Vehicles are real and fabulous air ground. Theme "Fabulous Vehicles"


Goals and objectives………………………………………...3

Research progress…………………………………….4

Main part………….…………………………...5


Source of information………………………………8



Goals:Find out how fabulous transport differs from the real one, determine which one is more efficient.


Learn to explore fairy tales, compare, find common and differences.

Learn the qualities and possibilities of fabulous transport.

Develop the ability to compare fabulous objects with an airplane, a helicopter.

Define General characteristics and distinctive features.

Draw fabulous objects based on impressions and make an exhibition of the drawing “What they fly in fairy tales”.

Play the game "What is it like".

Conduct a quiz "Fabulous vehicles."

Compare forms, purpose of vehicles.

Draw conclusions.

Main part.

We read Russian folk tales : "Carpet Airplane", "Baba Yaga", "By Pike", "Geese Swans", "Humpbacked Horse",

"Sivka Burka", "Flying Ship";

Literary tales: "Puss in Boots", "Thumbelina", "The Adventures of Pinocchio or the Golden Key"

Watched cartoons:
"Winnie the Pooh and All, All, All"
"Carlson who lives on the roof"

"The Adventures of Munchausen"

" Frog traveler"

" Dr. Aibolit"

We learned that in these fairy tales the heroes move through the air with the help of various means: a mortar and a broom, a carpet - an airplane, boots - fast walkers, a flying ship, balloons, their own propeller.

We divided all fabulous vehicles into three groups:

Magic items (flying carpet, flying ship, mortar, broom, Russian oven, boots)

Animals and birds (swan geese, wolf, humpbacked horse, ducks)

Miscellaneous (propeller, barrel, core, balloons)

Based on the impressions of the fairy tales we read, we drew pictures depicting fabulous vehicles.

We collected an exhibition of drawings, examined them, compared the drawings and realized that the nature of the drawing depends on the quality of the fairy-tale subject.

The game "What looks like what" helped us find the common parts of the device of a fabulous and real transport. We found that all real aircraft have wings, and in fairy tales they are optional. The stupa, the carpet - the plane, boots-walkers have no fuel capacity, no wheels (chassis). Real air transport is designed for several tens or even hundreds of passengers, and fabulous ones can accommodate one or more heroes.


Comparing external and quality characteristics, we came to the conclusion that fabulous modes of transport are much more convenient, profitable, faster and more mobile than real transport:

- they do not require special training for takeoff

- they are completely free, since you do not need money for gasoline and repairs,

- No need to learn how to manage them - it's easy,

- They can fly anywhere.

But! They are not perfect, because they can accommodate few people, some are unsafe (you can fall off the carpet - the plane). Of course, our hypothesis was confirmed, it’s true that it’s faster and more interesting to get to school on fabulous vehicles.

But we decided to continue our research in this direction and come up with our own fantastic air transport.

A source of information

Russian folk tales.

Literary tales.

Collection of cartoons.

Name the fabulous vehicles you know and got the best answer

Answer from Varvara Shelkovskaya[guru]
Geese swans - geese
Masha and the Bear - a box with pies and Masha
Princess frog - box
the fox used the wolf - as a means of transportation
A hut on chicken legs
STORM-HORSE - horse of Perun:
“Perun’s horse has a pearl tail, his mane is gilded, all humiliated with large pearls, and in his eyes is a Margaret stone, where he looks, everything burns with fire.”
LIGHT-winged BOAT, harnessed by white or golden swans - a means of transportation Slavic gods or fairy tale characters.
DOBROGOST - among the Western Slavs, the patron of good news, the messenger of the gods - something like the ancient Hermes (Mercury).
Descending from heaven, he put on winged boots, reminiscent of boots-walkers of Russian fairy tales.

