Leading good morning channel 2 petrov. Andrey Petrov: TV presenter biography

Andrey Petrov is known to the general public as the host of the famous Good Morning program on one of federal channels. His image is a cheerful, positive-minded presenter, giving the audience the most useful information.

This is the word he prefers to the hackneyed "news". Is it so different back side cover medals? Who is Andrew really? Let's try to figure this out now.

Way to success

As it turned out, the image that the audience is used to seeing on the screen is not much different from Andrei himself. This is a good-natured, purposeful person who knows how to achieve the set goals. Little is known about the TV presenter's childhood. Is it just that. What exactly is in youth it was in him that the dream of a career as a presenter was born. And Petrov walked long and hard towards this dream.

Andrey entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. He successfully graduated from it, but instead of the desired television, he got on the radio. This left a deep imprint on his professional abilities. It was there that the young student comprehended the science of broadcasting in practice.

However, the unwanted work did not pursue him for long. After some time, the sponsors of Novosti Online recognized the office as unnecessary and disbanded the team.

New acquaintances, and in particular the editor-in-chief, helped me get a job on television. It was a developing RBC channel. From that moment on, my career went up sharply. After some time, the gifted correspondent was invited to the federal channel.

Radio as part of life

Work on the radio played a huge role in the development of a TV presenter, as one of the best craftsmen broadcasting. After all, to convey an important and useful information up to a person who has one foot still in a dream, not so easy. However, Andrey copes with this task.

Work on the radio began back in the "maximum" where Andrei simply collected information for broadcasts. Then "News Online". It would seem that with the advent new work on television, one could forget about radio. However, Petrov did not forget.

Radio became a kind of hobby for him. After all, sitting in the studio without makeup and not under the supervision of predatory television cameras, you can truly relax and enjoy the very process of work. On the this moment The radio host's career continues. This time on radio wave "Chanson".

Film experience

Andrei Petrov managed to participate and in film making. The whole team was invited to dub a comedy filmed by an American film director. Andrei admits that this work has become an addition to his experience.

Firstly, I managed to get acquainted with the work of my foreign colleagues. Secondly, look at your work from the outside, appreciate it.

Features of work

Andrey's work is tense and full of nuances that need to be addressed. noted heavy work schedule. The morning of the TV presenter begins at three in the morning. Shower, coffee and now he is already in the studio. There is enough tension there. After all, despite the fact that the scenario of the program is planned in advance, failures also occur.

Andrey especially highlights such a problem as inconsistency of questions to the invited guest. The editor who writes the questions does not have the ability to determine the character of a person, so often you have to improvise. On television, it is not enough to get a laconic "yes" or "no". It is necessary to talk to the guest so that he reveals the topic of interest to the audience.

The features of each guest invited to the broadcast is, in turn, a plus. It is very interesting to communicate with respected people who you will not meet on the street. In general, the work of the host of the program is interesting for Andrey, and delivers a lot of positive emotions.


Andrei does not hide his family and her life from television cameras. In an interview, he tells with pleasure how a joint evening with friends became the starting point in relations with his future wife, Ulyana. The Petrovs were able to carry the spark that arose when they met after seventeen years living together. Their marriage is not registered, but this does not affect family happiness in any way.

Andrey's relationship with his wife is special. It's very difficult to understand. How hot-tempered Ulyana and calm, temperamental Andrey get along together. After all There are practically no quarrels in the family. They go out before they start. The leader treats his wife not only as a spouse, but also as a critic, strict and objective, whose opinion always corresponds to reality.

Only the man works in the family. Ulyana had to leave her job after the birth of her child. There are two children in the family. Son and daughter.

Many expect the Petrov family to live some kind of supernatural life. They are disappointed. As Andrew himself says, not alien to ordinary walks in the park or shopping. The time of joint rest is valued in the family. Despite the hectic schedule, Andrei tries to take an active part in the lives of children. He does not miss a single matinee or parent meeting.

pumped up lips, women's clothing and bright makeup are the main attributes of the new stars of the Russian Instagram. The attention of subscribers from all over the country is no longer riveted to beauties leading beauty blogs, mothers of many children who are losing weight and celebrities - the expanses of the Internet have passed into the power of androgynes.

