What is Svetlana Lazareva doing now. What Svetlana Lazareva looks like now - the performer of the most touching song about mom

Svetlana Lazareva is well remembered by the public immortal hits"Shop" and "Vest". The blond beauty performed at the main concert venues country and collected thousands of halls, but suddenly left the stage for the sake of the family. Acquaintance with her future husband, businessman Valery Kuzmin, took place at a celebration where Svetlana sang. Lazareva's company was then made up of the singer Larisa Dolina, who advised her to pay attention to a promising man. Leaving a pop career popular singer completely immersed in family life. The marriage of Svetlana Lazareva with Valery Kuzmin lasted 19 years. Previously, the star of the 90s preferred not to comment on rumors about the breakup of the family, but now she decided to tell fans about important changes in her life.

“We really broke up,” Svetlana told the publication “Interlocutor”. “But I think it’s ridiculous and stupid to throw mud at a person with whom I lived for nineteen years. Maybe someone will twist a finger at the temple, but I am proud that I packed up and left beautifully. She left the way a man should have left. She left without taking anything with her. I considered it necessary to do so. Many people suggested that I start dividing the jointly acquired property, because there is something to share. But I'm not going to sue anything, because I always leave beautifully.

According to the star of yesteryear, this moment she is supported by numerous friends. The decision to leave the man to whom she devoted 19 years of her life and for whom she sacrificed fame, Svetlana did not decide right away. According to her confessions, it was difficult for her to decide on this.

// Photo: Fragment of the TV program

“All these nineteen years I provided for myself,” continues Lazareva. - All major purchases - cars, fur coats, jewelry - I bought with my own money. She even filmed the clips herself: her husband did not help in this. I can not call myself a darling of fate. I just lived with the person I loved with a crazy, sick love. Of course, she made many stupid mistakes precisely because of sick love. If my mind was turned on, everything would be different. ”

The retro star has an 18-year-old daughter Natasha, with whom she will soon move into a newly acquired townhouse in New Riga. The singer worries about her daughter, for whom the divorce of her parents has become a kind of trauma.

Recall that before Svetlana Lazareva was married to singer and composer Simon Osiashvili. According to the artist, their marriage fell apart due to the unwillingness of the man to have children.

Svetlana Lazareva

Zodiac sign:

Eastern horoscope:

Place of Birth:
Verkhny Ufaley, Chelyabinsk region


The weight:
60 kg

170 cm

Biography of Svetlana Lazareva

Svetlana Lazareva is an artist who became popular back in the nineties. Since then, she has managed to do a lot - record several albums, tour half the country and ... disappear without a trace from the Russian stage.

Today, her popularity is slowly waning. New hits appear in her repertoire extremely rarely. However, one should not assume that the star of Svetlana Lazareva disappeared without a trace from the musical horizon of Russia. She is also loved by many loyal fans, and therefore our biographical article dedicated to key points in creative destiny singer, for sure, will be of interest to many.

Childhood and family of Svetlana Lazareva

Svetlana Lazareva was born on April 24, 1962 in the small provincial town of Verkhny Ufaley ( Chelyabinsk region). In this place, our today's heroine spent all her childhood and youth. There she began to sing for the first time and dream of a career as a pop artist.

Svetlana Lazareva became famous in the Mirage group, and after starting a solo career

Sveta's path to musical creativity was quite ordinary. At first she arranged mini-concerts for her acquaintances and friends, and then she also began to study vocals at a music school. Working on herself, the girl achieved considerable success, and this did not escape the sensitive gaze of professional teachers. The girl was often invited to various school and youth concerts. Thus, already in adolescence Svetlana Lazareva began to perform frequently on stage.

The first songs of Svetlana Lazareva

Having received a diploma of graduation, our today's heroine decided to follow the chosen path and, on the advice of her friends, moved to Krasnodar, where she very soon got a job at the local philharmonic society. That is how the famous Soviet composer Teodor Efimov noticed the girl during one of the concerts.

The girl's vocal abilities, as well as her bright appearance and artistry, made a favorable impression on the famous master. As a result, very soon he recommended the girl to the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Blue Bird". Subsequently, it was this musical group that became one of the main pages in creative biography provincial artist.