Answer from Hummingbird fresh[guru]

Answer from Grigory Shtarkman[guru]
Core (Munghausen). , wild geese (Niels, frog - traveler)
And the word "boots" is not inclined (except for walking boots)

Answer from ~Caroline~[master]
Baba Yaga's stupa, flying carpet, flying ship, sivka burka, walking boots, swan geese, gray wolf, hut on chicken legs, help of wizards, pumpkin carriage, oven, little humpbacked horse, fairy-tale heroes sometimes they turn into an animal and run away, damn it, riding animals and birds, wearing an invisibility hat, a broom, magic shoes (flying)

Answer from Alexander Perevozchikov[guru]
Gray wolf, pepelats, stove, stupa, magic ring, Sivka-burka

Answer from Yovetlana Prokofieva[guru]
Walking boots!

Answer from Echidna[guru]
house, silver shoes and flying monkeys - "emerald city"
train - "Alice Through the Looking Glass"
maybug, water strider and other insects - a fairy tale about an ant who was late for an anthill
umbrella - Mary Poppins
coffin - pannochka at Gogol's

Answer from Vladimir Vekshin[guru]
Broom, pomelo, stove from "Po pike command", there is also a sleigh on which Emelya rode from the forest, sled scooters are mentioned in the fairy tale "Rooster and the Cat", in the version of Ushinsky, a hut on chicken legs, swan geese, a genie from 1000 and one night, which takes the hero to different places, somewhere there is a magic ring, with the same functions. There is a Russian folk tale "The Flying Ship", in various tales the hero escapes on an eagle, feeding it with meat cut off from his thigh. If you recall mythology, then there is Pegasus, sandals on which Perseus fought the dragon, centaurs, clouds.

Answer from Qwerqwerqwe rqwerqwerqw[master]
If according to modern
Vacuum cleaner-broom This is for the grandmother
Plane-carpet For all sorts of tourists and Aladdins.
Hang glider - eagle. For extreme sportsmen and hobbits.
Fighter-Dragon For pilots and Aragons.
Car -Wolf for everyone and Ivan the Fool.
Tank - A stove for tankers and all kinds of shit.
You can associate for a long time. The main thing is that we have transports that are no worse than in fairy tales.
About the time machine ... This is more the realm of science fiction than fairy tales.

Answer from Yoamiylo Kishka[guru]
Little Muck's shoes

Answer from Fabull[guru]
Bake. The devil (evenings on a farm near Dikanka)

Answer from Nick Storozhev[guru]

Answer from Daria[guru]
disappear instantly and appear where necessary, in the old fairy tale there was a flying steamboat
a broom, a stove, a sivka-burka, and fairy wizards help the like

Answer from Anatoly[guru]
wolf, eagle, dragon, barrel

Answer from Observer[guru]
A flying carpet, pepelats, a mortar with a broom at Baba Yaga, at the behest of a pike ...

Answer from Vladimir Iorgansky[guru]
Flower simitsvetik (guessed where needed and moved)

MBOU "Average comprehensive school №15"

urban district city of Salavat


Means of transportation by air in literary works

5th grade student

Scientific adviser:

Davletbaeva Olga Vasilievna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

highest qualification category

Salavat 2014

Hypothesis of my research: "... could people really take off without all these "flying" devices?"

Goals and objectives of the study:

1) To analyze the prototypes of which aircraft were fabulous and literary "flying" devices.

2) Create a kind of library of fairy-tale and literary flying heroes.

3) Prepare a series of talks on this topic for elementary school students that I could conduct myself.


In my research work, I want to talk about some "flying" fairy-tale and literary heroes and their "flying" devices, and also try to understand and explain why many literary and fairy-tale heroes flew long before the first manned flight into space. Unfortunately, no one knows when a person first raised his head to the sky and drew attention to its frightening size and at the same time fantastic beauty. We also do not know the time when a person first noticed birds soaring in the air, and the idea arose in his head to follow them. As any, even the longest journey begins with one small step, so long history the conquest of airspace began with an ordinary dream. Scientists believe that this happened a very long time ago. And for a long time, man saw only one opportunity to rise to heavenly heights - to become like birds and gain wings.

