the right decision.

10. "Blue fool" - Christopher Wool (Christopher Wool)

One can imagine how delighted Christopher, who specializes in painting words, when this particular work was sold for such a huge amount of money. I wonder when he painted his picture, could he have thought that he would be able to persuade someone to buy it?

Bravo, Christopher!

The most expensive paintings by artists

In this article, I would like to talk about people who express themselves in very interesting ways, which shocks people and makes them think: “How? How do they do it? Below I have compiled the Top 10, in my opinion, the most unusual artists modernity.

10 Bruce Munro

Bruce Munro is known for his unusual installations. In his work he works with light. And now, an installation of another field of light has recently opened in the English city of Bath. It is a field dotted with lamps on thin plastic stems. Looks like a set for the movie Avatar.

9. Jason Mecier
The problem of drug addiction is acute all over the world. In an attempt to draw the attention of the general public to her, the talented American artist Jason Mecier made portraits of stars from pills. The most interesting thing is that the artist used only tablets as a material for his canvases, which are released according to a special prescription, which he could not legally get. It can be said that Jason committed an illegal act, but by doing so he drew attention to the illegal distribution of drugs.

8. Vhils artist
His works are unusual in that he carves them into old plaster.

7. Jennifer Maestre
This girl is famous for her unusual sculptures. Their unusualness lies in the fact that they are made of pencils! Of course, they do not shine with forms, but the understanding that all these pencils are truly surprising.

6. Miguel Endara
Spanish artist Miguel Endara could deserve the title of the most assiduous person in the world! He makes his works in the technique of pointillism, composes masterpieces from ink dots. This drawing took a total of 3.2 million points and 210 hours.

5. Jim Denevan
Someone builds castles in the sand, and Jim Denevan loves to draw unprecedented patterns on it, moreover, with mathematical precision. Jim Denevan is 44 years old. He is a surfer, sand artist and self-taught chef. Jim paints mostly on the beaches, but recently he has started to paint in the desert as well. “I don't have as much time on the beach as I do in the deserts,” he says. “The ocean washes everything away very quickly.” When asked how he manages to draw such perfect circles, Jim replies that it's a matter of practice: “I've drawn thousands of circles in my life. In the desert I somehow
drew a circle with a diameter of 6 km.

4. Mike Stillkey

The artist works in Alta Dena, California. Mike Stilkey creates art out of book spines. He builds a whole wall of books, and writes his pictures on their spines. Mike dreamed for a long time to publish an album with his paintings, but not a single publisher undertook this. His painting did not find a response among critics. Then the artist decided to let the books tell about his work. Soon Mike Stilke's book paintings were noticed and he gained fame as an artist. Now Mike is eagerly invited by many prestigious galleries.

3. Claire Morgan
British artist Claire Morgan creates unusual installations that freeze right in the air. The working material for the artist are dry plants, grains, insects, stuffed animals and fresh fruits. Thousands of details of the installation are fixed on a thin fishing line with jeweler's precision. Air sculptures by Claire Morgan are dedicated to the Earth and all living things living on it.

2. Nina Aoyama
A girl living in France goes very interesting way. Yes! She cuts out of paper, but how! Tell me, what can any kindergartener cut out? But look. Nina cuts out texts and drawings from paper, which she sticks on fabric or glass, and it turns out such beauty.

1 Lorenzo Duran

He gathers the leaves, washes them, dries them, presses them, and carefully carves his paintings on them. His methodology is based on historical research paper cutting in China, Japan, Germany and Switzerland.