Young men who look like girls gather all the advertisers around them, willingly give beauty advice, make-up lessons and shock the public. However, with each new ten subscribers, the number of humiliating insults and even threats that bloggers are forced to read on their page also increases. F hen-like youths spread rot and offer to deal with them in a dark alley.

Newly-minted Instagram stars also suffer harassment outside of social networks. Relatives disown Russian freaks, and on the street they hear condemning whispers behind their backs. Life contacted three of the most famous androgynes and found out what price they had to pay for their ideas of beauty and the popularity that suddenly fell on their shoulders.

Andrey Petrov. 343 thousand subscribers

Muscovite Andrey Petrov will turn 20 on September 1, but he is already known on the Web and has made several plastic surgery. The young man regularly uses cosmetics, paints his eyes and lips, and also maintains a video blog on YouTube and Instagram. As it turned out, the Internet is the only source of income for the young man, but he does not complain about income and advertises beauty novelties with pleasure. Nevertheless, the extravagant image of the metropolitan freak was the reason why the whole family turned away from Andrei.

My development into who I am today has been gradual since my birth, to be precise. The society in which I was, the Internet in which I was sitting, made me so, and I am grateful to everyone and everything for these changes, because this is exactly what I always wanted, Andrey Petrov shared with Life. - My daily makeup takes me about two hours. If I'm in a hurry somewhere, then an hour, but in the end, as usual, I screw up and another hour will repaint my eyebrows and wash off the mascara printed on my eyelids, because I was trying to quickly make up my eyelashes.

According to the blogger, he wears cosmetics and Everyday life. Petrov believes that the main objective his career is to promote freedom from prejudice and stereotypes. In addition, he sincerely feels sorry for his relatives, of whom only his cousin continues to communicate with him.

I love cosmetics, and cosmetics loves me, we have complete mutual understanding, and there can be no boundaries in our relationship, I do make-up outside the Internet too. Yes, there are negative comments, and most of them, thousands of negative comments a day are pouring on my photos and videos on Instagram and YouTube - everywhere, including life off the Internet. I am neutral to such comments, because most people on this planet are just a stupid mountain of meat, I understood this a long time ago and put up with it. From my relatives good relationship only with my cousin, and my friends are all as cool and strong as me, we never quarrel, except perhaps because of lipstick.

Andrei claims that his relatives did not even try to understand him, like many of his peers. However, according to the young man, only his own life is important to him.

Maybe my relatives would like to support me, but it's too difficult for them, so no. After all, it is easier to live without understanding anything. Hundreds of thousands of my peers and contemporaries say the same, my case is not the only one, unfortunately. I think it's because of the patterns in my head. When a person lives for decades eyes closed, trying to suddenly open them after a colossal amount of time is too difficult. Maybe they will understand me if they try, but it takes time. Fortunately for me and for society, my popularity is growing. I only blog on YouTube and my "instagram", and this is my main activity. By the way, taking selfies is not an easy job, maybe even the same as working as a miner if the number of selfies exceeds thousands.

Alexey Zhidkovsky. 119 thousand subscribers

St. Petersburg blogger Alexey Zhidkovsky is a frequent guest at social events in the Northern capital. A 20-year-old young man visits the best restaurants in St. Petersburg with friends, has many fans and appears on the pages of glossy magazines with enviable regularity. Nevertheless, Zhidkovsky's provocative videos, in which he gives advice to girls, have long been the main hits of Instagram. According to Alexei, he developed his own style while still at school, but the unusual image does not prevent him from maintaining warm relations with relatives and friends.

I studied at public school with in-depth study in English, where an exclusively conservative business style of dress was encouraged, that is, a jacket, a starched shirt and arrows on slightly fitted trousers, of course, this whole ensemble had to be in dark shades, well, pastel-colored shirts, in a word, “pretentiousness is a fight!”, Alexey told Life. - On the one hand, modestly and tastefully, but, on the other hand, the feeling was that everyone came out from under the same conveyor, the differences were only in the cut, the quality of the shoes and the materials used in the suit. Of course, there was still room for the manifestation of individuality in the form of ties, bow ties, briefcases, but this was not too close to me.

According to the young man, he began to wear jewelry and use makeup to stand out from his classmates.

