Pedagogical activity and its features. Professional pedagogical activity, its types and structure

Functions, goals of pedagogical activity have a deeply humanitarian basis. The work of a teacher is based primarily on love for life, children, and the world. An integral element of the profession is also responsibility for the quality of knowledge and the development of the child as a person. It is teachers who have a key influence on moral principles. public life. Let us consider further what the structure and functions of pedagogical activity are.

The role of the teacher

Any achievements in the economy of the state will not give the desired effect if the conditions are not provided in which the functions of socio-pedagogical activity will be implemented. The role of the teacher in the life of society is difficult to overestimate. Even if we do not take into account the educational aspect of the work, teachers act as a link between all members of society. In this regard, the teacher expresses the general needs and interests of the population, knows the pressing problems of our time.

Pedagogical activity: essence, structure, functions

The job of a teacher is very specific. Pedagogical is a special kind of socially useful activity of adult citizens, consciously aimed at preparing children for life in accordance with existing political, economic, aesthetic, moral and other goals. Within the framework of this work, an objective process of education is organized. The functions of socio-pedagogical activity are focused on improving and accelerating the preparation of the younger generation for life. This is due to the fact that teachers, realizing the tasks assigned to them, use theoretical knowledge and practical experience within the framework of the system of special institutions. Many authors consider the allocation of each function of professional pedagogical activity separately from others, while maintaining their relationship. Three components were formed in the general system of teaching: communicative, organizational and constructive. For the implementation of each function of pedagogical activity, pedagogical skills, abilities and aspirations play a key role.

general characteristics

The constructive functions of professional pedagogical activity fall into:

  1. Operational. It involves the planning of the teacher's own actions and the behavioral acts of students.
  2. informative. As part of the implementation of this function of the professional and pedagogical activity of the teacher, the selection and layout of materials, planning and construction of all educational process.
  3. Material. Within the framework of this direction, the design of the educational and methodological base of the entire process is carried out.

The organizational aspect provides for the implementation of a set of actions focused on the inclusion of children in various work, the formation of a team. Special meaning has a communicative pedagogical activity. The functions of pedagogical activity in this direction are focused on establishing expedient, from an educational point of view, relations between the teacher and children, colleagues, parents, as well as members of the public.

Important point

The types and functions of pedagogical activity are implemented in the presence of a constant feedback. Due to it, the teacher receives timely information about the results of achieving the goals. In this regard, the control and evaluation component is also included in the set of elements from which pedagogical activity is formed. The functions of pedagogical activity are implemented by teachers of any specialty. Each of them must have the appropriate skills and qualifications.

The main functions of pedagogical activity

The educational process is implemented with direct subordination to the tasks and goals set by the teacher. The key functions of pedagogical activity are:

Key Aspects

Traditionally, there are two areas in which pedagogical activity is carried out. The functions of pedagogical activity are focused on teaching and education. The first direction involves the management of predominantly cognitive abilities and aspirations of children. Educational activities are focused on organizing the behavior of students. It involves solving problems for the harmonious development of the individual. By and large, these concepts can be called identical. Such an approach to considering the correlation of these areas of activity reveals the essence of the thesis about the unity of education and upbringing. Teaching, which is carried out not only within a lesson, but also within any organizational form, usually has a clear time frame, a specific goal and options for achieving it. The same cannot be said about education. This work does not directly pursue the achievement of goals, since this is not possible in an organizational form limited by time frames. In the educational process, it is possible to provide for an exclusively consistent solution of certain tasks. They, in turn, are aimed at achieving a positive change in the consciousness of children, which is manifested in behavior, emotional reactions, and cognitive activity, is a key criterion for the effective solution of the tasks set.

Teacher Culture

It acts as an integral element of the professionalism of the teacher. The formation of information culture contributes to the optimization of the educational process. With it, teachers get the opportunity to:

  1. Apply new ways and methods of presentation, generalization of information. In particular, we are talking about academic performance, the level of knowledge of children.
  2. Use more materials.
  3. Develop and apply computer control and educational programs.
  4. Improve skills through distance learning.
  5. Use modern information resources in self-education.

The effectiveness with which the function of designing pedagogical activity will be implemented depends on how developed the information culture is.

Personal qualities

They act as the foundation on which pedagogical activity is based. The functions of pedagogical activity cannot be implemented by incompetent specialists. In this regard, there are special requirements for teachers. Of paramount importance is the professional development of the teacher. It affects the level of development of the whole society as a whole. The very personality of the teacher and his knowledge act as a valuable capital. The content and functions of pedagogical activity presuppose the presence of certain orientations and knowledge that the specialist passes on to children. In this regard, the teacher is not only a personifier of normative work, but also an active participant who implements his skills for the benefit of society. To fully understand the essence, functions of pedagogical activity, a person must go through a certain path. The formation of his competence covers a long period.

Specialist Mastery

It is considered the highest level of pedagogical activity. Craftsmanship is characterized by high efficiency and creativity. Manifesting it, the teacher performs his work at the level of samples and standards, tested in practice and set out in methodological recommendations. At the same time, it must be said that the skill of a teacher is not directly related to the length of his experience. The main functions of pedagogical activity discussed above cannot be implemented without the ability of a specialist to build and set in motion the educational process. According to A. S. Makarenko, mastering the skill is available to absolutely every teacher, subject to purposeful self-development. It is formed, of course, on the basis of practical experience. However, it does not always become a source of teacher's skill. It can only be labor, the essence, goals and technology of implementation of which will be comprehended. The skill of a teacher is a complex of individual business qualities and competence of a specialist.


The elements that form the skill of a teacher are:

  1. Psychological and pedagogical erudition.
  2. Teaching technology.
  3. professional ability.

Teaching technique should be understood as various methods of individual influence of a specialist on children. The process of education can be considered from methodological, social and other points of view. The public position forms a set of values ​​that a specialist must convey to each child. To accomplish this task, special training of the teacher is required. He must be able to operate with existing values, to be their bearer. One of the most important components of mastery is the ability to find the right tone to express your assessment.

Teaching ability

They represent a special mental property of the individual, which is expressed in sensitivity to the current requirements of the educational system, to the specifics of their reflection by the corresponding students, as well as to the likely ways of influencing children to obtain the desired result. Communication skills are manifested in the ways of establishing relationships with each child on the basis of gaining trust and authority. They are provided by:

  1. The ability to identify, that is, to identify oneself with children.
  2. Differentiated sensitivity to the personal characteristics of students (their inclinations, interests, needs, etc.).
  3. The ability to suggest.
  4. Developed intuition. It acts as an important characteristic of creative thinking and manifests itself in the anticipation of the desired result in the process of choosing a strategy.

One of the methods of influence is suggestion. It can be beneficial if it is aimed at arousing imagination, self-confidence, the ability to overcome obstacles that arise, and self-affirmation through work. Suggestion can also be destructive. This manifests itself if it is aimed at relaxation, humiliation, disbelief in one's own abilities or strengths, or unreasonable narcissism.

Organizational skills

They are necessary for any teacher to realize their functions. Organizational skills are manifested in the teacher's sensitivity to productive and unproductive forms:

  • interaction of children with objects of knowledge during the educational process and outside school hours;
  • teaching children self-organization;
  • building relationships in teams and groups, etc.


It is the ability to determine the correspondence between a situation and knowledge. Competence consists of a complex of interrelated qualities of an individual, which are formed in relation to a specific range of objects and processes necessary to perform productive and high-quality work. The key to the development of the teacher and his activities, therefore, is a radical rethinking of the content of the pedagogical process, the forms of its organization. A specialist must have the ability to systematically, effectively, optimally predict and perform work in the educational space, taking into account their own interests and the achievements of science. The professionalism of a teacher is enhanced by increasing competencies. It is determined on the basis of the analysis of educational events and situations. Characteristics are also important. There are three of them:

  1. Reproductive.
  2. Adaptive.
  3. Locally modeling.

Each new level contains the previous one, which has undergone qualitative changes.

Competence model

Pedagogical professionalism has a number of characteristics. Together, they form a model of competence. It ensures the effective implementation of pedagogical functions. These signs include:

  1. Understanding the basics.
  2. The ability to predict phenomena and processes that are in the zone of vision of a specialist.
  3. Enabling intuitive processes.
  4. Originality and novelty of activity, rejection of stereotypes.
  5. Competent approach to the organization of work.


