Passport Enrollment Details Page. Regulations on the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

Government Decree
Russian Federation
of July 8, 1997 N 828


(as amended by Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 25, 1999 N 1091,
dated 05.01.2001 N 7, dated 01.22.2002 N 32, dated 02.07.2003 N 392)

I. General provisions

1. The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is the main identity document of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the passport).
All citizens of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as citizens) who have reached the age of 14 and reside on the territory of the Russian Federation are required to have a passport.

2. Passport forms are made according to a single model for the entire Russian Federation and are drawn up in Russian.
For passport forms intended for registration in the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, inserts with an image can be made state emblem republics and providing for the introduction of state language(languages) of this republic information about the identity of a citizen. The form of the insert is established by the executive authorities of these republics and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in agreement with the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation.
(clause 2 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01/05/2001 N 7)

3. Samples of seals, stamps, forms and personal photographs required for issuing a passport, as well as additional protective equipment, are established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

4. The following information about the identity of a citizen is entered in the passport: last name, first name, patronymic, gender, date of birth and place of birth.
Until December 31, 2004, at the request of a citizen of the Russian Federation traveling by rail from the territory of the Russian Federation to the Kaliningrad Region of the Russian Federation in transit through the territory Republic of Lithuania and vice versa, photographs of children - citizens of the Russian Federation who have not reached the age of 14 are pasted into his passport. (the paragraph was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 02.07.2003 N 392)

5. The following marks are made in the passport:
- on the registration of a citizen at the place of residence and deregistration - by the relevant registration authorities;
- on the attitude to military duty of citizens who have reached the age of 18, - by the relevant military commissariats and internal affairs bodies;
- on registration and dissolution of marriage - by the relevant civil registry offices and internal affairs bodies;
- about children under the age of 14 - by civil registry offices and internal affairs bodies;
- on previously issued basic documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation, - by the internal affairs bodies; (the paragraph was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.22.2002 N 32)
- on the issuance of basic documents proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation outside the Russian Federation - by internal affairs bodies or other authorized bodies.

At the request of a citizen, the following marks are also made in the passport:
- about his blood type and Rh factor - by the relevant healthcare institutions;
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01/22/2002 N 32)
- on the taxpayer identification number - by the relevant tax authorities.
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01/22/2002 N 32)

6. It is forbidden to enter information, marks and entries in the passport not provided for in these Regulations.
A passport in which information, marks or entries not provided for by this Regulation are entered is invalid.

7. Validity period of the citizen's passport:
from 14 years old - until reaching the age of 20;
from 20 years old - until reaching the age of 45;
from 45 years - indefinitely.

Upon reaching by a citizen (with the exception of conscripted military personnel) the age of 20 and 45, the passport must be replaced.
Soldiers passing through military service upon conscription, passports are issued or replaced at their place of residence at the end of the established period of military service on conscription.

8. Control over the implementation of this Regulation is carried out by the internal affairs bodies.

9. Violation of the requirements of this Regulation entails the responsibility of officials and citizens in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

II. Issuance, replacement of passports and their use

10. Issuance and replacement of passports are carried out by internal affairs bodies at the place of residence of citizens in the manner determined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
For citizens who do not have a place of residence, the issuance and replacement of passports is carried out by the internal affairs bodies at their place of residence.

11. To obtain a passport, a citizen presents:
- birth certificate;
- two personal photographs sized 35 x 45 mm.

If it is impossible to submit a birth certificate, a passport may be issued on the basis of other documents confirming the information necessary to obtain a passport.
If necessary, in order to obtain a passport, documents certifying belonging to the citizenship of the Russian Federation are submitted.

12. The replacement of the passport is carried out in the presence of the following grounds:
- reaching the age provided for in paragraph 7 of these Regulations;
- change by a citizen in the prescribed manner of the last name, first name, patronymic, change of information about the date (day, month, year) and / or place of birth;
- sex change;
- unsuitability of the passport for further use due to wear, damage or other reasons;
- detection of inaccuracies or erroneous entries made in the passport.

The replacement of the passport is also carried out in other cases provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

13. To replace a passport, a citizen shall submit:
- an application in the form established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
- passport to be replaced;
- two personal photographs sized 35 x 45 mm;
- documents confirming the grounds for replacing the passport specified in paragraph 12 of these Regulations.

14. Citizens, in order to obtain or replace a passport, submit Required documents and personal photographs to relevant officials of housing maintenance organizations of state and municipal housing funds, housing construction and housing cooperatives, boarding schools for the disabled, veterans, singles and the elderly, shelter hotels and other social institutions, state and municipal organizations and institutions having housing stock on the right of economic management or on the right of operational management, as well as joint-stock companies and commercial organizations with housing stock.
These officials are required to submit within 3 days the documents and personal photographs submitted by citizens to the internal affairs bodies for issuing a passport.
Citizens also have the right to submit documents necessary for obtaining or replacing a passport directly to the internal affairs bodies.

15. Documents and personal photographs for obtaining or replacing a passport must be submitted by a citizen no later than 30 days after the occurrence of the circumstances specified in paragraphs 1, 7 or 12 of this Regulation.

16. A passport is issued to a citizen within 10 days from the date of acceptance of the documents by the internal affairs bodies.

17. The citizen is obliged to keep the passport carefully. A citizen must immediately report the loss of a passport to the internal affairs body.
Prior to issuing a new passport, a citizen, at his request, is issued by the internal affairs body a temporary identity card, the form of which is established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

18. Persons whose citizenship of the Russian Federation has ceased are obliged to hand over their passports to the internal affairs bodies at the place of residence or place of stay, and persons residing outside the Russian Federation - in diplomatic representation or to the consular office of the Russian Federation in the host state, which forward them to the internal affairs bodies at the last place of residence or place of stay of these persons on the territory of the Russian Federation.

19. The passport of a deceased citizen is handed over to the civil registry offices at the place of registration of death, which send it to the internal affairs body at the last place of residence or place of stay of the deceased citizen on the territory of the Russian Federation.
The passport of a citizen who died outside the Russian Federation shall be handed over to a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation for subsequent forwarding to the appropriate internal affairs body on the territory of the Russian Federation.

