In which group did Malikov senior sing. Yuri Malikov: “My son saved me from death

This ensemble was created in 1971, its leader was Yuri Malikov. VIA was considered semi-official, since the theme of their songs was mainly Komsomol-patriotic, although there were other excellent songs in their repertoire, such as "Verba" or "Corner of Russia". In total, they released 4 giant discs, many compilations and minions.

For the first time the musicians got together in 1970, and the first concerts were given already in the next 1971. The history of the group began with the fact that a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory, Yuri Malikov, received an offer to go to the EXPO 70 exhibition, which was held in Japan, he had long wanted to create his own musical group, and in Japan he became interested in modern music. Returning, he began to closely engage in the organization of his own ensemble.

In 1971, as part of the program "C Good morning"A whole program was released about the new team, 2 of their songs sounded, so the ensemble's television debut took place, as part of the same program, a competition was announced for best title for him, the name "Gems" was suggested by the audience and liked by the musicians.

The very first song of "Gems", which was called "I'll take you to the tundra", (which was later performed by Cola Beldy) became a real hit. And their debut, live performance took place in the Hermitage Garden Theater and was a huge success.

The main members of the ensemble were Irina Shachneva, Sergey Berezin, Eduard Krolik, Valentin Dyakonov, Gennady Zharkov, Nikolai Rappoport, in this line-up they recorded their golden hits, such as Good Omens, No Need to Be Sad and many others. Music for the ensemble was written by such famous composers like V. Dobrynin, S. Tulikov and many others, the authors of the lyrics were D. Tukhmanov and R. Rozhdestvensky. The hallmark of the group was the song "My address is the Soviet Union." The ensemble traveled all over the country with tours. Almost all of their songs immediately became real hits.

In 1972, the ensemble took part in the Dresden hit festival, and Valentin Dyakonov took 6th place on it. Subsequently, they became laureates of many music competitions, they have been on tour in many countries around the world. In 1975, despite the peak of the popularity of "Gems", the leading musicians of the ensemble left the band and created their own VIA "Flame". Within 20 days, Malikov not only collected new composition, but also prepared a full-fledged concert program for them, the band's repertoire was updated by almost half. In the 80s and 90s, many idols of the 80s passed through the VIA, such as Vladimir Kuzmin, Vyacheslav Dobrynin, Anatoly Mogilevsky and many others, and the future brilliant artist Vladimir Vinokur made his debut in the ensemble. The musicians not only performed, but also brilliantly commented on their performances. After the 1980 Olympics, interest in the VIA began to gradually decline, largely due to the fact that the functionaries decided to demonstrate the modernity of the socialist system and allowed numerous rock bands to perform before the Olympics.

The first dates of the existence of the ensemble: from 1971 to 1992. And in 1995, the work of a truly legendary team, Gems, was resumed. The ensemble was formed by the famous artist Yuri Malikov. He, by the way, in 2007 was awarded the title of people. The composition of the team is constantly changing. In this article, we will talk about life as former members, as well as the current ones.

The ensemble recently celebrated its 35th anniversary. In honor of this, it was launched new project"NEW Gems", which included younger and more promising stars of the modern scene. But now this team is of little interest to anyone, neither the previous generation, nor the current one. More interest is shown in the good old ensemble, about the members of which in question below.

So, the composition of the group "Gems":

  • Elena Petrovna Presnyakova.
  • Alexander Sergeevich Nefedov.
  • Oleg Minasovich Sleptsov.
  • Georgy Vasilievich Vlasenko.
  • Yuri Fedorovich Malikov.
  • Irina Vasilievna Shachneva.
  • Valery Vadimovich Belyanin.
  • Grigory Rubtsov.
  • Sergei Ukhnalev.
  • Sergey Anatolievich Kuznetsov.

Former members:

  • Vladimir Presnyakov Sr.
  • Andrey Sapunov.
  • Vitaly Bogdanov.
  • Vladimir Vinokur.
  • Anatoly Mogilevsky.
  • Arkady Khoralov.
  • Alexander Barykin.
  • Vyacheslav Dobrynin.
  • Alexey Glyzin.
  • Vladimir Kuzmin.
  • Valery Khabazin.
  • Sergei Belikov.
  • Valentin Dyakonov.
  • Dmitry Malikov.

