Step by step gouache drawings. Gouache drawing lessons: watch video online

Gouache is an excellent material for beginning artists. This is due to the fact that it is relatively inexpensive and it is not so difficult to use it in work, and you can draw light children's pictures beautifully with strokes. What is gouache made from? It contains glue pigments with the addition of white. Most often, paint is sold in small jars. You can find sets consisting of six, nine and twelve colors.

Learning to draw landscapes. Gouache painting drawing: history and features of paint. step by step explanation

Gouache became known in the eleventh century. Since that time, it has been widely used by artists around the world.

At buying gouache be sure to pay attention to production date. The paint must be fresh, in which case the drawing process will give you pleasure, and the result will surely please you. To work with gouache, experts advise using synthetic brushes. If the paint is thick, get bristle brushes.

In gouache technique, as a rule, white paper is used. In addition, you can paint on tinted cardboard, pre-finished wood or canvas.

To start drawing, prepare water, as gouache is a water-soluble paint. Brushes should be thoroughly washed while working on creating a drawing. The missing shades can be mixed in a plastic palette, which is familiar to us from childhood from drawing lessons at school. The materials described above can be bought at an office supply store or in a specialized department for artists.

Some masters prefer to draw pencil drawing under paint. Note that it may not be done very accurately. Gouache lays down in a dense layer and it is thanks to this property that the drawing on the sheet will be well painted over and invisible to the eye.

To find the desired thickness of paint, you need to experiment with the amount of water. If you want to get liquid paint - we recommend adding more water. But keep in mind that in this case there will be a small amount of pigment in the paint and the paint layer will become transparent like watercolor when it dries, and a pencil sketch will be visible through it.

The paint mixed on the palette should be consistency of liquid sour cream. Focus on this example, it will greatly simplify the process of work.

Gallery: gouache flowers (25 photos)

Positive and negative characteristics of gouache paints:

disadvantages not so much. Among them, the following are especially worth highlighting:

  • After drying, the color of the paint fades a little. Consider this factor while drawing.
  • Surely everyone is familiar with the situation when, after completing work on a drawing, paint remains on the hands. This is due to the fact that gouache is a little smeared. Be careful not to stain yourself and your clothes.

A short master class on getting started with gouache:

Beautiful gouache drawing: materials and steps, step by step drawing

We draw gouache flowers in stages: a master class on creating a drawing step by step

During the warm season the world blooms. Nature is changing, beautiful flowers appear, bright colors and sunlight. The state of nature is transmitted to man, there is a desire to draw, to create objects of art.

If you want it right and easy draw sunflowers in a vase we advise you to follow a simple circuit. To begin with, using a pencil, draw the general direction of the stem and leaves. Then draw each petal individually and mark its core. Let us draw your attention to the fact that all the petals are completely different. Therefore, give this stage more time, try to draw each petal different from the other.

Sunflower leaves are slightly folded. Do not draw them flat and straight. Show your imagination, try to create a composition close to reality.

From the article you will learn how to paint flowers with gouache, create picturesque rural and mountain landscapes. At the end given helpful tips, which will help to facilitate the work and perform it as accurately as possible.

The content of the article:

It's nice to look at the paintings created by the artists. Many people like to admire the canvases, mentally transport themselves to where the plot takes place. But not everyone knows that if you wish, you can become a painter and create canvases for yourself, your family, and give them to friends. If you like this kind of creativity, it will be possible to transfer stories to canvas, then this activity can be profitable if you sell paintings. Therefore, let's draw, and perhaps this activity will captivate and enjoy it so much that it will become your favorite hobby and even a source of income.

How to draw flowers with gouache

This is one of the most effective types of paint. The paintings made in this technique look voluminous and look great. Sometimes a pencil sketch is made first, then the contours are painted over - first dark elements are made, then lighter ones.

If you need to draw a landscape in which the sky occupies most of it, then its background is written using the fill method, and then the details are drawn.

If you want to reproduce these poppies on canvas, start the drawing by creating a background. For work you will need:

  • gouache;
  • palette;
  • paper for watercolor or gouache;
  • brushes;
  • rag;
  • a jar of water.
By adding a little blue to green paint, you get emerald. You can mix colors by adhering to the following palette. The photo shows which paints to use to get the desired color.

So, before depicting flowers with gouache, starting from the upper right corner, retouch a sheet of paper with direct diagonal movements, not reaching the bottom. Here, paint it with light green paint.

