Celebrities have a birthday on October 2nd.

Eloquent and persuasive personalities are born on October 2nd. Which zodiac sign corresponds to this day, you already guessed - Libra. These persons are able to captivate whole masses of people with their beautiful style. They can not only speak interestingly and confidently, but also listen carefully to their interlocutors. People who celebrate their birthday on October 2 are always confident in their abilities and intuition, which helps them in choosing the right decisions.

People born on October 2

Eloquence is the main talent of people born on October 2. They always express their opinion, not even caring about softening the harshness of their judgments, but the thoughts they express are always logical and consistent. These individuals have a sharp tongue. They can calmly and restrainedly express dissatisfaction with the justification of their conclusions and build them logically in such a way that the interlocutor will be confused and will not be able to give an objective answer.

People born in early October are categorical in their opinion. Their critical judgments often cause negative emotions in others, but Libra simply does not realize the harshness of their words. For this reason they are considered rude and arrogant.

Personalities born on October 2 often become remarkable public figures and diplomats, as they are well versed in the domestic and foreign policies of the state. They constantly follow the events in their country and take an active part in the development of the social sphere. Guided by intuition, natures can always turn a negative situation in their favor and convince the enemy that they are right.

People born on October 2 have an attractive appearance and an irresistible power of charm, which attract others to them. They seem soft and pliable, but at the same time they are characterized by a rigid mindset and rational thinking. Thanks to this, Libra is not afraid of life's difficulties and easily overcomes them. Such individuals respond with a double blow, so it is better not to quarrel with them.

Birthdays on October 2 are distinguished by a dual character. Indecisiveness can be combined with aggressiveness. This feature is usually observed due to a difficult childhood, in which Libra experienced moral or physical abuse, which was reflected in their soul by rejection or pathological attraction to him. They need to constantly maintain inner harmony and balance between physical activity and emotions. They must learn to properly express their inner feelings.

Those born in early October should not go against conventional wisdom and conflict with their own worldview. When evaluating other people, they should not cause increased aggression or hostility.

Personalities born on October 2 have a subtle sense of humor that can turn into sarcasm. They like to play jokes on others, but they cannot stand any ridicule in their address. They carefully hide their vulnerable nature under the mask of wit and aggressiveness. They rarely let into their inner world even the closest people.

The following celebrities celebrate their birthday on October 2: actress Camilla Belle, singer Sting, actor Yevgeny Sidikhin, singer and actress Sati Casanova, artist Andrey Danilko.

Description of the zodiac sign

People born on October 2 have all the typical traits of the Libra sign. They are characterized by charm, politeness and optimism. They are speakers and grateful listeners. It is pleasant to communicate with sociable and balanced persons. Fair Libra does not like deceitful people. A sense of intuition helps those born on October 2nd in recognizing falsehood.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign:

  • Element - Air. The air sign is characterized by diplomacy, friendliness, elitism, moderation, pluralism.
  • The ruling planet is Venus. Gives Libra peace and harmony. Patronizes beauty workers and marriage agents.
  • The planet in exile is Mars. It instills doubt in one's own strength and makes one shift the risk to the people around.

Born on October 2 quickly merge into political and social life. They are well versed in the opinions of society. Sometimes they can manipulate social processes and win over opponents to their side.

Libras make a special impression on those around them with their charm and inner strength, but they cannot be called weak-willed. Most often, such natures are distinguished by rigidity and the ability to staunchly defend themselves, so you should not make enemies in their face.

People who were born on October 2 can succumb to passions if they do not develop inner peace and balance. They are known for frequent expressions of disapproval and negative emotions, as well as aggression and ambition. Their ambivalent attitude to humor is expressed in the fact that they do not like to be joked about, but they themselves are not averse to sarcastic at someone else's address.

Many representatives of the sign of the element of Air turn out to be vulnerable natures, but their stern or playful appearance hides this property. Wit and aloofness draw attention away from their inner selves. Even close people sometimes fail to recognize the emotional vulnerability of Libra.

The suppression of strong feelings and needs in those born in October can adversely affect the psyche. Such individuals need to learn to open themselves to those in whom they have confidence. Astrologers do not recommend them to hide behind an invented image, otherwise others will not be able to see the true essence of Libra and provide them with the necessary support in a difficult situation. Processes directed in a constructive direction will help to satisfy desires and needs.

Features of Libra men

The Libra man, born on October 2, is distinguished by charisma, education, sophistication and harmony. Such people make excellent psychologists and advisers, thanks to their logical thinking. Outgoing personalities are often the center of attention and love to manipulate people.