Skills and knowledge are the basis of any professionalism. However, over time, they become obsolete, and their assessment also changes. In this regard, to ensure effectiveness in the implementation of pedagogical functions, it is necessary to constantly improve the skills of specialists. At the same time, successful work at lectures cannot replace the self-education and self-education of teachers. Currently, a number of principles have been identified that contribute to the independent development of the teacher's competence. These include:


It acts as an integral element of a teacher of any specialty. This is due to the fact that the key tasks of the educational and upbringing process are solved exclusively in communication with children. Despite the fact that in the course of university training the basic elements are studied rather fragmentarily and superficially, many practicing teachers subsequently become brilliant masters. At the same time, they build communication, mainly intuitively, based on personal experience and common sense. Meanwhile, there are opposing views on the essence of the communicative function of the teacher and the ways of its implementation. In accordance with the traditional approach, communication is considered as a certain impact aimed at transferring the necessary knowledge to children and forming the desired qualities in them. According to an alternative approach, priority is given to the interaction of participants in communication within the framework of equal dialogue and cooperation. Leading scholars point out that both of these approaches are open to criticism, since using either of them is likely to be taken to a dangerous extreme - liberal connivance or authoritarian diktat. According to analysts, an integrated approach will be considered the most optimal. It provides an opportunity to effectively implement pedagogical functions, taking into account the age, individual psychological, gender and other characteristics of students.


The implementation of pedagogical functions requires not only certain knowledge from a specialist. The effectiveness of achieving the goals set depends on many factors. Among them are personal qualities, and the level of competence, and the ability for self-development, self-education. The activity of a teacher is very laborious, requires a lot of time and mental costs. The implementation of the functions of pedagogical activity should be carried out according to a clear plan, drawn up on the basis of the results of diagnostics, taking into account the characteristics of the children's team and using the experience of leading teachers of our time.


Topic 2: Pedagogical activity: essence, structure, functions.


    The essence of pedagogical activity.

    The main types of pedagogical activity.

    Professional competence of the teacher.

    Levels of pedagogical activity.

    Mastery and creativity of pedagogical activity.

    Self-development of the teacher.


    Bordovskaya, N.V. Pedagogy: textbook. allowance / N.V. Bordovskaya, A.A. Rean. - St. Petersburg: Piter, 2006. - pp. 141 - 150.

    Introduction to pedagogical activity: textbook. allowance for students. higher ped. textbook institutions / A.S. Robotov, T.V. Leontiev, I. G. Shaposhnikova [and others]. – M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2000. - Ch. one.

    General information of the pedagogical profession: textbook. allowance / author-comp.: I.I. Tsyrkun [i dr.]. - Minsk: Publishing house of BSPU, 2005. - 195 p.

    Podlasy, I.P. Pedagogy. New course: textbook for students. ped. universities: in 2 books. / I.P. Sneaky. – M.: Humanit. ed. center "VLADOS", 1999. - Book. 1: General basics. Learning process. - p.262 - 290.

    Prokopiev, I.I. Pedagogy. Fundamentals of general pedagogy. Didactics: textbook. allowance / I.I. Prokopiev, N.V. Mikhalkovich. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2002. - p. 171-187.

    Slastenin, V.A. Pedagogy / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov; ed. V.A.Slpstenina. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - p.18 - 26; with. 47-56.

Question #1

The essence of pedagogical activity

Activity - on the one hand, it is a specific form of socio-historical existence of people, and on the other hand, it is a way of their existence and development.


1) Ensures the creation of material conditions for human life, the satisfaction of natural human needs;

2) It becomes a factor in the development of the spiritual world of a person and a condition for the realization of his cultural needs;

3) Is the sphere of achievement of life goals, success;

4) Creates conditions for self-realization of a person;

5) Is a source of scientific knowledge, self-knowledge;

6) Provides environmental transformation.

human activities - a necessary condition for his development in the course of which he acquires life experience, learns the life around him, acquires knowledge, develops skills and abilities - thanks to which he himself and his activity develop.

Activity - active form of the relationship of the subject to the object.

Teacher's professional activity - this is a special kind of socially necessary work of adults, aimed at preparing the younger generations for life.

Pedagogical activity - one of the practical arts.

Pedagogical activity is purposeful, because the teacher sets himself a specific goal (to educate responsiveness, teach how to work on a sewing machine) In a broad sense, ped. activities are aimed at transferring experience to the younger generations. This means that pedagogy as a science studies a special type of activity to introduce a person to the life of society.

Ped. activity is an educative and educational impact on the student, aimed at his personal, intellectual and activity development.

Ped. activity arose at the dawn of civilization in the course of solving such problems as the creation, storage and transfer of skills and norms of social behavior to the younger generation.

School, college, colleges are the leading social institutions, the main purpose of which is the organization of effective pedagogical activity.

Pedagogical activity is professionally carried out only by teachers, while parents, production teams, public organizations carry out general pedagogical activities.

Professional ped. activities are carried out in educational institutions specially organized by the company: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions of additional education, advanced training and retraining.

The essence of ped. A.N.Leontiev represented the activity as a unity of purpose, motives, action, result. The goal is a system-forming characteristic.

Ped. activity is a special type of social activity aimed at transferring the culture and experience accumulated by mankind from older generations to younger ones, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society.

The structure of the ped. activities:

1. purpose of the activity;

2. subject of activity (teacher);

3. object-subject of activity (students);

5. methods of activity;

6. result of activity.

Purpose of ped. activities.

Target - this is what they strive for. The general strategic goal of pedagogical activity and the goal of education is the education of a harmoniously developed personality.

The goal of pedagogical activity is developed and formed as a set of social requirements for each person, taking into account his spiritual and natural capabilities, as well as social development trends.

A.S. Makarenko saw the goal of pedagogical activity in the development and individual adjustments of the personality development program.

aim professional activity teacher is the goal of education: “A person capable of building a life worthy of a person” (Pedagogy, edited by P.I. Pidkasistoy, p. 69).

Achieving this goal requires the highest professionalism and subtle pedagogical skills from the teacher, and is carried out only in activities aimed at solving the tasks set as parts of the goal.

The main objects of the purpose of ped. activities:

    educational environment;

    activities of pupils;

    educational team;

    individual characteristics of pupils.

Therefore, the implementation of the goal of pedagogical activity is associated with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as:

1) formation of the educational environment;

2) organization of the activities of pupils;

3) creation of an educational team;

4) development of individuality of the person.

The solution of these tasks should dynamically lead to the highest goal - the development of the individual in harmony with himself and society.

Means of activity of the teacher:

    scientific knowledge;

    the texts of textbooks, observations of students act as "carriers" of knowledge;

    educational means: technical

computer graphics, etc.

Methods for transferring experience by a teacher: explanation, demonstration (illustrations), joint work, practice (laboratory), trainings.

Product of teaching activity - the individual experience formed by the student in the aggregate: axiological, moral and aesthetic, emotional and semantic, subject, evaluative components.

The product of teaching activity is evaluated at the exam, tests, according to the criteria for solving problems, performing educational and control actions.

The result of teaching activity is the development of the student (his personality, intellectual improvement, his formation as a person, as a subject of educational activity).

The result is diagnosed by comparing the qualities of the student at the beginning of training and at its completion in all plans for human development.

The activity of a teacher is a continuous process of solving many problems of various types, classes and levels.

To ped. activity was successful

The teacher needs to know:

    the psychological structure of activity, the patterns of its development;

    the nature of human needs and motives for activity;

    leading types of human activity in different age periods.

The teacher needs to be able to:

    plan activities, determine the object and subject, taking into account the individual characteristics, interests and capabilities of children;

    to form motivation and stimulate activity;

    ensure that children master the main components of activity (skills for planning, self-control, performing actions and operations (Smirnov V.I. General pedagogy in theses, illustrations. M., 1999, p. 170))

Question #2

Main types of pedagogical activity

In the process of professional activity, the teacher manages the cognitive activity of schoolchildren and organizes educational work (organizes the educational environment, manages the activities of children with the aim of their harmonious development).

Teaching and educational work are two sides of the same process (it is impossible to teach without exerting an educational influence, and vice versa).


Educational work

1. It is carried out within the framework of various organizational forms. It has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for how to achieve it.

1 .Is carried out within the framework of various organizational forms. Has goals that are not achievable in limited periods of time. Only a consistent solution of specific tasks of education oriented towards common goals.

2 . The most important criterion for the effectiveness of teaching is the achievement of educational goals and objectives.

2 .The most important criterion for the effectiveness of education are positive changes in the minds of pupils, manifested in emotions, feelings, behavior and activities.

3. The content and logic of the training can be clearly presented in the training programs.

3. In educational work, planning is acceptable only in the most general terms. The logic of the teacher's educational work in each particular class cannot be fixed in the normative documents at all.

4. Learning outcomes are almost uniquely determined by teaching.

4. The results of educational activities are probabilistic in nature, because the teacher's pedagogical influences intersect with the formative influences of the environment, which are not always positive.

5. Teaching as an activity of a teacher has a discrete character. Teaching does not usually involve interaction with students in the preparatory period.

5. Educational work in the absence of direct interaction with pupils can have a certain influence on them. The preparatory part in educational work is often more significant and lengthy than the main part.

