Rai's name day, congratulations to Raisa. The meaning of the name raisa Name day raisa

The meaning of the name Raisa: "Easy", "careless" (ancient Greek).

Raisa is a very hardworking girl, she always helps her mother with housework. She takes seriously and responsibly what her parents and school teachers tell her. She is constantly inventing something. She always has good grades in school. Having matured, Raisa becomes a strong and determined girl. She does not change her mind, she has her own opinion on all things. She prefers to do everything on her own, without outside help.

Demanding of others, but also very demanding of herself. Raisa has some masculine traits in her character. These are traits such as iron willpower, endurance, and ability to work.

When Raya gets married, she becomes an excellent hostess. She cooks well, her house is always clean. She loves her children and her husband very much. She carefully treats the family budget, she spends all its funds optimally, buys everything only the most necessary. Has no habit of throwing money away. There are no conflicts in her family, as she is a non-conflict person.

Other forms of the name Raisa: Raya, Rayka, Rasha, Raisya, Raychik, Rayusya, Rayusha, Rayushka, Raycha.

happy holiday today
I want to congratulate Ray
Paradise Delights
Wish in life
To go through life
Leaving your mark
To always love
Laugh and dream.
Be happy Raya
Be always loved
Affectionate desire,
Let there be no problems
So that it is connected with luck
You were destiny

Raisa means "light", "careless",
But your character is truly strong.
Let endless joy come to you,
There will be a round million in the stash!

Happy Holidays to you, good one!
Let the brilliant moment rejoice.
May the sun shine brighter on you.
And everyone gives you a compliment!

Raenka, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. Let not a single trouble and anxiety approach you, let any doubt break on the rock of your determination. Raisa, I wish you to live with faith in miracles, with love in your heart for loved ones and with a good hope for all that is good.

You are fluffy like a kitty
Our light is the sun, Raisa.
You are friendly and smart
And good-looking.

Sweet, like all toffees, -
This is Raechka, Raiska!
happy birthday
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts:

Young, bloom and smell,
Don't get sick and don't waste away!
Everything that was is behind
The best is just ahead.

Do not be sad in vain, Raya,
Rejoice with us!
And accept on your birthday
My sincere congratulations!

Happy holiday, Raechka, you!
The sun will be clear let your love
Be the same sweet, young always.
Raya is a miracle, Raya is kindness.
May all your destiny be successful
Happiness and hope delight you.

Let adversity go backstage
There will be kindness on the stage of life.
Greetings, Raisa!
Let joy and beauty surround.

Let the sky be only clear
And the sun gives happiness and warmth,
So that the whole world around was beautiful,
To make everything magical and easy.

Congratulations, Raisa,
With this bright, solemn day,
May always only beloved faces
In the environment will be yours.

Smile at the clouds and the sun
Live every day admiringly
And the whole world will smile for you
And give kindness and love!

Your wisdom is impressive
Calm, practical, kind,
Raisa, on this important day,
I congratulate you.

I wish you prosperity
Success in all matters,
So that everything in life is in order,
And so that you do not know fear.

Raisa, congratulations!
May all days be good in life.
Let everyone surround with their participation,
Let happiness gently warm.

Let all problems recede
Love with peace warms.
The firmament will be peaceful above your head
And your wonderful beauty blooms.

Our dear Raisa
So graceful and slim
real actress,
She plays the role:

That caring mother
That reliable wife
At work - a valuable frame,
We all need a rake!

We wish her more
Warm words and kindness
Will to live and patience
And spiritual simplicity.

Raisa, how good you are,
Bright, smart and funny.
I want to congratulate you on this day
Happy Holidays to you alone!

Let everything bad very soon
Get out of life quickly
Let everything that you desire
More likely to come to your house.

May good luck and health
Won't let you down in anything
And all the problems and hardships
For you, they will be nothing.

Congratulations: 35 in verse, 6 in prose.

  • September 18 - Martyr, Virgin Raisa () of Alexandria (Antinopolis).
  • 06.10 - martyr, virgin Raisa (Iraida) of Alexandria (Antinopolis).

Interpretation of the name and character of Raisa

The name Raisa is interpreted from the ancient Greek language from the word "radios" as "submissive", "light", "compliant". There is also an opinion that the roots of the name go back to Arabic culture. According to this version, the name is listed as "boss", "mistress". In Orthodoxy - the original form of the name Iraid.

At the mention of this female name, a brave and cold woman appears. However, not all Rais are so belligerent and masculine. They have not hefty strength, but still active, joyful and cheerful. They have a bright personality and are endowed with creative imagination. They are described as witty and charming people.