Men born in early October strive for balance and harmony. If they cannot satisfy their desires, they get upset and loudly declare injustice. Drama attracts and repels such individuals at the same time, but their passionate nature is a great advantage for many women.

In personal relationships, an insecure sign of the element of Air needs a companion who will be a support for him, instilling confidence and helping him achieve his goals. In return, he gives her attention and courtship. The Libra man cannot always completely part with freedom and even gets a mistress on the side. But he will never offend or leave a woman who gives him psychological protection and care in marriage.

Qualities of Libra women

Born on October 2, the zodiac sign of the Libra woman has a charming appearance and impeccable manners. Such a lady is characterized by patience and diplomacy. She does not follow fashion trends, but creates an individual style that is distinguished by sophistication and elegance.

The Libra woman easily finds a common language with the men with whom she communicates on various topics. Her tact, politeness, logic and sharp mind attract the attention of males. Such a woman is a master of the word and can convince anyone of her judgment.

Personalities born on October 2 are characterized by conservatism. They are not adventurous. Their uncertainty often irritates others, but her final decision turns out to be correct. In the person of her chosen one, the Libra woman wants to see reliable support and support. In return, she will give him care and love, making him the most important person in her life.

Love and compatibility with other signs

Libras are looking for their own idealists and admirers of beauty. They will not be able to feel comfortable with people who do not share their refined interests and refined tastes. In acquiring new fans and friends, those born on October 2 are helped by friendliness and sociability.

Aerial sign personalities the elements are romantics Therefore, any manifestation of love is important for them. Often they are ready to sacrifice the most precious thing for the sake of a relationship, however, such an act is not always appreciated by a partner. Libra should look for a more balanced companion who will have a beneficial effect on them. A serious relationship planned for a long period should be approached with great caution by people born on October 2.

Who according to the horoscope suits Libra:

  • Twins. These signs often create a long and strong relationship, as they share common habits and life views. Gemini will be ideal for Libra, who sometimes needs to be organized and balanced during difficult periods of life.
  • Aquarius. Relations with Aquarius are the most successful and harmonious compatibility. Family life takes place with a common life position and the desire for the same goals.

With Scorpions, Libra cannot always build a long-term relationship, but a short romance is full of vivid emotions and experiences. The air sign will find the least success in duets with Virgo, Cancer and Pisces. Virgo will displease him due to the lack of common points of view and topics for conversation. Cancer will not get along in the harmonious and balanced world of Libra. From Pisces, these people often demand the impossible and trying to fit themselves, which would be unbearable for a water sign.

Career and suitable professions according to the horoscope

Those born on October 2 are characterized by benevolence, friendliness, openness and responsiveness. They are distinguished by optimism and stubborn avoidance of negative life situations. This position helps Libra to protect themselves from possible stresses. In addition, they know how to listen and never miss even the smallest details of conversations.

  • Jurisprudence. Libras will feel natural working as lawyers, lawyers or judges.
  • Architecture. The profession of an architect will help these persons maintain a sense of emotional balance and material stability.
  • Design. Those born on October 2 can reveal their creative abilities in the field of fashion and decorative arts.

People born in early October often become actors or artists. Outgoing people often choose to work in counseling or work as a psychologist. Since Libras are known for their curiosity and accumulate large reserves of knowledge, the profession of a teacher, engineer or doctor is suitable for them.

Representatives of the air sign aspire to high positions but they know how to run a business. They like to earn a lot of money and spend it on travel and expensive things. The ability of those born on October 2 to attract finance is liked by investors who are trying to involve such individuals in their projects.

Health and possible diseases

People of the Libra sign most often suffer from psychological problems. Their aggression, which they try to suppress, can lead to a mental breakdown. Such persons often turn out to be suspicious. An obsessive state is characterized by a fear of injury or injury. To deal with these thoughts they should seek the help of a psychotherapist.

Overwork and hard work can affect various parts of the back. Libra should engage in therapeutic physical exercises that will strengthen the weak lower back and increase the flexibility of the body. Scattered back pain will correct correct posture. In winter, the signs of the elements of Air need to make sure that their lower back is warm. Diseases of this department can adversely affect the condition of the kidneys.

On October 2, individuals with excellent intuition and determination are born. They prefer to live in prosperity and comfortable conditions, which they achieve on their own with the help of their talents and abilities.

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Born October 2: the meaning of the birthday

Eloquence is perhaps the most important trump card that those born on October 2 have, they, like no one else, can speak interestingly, they want to listen, they want to believe.

They speak in a beautiful style, competently, confidently and convincingly, always calling a spade a spade and never being cunning. But excessive directness is perhaps their weakest point.

