History of mankind. The true history of mankind Indo-European language family


The history of mankind has largely disappeared from our memory. Only research searches bring us closer to it to some extent.

The depth of a long prehistory - the universal basis - is essentially not clarified by the dim light of our knowledge. The data of historical time - the time of written documentation - are random and incomplete, the number of sources has been growing only since the 16th century. The future is uncertain, it is an area of ​​limitless possibilities.

Between the immeasurable prehistory and the immensity of the future lie 5000 years of known history, an insignificant segment of the boundless existence of man. This story is open to the past and the future. It cannot be limited from one side or the other, in order to acquire thereby a closed picture, a complete self-contained image of it.

We and our time are in this story. It becomes meaningless if it is enclosed in a narrow framework. today, bring to the present. The purpose of the book Jaspers wanted to contribute to the deepening of our consciousness of modernity.

The present is made on the basis of the historical past, the impact of which we feel in ourselves.

On the other hand, the fulfillment of the present is also determined by the future hidden in it, the sprouts of which we, accepting or rejecting, consider our own.

But the accomplished present makes us look into the eternal origins. Staying in history, go beyond everything historical, reach the all-encompassing; this is the last thing that is inaccessible to our thinking, but what we can still touch.

First part


By the breadth and depth of change throughout human life our era is of decisive importance. The history of mankind as a whole can provide a scale for understanding what is happening at the present time. That we have history at all; that history has made us what we appear to be today; that the duration of this history up to the present moment is comparatively very short - all this leads us to ask a number of questions. Where is it from? Where does it lead? What does this mean? Man has long created a picture of the world for himself: first in the form of myths, then a kaleidoscope of divine deeds that move the political destinies of the world, and even later - a holistic understanding of history given in the revelation from the creation of the world and the fall of man to the end of the world and the Last Judgment. Historical consciousness becomes fundamentally different from the moment it begins to rely on empirical data. Today, the real horizon of history has expanded extraordinarily. The biblical time limit - the 6000-year existence of the world - has been eliminated. Researchers are looking for traces of historical events, documents and monuments of bygone times in the past. The empirical picture of history can be reduced to a simple identification of individual patterns and an endless description of a multitude of events: the same thing repeats itself, similarity is found in the different; there are various structures of political power in the typical sequence of their forms, there is also their historical intersection; in the spiritual realm there is a uniform alternation of styles and a smoothing out of irregularities in duration.

But one can also strive for the consciousness of a single generalizing picture of the world in its integrity: then the presence of various cultural spheres and their development are revealed; they are considered separately and in interaction; their commonality in the formulation of semantic problems and the possibility of their mutual understanding are comprehended; and finally, a certain semantic unity is developed, in which all this diversity finds its place (Hegel)

Jaspers believed that everyone who turns to history involuntarily comes to these universal views that turn history into a kind of unity. These views may be uncritical, moreover, unconscious and therefore untested. In historical thinking, they are usually taken for granted.

History is where people live. World history covers the entire globe in time and space. According to its spatial distribution, it is ordered geographically (Helmolt). History was everywhere. Thanks to the isolation in the history of integral cultures, attention has again been paid to the correlation of ranks and structures.

From a purely natural human existence grow like organisms, cultures are considered as independent forms of life, having a beginning and an end. Cultures are not interconnected, but sometimes they can touch and interfere with each other. Spengler has 8, Toynbee - 21 cultures. Spengler defines the time of existence of a culture as a thousand years; Toynbee does not believe that it can be accurately determined.

Alfred Weber gave an original comprehensive picture of historical development in our era. His concept of universal history, cultural sociology, remains essentially very open, despite his tendency to make culture as a whole the object of knowledge. Subtle historical intuition and an unerring flair for determining the rank of spiritual creations allow him to depict the process of historical development, without elevating to a principle either the thesis of scattered, non-correlated cultural organisms, or the unity of human history as such. His concept presents a world-historical process, which he divides into primary cultures, secondary cultures of the first and second stages and brings to the history of Western European expansion, going from 1500 to 1500.

Karl Jaspers is sure that humanity has a common origin and common goal. These origins and this goal are unknown to us, at least in the form of reliable knowledge. They are perceptible only in the flickering of multi-valued symbols. Our existence is limited by them. AT philosophical reflection we are trying to get closer to both, to the origins and to the goal.

Jaspers wrote: All of us, humans, are descended from Adam, we are all related by kinship, created by God in His image and likeness. In the beginning, at the origins, the revelation of being was an immediate given. The Fall has opened before us the way in which knowledge and a finite practice aimed at temporal purposes have enabled us to achieve clarity. At the final stage, we enter the sphere of harmonic consonance of souls, the realm of eternal spirits, where we contemplate each other in love and in boundless understanding.

History includes everything that, firstly, being unique, firmly takes its place in a single, unique process of human history and, secondly, is real and necessary in the interconnection and sequence of human existence.

Karl Jaspers introduced the concept of axial time. The appearance of the Son of God is the axis of world history. Our reckoning serves as a daily confirmation of this Christian structure of world history. But the Christian faith is only one faith, not the faith of all mankind. Its disadvantage is that such an understanding of world history seems convincing only to a believing Christian.