unlike most animals, it is given to man to see blue sky, covered with white, as if wadded, clouds, a bright, yellow Sun and carelessly fluttering colorful birds. He couldn't take advantage of it. The sky delighted and beckoned to itself. This is how a dream was born, which was first embodied in legends, and then became a reality. And yet, some scientists believe that people flew in antiquity. Why did they descend back to earth, having lost their wings? The sky has always been fraught with many mysteries - is it destined for humanity, which in the 20th century again soared to the clouds, to solve them? Memories of this kind of flight for long years underwent some changes and in a simplified form have survived to this day in the form of folklore images. In the legends of the northern peoples, the flight technique was described very simply: a fire was kindled from shavings, covered with wet matting, anyone could sit on the matting, and he was lifted up to the heavens with heat until the Lord God himself. By the way, at the other end of the earth, the natives of Oceania have a similar myth about traveling to the heavenly country of their ancestors with the help of a smoke jet: “Iolofat sat on a jet of smoke and climbed into Lang” or “a woman entered a smoke column and ascended to heaven with him. ..” Perhaps it was this method of aeronautics that served as a prototype for “flying ships”, which are mentioned not only in many fairy tales, but also in the myths of the peoples of the world

II . Mythical and fabulous flying heroes of Russian fairy tales

If you carefully study the history of the development of human society, you will notice that each ancient people that inhabited the Earth had their own fabulous and mi physical flying heroes. Wings folded behind the back had good, and sometimes sacred creatures descending to Earth. Terrible dragons that bring evil to people were also equipped with them. Every wise wizard should, above all, fly. What kind of almighty is he, even if he cannot fly? .. And since no one yet knew exactly how to fly for real, people came up with who was in what much. Whatever residents flew fairy world! In Russian fairy tales, these characters cut through the air either with a fiery feather, or with a heavy serpent-gorynychev body, or with a mortar or curly horse mane. From story to story are new, closely intertwining children's fairy tales with ancient and half-forgotten mythology, in which echoes of pagan tribes of farmers, nomads, and warriors are mixed. In Russian fairy tales one can find traces of the most different cultures West and East, North and South. The Phoenix Bird is also the Firebird, a dragon with three heads, winged shoes, more commonly known as walking boots, a flying carpet. Our glider pilots consider as their direct ancestor the one who once soared on this magic carpet. The flying carpet was built as a tailless glider, according to the latest technology. "What? - said one of the pilots in the Crimea, in Koktebel. “If the updrafts are good, you can try on the carpet if there is nothing else at hand.”

All these creatures and magical attributes created for flight are present in one way or another in almost every fairy tale, thereby creating a cunningly intertwined, but integral layer of Russian mythology and culture. It is noteworthy that most of the flying characters in Russian fairy tales, unlike the fairy tales of Europe, are not the embodiment of a person's dream of flying. Their ability to fly is not a miracle, they can be negotiated, caught, tamed, outwitted, or, in the end, just communicate on an equal footing. On the other hand, among the main characters there are often handsome men and beauties, princes and princesses, who, "thrown to the ground", can turn into a dove or a falcon, a sparrow and even a bumblebee.

B Most people flew in fairy tales on different brooms. Every real witch had a little broom or pomelo. famous Russian witch Bab Yaga, the first replaced the broom with a wooden mortar. This apparatus was controlled by a pestle. Baba Yaga is the most popular flying character in Russian fairy tales. Invariably moves through the air in a mortar, often waving a broom. Baba Yaga prefers to spend days and nights in her fancy hut or in the company of Leshy and Kikimora. The appearance in a fairy tale of her stupa, dissecting the sky over the forest, does not, as a rule, promise anything good - Bone Leg strives to eat any human flesh. But there is a hole in the old woman, and Yaga is by no means devoid of human weaknesses - if she pleases her, she will open the treasures of her ancient wisdom to the brave hero: she will give the right blade of grass, she will tell what and where in the forest you can get. Baba Yaga, the spirit of the forest, Russian famously, a fabulous creature that terrifies mere mortals with its really scary appearance and lifestyle - independent Magic power, which must be reckoned with not because it can fly, but because it simply exists in those magical Russian forests, where sometimes it brings only heroes and fools.

