Baby daily routine: ninth month.

All moms only dream of waking up late for their baby. If this happens, then some difficulties may arise. The daily routine of a child at 9 months gets lost if he gets up late in the morning. And when other children go to bed at ten o'clock in the evening, giving their parents time for themselves, the little "owlet" continues to sleep at night. Is it bad or good in the organization of daily life?

At such a moment, there comes an understanding that something needs to be changed in the daily routine 9 month old baby. Therefore, if the irrepressible desire to take a nap in the morning remains longer, do not let it overcome you.

It is best if the baby is accustomed to the regimen and will get up at six or seven in the morning - this is the best time to get up.

Sleep - we create a harmonious organization of the day

The daily sleep pattern of a 9 month old baby is approximately the same as at the age of eight months. If you look at the previous table, then the frequency of rest is not changed, the habits are fully formed. It is quite enough that the baby sleeps up to fourteen hours a day - this is the norm agreed by the WHO table. During the day, this time is four hours, at night - ten hours.

From the point of view of the physiology of development and the age of the child, an approximate sleep schedule at 9 months by the hour will be as follows:

  • from ten in the evening to six in the morning;
  • from eight-thirty to ten in the morning the first daytime dream;
  • at fourteen thirty and before sixteen thirty - the second day's rest;
  • at eight in the evening to ten - the beginning of a night's sleep, which is interrupted by feeding.

We are nine months old or interesting features of our beloved child

It turns out that the daily routine of 9 months is very necessary for a child, in which he will sleep twice, with a break for rest for about three hours.
However, this sleep schedule is not for everyone, so you can consider the following options:

  1. Your baby rests a couple of times a day- this speaks of the sensual and mental education of the baby. Often the time between each "sleep + hour" increases to three. IN such a case your child goes to bed at about ten in the evening, without the "first phase" of a night dream. This is extremely comfortable for father and mother, because children, having rested from eight to ten, may not go to bed at night. certain time.
  2. The baby sleeps until three times in a day. You can lay the baby for forty minutes in the morning and evening (for example, in the morning at nine and in the evening at seven), then a longer daytime sleep will be approximately two hours long.
  3. Walk + rest. If the baby's daily routine at the age of nine months involves a combination of walks and daytime sleep. Its duration can be added up to three hours.

Such a schedule suggests that the baby is still very tired and cannot stay awake for quite a long time. But this is also a variant of generally accepted norms. And if this position is comfortable for you and the child, then stick to this regime at 9 months and do not change anything in the near future.

Meal schedule in the table

The feeding regimen of a 9-month-old baby remains the same as on artificial feeding, and chest. The baby eats five times a day. Woke up - fed, before going to bed again had a bite. The hourly meal plan looks like this:

  • Morning feeding at six in the morning, includes mother's milk or a mixture.
  • The second at ten, the baby can be given porridge, fruit puree.
  • Lunch at two o'clock from a grated apple and vegetable puree with meat. It is allowed to offer the baby soup on vegetable broth. In addition, we introduce him to the fish, which can also be planned for a daily snack.
  • The most comfortable time for dinner is six in the evening. We give cottage cheese and fruit juice. The most satisfying option would be porridge with finely chopped, boiled meat.
  • Last feeding at ten in the evening - breast milk or milk formula.

The correct organization of the daily routine, how he spends his own day, influences the appetite of the little one. Therefore, in order not to be upset that the child suddenly refused to eat, put him to bed in a timely manner, walk for more than four hours (two walks once a day), do gymnastics and massage.