Little Raisa is a girl full of activity and kindness, she loves to play pranks. In any situation, she enjoys life. She has good powers of observation and a wild imagination. Raisa has an accommodating disposition. With her, it will always be possible to find a solution that will suit everyone. Raisa appreciates neatness and order and demands it from everyone around her. Raechka has a good sense of humor, she is funny and loves to have fun. Often she herself is the initiator of jokes, practical jokes. He can always stand up for himself and answer.

Raisa is an erudite person. She takes learning and development seriously, performing all tasks diligently and conscientiously. Raya has an innate sense of tact. She will never fawn and impose. Raya is a very versatile person. She likes a variety of things that it is difficult for her to decide which is better. She has a creative streak and artistry, has dexterity and flexibility, loves to play sports.

Raisa has a strong character, great ambitions and an analytical mindset. She looks after her own interests above all else. Her demands on herself and others are very high. She relentlessly moves towards her goals, easily bypassing all obstacles. Raya does not believe in intuition, guided only by her own intellect, experience and common sense. Her diligence and responsibility can only be envied. She will become an excellent lawyer, teacher, engineer, economist, writer or actress. She will be successful in the trading or banking sector. Her leadership qualities will help her become an excellent leader. She is ready to listen to anyone, but she will always do it her own way. With colleagues, she is tactful and friendly, but in business she shows her authority. Raya is often vengeful and does not forgive insults. In anger, she can be vicious and sarcastic. She will not tolerate pressure and influence on herself, she takes criticism and advice hard.

Raisa has many friends and girlfriends. She is a loyal and reliable friend to whom you can tell all the secrets and who will always give the right advice. As a wife, she chooses a practical, intelligent and strong representative of the opposite sex. She will become a caring mother, a wonderful housewife and will be able to lead the family. In her house there is always order and comfort, which she carefully creates. He likes to receive guests at home, surprising them with his culinary masterpieces. Don't call her a spendthrift. The family budget spends sparingly, keeps it under control. He takes care of his children, teaches, gives important and valuable instructions. Her main character traits can be called intelligence, love of life, confidence and authority.

name patrons

There is little information about Saint Raisa. It is known that she is the daughter of a presbyter, who suffered for the Christian faith during the reign of Emperor Maxentius at the beginning of the 4th century. She lived in Alexandria and was a nun in the local convent.

One fine day, she was walking for water and saw a ship with prisoners on the pier. They were men and women, clergymen and monks, and they did not know at all where they were being sent. All of them were arrested for being adherents of the Christian faith. At the time when Raisa was visiting the prisoners, she was also bound with chains. When the ship landed in the port of the Egyptian city of Antinopolis, the prisoners were tormented and executed. Raisa was the first to be tortured and beheaded.

Holy mu-che-ni-tsa Ira-i-da lived-la in Alek-sandria. One day, go to the source, in order to scoop up water, she sees de la ko-slave at the be-re-ga, on some rum there are many men-ranks, women, priests-but-servants-te-lei and monks, locked in the eye-you for the use ve-da-nie Christ of the howl of the faith. From-throw-siv in-to-nose, the saint kindly-ro-free-but joined to the prisoners of Christ, and on her lay eyes. When the ship arrived in the Egyptian city of An-ti-pol, the holy Ira-and-yes the first pre-ter-pe-la-one-hundred-th-th-for-niya and was-la mustache-che-on-sword. Following her, the rest of the mu-che-ni-ki blood-view for-pe-chat-le-li their use of faith in Christ.

See also: "" in from-lo-same-nii svt. Di-mit-ria Rostov-sko-go.


Troparion to Martyr Raisa (Iraida) of Alexandria

Your Lamb, Jesus, Raisa, / calls with a great voice: / I love you, my bridegroom, / and I seek you suffering, / and I am crucified and buried for your baptism, / and suffer for your sake, / as if I reign in you, and I die for You, / yes, and I live with You, / but accept me with love as an immaculate sacrifice, sacrificed to You. / With prayers, / / ​​as merciful, save our souls.

Translation: Your Lamb, Jesus, Raisa cries out loudly: “I love you, my Bridegroom, and, seeking You, I suffer, and I am crucified and buried with You in Your baptism, and I suffer torment for You, that I may reign in You, and I die for You, so that I can live with You; but accept me as an immaculate sacrifice, offered to Thee with love!” At her intercessions, as the Merciful, save our souls.

Modern parents very carefully follow all the innovations in any field that relate to the unborn child. Many generally approach the choice of a name too responsibly and arrange real discussions among themselves for the right to name the baby. Astrologers and experts who are competent in this matter often say a lot that the chosen name will certainly have the most direct impact on the life of the baby, so such attention to such an important issue simply cannot be superfluous.

