When is mechanic's day of the year. When is Engineer's Day celebrated in Russia?

All professions deserve to be known to as many people as possible. Today in the calendar you can find many professional holidays and a brief description of each of them. Such information can become very important for young people who are just facing their life choices. Of course, everyone deserves to hear as many compliments, pleasant words, praise as possible on the day of their professional holiday, because such simple things can sometimes give a person the necessary inspiration and strength to move on.

History of the holiday.

Every year, all mechanical engineers of Russia on October 30 deservedly celebrate their professional holiday. Such an opportunity appeared for them only in 1996 after the corresponding order was given by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. If you carefully study this profession, then, of course, you can see that it appeared a long time ago, and not several decades ago. The year 1854 became very important for the fleet, because it was decided to create a separate corps of mechanical engineers, who were trained according to special programs, and then they worked for the benefit of the entire fleet.

Today, this specialty is not very rare, specialists are trained separately at specialized departments in individual universities, all of them come out of their walls as highly qualified craftsmen who are perfectly capable of designing, constructing and operating certain equipment. Such a profession requires great knowledge from a person, an appropriate level of intelligence, because most of the work is of an intellectual nature. The design process takes a lot of effort and time, because the final result of its implementation should be new equipment or improvement of the old model. In any case, each specialist is fully responsible for his work at all its stages, from preparatory to testing of a ready-made device or even apparatus.

Of course, 1854 was not the beginning of the development of this specialty. Mechanical engineers have been around since antiquity. They were called a little differently, but the essence of their work was precisely to design devices and machines that could help a person in life, make it easier, make it more civilized and enlightened. Today, one of the first mechanical engineers can be called Archimedes, since he is the author of a number of necessary and important inventions of his time, which had a strong impetus to the development of all mechanics at that time.

Today, many say that it was he who was the discoverer of mechanics, in his time, he walked much faster than those around him. Archimedes had a mathematical mindset, he was able to quickly and accurately calculate, analyze and design in his head, and only then transfer the idea to paper or to life. Archimedes received an appropriate education in the exact disciplines in Alexandria, which was considered at that time an enlightened center. Archimedes also had a hand in the defense of the city during the 2nd Punic War. He became the inventor of protective structures.

Today, the profession of a mechanical engineer is very common and in demand; in Russia, such specialists work not only for the benefit of the country's navy, they work in defense, in construction organizations. Yes, almost everywhere. Accuracy and professionalism will always be highly valued. Previously, mechanical engineers worked mainly in the field of defense. They were drivers of tanks, military vehicles and always knew how to optimize their work. Today they began to work in ordinary organizations, design bureaus. It is difficult to imagine what would have happened if mechanical engineers had not invented a telephone or a TV set and many more things without which the familiar world became different.

Today, specialists receive the best technical education at universities, own the most modern programs, which facilitate their work, and allow them to model future inventions. In addition to the fact that specialists fully think over the future project, they must constantly monitor its production at every stage. An analytical mind, the ability to make important decisions and defend one's point of view are far from all the qualities that a specialist in this field must necessarily possess. In addition, many constantly monitor the operation of their devices, independently repair and eliminate some shortcomings.

Holiday traditions.

What to gift?

A question with a gift for a friend or close engineer - a mechanic can take anyone by surprise. The fact is that those people who are not privy to the intricacies of the profession understand little about it. That is why it is best to give something neutral. Of course, a good option would be the gift that the person himself has long dreamed of. In this case, he will definitely be very pleased.

Mechanical engineers are the brilliant minds of today's generation, and some of them are behind new discoveries, breakthroughs and inventions. On the day of the professional holiday, you should definitely congratulate them and wish them creative inspiration and the desire to create every day for the benefit of their country.

An engineer is a specialist who has a higher technical education in such areas as the design, manufacture and operation of technical equipment. Such a person is needed in any production; he not only designs and constructs equipment, but also provides workers with general production tasks, monitors their implementation, organizes workplaces, monitors the condition of equipment and monitors compliance with safety regulations.

An engineer needs not only to create some kind of technical novelty, but also to suggest how this thing will be used by people, what kind of reaction society will have to the appearance of a new device. Indeed, in the modern world, technology is constantly developing and the emergence of new technologies that make life more comfortable does not surprise anyone.

Engineer's Day

Engineer's Day has every right to take pride of place among historical dates. October 30 is the professional holiday of Russian engineers - employees of specialties in the engineering and technical field in various industries. It is celebrated at the level of enterprises, the status of a public holiday has not been assigned to it. On this day, corporate events are organized, veterans of this difficult and interesting profession are awarded.