If your birthday falls on October 2, your zodiac sign is Libra, you know how to make the right decisions in any situation, and all because your inner voice never sleeps, gives you very valuable and timely tips.

Thanks to him, you can even predict the course of events in the near future.

Directness, frankness, inner harmony, unshakable confidence in their abilities and their rightness in Libra, who were born on October 2, are especially pronounced.

They will never be hypocritical or try to please someone, they always say what they think and do it incredibly gracefully and organically. This trait of theirs can equally delight and scare.

Do you think the influence of the zodiac sign is noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

This influence is weakly expressed 30%

Sure 70%

October 2: Libra influence

People who were born on October 2 can support a conversation on any topic: the zodiac sign gives them an inquisitive and sharp mind, resourcefulness, they have a wide range of interests, and are engaged in raising their intellectual level.

At the same time, they never throw words to the wind, they only say what they are one hundred percent sure of.

Such people will achieve outstanding results in everything they undertake, but most of all they will be able to realize themselves in the field of art or big politics.

They will be able to captivate a large audience, or even become trendsetters in cultural or socio-political life.

Always and in everything they derive their own benefit and achieve enormous material well-being, but only if they are guided by worthy goals and have high moral principles.

Acute rejection of something, open and peremptory criticism of other people's mistakes or oversights are also inherent in them.

Zodiac sign of people born on October 2 determines that they are very demanding of themselves and also expect perfection in everything from others.

It is pleasant and interesting to communicate with such persons, they have an amazing sense of humor, but not everyone can approach them.

Those who were born during this period are not accustomed to stand on ceremony, and are by no means tolerant, at any moment they can betray you with sharp and merciless criticism.

At the same time, they do not tolerate when comments are made to them, and even more so they clearly make fun of their shortcomings or oversights.

The zodiac sign of people born on October 2nd is Libra. The sun on this day is usually at 10° Libra. Type of behavior: cardinal. Astrological element: air. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Horoscope of those born on October 2

Character according to the horoscope

Very sincere in expressing their opinions and rarely leave room for doubt when expressing their point of view on a situation. As a rule, they amaze with their restraint and ability to make very accurate observations.

They don't need to get angry and lose their temper to prove their point. They risk being critical, causing dislike among those who do not know them well and who take their words literally.

Sometimes they do not even realize how much their criticism can hurt sensitive and weak natures. Often they are accused of cruelty - both in the choice of words and in the physical.

love according to the horoscope

Exceptional sensitivity is often hidden under the mask of severity. Rarely do they completely surrender to strong passions, but if Cupid's arrow hits the target, then nothing and no one can distract them from the object of desire.

Career by horoscope

Their thoughts and behavior are completely dependent on social and (or) political trends. Many of those born on October 2 are keenly interested in the mechanisms that govern society, and they are able to both understand these mechanisms and manipulate the opinions of other people.

At the same time, they manage to turn a difficult situation in their favor or take under strict control those who would like to interfere with them.

October 2 Born Tarot Card: Popess

Figure name: High Priestess (Popes), Spring.

Image of a figure: a woman with an important look is sitting in front of you, on her knees she has a book of knowledge. On the head is the papal tiara. The woman is wrapped in a cloak.

Symbol: the keeper of knowledge, giving it with love.

Meanings: fidelity, bride, nature, passivity, intuition, hypocrisy, hypocrisy.

Analogies: Astrology: Moon in the sign of Cancer; Health: disorders in the lymphatic system; Professions: psychologist, teacher, nun.

Planet of those born on October 2

Moon (2): The influence of the Moon makes those born under this sign very emotional and receptive natures. The moon is a symbol of sensitivity, quirkiness, variability, intuition, sensuality, memory, introversion, impressionability.

The planet corresponds to childhood.

Birthday number October 2

Number 2: Indicates inner peace and receptivity. Number 2 people are highly sensitive individuals who need to be stimulated and protected. Distinctive features are vivid imagination and creativity.


Nervous tension, anxiety attacks, weak vestibular apparatus, menstrual pain in women.


Architect, politician, physiotherapist.


Energetic, seductive, the ability to intrigue.


Anxiety, rejection, eccentricity.

Compatibility horoscope: Libra zodiac sign October 2, 1985 - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

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October 2 zodiac sign Libra

Those born on October 2 under the sign of the zodiac Libra are very restrained, correct people. They clearly know how to express their thoughts, witty and frank, make an excellent impression on others. True, their frankness does not always benefit them.