However, some witches also liked to fly on a black goat. It was fun to sit on it backwards and hold on to the goat's tail. Many people in fairy tales showed the wonders of flying art on a magical
th horses. The famous Ivan the Fool raced on a hot mare. Following the example of the witches, he also sat on his horse backwards. Rolled across the sky to arrange thunder and lightning prophet Elijah. He had a thundering chariot. When a new plane was accepted into the tsarist army, a prayer service was always served to Elijah the prophet. Many other famous and glorious heroes also flew on horseback: the Greek Bellerophon rushed on the winged horse Pegasus. Son Sun Phaeton, climbing onto his father's chariot, went to shine on people, but he was confused and shattered.

III . Flying children's heroes literary tales and stories

After dragons, all sorts of extravaganzas and witches, the ability to fly for heroes and anti-heroes has migrated to a more harmless and safe form of children's literary fairy tales. In the children's fairy tales of the West, flights often occur: Little Flour (V. Gauf) has shoes that carry him wherever he wants, the Snow Queen (G.Kh. Andersen) rolls sick Kai across the sky in her cold sleigh ...

However, there are not so many characters for whom flying is as natural as walking for us. However, several of these magical heroes can be remembered without re-reading a book of fairy tales on purpose. Peter Pan by James Barry is one of the most famous fairy tale "flyers". This is one of the few characters that flies by itself, without additional magical attributes, and this is as natural to him as breathing air. The boy Peter, who visits the houses of city dwellers, loses his shadow in one of the rooms, without which he can fly away
ok can't. This chance allows a whole company of children to fly over the city and fairy-tale lands. To make this possible, you just need to shake lightly (and, however, as long as you have enough patience) the magic fairy, whose sparkling pollen, barely touching the body, is able to lift into the air uh anyone. And in order to calmly and freely soar summer night above the sleeping city, in addition to a grain of miracle, only a little confidence and desire are needed. Break away from everyday life and, trusting in the will of chance and a handsome hero, fly away to the country of their mothers.
dreams and be so free that the forces of gravity will cease to have any significant significance. The character of S. Lagerlöf's story about the incredible adventures of Niels and the goose flock had to fly throughout almost the entire fairy tale. And although here also he was not without sorcery, which made him a boy-sleeper, he was still much more anxious to fly, clinging to the feathers on the neck of a domestic goose unaccustomed to flights and fearing to break loose from a breath of wind or an overly sharp turn. Here, the ability to move through the air is an annoying and very exciting necessity on the way to saving the boy from the spell of an irritated dwarf magician. Martin the goose, who knew neither the sweet feeling of a long flight, nor the lands beyond the poultry yard, is another matter. For him, just the opportunity to join a flock of wild geese is the only way to free himself from the routine life of a village bird and the fate of a hot dinner with baked apples and praises to the hostess about her culinary talents. The transformation of the inexperienced and slightly naive Martin into the hero of a wild goose pack is a miracle, perhaps more important than the ability to fly. That is why the author ultimately leaves a free sky for the birds, and for a person the opportunity to emerge victorious from any incredible situations.

ABOUT however, the most charming flying inhabitant of European fairy tales remains the cheerful Carlson, which, with light hand Astrid Lindgren, lives on the roof and, thanks to talented Russian animators, has become a favorite hero of all children from 4 to 80 years old. Having a small and easy propeller behind him, he is free to roam from floor to floor, looking into the windows from the street, playing pranks here and there, sowing a slight mess behind grumbling nannies and housewives. Gaiety, the ability to give joy to others and turn everything into good joke- properties are quite human, but it can be as difficult to meet them in life as a soaring passerby. Carlson's ability to fly is just a consequence of his easy, but by no means frivolous nature. And it doesn't matter if the motor suddenly starts to go haywire - a jar of raspberry jam, and everything will be fine again. A good amateur pilot was Baron Munchausen (E.Raspe), according to his own words. He was a master at all sorts of inventions. Once he made a brave flight on ducks, strung with a garland on a rope. On another occasion, he managed to break the speed record while flying on a cannonball.