A bit of history...

The history of the profession began in 1854. When the decision was made in the Russian Navy to create a corps for the training of mechanical engineers. But the celebration itself began to be celebrated in 1996, after Engineer's Day was established by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. Now many universities train specialists in this area.

An engineer is a professional in the field of design, construction, operation of technological equipment. For this profession, basically, not small intellectual costs are required. The specialty has deep roots dating back to Ancient Greece, where the curiosity of people moved them on the path to progress. The first known engineer is Archimedes, famous for his experiments.

In modern society, the profession of an engineer has become one of the most important and sought-after specialties. The significance of this profession is immediately clear, since it was the engineers who developed the first cars, aircraft and many other high-tech devices necessary for modern society.

Real intellectuals - mechanical engineers since 1996 have received the right to officially celebrate their holiday. Now, every year, representatives of this honorable and sought-after profession gather on October 30 to talk about their achievements, hear about the novelties invented by colleagues, and recall the first self-taught mechanics.

Russians have long and deservedly respected mechanical engineers. Back in the middle of the 19th century, a special corps of mechanical engineers was officially created in our country, and even today many institutes train these highly demanded specialists. And the celebrants themselves always remember the great Archimedes with a kind word, considering him their teacher and mentor. Without a doubt, this ancient Greek mechanical theorist laid the foundation for modern mechanics, he owns a number of very important discoveries in this area.

Mechanical engineer -
Sounds nice, proud
You walk on earth
Confident and firm.

In the realm of mechanisms
Everything is under your control
Head and hands
Needed here daily.

I wish you on your holiday
Always be successful
To be you in life
Eternal engine.

In the most complex mechanisms
It's impossible to understand
But in the confusion of schemes,
In the twists and turns of all systems
And in the terrible secrets of the machine
The mechanic understands.
Ah, mechanical engineer,
This is an example of knowledge!
And today, on a glorious holiday,
Congratulations, mechanic!

Congratulations mechanical engineer. I wish that everything in life spins and spins, does not give failures and unforeseen stops. I wish that every cog, nut and bolt of your destiny take its place and make up a single organism of happiness, prosperity, positive and success. Happy holiday!

Long ago, in the Russian fleet,
By order of the King,
We needed people like this.
Like engineers, and for good reason.

Understand the mechanisms
After all, not everyone is given.
If something broke
Should earn at once.

Mechanical engineer - master.
This is a professional.
Congratulations on this holiday
Anyone who has become an engineer.

For everything to work properly
To avoid breakage, injury,
Get everywhere and help everyone
You strive both day and night.
And every complex mechanism
For your working life
You have studied in detail.
Let in your working life
Everything will always be in harmony
For days, for months, for years!

In the world of complex mechanisms
You are definitely the head.
Take your holiday soon
Congratulations you words.

nice mechanical engineer
I wish you many years
Get paid in euros
Live happily and without trouble.

Let it be interesting
Hard work,
Will be improved
May you always hunt.

tech savvy,
He is a professional
In his midst, he is like a fish,
Almost universal!

Mechanics is a calling
Ideas in a million
And it has education
Visible from all sides!

So we wish on this day:
Reach great heights
To rewards ahead
And there were a lot of them!

Let me congratulate you today
Happy mechanical engineer day
Labor painstaking profession glorifies,
And praises in honor of the holiday.

Plans, projects and their delivery by the deadline,
And design development
Everything is within your power, under a light hand,
Your tasks and functions.

We wish you good health
prosperity to your family,
Let it be easier for you with projects
All of you pass the test.

May your plans come true clearly
May they never break
In bold deeds you will certainly be lucky,
And everything always works out.

There is no work in production,
Then tighten the nut, then lubricate the gland,
For the mechanism of Monday, that Saturday,
A mechanical engineer is in charge here!

In his hands glittering tools,
And all on tiptoe when the process is on
In mechanics, he knows all the secrets,
Progress in the enterprise depends on it.

The profession, of course, is not an easy one,
But, nevertheless, you are in demand everywhere,
With all our hearts, we congratulate you,
Let your work be worthy of appreciation!

On a professional holiday,
Light, long-awaited
You, mechanical engineer
Friendly congratulations!
Be healthy, have fun
Days and nights
Fill your whole life with happiness
And do not know sadness
Smile, prosper -
It'll be all right
And increase your income
To live in abundance
Never be sad
Still, you are the master
So just win
I wish you happiness!