Yuri Fyodorovich Malikov

Yuri was born on June 6, 1943. He graduated from a technical school in Podolia, and then School of Music. Since his youth, he has toured extensively and has always been closely associated with art. For some period he became very interested in jazz and even participated in the ensemble.

In 1965 Malikov entered the conservatory. Almost 10 years later he graduated from it and after a short period of time became the director of the ensemble "Gems".

Dmitry Malikov is the son of Yuri, the successor of the musical dynasty, but he never was in his father's team.

Elena Petrovna Presnyakova

Elena Presnyakova is known to many natives of the Soviet Union. She received her secondary education in 1965; in the same period, she began working in an ensemble from the Philharmonic. She married Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. in 1966. And since then, to this day, their life has been inseparable. They are involved in projects together.

She joined the group "Gems" in 1975 and still works as a soloist. But this is not where her career began. Everything happened much earlier. Before Elena got into Gems, she performed in other ensembles. For example, she worked for Gyulli Chokheli.

Yuri Malikov (creator) invited her to the legendary team together with her husband. In 2002, the artist received the title of Honored. At a time when the Gems were not active, she often helped her son Vladimir in his music programs.

Valery Vadimovich Belyanin

Became a graduate of the creative workshop. He took vocal lessons from Georgy Vinogradov. Previously, he was a member of the Aquarel and Flame ensembles, and now he works with the famous Gems.

Born May 16, 1953. They started talking about him when he began performing with his colleagues in the Vityazi ensemble. He did not participate in Aquarel for long - only a year in 1977. For ten years he worked in Flame - since 1979. In the early 90s, he declared himself as a composer and performer of independently written texts. And he came to "Gems" in 1997 and is still in the team.

Alexander Sergeevich Nefedov

Alexander graduated from a music school. He is a professional vocalist. Before Alexander Nefedov got into Gems in 1980, he performed in another ensemble called Guitars Sing. Can play drums and rhythm guitar. During the period when the "Gems" stopped their activities for a while, he confidently engaged in solo promotion. In 1992, a press poll was held about the best singers Russia, Alexander entered the top ten list.

Sergei Anatolievich Kuznetsov

Born June 21, 1954 in the Russian capital. He worked as an aspiring actor in a puppet studio. The army passed in the ensemble of songs and dances.

He got into Gems in 1977, where he still works. He performed with a huge number of parodies of many artists. He is an honored worker of one of the republics of Uzbekistan.

Irina Vasilievna Shachneva

Irina Shachneva was born 65 years ago, on January 30th. She was educated at the school and at GITIS. Malikov initially invited her as a soloist in "Gems". After the collapse of the first authentic composition of the ensemble, she took part in its development in 1995 and still works in this team. He is also an honorary member of the Union of Musicians of Russia.

Sergei Grigorievich Belikov

Federation was born in the Moscow region on October 25, 1954. After he graduated from the music school, he began to work in the theater. He was accepted into the "Araks". Around the same time, he entered the Institute of Culture as a music teacher.

He was invited to "Gems" in 1976, but a year later he left the team and returned to the previously abandoned group. From 1974 to 1980 he participated in famous theater productions. Closer to the 81st, he returns to the "Gems". Four years later, he begins solo activities.

Good for football. He is a member of the pop stars team, where he plays the role of scorer.

Oleg Minasovich Sleptsov

Oleg Sleptsov began his career at the age of 3, when he took part in shows of fashion designers from the USSR and France. This first happened in 1957. Already in 1960, he got a role in the film Three Hours on the Road, which was filmed by Mosfilm. He has a fairly large number of diplomas behind him: he graduated from the academy, college and graduate school. All his specialties are related to music. In 1991, he decided to create the Tele-Pop Show group, while at the same time he also works with Dmitry Malikov's team. And he joined the Gems group in 1981.