Libra born on 02.10 are charming, graceful. From them, life energy is in full swing, which is captured by everyone around. This is true for both women and men. And few people think that all this can be a pretentious, carefully artificially selected image. Others can be very surprised when such a soft and charming Libra suddenly becomes tough and aggressive. Of course, such transformations usually appear only in extreme cases, for example, when it comes to survival and other extreme situations.

Eloquence is the most important tool in the life of these Libras. To speak convincingly at home and at work is enough for others to almost worship them. But there is also a weak point - excessive directness. This quality can turn people off.

In everyday life, Libra is prone to criticizing others, while not perceiving the same in their own direction. Their sharp, caustic remarks can hurt, although they themselves rarely realize that they can offend people close to them with such behavior.

It is important for Libra of October 2 to learn to control your passions. This is especially true for “pouring out” your negative emotions on others, because. it turns people off. This behavior can only be explained by one thing: Libra does not like to let "outsiders" into their lives, which is why they protect themselves from "random" people. And only close people can understand how Libra is emotionally vulnerable.

Health problems in Libra may appear due to the fact that during periods of passion for something, they stop monitoring their internal state. Therefore, they often get sick, although they are treated very easily, because. diligently follow the recommendations of doctors.

People born on 02.10 are excellent bosses, they inspire all their subordinates that they are equal partners. And accordingly, they treat them "with all severity." If such Libras work in submission, then it is difficult to expect a responsible attitude to work from them. For them, there is only one best profession - the secretary-referent.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

It is difficult for Libra born on October 2 to find a life partner. They constantly weigh and ponder their decision, looking for positive and negative points. And as soon as the scales with positive traits outweigh, they decide to act. Sometimes it's too late to take this step.

It is easiest for Libra to open up with representatives of the Sagittarius zodiac sign. Decisiveness will be added to them by a partner - Aries, and wisdom - by Leo. With the first, emotional compatibility allows you to become not only lovers, but also friends, which makes the union even stronger. Since they resolve all disagreements through negotiations, through compromise.

With Aries, it’s a little more difficult, they are rarely ready for compromises, so only the prudent behavior of Libra can make such a marriage strong. There can be no deep feelings with them, only passion and further reasonable coexistence.

Everything is easy with Lions, both love secular parties, treat workaholics with a fair amount of irony, they have many common interests, they feel good together

But Libra, born on October 2, should avoid partners of Scorpions, Pisces, because. with them, although a life together is possible, it will be full of negative emotions. They will constantly annoy each other, and as soon as the passion ends, such an alliance may collapse.

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October 2 - Zodiac sign

Cute and pleasant people born on October 2 are one of the most popular representatives of Libra. Being an optimist by nature, you do not want to notice the dark side of life. Polite and charming, you are a good listener and able to understand each of the arguing parties. By avoiding extremes, you are able to demonstrate respect for everyone's point of view without losing sight of what seems to be a fair decision for everyone.

Those born on October 2 may become victims of violence or accident due to the suppression of their own aggressive impulses and / or fear of injury. If their habitual style of behavior is associated with attacking others, they should be wary of dictatorial habits that hurt others. Those born on October 2 can benefit from the help of a psychotherapist to find out what explains their strange tendencies and how to correct them. Those born on this day should be especially wary of accidents with injuries to the back and abdominal organs. And above all, they should not consider themselves invulnerable. A stable rhythm of life, a balanced diet and moderate exercise will help them stay in shape. At the same time, excessive zeal in each of these areas should be avoided.

Born on October 2 never get confused in words. Usually they are very frank in expressing their opinions and rarely leave doubts about what they think on a particular issue. However, they are most impressive for their restraint and ability to speak clearly, critically and witty. Those born on this day will let you know about their feelings without getting annoyed or even upset. October 2 people are sometimes too critical or sharp-tongued, which, accordingly, can cause hostility from those who take their words too literally or as a personal insult.

October 2 zodiac sign - Libra

Sign Element: Air. Your zodiac sign belongs to the group of Air signs, which have the following qualities: diplomacy, elitism, friendliness, pluralism, moderation.

Planet Ruler: Venus. Libra receives from her peace, harmony. Venus is the patron for those who work in the beauty industry, marriage agents. The planet in exile is Mars. You can be grateful to her for her desire to shift the risk to other people, as well as self-doubt.

Libra, born on October 2, are typical representatives of the sign. They are charming, polite, optimistic. Libras are excellent speakers and grateful listeners. Communication with such people is a pleasure. In interpersonal relationships, the scales are contact, balanced, fair. Representatives of the sign of lies and falsehood do not tolerate. Intuition helps Libra in difficult life situations. But, in order not to make an erroneous decision, the representatives of the sign will have to learn to listen to their heart, to trust the so-called instinct.