Congratulations, respect, our mechanical engineer.
Today we will say about you: “He is an example for the rest!”.
For work and diligence, let them raise your salary
Yes, in honor of such a holiday, they will even give an award.
Since today is your holiday - celebrate more fun,
And we will wish you together the embodiment of ideas.
Everything that is in the plans, everything that is in your thoughts, you will soon realize.
Definitely improve everything ... And, finally, heal!
Cool to be a specialist and work best.
Develop so that you are successful in your career.
Smile to us, mechanic, we want to hear your laughter!

Any modern enterprise, no matter how computerized it is, simply cannot do without an engineer. It is customary to congratulate representatives of this rather difficult but vital profession in October.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

- a holiday for representatives of the most responsible profession

Military Engineer's Day

Engineer's Day in Russia in 2018

Despite the abundance of narrower specializations, almost all of them celebrate their professional holiday on October 30th. Although the significance of this profession is great, it has not bothered to celebrate internationally to this day. Of course, the merits of engineers around the world have not been forgotten. Each country has a separate memorable date when Engineer's Day is celebrated. But this is even for the better, as we get even more reasons to congratulate these very outstanding personalities. The main thing in this matter is not to forget what date this holiday is celebrated in Russia.

Officially, the Engineer's Day in our country appeared relatively recently, in 1996, but has already managed to take root in our homeland. And how could it be otherwise, because this profession, although not considered the most prestigious, nevertheless deserved the honor and respect of the Russian people.

Mechanical Engineer's Day: what date and what is the history of the celebration?

The Day of the Mechanical Engineer does not have a special date, therefore it is celebrated on October 30, on the same day when all those who are associated with other narrow specialties are celebrating. Its roots are the most ancient. The history of this profession dates back to time immemorial, because already the primitive man who invented the wheel was, to some extent, a mechanical engineer.

Since that time, mankind more and more needed representatives of this very difficult profession, who enjoyed not only popularity, but also honor. The first of the most famous mechanical engineers was the ancient master Archimedes. In addition to the fundamental law of physics, he became famous for his throwing machines - the advanced weapons of the time. He was able not only to design, but also to realize his brilliant ideas.

But what can I say, all the technical progress that mankind has managed to achieve in its entire history has largely depended on brilliant mechanical engineers. Among the most famous names are Henry Fort, and Spencer, and Ivan Kulibin.

A modern mechanical engineer is a specialist with a higher technical education behind him. This condition is necessary in order to create new technical objects, invent new mechanisms, thereby bringing the era of new technologies closer.

Design Engineer's Day

This holiday has an international status, so its full name is World Designer's Day. It is celebrated on November 16th. In addition, it can be celebrated on a common holiday for all representatives of this specialty - the Day of the Engineer of the Russian Federation.

A design engineer is a kind of elite among engineers. This is because without their creative and painstaking work, progress would simply be impossible. It is they who are at the head of advanced technologies, constantly developing and improving them.

In addition to design work, the duties of an engineer include a lot of other work. This is the design of patent documentation, and the application of a theoretical project in practice, and even its testing. Any technical innovation passes in the hands of a design engineer almost the entire necessary technological process: from creation on paper to control tests.

In order to become an engineer, it is not enough to have a higher technical education and deep knowledge in technology, it also requires imagination. Although creative thinking is not always inherent in people of technical specialties, it is simply vital in the work of a designer. Before an invention appears on paper, it must be formed in the imagination of the creator. Only when he determines exactly what and how it should look like, the engineer will be able to transfer this idea to our material world.

Celebration for a process engineer

A process engineer is a person who knows absolutely everything about production. That is why not a single enterprise engaged in the production of any product can do without this specialist. Unfortunately, engineers with this specialization have not yet earned a separate red date on the calendar, so they celebrate their professional holiday together with everyone, namely October 30th.

A process engineer is a highly demanded and prestigious profession, both among applicants and among employers. It turns out approximately the following progression: the better and more intensively production develops in Russia, the more in demand are specialists who know the production technology, who can easily follow all stages of work and, if necessary, quickly find a defect.

High-class specialists have very decent salaries, so they can provide themselves and their loved ones with a fairly comfortable existence. In this regard, the position of chief technologist is considered the most attractive. The salary of such a specialist is higher, but the responsibility for continuous production and product quality lies entirely with him, which makes his work not so attractive.

Features of the work of an electrical engineer

The electrical engineer celebrates his professional triumph with everyone (October 30). But this does not detract from the importance of this profession. The duties of an electrical engineer include the design of electrical wiring and control of their implementation. Their responsibilities also include the development and maintenance of various electrical machines in production. The main role of an electrical engineer is to control the electrification of production and give clear instructions to his direct subordinates (electricians and electricians).