20. The found passport is subject to surrender to the internal affairs bodies.

21. The passport of a person taken into custody or sentenced to deprivation of liberty shall be temporarily confiscated by a preliminary investigation body or a court and attached to the personal file of the said person. Upon release from custody or serving a sentence in the form of deprivation of liberty, the passport is returned to the citizen.

22. It is prohibited to withdraw a passport from a citizen, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for replacing a passport of a Russian citizen in the event that inaccurate, incomplete or erroneous information is entered into it is determined by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated December 28, 2006 N 1105 “On Approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal migration service for the provision of public services for the issuance, replacement and execution state function on registration of passports of a citizen of the Russian Federation, proving the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Russian Federation"

To date, there are two main reasons that can lead to the introduction of erroneous information into the passport. The sequence of actions of a citizen to replace a passport in which an error is present directly depends on the cause of the error.

    The error in the passport arose through the fault of the officials responsible for issuing the passport, as well as for entering information into it. Such an error can be expressed in the incorrect spelling of a surname, in incorrectly entered information about the registration (dissolution) of marriage, information about children, about registration at the place of residence, etc. In this case, the error, as a rule, has a pronounced character of a “typo” made by an official.

    This category of errors also includes cases in which the passport, due to the fault of responsible officials, has traces of mechanical damage: carelessly laminated, torn, the entered information is not readable or difficult to distinguish.

    The main criterion for such errors is the obvious fault of the official responsible for issuing the passport or for entering information into it. Such errors in the current legislation are called "technical marriage". AT this case the procedure for replacing a passport has a number of significant features that make life much easier for a citizen changing a passport.

    The error in the passport or its damage did not occur through the fault of the responsible officials. This category also includes cases in which the official who issued the passport entered information into it in accordance with current legislation, but on the condition that the error was transferred from a previously issued passport, the owner of which, through his own fault, did not notice the previously entered inaccurate information. In this case, the error was simply “transferred” from the old passport to the new one through no fault of the official who issued it.

For a better understanding of the criteria for separating errors introduced into the passport, let's give an example that is a clear demonstration of the case when there is no technical marriage, that is, the obvious fault of the FMS employee.

The current regulation does not require the applicant to provide his birth certificate when replacing a passport. All information entered in the passport is transferred by the FMS officer from the replaced passport to the newly issued one on completely legal grounds. For example, the correct place of birth is indicated on the birth certificate, but the place of birth is indicated incorrectly on the replacement passport. That is, earlier, when issuing the first passport, an employee of the Federal Migration Service made an error that, for one reason or another, was not detected by the owner of the passport. In this case, the responsible executive made an entry in the passport on a legal basis. But there is an error. In such a situation, the passport must be replaced "due to the discovery of an error or inaccuracy of the data entered into it", and not in connection with a technical marriage.

The current Regulations do not have a clear distinction between the concept of "technical marriage", which many of today's FMS employees willingly use, forcing a citizen who has applied for a replacement passport in connection with a technical marriage, to pass full path replacement of the passport, as if the fault of the responsible official was absent. If you find yourself in a similar situation, and the fault of the FMIS employee is obvious, we strongly recommend that you go all the way and demand an immediate replacement of your passport without payment state duty, and also without going through all the mandatory procedures. It is worth demanding this, even if enough time has passed from the moment the passport was issued to the moment the mistake was discovered.

As we have already noted, the procedure for the actions of the passport holder largely depends on the reason for the appearance of erroneous or inaccurate data in the passport.

Where to contact in case of an error in the passport

If an error is found in the passport, it is necessary to as soon as possible apply to one of the departments of the Federal Migration Service of Russia with an application for a replacement passport. If a mistake is made as a result of a technical marriage, then it is necessary to apply only to the department of the FMS that issued the passport.

If the error in the passport was omitted through no fault of the official who issued it, then a citizen who wants to replace his passport has the right to apply to any department of the FMS that is convenient for him - at the place of residence, at the place of temporary registration, at the place of actual stay - it does not matter.

On the issue of replacing a passport, you must contact the FMS department in person. However, if for some valid reason a citizen cannot do this, he has the right to demand that the responsible officer leave for his place of residence. This action is provided official duties FMS staff.

You can call an employee to the place of residence by submitting a written application drawn up in any form. The application is submitted by the owner of the passport in need of replacement, or by his close relatives.

If the applicant, due to objective reasons, is unable to independently arrive at the FMS of Russia unit, then the application can be submitted by his close relatives (paragraph 107 of the Regulations).

If an error is found in the passport, the application can also be submitted through a specialized electronic portal for the provision of state and municipal services. If a technical marriage is detected, the application can only be submitted in person, applying through the electronic portal is excluded.

What documents to provide to replace the passport

If an error is found due to a technical defect, in order to replace the passport, it is necessary to submit to the FMS department that made the error only one photograph that meets the established requirements. FMS employees are not entitled to demand other documents.

If the error in the passport was made for some other reason, and there is no obvious fault of the officials, the FMS unit must provide:

    the passport in which the error was detected;

    application in form 1-P;

    two photos;

    a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state fee.

Terms of replacement of documents

In the event of an error due to a technical defect, the applicant has the right to demand an immediate replacement of the document, although the current regulations do not provide for the timing of the replacement of the passport in this case. In all other cases, the passport must be replaced within 10 days - when applying to the FMS department at the place of residence, or within 2 months - when applying to any other department of the FMS.

If an error is found in the passport immediately at the time of receipt, the document can be replaced within a few hours. Technically, the procedure for issuing a new document does not present any difficulties and requires only a few hours. In any case, FMS employees have the right to refuse to immediately reissue the document and act in accordance with the regulations.

20. Registration of passports by customs authorities and subdivisions of the State traffic inspectorate is carried out in the manner prescribed by this Regulation, subject to the presentation of vehicles or chassis to customs authorities or subdivisions of the State traffic inspectorate.

21. Filling in the passport is carried out using the printer of an electronic computer (with the exception of a laser) or other printing device, or by hand legibly (in block letters).

22. The text entered in the forms of passports must be reproduced legibly, the names of legal entities, surnames, first names and patronymics of citizens should not contain abbreviations, as well as the addresses of legal entities and the place of residence of individuals. If a dedicated field is missing, generally accepted abbreviations should be used.