Those born on October 2 are often completely unaware of how offensive some statements are for easily hurt or hypersensitive people. For this reason, they can sometimes even be accused of ruthlessness towards others. Those born on October 2 are inclined towards social and / or political life in their behavior and way of thinking. Most of them are actively interested in the processes taking place in society and are perfectly able to understand public opinion, and in some cases even more than that - to manipulate it. It will not be difficult for them to turn a difficult situation to their advantage and win over those who stand in their way.

Those born on October 2 have a certain grace, which, combined with the charm or inner strength emanating from them, makes an indelible impression on others. However, one should not consider them weak-willed, since many of them are very tough natures, especially when it comes to survival. The ability to attack is combined in them with the ability to defend stubbornly, which makes them extremely undesirable enemies. At the same time, those born on this day sometimes experience problems with excessive aggressiveness, interspersed with excessive timidity.

In their youth, those born on October 2 may have problems with violence - either suffering from it, or, conversely, experiencing a painful addiction to it. They must learn not to succumb to passions and develop inner peace and balance. It is important for those born on October 2 to express disapproval, negative emotions, aggression and ambition in a way that does not alienate others or sow doubts about their ulterior motives. Those born on October 2 often have a smile on their lips, and a light burns in their eyes. Most of all, they like to entertain others, or when they are entertained, but do it as professionally as possible. With a dry, caustic mind, those born on this day love to play a trick on others, but do not allow jokes on themselves. In fact, those born on October 2 are very sensitive to laughter in their address, and in this sense their attitude towards humor is ambivalent.

The increased vulnerability of those born on October 2 is often hidden under the mask of either a harsh or frivolous, playful appearance. Both of these guises may well mask their true nature, as they skillfully resort to wit, aloofness, or aggressiveness to divert attention from their inner selves. Only very close people are able to notice their emotional vulnerability.

Libra man - born October 2

Men born on October 2 are distinguished by the following distinctive features: such a gentleman is charming, educated, harmonious, sophisticated. The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and adviser. However, he himself hardly decides on a responsible step, therefore the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and helper, inspire confidence and help achieve his goals. A family idyll for a representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra Woman - Born October 2nd

Women born on October 2 are not like others with such qualities: such a lady is charming, patient, diplomatic, sophisticated. Libra women are a little conservative, they like it when you can understand in advance what will happen next, they are not prone to adventures. Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.

Birthday October 2

Love and Compatibility

An idealist and admirer of beauty and art, you are drawn to those who share your refined tastes and refined interests. Looking for the perfect relationship, the best job, clothes, or furniture, you prefer to weigh the pros and cons before making any big decision.

An excellent pair of Libra will be representatives of the constellations Gemini or Aquarius. These signs understand each other well, are similar in temperament and attitude to life. Such relationships will be long-term, harmonious and strong. An affair with Scorpions will bring Libra new emotions and experiences, but it will most likely not last long. Libra has the least chance of success in a relationship with Virgo, Cancer and Pisces. With representatives of the Virgo sign, Libra will not find a common language, the lack of common topics will cause irritation and discontent. Cancers will not fit into the harmonious and balanced world of Libra. As for Pisces, Libra will make excessive demands on them and try to drive them into the framework, which the sensitive and vulnerable nature of Pisces cannot bear.

Work and Career

Practice shows that those born on October 2 are much better than other representatives of the zodiac sign under which they were born, they cope with the consequences of exposure to stress factors. Another feature of those born on October 2 is the ability to listen. They are grateful listeners, do not miss the slightest detail of the conversation. This quality often helps in professional activities.

Libra born on October 2 are witty, critical, able to express their opinion clearly and concisely. If they generate ideas, then they are of an exclusively practical orientation. The rationalism of Libra is appreciated by employers. As for professions, representatives of the sign can find themselves even in engineering, even in medicine. It is only important to notice inclinations and aspirations in time, to take measures for the development of abilities.

Health and Disease

Most of Libra's problems lie in the realm of psychology. Often representatives of the sign are aggressive. But, realizing the perniciousness of such inclinations, they suppress aggression in every possible way. The result can be a mental disorder. Also, representatives of the sign may be characterized by suspiciousness. Fear of injury or injury often transforms into an obsessive state. It is not easy to deal with it on your own. The help of a psychotherapist may be needed.

Fate and Luck

On this day, purposeful people with excellent intuition are born. We can say that they have the gift of foresight. They can create prosperous, comfortable conditions for themselves if they go through life with dignity and direct their abilities and talents to good deeds. Especially successfully will be able to prove themselves in the field of literature, music, theater. In the material realm, there is usually stability.