6. The criterion for the effectiveness of students' activities in the teaching process is the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills, mastery of methods for solving educational, cognitive and practical problems, the intensity of advancement in development. The results of the exercise are easily identified and can be recorded in qualitative and quantitative indicators.

6. In educational work, it is difficult to single out and correlate the results of the educator's activities with the selected criteria of upbringing. In addition, these results are difficult to predict and are much delayed in time. In educational work, it is impossible to establish feedback in a timely manner.

Psychological studies (N.V. Kuzmina, V.A. Slastenin, A.I. Shcherbakov and others) show that the following interrelated types of pedagogical activity of a teacher take place in the educational process:

a) diagnostic;

b) orientation-prognostic;

in) constructive and design;

G) organizational;

e) information and explanatory;

e) communicative and stimulating; g) analytical and evaluation;

h) research and creative.

Diagnostic - study of students and the establishment of their development, education. It is impossible to carry out educational work without knowing the characteristics of the physical and mental development of each student, the level of his mental and moral education, the conditions of family life and education, etc. In order to educate a person in all respects, one must first of all know him in all respects (K.D. Ushinsky "Man as a subject of education").

Orientation and prognostic activity - the ability to determine the direction of educational activities, its specific goals and objectives at each

stage of educational work, to predict its results, i.e. what the teacher specifically wants to achieve, what changes in the formation and development of the student's personality he wants to get. For example, there is a lack of student cohesion in the classroom, there are no necessary collectivist relationships, or interest in learning is reduced. On the basis of this diagnosis, he orients educational work towards the development of collectivism among students or an increase in interest in learning, concretizes its goals and objectives and seeks to strengthen camaraderie in the class, mutual assistance, and higher activity in joint activities as the most important features of collectivist relations. When it comes to stimulating cognitive interests, he can focus his efforts on making learning attractive and emotional. Such activities in the work of the teacher are carried out constantly. Without it, the dynamics and improvement of the goals, methods and forms of education and training cannot be ensured.

Structural and design activity is organically connected with orientation and prognostic. If, for example, a teacher predicts the strengthening of collectivist relations between students, he is faced with the task of constructing, designing the content of educational work, giving it exciting forms. The teacher needs to be well versed in the psychology and pedagogy of the organization of the educational team, in the forms and methods of education, to develop creative imagination, constructive and design abilities, and be able to plan educational and educational work.

Organizational activity associated with the involvement of students in the planned educational work and stimulation of their activity. To do this, the teacher needs to develop a number of skills. In particular, he must be able to determine specific tasks for teaching and educating students, develop their initiative in planning joint work, be able to distribute tasks and assignments, and manage the course of a particular activity. A very important element of this activity is also the ability to inspire students to work, introduce elements of romance into it and exercise tactful control over its implementation.

Information and explanatory activity. Its great importance is due to the fact that all education and upbringing is essentially to some extent based on information processes. Mastering knowledge, worldview and moral and aesthetic ideas is the most important means of development and personal formation of students. The teacher in this case acts not only as the organizer of the educational process, but also as a source of scientific, philosophical, moral and aesthetic information. That is why a deep knowledge of the subject that he teaches is of such great importance in the process of professional training of a teacher. The quality of the explanation, its content, logical harmony, saturation with vivid details and facts depend on how the teacher himself owns the educational material. An erudite teacher knows the latest scientific ideas and knows how to communicate them clearly to students. He is well versed in the practical side of knowledge, which has a positive effect on the development of schoolchildren's skills and abilities. Unfortunately, there are many teachers who do not have such training, which has a negative impact on education and upbringing.

Communication-stimulating activity is connected with the great influence of the teacher, which has on students his personal charm, moral culture, the ability to establish and maintain friendly relations with them and encourage them by his example to active educational, cognitive, labor and artistic and aesthetic activities. This activity includes the manifestation of love for children, sincere attitude, warmth and care for them, which together characterize the style of humane relationships between the teacher and children in the broadest sense of the word.

Nothing has such a negative effect on education as the dryness, callousness and official tone of a teacher in relations with students. From such a teacher, children usually keep, as they say, at a distance, he inspires them with inner fear, alienation from him. In a completely different way, children relate to the teacher who delves into their needs and interests, who knows how to win their trust and respect through meaningful educational and extracurricular work.

Analytical and evaluation activity. Its essence lies in the fact that the teacher, carrying out the pedagogical process, analyzes the course of education and upbringing, identifies the positive aspects and shortcomings in them, compares the results achieved with the goals and objectives that were planned, and also compares his work with the experience of colleagues. Analytical and evaluative activity helps the teacher to maintain the so-called feedback in his work, which means to constantly check what was planned to be achieved in the education and upbringing of students and what has been achieved, and on this basis to make the necessary adjustments to the educational process, to search for ways its improvement and improvement of pedagogical efficiency, wider use of advanced pedagogical experience. Unfortunately, many teachers carry out this type of activity poorly, do not seek to see the shortcomings in their work that take place and overcome them in a timely manner. For example, a student received a “deuce” for ignorance of the material covered. This is a clear signal that he needs urgent help, but with such help the teacher hesitates or does not think about it at all, and in the next lessons the student again receives a bad mark. And if he had analyzed the causes of the detected backlog and helped the student accordingly, the latter could have received a good mark in subsequent classes, which would have stimulated him to further improve his performance.

Finally, research and creative activity. There are elements of it in the work of every teacher. Two aspects of it are of particular importance. One of them is that the application of pedagogical theory inherently requires creativity from the teacher. The fact is that pedagogical and methodological ideas reflect typical educational situations. The specific conditions of training and education are too diverse, and sometimes unique. For example, the general theoretical position on respect and exactingness towards students as a pattern of education in the real educational process has many modifications: in one case it is important to help the student in his work, in another it is necessary to discuss shortcomings in his behavior together with him, in the third - to emphasize positive actions , in the fourth - to make a personal remark or suggestion, etc. As they say, create, invent, try how it is more expedient to use this pattern, what educational methods are best used here. And so it is in all the work of a teacher.

The second side is connected with the comprehension and creative development of something new that goes beyond the known theory and enriches it in one way or another.

Such is the essence and system of skills and abilities for each of the considered types of teacher activity.

Professional functions of a teacher:












Question #3

Professional competence of the teacher

The basis of the professional competence of the teacher is his pedagogical skills.

Pedagogical skill is a set of consistent actions based on theoretical knowledge, pedagogical abilities and aimed at solving pedagogical problems.

Let us give a brief description of the main pedagogical skills.

Analytical Skills - the ability to analyze pedagogical phenomena, theoretically substantiate them, diagnose them, formulate priority pedagogical tasks and find optimal methods and solutions.

Predictive skills - the ability to present and formulate the diagnosed goals and objectives of one's own; activities, select methods for achieving them, anticipate possible deviations in achieving the result, choose ways to overcome them, the ability to mentally work out the structure and individual components of the educational process, pre-evaluate the costs of funds, labor and time of the participants in the educational process, the ability to predict the educational and developmental opportunities for the content of the interaction of participants the educational process, the ability to predict the development of the individual, the team.

Design or construction skills - the ability to plan the content and activities of the participants in the educational process, taking into account their needs, capabilities, characteristics, the ability to determine the form and structure of the educational process depending on the formulated tasks and characteristics of the participants, the ability to determine individual stages of the pedagogical process and the tasks characteristic of them, the ability to plan individual work with students, select the best forms, methods and means of education and upbringing, plan the development of the educational environment, etc.

reflexive skills associated with the control and evaluation activities of the teacher, aimed at himself.(Reflection of the teacher - This is an activity to comprehend and analyze one's own pedagogical activity.)

Organizational skills presented by mobilization, information and didacticskimi, developing and orientation skills.

Communication skills include three interrelated groups: perceptual skills, the actual skills of pedagogical (verbal) communication and the skills (skills) of pedagogical technology.

Pedagogical technique (according to L. I. Ruvinsky) is a set of skills necessary for a teacher in his activities to effectively interact with people in any situation (speech skills, pantomime, self-control, benevolent, optimisticmental attitude, elements of the actor's and director's skills).

Organizational skills

Information and didactic skills:

    to present educational material in an accessible way, taking into account the specifics of the subject, the level of exposure of students, their age and individual characteristics;

    to formulate questions in an accessible, concise, expressive way;

    effectively use various methods of teaching TCO (technical teaching aids), EVT (electronic computing), visual aids;

    work with printed sources of information, extract it from various sources and process it in relation to the goals and objectives of the educational process.

Mobilization Skills:

    attract the attention of students;

    develop their interest in learning;

    to form the need for knowledge, learning skills and methods of scientific organization of educational activities;

    use rewards and punishments wisely.