Star Trek singer Svetlana Lazareva

As part of the VIA "Blue Bird", our today's heroine was already in 1983, when she was only nineteen years old. It was in this musical ensemble that Svetlana Lazareva grew up and improved as an artist. The team was successful, however, as music historians noted, performing as part of the Blue Bird, the young vocalist was always under the strict pressure of Soviet censorship, and therefore it could not be called real creativity in full.

Svetlana Lazareva - Mom

The situation became even more serious when the VIA Blue Bird team began touring outside the Soviet Union. During this period, the group became very popular in some socialist states and subsequently even received national awards in Vietnam, Lebanon and a number of other countries ideologically close to the USSR. Thus, VIA "Blue Bird" became a kind of hallmark of the Soviet Union. That is why the ideological pressure on it increased even more.

Feeling this, at some point Svetlana Lazareva decided to leave the team. And as a result, already in 1988, she created her own group - "Women's Council". The formation of the first "girls-band" in the USSR took place immediately after music festival in Jurmala, during which our today's heroine met two other young pop singers Alena Vitebskaya and Lada Dance. Together they decided to organize a trio, which, in fact, received the name "Women's Council". This project sang more cheerful and incendiary songs than "The Blue Bird", and was also distinguished by indefatigable energy and the use of rather unusual outfits during his performances.

Svetlana Lazareva - Telnyashka

As a result, the Women's Council group became a kind of flash on the stage of the collapsing Soviet Union. The impudent and eccentric girls were “a product of their time”, and therefore the popularity of the team was rather fleeting. Already in the late nineties, the group began to burst at the seams, and therefore very quickly broke up. Each of the participants started their own musical career. And Svetlana Lazareva was no exception to the rule.

Solo career of Svetlana Lazareva

In 1990, our today's heroine presented her first album to the public - "Let's Get Married". The record, which includes both cheerful songs and more lyrical compositions, has become quite popular among listeners. It was on it that such famous songs like "Yellow boats", "Don't scold me, mom" and some others.

No less successful was also the second "solo album" of the singer - "Vest". This disc consisted mainly of "restaurant hits", and therefore became popular in a slightly different audience environment.

Svetlana Lazareva on television

Parallel to musical creativity Svetlana Lazareva also worked as a TV presenter. In the mid-nineties, together with her longtime friend Lada Dance, she hosted the Morning Mail program. However, the television career was short-lived. One of the reasons for this was a busy tour schedule and an abundance of creative plans.

The singer Svetlana Lazareva has a daughter named Natalia

In 1995 and 1998, our today's heroine released two more solo albums, and soon she also set about creating her own production center, within which she began to work closely with young musicians. The artist remained the same, but at some point her popularity slowly waned. New songs began to appear in her repertoire extremely rarely, and the album "Names for All Seasons" released in 2002 went almost unnoticed by the audience.

Svetlana Lazareva at present

Currently, Svetlana Lazareva continues to tour Russia with national teams and solo concerts, but the format of her performances remains somewhat different. She often appears in provincial towns, performs in nursing homes and women's colonies. Nothing is known about the recording of new studio albums.

Personal life of Svetlana Lazareva

For many years, Svetlana Lazareva has been married to a businessman named Valery Kuzmin. In 1996, the famous artist gave birth to her husband's daughter Natalina. As the celebrity herself says, she gave the name of her daughter in honor of her longtime friend, singer Natalya Vetlitskaya.

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Svetlana Lazareva - Soviet and Russian singer, whose biography and personal life are of particular interest to fans of pop music of the 80s and 90s.

Svetlana Lazareva was born in 1962 in the city of Verkhny Ufaley. Her musical biography was predestined from childhood. Father - director of the House of Culture, head of the city brass band, mother - head of the artistic part of the House of Culture. In addition to Svetlana, other children were brought up in the family - Svetlana had a sister, and the photo shows that they were remarkably similar.

Svetlana in childhood

Unfortunately, Svetlana's sister has already passed away.

In addition to the usual, Svetlana graduated and music school was fond of dance and theatre. From a young age, she began to perform on stage, took part in musical television programs, and her photo flashed on the pages of local newspapers.

Svetlana with her sister and father

After graduating from school, Svetlana moved to Krasnodar, where her unusual appearance and vocal abilities were noticed, and she became a Philharmonic soloist.