The axis of world history, if it exists at all, can only be discovered empirically, as a fact significant for all people, including Christians. This axis should be sought where the prerequisites arose that allowed a person to become what he is; where, with amazing fruitfulness, such a formation of human existence took place, which, regardless of a certain religious content, could become so convincing that thereby a common framework for understanding their historical significance would be found for all peoples. This axis of world history, Jaspers, apparently, dates back to about 500 BC, to that spiritual process, which went between 800 and 200 years. BC e. Then came the most dramatic turn in history. A man of the type that has survived to this day appeared. We will briefly call this time the axial time.

1. Characteristic of axial time

A lot of amazing things happen during this time. At that time Confucius and Lao Tzu lived in China, all directions of Chinese philosophy arose, Mo Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Le Tzu and countless others thought. In India, the Upanishads arose, the Buddha lived; in philosophy - in India, as in China - all the possibilities of philosophical comprehension of reality were considered, up to skepticism, to materialism, sophistry and nihilism; in Iran, Zarathusgra taught about a world where there is a struggle between good and evil; in Palestine, the prophets spoke - Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Deutero-Isaiah;

in Greece it is the time of Homer, the philosophers Parmenides, Heraclitus, Plato, the tragedians, Thucydides and Archimedes*. Everything associated with these names arose almost simultaneously within a few centuries in China, India and the West independently of each other.

The new that emerged in this era in the three cultures mentioned is that a person is aware of being as a whole, of himself and his boundaries. Before him opens the horror of the world and own helplessness. Standing over the abyss, he raises radical questions, demands liberation and salvation. Realizing his limits, he sets himself the highest goals, cognizes absoluteness in the depths of self-consciousness and in the clarity of the transcendent world.

All this happened through reflection. Consciousness became aware of consciousness, thinking made thinking its object. A spiritual struggle began, during which each tried to convince the other, telling him his ideas, justifications, his experience. The most contradictory possibilities were tested. Discussions, the formation of various parties, the splitting of the spiritual sphere, which, even in the contradictory nature of its parts, preserved their interdependence - all this gave rise to anxiety and movement, bordering on spiritual chaos.

In this era, the main categories were developed, in which we think to this day, the foundations of world religions were laid, and today they determine the life of people. In all directions there was a transition to universality.

This process has forced many to reconsider, to question, to subject to analysis all previously unconsciously accepted views, customs and conditions. All this is involved in the whirlpool. To the extent that the substance perceived in the tradition of the past was still alive and active, its manifestations were clarified and thus it was transformed.

The history of mankind dates back more than a million years ago. Thanks to archaeological excavations, scientists were able to establish that the origin of the human race took place in Africa - it was there that the remains of primitive people were discovered.

What is archeology

Modern society would never have known how our distant ancestors looked and lived, if not for archeology. This is the science of antiquity, which studies the history of human society on the basis of found human remains and household items.

Archaeologists regularly carry out excavations, extracting household items, personal items and bones of people who lived hundreds, thousands of years ago from the bowels of the earth.

In 1924, during archaeological excavations in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa, the remains of Australopithecus, a southern man who became the progenitor of modern man. Subsequently, the remains of Australopithecus were found in Central and East Africa. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the cradle of all mankind is the African continent.

Rice. 1. The remains of Australopithecus.

The very first period in the history of mankind is the era primitive history It was then that the human race was born.


The most ancient man bore little resemblance to modern man: he had much more resemblance to a great ape. However, it no longer belonged to primates, since it had the following features:

TOP 4 articleswho read along with this

  • Movement is not on four limbs, but on two legs. Bipedal locomotion is the most important difference between ancient man and animals.
  • It was convenient to carry out simple work with long arms: pick berries, dig the ground, grab, knock.
  • The brain size was larger than that of apes, but much smaller than that of modern humans.

Rice. 2. Ancient man.

The ancient people expressed strong emotions with the help of abrupt sounds, since speech was not yet developed. They ate only what they found.

primeval world

Primitive people gathered in small groups, because it was extremely difficult for one to survive in conditions wildlife. Since they lived in the warm regions of the globe, there was no need to worry about clothing. However, primitive people nevertheless learned to build primitive dwellings that saved them from the scorching sun, rain, and predators.

The first tools of labor of the most ancient people were their strong hands and teeth, as well as stones and broken branches of trees. Over time, they learned to make the simplest tool from improvised means: sticks, horns and animal bones, stones.

The main occupation of the most ancient people was the extraction of food: fishing and hunting, which required dexterity, endurance and great physical strength. Women were engaged in collecting edible plants and berries. Between the tribes there was an exchange of some goods for others.

The ability to produce and use fire had a huge impact on the development of mankind. Thanks to this, ancient people significantly improved their lives: fire provided them with warmth, reliable protection from wild animals, and improved the quality of food.

Ancient people passed on their knowledge to their descendants with the help of rock art. With the help of primitive figurines they depicted the world, important periods of his life: scenes of hunting, skirmishes with warring tribes.

Rice. 3. Rock art

Primitive history lasted more than one hundred years. During this time, ancient people were able to settle almost all over the globe and populate all the continents, except for the harsh Antarctica.

What have we learned?