Developing Skills:

    determine the "zone of proximal development" of individual students, the class as a whole;

    create special conditions for the development of cognitive processes, will and feelings of students;

    stimulate the cognitive independence and creative thinking of students.

Orientation Skills:

    to form moral and value relations and their worldview;

    to form interest in educational or professional activities, science, etc.

    organize joint creative activities in order to educate socially significant personality traits

The essence and structure of pedagogical activity, as well as the productivity associated with them, is one of the most pressing issues of pedagogical science and practice.

Usually, the scientific analysis of these important phenomena is replaced by general discussions about pedagogical art. The work of a teacher is unique, it is the same high art as the work of a composer and artist, and perhaps much more complex.

Of course, the scientific analysis of pedagogical activity does justice to the uniqueness creative method each teacher, but he himself is built not on descriptions, but on the principles of comparative research, qualitative and quantitative analysis. Particularly promising is considered to be the direction associated with the application of the principles of a systematic approach to the analysis and construction of models pedagogical activity.

The professional activity of a teacher has its own specifics, which consists mainly in the following:

1. In the aggregate of certain physical, intellectual forces and the abilities of the teacher, thanks to which he successfully carries out expedient activities in education and training. Among them, organizational skills are the most important.

2. In the originality of the object of pedagogical work, which simultaneously becomes the subject of this activity. The activity of students as subjects of pedagogical work is largely determined by the level of their organizational knowledge and skills.

3. In the originality of the teacher's means of labor, a significant part of which are spiritual.

4. In the specifics of the relationship between the three subsystems (the totality of the intellectual and physical forces of the teacher, the totality of certain data of the object of labor and the totality of the means and structure of activity).

The professional pedagogical activity of a teacher can be considered as a holistic dynamic system. NV Kuzmina highlights the structural components and functional components of pedagogical activity.

Structural components of pedagogical activity: 1) the subject of pedagogical influence; 2) the object of pedagogical influence; 3) the subject of their joint activities; 4) learning objectives and 5) means of pedagogical communication. In fact, these components make up the system. Let's try to remove one of them - and the pedagogical system itself will immediately fall apart, be liquidated. On the other hand, no component can be replaced by another or by a combination of other components.

Functional components of pedagogical activity: 1) gnostic; 2) design; 3) constructive; 4) organizational and 5) communicative.

1. Gnostic component (from Greek gnosis - cognition) refers to the area of ​​knowledge of the teacher. It's about not only about knowing your subject, but also about knowing the ways of pedagogical communication, psychological characteristics students, as well as self-knowledge (one's own personality and activities).

2. Design Component includes ideas about promising tasks training and education, as well as strategies and ways to achieve them.

3. Structural component - these are the features of the teacher's design of his own activity and the activity of students, taking into account the immediate goals of training and education (lesson, lesson, cycle of classes).

4. Communicative component - these are the features of the teacher's communicative activity, the specifics of his interaction with students. The emphasis is placed on the relationship of communication with the effectiveness of pedagogical activity aimed at achieving didactic (educational and educational) goals.

5. Organizing component - This is a system of teacher skills to organize their own activities, as well as the activity of students.

It should be emphasized that all components of this model are often described through a system of corresponding teacher skills. The presented components are not only interconnected, but also overlap to a large extent. So, for example, when thinking over the construction and course of a lesson, the teacher must also keep in mind what lesson his students will come to this lesson from (for example, after physical education, schoolchildren usually find it difficult to calm down and concentrate). It is necessary to take into account the nature and personal problems of each of them (after all, you should not call a child upset by domestic troubles to the board, and a fable read in half with laughter by the funniest of the class can disrupt the lesson). This is how the Gnostic and organizational components are connected.

In accordance with current trends education, the general pedagogical component provides that the teacher must: improve his qualifications or completely retrain; quickly assess the situation and their capabilities; study independently; make decisions and be responsible for them; adapt to changing living and working conditions; work out new ways of working or transform old ones in order to optimize them.

The second component is the general subject (basic) component, which is modeled on the basis of the general subject content of education, which begins with determining its place at each stage: primary, basic, secondary. The goals of education at each stage are determined by the characteristics of the functioning of an educational institution and are predictable complexes of educational results, diagnosed general educational skills, generalized methods of learning activities and educational competence, that is, the level of development of the teacher's personality associated with the qualitative content of education. In educational competence, all components of the general subject content of education receive their concentrated embodiment. The composition of the general subject educational competence is specified at the level of academic subjects, which are classified according to the branches of public knowledge (in the field of sciences - in mathematics, in physics, in the humanities, in physical education, in biology, etc.).

This kind of educational content will provide not only subject-centered, but also a holistic development of students. The general subject component determines the backbone of the individual levels of education (vertical link). He also carries out interdisciplinary integration (horizontal connections).

The general subject component, as emphasized by L. Zanina, involves the possession of modern pedagogical technologies associated with three competencies that are very important for a teacher: a culture of communication when interacting with people, the ability to obtain information in their subject area, turning it into learning content and using it for self-education, the ability to share your information with others.

The first level is a general theoretical understanding of the composition, structure and function of social experience in its pedagogical interpretation.

The second level is the level of the subject. Here the teacher's idea of ​​what needs to be taught is concretized. When constructing a subject, its function in general education is of decisive importance. In this regard, when forming the content of an academic subject, it is necessary to take into account not only the logic of science, but also other areas of reality, as well as the conditions for the flow and patterns of the learning process itself, in which the academic subject is implemented in accordance with certain features.

The third level is the level of educational material. Here, those elements of the composition of the content that were designated at the first level and presented at the second in a form specific to each subject are actually filled. We are talking about specific knowledge, skills, as well as cognitive tasks and exercises that make up the content of textbooks, auxiliary and other materials for teachers and students.

At the fourth level, the interaction between the teacher (teacher) and the student (student) is carried out. Here, the content of education exists not in the project, but in pedagogical reality, in the middle of the practical activity of teaching - it is in this process that its "materialization" takes place.

At the last, fifth level, the content of general subject education acts as a result, it becomes the result of the activity and property of the teacher's personality. This is the end result of all the work.

According to V.I. Ginetsinsky, who also offers a model of a systemic nature, four functional components can be distinguished in pedagogical activity: presentative, incentive, corrective and diagnosing.

1. The presentation function consists in presenting the content of the material to students. The allocation of this function is based on abstraction from specific forms of learning. It focuses on the very fact of presenting educational material.

2. The incentive function is to arouse students' interest in learning information. Its implementation is associated with the formulation of questions, the evaluation of answers.

3. The corrective function is associated with the correction and comparison of the results of the activities of the students themselves.

4. Diagnostic function provides feedback.

The predominance of one or another function in the activity of the teacher indicates that the activity of students has a certain type, since a certain method of teaching is being implemented. For example, the leading position of the incentive function is usually accompanied by the application of a problematic method.

At the same time, the assimilation of knowledge (accumulation of the information fund) is not an end in itself, but a necessary condition for the development of "knowledge in action", that is, skills and abilities - the main criterion for professional readiness.

The content of psychological and pedagogical knowledge is determined by curricula. Psychological and pedagogical readiness consists of knowledge of the methodological foundations and categories of pedagogy; patterns of socialization and personality development: the essence, goals and technologies of training and education; laws of age-related anatomical, physiological and mental development of children, adolescents, youth. It is the basis of the humanistically oriented thinking of the teacher. Psychological-pedagogical and special (on the subject) knowledge are a necessary but not sufficient condition for professional readiness. The practical solution of pedagogical problems is provided by skills and abilities, the premise of which is theoretical, practical and methodological knowledge.

In the Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia, pedagogical skills are defined as a set of pedagogical actions that are sequentially unfolded in the external or internal plan, some of which can be automated (skills) and aimed at solving the problems of developing a harmonious personality. Pedagogical skills are based on relevant theoretical knowledge.

Through pedagogical skills, the structure of the teacher's professional readiness is revealed. Despite the fact that the solution of any pedagogical problem is reduced to the triad "think - act - think", which coincides with the components (functions) of pedagogical activity and the skills corresponding to them, V. Slastenin divided pedagogical skills into four groups.

1. The ability to "translate" the content of the process of education and upbringing into specific pedagogical tasks: studying the individual and the team to determine the level of their preparedness for the active mastery of new knowledge and designing the development of the team and individual students on this basis; allocation of a complex of educational, upbringing and developing tasks, their concretization and determination of the dominant task.

2. The ability to build and put into action a logically completed pedagogical system: integrated planning of educational tasks; reasonable selection of the content of the educational process; optimal selection of forms, methods and means of its organization.

3. The ability to identify and establish relationships between the components and factors of education, to put them into action: the creation of the necessary conditions (material, moral-psychological, organizational, hygienic, etc.); activation of the student's personality, development of his activity, which turns him from an object into a subject of education and upbringing; organization and development of joint activities; communication educational institution with the environment, regulation of external unprogrammed influences.