If there are no values ​​of any details or if it is impossible to set them, the entry "absent" or "not set" is made in the corresponding fields. It is not allowed to enter entries, signs or symbols in passports that are not provided for by this Regulation, or leave the details of the details blank.

Erasures, additions, crossed out words and numbers, as well as inserting dashes in lines that are not provided for by these Regulations, are not allowed. The entries and signatures made in the passport shall be certified, in the cases established by this Regulation, by seal impressions (if there is a seal) with clearly distinguishable details.

23. During the initial issuance of passports, corrections to them are not allowed. If the passports are filled in incorrectly, they must be replaced.

If the details of the passport are filled in incorrectly, when records were previously made in the relevant sections of the passport about the change in ownership of the vehicle, the necessary changes and additions are made to the "Special Marks" section of the passport only by organizations and entrepreneurs, customs authorities and departments of the State traffic inspectorate that issue these passports in parts concerning.

Each change (correction) and addition must be certified by the signature of an official and a seal (if there is a seal) of the relevant organization (entrepreneur, body, subdivision) or a personal numbered seal of an official of the customs authority.

24. Passports that are damaged when filling out are crossed out diagonally with the entry “cancelled” written along the entire line, certified by the signature of an official and a seal (if there is a seal) of an organization or entrepreneur, a customs authority or a subdivision of the State traffic inspectorate or a personal numbered seal of an official of the customs authority.

Spoiled by organizations and entrepreneurs, the original blank passports, after making copies from them, are submitted to the subdivision of the State traffic inspectorate that issued them.

The procedure for issuing vehicle passports

25. In the line "1. Identification number (VIN)" 1 are indicated in Arabic numerals and letters Latin alphabet symbols assigned to the vehicle.

The first part of the VIN, which identifies the vehicle manufacturer, consists of three letters or letters and numbers indicating the geographic area, country code and vehicle manufacturer code, assigned in the prescribed manner.

The second part of the VIN is the descriptive part of the identification number and consists of six characters that identify the vehicle according to the design documentation.

The third part of the VIN is the indicative part and consists of eight digits or letters, of which the last four characters must be digits. The first character may indicate the code of the year of manufacture of the vehicle or model year in accordance with Comparison table numbers and letters used in identification numbers as the code of the year of manufacture of the vehicle or vehicle chassis (Appendix No. 2 to this Regulation), on subsequent signs - the serial number of the vehicle.

To designate a manufacturer producing less than 500 vehicles per year, the number 9 is used as the third character of the first part of the VIN. For such a manufacturer, a combination of characters identifying a particular manufacturer is affixed to the third, fourth and fifth positions of the third part of the VIN.

If there are other identification numbers on vehicles or chassis that have a different number of letters and numbers used than VIN (less than 17), the addition of any letters, numbers or symbols is not allowed.

26. The line "2. Make, model of the vehicle" indicates the symbol of the vehicle, assigned in the manner established for products of the automotive industry, and given in the OTTS, Certificate or registration documents and consisting, as a rule, of the letter assigned to the vehicle, digital or mixed designation, independent from the designation of other vehicles.

27. The line "3. Name (type of vehicle)" indicates the characteristics of the vehicle, determined by its design features and purpose.

1 Established by the Convention on Road Traffic adopted at the United Nations Conference on Road Traffic in Vienna on November 8, 1968 and ratified by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on April 29, 1974 (Collection of existing treaties, agreements and conventions concluded with foreign states, 1979 , issue XXXIII, p. 385); hereinafter referred to as the "Convention on Road Traffic".

A - motorcycles, scooters and other motor vehicles;

B - motor vehicles with a maximum authorized mass not exceeding 3500 kg and the number of seats in addition to the driver's seat not exceeding eight;

C - motor vehicles, with the exception of those belonging to category "D", the maximum authorized mass of which exceeds 3500 kg;

D - cars designed for the carriage of passengers and having more than 8 seats, in addition to the driver's seat;

trailer - a vehicle intended for movement in combination with a vehicle. This term includes semi-trailers.

The transfer of the categories of vehicles specified in the OTTS, the Certificate, into the categories of vehicles according to the classification of the Convention on Road Traffic is carried out in accordance with the Comparative Table of Vehicle Categories (TC) according to the classification of the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and according to the classification of the Convention on Road Traffic (Appendix No. 3 to this Regulation).

29. Line "5. Year of manufacture of the vehicle" shall indicate the year of manufacture of the vehicle.

In the absence of documentary confirmation of the date of manufacture of the vehicle, the year of manufacture may be determined by the code of manufacture indicated in the identification number of the vehicle.

30. The line "6. Model, N of the engine" indicates the model and the engine identification number assigned by the organization or entrepreneur, printed on the engine block. The identification number may consist of groups of separate digits, of which the last group of two digits indicates the year of manufacture of the engine.

31. The lines "7. Chassis (frame) N" and "8. Body (cabin, trailer) N" shall indicate the corresponding identification numbers of the chassis (frame) or body (trailer) assigned and marked on them by the organization or entrepreneur.

32. Line "9. Body color (cabin, trailer)" indicates one of the following primary colors applied to the outer surfaces of the body (cabin) of the vehicle: white, yellow, brown, red, orange, purple, blue, green, black or the name of other colors.

In the case of applying several colors to the outer surfaces of the body (cabin), in this line the color is indicated as a combined or multi-color with the name of the primary colors.

33. The line "10. Engine power, hp (kW)" indicates the engine power in horsepower (kilowatts).

34. Line "11. Engine capacity, cc" indicates the engine cylinder capacity.

35. Line "12. Engine type" indicates the type of engine depending on the fuel used.

Filling in line 13 of the vehicle passport "Ecological class" should be carried out after the adoption by the Government of the Russian Federation of the regulatory legal act, which determines the parameters of the environmental safety of vehicles manufactured in Russia and imported into its territory (Letter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation N 13 / 5-69, Rostekhregulirovaniya N VK-101-30 / 3686, Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation N 01-06 / 26877 of 08/04/2005) .

36. Line "13. Ecological class" shall indicate in words one of the environmental classes to which the vehicle corresponds.

In the absence of this line in the passport, information about the environmental class of the vehicle, an entry is made in the "Special Marks" section: "Ecological class (the number of the environmental class is indicated)".

