Sinkwine on the theme of talent. Sinkwain as one of the methods of developing students' analytical skills

Today new school sees the student as an active participant educational process. In the new Federal State Educational Standard, the first place is given to the personal result of mastering the educational program, the defining indicators of which are “the readiness and ability of students for self-development and personal self-determination ... the ability to set goals and make life plans.” Therefore, the goal of my teaching activity is to create conditions for the development and formation of a critically thinking, independent, creative personality, striving to learn new things and improve.

Traditional education does not encourage the students themselves to acquire knowledge, does not form a cognitive interest. In my opinion, the modern technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing (RCCHP) creates a creative atmosphere in the classroom, helps to activate the mental activity of students, and develops the analytical skills of students. Under analytical skills in modern education is understood as a complex of special mental actions aimed at identifying, evaluating and generalizing the knowledge gained, analyzing and transferring them to a new qualitative state. A necessary condition for the formation of analytical skills is the development by students of basic mental operations, such as analysis, comparison, comparison, generalization, classification, and a number of others.

One of the effective techniques of the RCMCHP technology for the formation of analytical, reflective skills can be attributed to the compilation of a syncwine.

Traditionally cinquain(from French сinquains, English cinquain) - a poem of five lines, built according to the scheme 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 2, where the numbers indicate the number of syllables in a line. The form of syncwine was developed by the American poetess Adelaide Crapsey at the beginning of the 20th century under the influence of Japanese poetry.

Sinkwine is used as a tool for analyzing and synthesizing information. Sinkwine requires the ability to find the main thing and briefly formulate it. Syncwines researchers notice that the ability to summarize a large amount of information, to express complex ideas, feelings and ideas in a few words, images is an important skill. It is useful for developing the ability to analyze, and also requires the student to concentrate, thoughtfulness, and a rich conceptual stock. Therefore, syncwine allows you to assess the level of conceptual and vocabulary of students.

Of course, compiling a syncwine is a type of creative activity, a method for the development of figurative speech. L.S. Vygotsky argued that “...everything that goes beyond the limits of routine and contains at least an iota of the new owes its origin to the creative process of man.”

Sinkwine attracts with its simplicity of construction, it requires less time than, for example, an essay. I use this technique at different stages of the lesson: at the stage of challenge, comprehension of the content (new material), reflection. Most often, I use cinquain as “a quick but powerful tool for reflection.”

Technique for compiling didactic syncwine:

  • First lineheader, reflecting the concept defined in the poem, i.e. declared topic syncwine or the subject that will be discussed. Comprises one noun.
  • Second line– description of the subject, identification of key qualities concepts. it two adjectives or participles, which denote the essential features of the subject.
  • Third line- actions that characterize the concept, object. it three verbs or gerunds.
  • Fourth linekey phrase, usually four meaningful words, expressing the attitude of the author to the subject, topic. Formally, it can be a proverb, popular expression, aphorism, quote.
  • Fifth line- one summary word, a synonym that generalizes or expands the meaning of the topic, subject.

If you follow these rules, you can get, for example, such syncwines:

Russian language. / Expressive, widespread. / Teaches, trains, develops. / Everyone studies native language. / Russia. (Konoreva Liza, 6th grade).

Noun. / independent, representative. / Surrounds, names, appears. / Everything is conveyed by the Russian word. / Bread of the tongue. (Belyanicheva Veronika, 6th grade).

Pushkin. / Talented, great. / Created, dreamed, loved. / The sun of Russian poetry. / Genius. (Pobiyanova Alina, 10th grade).

The first line of the syncwine makes it possible to judge the student's meta-subject ability to determine the topic. The rest of the lines characterize the meta-subject skills to highlight the essential features of the concept, to select the right word to determine the selected characteristics and the ability to generalize and formulate a conclusion-thesis.