Suppressing your feelings and desires has a detrimental effect on the psyche. This should be remembered by every representative of the sign. Don't try to hide behind your elaborate image. Let others see you for who you are. When it comes to satisfying wants and needs, processes need to be steered in a constructive direction. Everyone has the right to their own space, but if you always keep people at a distance, you will deprive them of the opportunity to support you in difficult times.

Horoscope by Date of Birth

Birthday October 2 zodiac sign Libra

The ability to speak is the main talent of people whose birthday falls on October 2, the zodiac sign Libra. They do not consider it necessary to hide their opinion and do not even try to somehow soften the harshness of their judgments. At the same time, they, nevertheless, express their thoughts quite logically and consistently. They are sharp-tongued and will be able to express their dissatisfaction with you in a calm and restrained tone, justifying their conclusions and arranging them in a logical chain, so that you will not even immediately find an answer.

Sometimes people with a date of birth falling on October 2, the zodiac sign Libra, can be quite categorical, their criticism can cause a negative reaction from others, especially if they are touchy and vulnerable people with a fine mental organization. Such interlocutors are able to perceive every blaming word addressed to them as a personal tragedy, which is completely incomprehensible to Libra born on this day, who do not even realize the consequences of their words, which is why they may look callous and indifferent.

From people born on October 2, the sign of the zodiac Libra, wonderful public figures and diplomats are obtained, since they are well versed in matters of foreign and domestic policy of the state. They are always aware of all the events taking place in the country, actively participate in the social life of society and easily guess the opinions and desires of the majority. Thanks to highly developed intuition, they can turn any negative situation in their favor and with cleverly composed phrases make the opponent accept his point of view.

People born on October 2, zodiac sign Libra, have an attractive appearance and an irresistible power of charm that attract the attention of others to them. However, for all their seeming softness and suppleness, they have a rather rigid mindset and a pragmatic way of thinking, which increases their ability to withstand various life troubles. It is better to have such people on the list of your friends, and not opponents, since they respond to every action directed in their direction with a doubly strengthened blow. And the rule that the best defense is an attack is perceived by them as a guide to action.

What else can the date of birth say - October 2? Such people have a dual character, aggressiveness in them can be combined with indecision. Their childhood can be ambiguous. There is a possibility of violence - both moral and physical, reflected in their soul either by its rejection, or by a pathological attraction to it. They need to constantly maintain inner harmony, and to establish a balance between the activity of the body and the balance of the spirit. They need to learn how to express their inner feelings and emotions without going against conventional wisdom and without conflicting with their own worldview. You need to be able to give characteristics to people around you and evaluate their actions without causing their increased aggression and hostility.

Those born on October 2, the Libra zodiac sign, have a subtle sense of humor, sometimes turning into sarcasm. Making fun of other people, and sometimes cruelly, does not seem reprehensible to them, but they categorically do not accept even the slightest hint of ridicule in their own address. Their sensitive, vulnerable nature is safely hidden under a thick crust of wit and aggressiveness. They do not like to fully open their inner world to anyone, even the closest ones have access to only a small part of their soul.

What can you advise people born on October 2? Everyone has the right to their own space, but if you always keep people at a distance, you will deprive them of the opportunity to support you in difficult times.

Compatibility Horoscope

The compatibility horoscope of zodiac signs will help you find out how much you fit each other in love, marriage, family life, friendship, business.

Horoscope by date of birth

In this horoscope you can find out in more detail the information inherent in your zodiac sign.

October 2: What zodiac sign is Libra

The main vital qualities of representatives of the Libra sign are: diplomacy, justice, friendliness.

The Libra man, born on October 2, has such qualities as: refinement, charm, education.

The Libra woman, who was born on October 2, boasts such qualities as: femininity, attractiveness, sophistication.

October 2 - zodiac sign Libra

Sociable, charming and hardworking, you are one of the most pronounced humanitarians who appreciate beauty and art. Although you are an idealist by nature, you have the practicality and worldly acumen to make your innermost dreams come true.

You were born on October 2, the zodiac sign is Libra. You have innate diplomatic skills, and in your presence everyone feels at ease.

People are drawn to your friendliness and impeccable manners, as well as your ability to work as a team. You can be a true friend and a wonderful family man and always stand up for the interests of your loved ones.

With good taste and aesthetic sense, you have managed to develop a decent image and like to make a good impression.

Your perception of color and sound and creativity can be developed if you seriously take up music, painting, singing or theater arts. Because you attach particular importance to the environment, your home attracts with its elegance and comfort.

Idealism and romanticism are able to draw your attention to the fate of the disadvantaged, whom you are ready to help with both advice and money.