37. Line "14. Permissible maximum weight, kg" indicates the numerical value of the mass of the equipped vehicle with cargo, driver and passengers, established by the organization or entrepreneur as the maximum allowable.

38. In the line "15. Weight without load, kg" shall be indicated the digital value of the mass of the vehicle without load.

39. The information provided for in paragraphs 33 - 38 of this Regulation is filled in on the basis of the OTTS, Certificate, and in their absence, the corresponding lines can be filled in on the basis of officially issued specifications, directories, tables and other documents.

40. The line "16. Manufacturer of the vehicle (country)" shall indicate the full or abbreviated name of the organization or entrepreneur that manufactured the vehicle, including as a single vehicle, or the surname, name and patronymic (patronymic is indicated if available) of the individual the person who manufactured in the Russian Federation a single vehicle in the order of individual technical creativity, and the country of manufacture is indicated in brackets.

41. The line "17. Approval of the type of vehicle" shall indicate the number under which information about the OTTS or the Certificate is included in the register provided for by the Technical Regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles, the date of issue of the TSTS or the Certificate and the name of the certification body or testing laboratory that issued the indicated the documents.

42. The line "18. Country of export" indicates the country from which the vehicle was exported to the territory of the Russian Federation.

The line is filled in in case of import of vehicles into the Russian Federation from abroad. In other cases, the entry "absent" is made in this line.

43. The line "19. Series, N TD, TPO" shall indicate the name of the document (TD or TPO) and the reference number from column 7 of the TD or the reference number from column 3 of the TPO, for which customs clearance of vehicles was carried out.

On vehicles converted into federal ownership in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or when levying execution on vehicles imported into the Russian Federation for the obligations of their owners, for which passports were issued by the customs authorities in accordance with paragraph 66 of this Regulation, instead of TD or TPO another document referred to in subparagraph 66.2 of this Regulation may be indicated.

44. Line "20. Customs restrictions" shall indicate the restrictions established by the customs authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the use and (or) disposal of vehicles imported into the Russian Federation. If the restrictions have not been set, the following entry is made in this line: "not set".

45. In line "21. Name (full name) of the owner of the vehicle" the owner of the vehicle is indicated, and in the next line "22. Address" - the legal address of a legal entity or entrepreneur or the address of registration at the place of residence (at the place of stay ) an individual who is the owner of the vehicle.

In the case of issuing passports for vehicles classified as single vehicles manufactured in the Russian Federation or put into circulation from among those previously delivered under the state defense order, in the line "21. Name (full name) of the owner of the vehicle" as information about the owner, the full or abbreviated name of the organization, entrepreneur, surname, first name and patronymic (patronymic is indicated if any) of an individual who is the manufacturer of a single vehicle, or the open name of the owner who operated the vehicle previously supplied under the state defense order.

46. ​​The line "23. Name of the organization that issued the passport" indicates the organization or entrepreneur, customs authority or subdivision of the State traffic inspectorate that issued the passport, and the next line "24. Address" - their location.

47. Line "25. Date of issue of the passport" shall indicate the day, month and year of issue of the passport.

48. In the "Signature" section, the signature of the entrepreneur, official of the organization, customs authority or subdivision of the State traffic inspectorate is affixed.

49. In the "Place of the seal" section, an imprint of the seal (if there is a seal) of the organization, entrepreneur, subdivision of the State Traffic Inspectorate or the personal numbered seal of the official of the customs authority that issued the passport is affixed.

50. Sections located on the left front and back sides of passports and containing information about the owners of vehicles and completed transactions aimed at alienating and acquiring ownership of vehicles ("Name (full name) of the owner", "Address" , "Date of sale (transfer)", "Document of ownership", "Signature of the former owner", "Signature of the current owner"), are filled in in the following order:

50 1 . When registering vehicles for their owners, indicated in the passports, issued by organizations or entrepreneurs, customs authorities or subdivisions of the State traffic inspectorate:

in the lines "Name (full name) of the owner", "Address" the data of the owners are indicated according to lines 21 and 22 of the passport;

in the lines "Date of sale (transfer)", "Document of ownership" the entries "absent" are made. Filling in the lines is carried out by the owners or owners of vehicles;

in the line "Signature of the real owner" the signature of the owner or owner of the vehicle is affixed.

The completed lines are certified by the seals of the vehicle owners if they are legal entities or entrepreneurs and the presence of seals is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

50 2 . When making transactions in accordance with the established procedure aimed at alienating and acquiring ownership of vehicles:

in the lines "Name (full name) of the owner", "Address", the data of the new owner who acquired the ownership of the vehicle are indicated;

the line "Date of sale (transfer)" indicates the day, month and year of the transaction aimed at alienating and acquiring ownership of the vehicle;

the line "Document of ownership" indicates the name of the document confirming the ownership of the vehicle, its number (if any) and the date of compilation;

in the line "Signature of the former owner" the signature of the previous owner of the vehicle is affixed, and in the line "Signature of the present owner" - the signature of the new owner.

In cases where transactions aimed at alienating and acquiring ownership of vehicles were made with the participation of legal entities or entrepreneurs who are sellers and (or) buyers of vehicles, the completed lines are certified by imprints of their seals (if there is a seal).

51. Details located on the left front and back sides of passports and containing information about the registration of vehicles or their deregistration ("Vehicle registration certificate, series, N", "State registration mark", "Registration date", "Issued GIBDD", "Date of deregistration"), are filled in by officials of the departments of the State traffic inspectorate. The records made are certified by the signatures of the indicated officials and the stamps of the State traffic inspectorate units.

52. In the section "Special Marks" the information provided for by this Regulation, or other information containing the grounds for issuing and issuing a passport, is indicated.

The customs authorities, when entering information about the payment of the recycling fee, make a record (stamp, mark): "The recycling fee has been paid. TPO N ___" (indicating the reference number of the customs receipt order, which reflects the calculation of the recycling fee) or "The recycling fee is not paid" (the corresponding paragraph of clause and article 24.1 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 N 89-FZ "On Production and Consumption Waste" is indicated, in accordance with which the disposal fee was not paid) in cases where the recycling fee is not paid. These entries are certified by the signature and personal numbered seal of the official of the customs authority that issued the passport.