When studying the topic “The Beginning of Human History”, we learned what were the features appearance and behavior of ancient man. We found out how our distant ancestors lived, how the very first - primitive - era in the history of mankind developed.

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The world around - grade 4
Subject: "The Beginning of Human History"

  • find out what eras scientists divide the history of mankind into
  • find out what evidence of primitive people survived
  • Let's see how the life of primitive people gradually changed

Today we guys are going on a journey in a time machine, into the distant past. We will find out what historical events happened millions of years ago.Guys, what is history?

History is science who studies how they lived various peoples what events happened in their lives, how and why people's lives changed and became the way they are now. History is a very ancient word. In Greek it means “research, telling about the events of the past”. History is a journey through time. It goes back into the depths of centuries, into hoary antiquity.

Herodotus - father of history

Almost 2.5 thousand years have passed since the Greek named Herodotus first introduced people to his scientific work. Herodotus called his work “History”, he became the first scientist-historian, we call him “the father of history”.

But as modern people learned about ancient people?

Archeology is the science of antiquity. There are many historical sources from which we learn about life in the past. Modern society would never have known how our distant ancestors looked and lived, if it were not for archeology. This is the science of antiquity, which studies the history of human society on the basis of found human remains and household items.

A little about the profession of an archaeologist

Archaeologists regularly carry out excavations, extracting household items, personal items and bones of people who lived hundreds, thousands of years ago from the bowels of the earth.

Archaeologists during excavations found many remains (bones, skulls). They noticed that the sizes and configurations of human remains are very different from ours. What conclusion can be drawn?

Yes, ancient people were very different from modern people.

Scientists divide the history of mankind into several large eras:

  • primeval history
  • ancient world history
  • history of the Middle Ages
  • modern history

PRIMARY HISTORY is the longest. People who live in this era are called PRIMARY. Scientists have roughly calculated that the oldest people appeared about two and a half million years ago.

In 1924, during archaeological excavations in the Kalahari Desert in South Africa, Australopithecus remains- Southern man, who became the progenitor of modern man.

Subsequently, the remains of Australopithecus were found in Central and East Africa. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the cradle of all mankind is the African continent. But this is only a hypothesis.

Primitive man was not much like modern: he had much more similarities with the big monkey. However, it no longer belonged to primates, since had the following features:

  • Movement is not on four limbs, but on two legs. Bipedal locomotion is the most important difference between ancient man and animals.
  • It was convenient to carry out simple work with long arms: pick berries, dig the ground, grab, knock.
  • The brain size was larger than that of apes, but much smaller than that of modern humans.
  • The ancient people expressed strong emotions with the help of abrupt sounds, since speech was not yet developed. They ate only what they found.

Primitive people gathered in small groups, because it was extremely difficult for one to survive in the wild. Since they lived in the warm regions of the globe, there was no need to worry about clothing. However, primitive people nevertheless learned to build primitive dwellings that saved them from the scorching sun, rain, and predators.

The first tools the oldest people were their strong hands and teeth, as well as stones and broken branches of trees. Over time, they learned to make the simplest tool from improvised means: sticks, horns and animal bones, stones.

The main occupation of ancient people there was food production: fishing and hunting, which required dexterity, endurance and great physical strength. Women were engaged in collecting edible plants and berries. Between the tribes there was an exchange of some goods for others.

The ability to produce and use fire had a huge impact on the development of mankind. Thanks to this, ancient people significantly improved their lives: fire provided them with warmth, reliable protection from wild animals, and improved the quality of food.

Ancient people passed on their knowledge to their descendants with the help of rock art. With the help of primitive figures, they depicted the world around them, important periods of their lives: scenes of hunting, clashes with warring tribes.

The brightest facts that refute the traditional version of the history of planet Earth

When did dinosaurs actually become extinct? Was the territory of present-day Russia inhabited in " glacial period"? How many ancient civilizations existed on planet Earth and what was the level of their technological development? Is it true that the gigantic expanses of the north of the Russian Plain, the Urals, Siberia and Far East remained uninhabited until the New Age? What traces of ancient civilizations have been found on the territory of present-day Russia? Why do facts say one thing and scientists say something completely different? How many more irrefutable proofs of the existence of the most ancient highly developed civilizations have been found in the world? This film contains only some of the most striking facts that contradict the official history that dominates the scientific world today. Well-known Russian scientists, writers and travelers Andrei Burovsky, Georgy Sidorov and Vitaly Sundakov will share their thoughts on what the history of mankind really was.

Every inhabitant of the Earth, who was lucky enough to study at school, receives approximately the same set of ideas about the past of our planet and its inhabitants. It is believed that about 3 billion years ago life originated here. It developed, became more complicated - and now, 2.5 million years ago, somewhere in Africa, the first person appeared who walked firmly on two legs, and took a club in his hands for protection (still uncertainly).

For 2 million years he lived in trees and in hard-to-reach mountain caves. He was engaged in gathering - he was looking for edible berries, nuts, fruits of angiosperms. He mined sea and river mollusks in shallow water, split them and ate them raw. Picked up fresh carrion - the remains of someone else's prey.