Mining engineer is a holiday for representatives of the most responsible profession

A mining engineer is a person who designs structures for mining. In fact, he designs various drilling rigs, and also develops all the necessary systems, without which the normal operation of any working mine is impossible. They are responsible for the properly located ventilation system, as well as air and drainage systems. In addition, he is in charge of all the electronics, which are installed everywhere in all mines. A mining engineer carefully ensures that his plans and calculations are implemented with mathematical precision, since not only his professional reputation, but also hundreds of ordinary miners' lives depend on this.

Representatives of this profession also perform the duties of a designer, creating new mechanisms that are designed to greatly simplify the life of ordinary hard workers.

Mining engineers also celebrate their professional holiday at the end of October. But there is another holiday very closely associated with this profession, and which mining engineers also consider their own - this is Designer's Day. It is celebrated every year on November 16 and is quite a success among engineers who, on duty one way or another, are involved not only in design documentation, but also in bringing it to life.

Military Engineer's Day

The construction of military vehicles and defensive structures is probably one of the most ancient occupations in the world. It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of the work of military engineers, who create a kind of "skeleton" on which the entire defensive power of our country rests. That is why representatives of this profession have their own professional holiday - the Day of the Engineering Troops of the Russian Federation.

Military engineers are the worker ants of the army, who are engaged in creating comfortable conditions for the service of other troops. They build shelters and roads, design fortification areas and defensive structures, lay all the necessary communications, and even do sapper work. In a word, a jack of all trades. And that's not all, because they are also responsible for the maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment necessary for the normal conduct of hostilities.

Considering all the merits of military engineers, it is not at all surprising that they have two professional holidays at once. They really deserve them.

Engineers are fighters of an often invisible front, but their importance cannot be overestimated. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to tell them as many kind words and wishes as possible on their holiday.

- This is a near-Earth object with a diameter of about 30 meters. It was discovered on August 29, 2006, when it was at a distance of 4.5 million km. from our planet. Scientists observed the celestial body for 10 days, after which the asteroid ceased to be visible in telescopes.

Based on such a short observation period, it is impossible to accurately determine the distance at which the asteroid 2006 QV89 will approach the Earth on 09/09/2019, since the asteroid has not been observed since then (since 2006). Moreover, according to various estimates, the object may approach our planet not at all on the 9th, but on a different date in September 2019.

As for whether 2006 QV89 will hit Earth on September 9, 2019 or not - the chance of a collision is extremely low.

Thus, the Sentry System (developed by the JPL Center for NEO Studies) shows that the probability of a body colliding with the Earth is 1:9100 (those. about one ten thousandth of a percent).

The European Space Agency (ESA) estimates the chance of an asteroid orbit crossing our planet as 1 to 7300 (0,00014 % ). The ESA ranked 2006 QV89 as the 4th celestial body of potential danger to Earth. According to the agency, the exact time of the "flight" of the body on September 9, 2019 is 10:03 Moscow time.

In both Orthodoxy and Catholicism, Easter always falls on a Sunday.

Easter 2020 is preceded by Great Lent, which begins 48 days before the Bright Holiday. And after 50 days celebrate the Trinity.

Popular pre-Christian customs that have survived to this day include dyeing eggs, making Easter cakes and curd cakes.

Easter treats are consecrated in the church on Saturday, on the eve of Easter 2020, or after the service on the very day of the Feast.

To greet each other on Easter should be the words "Christ is Risen", and to answer - "Truly Risen."

For the Russian team, this will be the fourth game in this qualifying tournament. Recall that in the previous three meetings, Russia "at the start" lost to Belgium with a score of 1:3, and then won two dry victories - over Kazakhstan (4:0) and over San Marino (9:0). The last victory was the largest ever for the existence of the Russian national football team.

As for the upcoming meeting, according to the bookmakers, the Russian team is the favorite in it. The Cypriots are objectively weaker than the Russians, and nothing good can be expected from the upcoming match for the islanders. However, we must take into account that the teams have never met before, and therefore we can expect unpleasant surprises.

The Russia-Cyprus meeting will take place on June 11, 2019 In Nizhniy Novgorod at the stadium of the same name built for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. Start of the match - 21:45 Moscow time.

Where and what time do the national teams of Russia and Cyprus play:
* Location of the match - Russia, Nizhny Novgorod.
* Game start time - 21:45 Moscow time.