IV . conclusions

By researching this topic, works of art I have come to the following conclusions. fabulous and literary heroes rise into the air thanks to amazing fantasy man, thanks to his eternal desire to overcome gravity, rise above everyday life and feel real freedom, to feel the volume and infinity of the world. That is why they do not need special, smart devices. They fly with the help of the simplest things that were found in the house. These are: a broom that sweeps the floor or a yard, a mortar in which they crushed grain to get flour, a carpet that decorates a dwelling, boots that used to be worn by the richest citizens, a cart (aka a chariot), in which they carried their belongings, sledge, on which children still ride down the mountain in winter, an umbrella with which they close from the rain, a propeller that looks like a fan to cool the air, a balloon that is given for a birthday. That is why the most real domestic and wild animals and birds fly: horse, mare, humpbacked foal, goat, deer, wolf, swan geese, ducks. And some fly without even leaving the house, like the girl Ellie, and the lad Vakula in love manages to ride the devil himself. And, finally, the "most-most" did not find anything more suitable at hand than an ordinary cannonball. They do not need any preparation, and they are ready to move in space and time and fly as long as a person is able to dream of flying, until one day a person flaps his wing-arms and flies ...

Annex 1


Koschei the Deathless - main negative character Russian fairy tales, whose death is at the end of the needle, which is in the egg, and the egg is in the pike, the pike in the duck, the duck in the falcon, the falcon in the chest, the chest under the oak roots on Buyan Island. He is the one to fight good fellows before finding your "frog princess"

L flies by itself with the help of wings through the tales of all the peoples of the world

Fire-breathing dragon (one or many-headed) - the main negative character of many legends of the peoples of Europe


Baba Yaga lives in most Russian folk tales. He always only threatens to commit villainy, and most often helps good fellows find Elena the Beautiful or Vasilisa the Wise

Broom, mortar

van prince,
he is Ivan the Fool, the hero of Russian folk tales. Most often, the main loafer on whom happiness falls " at the whim»

WITH red wolf, Little Humpbacked Horse, flying carpet

Witches live in oral folk art peoples of Europe, in W. Shakespeare's tragedy "Macbeth", in modern children's horror films, and fantasy, in Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" They gather for a sabbath to worship the devil, perform sacrifices, feasts, dances and bacchanalia (consultation of a teacher-mentor)

M broom

Daedalus and Icarus (from the myths Ancient Greece)

WITH homemade wings.

"Little Muck"

B shoes

« The Snow Queen»

flying sled

"Peter Pan"

on its own, without additional attributes, sprinkled with Tinkerbell fairy dust

"The Wonderful Journey of Niels with the Wild Geese"

D Ikie geese

"Mary Poppins"

Umbrella, laughing gas

"Three stories about the Kid and

P propeller

« Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all"

IN air balloon

"Dunno in Sunny city" , "Dunno on the Moon"

IN balloon

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen"

At tissue, core

Research results

1) I have read and analyzed Russian folk tales, fairy tales and legends of the peoples of the world, and works of art by well-known children's writers, in which fairy-tale and literary characters fly by themselves or with the help of a "flying" device.

2) Compiled an illustrated catalog of flying heroes and their means of transportation and tried to determine the prototype of what modern aircraft this “flying” device could be.

3) Prepared a presentation in Power Point and defended it on class hour within the framework of the school-wide decade of research work.

4) Prepared a text illustrated booklet that can be used as visual material and as a kind of encyclopedia of flying heroes.

5) Made a plan and schedule for conducting interviews on the research topic in primary school. I spent them in December 2014 in the 1st and 2nd grades of my school.