Later, about 300 thousand years ago, he mastered the technology of joint hunting using the simplest weapons. Lacking sharp fangs and claws, our distant ancestor began to use angular pieces of rock. And over time, he even learned to make stone axes and spears from them. Primitive people gathered in hunting brigades - and together they hunted large and small animals. Then they divided the booty and lived in small tribes, defending themselves from wild animals and hostile tribes. This is how human society finally appeared. Gradually, the number of primitive people increased so much that they began to disperse throughout the planet, populating Europe, Asia, the Americas and Australia. A familiar picture, isn't it?

Moreover, when we say "Europe", we are in this case we mean only the southern part of Western Europe. And the entire North of the Eurasian continent in that era, according to scientists, was occupied by a multi-kilometer glacier that melted only 15-10 thousand years ago.

And here we are faced with the first serious contradiction. In the second half of the 20th century, several high-profile archaeological discoveries were made on the territory of Russia, which cast doubt on the theory of glaciation. While digging a foundation pit in the Vladimir region, builders accidentally discovered a burial place of ancient people. Later it will turn out to be known to the whole world by Sungirsky archaeological site, whose age reaches, according to some estimates, up to 28,000 years. The ancient people who lived in Sungiri were no different from us, their distant descendants. They were tall (up to 187 cm), white skin and the same brain volume as ours. They had a developed civilization with a high level of technology for that time. They knew how to straighten a mammoth bone and sewed fashionable sheepskin coats for themselves, decorating them with rhinestones (multi-colored bone beads). Agree, this is rather strange for primitive people who not so long ago descended from the trees.

Another discovery struck the scientific world even more. In Western Siberia, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, near the city of Achinsk, on lands that have always been considered "non-historical", Soviet archaeologist Vitaly Larichev discovered a strange object that looked like a wand with a spiral pattern. Upon careful study, this pattern, consisting of 1065 small icons, turned out to be a lunisolar calendar for several years. Something like a modern souvenir calendar, which we put on our table. Only immediately for 3-4 years. The nature of the calendar gave grounds to assert that its compilers had serious knowledge in the field of astronomy and could predict lunar and solar eclipses. This find was dubbed the "Achinsk wand". Its age is about 18,000 years. This is the oldest calendar on earth. And besides, quite accurate.

As you probably know, Siberia has a very harsh climate even today, when there is no glacier on the Eurasian continent. The thermometer in winter drops to minus 50 degrees. What should have been there when the multi-kilometer freezer of the Wurm glacier lay literally a few hundred kilometers away, and the entire territory was covered with permafrost?.. Is civilized life and... fundamental science possible in such harsh conditions? in the Denisova cave, the remains of a girl who lived 75 thousand years ago were found. Now the term "Denisovsky man" has appeared in science. Archaeologists suggest that already from the period of 40,000 years BC, the "Denisov man" inhabited the vast territories of Western Siberia. Let us recall once again that modern historians consider Siberia to be a “non-historical land”, allegedly there have never been any centers of civilization there. All foci are usually found only in the Middle East and in Western Europe. But here's the bad luck - it turns out that Siberian archaeological finds are several times older than their counterparts in other parts of the world. It turns out that people have lived in Siberia since time immemorial. Could they not create culture, science, and at least the simplest statehood? ..

And the discovery made beyond the Arctic Circle, in Yakutia, at the mouth of the Berelyokh River, does not fit into the theory of glaciation at all. A site of primitive people was found there, who - ATTENTION! — tamed mammoths! Yes, yes, mammoths were tamed and used as pets. As you understand, mammoths are very large animals, larger than elephants and much larger than cows. They need to eat a lot in order not to lose weight. Therefore, they simply cannot live in permafrost territories. They need meadows overgrown with lush grass and shrubs ... What conclusion can be drawn from this? Only one: in ancient times in the north of Siberia there was a quite mild climate. The generous sun shone there, warm winds blew and vegetation raged.

By the way, the habitation of mammoths beyond the current Arctic Circle is no longer a secret for both scientists and ordinary inhabitants of these latitudes - the northern peoples, as well as Russian scientists, researchers and workers. The fact is that in the north of Russia, in permafrost, mammoth tusks have always been found and are found today in quantities close to industrial ones.

Of these, the northern peoples from ancient times made household items (for example, bone knives and spearheads), as well as works of art. In the historical museums of almost every major Russian city, numerous skeletons and even mummies of mammoths are exhibited.

And in the permafrost zone, hunters and reindeer herders sometimes find frozen mammoth meat to this day. For lack of a better use, these common people feed it to dogs.

What do we see? Where, according to scientists, a giant glacier lay and complete desertion reigned, it turns out that fairly civilized people lived quite successfully. They were engaged in agriculture, raised cattle, developed their culture and science... And all this is according to official archeological data. It turns out that the school version of history in this matter is erroneous? ..

And this is only a part of the discoveries made in Russia. In other countries and on other continents, no less discoveries have been made that completely refute the traditional version of history, and their visibility is sometimes simply amazing. An expedition of Russian researchers led by Andrey Sklyarov discovered in Peru and Bolivia on the ruins of ancient cities traces of a civilization that already 10,000 years ago possessed building technologies that modern engineering science is still very far from.

