Children's library of Chukovsky. Central Children's Library named after

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Address: st. G. Isakova, 170 , No. 120 to the stop "G. Isakov.
Telephone: 40-05-20
e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Opening hours: from 10:00 to 19:00, Sunday from 10:00 to 18:00. Day off - Saturday.
AT summer period days off - Saturday, Sunday. The 15th day of each month is a sanitary day.
Library manager - Kazartsev Dmitry Sergeevich.
The birthday of the library is September 1, 1974. The Central Children's Library named after. K.I. Chukovsky is one of the largest children's libraries in the city of Barnaul.
The library is open to readers of all ages. Constantly open: children's play area, museum "Evolution of things", gallery contemporary art"Reflection", Public Center for Legal Information. In addition, a free open Wi-Fi zone and Internet access have been created.
Priority areas of the library's activities are reflected in various programs. The development of spiritual, intellectual, creative qualities of children and youth is carried out through the implementation of the youth program "Create your future - read!" and the Library Sunday family living room project. Open for the youngest readers Subscription "Baby".
As part of programs " open world» work is carried out to promote the socialization of people with disabilities.
The library successfully operates museum "Evolution of things", which consists of various thematic blocks representing various aspects of the evolution of the objective world, the genealogy of simple things.
In the hall of contemporary art "Reflection" vernissages, meetings with artists, lectures on the history of art, master classes are held, which allows you to discover new names in painting, graphics, arts and crafts, demonstrate private collections of artists of different generations, professional and amateur craftsmen, exhibitions of children's works.
Public Center for Legal Information provides free access of citizens to legal information and legal reference systems "Legislation of Russia", "Consultant Plus".
Everyone who comes to the library can spend time interestingly and profitably: take books and other publications home, learn more about new books and meet their authors, take part in cultural and entertainment events, communicate with interesting people, listen to classical and modern music, visit bookstores and art exhibitions, work with information from electronic databases, take part in educational and educational events, read books and magazines outdoors in the summer reading room, get trained and become a confident Internet user, get advice on finding information.

For local kids. At that time, Peredelkino was a typical old dacha place, there was no library nearby. K.I. Chukovsky house had a special bookcase with children's books, which he constantly gave to read to neighboring children. The idea to build a library came to his mind after the words of one boy: “Korney Ivanovich, I read all the books from your bookcase, but I didn’t know how to become a hero ...”.

Under Korney Ivanovich, the library consisted of 400 books, now it has 14,000 copies in its collection, and the library premises have been turned into an exposition of several sections:

  1. old bookcase- a reminder of the bookcase that prompted K.I. Chukovsky the idea of ​​creating a library.
  2. 2. Writer's room with installation " Writer's desk»: a lamp, a clock, a telephone, an inkstand, a typewriter ... - exactly the same as those that surrounded Chukovsky during work.
  3. pioneer room: here are collected items telling about the childhood of Soviet children (pioneer uniform, detachment paraphernalia, school supplies, crafts).

There are two bookcases with autographs in the library - they were donated by writers during the existence of the library. Among the authors are S. Marshak, E. Permyak, L. Kassil, L. Panteleev, V. Berestov, V. Kataev, A. Pristavkin, V. Soloukhin, E. Uspensky and others. Many editions have charming wishes. E. Uspensky, for example, wrote: “Guys! Long live the Book! Down with the TV!

Library No. 92 - Cultural Center of K. I. Chukovsky GBUK of Moscow "TsBS VAO" was formed on September 17, 2014 by merging the Children's Library - Cultural K. I. Chukovsky and Library No. 123 of GBUK of Moscow "TsBS VAO". Until December 31, 2013, the libraries were in the structure of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow "TsBS No. 3 VAO". The library complex includes a sector of adult literature (1st Vladimirskaya str., 15, building 3).