4. The ability to evaluate the results of pedagogical activity: introspection and analysis of the educational process, the results of the teacher's activity; definition of a new set of core and secondary pedagogical tasks.

In the professional readiness of the teacher, there are theoretical and practical components.

As emphasized by M. Belokur, the content of the teacher's theoretical readiness is manifested in the generalized ability to think pedagogically, which implies that the teacher has analytical, prognostic, projective, and also reflective skills.

Analytical Skills consist of such skills: analyze pedagogical phenomena, comprehend the role of each element in the structure of the whole and in interaction with others; find in the pedagogical theory provisions, conclusions, patterns that correspond to the logic of this phenomenon; correctly diagnose the pedagogical phenomenon; to formulate the core pedagogical task (problem); find the best way to solve it. Prognostic skills are associated with the management of the pedagogical process and provide for a clear idea in the mind of the teacher, who is the subject of management, of the goals of his activity, aimed at the expected result, taking into account the patterns of age and individual development of students. Projective skills provide concretization of the goals of training and education, their phased implementation. Reflective skills take place in the implementation by the teacher of control and evaluation activities aimed at himself, at comprehending and analyzing his own actions.

E. Henner notes that the content of the teacher's practical readiness is expressed in external (subjective) skills, that is, in actions that can be observed. These include organizational and communication skills. E. Henner emphasizes that the organizational activity of the teacher ensures the involvement of students in various types of activities and the organization of the activities of the team, which turns it from an object into a subject of education. The organizational skills of the teacher are mobilization, information, development and orientation. The teacher's mobilization skills are due to attracting the attention of students and developing their sustainable interests in learning, work and other activities; the formation of the need for knowledge, labor, and other activities. Information skills are associated not only with the direct presentation of educational information, but also with the methods of obtaining and processing it. Developing skills involve: the definition of the "zone of proximal development" (L. Vygotsky) of individual students, the class as a whole; creation of problem situations and other conditions for the development of cognitive processes, feelings and will of students; stimulation of cognitive independence and creative thinking. Orientation skills are aimed at the formation of the moral and value attitudes of pupils and the scientific worldview; organizing a joint creative activity, development of socially significant personality traits.

The teacher's communication skills are interrelated groups of perceptual skills, the actual communication skills (verbal) and the skills and abilities of pedagogical technology. Perceptual skills help to understand others (students, teachers, parents). To do this, you need to be able to penetrate individual essence another person, to determine his value orientations, which are expressed in his ideals, needs, interests, in the level of claims. The ability of pedagogical communication is the ability to distribute attention and maintain its stability; choose appropriate ways of behavior in accordance with the class and individual students; the ability to analyze the actions of pupils, determine the motives by which they are guided, their behavior in various situations; create the experience of emotional experiences of students, provide an atmosphere of well-being in the classroom; manage the initiative in communication, using for this a rich arsenal of tools that increase the effectiveness of interaction. Pedagogical technique is a set of skills necessary to stimulate the activity of both individual students and the team as a whole. It includes the ability to choose the right style and tone in communication, manage their attention, the pace of activity, the skills of demonstrating their attitude to the actions of students, etc.

The original concept of the teacher's activity was developed in the works of A.K. Markova. In the structure of the teacher's work, she identifies the following components: 1) professional psychological and pedagogical knowledge; 2) professional pedagogical skills; 3) professional psychological positions and attitudes of the teacher; 4) personal characteristics that ensure the mastery of professional knowledge and skills. Within the concept of A.K. Markova (1993) identifies and describes ten groups of pedagogical skills. Let us briefly consider the content of this model.

First group includes the following range of pedagogical skills. The teacher must be able to:

To see the problem in the pedagogical situation and formulate it in the form of pedagogical tasks; when setting the pedagogical task, focus on the student as an active participant in the educational process; study and transform the pedagogical situation;

Concretize pedagogical tasks, make the best decision in any situation that has arisen, foresee the near and long-term results of solving such problems.

The second group of pedagogical skills are:

Work with the content of educational material;

Ability for pedagogical interpretation of information;

Formation of schoolchildren's educational and social skills and abilities, the implementation of interdisciplinary communications;

Exploring the state mental functions students, taking into account the educational opportunities of schoolchildren, foreseeing typical difficulties of students;

The ability to proceed from the motivation of students when planning and organizing the educational process;

The ability to use combinations of forms of education and upbringing, to take into account the expenditure of effort and time of students and teachers.

The third group of pedagogical skills refers to the field of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and their practical application. The teacher should:

Correlate students' difficulties with shortcomings in their work;

Be able to create plans for the development of their pedagogical activities.

The fourth group of skills - these are techniques that allow you to set a variety of communicative tasks, of which the most important are the creation of conditions for psychological safety in communication and the realization of the internal reserves of a communication partner.

Fifth group of skills includes techniques that contribute to the achievement of a high level of communication. These include:

The ability to understand the position of another in communication, showing interest in his personality, focusing on the development of the student's personality;

The ability to take the student's point of view and create an atmosphere of trust in communicating with another person (the student must feel like a unique full-fledged personality);

Possession of rhetoric techniques;

The use of organizing influences in comparison with evaluating and especially disciplining ones;

predominance democratic style in the process of teaching, the ability to treat certain aspects of the pedagogical situation with humor.

The sixth group of skills. This is the ability to maintain a stable professional position of a teacher who understands the importance of his profession, that is, the implementation and development of pedagogical abilities; the ability to manage one's emotional state, giving it a constructive, not destructive character; awareness of their own positive capabilities and the capabilities of students, contributing to the strengthening of their positive self-concept.

Seventh group of skills is understood as an awareness of the prospects of one's own professional development, the definition of an individual style, the maximum use of natural intellectual data.

Eighth group of skills is a definition of the characteristics of knowledge acquired by students in the period school year; the ability to determine the state of activity, skills, types of self-control and self-assessment in educational activities at the beginning and at the end of the year; the ability to identify individual indicators of learning; the ability to stimulate readiness for self-learning and continuous education.

The ninth group of skills - this is the teacher's assessment of the upbringing and upbringing of schoolchildren; the ability to recognize the consistency of moral norms and beliefs of schoolchildren by the behavior of students; the teacher's ability to see the student's personality as a whole, the relationship of his thoughts and actions, the ability to create conditions for stimulating underdeveloped personality traits.

Tenth group of skills is associated with the integral, inalienable ability of the teacher to evaluate his work as a whole. We are talking about the ability to see the cause-and-effect relationships between its tasks, goals, methods, means, conditions, results. The teacher needs to move from assessing individual pedagogical skills to assessing his professionalism, the effectiveness of his activities, from the particular to the whole.

It should be noted that the fourth and fifth groups of skills are included in the scope of problems of pedagogical communication. The sixth and seventh groups are associated with the problems of the socio-pedagogical psychology of the individual (teacher and student). The second, ninth and tenth groups of skills are associated with the field of pedagogical, the ninth and tenth groups of skills are associated with the field of social perception, socio-pedagogical perception, or, more precisely, with social-cognitive (social-cognitive) pedagogical psychology (A. A. Rean). The tenth group of skills correlates mainly with the problems of self-knowledge, self-reflection in the personality and activities of the teacher, which, as will be shown below, is directly related to the issues of the teacher's knowledge of the student's personality.

A specific characteristic of pedagogical activity is its productivity. N. Kuzmina identifies five levels of productivity of pedagogical activity:

1. Minimal (reproductive) - the teacher can convey to the students only what he can and can do himself.

2. Low (adaptive) - the teacher can transfer the knowledge and skills that he himself possesses, is able to adapt the specific content of the material being mastered to the age and individual characteristics of children, to the level of their preparedness.

3. Medium (locally modeling) - the teacher can form other knowledge, skills and abilities in children in separate sections and parts of his subject.

4. High (system-modeling) - a teacher can form students' knowledge, skills and abilities in all the main aspects of their cognitive activity.

5. The highest (system-modeling) teacher is able to use his subject as a means of shaping the personality of children, that is, consciously form their creative thinking, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge, generalize them and restructure their activities in new conditions.

Any teacher carries out his pedagogical activity with the help of certain techniques and methods, which together determine a particular style of his activity. Style is understood as certain features that are repeated, typical features, forms of manifestation. An individual style is a system of techniques and ways a person organizes his work. It should be noted that there is no ideal style, the best among others. Each of the styles has its pros and cons, is optimal for some conditions and requirements and suboptimal for others.

A. Markova notes that the style of interaction between a teacher and students is formed in the process of learning in an institution vocational education and pedagogical practice based on a deep understanding of the basic laws of development and formation of a system of human relations.

A teacher who analyzes his pedagogical activity gets rid of negative character traits, forms his image by developing such personality traits that are characteristic of the best teachers.