Musical career

Suffice it to say that while the vocalists collaborated with the group, Yuri Antonov and Igor Sarukhanov, and was the sound engineer.

The Blue Bird toured the world a lot, giving concerts in socialist countries such as Vietnam, Bulgaria, Angola, Laos and others. That is why Svetlana Lazareva even has several state awards from these countries.

Svetlana as part of the VIA "Blue Bird"

With the beginning of perestroika, Svetlana increasingly understood that she was becoming cramped within the official framework of the well-deserved VIA, she wanted creative freedom. In 1988, after the festival in Jurmala, Svetlana Lazareva, Lada Dance and Alena Vitebskaya created the Women's Council girl band.

The trio lasted until the 90s, but the audience managed to remember it with its bright originality and sparkling humor.

Group "Women's Council"

In the 90th year, Svetlana Lazareva began a solo career, and changes in her personal life, the appearance of her first husband did not interfere with this at all, since her husband, songwriter Simon Osiashvili himself was directly related to show business and wrote lyrics for her songs.

The first disc of the singer "Let's Get Married" was remembered by hits:

  • "Yellow boats";
  • "Choose."

Second solo album"Vest" was very different in style. In it, the singer moved away from traditional pop music and performed tracks in the style of "", of which "Your words are worthless" became the most successful.

Album cover "Telnyashka"

In the future, Svetlana Lazareva released several more albums. Her most popular songs of those years were:

  • "Love Hangover";
  • "Tell me the truth";
  • "Mum";
  • "Really";
  • "Livni";
  • "She was herself";
  • "Edith Piaf".

Until 1998, Svetlana Lazareva, in a duet with Ilona Bronevitskaya, hosted the popular television program Morning Mail.

In 1998, Svetlana Lazareva organized her own production center and, thus, opened the way to the stage for many young performers.

Svetlana during the concert

After 2002, Svetlana Lazareva did not release solo discs, she stopped appearing on television. However, critics hurried to “bury” her: in 2006, she performed with great success at the “Blue Bird” concert “Golden Voices” along with soloists Drozdov and Levkin.

Personal life

The first husband of the singer Simon Osiashvili played an important role in the biography and personal life of Svetlana Lazareva. This union was not only family, but also creative, and was considered almost ideal in Russian show business.

With husband Simon Osiashvili

The couple lived together for more than eight years. According to Svetlana Lazareva, they would never have parted, but the crown of the biography and personal life of any woman is, of course, children, and her husband categorically did not want to have them.

With her second husband, businessman Valery Kuzmin, Svetlana was introduced by her friend Larisa Dolina. For the sake of her husband and family, Svetlana actually sacrificed her singing career.

Svetlana Lazareva and Valery Kuzmin. A frame from the program "While everyone is at home"

In 1996, the couple had a daughter, Natalia.

Nineteen years later living together with Kuzmin, photos of Svetlana Lazareva again flashed in the media in connection with a new change in her biography and personal life - everyone was struck by the news that the singer was divorcing her husband.

Svetlana's only child

Some specific reasons Svetlana Lazareva did not indicate parting, saying that smearing in the mud a person with whom she had lived for almost twenty years was an unworthy thing. She called her feeling for her husband “crazy, sick love,” and it was this feeling that caused many of her mistakes in family life.

Former spouses "parted beautifully", Svetlana did not participate in the division of property. After the divorce, she and her daughter moved to a house bought with her own money in New Riga.

We have compiled a selection of interesting facts related to the life of the once popular singer Svetlana Lazareva:

  • Svetlana Lazareva is a holder of the Orders of Friendship of Peoples and For Contribution to Art.
  • The daughter of Svetlana Lazareva received a name in honor of her godmother Natalya Vetlitskaya. After a difficult birth, Lazareva spent almost half a month in intensive care.

Svetlana Lazareva gained fame after she released the hits "Shop" and "Telnyashka". Acquaintance with the future spouse, businessman Valery Kuzmin, took place at a celebration where Lazareva sang. Svetlana was then accompanied by Larisa Dolina, who advised her to pay attention to a promising man.


Leaving her pop career, the popular singer completely immersed herself in family life.. The marriage of Lazareva and Kuzmin lasted 19 years. Previously, the celebrity preferred not to comment on rumors about the breakup of the family, but now she decided to tell fans about important changes in her life.