Today, many pay attention not only to fashionable and popular names, but also turn to older ones. The name Raisa came to us from ancient Greece and literally interprets it as "light or careless." For this name today there are several versions of the translation and according to the second it means "boss". Girls whose parents chose this name at birth show themselves from an early age as compliant and obedient children, but in some situations they will stubbornly achieve their goal. Despite the fact that the name is translated in one version as “boss”, you should not think that a girl from kindergarten will lead and command everyone. Very often, these children can be called real suns. The girl will make friends very quickly, will be happy to take part in collective games and will gain authority precisely with her cheerful, easy character and kindness. Today, unfortunately, such a beautiful name can be found quite rarely, so future parents should think about such an interesting and at the same time original option for the name of their future daughter.


If in childhood little Paradise can be called a compliant child, then as she grows older she becomes more stubborn, the girl knows perfectly well what she wants. It should be noted that she always moves stubbornly and honestly towards her goal. All the merit that comes gradually in life is absolutely deserved. Only by honest work she achieves her goal. This demand is constantly growing. For herself, Raisa has been the main critic in everything all her life. There is no bad result for her, she simply has to do everything perfectly. Such exactingness can be traced in relation to other people. In this case, the translation of the name as "boss" fully justifies itself. She simply does not tolerate sloppiness in her work and will definitely be grateful for help or good cooperation.

If we consider the personal qualities of character, then it is worth noting that by letting people into life and becoming attached to them, Raisa will never be able to forgive betrayal. It can be both physical betrayal and betrayal of friendship or even family ties. In this case, people simply leave her life, and she does not let them back in anymore. Vindictiveness and anger can be very bright at this very moment.
All these rather rigid character traits are somehow perfectly combined with flexibility and the ability to compromise. Such cooperation is possible only if the person is really interested in it and has no other intentions. In working with such a tough partner, you can really get a lot of benefits. A common goal will give impetus to effective teamwork. If there is a need to make an important decision, then Raisa can take such a responsible step, fully aware of all the consequences of this. Her self-confidence draws people to her.

Type of relationship with relatives.

In relations with her relatives, Raisa most often builds an even background in which everyone is quite comfortable. Her character itself is already very self-sufficient, so the occasional loneliness simply cannot scare her. All relatives know perfectly well that it is better not to argue with her, because the owners of such a name are most often pronounced choleric people. The scandal can get big and too emotional. The inclinations or even the predominance of a masculine character sometimes allows her to make important decisions for the whole family without fear of making a mistake. Sometimes such a burden of responsibility nevertheless becomes very large, and then a small, gullible child appears from under the mask of a strong and determined girl or woman. Family ties and warm family relationships are a prerequisite that must be present in her life. It is very important for her to feel significant and loved by her family.


Despite the fact that sometimes it is difficult, Raya is used to being perfect in everything. This applies to home, work, appearance. Sometimes she just looks like a tank that sees no obstacles in its path. Such assertiveness can be traced even in childhood, when a little girl simply masterfully organizes everyone around her. Children listen to her with pleasure, over the years she learns to do all this at school, and then at work. Very often, even in a family, she is the head, who very gently, but decisively, can insist on her own. Sometimes a husband does not even suspect that he is making certain decisions, just because it is better for his wife. She can convince her that she is right and not offend feelings. In some situations, she can really forget about such delicacy and acts, guided by her own benefit.

Raisa can be called pragmatic, she gets used to being guided in life only by common sense, absolutely not paying attention to inner foreboding or intuition, like most women. Only cold calculation and an objective view of things. All acquaintances can notice that the level of her education and intellect allows her to maintain a conversation in any direction. Everything happens very easily and naturally, but it is almost impossible to persuade her in her direction or convince her. For her, there is an opinion on each issue, which will be the main one, but she does not impose it on anyone.

If we consider moral principles, then with age, all acquaintances know for sure that Raya will never be able to forgive betrayal. She will accept a vile deed of a person, but will delete him forever from her life, after a while, striking back, which will be several times more painful and tangible.

With regard to health and disease, experts say that girls with this name may have a tendency to be overweight, so the issue of proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle should be given special attention. In maturity, you should also not ignore diseases of the pelvic organs. Preventive examinations by specialists will never be superfluous.


In marriage, Raisa manifests herself as a wonderful housewife who masterfully manages the kitchen and manages to maintain perfect cleanliness throughout the house. It is she who forms the daily routine of the family and ensures that everyone fulfills their duties. With such a wife, nothing is scary, because she can organize a correct and very reliable rear. With such support, a man can overcome any obstacles. In marriage, the wife gets along very well with all her husband's relatives, and he, without noticing it, begins to speak her words and act under the sensitive, but correct guidance of his wife. Such marriages are very strong, almost no one manages to destroy it.
Parents should definitely get acquainted with the history of the name they have chosen for the child. Such little secrets may further.