Tax authorities, when paying a recycling fee by persons engaged in the production, manufacture of vehicles that are not classified as major manufacturers, or by persons who have purchased vehicles (chassis) in the Russian Federation from persons who do not pay a recycling fee in accordance with paragraphs two and three of paragraph 6 of Article 24.1 of the Federal Law of June 24, 1998 N 89-FZ "On Production and Consumption Wastes", or persons who have not paid the disposal fee in violation of the established procedure are stamped (marked): "Utilization fee".

When calculating the amount of the recycling fee for the vehicles (chassis) produced by them, the largest manufacturers put a stamp (mark): "Utilization fee".

The specified stamps (marks) of the form established by the Federal Tax Service are certified by the signature of officials of tax authorities, organizations and (or) entrepreneurs who put them in the passport.

When entering information about the identification number of the In-Vehicle Emergency Call System/Device in the "Special Marks" section, the following entry is made: "UVEOS N _____" (indicating the identification number of the In-Vehicle Emergency Call System/Device).

From January 1, 2017, entering information about the identification number of the In-Vehicle Emergency Call System/Device in the "Special Marks" section is mandatory for all newly put into circulation vehicles in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles.

Entries of a similar content are made by the State Traffic Inspectorate divisions in the issued duplicate vehicle passports.

The procedure for issuing vehicle chassis passports

53. Registration of vehicle chassis passports is carried out in the manner similar to the procedure for filling out vehicle passports, provided for in paragraphs 25 - 52 of this Regulation. At the same time, the line "14. Approval of the type of chassis" indicates the number under which information about the OTS is included in the register (provided for by the Technical Regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles), the date of issue of the OTS and the name of the certification body that issued the specified document, and in the section " Special marks" on the basis of data from the OSH, a record is made about the possibility or prohibition of moving the chassis under its own power on public roads, as well as the information provided for by this Regulation, or other information containing the grounds for issuing and issuing a passport.

54. If the chassis of the vehicle is not equipped with a cab and (or) body or engine, customs authorities or organizations and entrepreneurs that are manufacturers of the chassis, in the lines of the chassis passport: "4. Model, N of the engine", "6. Body N "," 7. Cabin N", "8. Color of the cab (body)", "9. Engine power, hp (kW)", "10. Engine displacement, cc" entries are made accordingly: " without cabin (body, engine)". Line "11. Type of engine" is filled in in accordance with paragraph 35 of this Regulation.

Features of registration of passports by customs authorities

55. Vehicle passports are issued by the customs authorities for complete vehicles classified in the following positions of the unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union 1:

from 8701 20 - truck tractors having a fifth wheel ("saddle") and intended for towing semi-trailers;

8702 - Motor vehicles designed to carry 10 persons or more, including the driver;

from 8703 - cars and other motor vehicles intended for the transport of people (other than cars of heading 8702), including utility vans, excluding racing cars;

out of 8704 - trucks;

8705 Special purpose motor vehicles other than those used for the transport of passengers or goods (for example, trucks for emergency repairs, truck cranes, fire trucks, concrete mixer trucks, road cleaning vehicles, watering machines, car repair shops, vehicles with X-ray machines);

out of 8711 - motorcycles with or without sidecars and other motor vehicles that comply with paragraph 2 of this Regulation;

out of 8716 - trailers and semi-trailers, as well as for cars, trailers and semi-trailers for them, the classification of which in specific positions of the TN VED CU is determined in accordance with the equipment or devices mounted on them.

56. Vehicle chassis passports are issued by the customs authorities on the chassis of vehicles classified in the following positions of the TN VED CU:

from 8701 - 8705 - automobile chassis with a cab and (or) a body (saddle) without engines or a cab and an engine or a body (saddle) and an engine;

8706 - Chassis with installed engine for motor vehicles of headings 8701 to 8705;

from 8708 99 - automobile chassis-frames without engines for vehicles of headings 8701 - 8705;

out of 8716 90 100 0 - chassis of trailers and semi-trailers.

57. Passports are issued by customs authorities:

after the placement of vehicles and (or) chassis under the customs procedures for release for internal consumption, re-import, free customs zone, refusal in favor of the state or vehicles and (or) chassis for personal use after their release for free circulation in the customs territory of the Customs Union ;

when transferring vehicles or chassis imported into the Russian Federation into federal ownership in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

when levying execution on vehicles or chassis imported into the Russian Federation for the obligations of their owners;

in other cases of importation into the Russian Federation of vehicles and (or) chassis that are goods of the Customs Union.

Issuance of passports by customs authorities is carried out on the basis of information provided by persons moving vehicles and declarants when submitting declarations for imported vehicles or chassis to customs authorities, information on the availability of OTTS, OTSH or Certificates, applications for issuing a passport (for goods of the Customs Union), data of shipping documents, conclusions of examinations and results of inspection of vehicles or chassis.

58. Issuance of passports for vehicles or chassis of vehicles that are goods of the Customs Union is carried out on the basis of applications submitted to the customs authority by the owners or owners of vehicles for each vehicle or chassis in the form established by the customs authority, as well as documents for the vehicle tool or chassis.

The application is submitted to the customs authority in the region of activity of which the owner or possessor of vehicles or chassis is located or registered on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The application shall indicate the circumstances of the importation or acquisition of a vehicle or chassis or other circumstances that are the basis for issuing a passport, the country of origin and the heading of the vehicle or chassis in accordance with the TN VED CU, as well as a list of attached documents. The position of the FEACN of the CU may be indicated by an official of the customs authority. Documents confirming the stated information must be attached to the application.

When issuing a passport, the documents submitted for vehicles or chassis that served as the basis for its issuance, together with a copy of the passport, remain with the customs authority and are taken into account in the prescribed manner.

The decision to issue or refuse to issue a passport in relation to the vehicles or chassis specified in paragraph one of this clause must be made no later than one working day following the day of receipt of the application for the issuance of a passport.

If it is necessary for the customs authority to send requests to verify the information specified in the application for the issuance of a passport and the documents attached to it, and (or) to verify the authenticity of the documents attached to the application, the decision-making period provided for in paragraph five of this clause shall be extended by the head or deputy head of the customs authority up to 30 days from the date of receipt of the application.

59. The issuance of passports by the customs authorities, as well as the entry by the customs authorities into the passports of information on the payment of the recycling fee in the cases provided for in paragraph 19 of this Regulation, is carried out after the receipt of the amounts of the recycling fee to the federal budget.