Vladimir Petrovich Presnyakov

Vladimir was born in the Lviv region. His parents were musicians, so he is a successor family traditions. Now he is 70 years old (born March 26, 1946).

The 1970s were a difficult time for the elder. A provocative article was published about him, which spoke about his "vile" repertoire. As a result, the artist was not hired literally anywhere, even in amateur performances. Salvation for him was Malikov. He invited him to the VIA "Gems". Yuri could not do without such a talented saxophonist and arranger as Presnyakov, so with great pleasure he took him and his wife to the team being created.

However, the artist did not stay long in the ensemble and left it without unnecessary scandals already at the end of the 80s. This is due to the son's attempts to start solo activities. Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. decided to help him and began to work for him as a saxophonist.

Andrey Borisovich Sapunov

Andrei is now 59 years old (born October 20, 1956). Since childhood, he and his brother played in the ensemble. After he graduated from school, he entered the Institute of Fisheries, a little later he continued his studies in the energy sector. But after a while he quit. He served in the army, where he fell in love with playing the guitar, like Alexander Nefedov. After demobilization, he worked a little less than a year in the team In 1979-1983. studied at the school. At the very beginning of his studies, he began working in the Sunday group. After the team broke up, Andrey decides to finally get a higher education. musical education. For two years since 1984 he worked at VIA "Gems". After the termination of the contract, he participated in the activities of the Lotos group.

Vitaly Anatolievich Bogdanov

Vitaly became the participant that every Russian now knows about. Now he is 62 years old (born October 6, 1953). The years in which Vitaly was in the group, unfortunately, are unknown. And the biography itself remains a mystery, only some facts periodically appear in the press. Now Bogdanov works in the State Duma. He is one of the members of the Council of the Russian Federation. I communicated well with such an artist as Alexander Nefedov.

Valentin Mikhailovich Dyakonov

He was educated at the Gnessin School. Has been working with "Gems" since 1971. After the collapse of the team, he collaborated with VIA "Flame". In 1978 he began his solo career.

Vladimir Natanovich Vinokur

Vladimir Natanovich comes from a Jewish family. His father was quite famous in the artist's hometown - Kursk. Vinokur - 68 years old (born March 31, 1948).

For the first time, they started talking about Vladimir in 1962, when he sang on international competition composition and received first place for it. By the way, gold medal handed to him by Yuri Gagarin himself.

While studying at the assembly technical school, he tried to enter GITIS. Although he went through all the vocal tours with a bang, he was not finally accepted due to the fact that he did not have documents on secondary education. He entered again in 1969, while in the army. The decisive years in his life were 1973-1975. It was during this period that he met Yuri Nikulin and worked in a circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. In the fourth year, she gets a job at the Moscow Operetta Theater.

Vinokur got into the team "Gems" in 1975, like Elena Presnyakova. Two years later he received an award for All-Russian competition artists. And since that time he has been solo.

Arkady Dmitrievich Khoralov

Now Arkady is 65 years old (born January 26, 1961). He went to first grade in Melitopol. He graduated from school with honors. Along with the compulsory education, he also received an additional - musical. Knows how to play the piano. In the same locality he graduated from the Institute of Agricultural Mechanization. Khoralov is a promising athlete. He was involved in athletics and football at a young age.

Before working in the ensemble "Gems", he was active in several less popular bands. Here he has been a soloist since 1976. After the collapse of the team, he did not return for the second time.

Anatoly Isaakovich Mogilevsky

He studied since 1995 at the local music school, but, unfortunately, was expelled. This happened due to the fact that Mogilevsky tried to combine study with work. In 1964, he got a place in one of the best restaurants in the Baltics, Lido.

IN summer period 1967 Anatoly was invited to audition for the VIO-66 orchestra. And already in the fall of this year, he became a full-fledged soloist.

Father of such famous artist how Dmitry Malikov, Yuri, took Mogilevsky to "Gems" in 1972. He recorded several hits with the team, but by the end of 1975, due to strong disagreements with the leader, almost all the soloists left the ensemble and founded their own - VIA "Flame".