The name Raisa has several versions of origin and meaning, the relevance of which often depends on the historical and national characteristics of perception.

In Western culture, the most popular version is the Greek one. The same version is also popular in Russia, because the name Rais came to us from Greece, along with the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. According to this version the name Raisa means "careless" or "frivolous", but comes from the word "rheistos" (ρεϊστος). In turn, the word "reistos" is an excellent form of the word "radios" (ραδϊος), which is respectively translated as "careless" or "frivolous".

In many eastern countries where the Muslim population predominates, a version of the Arabic origin of the name is popular. According to this version, Raisa's name means "boss", but comes from the word "raisat" (رئيسة‎‎).

Another version is the Serbian version, but it is mostly popular only in Serbia. Some experts argue that the name Raisa comes from the Serbian name Raica, and it, in turn, from the name of Paradise. At the same time, in Serbian culture, the name Raya is an abbreviated form of the names Radmila and Radoslav, but not an independent name.

The meaning of the name Raisa for a girl

Little Raya is a smiling and active child. She herself is endowed with positive and knows how to share joy with others. Despite mobility, Raisa knows how to be restrained and calm down easily, which is rare for active children. Raisa easily finds a company for herself and often becomes a leader in it. She has a huge number of comrades and a lot of close friends. She is demanding of friends, and even at preschool age, her serious attitude to the concept of friendship is noticeable.

Raisa studies quite successfully, and some disciplines are given to her especially well. In her studies, Raisa shows her hard work and desire to be the best. Usually Raya finds a hobby that is completely unrelated to the school curriculum. She can dance, play in the theater or find herself arguing to her liking. Often Raisa achieves serious results in her hobby, which has a significant impact on her entire future destiny.

The girl's health is quite strong and does not cause any special problems. Of course, like most people, Raisa has weaknesses in her health. In her case, it is the digestive organs. She should be more careful about her diet and the regularity of meals. With the observance of preventive measures, she will not have any special health problems.

Abbreviated name Raisa

Raiska, Raika.

Diminutive names

Raisochka, Raisonka, Raisushka, Rayechka, Rayushka, Rayulya, Rayunya, Rayusya.

Raisa's name in English

In English, there is no name Raisa, which means you need to use the transliteration Raisa.

Raisa name for passport- RAISA, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Raisa into other languages

in Belarusian - Raisa
in Greek - Ραΐσα
in Polish - Raisa
in Tatar - Rәisә
in Ukrainian - Raisa
in Finnish - Raisa

Church name Raisa(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Raisa. The name Raisa entered the Christian nomenclature thanks to the martyr Raisa of Alexandria, who is referred to as Iraida in earlier manuscripts. It turns out that Raisa can have two church names, which are essentially identical.

Characteristics of the name Raisa

Adult Raisa can be described as an energetic, independent and aspiring person. She is moderately proud, but knows how to listen to someone else's opinion. At the same time, Raisa's leadership qualities, characteristic of her since childhood, only intensify. Raisa knows how to captivate people, because she always shares the result of success. Another strong point of Raisa is her communicative talent. She knows how to find a common language with almost everyone and her interest in the interlocutor is completely sincere. Of course, people feel it and are drawn to Raisa.

In the work of Raisa, her analytical mind and non-standard thinking are most in demand. She does not like template solutions, and the ability to calculate the result in advance successfully complements this. She is quite hardworking and diligent, but monotonous work is undesirable for her. Her character warehouse will certainly require a challenge.

Raisa builds family relationships based on mutual respect with her husband. She herself wants to be honest with her beloved and demands this from him. Raisa knows how to create an atmosphere of trust and support in the family, which of course will be appreciated by her life partner. At the same time, she reserves leadership in the family, but she does it so carefully and imperceptibly that from the outside it seems absolutely the opposite. If we talk about the thriftiness of the owner of the name, then this is not her forte. She is not particularly interested in everyday life, and therefore Raisa's family prefers active pastime.

The secret of the name Raisa

Raisa's secret can be called her ability to manipulate people, although she rarely uses it. Raisa does not like to resort to this talent of hers, but sometimes she is forced to do it. Often after this, Raisa experiences remorse and mental anguish.

Planet- Mercury.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

totem animal- Lark.

Name color- Dove.

Tree- Pine.

Plant- Tulip.

Stone- Sapphire.