"We really broke up, but I think it's ridiculous and stupid to throw mud at a person with whom I lived for 19 years. Maybe someone will twist a finger at the temple, but I am proud that I packed up and left beautifully. She left the way a man should have left. She left without taking anything with her. I considered it necessary to do so. Many people suggested that I start dividing the jointly acquired property, because there is something to share. But I'm not going to sue anything, because I always leave beautifully, "Sobesednik.Ru quotes Lazareva.

As the performer said, she is supported by numerous friends. The decision to leave the man to whom she devoted 19 years of her life and for whom she sacrificed fame, Lazareva did not immediately decide. Preparations for radical action went on for a long time. It is interesting that, as the singer admitted, she provided for herself all the years of family life.

“I bought all the major purchases - cars, fur coats, jewelry - with my own money. I even shot videos myself, my husband did not help with this. I can’t call myself a minion of fate. I just lived with the man I loved with a crazy, sick love. Of course, she made many stupid mistakes precisely because of sick love. If my mind was turned on, everything would be different," the singer said.

From marriage with Kuzmin, Svetlana's 18-year-old daughter Natalya is growing up. For the girl, the separation of her parents was a trauma. Natalia and Svetlana are soon going to move into a newly acquired townhouse in New Riga. Note that for Lazareva this is the second divorce. She was previously married to singer and composer Simon Osiashvili. It was in tandem with her first husband that Lazareva's most famous songs were born. According to the artist, their marriage fell apart due to the unwillingness of the man to have children.

The singer is getting divorced after 19 years of marriage

Svetlana LAZAREVA will celebrate her 25th birthday this year solo career. Before starting to work on her own, she performed in the VIA "Blue Bird" and in the trio "Women's Council" with Lada VOLKOVA (DENS) and Alena VITEBSKA. current creative anniversary coincided with Lazareva with serious changes in his personal life.

I continue to lead very active life, - says 52-year-old Lazareva. - I participate in talk shows on central channels, I tour a lot, in addition, I try myself in politics. She became an assistant to State Duma deputy Elena Drapeko and her cultural adviser. I joined the Just Russia party because I consider myself a fair person. I think that over time I myself will become a State Duma deputy and continue to actively help people who contact me. But I think it’s impossible to quit the work of the singer, which I do for five. I had only one temporary downtime in creativity at the peak of my career in 1996, when I gave birth to my daughter Natalya.

My first husband was the songwriter Simon Osiashvili. This is a happy and bright milestone in my life. Simon gave me a lot. Many of our songs with him became hits: “Come back home”, “Yellow boats”, “Let's get married”. Simon - smart man with two higher educations. He not only wrote, but also raised me, educated me, suggested a lot. He is 10 years older than me. Under him, I graduated from GITIS, he helped me study there.
We divorced because he did not want children, and I really wanted to become a mother. After the divorce, I don’t communicate with Osiashvili: I don’t have such high relations when people get divorced and then make friends. Of course, we greet each other when we meet. But not more.

Mark Kurtser returned from the other world

I named my daughter in honor of Natalia Vetlitskaya. She christened my baby. Now our paths have diverged from Vetlitskaya: she has disappeared from our lives somewhere and is no longer a goddaughter, for certain reasons, I won’t go into details, ”Svetlana snapped. - Although Natasha did a lot for me: when the birth began, she took me to a very good hospital to Mark Kurtser. It was then that all the stars began to give birth to him. Kurtser saved me and my child.
I met my daughter's dad, my second husband, businessman Valery Kuzmin, by chance. She sang at his birthday party, and then married him.
Unfortunately, we are now divorcing after 19 years of marriage. I can endure for a long time, but I could not forgive betrayal (and Valery betrayed me!)
Now I bought a small townhouse in New Riga, that's enough for me. My daughter is now studying at MGIMO at the Faculty of International Journalism.
I am not an amorous person and very faithful. Two marriages are not so many, for me the family is my fortress. It is good that God gave the person from whom I gave birth to a daughter, and I am immensely grateful to him for this. I couldn't stand it, but I loved it! And now I am very afraid of love: at first it can bring great happiness, and then - great grief, pain and suffering!