Material security is also very important to you, but most of all you like to build extensive, long-term plans.

When you have a solid goal, you become determined and ready to work tirelessly to make it happen. However, you may have difficulties: it is known that you are accustomed not only to work hard, but also to strive for love and pleasure.

Until the age of 20, your interests are mainly related to business and building relationships with other people. At 21, you will feel the need for deep emotional change and want your life to become more fulfilling.

The next period will begin around the age of 51: you will become bolder and more adventurous. You may want to travel or study philosophy.

Personal qualities of those born on October 2

Your sensitivity is not always obvious to an outside observer. You are a sympathetic person, capable of experiencing strong feelings, compassion for other people and trying to help them.

When you manage to comprehend this or that situation, you gain self-confidence, knowing that sooner or later everything in life will fall into place.

Thanks to this firmness of spirit, you will not need to constantly control your actions, act too seriously, become hardened or upset.

Despite your friendliness and caring, extremes are far from alien to you. In the power of inspiration, you become extremely charming, cheerful and childishly mischievous. You accept life as it is and live for today.

However, if born on October 2, Libra will allow negative emotions to take over, then they will either begin to sacrifice themselves, or they will begin to forgive themselves too much.

And only by finding the necessary balance between the material and the spiritual, you will find a source of love that will help you overcome obstacles and fulfill your cherished dreams.

Work and vocation born on October 2

Being a creative and ambitious person, you have excellent intuition and undeniable charm. You are very fond of working in contact with colleagues and can achieve great success if you choose a profession associated with constant communication.

Born on October 2, work in the field of public relations or in the media, as well as the profession of a social worker or mediator, is suitable.

Idealistic by nature, well educated and thoughtful, you are capable of becoming a good teacher, psychologist or counselor.

Since you are artistic and full of original ideas, you might as well be an artist or a designer. If you do not have artistic inclinations, then with your charm and easy character you have a chance to find your place in the diplomatic world, combining communication, work and travel.

The ability to get along with a wide variety of people suggests that you will enjoy working in the field of advertising and sales, in the field of intermediary services or in reconciliation of warring parties.

Love and partnership born on October 2

Sociability and friendliness help you easily make acquaintances and gain fans. By nature, you are a romantic, and therefore all manifestations and forms of expression of love are so important to you.

For her sake, you often make great sacrifices, but beware of actions that are incompatible with a sense of duty, otherwise you will feel that you have not been able to appreciate.

You may need a more balanced partner who can have a beneficial effect on you. You need to be very careful when entering into a long-term relationship. You are especially attracted to intelligent and creative people.

Ideal partner for those born on October 2

You can find a partner who can understand your sensitivity and need for love among people born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : 4, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 23 January; February 2, 6, 16, 17, 21; 4, 14, 15, 19, 28, 30 March; April 2, 12, 13, 17, 26, 28, 30; May 1, 10, 11, 15, 24, 26, 28; 7, 8, 9, 13, 22, 24, 26 June; 6, 7, 11, 20, 22, 24, 30 July; 4, 5, 9, 18, 20, 22, 28 August; September 2, 3, 7, 16, 18, 20, 26; October 1, 5, 14, 16, 18, 24; November 3, 12, 14, 16, 22; December 1, 10, 12, 14, 20.
  • favorable contacts : January 5, 16, 27; February 3, 14, 25; March 1, 12, 23; April 10, 21; June 6, 17; 4, 15 July; August 2, 13; 11 September; October 9, 30; November 7, 28; 5, 26, 30 December.
  • Kindred soul : August 30; September 28; October 26; November 24; Dec 22.
  • fatal attraction : January 17; February, 15; 13, 28, 29, 30, 31 March; 11 April; 9th May; June 7; 5'th of July; August 3rd; September 1.
  • Troubled Relationships : January 1, 10, 15; February 8, 13; March 6, 11; April 4, 9; May 2, 7; June 5; 3, July 29; August 1, 27; September 25; October 23; November 21; 19, 29 December.

Indeed, periods of inspiration, when everything around is on fire, are replaced by periods of laziness, melancholy. Irina Vorontsova

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born October 2 under the sign of the zodiac Scales are restrained, correct, able to clearly express their thoughts. They are witty and frank, and this makes an impression. True, their frankness does not always benefit them. According to the horoscope of this day, women cannot be denied grace and charm, and men are full of that inner strength, the vibrations of which people pick up with invisible antennas. But, unfortunately, it often turns out that this force is a sham, carefully thought-out image. With visible charm and gentleness, these are tough natures, which is especially evident in extreme situations when it comes to survival.