Baby - deviations from the norm and causes

The pledge of cheerfulness and good health of your child depends on the daily routine, both with breastfeeding and with artificial feeding. If the frequency of sleep is disturbed, look for the prerequisites within yourself or in the environment. For example, it happens that the baby takes a nap not three, but four or even five times a day, keeping within almost thirty minutes. This is indicative of sleep disturbances. What is the reason? You need to do the following:

  • To remove the root causes of the child's agitation - the butuz gets tired very quickly and asks for rest. They can be loud music, annoying games of older kids, or other reasons;
  • Remove the inconvenience of the little one - maybe the room is very stuffy and sultry, and you wrapped the baby tightly before going to bed. Cool air in the nursery is an excellent condition for a long rest;
  • Do not change the usual routine of the day 9 month old baby. Regardless of weekends and holidays. By allowing yourself to put the baby to bed at the wrong time, it is possible to acquire a violation of the routine forever;

Try to keep the daily routine that suits you. If the child has become nervous during the day, read to him, pick him up, talk in a measured voice. But to sleep, you need to put it only by the hour, adhering to the correct sleep and nutrition regimen.

"My child, like me, is an owl," says the mother, who wakes up every morning with her baby at 8.30 am. where do the boundaries of the norm end in combination with individuality, which should not be crossed?

Almost all mothers dream of late rises crumbs. However, if this happens, some difficulties arise. If the baby gets up late in the morning, the entire daily routine of the child at 9 months is shifted by the hour. And when other crumbs go to bed at 22.00, giving parents the opportunity to devote time to each other, the little "owl" continues to be awake. Is it good or bad? At some point comes the realization that something needs to change. And even if the secret desire to sleep a little longer in the morning remains, do not let it defeat common sense. The ideal time to pick up your baby is between 6:00 am and 7:00 am.

What does a 9 month old baby's day look like?

The daily routine of a child at 9 months roughly corresponds to what was observed in. Habits are already formed, the frequency of sleep is unchanged. The norm for babies is sleep with a total duration of up to 14 hours per day. At night, the baby needs to sleep for at least 10 hours, during the day - the remaining 4. From the point of view of the physiology of age, the child’s sleep schedule at 9 months will be correct according to the following type of clock:

  • 22.00–6.00 - night sleep;
  • 8.30–10.00 - the first dream during the day;
  • 14.30–16.30 - second sleep during the day;
  • 20.00–22.00 - the beginning of the night sleep, which is interrupted by feeding.

Thus, during the day, the baby should sleep twice, with a frequency between each rest in 2.5-3 hours. But such a graph is more theoretical than practical. Therefore, the following options can be considered the norm.

  • Double nap- duration 1.5-2 hours. It indicates the normal emotional and psychological development of the child. Often the time between each "son hour" increases to 3.5 hours. In this case, the baby goes to bed in the evening around 22.00, without " initial phase» night sleep. This is much more convenient for parents, since babies, having rested from 20.00 to 22.00, may not go to bed at the time set for them.
  • triple daytime sleep- forty-minute "breaks" in the morning and evening (for example, at 9.00 and 19.00) and longer daytime sleep lasting about 2 hours. If the regimen of a child at 9 months involves combining a walk with daytime sleep, its duration can increase up to 3 hours. Such a schedule suggests that the baby is still too tired and cannot stay awake for long enough. But it is also a variant of the norm. And if you and your baby are comfortable with this routine, stick to it for as long as you need.

Deviations from the norm: options and causes

Compliance with the day regimen of a child at 9 months of breastfeeding and an artificial person is the key to his health and daily vigor. If the frequency of sleep is disturbed, look for the reasons in yourself or the environment. For example, it happens that the baby sleeps not 3, but 4 or even 5 times a day, falling asleep literally for 30 minutes. This is indicative of a sleep disorder. You should:

  • eliminate the causes of agitation of the baby- the baby gets tired too quickly and needs rest. They can be loud music, obsessive games of older children, other reasons;
  • relieve baby discomfort- it is possible that the room is very hot, and you warmly wrapped the crumbs before going to bed. The ideal conditions for a long rest are the cool air in the nursery;
  • do not change exemplary mode baby day at 9 months- Follow the established schedule every day, regardless of weekends and holidays. Allowing yourself one day not to put the baby to bed on time, you risk getting a violation of the routine for a long time;
  • try to stick to your schedule. If the baby began to act up ahead of time, read to him, hold him in your arms, talk in a calm voice. But send to sleep clearly by the clock.