Most of all, today's scientists are struck by the phenomenon of the so-called polygonal masonry. When large stone blocks are not standardized in size, but perfectly matched to each other according to the features of their shape, including the smallest bulges and slopes. Thanks to this fit, the blocks fit one on top of the other like puzzles and hold perfectly without any mortar.

By the way, the blocks of the Egyptian pyramids on the Giza plateau are laid in the same way. Researchers find something similar in Russia. An example of this is the recent discovery in Gornaya Shoria, made by the expedition of Georgy Sidorov. Trying to imagine with what tools it was possible to lay the stones in this way, Russian researchers put forward several hypotheses, each of which assumes the highest level of technical progress. Another hypothesis suggests a currently unknown method of chemical or thermal softening of the stone to the state of plasticine. This alleged technology was conditionally called "clay".

Members of Andrey Sklyarov's expedition traveled all over the world and in many places found traces of high-tech machine processing on the oldest buildings, whose age is hidden by the mist of millennia. Including traces of circular saws and grinding on a lathe. Here is an example from Lebanon, from the ruins ancient city Baalbek. Recently, scientists around the world are increasingly thinking that the time has come to reconsider our ideas about the development of human civilization.

In Mexico, the local history museum of the city of Ikka has a huge collection of stones engraved with scenes from the life of ancient people who lived side by side with dinosaurs. They were collected in the middle of the 20th century by the local Spanish surgeon and aristocrat Javier Cobrero. One and a half thousand of the most complex drawings are applied to pieces of granite run in water. It is difficult to do this even with the help of modern devices. And in the collection of Dr. Cobrero there are more than one and a half thousand such stones. The most amazing thing is that some of the stones depict ancient animals known only to specialists. How could the Indians, not familiar with paleontology, know the structural features of extinct animals? ..

Researchers suggest that the Ikki stones are a kind of library that is designed to store a variety of knowledge and convey it to posterity. Therefore, the collection of Dr. Cobrero is called a lithoteque. In addition to dinosaurs, the stones depict scenes of medical procedures, including such complex ones as abdominal operations and craniotomy. You can even see devices for deep anesthesia and an anesthesiologist! Other stones depict astronomy classes and even stylized aircraft.

The scientific world chose to dismiss these findings, calling them handicrafts of local Indians for sale to tourists. Souvenirs in general. But tell me, who can apply complex drawings on hard granite? Do thousands of such items in the same style? To depict with scientific accuracy animals that died out many millions of years ago and not all of them are described even in modern textbooks? To convey complex processes with the help of drawings, even abdominal and craniocerebral operations? And all this in order to try to sell to tourists at a low price (Ikki stones have never been in price)? .. Agree, the combination of these factors completely excludes any handicraft production.

In another part of Mexico, back in the middle of the 20th century, countless ceramic figurines were found depicting dinosaurs in every possible detail. The local white aristocrat Waldemar Julsrud hired ordinary peasants with his own money, and for 7 years they dug these figures out of the ground for him with simple picks and shovels. Naturally, with this method of excavation, most of the figurines were simply broken. And Julsrud paid the peasants only for whole figurines. How many artifacts died in the process, one can only guess. But there were so many survivors that the aristocrat had to spend all his fortune on them.

And just like the stones of Dr. Cabrero's lithotheque, the figurines of Valdemar Julsrud show us dinosaurs coexisting peacefully with humans. This figurine depicts a woman with a small baby dinosaur in her arms. Laboratory studies have shown that the age of the figurines from the Julsrud collection is from 3 to 6.5 thousand years. Suppose that six thousand years ago people no longer saw dinosaurs, but sculpted them from clay according to an ancient tradition passed down from previous generations. But even in this case, the tradition could last one - a maximum of two millennia. After that, its meaning would be lost and the general style of the figures would inevitably change. However, we have anatomically detailed images of ancient lizards. It is difficult to get rid of the idea that they were sculpted from nature. Moreover, small children did it at their leisure in kindergarten. It turns out that either dinosaurs did not become extinct 65 million years ago, or ... it's even scary to assume ... or people modern type have lived on earth for many millions of years.

An ordinary firebird, you say? But a professional paleontologist quickly recognizes in this drawing a stylized image of a fororacus, an ancient giant bird of prey that lived on Earth in the Miocene era, that is, about 20 million years ago. The fact that this is not an ordinary pigeon or capercaillie is indicated by several features. Firstly, ostrich legs are too long for our fauna. Secondly, other feathered creatures, much smaller in size, are shown on the embroidery for comparison. Thirdly, also for comparison, next to the birds, a person is also depicted, who barely reaches the chest of giant birds (as it really was - fororacuses reached a height of 2.5 meters). By the way, pay attention to the strange image of a human head. Doesn't it remind you of a spacesuit?..

And here are drawings from other Slavic tablecloths, towels and scarves.

In general, according to the anthropologist Georgy Sidorov, one can often see extinct animals and disappeared plants on Slavic embroideries, dishes and patterns of carved wooden architraves. Similar designs are also found in the ornaments of other peoples. Our consciousness refuses to accept this fact, so we interpret all these lizards, dragons and firebirds as fabulous creatures, the fruit of folk fantasy. But what if we're wrong?