Those born on October 2 experience either bouts of aggressiveness or uncertainty, and at such moments they are not able to solve the simplest everyday tasks. Sometimes they are overly critical, but they do not allow criticism and jokes addressed to them. Their harsh remarks often sound like personal insults. It is unlikely that there will be people who will begin to look for hidden meanings in abandoned phrases, many susceptible and easily hurt people understand them literally, which causes their hostility. The bad thing is that according to the horoscope, Libra born on October 2 do not realize how offensive their statements are.

Astrological horoscope for today October 2

The sign gives the society political and public figures. They are well versed in the phenomena and processes that occur in society, they are constantly on the crest of a wave, understand public opinion and can predict what this or that event will lead to in the social environment. People born on 02.10 according to the horoscope - dangerous enemies, and the ability to attack and defend makes them so.

For those whose birthday is October 2, I recommend men to cultivate the ability to control their passions and painful inclinations. You need to be able to express your negative emotions in a way that does not frighten or repel other people. And yet, emotionally, people of this day are quite vulnerable. A sarcastic grin plays on their lips, but this one is really just . They don't like the thought of someone being able to sense their vulnerability.

Compatibility born on October 2 for love and family

According to the horoscope Libra, born today October 2, They don't like to let others into their lives. Before taking a decisive step, they think over everything for a long time and carefully, weigh all the positive and negative points. Therefore, it is not easy for them to find a life partner.

  • Those who are born on the second of October can open up internally with Sagittarius, can get rid of doubts with decisive Aries and wise Leo. Gemini can be a good match for Libra.
  • With Scorpions, everything is very tense.
  • With Pisces, marriage is possible, but spouses will annoy each other.

About the year of the eastern horoscope

  1. MONKEYS - 1920 zodiac / 1932 zodiac / 1944 zodiac / 1956 zodiac / 1968 zodiac / 1980 zodiac / 1992 zodiac / 2004 zodiac
  2. COCK - 1921 year of the zodiac / 1933 year of the zodiac / 1945 year of the zodiac / 1957 year of the zodiac / 1969 year of the zodiac / 1981 year of the zodiac / 1993 year of the zodiac / 2005 year of the zodiac
  3. DOGS - 1922 Zodiac / 1934 Zodiac / 1946 Zodiac / 1958 Zodiac / 1970 Zodiac / 1982 Zodiac / 1994 Zodiac / 2006 Zodiac
  4. BOAR / Pigs / - 1923 year of the zodiac / 1935 year of the zodiac / 1947 year of the zodiac / 1959 year of the zodiac / 1971 year of the zodiac / 1983 year of the zodiac / 1995 year of the zodiac / 2007 year of the zodiac
  5. RAT - 1924 zodiac year / 1936 zodiac year / 1948 zodiac year / 1960 zodiac year / 1972 zodiac year / 1984 zodiac year / 1996 zodiac year / 2008 zodiac year
  6. OX / Ox / - 1925 of the zodiac / 1937 of the zodiac / 1949 of the zodiac / 1961 of the zodiac / 1973 of the zodiac / 1985 of the zodiac / 1997 of the zodiac / 2009 of the zodiac
  7. TIGER - 1926 year of the zodiac / 1938 year of the zodiac / 1950 year of the zodiac / 1962 year of the zodiac / 1974 year of the zodiac / 1986 year of the zodiac / 1998 year of the zodiac / 2010 year of the zodiac
  8. RABBIT / Cat / - 1927 year of the zodiac / 1939 year of the zodiac / 1951 year of the zodiac / 1963 year of the zodiac / 1975 year of the zodiac / 1987 year of the zodiac / 1999 year of the zodiac / 2011 year of the zodiac
  9. DRAGON - 1928 year of the zodiac / 1940 year of the zodiac / 1952 year of the zodiac / 1964 year of the zodiac / 1976 year of the zodiac / 1988 year of the zodiac / 2000 year of the zodiac / 2012 year of the zodiac
  10. SNAKE - 1929 zodiac / 1941 zodiac / 1953 zodiac / 1965 zodiac / 1977 zodiac / 1989 zodiac / 2001 zodiac / 2013 zodiac
  11. HORSES - 1930 zodiac / 1942 zodiac / 1954 zodiac / 1966 zodiac / 1978 zodiac / 1990 zodiac / 2002 zodiac / 2014 zodiac
  12. SHEEP / Goats / - 1931 zodiac year / 1943 zodiac year / 1955 zodiac year / 1967 zodiac year / 1979 zodiac year / 1991 zodiac year / 2003 zodiac year / 2015 zodiac year