Fund size: 33 420

Age addressing of the fund: 0+

History reference

The Children's Library was opened in 1950 in the city of Perovo, Moscow Region, which on August 17, 1960 became part of the Kalininsky District of Moscow as Children's Library No. 84 of the Kalininsky District. Initially, the library was located on Green Avenue. On May 9, 1961, it received the name Children's Library No. 75 of the Kalininsky District of Moscow. Since 1958, it has occupied its current premises at the address: st. Metallurgists (until 1964 - 8th Vladimirskaya st.), 5.

When the administrative-territorial division of the districts of Moscow was changed in August 1968, the library was assigned to the Perovsky district. In 1979, Children's Library No. 75 became part of the Central Library Library of the Perovsky District of Moscow. In the status of the Central District Children's Library No. 75 was in 1979-1990.

In 1992–2011, Children's Library No. 75 was part of the Central Library Library No. 3 of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. In 2011, for many years of fruitful work in the field of promoting reading, the library received the name of a poet, publicist, literary critic, translator and literary critic Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky (1882–1969) and the status of the Children's Library - cultural center K. I. Chukovsky.

December 31, 2013 The Children's Library - Cultural Center of K. I. Chukovsky became part of the State Budgetary Institution of Culture of Moscow "TsBS VAO", on September 17, 2014 received the status of Library No. 92 - Cultural Center of K. I. Chukovsky GBUK Moscow " CBS VAO.

Name history

Children's Library in Perovo, Moscow Region (1950–1960)

Children's Library No. 75 of the Perovsky District of Moscow (1969–1979)

Central District Children's Library No. 75 of the Central Library Library of the Perovsky District of Moscow (1979–1990)

Children's Library No. 75 of the Central Library Library of the Perovsky District of Moscow (1990–1991)

Children's Library No. 75 TsBS No. 3 of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow (1992–2011)

Children's Library - Cultural Center of K. I. Chukovsky CLS No. 3 of the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow (2011 - December 31, 2013)

Children's library - Cultural center of K.I.

Library No. 92 - Cultural Center of K. I. Chukovsky GBUK of Moscow "TsBS VAO" (since September 17, 2014)

memorial work

A memorial corner dedicated to the life and work of K. I. Chukovsky was created in the premises of Library No. 92 - the Cultural Center of K. I. Chukovsky. There is a special fund of literature containing books by the author and journalistic works about him, as well as lifetime editions of the national fiction. For the birthday, memory day, anniversaries, events are being prepared, united in the Chukovsky Readings cycle.

In order to expand knowledge about the work of K. I. Chukovsky, excursions are regularly held in the library with a display documentaries about the life and work of the writer. Close contacts have been established with the House-Museum of K. I. Chukovsky and the Library No. 266 named after. K. I. Chukovsky GBUK of Moscow CBS "Novomoskovsk" in the village of Peredelkino.

Employees of Library No. 92 - Cultural Center of K. I. Chukovsky regularly make presentations at city and regional seminars and conferences on the results of familiarizing the readership with the literary heritage of the world famous author.

Additional Information

Library departments: reading room for 35 seats, subscription for preschoolers and students in grades 1–4, subscription for students in grades 5–9.

The library provides components of a "barrier-free space" for readers with disabilities: handrails, chairs for people with impaired musculoskeletal system. The sanitary room is equipped with special handrails.

The library provides free access to the Internet, free Wi-Fi, electronic catalogs of the CLS, file cabinets of articles. The library holds events aimed at the development of intellectual and creativity visitors, increasing interest in reading, which include various traditional, creative and interactive forms and methods of work.

Associations and clubs: circle "Class with a speech therapist" (correction of delay speech development in children 3–10 years old), the Silver Strings circle (the basics musical literacy, learning instrumental pieces, mastering performing skills; for children and adolescents aged 10–18 years), the “Colorful Fairy Tale” circle (the basics of drawing and painting, making products from natural materials; for children 5–6 years old), the “Preparation for School” circle (teaching reading, writing and mathematics within 1st grade secondary programs secondary school; early development and preschool children 4–7 years old), literary club “Red Cat” (basics of versification, works, compositions of small literary forms, exchange of literary experience; for children and adolescents 10–18 years old), circle “ funny notes"(basics of musical literacy, learning instrumental pieces, mastering performing skills; learning to play the musical instruments children 5–10 years old).