Now mix green and yellow colors in the palette, draw a few light blades of grass in the foreground of the canvas. Add yellow highlights. Watch the video at the end of the article, which shows you step by step how to draw gouache flowers.

Now, in the palette cell, mix white paint with a small amount of emerald and add some light highlights on the canvas.

Now make a light pink paint, adding a little white to the red, and with a thin brush, apply highlights to the flowers.

For watercolor painting, you can use different brushes, each of them has its own number. The thicker the brush, the higher the number. Volumetric wide brushes are used to draw the background, thin ones are used to depict small details.

Next, you need to mix green and white paint to paint the buds and petals. Now draw the core of the poppy in black. Add some green to the white paint and paint highlights on the buds and stems.

Here's how to draw flowers in gouache to make them look as realistic as possible. With the help of this paint, picturesque paintings are also created.

How easy it is to draw a winter landscape with gouache

For beginners, such a drawing should not cause difficulties, since it is very easy to create.

For work, take:

  • a set of artistic gouache, consisting of 12 colors;
  • A 3 format sheet;
  • 2 flat boar bristle brushes No. 9 and 18;
  • palette;
  • a jar of water.
Mix blue paint with some white paint. Retouch the background with horizontal movements using a wide brush.

A palette knife is used to apply thick paint to the canvas, as well as to mix and clean the palette. With it, the paint is applied with relief or even strokes.

This is the tool you will need to draw the mountains. If you do not have a palette knife, then replace it with a small dull knife. You can adapt the most unusual items, for example, use a slightly sharpened ice cream stick, make a palette knife from an old business card holder.

Mix purple, blue and white paint. From right to left diagonally, apply several confident strokes on the canvas. The paint in this place should lie in a thick layer. Let it dry and apply over the white. Then continue to paint the landscape with gouache.

Now mix dark green and purple and with the resulting paint on the left side of the canvas, draw spruces. To do this, make horizontal strokes with a large flat brush, at the bottom they should be longer than at the top. Draw the tops of the trees.

Next, with the help of whitewash, make them snowy. Also draw white clouds in the background. On the right, you can depict another Christmas tree. At the bottom along the line of mountains, draw the outlines of the forest and create snowdrifts in the foreground with white paint. She will also help to draw them in the center of the landscape.

Here's how to paint with gouache so that you get such a picturesque canvas. If you like the theme of mountains, you can create some more landscapes by first doing a pencil sketch.

How to draw a landscape step by step

If you have never done this before, then you can enlarge the presented pencil drawing, attach a sheet of paper to it and simply redraw it.

Here we see all the necessary outlines:

The easiest way to start painting a landscape with gouache is from the top of the sheet. Focusing on the contours of the pencil, color the sky blue.

Clouds draw with whitewash. Apply a few strokes of the same light paint so that white highlights appear in the sky.

You will need a brown tone for the mountains, make some green strokes here to paint the vegetation.

Using the same paint, depict a meadow. Dark green strokes will fall on the canvas in the form of bushes. The same paint will help draw the stems of plants, you will depict flowers with yellow.

How to draw nature in gouache

We will also start creating nature with a pencil sketch. To simplify the task, also attach a paper sheet to the screen and redraw. Now in green depict the forest in the center and left in the background. While this paint dries a little, apply blue to the sky and the flowing river.

Apply a light green tone to the lower part of the forest. Now let's work with yellow paint. With this tone, gild the tops of the trees and the lower part of the forest on the left.

Cover some trees with dark green paint, as shown in the photo. When it dries, apply a yellow, light green tone to make the painted trees more realistic.

Paint the coastal stones dark purple, then apply gray and crimson tones here. Add small details to the trees, and the gouache painting, depicted in stages, is ready.

You can beautifully draw a landscape by watching the video. Step by step lesson help you create a different picture.

Rural landscape in gouache

Here is what you get as a result of the work. But first you need to work a little. Paint the sky with blue, white and burgundy paint. Mix it right on the sheet by adding water.

While this part of the drawing dries, wash the brush. She needs to draw the trees located in the background and the ground. Draw a tree trunk with dark brown paint, and twigs with a thin brush.

But what is a rural landscape without rural houses? Draw them in the background using orange, black and brown.

You will create the foliage next interesting method. Take a brush with round bristles, dip it in yellow, burgundy, green colors and, tapping on paper, draw foliage.

Draw the flowers in the same way, but with the help of paint of red, yellow, pink colors.