Research work on the topic: Fairy tales in which the characters move different ways


Chapter 1

1.1. What is a “fairy tale”………………………………………………………………4

1.2. The movement of heroes through the air…………………………….……………5

1.3. The movement of heroes on the roads………………………………………..... 7

1.4. The movement of heroes on the water…………………………………………………8

Chapter 2 Practical work according to fairy tales…………………………….………..9

    Fairy tale quiz……………..…………………………………..........9

    Travel Tips……..………………………………………..10.


List of used literature…………………………………………...12



I really love to read. And these are a variety of works: myths, fairy tales, author's stories, novels. Our attention was drawn to the fact that in many works the characters move along the roads, by air and by water. I wanted to find out why the authors send their heroes on different aircraft and they never have an accident.

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that we often hear about traffic accidents in which people get into and in which, unfortunately, they die. Adults warn us, we learn the rules traffic, there are warning signs on the roads, inspectors are watching the traffic, and accidents are not getting smaller. Why? Maybe the answer to this question can be found in fairy tales, where the characters actively moved, and there were no accidents there.

Therefore, the goal research work I defined it as follows: to find out why the various means of transportation are needed for the heroes.

During the work, the following tasks were set:

2. Carefully study some points of the traffic rules.

3. Find common points in fairy tales and traffic rules.

4.Activate cognitive activity when learning the rules of the road and reading fairy tales.

5.Perform a creative task: make a quiz.

Object of study are fairy tales.

Subject of research are the vehicles of heroes in fairy tales.

The presented work consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion. At the end of the work, a list of used literature is given.

Chapter 1. Tales in which the characters move in different ways.

1.1. What's happened« fairy tale».

Fairy tales are an amazing genre. The Russian philosopher Ilyin said that "a fairy tale is a dream that a nation has had." Indeed, in dreams sometimes people see plots that look like fragments of fairy tales or some ancient rituals. Folklore researchers believe that stories familiar to us from childhood fairy tales really are related to the most ancient rites and rituals. And the nature of these ancient rituals is connected with the deep mechanisms of the formation of symbolic behavior and figurative thinking. Fairy tales, like dreams, in a sense speak directly to the mechanisms of the unconscious. This is their great strength. And at the same time, these are expressive, artistic texts that deliver aesthetic pleasure when reading. The plots of fairy tales are strange from the point of view of rational consciousness. Their action takes place in a special space - “in a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...” and their laws are impossible in the familiar world - animals talk in them, Baba Yaga tries to eat the boy, the hero can be boiled in a cauldron - and after that he remains alive... And it's told how true story, and not as a comparison or metaphor ... That is, there is a world that functions according to such rules

A fairy tale for a child is not just fiction, fantasy, it is a special reality, the reality of the world of feelings. The fairy tale pushes the boundaries of ordinary life for the child. Only in fairy tales do children encounter such complex phenomena and feelings as life and death, love and hate, anger and compassion. The form of depicting these phenomena is special, fabulous, accessible.

1.2. The movement of heroes through the air.

Movement is life. Rivers flow, clouds float, winds blow, birds, fish, animals migrate, blood and water flow in the human body. The man himself flies, rides, walks. It is impossible to stop the movement either in nature or in human life. So you need to learn how to move so that it is safe. Can fairy tales teach this? They can!

The place of movement is a fabulous space. Members of the movement: Thumbelina, Kai, Gerda, Masha, Baba Yaga, Ivan Tsarevich, Emelya, Aibolit, a frog. Vehicles: a horse, a flying carpet, bast shoes, a boat, a boat, a water lily petal, a stove, a bear with a box, a wolf, a bull-black barrel.

Heroes of fairy tales move through the air. Ivan Tsarevich flies on a magic carpet. Baba Yaga flies in a mortar: “Baba Yaga flies in a mortar, drives with a pestle, sweeps a trail with a broom.” (The fairy tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful"). Thumbelina "sat on the bird's back, and the swallow shot up into the air like an arrow and carried Thumbelina to a fairy-tale land." (G.H. Andersen "Thumbelina"). The traveler frog also flies to warm lands, clinging to the twig held in the beaks of the duck with its mouth: “We found a good strong twig, two ducks took it in their beaks, the frog clung to the middle with its mouth, and the whole herd rose into the air.” (Garshin "The Traveler Frog").