Simonov, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process, identifies the following styles of teachers' activities:

1. Styles of activity that characterize the preparation for the lesson. There are two styles of teacher preparation for the lesson. Some develop a lesson plan in detail and try to follow it, think in detail about ways to solve the lesson's problems. They do this not so much from the conscious implementation of the instructions, but from the desire to prevent unexpected situations in the lesson. These are, as a rule, teachers with a weak and inert nervous system. Other teachers are not so careful and conservative, they do not devote so much time to preparing for the lesson, they do not think in detail how to solve the tasks of the lesson, they do not like to draw up detailed outline plans. They improvise, the lesson is carried out "in the mood", lively. They are not afraid of unexpected situations that may arise in the lesson, they are not lost, they quickly change the lesson plan and replace one or another way of solving problems. These are teachers with a mobile and strong nervous system. The weak side of this style is some confusion of the lesson, if the teacher is not collected.

2. Styles of encouraging students to learn. There are also two of them. The first group uses mainly the logic of explaining the educational material as an incentive, skillfully sets cognitive tasks and creates problem situations. They use less demands, games, and also interest. The second group of teachers gives orders in a strict voice, their disciplinary influences are the same. They have more control over the actions of the students. Such teachers provide a good organization of the lesson due to its high discipline of students. The first group conducts the survey promptly, when answering, they correct errors, actively join in the answer, and interrupt the students. Teachers of the second group create a calm environment for the survey, almost do not interfere with the student's answer, give him the opportunity to fully express himself. The first group are teachers with a weak and mobile nervous system, the second group are teachers with a strong and inert nervous system.

3. Styles of teaching educational material. There are three of them. Some try to create a complete orienting basis of activity not only for themselves (in the process of preparing for the lesson), but also for students. Therefore, the introductory part is dedicated to detailed explanation lesson objectives, exercises that are performed. The downside of this style is that it drags out the explanation. Other teachers devote less time to preliminary explanations and give them during the exercises. The disadvantage of this style is the impulsiveness of behavior, impatience, sometimes haste.

Often teachers have a mixed style of preparing for a lesson and conducting it: it is characterized by features that are partially manifested in the first and second styles. This is due to the fact that in such teachers a strong nervous system can be combined with the inertia of nervous processes, and a weak nervous system with the mobility of nervous processes.

E. Grigoriev notes that for the successful work of a teacher, the following will be preferable from the side of individual personality traits: a calm, even or cheerful (even in difficult conditions) mood; self-confidence, optimism (cheerfulness), vigor; sense of humor, resourcefulness; balance, endurance, self-control, patience, ability to emotional switching; responsiveness, empathy, emotional contact, kindness, sociability; emotional, motor, visual memory; creative imagination; general cultural and value-oriented erudition; decisiveness, independence in decision-making, purposefulness, perseverance.

The author refers to undesirable for the teaching profession: isolation, low mood and activity; suspicious character; emotional deafness and tactlessness; the desire to stand out, to attract attention, by all means; instructive tone, arrogance in communication; lack of concentration, absent-mindedness, indecision, inconsistency in actions and deeds; unstable type of character.

In modern psychology, individual styles of activity are also distinguished, that is, systems of the most effective methods and methods for organizing the individual's own work.

Thanks to the research activities of V. Merlin and his students, the main reasons for the manifestation of one or another individual style of activity were revealed. The formation of an individual style of activity, as a rule, is due to a person’s tendency to that way of performing an activity, which is a consequence of the typological features of the manifestation of the properties of the nervous system in him (temperament). This way of forming the style of activity is called spontaneous.

There is also a conscious, purposeful way of forming an individual style of activity. It is also based on taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the individual, his typological characteristics, and is determined either by deep self-knowledge or purposeful actions from the outside (for example, the efforts of an experienced teacher). The conscious way of forming the style of activity is reduced to the adaptation of a person, the adaptation of his mental properties and qualities in a specific professional activity, the requirement from him to carry out highly qualified actions. In this sense, it is possible to form a style of activity based on a certain authority, the standard of a particular person.

Thus, it is formed individual style work, an individual style of communication, that is, a favorite system of methods and techniques acquired in the work that characterize the features of pedagogical activity.

In pedagogical psychology, there are four types of individual style of pedagogical activity (Markova A., 1993.):

1. Emotionally improvisational. The teacher adheres to it, focuses on the learning process, explains new material logically, usually addresses strong students, interrogating them at a fast pace, asks informal questions, but provides little opportunity to speak, which makes feedback difficult.

2. Emotional-methodical style. The main characteristics of this style are: focus on the process and learning outcomes, adequate planning of the educational process, high efficiency, the predominance of intuitiveness over reflexivity.

3. Intellectual and improvisational. The teacher, whose activity is dominated by the features of this style, focuses on the process and learning outcomes, adequately planning the educational process. In his activities, he shows less ingenuity in the selection and variation of teaching methods, is not always able to ensure a high pace of work, and rarely practices collective discussions. In the course of the survey, he influences the students indirectly.

4. Intellectual and methodical. Its signs are the focus mainly on learning outcomes, adequate planning of the educational process, conservatism in the use of means and methods of pedagogical activity.

The individual style of pedagogical activity is very important, since it predetermines the success of the teacher's activity.

At the same time, M. Sanaya highlights the dynamic characteristics of the style, the main ones being:

1. Flexibility - conservatism (the ability to respond to changing situations, switch from one type of activity to another, change the lesson plan, educational activities or inability to adapt to changing situations, scrupulously follow the plan);

2. Impulsiveness - caution (improvisation in the classroom or careful observance of pre-planned actions);

3. Stability - instability (orientation not to the situation, but to one's own goals or dependence of behavior on the situation in the lesson);

4. Emotional attitude towards students (goodwill, patience in relationships or a sharp loss of balance, situational assessment of knowledge, student activity, personality traits);

5. Presence - the absence of personal anxiety (emotional tension, anxiety, increased sensitivity to failures and mistakes or balance, calmness, adequate response to failures and mistakes);

6. Presence - lack of reflexivity (in an unfavorable situation, reflection is directed at oneself, the teacher admits his guilt or shows a position regarding certain circumstances: "It happens - it will cost", blames students, shifts responsibility to others).

So, a teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity must have a professional and pedagogical orientation, possess pedagogical skills, developed general and pedagogical abilities, professional and pedagogical competence; ensure effective subject-subject interaction, productivity of activity, solution of educational, educational and developmental tasks.

In relation to the educational process, management is a purposeful, systematic influence of a teacher on a group of students and an individual student to achieve the desired learning outcomes.

To manage is not to suppress, not to impose a course on the process that contradicts its nature, but on the contrary, to take into account the nature of the process as much as possible, to coordinate each impact on the process with its logic.

Distinctive features of educational process management are as follows:

Conscious and planned influence, which is always preferable to spontaneous regulation;

The presence of cause-and-effect relationships between the control subsystem (teacher) and the control object (student);

Dynamism or the ability of a controlled subsystem to move from one qualitative state to another;

Reliability, i.e. the ability of the control system to perform the specified functions under certain process conditions;

Stability - the ability of the system to keep moving along the intended trajectory, to maintain the intended mode of operation, despite various external and internal disturbances.

The control process acts simultaneously as cyclic and continuous, which is created by the simultaneous and sequential execution of many control cycles. The management cycle begins with setting goals and defining tasks, and ends with their solution, achieving the goal. When a goal is achieved, a new one is set, and the management cycle is repeated. Goal - action - result - new goal - this is a schematic picture of a continuous management process. It is applicable to scientific and educational processes.

Effective management of the learning process is possible if certain requirements are met:

1) formulation of learning objectives;

2) establishment of the initial level (state) of the controlled process;

3) development of an action program that provides for the main transitional states of the learning process;

4) obtaining, by certain parameters, information about the state of the learning process (feedback);

5) processing of information received through the feedback channel, development and introduction of corrective actions into the educational process.

The task of the teacher in the management process is to change the state of the managed process, bringing it to a predetermined level. Strictly speaking, the management of the learning process involves determining the place of each participant in this process, its functions, rights and obligations, creating favorable conditions for the best performance of its tasks.

Management is an information process characterized by a closed cycle of signal transmission and includes control over the behavior of an object. Control signals are received from the control body (teacher) to the controlled object (student), feedback signals are sent from the object to the controller (teacher), carrying information about the actual state of the controlled object. The role of the teacher is to process the information received, comprehend it and develop a decision to make adjustments to the educational process.

The implementation of feedback in relation to the educational process involves the solution of two problems:

1) determining the content of feedback - the allocation of a set of controlled characteristics based on learning objectives and the psychological theory of learning, which is taken as the basis for the preparation of training programs;

2) determination of the feedback frequency.