Alexander Alexandrovich Barykin

Unfortunately, Alexander Barykin left our world at the age of 53 (born February 18, 1952). Has been associated with music since childhood. He graduated from a music school, and in high school he organized his own group.

I already graduated from the institute in absentia, as I could not study full-time due to employment.

He joined the team "Gems" in 1976, but left it a year later, even before the arrival of such an excellent artist as Oleg Sleptsov. Work in this ensemble was one of his first attempts to break into the stage. It was after this that Alexander was able to get on his feet and worked tirelessly. He often wrote poetry. Even being seriously ill, he still never refused to speak. In 2011, after the concert, he had a heart attack, and in the morning the artist died. According to eyewitnesses, he hardly finished singing the last songs.

Georgy Vasilievich Vlasenko

Georgy Vlasenko worked with many once famous Soviet bands that performed on the stage. He is a talented graduate of one of the Kharkov conservatories. He always arranges songs; plays the keyboard and also tutors. His first professional appearance on stage took place in 1975 at the Philharmonic. He often wrote music for films released by Mosfilm. Georgy got into the group "Gems" twice. The first - from 1985 to 1987, the second - from 1995 to the present day.

Vyacheslav Grigorievich (Galustovich) Dobrynin

The People's Artist, known as a soloist and composer, celebrated his 70th birthday this year (born January 25, 1946). His parents were military. It so happened that he never saw Father Galust Petrosyan (at the front he was called Grigory).

After graduating from school, Dobrynin entered Moscow State University. After some time, he began to teach at the same educational institution.

Vyacheslav's career as a singer began in 1989. Yuri Malikov invited Dobrynin to join his team. He wrote songs for the ensemble "Gems" for a long time, some of them he performed himself. Solo career the singer also developed quite successfully.

Alexey Sergeevich Glyzin

Glyzin is now 54 years old (born January 13, 1954). Together with general education He also received a musical piano class. He did not finish school, after the 8th grade he moved to a technical school. This educational institution quit and began to work in the ensemble.

He studied at the day department at the Institute of Culture. Before going to work in "Gems", he was a soloist in the ensemble "Good fellows". He moved to Yuri Malikov in 1977, but did not last more than 12 months. After him, he moved to "Rhythm", which accompanied the pop star - Alla Pugacheva.

For nine years he was the soloist of "Jolly Fellows". In this team, he performed quite a lot of hits. His career is very successful: he has released many albums and several collections of songs.

Dmitry Malikov - Soviet and Russian singer and composer, producer, TV presenter, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2010). Known for songs of his own composition, mostly romantic content: “My distant star”, “You will never be mine” and “You are alone, you are like that”. Successfully combines musical career classical and pop music classes, is a talented and successful pianist.

Childhood and family

Dmitry Malikov was born on January 29, 1970 in a creative Moscow family. His father is the Honored Artist of Russia Yuri Fedorovich Malikov, the creator and leader of the once popular VIA "Gems". Mom, Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vyunkova, was a ballet soloist, and then became her son's concert director. Dmitry also has a sister, younger by 7 years, singer Inna Malikova.

As a child, Dima was very athletic and devoted a lot of time to street games - for example, football. And when the parents invited the music teacher to study with Dima at home, the young athlete did not like it so much that he constantly ran away from lessons. The family lived on the first floor, so Dmitry jumped out the window as soon as he heard the doorbell ring. The teacher constantly scolded and reprimanded the grandmother, who spent most of her time raising Malikov, that her grandson would never become a musician.

Despite the first reluctance to study, Dima quickly achieved great heights in the musical field, masterfully mastered the piano. Future at 14 popular artist composed his first song, which he called "Iron Soul". Music in Malikov's life soon took first place, and thoughts about a sports career faded into the background.

The beginning of a musical career

In 1985, Dmitry Malikov graduated from the 8th grade of the school and entered the music school at the Moscow Conservatory. At the same time, he began to take his first steps on the Russian stage - he played keyboards in his father's band VIA "Gems" and composed music. The songs of the young composer Dmitry Malikov were even included in the group's repertoire, and Larisa Dolina sang his composition "House on a Cloud".