Over time, I began to think about how it would be possible to dilute the everyday appearance and give the routine a brighter look. The tie gradually changed to minimalist brooches and necklaces, and the strict top to jackets with massive buttons, which remained in the same classic category, but looked much more elegant. Of course, at first it caused a slight note of bewilderment for everyone, but over time they got used to it. During the high school period, from about the 9th to the 11th, when the school management no longer paid much attention to appearance, and more baked for passing exams, the time has come for some youthful maximalism, expressed in rather defiant, pretentious wardrobes, whether it be a hot pink jacket or flared trousers. Based on this, I can say that the image was formed throughout the youth, passing at the desk, emerging within the walls of school conservatism and modernizing over the years.

Like Andrei Petrov, Alexei also uses cosmetics in everyday life, and treats criticism condescendingly, attributing the negative to the fact that he does not fit into the framework of human stereotypes.

Putting myself in order takes me about two and a half hours, this includes styling and contouring the face. In real life, I look exactly the same as in the video. I react to negativity and insults absolutely calmly. We should not forget that we live in post-Soviet Russia, yes, we have freedom of expression and the right to choose, but still, if you do not fit into the mold and do not fit into the framework of human stereotypes, then there are two reactions: either stormy delight, or angry indignation - something neutral does not happen. Therefore, in my opinion, everything should be treated with a light dose of humor. In addition, relatives and friends are absolutely calm about my vision of myself. We only live once, and I believe that we have every right to be realized in any direction.

By the way, according to Zhidkovsky, he does not consider himself a blogger, but social media perceives only as a public diary of his life.

I cannot call myself a blogger, this status is rather attributed to me by the public. My profile is my diary, where in most cases a sarcastic vision of the world is expressed, which is either shared or not. I do not hold fan meetings and gatherings, because I consider this outright idiotic, I do not conduct daily vlogs about my life, thematic polls, I do not share my favorites of the week or anything extremely personal. Have something to write? Writing. Not? So no.

Vlad Miros. 57 thousand subscribers

Vlad, 17, is one of the few freaks on Instagram who doesn't wear lipstick and eyelashes when he's shopping. The young man wears a wig, draws eyebrows and paints his eyes only when he decides to record another provocative video. However, even in everyday life, a young man is easy to distinguish from an ordinary Moscow passer-by: his Instagram is full of videos and photos from walks, where he and his friends dance in the subway and fool around on the street. Nevertheless, despite his young age, Vlad already has his own business: the young man calls himself the owner of three clothing boutiques. The metropolitan freak leads a video blog only for his own fun.

I already knew what I wanted to do for a long time, so it took me an hour or two to create my image. I almost don’t know how to do make-up, so I paint only beautiful Caucasian eyebrows and lips. But I use makeup only for videos, in everyday life I go without makeup. I am for natural beauty! - Vlad Miros shared with Life. - They don't write a lot of negative comments to me, 40 percent out of 100. For me, this is not enough, I thought that there would be much more. I react absolutely normally to them, each person has his own opinion, let them write. By the way, all my relatives and friends are calm about my image, the only thing is that sometimes they get tired of me, because I get into the role too much. Blogging is not my main profession. I have three clothing stores that I own - fur coats, shoes, lingerie. Sometimes I work on my Instagram, but this is an indirect income, freelance.


The composer's father, Pavel Platonovich, was a surgeon, and his mother, Olga Petrovna, was an artist. During the Great Patriotic War the whole family was evacuated to Siberia. There, the future musician became interested in literature, began to compose stories, and independently illustrated them.

In addition, Andrei Petrov began to write a novel. The Petrov family returned to their native Leningrad in 1944. And a year later, the young man decided that he would be a composer. Andrey Petrov was inspired by such thoughts from the film about Johann Strauss "The Great Waltz".

Andrey Petrov devoted four years music school named after Rimsky-Korsakov, who graduated in 1949, and five years later the newly minted musician had a diploma from the Leningrad State Conservatory. There he studied composition with Orest Alexandrovich Evlakhov.

The work of the composer Petrov

The composer's work is multifaceted. He wrote a number of popular melodies for various films, as well as music for songs and romances. And besides this, Andrei Pavlovich composed works of academic music - these are ballets, symphonies, operas and instrumental concerts. Since 1995 he has been a member of the Union of Composers. For many years he was listed as the chairman of the board of the Leningrad branch of the Union of Composers of the Soviet Union. Up until 1991. Many domestic films owe their rather long screen life to the music of Andrey Petrov.