60. Registration of vehicle passports by customs authorities is carried out in accordance with paragraphs 25 - 52 of this Regulation, taking into account the following features:

60 1 . Lines 1 - 3 of the passport are filled in in accordance with paragraphs 25 - 27 of this Regulation.

A - from 8711 (motorcycles (including mopeds) with or without sidecars and other motor vehicles;

B - from 8703 (cars and other motor vehicles intended for the transport of people (other than cars of heading 8702), including vans):

From 8704 (trucks, the maximum mass of which does not exceed 3500 kg);

C - from 8701 20 (truck tractors having a saddle and intended for towing semi-trailers):

Out of 8704 (trucks, the maximum mass of which exceeds 3500 kg):

8705 (special purpose motor vehicles other than those used for the transport of passengers or goods (e.g. emergency repair trucks, truck cranes, fire trucks, concrete mixer trucks, road cleaning vehicles, water washers, car repair shops, vehicles with X-ray machines);

D - 8702 (cars designed to carry 10 people or more, including the driver);

trailer - from 8716 (trailers and semi-trailers), as well as trailers and semi-trailers, the classification of which into specific positions of the TN VED CU is determined in accordance with the equipment or devices mounted on them.

60 3 . Lines 5 - 9 are filled in in accordance with paragraphs 29 - 32 of this Regulation.

If there is no information about the engine model, only the engine number is indicated in line 6.

60 4 . Line 10 is filled in on the basis of the information specified in the shipping documents for the vehicle, OTTS or Certificate, OTSH, official reference publications, catalogs, manufacturers' data and other documents.

60 5 . Lines 11 and 12 are filled in in accordance with paragraphs 34 and 35 of these Regulations.

60 6 . Line 13 is filled in in accordance with paragraph 36 of these Regulations.

60 7 . Lines 14 and 15 are filled in on the basis of the information specified in the shipping documents for the vehicle, OTTS or Certificate, OTSH, official reference publications, catalogs, manufacturers' data and other documents.

60 8 . Line 16 is filled in in accordance with paragraph 40 of these Regulations.

60 9 . Line 17 is filled in in accordance with paragraph 41 of these Regulations.

It is allowed that there is no information about the presence of OTTS or a Certificate in cases of issuing passports for belonging individuals vehicles previously registered with internal affairs bodies located outside the Russian Federation, as well as vehicles imported into the territory of the Russian Federation as personal property by individuals duly recognized as refugees or forced migrants or imported into the territory of the Russian Federation as personal property by individuals who are participants in national government programs to assist in the voluntary resettlement of persons living abroad, or their adult spouse (wife), their adult children, including adopted children, adult children of their spouse (wife).

In these cases, in line 17 of the vehicle passport, the entry "absent" is made, and information confirming these circumstances is entered in the "Special Marks" section.

60 10 . Lines 18 - 25 are filled in in accordance with paragraphs 42 - 47 of this Regulation.

60 11 . If a passport is issued for vehicles or chassis that are goods of the Customs Union, an entry is made in the passport in accordance with subparagraphs 60.1 - 60.10 of this Regulation. In this case, in line 19 of the vehicle passport or in line 16 of the chassis passport, the entry "not issued" is made.

62. To simplify the issuance of a passport, with the permission of the customs authority, it is allowed to pre-fill an electronic copy of the passport by the declarant. At the same time, the official of the customs authority checks the necessary documents, the correctness of filling in the columns of the passport and the accuracy of the information indicated in them, enters the numbers of DT, TPO or PTD (passenger customs declaration), in case of not completing the TPO, as well as other missing information in the electronic copy of the passport , prints on the blank of the passport, certifies the passport with his signature and personal numbered seal.

The issuance of passports is carried out only by authorized officials of the customs authorities.

63. Registration of chassis passports is carried out by the customs authorities in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 53 - 62 of this Regulation.

64. When customs authorities issue passports for vehicles registered in foreign states in the event that they are issued by customs authorities on the territory of the Russian Federation after temporary importation by individuals permanently residing outside the Russian Federation 1, the entry "not established" is made in line 20 of the passport. with the release and payment of customs payments after temporary import, transfer to a commission is allowed. If there is a temporary registration of such vehicles with the State traffic inspectorate, customs clearance and the issuance of passports are carried out after the removal of vehicles from temporary registration.

1 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 6, 1998 N 569 "On Approval of the Rules for Commission Trade in Non-Food Goods" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 1998, N 24, Art. 2733; 1999, N 42, Art. 5051; 2001, N 9 , item 872).

65. In the line "Special Marks" of passports issued by the customs authorities for vehicles or chassis that are goods of the Customs Union, the entry "Goods of the Customs Union" is made, certified by the signature and personal numbered seal of an authorized official of the customs authority, and the identification number of the device is also indicated calling emergency services.

66. The issuance of passports by the customs authorities for vehicles or chassis in cases of transfer to federal ownership in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation or in the event of foreclosure on vehicles or chassis imported into the Russian Federation for the obligations of their owners is carried out after their sale to the new owner of the vehicle or chassis with filling in passports in accordance with paragraph 60 of this Regulation and taking into account the following features:

66.1. In line 17 of the vehicle passport or in line 14 of the chassis passport, the entry "absent" is made.

66.2. Line 19 of the vehicle passport or line 16 of the chassis passport shall indicate the name of the document under which the vehicle or chassis was transferred to federal ownership in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, with its number (if any) and the date of issue.

66.3. Line 21 of the vehicle passport or line 18 of the chassis passport indicates the owner to whom the vehicle or chassis was sold.

67. Information about passports issued by the customs authorities is entered, recorded and stored in an automated database for vehicles or chassis issued by the customs authority, which are maintained by AS Auto-Transport software complexes determined by the Federal Customs Service. This database also takes into account and stores information about passports issued for vehicles or chassis in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation without customs clearance or when applying to federal property, as well as about duplicates issued in exchange for lost or worn out passports.