Could our distant ancestors see all these animals with their own eyes? Theoretically, individual representatives of fossil species could survive until the beginning of the Stone Age. Still, they were warm-blooded animals and knew how to adapt. But the likelihood of such a phenomenon can be equated to a miracle. Another miracle can be considered that our ancestors preserved the memory of these animals in the form of drawings - and were able to convey it to us.

There are many facts that do not fit not only into the picture of the events of the last 40-50 thousand years, but even within the limits of simple human logic.

Rostov miners in a coal seam at a depth of 300 meters found a petrified ... wheel from a cart. There is no doubt about the authenticity of these photographs. However, how is this possible - after all, the coal seam was formed ... 250,000,000 years ago?! .. Once again: two hundred and fifty million years ago ...

In the geological layers of the earth, formed millions and even billions of years ago, they find a variety of objects that seem to have a modern technogenic origin. These are stone tools in California. And an iron pot in Oklahoma. And strange steel balls in Africa. And even - which is absolutely incredible - petrified parts of clockwork in Kamchatka.

Some of these dizzying findings can be explained by the theory of the abiogenic (chemical) origin of coal. There is an opinion that coal and oil were not formed millions of years ago, but constantly arise even today. Therefore, man-made objects that accidentally fell into the layers of the earth may eventually end up in the layers of coal. But the clock mechanisms in the stone layers, which are millions of years old, could only appear as a result of the settlement of the planet Earth from space. Well, or it can be assumed that modern Swiss watchmakers invented a time machine - and transferred their production to the Paleozoic era. Of course, many finds like these are the result of scientific falsification or misinterpretation. But there are facts and absolutely indisputable.

To date, the world has accumulated so many reliable discoveries that refute the traditional version of history that in order to explain them, it is necessary to create a new system. historical representations. Which would include data from all reliable sources about the events of the past and logically interpret them. Of course, to do such work, observing all the requirements scientific school, only a large team of scientists can do it. State-funded research institutes and the history departments of large universities should work on this.

But, unfortunately, today fundamental science has withdrawn itself from solving this problem. Academics and doctors, university professors and authors of historical textbooks continue to insist on the infallibility of the existing version of history and stubbornly refuse to notice latest discoveries. Any facts that do not fit into their picture of the past, they declare false or simply do not notice. A paradoxical situation has arisen: the facts that disprove the theory are officially recognized by the scientific world, but the theory itself does not change. And this has been going on for decades.

Meanwhile, the need to explain the discoveries made and to give society a new consistent picture of the past is long overdue. Therefore, individual researchers around the world, without waiting for official science, began to create their own versions of the origin of life on planet Earth. One of them was the writer-historian, traveler and anthropologist Georgy Alekseevich Sidorov. Summarizing information from a variety of sources - from the scientific monographs of Soviet scientists to the traditions of Evenk shamans - he draws up his own picture of the history of mankind. As an impressionist painter, he works with large strokes, painting eras and millennia. But sometimes his research eye picks out very subtle details of the historical and cultural process.

The peculiarity of Georgy Sidorov as a researcher is that he does not belong to the class of armchair scientists, but conducts an independent search for evidence of the past. He made many discoveries that science is not yet able to master. These include the recorded traditions of the shamans of the northern peoples, which tell about the times of a great catastrophe and the subsequent re-creation of the world. And the decoding of historical information on Slavic embroideries and wooden carvings. And numerous archaeological finds in Siberia, the Far East, the Russian North and even Germany. To some, his historical and ideological constructions may seem too fantastic. But let's remember that the assertions that the Earth is a sphere once also seemed too fantastic to someone.

Like any researcher who goes his own way and thinks independently, he is not immune from mistakes and delusions. Actually, he himself always advises checking the information he provides and its interpretation. One thing is for sure: the work done by Georgy Sidorov and other independent researchers around the world is a major breakthrough in understanding who we really are.

Hundreds of thousands of people in different countries the world appreciated the work of Georgy Sidorov. His books are sold in large print runs, which well-known journalists and even politicians cannot always boast of. His video performances on the Internet are always popular. And people from the most remote corners of Russia and even Europe come to meet with him. Today, it is no longer possible to simply brush aside numerous facts that testify to a completely different course of historical processes on planet Earth than previously thought. But information about them continues to be hushed up and hidden.

In order for the facts that refute the existing version of history to become the property of all people living on our planet, an electronic catalog of unique historical and archaeological discoveries “Property of the Planet” has been created on the Internet.

If you want to know more about alternative versions history of mankind, get acquainted with artifacts that testify to the events of the distant past, or wish to take part in the search and study of unique historical monuments, join our project! Go to the site Dostoyanieplanety.RF, register and start learning!

As the Russian politician Pyotr Stolypin said, “The people who do not have national consciousness, there is manure on which other peoples grow.” The same can be said about humanity as a whole. If we do not have true knowledge of ourselves, we will be endlessly manipulated into the state of animals. Therefore, establishing the truth about our origin, awakening historical memory in all the inhabitants of the planet Earth - a vital need for all of us. In the end, we are with you too - PROPERTY OF THE PLANET!