His television debut happened in 1986: Dmitry Malikov performed on the program "Wider Circle" with the song "I am painting a picture" to the verses of Lilia Vinogradova. Later, in 1987, in the program " Yuri Nikolaev's Morning Mail" Malikov sang the song "Terem-Teremok".

Dmitry Malikov and Oleg Sleptsov ("Gems") - "Terem-Teremok"

His first compositions on the big stage were "Moon Dream" to the words of Lilia Vinogradova and "You will never be mine" to the words of David Samoilov. Then the first major success came to him - the composition "Moonlight Dream" became the record holder of the "Soundtrack" hit parade, in which it lasted for a year. Listeners were fascinated by the romantic image of Malikov and his touching songs, in the same year he was recognized as the "Discovery of the Year".

A year later, at the "New Year's Light-89" young musician sang his new composition called "Until Tomorrow". She is still considered his hallmark, and Dmitry traditionally includes her in his concert performances. In this and the following years, Malikov was recognized as the "Singer of the Year". His next songs - "Student", "Sing to me", "Dear side", "Everything will return", "Poor heart" - also topped the charts.

Dmitry Malikov - “You are alone, you are like that”

After graduating from a music school, in 1989, Dmitry Malikov became a student of the piano department of the Moscow State Conservatory them. Tchaikovsky, where he began to study with Professor Valery Kastelsky.

In the summer, the graduate was invited as a guest to international festival music in Sopot, Poland. A year later, the artist already began performing solo concerts - the first large-scale performance took place in November 1990 at the Olimpiysky KSS in Moscow, where more than one thousand listeners came.

The heyday of a musical career

In 1993, Dmitry Malikov demonstrated his acting talent by playing in Alexander Proshkin's film See Paris and Die. In the same year, in Germany, he released the single Don "t Be Afraid ("Do not be afraid"), which he performed with the singer Oscar in a duet called Baroque. The following year, Malikov received a red diploma from the Moscow Conservatory.

In parallel with his pop career, Dmitry Malikov always found an opportunity to devote time to classical music and playing the piano. In 1995, the artist performed on the piano a concerto by Franz Liszt with an orchestra conducted by conductor Konstantin Kremets in the television program Paradise Cocktail. Two years later, Dmitry Malikov gave a concert in Stuttgart.

A little later, an album of instrumental music called "Fear of Flight" was released, favorably received by his fans. In 1999, Dmitry Malikov became an Honored Artist of Russia, and a year later he received the Ovation Award in the nomination For Intellectual Contribution to the Development of Youth Music.

His second instrumental album was released in 2001 under the title "Game". The disc includes piano arrangements of various popular songs of the national stage. By the way, the instrumental compositions of Dmitry Malikov are constantly heard in television programs, and also become soundtracks of documentaries and feature films. In 2004, a reissue of the popular album "Fear of Flight" was released.

In 2007, the artist presented his author's project PIANOMANIA to the audience. The TV version of the concert within the framework of the project was shown on the air of the NTV channel, and after that the album of the same name was released, which sold over 100 thousand copies. The premiere concerts of the show were held twice with a full house on the stage of the Moscow Opera Theater. Dmitry Chernyakov became the director-producer.

Dmitry Malikov - "From a clean slate"

In 2010, Dmitry Malikov again gave a solo piano concert, this time on the stage of the Moscow International House of Music (MMDM), and at the end of the year he presented the Symphonic Mania show in France, which was attended by such eminent groups as the Cirque du Soleil, an orchestra and a choir " new opera» and G. Taranda’s Imperial Russian Ballet. In the same year, the singer received the title People's Artist RF.

In 2012, Malikov created a social and educational project to help young pianists throughout Russia, which he called Music Lessons. In 2013, the singer released his next album called "25+", timed to coincide with the anniversary date in his work. And in 2015, the musician pleased his fans with the 15th disc "Cafe Safari", on which he recorded his new instrumental music.