The fee for the issuance and replacement of vehicle passports and vehicle chassis passports, provided for by this paragraph, is not charged due to the cancellation of the corresponding paragraph of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/08/1992 N 228 "On some issues related to the operation of motor vehicles in the Russian Federation" and recognition as lost force of the Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation of 01.10.1997 N 578 "On the procedure for accounting, storing passports of vehicles and chassis of vehicles, as well as charging fees for the issuance of these passports" (Letter of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation of 17.07.2007 N 01-06 / 26489)".

69. The subsequent removal of the restrictions on the use and disposal of a vehicle or chassis established by the customs authority is carried out by the customs authority upon a written application in any form of the owner or possessor of the vehicle or chassis.

Removal of imposed restrictions is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the customs legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, in the "Special Marks" section of the passport, opposite line "20. Customs restrictions" of the vehicle passport or line 17 of a similar name of the chassis passport, the customs authority shall put a mark - "Restrictions on the use and disposal of the vehicle (chassis) have been removed", and also indicate the name , number and date of the document confirming the payment of customs payments or the decision of the customs authority to remove the established restrictions, or indicate the item number and name normative act with date of publication and registration number, on the basis of which the restrictions were lifted. The specified entry is certified by the signature of an official of the customs authority, as well as the signature of the head of the structural subdivision of the customs authority, with imprints of their personal numbered seals.

70. Filling in the line "Ecological class" of passports is carried out by the customs authorities when issuing passports on the basis of the information contained in the OTTS, OTSH, certificates of conformity and Certificates.

The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology generates Information on the issued Vehicle Type Approvals, Chassis Type Approvals and Vehicle Design Safety Certificates (Appendix N 4) and at least once a month transfers them to the Main Directorate for Safety traffic Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Federal Customs Service for information and control purposes.

The Federal Accreditation Service, at the request of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and the Federal Customs Service, forms and transmits information on issued certificates of conformity through a system of interdepartmental electronic interaction.

Information is posted on official websites. federal agency on technical regulation and metrology, Federal Service for accreditation and the Federal Customs Service.

If the environmental class of the vehicle (chassis) does not comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles, passports are not issued.

71. The requirements of paragraph four of paragraph 70 of this Regulation do not apply to vehicles specified in subparagraphs 3 and 5 of paragraph 3 of the Technical Regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles, as well as those owned by individuals moving from foreign countries to the Russian Federation for permanent residence in accordance with with international agreements on the regulation of the resettlement process and the protection of the rights of settlers.

In the passports issued by the customs authorities, in the column "Ecological class" a dash is put, in the section "Special marks" information is entered on the documents confirming the possibility of classifying such vehicles as vehicles specified in the first paragraph of this clause.

Owners belonging to one of the categories of individuals defined in subparagraph 5 of paragraph 3 of the Technical Regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles, as well as individuals moving from foreign countries to the Russian Federation for permanent residence in accordance with international agreements on the regulation of the resettlement process and protection of the rights of migrants, passports for vehicles whose environmental class does not meet the requirements of the Technical Regulations on the safety of wheeled vehicles are issued by the customs authorities for only one vehicle.

72. The issued passport is recognized as invalid by the State traffic inspectorate at the place of registration of the vehicle if subsequently the documents on the basis of which this passport was issued are recognized as fake (false) or invalid (unreasonably issued).

In this case, the passport is subject to delivery to the specified division of the State traffic inspectorate. Undelivered passports are put on the wanted list.

... I get out of the wide trousers
a duplicate of a priceless cargo.
Read, envy, I am a citizen ....

The well-known poems of Mayakovsky successfully describe both the absolute pride and no less total dependence of the inhabitants of the USSR on this cherished red book. Today, the importance of the main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation has not diminished in any way, rather, on the contrary. We will tell you how and where to get a Russian and international passport and also what to do in case of their loss.

To whom and when is a passport issued

All citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 14 and reside in the territory of the Russian Federation are required to have a passport.

Passport validity:

  • from 14 years old - until reaching the age of 20;
  • from 20 years old - until reaching the age of 45;
  • from 45 years - indefinitely.

Upon reaching (with the exception of conscripted military personnel) the age of 20 and 45, the passport must be replaced. Passports are issued or replaced at the place of their residence at the end of the established period of military service by conscription for conscripted military servicemen.

Do not forget - documents and personal photographs for obtaining or replacing a passport must be submitted no later than 30 days after the occurrence of the following circumstances:

  • reaching the age of 14, 20, 45 years;
  • change of surname, name, patronymic, change of information about the date (day, month, year) and (or) place of birth;
  • sex change;
  • unsuitability of the passport for further use due to wear, damage or other reasons;
  • detection of inaccuracies or erroneous entries made in the passport.

How to get a Russian passport?

To obtain a passport, a citizen provides:

  1. Statement
  2. Birth certificate.
  3. Two personal photographs in black and white or color, 35 × 45 mm
  4. Documents evidencing citizenship of the Russian Federation (if it is required to confirm the citizenship of the person applying for a passport).
  5. Documents required for affixing mandatory marks in the passport (military ID, birth certificates for children under the age of 14, documents confirming registration at the place of residence).

To replace a passport, a citizen presents:

  1. Application for the issuance (replacement) of a passport in the form of N 1P.
  2. Two personal photographs in black and white or color, 35 × 45 mm in size;
  3. Documents confirming the grounds for replacing a passport:
    • upon reaching the age of 20 and 45 - a passport to be replaced;
    • when a citizen changes in the prescribed manner the last name, first name, patronymic, changes in information about the date (day, month, year) and / or place of birth - a passport to be replaced, a certificate of marriage registration, a certificate of divorce, a certificate of change of name, a second birth certificate;
    • if the passport is unsuitable for further use due to wear, damage or other reasons - the passport to be replaced;
    • upon detection of inaccuracies or erroneous entries made in the passport - the passport to be replaced;
    • when changing appearance - a passport to be replaced
  4. Documents required for stamping the passport (military ID, birth certificates for children under the age of 14, documents confirming registration at the place of residence, marriage registration certificate, divorce certificate).
  5. Receipt of payment of state duty.

Sizes of the state fee:

  • for the issuance and exchange of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - 100 rubles;
  • for the re-issuance of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation - 150 rubles;

Parents will be punished

If a teenager who has reached the age of 14 does not bother to get a passport on time, his parents or legal representatives will be responsible for this under part 2 of article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This is due to the fact that, in accordance with Article 2.3 of the RF Code, persons under the age of 16 are not subject to administrative liability.