Paleolithic (ancient stone Age) - until the 9th millennium BC;

Mesolithic (transition from the ancient to the new stone age) - IX-VII millennium BC;

Neolithic (new stone age) - VII-III millennium BC;

Copper (transition from the Neolithic to the Bronze) - IV - the end of the III millennium BC;

Bronze - the middle of the III-II millennium BC;

The beginning of the Iron Age - the beginning of the 1st millennium BC.

This is the most established scientific or official theory of historical development. There is another one, the so-called. "supra-scientific". You can read it in the "book of books of all times and peoples", i.e. in the Bible. There, the evolutionary path is indicated quite specifically: from the creation of the world to the present day, ... 6000 years have passed. And from global flood to the present day and even less. True, many inquisitive people question the theory of the origin of mankind from the family of the legendary Noah, who settled his household around the globe with some elements of mimicry in the form of a change in skin color, body shape and the subsequent separation of languages ​​during construction Tower of Babel. For sane people, this theory generally resembles speeches famous satirists. Nevertheless, millions of people believe in this absurdity. Despite such massive “popularity”, we will not seriously consider biblical myths, on the contrary, we will analyze real facts.

Let's get acquainted with the reasoning of Metropolitan John: “... Russian historians (and after them politicians) of the last two centuries have not been able to rise to the realization of the measure of the highest responsibility of their ministry. Their labors, alas! - have become a source of delusion for hundreds of thousands and millions of Russians who have lost their understanding of the higher meaning of Russia's existence and, accordingly, spiritual immunity against destructive social theories and alien "values" ... Now we must reverse these pernicious tendencies of our life. A necessary step on this path will be the return national history, its sacred meaning, its moral greatness and natural spiritual fullness.

So, back to the ancient period of history.
arctic theory

For many millennia, the Earth was periodically covered with glaciers.

The last glacier retreated from the land about 13,000 years ago. The period called the Holocene, in which we live, has begun. Basic information about this can be gleaned from the monuments of writing and finds discovered by scientists. material items, that is, the remains of dwellings, utensils, decorations, etc.

But after all, writing, according to historians, appeared so late that its most ancient monuments can not be traced beyond the 4th millennium BC. (like, for example, the first Egyptian hieroglyphs), and the material things found by archaeologists are always silent, and scientists have to guess, often changing their own conclusions, by which peoples these things were created. Usually they assign to one or another group of things, on the basis of mutual similarity and territorial proximity, the name of some culture, most often choosing this name according to the place of finds (Dyakovo culture - in the village of Dyakovo or Andronovskaya - in the village of Andronovo, etc.)

“Many have written the history of Russia, but how imperfect it is! - how many unexplained events, how many distorted! For the most part, one copied from the other, no one wanted to rummage through the sources, because the search involves a great loss of time and work. The scribes tried only to show off their floridity, the boldness of lying, and even the audacity of slandering their forefathers!” This is how Zubritsky characterized the work of "scientists" in the "History of Chervona Rus" two centuries ago.

ON THE. Morozov wrote that the professor of the University of Salamanca de Arcilla back in the 19th century proved in his writings that ancient history composed in the Middle Ages.

The Jesuit historian and archaeologist Jean Garduin (1646-1724) believed classic literature for the works of the monks of the previous century. The German Privatdozent Robert Baldauf wrote in 1902-1903 his book History and Criticism, where, on the basis of purely philological considerations, he argued that not only ancient, but even early medieval history- falsification of the Renaissance.

Such criticism (very well-reasoned!) is found in the works of serious historians, in particular, Edwin Johnson (1842-1901) and many of our compatriots, starting with M.V. Lomonosov.

“The knowledge of man has increased, bookish wisdom has spread, with them the self-confidence of scientists has increased. They began to despise thoughts, traditions, "guesses of the ignorant"; they began to believe, of course, their guesses, their thoughts, their knowledge. In the endless multitude of details, all unity was lost.... Byzantium's versatility obscured ancient history, and the Germanic scribes flooded the world with false systems. In our time, facts are collected with care and conscientiousness, systems fall at the touch of analysis. But to believe the existence of antipodes or to reject the antiquity of the Old Testament books, to believe the stories about Frank and Brit, or the fact that all tens of millions of Slavs came from one corner of the Danube land is equally ridiculous! So wrote Alexei Stepanovich Khomyakov (1804-1860).

In this article, we will try to find out the age, location of the ancestral lands and settlement zones of the most ancient ancestors of the Aryans and Slavs, moreover, in the period when they already existed as groups of tribes, each of which was generalized by its language or closely related dialects, its everyday culture and religion.

Here it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the word Arya (arya, aria), which has become illegal, and sometimes speculative, used in our journalism. This name conditionally refers to a group of tribes of the Indo-Iranian-European group, speaking closely related dialects and creating once similar forms of culture. The same word occurs more than 60 times in the Indian Vedas.

Of the whole vast family of Indo-European peoples, we stop here at the Slavs and Aryas in view of their two main similarities:

A) the maximum of all Indo-Europeans mutual closeness with Sanskrit;

B) the similarity of the Vedic Cult of the Slavs with Hinduism.

The famous author of "Journey Beyond the Three Seas", a Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin, not knowing the language, customs, manners, went to distant India without translators and did not use their services. He simply knew Old Church Slavonic, about the closeness of which to Sanskrit many works have been written. Where and under what conditions could such closeness take place?