You've got a colorful rustic landscape that will decorate the wall in the room or will be the right gift. You have learned how to paint with gouache. In conclusion, check out some useful tips to help you do it correctly and accurately.

When using gouache, follow these tips:
  • Gouache is sold in tubes and small jars. Get it in the package that you like best.
  • It is not necessary to buy many flowers at once. The main thing is to purchase the necessary ones: white, blue, black, yellow, red, brown. Some others you can create by mixing these paints.
  • Before applying colors to the canvas, even if you don't mix gouache, apply it to the palette first. So you will not be mistaken in color and you can make paints of the desired density by adding the required amount of water.
  • If gouache cracks, add a little gum arabic to it and stir well.
  • Before applying additional layers of paint on top of the first or lower ones, wait until they dry.
  • Since gouache is water-based, when you're done, the paint will dry, then varnish it. It is better to work each color separately, rinsing the brush well, which will absorb the paint.
Watch video tutorials on how to paint flowers and landscapes with gouache:

After learning useful tips, reading about how to paint flowers, landscapes with gouache, you can create amazing pictures with this paint and enjoy spending your leisure time doing an interesting activity.

Gouache flowers in stages for children from 5 years old. Master class with step by step photo

Master class in gouache painting from 5 years old "Flowers for Mom"

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Lecturer, Municipal Budgetary educational institution additional education children "Children's art school named after A. A. Bolshakov, city of Velikie Luki, Pskov region.
Description: the master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, teachers of additional education.
Purpose: interior decoration, gift for spring holidays, drawing for exhibitions and competitions.
Target: creation of a flower composition in gouache technique.
- to teach children free experimentation with color, the ability to create flower arrangements from strokes of various directions and amplitudes;
- exercise in working with gouache, working with a brush with all the pile and its tip;
- to cultivate interest in the traditions and customs of the native land.

Good health, dear friends and guests!
Spring is coming soon, the winter slumber and night will be replaced by the freshness of a spring morning, Life will begin to emerge, with each new blade of grass revived, with each new petal of a fragrant flower, with a radiant riot of greenery around, the gentle, mysterious, alluring Female Soul, as a symbol and personification of the continuation of Life, Motherhood, Care, Warmth and Affection.
You may ask why soon, because it is already March, and we have already celebrated Women's Day?
In fact, the real spring is still on the way and its arrival falls between March 20 and 21 at various times of the day or night, according to the solar cycle. The holiday of the arrival of spring is called the day of the spring equinox. The Yarilo-sun melts the snow, everything around begins to gain Life and Strength. Popular beliefs attribute the creation of the world and the first man to the month of March, and therefore New Year they met in March, they called this month "birch", because in March they begin to fill with birch sap, in March they release their first buds.

The establishment of Christianity in Russia did not soon change this ancient custom - to start the New Year in March, during this period the Slavs celebrated Komoyeditsy - a real Russian Maslenitsa.
In addition to meeting Spring and celebrating the beginning of the New Year, the Slavic Bear God was also revered on this day. There is an opinion that in ancient times the Slavs called the bear Kom (hence the saying "the first pancake to the koms", that is, the bears). That's why early morning, before breakfast, with songs, dances and jokes, the villagers carried "pancake sacrifices" (pancakes baked for the holiday) into the forest to the Bear God and laid them out on stumps.
There was another custom. Early in the morning, near the temple and at the crossroads, people scattered grain. This was done so that the Navi, who took the form of forty, ate grain and did not interfere with the holiday. Hot pancakes and pies, oatmeal jelly, honey, kvass and snacks were placed on tables covered with a tablecloth. The treat was divided into five parts, the fifth part was placed in an open place near the Holy Fire. This part was intended for deceased relatives.

And so it was in fact for many thousands of years in the glorious past of our Great Slavic-Aryan civilization, when the holiday of spring was celebrated precisely during the awakening of nature itself, which gave new life around, including us humans.
This day is a turning point - the night is getting shorter and shorter, and the day is getting longer and longer. Spring, personifying the revival and revival of nature, comes to replace Winter.
For many millennia, March 22, our ancestors had the day of the goddess Vesta (from the word VEST), the goddess of Spring, who is called the patroness of the renewing world, it is she who controls the arrival of Spring on Earth and the awakening of the nature of our Earth. It was the day of the Goddess Vesta that was considered the original Russian holiday - Women's Day.