We also meet people's dream of flying in folk tales. This, of course, is the fairy tale "Flying Ship". The king promised to marry his daughter to someone who would build a flying ship for him. And then the plot is well-known: the older brothers tried, but they did not succeed. But the younger one, a fool, with the help of a wonderful grandfather, was able to build a flying ship with sails. Here is how it is written about this in a fairy tale: “The fool took an ax with him and went into the forest. I walked and walked through the forest and spotted a tall pine tree: this pine tree rests on the top of the clouds, it is just right for three to grasp it. ... He cut down a pine tree, began to clear it of branches. An old man approached him ... and showed him how to cut a pine tree.

Well, now let's adjust the sails!

And he took out a piece of canvas from his bosom.

The old man shows, the fool tries, he does everything conscientiously - and the sails are ready, adjusted.

    Now get into your ship, - says the old man, - and fly where you need to. …

Here they said goodbye. The old man went his own way, and the fool got on the flying ship, spreading the sails. The sails were inflated, the ship soared into the sky, flew faster than a falcon. With the help of this flying ship, the hero was able to fulfill his dreams and become happy.

In some fairy tales, the characters move on a magic carpet. In flight, they open forests, fields, mountains, rivers, that is, boundless expanses. The flying carpet helps the heroes not only to quickly move through the air from one place to another, but also to deceive the enemies that are chasing them. I think that a person, creating with his imagination all the listed means of transportation by air, was somewhat envious of birds. And not only because birds can quickly overcome the distance, but also because they are free, free creatures.

1.3. The movement of heroes on the roads.

In the fairy-tale space, the heroes can move on the ground, walk or ride on some animals. Nyurochka-girl sat on a bull: “A bull-black barrel, white hooves shook his head, waved his tail and ran.” (The fairy tale "Goby-black barrel, white hooves").

“For a long time, Ivan Tsarevich made his way through the dense forests, in the swamps of the marsh elm, and finally came to the Koshcheev oak.” ("Princess Frog"). "The ball rolls on high mountains, through green meadows, rolls through swampy swamps, rolls through dense forests ”(“ The Frog Princess ”). “And the fox rides on a wolf and slowly says: “The beaten unbeaten one is lucky” (“Fox-sister and the gray wolf”). “The gray wolf with Ivan Tsarevich rushed more than a horse to take the firebird” (“Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”). The sleigh rushes by itself, where Emelya sits, raising his baton up. Emelya can also ride on the stove. “The furnace crackled and suddenly flew out into the wild. And faster than any bird rushed to the king. ("The Tale of Emelya the Fool"). “Mashenka climbed into the box, the bear put it on his back and went to the village.” (The fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"). “I wove bast shoes for myself, they are not simple, they are wonderful. I put on them - my legs will run on their own, ”the old man says to Ivan in the fairy tale“ Wonderful paws ”. To save Kai, Gerda rides in a golden carriage: “A carriage of pure gold drove up to the gate. The prince and princess put Gerda into the carriage and wished her a happy journey. And then the girl rides a deer: “I put the Finn Gerda on the back of a deer, and he rushed to run as fast as he could.” “The snowflakes kept growing and finally turned into big white chickens. Suddenly they scattered to the sides, the big sleigh stopped, the Snow Queen and Kai sat in them. The sleigh carried them to the ice palace.” (G.H. Andersen "The Snow Queen").

1.4. The movement of heroes on the water.

Fairy tale characters swim in the seas, rivers, oceans. Gerda floats down the river in a boat in search of Kai. Thumbelina "rides on a rose petal in a bowl of water." Saving Thumbelina from a toad, the fish bit the stalk of the water lily and the leaf quickly swam downstream. "Thumbelina swam farther and farther."