He declared himself as a composer, Andrei Pavlovich brightly - in the Great Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic symphonic poem titled "Radda and Loiko". Later, the ballet "Coast of Hope" was staged at the Kirov Opera and Ballet Theater to the music of the composer. By the way, all the major musical and stage works of Andrei Petrov took place on the stage of this theater.

Andrey Petrov. Music genius for everyone

Later, the composer's interest shifted to film music and song for many years. In a short period of time, Andrei Pavlovich became recognized master, and his music for the films "I'm walking around Moscow", "Amphibian Man", "Beware of the car", "Song of a friend", " blue cities' has become internationally popular.

In 1967 Andrey Petrov composed and staged the operetta We Want to Dance. Later, he again turned to this genre, and together with his daughter Olga created musicals. For example, " Captain's daughter for the Boston Conservatory, The Blue Bird for the Rock Opera Theatre.

Wide recognition came to the composer after works for musical theater. First of all, this is a ballet based on the drawings of Jean Effel "Creation of the World". The ballet was staged on dozens of domestic and foreign stages. The orchestral fragments from The Creation of the World were combined by the author into suites. They entered the permanent repertoire of the Philharmonic.

Andrey Petrov came to the opera later. In 1975 he wrote "Peter the Great". This was followed by the opera extravaganza "Mayakovsky Begins" and the ballet "Pushkin". Three compositions are combined into a musical stage cycle, which is dedicated to the great sons of Russia.

Then again symphonic opuses. This is a violin concerto, a piano concerto, as well as a fantastic symphony "The Master and Margarita". And again, pop songs and plays, and film music. They sound in films Love affair at work», « Cruel romance”, “Autumn Marathon”, “Say a word about the poor hussar” and the television series “Petersburg Secrets”. In total, Andrey Petrov wrote music for more than 80 films.

People's Artist of the USSR, composer Andrey Petrov

The works of Andrei Petrov are very different, reflecting the bright and dramatic sides of reality, and are combined into a kind of organic whole.


Andrei Petrov was repeatedly awarded for creativity and talent. The composer received the first prize in 1967. The USSR State Prize was awarded for the songs that the author wrote in 1965 and 1965. These are “Song about my father”, “Song about a friend”, “Blue cities”, “On the barrow” and “I walk around Moscow”.

In 1976, Andrei Petrov also received the State Prize of the USSR for the opera Peter the Great.

The next prize replenished Andrey Petrov's piggy bank only in 1992. The composer received the Nika film award for the music for the film Promised Heaven. Three years later, the State Prize followed. Russian Federation in the field of art and literature. This time the maestro was awarded for the piano concerto and the fantasy symphony The Master and Margarita. In 1997, Andrei Petrov received two awards at once. For merits in the national cinema "Golden Aries" and a prize for contribution to cinema at the fifth film festival "Vivat Cinema of Russia!". In 1998, the Golden Ostap award was in the musician's pocket. And in 1999, the Prize of the President of Russia in the field of art and literature, and the Nika film award for the musical accompaniment of the film Khrustalev, car!

Andrey Petrov's family

All his life Andrei Petrov lived with Natalya Efimovna Petrova, who is a year older than the composer. In marriage, in 1956, a daughter, Olga, was born. Now she is a composer and even co-authored several works with her famous father.

Andrey Petrov - Music from films

Andrei Petrov passed away on February 15, 2006. The composer was buried in St. Petersburg at the Volkovskoye cemetery in the museum-necropolis "Literary Bridges".


The All-Russian competition of composers named after Andrey Petrov is held annually in autumn. It begins on the composer's birthday, the second of September. The competition was founded by the Philharmonic Society, the Union of Composers of St. Petersburg, the Russian Authors' Society and the Petersburg Heritage and Perspective Foundation. And the chairman of the jury is the composer Andrey Eshpay.

The first competition of composers named after Petrov was held in 2007 and began on the Literary Mostki of the Volkovsky cemetery. It took place as part of the festival "Honorary Citizens of St. Petersburg". In the same year, a tombstone was opened on the grave of Andrei Petrov, and in Peter and Paul Fortress organized a concert in memory of the composer. Opened the competition Great Hall Philharmonic named after Shostakovich. The awards and gala concert took place on September 9, 2007.