  • explain the rules for writing syncwine;
  • compose a syncwine with students on the topic of the lesson, showing the reception of a set of vocabulary;
  • determine topics for writing syncwines at the first stage in pairs (groups)
  • fix the time to write a syncwine;
  • listen to options (examples).

Writing a syncwine requires the compiler to implement almost all of his personal abilities (intellectual, creative, figurative).

The work on compiling a syncwine on the topic “I am a reader” is interesting. It allows the student to evaluate himself in this capacity, which, in my opinion, increases the student's motivation to read and contributes to the development of intellectual, creative, analytical and reflective skills. The syncwines “I am a reader” were written by tenth grade students. These works reflect the reading experience of each student and his emotional attitude towards himself - the reader.

So, in the first line of the syncwine as the subject of the poem (one noun ) all students took a neutral word reader.

In the second line - the answer to the question, what are the main qualities a reader should have. Based on the syncwines of tenth graders, the following characteristics of reading activity can be distinguished, depending on the role that reading plays in their lives:

- entertainment- "carried away, interested";

- knowledge of the world and literature- “thinking, interested, inquisitive, curious, knowing, thinking”;

- communication-dialogue between the reader and the writer (feedback)- “experiencing, understanding”;

- knowledge of man and himself- evaluation characteristics - "serious, intelligent, individual".

- formation of ethical and aesthetic preferences, for example, related to the volitional qualities of the reader's personality - "attentive, calm, concentrated."

The third line in the syncwine “I am a reader” is the actions of the reader. “Reads, understands, studies, retells, disassembles, analyzes, falls in love, respects, comprehends, worries, feels, experiences, is interested in, discusses, teaches, understands, imagines, imagines, reflects, learns, is inspired, seeks, develops, works, thinks , learns, thinks, feels, speaks; admire, ponder, admire” - here is a list of verbs that students used in their syncwines. Each word is personally colored and gives an idea about the student-reader.

The fourth line is a key phrase, the attitude of students to the topic “I am a reader”, for example: “ Reading opens new world . / Reading is the best teaching. / Reading develops the human personality. / Journey to another reality”.

The fifth line is a summary word - a new understanding of the concept, reflecting personal attitude to the topic. The synonymous series for the word “reader” is interesting, which reflects the students' emotional and evaluative perception of themselves as readers. neutral word reader used by 4 people out of 24. Words-images were picked up by: observer – 6, bibliophile- 3, person - 2, dreamer – 2, thinker – 2, critic – 1, sage – 1, wanderer– 1, amateur – 1, contemplative- 1. Synonyms give an idea about vocabulary students, as well as their personal-emotional vision of the reading process as such.

As examples, I will give the syncwines “I am a reader”:

Reader. / Knowing, dreaming. / Reads, admires, respects. / In love with the beautiful world of the book. / Book lover. (Komarov Ruslan, 10th grade).

Reader. / Attentive, enthusiastic. / I read, think, understand. / For me, books are friends. / Observer. (Burdel Pavel, 10th grade).

Reader. / Inquisitive, erudite. / Worries, is inspired, seeks. / Books develop our imagination. / Thinker. (Pavlenko Kristina, 10th grade).

Reader. / Educated, interested. / Feels, disassembles, analyzes. / Reading develops the human personality. / Critic.(Savina Nadezhda, 10th grade).

Thus, the method of compiling a syncwine is not only an effective reflection tool for students, but also an interesting analytical material for the teacher.

The criteria for evaluating the result, in my opinion, are the increase in the level of cognitive activity of students, the increased dynamics of participation and performance of schoolchildren in olympiads and competitions. So, these are winners of the municipal stage of the Olympiad in Russian language and literature; winners and prize-winners of the city competitions “Bright holiday-Christmas”, “No you are more expensive ...”, “Children and books” (to the 100th anniversary of S.V. Mikhalkov, to the 200th anniversary of M.Yu. Lermontov); winners of the All-Russian open correspondence competition “Knowledge and Creativity”;

In the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Literature in the 2014-2015 academic year, participants in grades 7-8 were offered two written assignments of a creative nature. One of them is writing syncwines. My 7A class students Natalya Goretskaya and Elizaveta Konoreva became winners of the Olympiad, demonstrating the ability to present the essence of these works in the shortest possible way.