Passport - old and new

Since 2006, Russia began maintaining new passports, which were designed to help Russian citizens in all cases when a person abroad needs to quickly identify his identity, for example, when obtaining a foreign visa. The issuance of new international passports brought Russia closer to establishing visa-free regime with those countries that develop similar passportization programs.

The new Russian international passport practically does not differ from the old-style passport, except that its title page is made in the form of a plastic page and is slightly thicker than usual.

Passport information and a photograph of the passport holder are applied to it, and the electronic chip inside this page at this stage will only duplicate graphic passport data and contain a digital photo of a person.

The new passports will operate on a par with the old ones. The terms of their replacement are not limited. The exchange will be carried out in stages, during the period that is necessary to make a gradual replacement of passports for everyone. The validity of a new passport is 5 years.

We collect documents for a passport

To obtain a new generation passport, a citizen of the Russian Federation applies personally and submits the following documents:

  • an application for issuing a new generation passport of the established form in two copies, certified at the last place of work or study (filled out on a computer and printed out);
  • the main identity document of the applicant (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  • receipt of payment in any branch of Sberbank of the state fee "for the issuance of a new generation passport" in the amount of 1 thousand rubles;
  • Males aged 18 to 27 years old provide a military ID with a mark on the completion of military service by conscription or with a mark "limited fit for military service", or a corresponding certificate from the military commissariat at the place of residence.
  • Information about labor activity specified in the application is certified by the heads of organizations or their personnel departments at the main place of work, service or study of the applicant.
  • To verify the accuracy of information about labor activity, they may require the presentation of a document confirming labor activity. Citizens who are not working at the time of application submit a work book.
    If available in labor, service or learning activities citizen breaks, the application indicates the period of the break and the place of residence of the applicant at this time.

The information provided in the application must be complete. Error correction not allowed by strikethrough and with the help corrective means.

Military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as federal executive bodies in which military service is provided, with the exception of persons undergoing military service on conscription, in accordance with Article 19 of the Federal Law, an application for issuing a passport of a new generation shall additionally attach permission from the command, drawn up in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Children's foreign passport

A minor citizen from the date of his birth and until reaching the age of 18 is issued a passport upon a written application of at least one of the parents or other legal representatives with the provision of the following documents:

For a child under the age of 14:

  • statements
  • the main document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) proving the identity of the applicant;
  • the birth certificate of the child and its copy, as well as a document confirming that the child born before July 1, 2002 has citizenship of the Russian Federation, and its copy;
  • receipt of payment in any branch of Sberbank of the state fee "for the issuance of a new generation passport" in the amount of 500 rubles.

For a child aged 14 to 18

  • applications for the issuance of a new generation passport for a child under 18 years of age, in the established form, in one copy;
  • the main document (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation) proving the identity of the applicant;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation of the child;
  • birth certificate of the child (and its copies);
  • receipt of payment in any branch of Sberbank of the state fee "for the issuance of a new generation passport" in the amount of 1 thousand rubles.

The presence of the child when submitting the application is mandatory, for his photograph.

When applying for a new generation passport for residence in another state, a child who has reached the age of 14 is additionally submitted an application from a child aged 14 to 18 years about his consent to leave from Russia together with parents or with one of them, duly certified.

Where and when

  • Schedule for accepting applications and issuing foreign passports in Krasnoyarsk and regions of the region
  • You can check the readiness of foreign passports of a new sample.

Lost my passport! What to do?

If you lose your passport (both Russian and foreign), you must immediately contact the department of the FMS of Russia at the place of residence and provide:

  • A written statement indicating where, when and under what circumstances the passport was lost.
  • Application for the issuance (replacement) of a passport in the form of N 1P.
  • Four personal photographs of the established sample.
  • Receipt of payment of state duty.

If you lose your passport in a foreign country, you need to contact the Russian consulate, which will issue the necessary certificate.

Who can confiscate a passport

The passport is confiscated in strictly established cases, described in the Regulation on the Passport of a Citizen of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 8, 1997 N 828.

  • If the citizenship of the Russian Federation has ceased from the owner of the passport, the passport is voluntarily surrendered to the territorial bodies of the Federal Migration Service or confiscated by them.
  • If the passport holder has died, the identity card is handed over to the registry office.
  • The passport of a person taken into custody or sentenced to deprivation of liberty is temporarily withdrawn. In this case, only the preliminary investigation authorities or the court have the right to seize the passport. The document is attached to a personal file, and when a citizen is released from custody or served a sentence of imprisonment, it is returned to the owner.
  • Any found passport is subject to surrender to the territorial bodies of the FMS or to the internal affairs bodies.

If the above situations occurred on the territory of the Russian Federation, then the passport is handed over to the indicated authorities at the place of residence or at the place of stay.

If you are outside the Russian Federation, then in these situations, the passport is handed over to a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation for its subsequent sending to the appropriate territorial body of the FMS in the territory of the Russian Federation.

In all other cases, the seizure of a citizen's passport is prohibited. No official has the right to take your passport away from you, except in the cases listed above. If the illegal seizure of a passport (and it is fined slightly, from 100 to 300 rubles) entailed consequences, for example, a citizen could not perform some actions that cannot be done without a passport, then, depending on the consequences, you can sue the culprit for compensation.

You can not leave a passport as a pledge and accept it as a pledge. Administrative punishment for accepting a passport as a pledge - from a warning to a fine of 100 rubles (clause 2 of article 19.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

Life without a passport

There are a number of documents that are an alternative identity card. These include:

  • Seafarer's passport;
  • Birth certificate (for persons under 14 years of age);
  • Identity card of a serviceman of the Russian Federation;
  • Military ID;
  • Temporary identity card of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • Passport of a foreign citizen (national passport or national foreign passport) or other document established federal law or recognized in accordance with an international treaty of the Russian Federation as a document proving the identity of a foreign citizen - for foreign citizens if they permanently reside on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • A residence permit in the Russian Federation is a document proving the identity of a stateless person, confirming his right to permanent residence in the Russian Federation.

According to article 19.15. of the Code of Administrative Offenses, it is illegal to live at the place of residence or stay without having any identity card or registration where you live. For this, you can be fined in the amount of 1.5 thousand to 2.5 thousand rubles.