In connection with the awakening of Mother Earth, the fragrance of spring grasses, the multicolored wild flowers, many legends and tales have been composed, carefully passed from mouth to mouth by our ancestors and ancestors.
One of the legends tells about a beautiful and cheerful god, the god of light, the patron of fire, Kupala. They say that Kupala can appear in front of people not only on the day of his holiday, more precisely on the night, which is popularly called the night of Kupala.
Kupala also appears on other days, but mainly in summer, when it is lighter and warmer. Most of all, Kupala loves light, because he creates it himself from forest flowers, from the leaves of young trees, from moss. There is more light in summer because flowers and leaves are everywhere. In winter, less, and sometimes not at all. The fact is that Kupala prepares winter light even when it is warm in the yard - it makes stocks of flowers, leaves and moss, but these stocks are not always enough for the whole winter, hence the winters are different - one is darker, the other is lighter.

Today with the children we will try to help Kupala create more light and joyful mood in these last gloomy days of the outgoing Winter. Welcome to our creative workshop!
Materials and tools:
- sheet of A3 paper
- gouache (sour cream consistency)
brushes (preferably synthetics)
- glass for water

Master class progress:

Starting work on flower arrangement from the background. At the top of the sheet, draw a blue or blue stripe of horizontal strokes.

We go a little lower and draw the second row with white color. Each lower color row overlaps the previous one a little, so that the colors mix a little with each other and a smooth flow from color to color is created. We work only with horizontal strokes.

After the white color, we introduce yellow, green, and then red colors into the work.

Do not forget to mix the colors a little on the border of their connection. When working with horizontal strokes, we create the illusion of growing herbs.

Finishing work on filling the background with ruby ​​gouache.

Next, from the bottom of the work, we “pull” ruby ​​blades of grass to the top of the previous colors. Each blade of grass should smoothly bend and reach for the sun, as if swaying in the breeze, and not stand at attention like a soldier. Then we "draw out" the green blades of grass and the work on the background is completed.

Next, we begin to fantasize about creating a flower arrangement. The main task here is to encourage children not to repeat your actions (I always draw with the children), but to create their own special drawing. Each image of a particular flower is just a technique that children can use in their work, but what kind of bouquet will turn out depends on creative imagination each of them.
Let's start with a simple chamomile. They are drawn with white strokes from the middle of the flower, the brush is applied with the tip to the center, and we stretch it a little to the outside, gradually pressing on the pile.

We place daisies over the entire surface of the sheet, they can be very small or, on the contrary, large, it all depends on you.

And the daisies were followed by flowers of unprecedented beauty, then I will give examples of their image.

The flower is drawn first yellow, just like a chamomile from the middle, only at the end of the petal we create a sharp tip (the tip of the brush - press on the entire pile - and again the tip of the brush).

We draw red petals between the yellow ones.

Then white petals. When painting with creamy gouache, the colors mix a little with each other - they create beautiful new color shades.

We complete the flower with small yellow petals.

The second flower starts with white.

I don’t wash the brush, but immediately pick up a ruby ​​​​color on white, and again smears.

Then red, and finish the flower with small white strokes.

We will make this flower in cold colors.

Next, you can draw flowers similar to meadow lupine or garden delphinium. They are drawn in the form similar to inverted carrots;

Ruby first, then white on top.

You can draw a yellow flower.

And on top of the yellow, we again apply white "tyap-bloopers".

We first draw the cores of daisies in yellow, and then shade them a little with orange.

We supplement (balance) the composition with a purple flower, and draw yellow blades of grass in the lower part.

You can "play pranks" with your fingers and add little white inflorescences of herbs. And the work on the flower arrangement is completed.

So, you have decided to master the gouache painting technique. First you need to figure out what kind of material it is, what properties it has and how to use it flawlessly. This paint is widely known, they work with it professional artists and often already at school we are taught to draw with her.

Gouache is a material consisting of inorganic dyes with an adhesive solution and the addition of various kinds whitened. Also included in the standard composition are plasticizers, most often glycerin, antiseptics, surfactants, soluble gum and dextrin. To give color saturation and density, kaolin and artificially precipitated barium sulfate are added, since gouache is prone to lightening after the applied pattern dries.

It is divided into artistic, poster, children's and acrylic. The first is intended directly for painting, contains gum arabic, the second for the design of banners, posters, with the addition of kaolin. The nursery has PVA glue in its composition, and the latter, respectively, contains artistic acrylic, such paint after the drawing dries will not be washed off with water. There is also a fluorescent gouache, with a luminous effect, for decorative work.