Features of feeding

The mode of artificial feeding and breastfeeding remains the same. All the same, the baby eats 5 times a day, the first feeding falls on waking up, the second - at the time of going to bed. The schedule looks like this.

A child's appetite is affected by how he spends his day. Therefore, in order not to be upset that the baby suddenly did not eat, put him to bed on time, walk for at least 4 hours (2 walks daily), do gymnastics and massage.


When a child turns 9 months old, his usual daily routine can seriously change. At this time, you need to carefully monitor how much the baby sleeps, how deeply, whether a change in routine affects appetite, and whether the usual feeding process is disturbed.

You should not be too happy with your parents who got a little "owl" that can sleep until eight in the morning, because it will be awake until late at night, and this cannot be considered the norm. The optimal routine for a 9-month-old baby has long been developed by pediatricians, and it is his rules that are recommended to be followed so as not to worry about the child's abnormal development.

Recommended daily routine for a nine-month-old baby

By such a “serious” age, the basic habits of the baby have already been formed, it is good if sleep and wakefulness proceed at the same frequency as before. The norm at this time is the total duration of rest of at least 14 hours. Their main sleep should approach 10 hours, and about 4 hours are allotted for daytime. If we take into account all the physiological characteristics of a child at 9 months, then his daily routine will look like this:

  • From 22.00 to 6.00 - the main sleep of the baby (its basic part).
  • From 8.00 to 10.00 - the first daytime sleep.
  • From 14.30 to 16.30 - the second daytime sleep.
  • From 20.00 to 22.00 - the preparatory part of the night's sleep. The child must sleep after hygiene procedures before the last feeding.

Such a daily routine is not always suitable for parents or the baby does not really like it. For this reason, two more approaches have been developed in which the baby sleeps during the daytime with great pleasure and exactly as much as he needs:

  1. Rest break twice during the day. In this case, sleep should last from 1.5 to 2 hours. It is convenient if the period of wakefulness between rest reaches 3.5-4 hours. In this case, the regimen implies the exclusion of the preparatory part of the night's sleep, and the child goes to bed without any problems immediately after the fifth feeding. Maintaining this routine indicates the normal mental and emotional development of a 9-month-old baby.
  2. Break for rest three times during the day. Depending on how long the main daytime sleep lasts, the duration of rest in the morning and evening is calculated. Usually it is two hours in the afternoon and about 40-50 minutes each in the morning and evening. Despite the fact that this routine is also the norm, it is considered a sign that the baby has not yet gained strength for prolonged wakefulness or the loads given to it are too high.

Tip: Pediatricians recommend not trying to rearrange your child from the routine that seems more comfortable to him. An optimal mode from the point of view of parents can cause a deterioration in the mental state of the baby, provoke a lack of appetite in him and adversely affect the rate of growth and weight gain.

Causes of deviations from the norm and methods for their elimination

In cases where an infant who is 9 months old does not sleep according to the rules, it is necessary to look for factors that cause unnecessary disruptions. Children who can go to bed 4-6 times during the day, require close attention from parents and pediatricians. Bye bad habit did not affect the health, vigor and quality of nutrition of the child, something urgently needs to be done. Each of the following factors should be considered first:

  • Causes of increased arousal in a 9-month-old baby. Loud music, a TV with constantly flashing pictures, active games of older children and increased activity of adults can tire a baby too quickly, forcing him to rest more often.
  • The presence of conditions that cause discomfort. Most often this is an increased temperature in the room. Heat and excessive dryness are two factors that can disrupt the routine of any newborn. In this case, the child goes to bed at the first opportunity, for example, after airing the room and tries to catch up.
  • Abrupt change in the child's usual regimen. Indulgences for the time of weekends, holidays and visits of guests are unacceptable, they can violate all settings. The baby should sleep exactly as much as he is supposed to and exactly when he needs it.

If for some reason the baby sleeps too long or starts to act up ahead of time, you should not follow his lead and break the routine. You need to occupy him with something interesting to wake him up or delay the time going to bed.