Separate aspect in the work of Dmitry Malikov, these are video clips, many of which have become classics of Russian clip-making art. In total, the singer has about 20 video clips in the piggy bank, and most of them were shot by well-known directors - Oleg Gusev, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Yuri Grymov, Irina Mironova. Videos for the songs "I'll drink to the bottom" and "My distant star" became laureates Russian festival video clips "Generation". In total, by 2018, Dmitry Malikov recorded 14 albums, as well as three collections of songs and two singles.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

The first wife of Malikov, however, a civil one, was the once popular singer Natalya Vetlitskaya. Their relationship lasted 6 years, after which Vetlitskaya left Dmitry depressed from parting.

Malikov and Vetlitskaya - "What a strange fate"

Now the artist is married to Elena Malikova (Izakson), who works as a designer. Since 1992, the couple has lived in civil marriage, and after the birth of their daughter Stephanie in 2000, the lovers have already formalized the relationship. In addition, Dmitry Malikov raised Olga Isakson, his wife's daughter from his first marriage. Elena is 7 years older than her husband.

My address is Soviet Union

Gems group - Soviet and Russian vocal and instrumental ensemble (VIA) under the direction of Yuri Malikov.Among the famous songs are such as " My address is Soviet Union”, “There, behind the clouds”, “All life is ahead”, “This never happens again”, “Everything that I have in life”, etc. The songs “School ball”, “If we are together”, “Love lives on earth”, “Verba”, “Merci”, “I release a tit” can be called hits of that time.
Group VIA "Gems", founded in 1971 by a graduate of the Moscow Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky by Yuri Malikov, having quickly gained all-Union fame, recognition and love, became truly a “folk group” thanks to the created works, such as “My address is the Soviet Union”, “Near the village of Kryukovo”, “All life ahead”, “Ledum rosemary”, “There, behind the clouds”, “Bamovsky waltz”, “Everything that I have in life” and many others. The rapid flourishing of the VIA genre in the early 70s led to the fact that by the end of the 80s, many bands, including Gems, began to yield to the emerging new trends in popular music in their demand, which led for many of them to stop touring performances. In the mid-90s, Yuri Malikov decided to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the VIA "Gems", gathering many members of the ensemble and fellow artists in the TV program "Golden Hit". unexpected success this TV show gave him the idea that he could try to continue his concert activity. As a result, former soloists ensemble, as well as invited musicians and singers, began to tour successfully again.
The group "Gems" under the leadership of Yuri Malikov began to perform successfully in the mid-90s. Created concert program organically combines an unusually careful interpretation of the famous "gem" hits with bright vocal and acting work by Elena Presnyakova, Alexander Nefedov, Oleg Sleptsov and talented arrangements by Georgy Vlasenko. Along with this, the group continued to work on new works, creating several compositions in best traditions genre, such as "Last Year's Eyes", "Ragtime on the Titanic", "Christmas Snow", which is the great merit of Vladimir Petrovich Presnyakov.
The composition of the "Gems" group is everyone's favorite forever young and beautiful Elena Presnyakova
- Honored Artist of Russia. Soloist of the group from the end of 1975 to the present. Before "Gems" she had extensive experience working on the stage, performing in various ensembles, and of course in the VIA "What Guitars Sing About" created by Vladimir Presnyakov, at a concert of which, in the city of Odessa, Yuri Malikov first saw a talented musical family, later making them a creative proposal, which they could not refuse - to go to the ensemble "Gems".Soloist of VIA GEM Alexander Nefedov- Came to "Gems" from VIA "Sing Guitars" in 1980 as a vocalist. Possessing good musical abilities, he plays the rhythm guitar and percussion instruments.Soloist of VIA GEM Oleg Sleptsov- in "Gems" since 1981. Possessing excellent musical abilities, he graduated from the music school at the Moscow Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky in the piano class, is a great showman, combining vocal and choreographic skills, demonstrating vivid stage images. In the early 90s, he created the original musical project TV pop show. Currently, he organically combines concert activity with teaching (Academy classical art in jazz vocal class), and its graduate Oksana Bogoslovskaya won the Grand Prix at the Slavianski Bazaar festival in 2006.Soloist of VIA GEM Georgy Vlasenko- A graduate of the Kharkov Conservatory in the class of choral conducting. He worked in various popular pop groups of the USSR, including in the group of Stas Namin, music director ensemble of the famous performer Mikhail Muromov and others. Actively takes part in all arrangements of the group, plays the keyboard instruments is an excellent tutor. In 2007, Georgy Vlasenko became the winner of the annual Regional Rating "Kharkovite of the Year" in the nomination "Workers of science, culture, art".To find out the conditions for inviting the Gems Ensemble Presnyakova Elena to your event, call the numbers posted on the official website of the concert agent of the group. Information about the fee and the concert schedule will be given to you so that you can invite the group Gems Presnyakova Elena to an event or order a performance by the Gems group for an anniversary or a party. The official website of the Jewels Presnyakova Elena group carries information, video and photos. At your request, a group rider will be sent. Specify in advance and book free dates for the performance of the Gems group Presnyakova Elena.