Andrey Petrov's garden was created in St. Petersburg on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt. It is located between the 26th and 28th houses. It was this piece of land that was considered a construction gap in the 90s of the last century, and in 2001 it was taken under construction. The garden was landscaped by the townspeople and personally by Andrey Petrov. On January 29, 2007, the square was named after the composer. A year later, it was reconstructed and landscaped. Here, the widow of Andrey Petrov, Natalia Efimovna, could not do without the help. And the author of the architectural concept of the square was A. Trumm. A fountain was placed in the garden sculptural composition titled "First Violin". These are eight sculptures that symbolize the mission of the composer. The square was reopened in summer 2008 after reconstruction. There are plans to hold concerts here. music competitions and festivals.

One of the oldest music schools city ​​on the Neva - number 2 - was named after Andrei Petrov in 2007. In the same year, the Government of St. Petersburg issued a decree establishing the Andrey Petrov Scholarship. It is received by students of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions where specialists in the field of music are trained.

In 2010, the book “Your Andrey Petrov. Composer in the memoirs of contemporaries. It came out on the 80th anniversary of the composer's birth. It was written on the basis of meetings and conversations between ITAR-TASS columnist Oleg Serdobolsky and friends, colleagues and relatives of the musician. The publication received the Golden Pen-2010 award.

One of the minor planets is named after Andrey Petrov

The host of "Morning Russia" Andrey Petrov and his wife Ulyana - about the difficulties of raising children and the joys family life.


was born: February 10, 1974 in Moscow
education: medical school, faculty of public administration of the Moscow Institute of Social Relations
food: Korean dishes. Well, cakes, of course.
book: "Deniska's stories" Dragunsky
movie: I love the films of Ryazanov and Zakharov
children: Igor - 13 years old, Inna - 4 years old


was born: October 9, 1974 in Moscow
education: Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University
career: radio host, host of the RBC television company, "Morning of Russia" ("Russia 1")
food: everything that tastes good
books: I like to reread Dovlatov
movie: "The same Munchausen" by Mark Zakharov

- Recently passed a series of holidays. What are the most favorite and important for your family?
Andrei: Day of acquaintance, for example. We met 17 years ago on March 12 at a mutual friends birthday party. I liked Ulyana right away. I didn’t waste time - I spent it at home.
- Ulyana, what did Andrey conquer you with?
Ulyana: With Petrov, everything was always wrong. On our first goodbye date, he kissed me not on the cheek, but on the nose. Then he didn’t call for a couple of days and to the question: “Why don’t you call?” replied: "I'm taking a break." So he rather did not conquer me, but surprised me. Then Andrei drove a “penny”, the doors opened on the turns, the wipers did not work, and in winter we moved like in a tank - on instruments. Only Petrov's car could break down at the gates of the maternity hospital, when he came to pick up my daughter and me.
- And how quickly did Andrei surprise you with an offer to marry him?
W.: In this he is also original - he has not yet made an offer. More precisely, we never found a reason to go to the registry office ...
- And you don't hurry Andrey?
BUT.: Ulyana sometimes asks when I will marry her. I answer: "Soon."
W.: It's my mom who asks me all the time. When her daughter was born, she said to Andrei: “Now you definitely have to marry Ulyana.” To which he replied: “Who needs her now with two children ?!”
- What is the name of the children?
BUT.: Petrovs.
– Are you one of those couples where opposites converge or vice versa?
W.: We have different temperaments. Andrew is calm and gentle. I am explosive. However, he knows how to turn the conflict into a joke.
BUT.: The main thing is that we agree in our views on life.
- Psychologists talk about crises of family life in a year, 7 years, 14. Have you encountered this?
BUT.: Crises bypassed us, perhaps because we struggled with difficulties as they came, they were never hushed up. With the birth of children, responsibilities shared by themselves - whoever is free, he does what is necessary.
- Ulyana, remember how they told Andrei that you were expecting a baby?
W.: I do not remember. Somehow everything happened on the rise.
BUT.: It was amazing with my daughter. Resting in Egypt, we went on an excursion to Luxor. There is a stone scarab beetle on a pillar in the temple. According to the legend, to get pregnant, you need to go around it seven times. For the sake of fun, we did 20 laps. After the vacation, Ulya says: she ate something in her tummy over the summer. I began to do hard exercises - it doesn’t go away!
W.: I am a doctor by training, but here I didn’t even suspect anything. I thought I got sick. I checked, and there is this miracle - my daughter!
Is Andrey a good dad?
W.: Highly. When the children were small, he always got up, swaddled, fed, walked. Now not a single matinee in the daughter's garden will be missed. My son has a meeting at school.
BUT.: With my first child, it was scary and difficult. I remember they put Igor on the bed, we look - what should we do with him next? It's easier with my daughter. Brought from the hospital - and off we go ...
- Ulyana, you had no desire to go to work?
W.: When the eldest was growing up, I even went to an interview. But still I realized that I could not work half and be a mother half.
BUT.: I think it makes no sense to go to earn money in order to give this money to a nanny.
- But if the wife still wants a career, won't you convince her?
BUT.: No, each of us has decided how it will be. But I don't think she wants to...
- Ulyana, cooking is completely on your shoulders?
BUT.: Yes, on her. Behind me is hard work - bring it, give it, move away, don't interfere! I also love going to the store with my daughter.
- Do you spend weekends together?
BUT.: Yes. And we go shopping general cleaning we do and organize repairs. And we walk. Near the house there is a great park. In general, there are so many pleasant moments in family life. The daughter wrote the clumsy letter E - happiness. I drew even rays of the sun - good. We have a large panel on the wall, assembled from infant drawings of a son and daughter. We do not wait for the holidays, or rather, we organize them ourselves. Ulya baked a cake, stuck candles, blew out, clapped - cheers! Why cheers? have a nice day, the fact that everyone has fun.
Weekdays, Russia 1, Morning of Russia
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Photo by Sergei MILANSKY, from the personal archive