Thus, the use of the "cinquain" technique in the lessons of the Russian language and literature, in my opinion, is one of the ways to form the analytical skills of students.


1. Zair-Bek S.I., Mushtavinskaya I.V. The development of critical thinking in the classroom. - M .: Education, 2011. - 223 p.

2. Zamakhaeva A.T. The use of syncwine in the study of denominative sentences // Russian language at school. - 2012. - No. 9. - p.30-31.

3. Approximate basic educational program educational institution. Basic school / [comp. E.S. Savinov]. - M .: Education, 2011. - 342 p. – (Standards of the second generation).

4. Stolbunova S.V. Technology for the development of critical thinking through reading and writing // Russian language: gas. Publishing house houses "First of September". - 2005. - No. 3. - pp. 27-29.

Sinkwain at literature lessons

Translated from french word"cinquain" meansa five-line poem. This poem is written according to certain rules. Compiling a syncwine requires the student to be able to find in educational material the most important elements, draw conclusions and express all this in brief conclusions.

How do you spell cinquain? The conditions for writing it are as follows:

  1. One word is written on the first line -noun. This is the theme of syncwine.
  2. On the second line are writtentwo adjectives, revealing the theme of the sequence.
  3. Third line - three verbs describing actions related to the topic of syncwine.
  4. The fourth line contains the whole phrase - aphorism , with which you need to express your attitude to the topic. Such an aphorism can be a catch phrase, a quote, a proverb, or a phrase compiled by the student himself in the context of the topic.
  5. The fifth line includes summary word , which gives a new interpretation of the topic, expresses the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the topic.

Composing a syncwine, everyone realizes their talents and abilities: intellectual, creative, imaginative. If the task is completed correctly, then the syncwine will definitely turn out to be emotional.
For literature lessons, cinquains are a real Eldorado. Students love these French poems because they are small in size, easy to compose and quite interesting. With the help of syncwine, you can express the whole essence in a few words literary hero. At the same time, teachers not only save time, but also check the readability of the text, the depth of its understanding and the student's ability to correctly express their thoughts at the same time. If 45 minutes of the lesson allow only a few essays to be read aloud, then everyone can present their own syncwine, and there will still be time to discuss everything.

Sinkwines are an excellent way to control. It is impossible to write a poem correctly without reading the text. I propose to get acquainted with several cinquains from my own teaching practice. Sixth grade students madesyncwines dedicated to the heroes of V. O. Bogomolov's story "Ivan".

Brave, bold.
Swims, avenges, scouts.
Ivan will never give up.
(I note that for this cinquain the student received "4", because main character presented in a very one-sided way).

Real, brave.
Scouts, runs away, dies.
A boy who serves the Motherland.
Intelligence service.
(Sinquain is highly rated, since it contains a deeper study of the character and fate of the hero).

Disciplined, curious.
Serves, gives, wins.
Keeps his promise.

Titkov .
Cowardly, selfish.
Gives, gives, receives.
Greed is the source of evil.

And also syncwines are very convenient to use for self-control or for mnemonic purposes. If you can easily compose a poem, then be sure: the topic is well learned. In addition, cinquain contains the quintessence of the material - your emotional perception of it. And therefore, later you can repeat this topic, simply remembering your syncwine.

As for literature, for it syncwines are even more than a method of control or memorization. Try to write a cinquain about your favorite book character. And when you select the only true adjectives, verbs and aphorisms for him, you will definitely feel how much closer, more understandable and dearer this or that character has become to you. You seem to pass the art of the word through yourself. And thisprecisely the effect that, ideally, the lessons of Russian literature should achieve.