In 1957 he entered the industrial technical school. During my studies I participated in amateur performances. In 1958 he entered the evening music school in Podolsk and studied there for two years. In 1962 he entered the Music College. Ippolitov-Ivanov, and in 1965 - to the conservatory in the double bass class.

Mstislav Rostropovich was then head of the department; Y. Malikov passed his exams during his studies. Malikov's teacher was Professor Astakhov. In 1969, Y. Malikov graduated from the conservatory, it was the anniversary, 100th graduation.

He began his concert activity in 1961, accompanied the performances of vocalists. Y. Malikov wanted to create an ensemble of modern youth songs, with fashionable rhythms, but on our, Russian, lyrical and dramatic basis. Since the autumn of 1970, Yuri began to create the ensemble "Gems". At first, they performed songs by different composers, made their own arrangements of songs by Soviet composers in such a style that it would be interesting for young people. Music and songs were sent from all over the country. "Gems" can be considered the founders of the vocal-instrumental genre. They created the image of a singing romantic, but the direction of pop music. In our country, "Gems" have become trendsetters in the manner of performance, during appearance, in songs.

For the first time, their performance took place in the variety theater of the Hermitage Garden in Moscow, in the summer of 1971, and soon after their successful debut in the Good Morning radio program, they performed the songs “Will I go, will I go out” and “I will take you to the tundra”.

At first, musicians were selected only according to the degree of vocal talent and skill in owning one or another instrument. Later, Malikov became more demanding, having convinced himself how important his common culture, the nature of acting data.

The ensemble set itself the task of becoming a worthy propagandist Soviet song. With all the difficulties of forming a repertoire, they succeeded. "Gems", singing contemporary poems set to music, have become a fascinating conversationalist and good partner for the youth audience. Songs: "For that guy" (music by M. Fradkin, lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky), "Good omens" (music by M. Fradkin, lyrics by E. Dolmatovsky), "Verba" (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by V. Urin), "There, behind the clouds" (music by M. Fradkin, lyrics by R. Rozhdestvensky), "This never happens again" (music by S. Tulikov, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky), "With us, the young" (music by Vyach. Dobrynin, and Y. Malikov, lyrics by V. Kharitonov) became not just popular, they became popular.

The "Gems" quickly developed their own performing tradition: the predominance of lyrically light chant, accompanied by a dynamically pulsating rhythm. Yuri Malikov diversified the instrumental palette: the ensemble included bass-rhythm-solo guitars, trumpet, scassophones, organ, piano, percussion, flute, harmonica, tambourines, rattles, celesta. The orchestral multi-coloredness returned "to its full circle", and the voices of the instruments, which had fallen silent, were, during the time of the electronic guitar yoke, again restored in their rights.