It often seems to us that famous people live somehow special, super-saturated and super interesting. They don’t go shopping, they don’t walk in the nearest park… They don’t have everyday troubles (taking their children to school, for example), and they live in another world…

And how calm it becomes when it turns out that, nevertheless, famous people are not celestials, but quite ordinary individuals! Probably, this is how you can characterize the charming TV presenter, who every day on the air says: “Hello, I'm Andrey Petrov, and the program “Morning of Russia” is with you.

Television career

This forty-year-old Muscovite (Andrey Petrov was born in 1974) always wanted to be a TV presenter. Therefore, the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University is not a random choice. But before the proposal to become the host of the morning broadcast, there was work on the radio. Interesting from the point of view of gaining experience, but not the one he dreamed of all his life. Therefore, when the management of the Novosti Online radio station closed the project, there was no global disappointment. Moreover, the editor-in-chief of the radio station made patronage to his colleagues on various radio and television channels. So Andrei got on television as a correspondent for the RBC channel. And so began his career in television. After some time, the young correspondent was noticed, and now Andrei Petrov is a TV presenter of one of the largest channels.

Radio. Tribute to early career

Work on television for Andrey is not the only one. Paying tribute to the radio, from which it all began in his professional life, the journalist works on the air of the Chanson radio station. After a busy and stormy work on television, the opportunity to sit in a small room of a radio studio without makeup and spotlights is a kind of relaxation and switching, because Andrey Petrov, the host of Morning of Russia, does not just read the text written by the editors. Its task is to tell about news and events in such a way that during the preparation for work a person highlights and remembers the information he needs. The program is early. And how can you do this if you already have to be in the studio at four in the morning? Rise at 3 am, shower and a cup of tea, the way to work... And there are already texts, make-up artists, colleagues, guests. Such a regime is difficult to sustain. It takes willpower and healthy lifestyle life.

But to say that radio is secondary is impossible. Andrey treats any work professionally and, as they say, honestly. Only by repeatedly checking the information, you can give it out on the air. Both viewers and listeners are accustomed to trust the words of the presenter.

The tip of the iceberg

In one of the interviews, Andrey was asked about leadership in the team that produces the program. "The TV presenter is just the tip of the iceberg," he replied. There is no need to assert yourself in front of colleagues when you are a professional, and also recognize professionalism in others.

Of course, there are failures or unforeseen situations on the air, but that's the task of the presenter to quickly orient and correct someone's mistake. In addition, the editor who wrote the text or questions for the guest of the program does not have the opportunity to spend at least 10-15 minutes with this person in order to understand him. Therefore, the presenter often has to restructure questions, literally force them to fully answer them, because simple “yes” and “no” are of no interest to anyone.