V. Khlystova, head of the library of the village. Peredelkino: “Chukovsky instilled in me a love of the book for life. And he also determined my fate by offering to become a librarian of his personal library. The one that in half a century was destined to turn into a memorial library-museum.
In 1957, when Korney Ivanovich opened it, there were only 400 publications in it. Now there are more than one thousand of them in the library. Also because here the principle that Chukovsky professed worked and still operates: every incoming writer leaves his book as a gift. And Korney Ivanovich himself never came here empty-handed - always with a book.
Today I rejoice that the candle lit by K.I. Chukovsky continues to shine: more and more children's worships become readers of his library."

Using the experience of working on a museum exposition in the library of the village of Volodarsky, the central regional library, together with the same team of authors, took up a new museum project. It was decided to turn the children's library of K.I. Chukovsky in the village of Peredelkino into an institution that combines the functions of a library, memorial museum, as well as studios where children can master the skills creative work. In 2003, the Moscow Regional Government provided a grant to implement the plan.
Soon, in the library created by K.I.
notebooks, a pioneer's diary and paper and cardboard globes, the Writer's Study, where every child, sitting at a desk, can test himself as an author.
The Peredelkino library is known to children from all over the Moscow region. First grader Seryozha came to the library with his dad. And he immediately became interested in the knowledge room with unusual for him ink bottles and a cardboard globe. Sat in the writer's chair. Looked into the rest room board games, toys. Then he began to carefully examine the exhibition of children's drawings and a large folder, where there were also many drawings. And suddenly under one I saw my last name, only the name was different - Misha. Seryozha looked at his father, who smiled.
It turns out that he was also here when he was at school, and left his drawing. Indeed, in this children's library, everyone can not only read a book, but also hang out their own work for general viewing or take someone else's favorite as a keepsake. The exhibition archive is carefully stored here. To keep the link between generations.
This is what an unusual library for children and teenagers is in Peredelkino. It is located in a small wooden house - "pencil case" next to the house-museum of the world famous children's writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. Here, young visitors are greeted by paintings by famous children's artists and books by their favorite writers with autographs of the authors. This library was built by Chukovsky in 1957 at his own expense. And he considered it his most important "work".

Korney Ivanovich dreamed that children, being in the library, would touch beautiful world creativity, develop their talents. And this idea last years managed to implement. Now on the basis of the children's library, which is a branch of the Centralized Library System of the Leninsky District, there is a regional methodological center children's creativity. Master classes are held for gifted children and teenagers of the Moscow region, which have already been attended by children from Kashira, Stupino, Domodedovo, Podolsk, Odintsovo ... On such days, poems, stories, fairy tales, and essays are heard in the library. The young participants of the seminar listen attentively and vigorously discuss them… The best works published in the collections "Sunflowers", the newspapers "Moscow Writer" and "Literary Muscovy".

Summer is the hottest time for the library: children from all over the Leninsky district go on an excursion - to visit Grandfather Korney. Yes, and in Peredelkino itself, young residents arrive at this time - they are all written down as readers. The library is also open on weekends. However, not only children are attracted by these walls. Recently, members of the bard club from Vidnoye visited the Peredelkino library. We spent the night, as in our youth, by the fire. They left filled with dreams and poetic images.
Guests, including foreign ones, visiting this house are delighted. This is exactly the feeling experienced by members of the Spanish delegation of cultural workers from the Madrid district, who visited Peredelkino as part of the Week of European Countries in the libraries of the Moscow region. They left with a desire to set up children's libraries in their homeland "according to the Chukovsky method."