Important feeding features to consider at 9 months

The feeding regimen at the age of 9 months does not change much. It is necessary to continue to adhere to five meals a day, approximately according to the following scheme:

  • 1 feeding. Breast milk or adapted formula. Sometimes it can be milk porridge.
  • 2 feeding. fruit puree or milk porridge.
  • 3 feeding. A full meal consisting of meat puree or vegetable soup with grated fruit dessert. It's time to introduce fish into the diet and it is best to give it during the day.
  • 4 feeding. Cottage cheese and fruit juice can sometimes be replaced with porridge with finely chopped boiled meat. A more satisfying option should be used with increased activity of the baby.
  • 5 feeding. Breast milk or formula.

Do not be surprised if the appetite of the crumbs noticeably increases, for example, after an active afternoon or a long walk. At the same time, it is not worth much exceeding the recommended doses, this can affect the child's sleep.

Rules for ensuring physical activity and organizing bathing

Nine months is a great age to start an active sports life. This will allow not only the baby to sleep soundly at night, but also to develop his body in accordance with all the rules. The following manipulations should be included in the daily set of activities:

  • Light massage followed by simple physical exercises. Be sure to bend and unbend the legs, massage the back.
  • Help the child in trying to get up, walk, use the support.
  • Walks in the fresh air, if possible, communication with other children of about the same age.
  • It is worth including the use of the simplest simulators suitable for children at the age of nine months in the daily regimen.
  • We pay special attention to the development of grasping reflexes and relieving tension from the muscles with the help of water procedures.

The baby sleeps best after a long and active bath. The main thing is not to use hot water, the liquid should be refreshing, not warmer than 36ºС. It is already possible to introduce dousing with cooler water, they will only provide healthy sleep, but also strengthen the immunity of the newborn.

Tip: If the little one does not sleep very soundly, constantly wakes up or falls asleep with difficulty, then it is recommended to add herbal decoctions to the bathing water. The most pronounced effect is given by chamomile, sage and string.

How to develop a nine-month-old baby?

Finally, the age has come at which children can not only eat and sleep, but also actively communicate with others, learn about the world. Many parents want to know how much a baby should be able to do at 9 months. No one has canceled individuality in terms of development, but it will be nice if the baby pleases with the following skills:

  • Some children are already actively moving with the help of a support and even on their own.
  • Particularly attentive and sociable, they know a few words and use them appropriately. They distinguish objects, colors, sounds.
  • Since this time, motor skills are actively developing in children, new movements and gestures appear. This needs to be supported with toys filled with buckwheat, peas, lentils, flour.
  • Children actively express their opinions, express emotions.

Properly organized mode is the key to physical and mental health baby. Indulgence, constant shifts or cancellation of procedures can adversely affect the development of the child.


The most beloved and long-awaited child was born, and with it OVERWEIGHT. But worries about the child do not leave time either for themselves or for gyms. And most diets can have dangerous consequences for both mom and baby.

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It is very important to observe a certain daily routine for a baby at any age, both for his full-fledged physical and intellectual and mental development. For babies under the age of 1, it can be quite difficult to introduce a strict daily routine, since each baby has its own needs, which change with each month of life.

Despite this, from the very birth of the crumbs, you need to teach him to perform the usual actions at the same time, adjusting some points as he grows up. In this article, we will tell you which regimen and daily routine is best for a child at 9 months old, so that he always feels alert and rested, and develops according to his age.

How to organize a child's regime at 9 months?

Usually the day of a nine-month-old peanut begins at 6-7 in the morning. It is this time that is considered the most preferable for the morning rise. At the same time, the child should be put to bed in the evening at 20-21 hours. Thus, the duration of your child's night will be 9-10 hours, which is optimal for children at this age.

During the day, a nine-month-old baby also needs a good rest with a total duration of 4-6 hours. It is very good if your little one sleeps 3 times a day, approximately 1.5-2 hours. Meanwhile, a two-time rest is also allowed, the duration of which should be increased to 2.5 hours at a time.