Gouache is easy to restore by dilution with water (sometimes gelatin glue or glycerin is added there), after application it dries quickly, does not have a strong pungent odor. Unlike watercolor, it is not necessary to balance the transition of colors from light to darker with it. You can first create a sketch with a pencil and draw immediately on it. Some types of gouache can be applied to various materials: paper, fabric, primed canvas, plywood, clay and others. It is matte, opaque, and when dried it acquires a lighter shade.

What additional materials are needed for work

For an entry level, it is best to take watercolor paper, choose the size yourself A3, A4 and others. Unless, of course, you plan to paint on a different surface, such as canvas. Good quality cardboard is also often used.

You will need a wide variety of brushes, both round and flat, small, large. When drawing
without water, bristle brushes are more suitable. And with the standard technique, you need to use soft, but elastic and elastic brushes: artificial ones made of synthetics, hair of a column or ear (bull or cow). A soft pony pile will not work; in the process, it will absorb paint with water and bend. When buying brushes, you need to run your hand over them. Thus, check whether the villi fall out. And if this happens, it is better not to take low-quality goods, because in the future all this pile will settle on your paintings. In order for the brushes to last for a long time, they need to be looked after and washed immediately after work is completed.

To mix paint and get other shades you need, use a palette. Of course, you can use an old plate and another container, someone takes paper, but you won’t achieve a great consistency on it. Ready-made palettes come in plastic and porcelain types. Moreover, plastic ones are flat - the mixture dries quickly in them, and others with recesses are more comfortable. Unfortunately, gouache tends to soak into plastic containers, which change color over time. The porcelain palette is easily washed off the paint, but it will be much harder and more expensive.

You will need a regular cloth to wipe the brushes during operation, remove excess water and other things.

You also need jars of water to rinse the brush before dipping it in another color to dilute the paint. You can use a container of any size, it all depends on your wishes, and professional non-spill cans are still on sale.

To create sketches and sketches, a pencil, an eraser, a sharpener will come in handy.

At the very beginning of the journey, rarely does anyone use plywood tablets or erasers. They do not represent a complex device, they are special devices for stretching paper on a board, which are fixed with a frame. They are most useful for working on large images with an easel or if you decide to go painting outdoors, and when you wet the material with water, the paper folds. Most often, with small formats, the old proven method is suitable - spread sheets of newspaper on the table.

Basic Basics Everyone Should Know

This paint tends to exfoliate, for this it always needs to be mixed before work. Dilute and get new shades in a palette or other jar until a thick mayonnaise-like consistency is formed. The fact is that if you overdo it and it will resemble oil paints, then
it will lie on paper with grooves, which will crack when dried. And if the mixture is too liquid, the shade and coating will be light, almost transparent, a sketch will be visible through them.

Gouache after drying on the canvas acquires a lighter color. You need to remember this in advance and use brighter shades for work. Try to start with a darker shade. No need to soak the paint in one place, constantly rubbing it with a brush, thereby simply creating spots.

When you use a large background that needs to be applied in one layer. A wet brush is used and the desired pigment is kneaded in a separate container. If you take the paint directly from the can, the density will be different, the stripes will be visible in the picture.

Gouache should be applied in even layers that don't have time to dry before you add new colors, but you don't need to "sandwich" the shades. Try to apply transverse strokes first, and then vertically.

Explore color circle to easily navigate how to properly mix and get certain colors. Make any corrections after the paints have dried with a brush, simply wetting it and pre-squeezing it with a rag. Some use a blade for this.

Always close containers after work, store them at room temperature, avoiding hypothermia. If the paint is still dry, fill it with water for about twelve hours, then stir.

Techniques and process of drawing

Then you can start the process itself. Practice blending, revealing shades, applying the general background correctly. Choose what you want to draw. It can be anything: still life, landscape, drawing from a photo and much more. It all depends on your personal preferences and imagination. At the moment, there are many free step-by-step photo and video tutorials on the Internet. No need to limit yourself to them, portray what you want.

View completed work unusual techniques that gouache offers:

  • mixing different materials.
  • pasty - the use of a thick composition to work, creating layers with strokes.
  • sgraffito - alternate application, at the beginning of a light, then a dark tone. Moreover, everyone first needs to dry out, and then they begin to draw on this dark background with an awl, needle or clerical knife.
  • glazing - when others, more translucent, are applied over the main tone.

Video lesson in gouache painting