Official TNT page in contact. Official tnt group in contact

Olga Buzova once again found herself at the center of a scandal. Recently, the girl took part in the filming next issue comedy club. After that, a wave of criticism hit her. One of those who insulted the TV presenter was the comedian Andrei Skorokhod.

On her Instagram page, Olga said that the man seriously insulted her. This so outraged the aspiring singer that she decided to deal with the offender in court.

“I don't have a protector. I'm alone. And I solve all problems myself. Today, one "underdog", with whom we work on the same channel, allowed me to be publicly insulted. Unfortunately, those whom I considered my friends from the Comedy Club did not affect this situation in any way. Therefore, I will decide this through the courts, ”Olga said on Instagram.

Fans quickly figured out the girl's offender. It turned out to be Andrey Skorokhod, who recently portrayed the redneck rapper Glebati in Comedy. It was on behalf of this character on the Instagram account @glebati_official that Skorokhod posted an offensive post dedicated to Buzova. In it, a man compared a star with negative character movie Predator. In addition, in the comments to this and other posts, Glebati wrote some very unflattering and boorish reviews about Olga ...

Andrey Skorokhod was immediately hit by a wave of criticism from Buzova's fans. “How can a man behave like this? This is low and vile”, “What a nightmare! Disappointed in this man”, “But it seems to me that this is all a well-thought-out PR. They are all friends there, ”Olga’s fans wrote.

Timur Batrutdinov, who has been in close contact with Buzova lately, was quick to emphasize that he would deal with the scandalous situation himself. He urged his friend not to jump to conclusions and wait until the problem resolves itself.

“Ol, do not rush with emotions, please. I didn’t know anything about it, because I don’t spend time on Instagram. I apologize on my own for this inflection! I am sure that he did not put negative things on his post, but acted on behalf of his character. I’ll talk to him now, and I’m sorry that I find out about it like this officially, and not on a personal call, ”Timur wrote in a comment on Buzova’s post.

Recall that the artist has repeatedly been criticized. When Olga started musical career, she was hit by a flurry of negative reviews. Then many stars spoke out against Buzova singing. However, the TV presenter was able to defend her interests and the right to demonstrate her talent.

Fans believe that Olga will still be able to resolve all conflicts without resorting to litigation. They also hope that the situation that has arisen will not affect the trusting relationship between Buzova and Batrutdinov.

Today we will tell you about one of the most popular Russian channels - TNT, which stands for "Your New Television" (which, by the way, not everyone on VKontakte knows about). The channel gained popularity in due time due to the television series of the 90s about the adventures of criminals and the police. TNT is one of the five most popular TV channels in Russia. Also today we will tell you about TNT in the social network Contact. How exactly the TV channel is presented in the social network.

History of the TNT channel

For example, in 2012, the channel's audience was about 104 million viewers. How did it all start? Why such popularity?

  • TNT was founded in 1997 and originally owned by the Media-Most holding. At the beginning of the channel's existence, its general director was Sergey Skvortsov, who had previously been CEO on STS.
  • If at the beginning of the 2000s the channel did not even have its own concept, the channel's management focused on an audience without certain preferences, and the channel played documentaries, cartoons and popular sitcoms, now the channel's concept is clearly marked, and the channel is very popular. To maintain the level of popularity among a certain audience, a TNT Vk group has been created, which you can join at any time, but more on that later.
  • In 2000, the channel began broadcasting news. Despite the fire at the Ostankino tower, the canal continued to exist. At this time, TNT transfers some of its airtime to another NTV channel so that NTV broadcasts the information program "Today".
  • In 2001, the TNT channel experienced a turning point: along with other media companies, Media-Most, TNT was almost liquidated.
  • In 2002, the number of television viewers of the channel increased dramatically due to the rotation on the air of a number of reality shows designed for a mass audience. These TV shows included such a telecast that thundered throughout Russia as "Dom-2". A little later, the popular one became the leader.
  • In 2011, the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia included TNT in the list of federal channels.

TNT: official group

You can find the official VKontakte group dedicated to the TNT channel at this link:

This is open group VKontakte, where absolutely every user of the social network can join at any time of the day. The group has about 80 thousand members in total. The popularity of this VKontakte group is growing every hour! And we are not exaggerating in the slightest.

TNT, the official VKontakte group, has a very lively wall. On it you will find latest episodes Your favorite series, such as: "Interns", "Univer" and others; latest releases TV shows "Battle of psychics", "Stand up", "Nezlob" and various demotivators on the topic. You can always like your favorite episodes and participate in their discussion directly on VKontakte. Yes, comments are open to all of us!

The TNT group is very rich in video recordings, among which you can find the funniest and most exciting moments from your favorite TV shows.

The group also publishes exclusive photos from various reality shows, such as "Battles of Psychics", "Dom-2", comedy shows " comedy woman"," Ethera Comedy Battle. Without Borders”, “Sasha Tanya on TNT”, TV series “Happy Together”, “Interns” and so on.

This VKontakte group contains more than a dozen topics in which you can participate in discussions. Your favorite series and TV shows, as well as actors are discussed here.

So, now you know how to find the official TNT Vk group, and you can always find the funniest and most exciting moments from your favorite TV shows and reality shows, as well as take part in their discussion in Vkontakte. Don't waste time, join the group and enjoy!

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