From the point of view of music and pop, "Gems" continued the line of the "ensemble of soloists", the beginning of which we can see in L. Utyosov's jazz, and then in O. Lundstrem's orchestra, the vocal groups of the first composition of "Friendship" or "Orer". On the other hand, Malikov experimented in the field of rapprochement between singing and instrumental voices, which also had its roots (for example, in Yu. Saulsky's VIA-66 orchestra). "Gems" were looking for a special warehouse of polyphony. And therefore, in their first composition, some "zest" was also found. Together with Y. Malikov, S. Berezin, Y. Peterson, G. Zharkov, V. Dyakon, A. Mogilevsky and Y. Genbachev, I. Shachneva sang here. It was not a copy from the former consonances of "Friendship", where the female voice was the soloist, shaded by the flexible male timbre background. Young musicians from Moscow have a combination female voice with the men's ensemble, gave the exact effect: after all, "Gems" led a vocal line in which all timbres merge as if at the very take-off - in a high register (the functions of shades and bass contrast are given to the instruments). Developing this line, which originated in the work of big-bit groups, "Gems" achieved exceptional expressiveness in singing.

The Malikov Ensemble strove, like some of its brethren, to revive the concert form of performances. They went to different venues: theater stage, the arena of the Sports Palace, the stage in front of the stands of the stadium, the stage of a small club... And each time, the features of the "scene" demanded from the performers their own organics, a different way of communicating with the public, a precise approach to the sound activity or the delicacy of the sound of the song. "Gems" sought to build a concert by logic musical form. The harmonious program was framed by a prologue and an epilogue, where the melody of D. Tukhmanov and V. Kharitonov's song "My address is the Soviet Union" sounded. "Gems" not only sang, but also commented on their performance, refusing the services of an entertainer and annoying service "ligaments". The director's construction of the concert included precise lighting accents that emphasized the movement of the program, creating an atmosphere of attention and concentration, and, where necessary, decisively breaking the rhythm of the action and mood. The song theater "Gems" was born.

In the early 90s, when life in Russia changed, the creative activity of the ensemble decreased, it seemed that the creative potential had dried up. In 1995, when the ensemble celebrated its 25th anniversary, "Old songs about the main thing" were released. Old songs got a second life and became popular again not only among older people, but also among young people.

"Gems" also revived. Now two groups of soloists of the ensemble are performing: I.Shachneva, V.Dyakonov, V.Belyanin and E.Presnyakova, O.Sleptsov, A.Nefedov, G.Vlasenko. The songs of the ensemble received, as it were, a second wind. The audience listens with joy and interest to their favorite songs, which can rightly be called song classics.

The ensemble "Gems" recorded twelve records-minions at the "Melody" company, released four giant discs. o several magnetic albums with remixes of old songs.

Yuri Malikov - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Vice President. International Union of Variety Workers. IN free time enjoys sports: football, athletics. Likes to travel. In addition, hobbies are: construction, architecture, design. Favorite writer - F.M. Dostoevsky.

One of the brightest creations of Yuri Malikov and the ensemble "Gems" was Dmitry Malikov, the son of Yuri Fedorovich, who continued the traditions of the Malikov musical dynasty. In 1986 he made his debut as a soloist of the ensemble "Gems", a pianist and singer, then he graduated from the music school at the Moscow Conservatory, the conservatory itself in the class of Professor V.V. Kostelsky, Repeatedly became the laureate of the song of the year festival. (1989-1992, 1995-1998), became a laureate of the Moscow Komsomol Prize, winner and prize-winner of various hit parades and competitions. And the "sound track" of "Moskovsky Komsomolets" recognized him as "the discovery of 1988".

In 1995 he won the "Grand Prix" of the international music festival"Monte Carlo 95" - how best performer countries of Eastern Europe. Laureate of the festivals "Generation 95, 96", "Golden Gramophone 97, 98".

D. Malikov embodied his versatile talent in the field of classical and pop music in his compositions, which are repeatedly heard in television and radio programs, recorded at recording studios in Russia and Germany. In 1992, the young pianist, singer and composer starred in leading role in the film "See Paris and die" directed by A. Proshkin. In gratitude for the help in the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the name of D. Malikov was included in the Board of Honor of the Temple.

Such songs by D. Malikov as "Moonlight Dream", "You will never be mine", "Until tomorrow", "Everything will return", "Marriage cortege", "Native side", "Golden dawn", " Emerald City became the favorite songs of millions of listeners.

Lives and works in Moscow.