The regulation of the learning process is the provision of such activity of the controlled system, in which the deviations of the controlled values ​​are leveled and brought to the level specified by the control program. Emerging errors that indicate the lag of students in certain sections, topics or discipline as a whole, for example, can be as follows: the student cannot reproduce and explain the material, finds it difficult to explain certain concepts, highlight certain facts, evaluate patterns and etc. To quickly make adjustments, it is necessary to control the main parameters of cognitive activity.

N. F. Talyzina notes that the originality of learning as a management system lies primarily in the fact that the controlled process of learning, assimilation is always carried out by a specific person. The complexity and variety of personal factors are so great that they cannot always be taken into account when compiling the main curriculum. With mass education, the main program, at best, can be adapted only to a certain system of typical features for a certain group of students. In the process of teaching a particular group of students, some additional features may be discovered, the consideration of which will allow them to achieve their goal faster.

In the process of managing the assimilation of knowledge, the teacher needs to establish whether students have learned to generalize and compare facts, draw conclusions, and critically analyze the information received; know how they learn the material of the textbook, whether they have enough time to master it. To implement an effective learning process, a theory is needed that considers the learning process as the formation of students' cognitive activity, having a system of independent characteristics of this activity and knowledge of the main stages of its formation as a transition from the plane of social experience to the plane of individual experience.

M. Zhmarov notes that according to the characteristics of the management of the educational process, the style of pedagogical activity is differentiated mainly into three types: authoritarian, democratic, liberal.

The authoritarian (directive) style of the teacher's work is characterized by complete sole decision-making, an attempt to reserve the exclusive right to encourage and punish. All guiding influences of an autocratic teacher come down to an order form, ultimatum requirements, orders. Any deviations, inaccuracies in their implementation, the manifestation of initiative and independence cause a reaction in the form of punishments, reprimands, deprivation of benefits, and the like. Such a teacher controls in detail and strictly all the activities and behavior of students, but not with the aim of taking care of them, helping them, but with the sole intention of doing everything in order not to disrupt the fulfillment of the task assigned to him.

The democratic or collegial style of pedagogical activity is characterized by the transfer by the teacher of some of his powers and functions to class members or his assistants. To make certain decisions, the democrat teacher involves the entire team or class assets, discussing and coordinating all proposals with him. In communicating with his students, a teacher who uses collegial methods of management does not have a dictatorial tone, there is no nervousness, irritability. All appeals are carried out by him in the form of requests, advice, recommendations.

The liberal (flexible, free) style of pedagogical activity is characterized by minimal teacher intervention in the classroom management process. Such a teacher is, as it were, aloof from what all members of the class are doing. He exercises control over the activities of subordinates from case to case, sees his main purpose in supplying them with information and mediation between the team and others, which prevents him from knowing the internal processes of interaction. The liberal teacher does not have requirements, advice, recommendations in communicating with students, they are replaced by requests and persuasion. He accepts any explanation for the violation of discipline, failure to complete the task without critical evaluation. Such a teacher is extremely indifferent to the opinions of students, teachers, parents about him, communicates little and lacks initiative in everything, is indifferent to his managerial activities.

In practice, there are rarely teachers whose activities clearly fit into the framework of one leadership style. As a rule, any teacher uses all three styles in his work. But the manifestation of each of them is different. The predominance of one or two of them characterizes one or another individual style of teacher's pedagogical activity.

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The meaning of the teaching profession is revealed in the activities carried out by its representatives and which is called pedagogical. It represents a special type of social activity aimed at transferring from older generations to younger generations the culture and experience accumulated by humanity, creating conditions for their personal development and preparing them to fulfill certain social roles in society. Obviously, this activity is carried out not only by teachers, but also by parents, public organizations, heads of enterprises and institutions, production and other groups, and to a certain extent the mass media. However, in the first case, this activity is professional, and in the second, it is general pedagogical, which, voluntarily or not, each person carries out in relation to himself, engaging in self-education and self-education. Pedagogical activity as a professional activity takes place in educational institutions specially organized by society: preschool institutions, schools, vocational schools, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions, institutions of additional education, advanced training and retraining. The goal of pedagogical activity is connected with the realization of the goal of education, which is still considered today as a universal ideal of a harmoniously developed personality coming from the depths of centuries. This general strategic goal is achieved by solving specific tasks of training and education in various areas. The purpose of pedagogical activity is a historical phenomenon. It is designed and shaped as a reflection of the trend social development, presenting a set of requirements for modern man taking into account its spiritual and natural capabilities. It contains, on the one hand, the interests and expectations of various social and ethnic groups and, on the other hand, the needs and aspirations of the individual. Much attention was paid to the development of the problem of the goals of education by A.S. Makarenko. He was a supporter of the pedagogical design of the personality, and saw the goal of pedagogical activity in the program of personality development and its individual adjustments. . As the main objects of the goal of pedagogical activity, the educational environment, the activities of the pupils, the educational team and the individual characteristics of the pupils are distinguished. The realization of the goal of pedagogical activity is connected with the solution of such social and pedagogical tasks as the formation of an educational environment, the organization of the activities of pupils, the creation of an educational team, and the development of personality. The goals of pedagogical activity are a dynamic phenomenon. And the logic of their development is such that, arising as a reflection of objective trends in social development and bringing the content, forms and methods of pedagogical activity in accordance with the needs of society, they add up to a detailed program of gradual movement towards the highest goal - the development of the individual in harmony with himself and society. . The functional basic unit, with the help of which all the properties of pedagogical activity are manifested, is pedagogical action as a unity of goals and content. The concept of pedagogical action expresses something common that is inherent in all forms of pedagogical activity (lessons, excursions, conversations, etc.), but is not limited to any of them. At the same time, pedagogical action is that special one that expresses both the universal and all wealth separately. The pedagogical action of the teacher first appears in the form of a cognitive task. The cognitive task, being solved psychologically, then passes into the form of a practical transformational act. This reveals a discrepancy between the means and objects of pedagogical influence, which affects the results of the teacher's actions. In this regard, from the form of a practical act, the action again passes into the form of a cognitive task, the conditions of which become more complete. Thus, the activity of a teacher - educator by its nature is nothing more than a process of solving an innumerable set of tasks of various types, classes, levels. A specific feature of pedagogical tasks is that their solutions almost never lie on the surface. They often require hard work of thought, analysis of many factors of conditions and circumstances. .

The main types of pedagogical activity carried out in a holistic pedagogical process are teaching and educational work. Educational work is a pedagogical activity aimed at organizing the educational environment and managing various activities of pupils in order to solve the problems of the harmonious development of the individual. And teaching is a kind of educational activity that is aimed at managing the predominantly cognitive activity of schoolchildren. Pedagogical and educational activities are identical concepts. Such an understanding of the relationship between educational work and teaching reveals the meaning of the thesis about the unity of teaching and upbringing. Education is considered, isolated from education. If we compare in general terms the teaching activity that takes place, both in the learning process and outside school hours, and the educational work that is carried out in a holistic pedagogical process, we can conclude that teaching carried out within the framework of any organizational form, and not only a lesson, it usually has strict time limits, a strictly defined goal and options for how to achieve it. The most important criterion for the effectiveness of teaching is the achievement of the learning goal. Educational work, also carried out within the framework of any organizational form, does not pursue the direct achievement of the goal, because it is achievable within the time limits of the organizational form of the term. In educational work, one can only provide for the consistent solution of specific tasks oriented towards a goal. The most important criterion for the effective solution of educational problems are changes in the minds of pupils, manifested in emotional reactions, behavior and activities. . The content of training, and, consequently, the learning curve, can be hard-coded, which is not allowed in educational work. Formation of knowledge, skills and abilities from the field of ethics, aesthetics and other sciences and arts, the study of which is not provided curricula is essentially something other than learning. In educational work, planning is acceptable only in the most general terms: attitude to society, to work, to people, to science (teaching), to nature, to everything around, to oneself. The teacher's educational work in each individual class should be predetermined by normative documents. The results of the teaching-practice are uniquely determined by its activities, i.e. the ability to evoke and direct the cognitive activity of the student. Teaching is discrete. It usually does not involve interaction with students during the preparatory period, which can be more or less long. The peculiarity of educational work lies in the fact that even if there is no direct contrast with the teacher, the pupil is under his mediocre influence. Usually the preparatory part in educational work is longer and often more significant than the main part. The results of students' activities are easily identified and can be recorded in qualitative and quantitative indicators. In educational work, the correlation of the results of the educator's activities with the developed criteria for upbringing. It is very difficult to single out the result of the teacher's activity in a developing personality. .