It is necessary 5 times a day every 4 hours. The baby at this age still needs breast milk or an adapted milk formula, however, these products are usually included in only 2 or 3 feedings per day. For the rest of the day, a nine-month-old child should eat baby cereals, meat and vegetable purees, as well as cottage cheese for baby food.

Walking with the baby is recommended at least 2 times a day. The length of time spent outdoors depends on weather conditions. Bathe your baby every day, just before going to bed at night. To get acquainted in detail with the possible daily routine of a child at 9 months by the hour, the following table will help you:

How older child the more independent he becomes. At 9 months of age, the baby can already show their personality traits and desire social interaction. A grown-up baby begins to imitate the intonations of adults, copy the behavior of other children, respond to his own name and look for the named object with his eyes. He already knows how to move independently: crawl, sit down, stand at the support. What guidelines should parents have in order to understand that all the physiological needs of their child are satisfied? How much should he sleep a day and what regimen should he obey?

Sleep of a 9-month-old baby: pediatric norms

The sleep of a 9-month-old baby is 12-14 hours a day. Of these, 10–12 are for night rest, 3–4 for two daytime rests.

A schedule with two daytime sleeps of 1.5–2 hours is rather theoretical. Each baby has its own characteristics, so three times a day is considered the norm. At the same time, the first and third can be short - about 40 minutes each, and the second - up to three hours.

The sleep schedule depends on the emotional and physical state of the baby, his fatigue. At this age, the child may not sleep for 3-4 hours in a row. Wakefulness is active and, in addition to games, includes preparation for rest and falling asleep. At 9 months it is still difficult to talk about the daily routine, rather it is a certain rhythm that corresponds to the physiological needs of the child.

By 9 months, about 70% of babies can sleep through the night. But one nighttime awakening to eat is considered normal. If the baby is breastfed, this feeding will be important to maintain lactation.

At 9 months, babies are physiologically ready to sleep through the night.

Sleep disorders and their causes

The violation of daytime sleep includes the fact that the baby sleeps more than three times, while the duration of rest lasts no longer than half an hour. But the most common parental complaint is frequent waking up at night. After them, it can be difficult for the baby to fall asleep again, and further sleep becomes superficial and weak. Why is this happening? There are several reasons.

  1. Strong overwork: a large number of guests, too intrusive games, loud music.
  2. Wrong conditions in the room where the child sleeps: the temperature is above 18 degrees and excessive dryness of the air.
  3. Neglect of the regimen: sometimes parents “shift” dreams, making them fit their business.

In order to normalize sleep, several conditions must be observed:

  • before laying in the crib, ventilate the room well;
  • put on comfortable clothes for the baby - pajamas should not press or rub;
  • observe the "ritual" - several actions that are constantly repeated before going to bed in the same order;
  • 1-2 hours before bedtime, replace active games with calm ones;
  • try to stick to the schedule.

Pediatricians say that most children go through vagaries when falling asleep and even refusing daytime rest. Parents need to gently insist on their own, while following all the recommendations for normalizing sleep.

Hello, I wanted to ask a question about my child's sleep. We are 9 months old, we fall asleep very badly during the day, everything starts in the morning, she wakes up, has breakfast, then after a certain time we go to the first daytime sleep. The child begins to be very capricious, by the way, we sleep at home, I lie down next to him. Whims, crying take about an hour, then she collapses from fatigue and falls asleep, after dinner the same story. In the stroller, she stopped falling asleep with me, she also cries. But when the nanny comes, she sleeps with her, but also not for long. She sleeps well at night, peacefully. Waking up 2 times during the night. But sometimes there are moments when she wakes up very restlessly and cries. Advise how to be.