The most convincing answer to this question is provided by the polar theory. It originated in the minds of researchers in the 19th century, when, one after another, connoisseurs of Sanskrit - the "language of Indian culture" - began to pay attention to those contained in ancient monuments literature of India, such as the Vedas and the epic, descriptions of natural phenomena that are completely inconsistent with India. Tracing these descriptions down the steps of the epochs was, although difficult, but possible, since every sound, every word was sacredly preserved in the hymns of the Vedas for centuries. It was possible to establish the place and time of completion of the main of the Ved-Rigveda (correctly Richveda or Rekveda, literally: “Speech” - the synonymous words “rig-rek-rich” are still preserved in Old Russian in the well-known form “river, you speak” and etc.).

From the Vedas, many descriptions passed into the monuments of Vedic literature associated with them. The famous epic poem "Mahabharata", the beginning of which is lost in the darkness of centuries, contains a number of descriptions of mysterious natural phenomena that are far from the realities of India. So what's the deal? These descriptions have a significant similarity with the legends, legends, beliefs, myths of all the Slavs that are most ancient in their origin. In what remote antiquity could such a resemblance arise? And where? Many of the descriptions contained in ancient Indian literature, which are considered to be mysterious, do not seem so at all to the Slavs, even living in our time. Their ancestors for thousands of years observed these “mysterious” natural phenomena in the far north (for example, the “northern lights”), and therefore not only Russians, but also other Slavic peoples are quite familiar with what is considered myths or poetic allegories in India.

So, in the 19th century, historians, in search of the ancestral home of the Indo-European peoples, turned their eyes to the Circumpolar region. They were greatly influenced by the book Paradise Found, or the Cradle of Mankind at the North Pole, by the American historian Warren, which went through ten editions (the last in Boston in 1893). In the Arctic, they began to look for the ancestors of the Slavs and Aryans, also because the attention of historians was attracted by the book of the famous Indian scientist, an expert in Sanskrit B. Tilak (1856-1920). This work "The Arctic Homeland in the Vedas" was first published in 1903, and then repeatedly reprinted in different languages ​​(unfortunately, in our country this book was first published only in 2001).

The researchers revealed the similarity of many words of the Indo-European languages, as well as a number of coincidences in their grammatical structure and some closeness of the beliefs and customs of these peoples, which absolutely did not fit into the framework of Christian ideas about history. For the first time, disputes began to arise about the origin of the word "history". Supporters of the Vedic worldview argue that "history" comes from the phrase "from-tori-ya", i.e. from oral traditions (remember to “tort” - pave the way, speak, “chatter” - speak quickly). Christian ideologists, on the other hand, assert “from-Torah-I” (where “Torah” is the Pentateuch of the Old Testament).

In search of the ways of the ancestral home and the parent language, some scientists even came to the conclusion that in ancient times there was a common Aryan race. In the 20th century, they agreed to an absurd statement about the "Aryan" of the Germans and the "non-Aryan" of other peoples, including the Slavs. Everyone knows what a tragedy this expulsion of the Slavs from the “Aryan race” ended in, what tortures and mockeries the Slavic peoples were subjected to for their “non-Aryanism”, and to what absurdity the German National Socialists brought their “Aryan virtues”. Such views belong to geopolitical speculations.

We remind you that the word "Arya" (ar "ya, aria) referred to a large group of tribes related in language and culture. In the ancient Aryan "Ar" - the Earth, the surface of the earth, the hill, the mountain - was preserved in the Indo-European languages ​​​​as a measure of the surface (area "Ar-i-ya" - means one basic concept - "Earthlings", although sometimes there is also a derivative concept of "farmers".

Slavs are not a nationality, but a religion, a way of life. Slav - literally - Glorifying "Yan", i.e. The paternal aspect of the Most High and "In", i.e. His Mother aspect. Our Ancestors glorified the Most High Ancestor, His incarnations, glorified the divine world of Rule, hence the Slavs and the Orthodox. These words sounded in everyday life when it became necessary to distinguish their own kind from foreigners, gentiles, foreigners and schismatics, mainly in connection with the forced arrival of Christianity in Russia.

Slovenes - this concept speaks of a common language (they used the same words, in contrast to those who were “not us” or “dumb”, i.e. “Germans”).

Nation - a community of peoples (Aryev - Earthlings), who considered themselves Bozhichs-Svarozhichs, i.e. children of the Heavenly Father of the Progenitor (in material incarnation-Svarog) and Mother Earth. In ancient Slovenian (ancient Aryan, Sanskrit, which is the same) Tsy (Qi) meant God the Father, the Source of Sources, the masculine principle, i.e. in ancient times, men were called "those coming from Tsy", abbreviated as "fathers". Now the meaning of “on-Qi-ya” is clearer, i.e. at the Source of Sources, the Primordial people, the Pranarod. Germans (mute from Tsy), i.e. those who never understood us.

People, Na - Rod, where Rod is in the meaning of "earth" (that's why today it sounds that the earth will give birth). During the growth and settlement of individual tribes of the nation, people appeared on new lands living on this land, hence Rod-and-on, i.e. the earth and those living on it, as well as the very concept of a clan, as a separate tribe.