Morning program - a boost of energy

It is thanks to the charm and ease of the presenter that the program acquires its own face. And we can safely say that for viewers Andrei Petrov is the morning of Russia. His voice and smile, questions and comments tune in to a certain perception of information. It is he, the presenter, who should talk about politics and medicine, space and economics in an accessible way.

Actually, such a variety of tasks attracts. Andrey Petrov admits that he loves his work, and interest in it does not decrease with time. Every day new meetings with people who cannot be casual acquaintances. This opportunity to communicate with representatives different professions- one of the bonuses of the TV presenter. It is unlikely that anyone will have the opportunity to talk with an astronaut or a historian, government officials and participants in various shows. And "Morning of Russia" is just such a versatile program. Even its format changes periodically. And leaders have to adapt. It's one thing to communicate with the audience and guests sitting on the studio sofa, and quite another - standing. Here, in addition to control over words and facial expressions, control over the whole body is also added - posture, neatness from head to toe, restraint and gestures.

Comedy Good Morning by Paramount Film Company

Director Roger Mitchell directed Good Morning, a film about the behind-the-scenes life of a morning-on-air program. The film has everything: low ratings, a snob TV presenter, and close people of the program employees ... It turned out to be a funny story about life around one morning show.

All hosts of the Morning of Russia program were invited to dub the film in Russian. Of course, it is impossible to refuse such an offer. Finding yourself inside the same program, but American television, is very interesting and instructive. Andrey Petrov admits that this experience allowed him to look at his profession from the outside, to appreciate the patience and endurance of loved ones even more, because when you devote yourself entirely to work, your relatives may be on the sidelines. It was this role that Andrei got on the voice acting.

Andrey Petrov. Personal life

About families famous people usually talk a lot. Everyone is interested in the other side of the coin, and not just professional life. Andrei Petrov, whose wife provides the rear, is an excellent family man. Andrei and Ulyana have been together for more than 17 years, they are raising two children, although their marriage is not officially registered. This is the rare case when the two found each other and achieved absolute trust. In one of the interviews, Andrei said with a smile that they could not find a reason to register a marriage.

The TV presenter also told the story of acquaintance more than once. Andrey and Ulyana ended up in the same company at a friend's birthday celebration. All evening Andrei entertained a new acquaintance, and then volunteered to take her home. The acquaintance continued a few days later, and after a couple of months, Andrei and Ulyana began to live together.

Different temperaments - the basis of a strong family

Now Andrei calls his wife the most severe critic. Spouses are very different characters and perceive information in different ways. Ulyana gives an objective assessment professional activity And Andrew appreciates this unbiased opinion. In their family life there is no place for disputes and strife. The quick-tempered Ulyana is balanced by the calm and good-natured Andrei, all disagreements are quickly resolved. The dispute subsides, so plainly and not having time to start.

Andrey Petrov is not shy to admit that he is trying to carry out free time with children and wife. His stories about joint walks in the park near the house or about shopping trips sound somewhat mundane. But this is the charm - to work in such a way that the family is happy. And enjoy every minute spent together.

Children - responsibility and love

Before the birth of the children, Ulyana worked in her specialty (she is a doctor), but the appearance of her son set priorities: leaving Igor for a nanny turned out to be more difficult than giving up work. Therefore, now Ulyana is a happy housewife, busy raising two children.

According to the spouses, they did not specifically plan the birth of heirs. The appearance of the eldest son was the beginning of a new life: getting up, swaddling, feeding, walking. And Andrei helped his wife in everything, supported, as far as possible replaced her in the chores of caring for her son.

When the daughter Inna was born, the couple were already experienced parents, and daily worries were not so disturbing.

Now that the kids are older, Andrei tries not to miss matinees in kindergarten and parent meetings at the school. Finding out how your children live is a pleasant parental responsibility.

In life there is always a place for a holiday

Andrei Petrov, whose biography is not full of ups and downs, calls himself a homebody, because he strives to go home, to his wife and children, always and everywhere. Unfortunately, a well-known TV presenter happens to stay late at work or work on weekends. Petrovs can be called the phrase "in life there is always a place for a holiday." All together they try to organize celebrations more often, even if without a reason. A joint vacation in this family is highly valued, because it brings only positive emotions.

We can say that Andrei is not looking far into the future. But the confidence that tomorrow will be better than yesterday does not leave the leading morning air. And this can be learned from him.