Thus, the noted differences in the organization of the teacher's activity and educational work show that teaching is much easier in terms of the methods of its organization and implementation, and in the structure of the integral pedagogical process it occupies a subordinate position. If in the learning process almost everything can be proved or deduced logically, then it is much more difficult to cause and consolidate certain relationships of a person, since freedom of choice plays a decisive role here. That is why the success of learning largely depends on the formation of cognitive interest and attitude to learning activities in general, i.e. from the results of not only teaching, but also educational work.

What is the structure of pedagogical activity? According to the study by N.V. Kuzmina singled out three interrelated components in the structure of pedagogical activity: constructive, organizational and communicative. For the successful implementation of these functional types of pedagogical activity, appropriate abilities are needed, manifested in skills.

Constructive activity, in turn, is divided into constructive-content, selection of educational material, planning and construction of the pedagogical process, constructive-material (designing the educational and material base of the pedagogical process), constructive-operational (planning one's actions). Organizational activity involves the implementation of a system of actions aimed at including students in different kinds activities, team building and organization of joint activities. Communicative activity is aimed at establishing pedagogically expedient relations between the teacher and pupils, other teachers of the school, members of the public, and parents. Any activity can be carried out if the teacher has a variety of skills.

Constructive activity can be carried out if the teacher has analytical, prognostic and projected skills. Analytical skills: comprehend each pedagogical phenomenon, correctly diagnose a pedagogical phenomenon, isolate the main pedagogical task. Predictive skills - clearly represent the final result in the mind. Projective skills: translate the goals and content of education and upbringing into specific pedagogical tasks, take into account the needs of students, select activities, plan individual work with students, plan a system of methods for stimulating schoolchildren's activity.

Organizational activity - include mobilization, development and orientation skills.

Mobilization skills are the ability to attract the attention of students and develop in them a steady interest in learning, work and other activities, to form a need for knowledge. Information skills include the ability to present educational material, work with sources. Orientation skills - the ability to form the value orientations of pupils, which include attitudes towards work, natural phenomena and society.

Communicative activity has: Perceptual skills - the ability to understand others, their personal characteristics, to determine the nature of experiences, to see the main thing in a person. Communication skills - the ability to distribute attention and maintain its stability, analyze actions, resolve student conflicts.

Pedagogical technique - a set of skills necessary to stimulate the activity of students and the team as a whole; the development of the teacher's speech as one of the most important educational means - correct diction, rhythmic breathing, the ability to control one's body, regulate one's mental states. . Thus, in contrast to the understanding of activity accepted in psychology as a multi-level system, the components of which are the goal, motives, actions and results, in relation to pedagogical activity, the approach to distinguishing its components as relatively independent functional types of teacher activity prevails: constructive, organizational and communicative.

With the emergence of the profession of a teacher, however, family education, social education, spontaneous and accidental education of children and youth have not disappeared anywhere from public life.

As before, almost the entire society is engaged in a kind of pedagogical activity. The pedagogical component is present in the activities of any management structure; pedagogical function realizes art; doctors, journalists, directors become teachers-educators. Pedagogical activity turns into an attribute of universal culture.

Thus, the purpose of pedagogical activity is to form relationships between people in various fields.

Let's highlight these areas:

  • 1. Family, family relations - a person is brought up primarily in the family, under the influence of parents, brothers, sisters and other relatives. At the same time, he has an impact on the people around him.
  • 2. The sphere of self-education, the formation of oneself as a person, as a specialist. These processes begin around adolescence and then continue for most people throughout their lives.
  • 3. Management sphere - in the collectives of enterprises. institutions and organizations; the person at the head of the team passes on his experience and knowledge to the young, leads them along.
  • 4. The sphere of global interpersonal relations - the establishment of relationships, mutual understanding, cooperation, the ability to compromise, an agreement in the field of international, interpersonal relations.

We have identified areas in which general pedagogical activity is manifested. Its forms are quite versatile.

But along with general pedagogical activity, there is professional pedagogical activity. It is carried out by specially trained people - teachers.

Definition of pedagogical activity.

According to the psychologist L.M. Mitina, “pedagogical activity includes the professional activity of the teacher, aimed at solving the problems of development and education of the younger generation” Mitina L.M. The teacher as a person and professional. M.: - 1994, p.15..

Pedagogical activity is a type of professional activity, the content of which is training, upbringing, education, development of students (children different ages, students of schools, technical schools, vocational schools, higher educational institutions, advanced training institutes, institutions of additional education, etc.) Introduction to pedagogical activity. M., Academy. 2000, p.6..

Features of pedagogical activity:

  • 1. Pedagogical activity is unique. Uniqueness is determined by its object. The object of pedagogical activity is a living developing personality. characteristic feature object of pedagogical activity is that he acts simultaneously as the subject of this activity. Therefore, for the success of pedagogical activity, not only interest in it, enthusiasm for it, responsibility for it is important. But its success also depends on the attitude of the children themselves to the teacher, i.e. from their relationship.
  • 2. Many means are used in pedagogical activity, but the main one of them is the word of the teacher. His word is at the same time a means of expressing and cognizing the essence of the phenomenon under study, a tool for communication and organizing the activities of schoolchildren. Using the word, the teacher influences the formation of personal meaning, awareness of the significance of objects, processes and phenomena of the surrounding reality.
  • 2. The results of pedagogical activity, firstly, “materialize” in the mental image of another person - in his knowledge, skills, and habits, in the features of his will and character; secondly, they are not immediately obvious, they can be distant in time. In the process of development of the child's personality, periods of progressive changes are observed, and there may be directly opposite ones. In some cases, there are difficulties in assessing the results of pedagogical activity from the current positions of society. For example, a teacher brings up moral values, guidelines, which, from the standpoint of today's specific situation, turn out to be unclaimed.
  • 3. Let's consider one more feature of pedagogical activity that is very relevant today. Modern market relations suggest considering pedagogical activity as a sphere for the provision of educational services. These services include training in additional educational programs, individual educational routes, tutoring, etc. - something that goes beyond the relevant educational standards.

The logic of building a market for educational services dictates the need to protect consumer rights. Among his rights are: the right to information about services, the right to choose a service, and the right to guarantee the quality of services provided. In the education system, these consumer rights are provided by the action of educational programs and educational standards. A variety of programs and standards form the field of choice of educational services. Educational programs are created in order to inform the consumer about the essence of services. Programs and standards act as a guarantor of the quality of educational services. In this sense, educational services are understood as those that can be provided by state institutions to the population, institutions and organizations. Thus, educational services are provided to society through educational activities in educational institutions.

So, we come to the understanding that teachers are engaged in expediently constructed, organized pedagogical activity. But a significant part of society in a certain area also takes part in pedagogical activity. The question arises - can a mass profession be based on a single talent, vocation? Or can anyone do this?

There is a concept of medical contraindications to the choice of professions, types of work, forms of professional training. Such contraindications can also be psychological. Contraindications are statements about which activities are not recommended or categorically unacceptable for certain health disorders, diseases, character traits.

These are the contraindications for the teaching profession that A.V. Mudrik.

If your health is poor and the doctors don't think it will get better, and you agree with them, then it's better to take a quieter job than teaching.

If you, despite long and hard work on yourself, have poor diction, then you better not go to the teacher.

If, despite all your efforts, you are unable to connect with people, then do not rush to enter a teacher training institution.

If people, younger or older, cause you persistent dislike or constantly annoy, then refrain, at least for a number of years, from entering the teacher's path.

If your comrades say that you lack kindness, that you are often unfair, that you have a difficult character, consider whether you can get rid of these shortcomings before you become a teacher.

If you are captured by any idea, the realization of which is the conscious goal of your life, then do not rush to give it up and become a teacher.

But what if you are already studying at a pedagogical university?

There are two ways to correct the mistake: abandon the chosen path and try, after checking yourself well, to find your place; the second option is to force yourself to work hard to correct your shortcomings and work, work on yourself.

Pedagogical work is characterized by a very high nervous tension. In order to master the mass of children, to seize them with their pedagogical and educational influence, it is necessary, as I.A. Semashko, the People's Commissar of Health, to have exceptionally high neuropsychological stress. The teacher's work is excessively large in volume, associated with limited opportunities for recreation and outdoor activities.

Contraindications to the choice of professions of this type (including teaching) are a weak nervous system, speech defects, inexpressiveness of speech, isolation, self-absorption, lack of sociability, pronounced physical disabilities (sadly), sluggishness, excessive slowness, indifference to people " stupidity", the absence of signs of disinterested interest in a person.

But what about someone who has already chosen the profession of a teacher, who has already become a student of a pedagogical educational institution? No need to despair, you need to work hard and persistently on yourself. A lot can be changed if you know what needs to be changed, what needs to be worked on. To do this, the book contains various kinds of tests with which you can test yourself and find out what qualities of a teacher's personality you need to develop in yourself Mudrik A.V. Teacher: skill and inspiration. M., 1996. S.38..

But the most important contraindication is the lack of desire to work with people, focusing only on one's own Self.