Semenchenya Tatyana Nikolaevna, pediatrician, answers:

Hello! You don't need to worry, all children go through a moment when whims and refusal to sleep during the daytime begin. The main thing is not to give in to the baby, since this dream is simply necessary for her. At this age, the norm of sleep is about 15-16 hours a day. Try to create a special atmosphere for sleep, twilight, calm music or your lulling, rocking in a stroller, the absence of irritants, loud sounds. And it's good that the baby sleeps at night. Good luck to you 🙂

Semenchenya T.N., pediatrician

Babies who are breastfed on demand are more likely to wake up at night

Babies who are breastfed on demand often do not sleep well at night. This approach involves co-sleeping. The closeness of the mother and the smell of milk create a situation where the baby needs to breastfeed several times a night.

Any significant change in the quality of sleep, sudden awakening or desire to sleep in unusual time mother should be alert. Drowsiness may be a sign elevated temperature or lack of fluid in the body. If parents have any doubts about the rest of the child, you need to contact a pediatric neurologist.

Wake hours

Wake time 9 month old baby should be filled with useful and interesting activities. Important at this age is the development of motor skills - finger games, which are usually very popular with kids, or bright shreds of fabric with buttons sewn on them, will help to cope with such a difficult task. Children love to look at pictures, so cardboard books or cards may well appear among the toys. Most of them already know how to crawl, so you can play catch-up or hide-and-seek with them, give balls.

Each toddler has his own preferences in terms of games, but important rule is the alternation of active activities with more passive ones. In this case, the time immediately before bedtime is better to spend calmly.

Finger games stimulate the development of fine motor skills

In the daily routine of the child should be gymnastics. It must be done at the same time every day. It is optimal to do this 40-50 minutes after breakfast. So between eating and active pastime there will be a sufficient break, but the baby will have time before the first daytime sleep.

Like younger children, grown-up crumbs love gymnastics on a fitball. This is not only fun, but also useful for the development of gross motor skills and the vestibular apparatus. This sports simulator can be alternated with diaper exercises.

Fitball exercises for children under 1 year old - video

Day walks

Walking is an important part of the daily routine. If the baby sleeps in a stroller, then one of the dreams can be spent in the fresh air. With two daytime rests, it is better to arrange the first one on the street, and with three - the longest, as a rule, the second. But not all children at 9 months agree to these conditions. In this case, the walk becomes a way to get new experiences.

In good weather, you need to walk 2 times a day. The duration of being outside depends on the time of year and the wishes of the parents. For example, in the summer you can spend several hours outdoors, taking a blanket and a light snack with you to the park or square. In winter, with mild frost, the duration of the walk is about 1–1.5 hours.

Bad weather for a walk with a child is extremely rare (rain, hurricane, snowstorm, +40, -30). And it should be honestly admitted that under the concept of "bad weather" frank parental laziness is often hidden. Although, by and large, not only laziness or busyness of parents is to blame. The achievements of civilization: TV, computer, toys - more and more often lead to the fact that being in the room by the child himself is seen as more preferable.
The need for walks should be laid down from infancy and perceived by the child as a norm, as a prerequisite for a reasonable lifestyle.

Komarovsky E.O., pediatrician

The child needs to walk outside every day


In most families, it is customary to bathe children before a night's rest - most often this activity has a relaxing effect, helping to “wash away” daytime emotions. In this case, it becomes part of the ritual of going to bed, which can be supplemented with a wish Good night parents or toys, singing a lullaby, reading a fairy tale.

But there are also kids who, on the contrary, excites bathing. For them water procedures best done in the morning or after a nap. But, most importantly, you should not completely abandon the bathroom.

Bathing, along with walking, is part of hardening and the formation of immunity.

Feeding: when and how much should a baby eat and drink at 9 months

Nutrition for a 9-month-old baby depends on some circumstances. Most babies have several teeth by this age, so the baby is already willing to try new foods. You can gradually change the consistency of your usual food, but you need to do this carefully and smoothly.

Features of feeding also depend on the type of complementary foods chosen by the parents. Those who are inclined towards traditional, or pediatric, complementary foods, by this age give the child cereals, vegetables, fruits, and meat. Some mothers are already starting to introduce children's cottage cheese into the diet.