"The wind blows across the sea,

And the boat is pushing

He runs in waves

On raised sails.

(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Soltan ...")

And Dr. Aibolit, hurrying to Africa, either flies, or swims, or rides:

“Shaggy wolves run out:

Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,

We will take you alive!”

“But then a whale swims up:

Get on me, Aibolit!

And like a big ship

I'll take you forward!"

And now from a high cliff

Eagles flew to Aibolit:

Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,

We will take you alive!”

(K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit")

Chapter 2. Practical work on fairy tales.

2.1. Fairy tale quiz.

Among students primary school Fairy tale quiz was held.


1. How did Baba Yaga cover her trail while flying in a mortar? (broomstick)

2. How did the heroes of K.I. Chukovsky's fairy tale "Cockroach" move? (insert the correct words)

“The bears rode (on a bicycle),

Bunnies - (in the tram),

Toad - (on a broom),

And mosquitoes - (on a balloon).

3. Types of transport that Gerda used to save Kai? (boat, golden carriage, deer)

4. What round object indicates the way for the hero in fairy tales? (clew)

5. With what words did the hero of the fairy tale "Sivka-burka" call the horse?

6. How did Dr. Aibolit get to Africa? (on a wolf, on a whale, on an eagle)

7. What are the vehicles that are mentioned in Russian folk tales? (horse, flying carpet, walking boots, etc.)

8. Did the traveling frog get to warm countries? Why?

9. Rolling, which car is rolling? (blue)

10. How did Prince Gvidon get to Buyan Island? (in barrel)

After the quiz, an analysis of the work was carried out. We see how much fairy tale characters moved and they never had accidents either on land, or on water, or in the air. Why? Firstly, because they all moved to do good deeds: Aibolit to heal, the Gray Wolf to help Ivan Tsarevich, the bull and the bear save the girls, Gerda was looking for Kai, etc. Secondly, all the heroes treated other participants in the movement with respect, patience, and understanding, they understood that it was impossible to violate anyone's rights. Therefore, there were no accidents in fairy tales, and you can learn from the heroes of fairy tales.

2.1. Wise proverbs for travelers.

Wise advice to travelers is given by proverbs:

(Don't speed)

2. A zealous horse does not live long.

(Don't overload the motor)

3. There will be a quiet cart on the mountain.

(Move carefully)

4. Do not ask the ford, do not poke your head into the water.

(learn the way)

5. You go for a day, take bread for a week.

(Take supplies for the road)

(Rest on the road)

7. It is hard to swim against the water.

(Choose the right path)

8. You can't go far on a lame horse.

(Vehicle keep in order)


In my work, I examined several works: myths, fairy tales, fiction, and I can conclude that the goals of their known and unknown authors are very different. Various means of transportation described in the books help the heroes either escape from years of captivity, or quickly move from one point of the globe to another, or have an interesting time traveling. Also, after reading fairy tales, proverbs, we were convinced that they can teach the rules of behavior on the roads. And in order not to get into an accident and not be injured in them, you need to strive to do only good deeds, be polite, respect all road users, listen to your elders.

List of used literature.

1. Andersen G.Kh. "Thumbelina". Izhevsk, "Wanderer" 1994

2. Andersen G.Kh. "The Snow Queen". M., "Children's Literature", 1985.

3. Garshin "The Traveler Frog". Native speech. M., "Enlightenment", 1995.

4. Repin Ya.S. "Road alphabet". M., Order of the Badge of Honor, DOSAAF USSR publishing house, 1980.

5. Russian folk tales. Novosibirsk book publishing house, 1989

6. Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings. M., "Enlightenment", 1990.

7. Fairy tales, proverbs, riddles. M., "Children's Literature" 1989.

8. Reader on children's literature. M., "Children's Literature", 1965.

9. Reader for preschoolers (1,2,3 tons). M., AST 1997

10. Chukovsky K.I. "Aibolit". M., "Children's Literature", 1997.

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