Recently, more and more often you can see information about pedagogical complementary foods. This direction has developed as an alternative to traditional complementary foods with precise amounts of food and the order of introduction of new products. According to the scheme of pedagogical complementary foods, it is proposed to feed the baby from the mother's plate - these are microdoses of all foods that are eaten in the family. Naturally, we are not talking about "unhealthy" food.

It is interesting that most pediatricians are supporters of classical pediatric complementary foods, while followers of the ideas of "natural" education tend to be pedagogical.

The traditional scheme involves five meals a day. The volume of each meal is about 200 ml. The first and last feedings are given as breast milk or formula. If the child is breastfed on demand, he additionally receives a breast during the day.

A good appetite for a child is the dream of all parents.

Do not forget about the drinking regimen. As a drink, it is better to offer ordinary water - boiled or special for children, sold in stores. If a child asks for a drink, you need to give him as much water as he wants. This is especially true for artificial ones: breast milk consists of 87% water, and there is much less of it in the mixture. Dehydration can cause digestive problems, constipation, and in severe cases, sodium and chloride imbalance in the blood and kidney failure.

The approximate volume of fluid that enters the baby's body per day is approximately 1 liter. This indicator also includes the water contained in food. The exceptions are chronic diseases of the heart and kidneys. In this case, recommendations on the drinking regimen are given by the doctor.

Learn more about baby food at 9 months.

Approximate daily routine of a nine-month-old child

With an established diet, the daily routine of formula-fed and natural-fed babies does not differ, except when breast-feeding happens on demand.

Approximate daily routine for a child of 9 months - table

Time interval Mode element
7:00–7:30 Waking up, morning toilet and first feeding (breast milk or formula)
7:30–9:30 Games, gymnastics
9:30–11:30 First nap (preferably outside)
11:30–12:00 Awakening, second feeding (porridge or fruit puree)
12:00–13:00 Games
13:00–15:00 Walk
15:00–15:30 Third feeding ( vegetable puree with meat or vegetable broth soup)
15:30–17:30 Second day dream
17:30–19:00 Games, walk
19:00–19:30 Fourth feeding (porridge with finely chopped meat, cottage cheese)
19:30–20:30 Games
20:30–21:00 Bathing
21:00–21:30 Fifth feeding (breast milk or formula)
21:30–7:00 Nighttime sleep, which may be interrupted by feeding

Reasons for violation of the daily routine

During the first year of life, the child's daily routine changes dramatically several times. It depends on increasing the time of being awake and decreasing the amount of sleep. The regimen for children under 1 year old obeys their natural rhythms, so you should not pay attention to deviations of 20-30 minutes. If it goes astray more significantly, there may be several reasons for this:

  • teething;
  • disease;
  • reduced need for sleep;
  • insufficient motor activity;
  • mastering new skills.

It often happens that after an illness or rest in a different time zone, the daily routine goes astray. If this period is not combined with other reasons, then the routine will restore itself. In other cases, the delicate help of parents is needed. It is allowed to wake the child in order to put him to bed early at night. The main thing is to do it smoothly and consistently, focusing on the approximate age norms of sleep.

A special role in the restoration of the regime is played by the ritual of going to bed. Its beginning gives the baby a signal that you need to go to bed soon. About an hour before rest, you need to stop active games and exclude extraneous noise.

If parents allow themselves to watch TV in the presence of a child, it's time to turn it off. You can pick up quiet calm music and look at the crumbs of the picture.

But the most important rule is the calmness and confidence of the mother. Children instantly read the mood and emotions of close adults: if they are nervous, the child himself will become capricious and excited. Hand in no case should flare-ups of irritation be allowed. Tactile and verbal manifestations of love and care will help the little one calm down faster.

At the age of 9 months, many babies become adults, master the skills of independent movement. At that time great value for children have joint classes with parents. If we understand the physiological and social aspects of the development of the child, love him wholeheartedly, then education small dick family will bring only happiness.