Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in Grodno. Lithuania Visa Application Center in Grodno - visa opening

Created on 2014.08.27 / Updated: 2017.06.02 09:41

  • Introduction of the Visa Information System (VIS) in Belarus
    From June 23, 2015, it is planned to put into operation the Visa Information System (VIS) in all embassies and consular offices of the Schengen Agreement member states located on the territory of the Eastern Partnership countries, which include Belarus.

    The visa information system is intended for the exchange of visa data between the member states of the Schengen Agreement. The main objectives of the VIS are to facilitate control at external borders and increase security, including for applicants.

    The visa information system of the VIS of the member states of the Schengen Agreement was created on October 11, 2011. Since then, the visa departments of all the embassies of the Schengen Agreement member states have been gradually connected to it, i.e. all consular missions and checkpoints at the borders of the Schengen area are connected to the central VIS database.

    The introduction of VIS is accompanied by the mandatory provision of biometric data (fingerprints and biometric photography) by all applicants over the age of 12 years.

    In connection with the use of VIS, there are following changes:

    - From June 23, 2015, when applying for a visa for the first time, the PERSONAL APPEARANCE of ALL APPLICANTS who have reached the age of 12 years is required for the collection of biometric data(fingerprints of all fingers and photo).
    - Once the fingerprints are received, they are kept by the VIS for 59 months and can be reused for new visa applications. Thus, the need for the personal appearance of the applicant may disappear within five years from the date of the last fingerprinting procedure, even if this procedure was carried out in the representation of another member state of the Schengen Agreement. In that case, in visa application To you it is mandatory to indicate the date of the last fingerprinting.
    - Through access to the VIS database, border authorities are able to verify the identity of every citizen, in

Information on obtaining Schengen visas at the consulate of the Republic of Lithuania:

  • Types of visas
    Visas can be of the following types:
    - Schengen visa;
    - national visa.

    Schengen visa

    1. A Schengen visa is issued to a foreign person who has a valid travel document if he/she:
    - the validity period is at least 3 months longer than the validity period of the requested visa;
    - the presence in the passport of two blank pages with the mark "visa";
    - Passport issued within the last 10 years.
    2. An alien holding a valid Schengen visa may enter the Republic of Lithuania and stay there for the period specified in the visa, if the conditions for arrival in the Schengen state set out in Article 5 of the Schengen Borders Code are met.
    3. Schengen visas can be single, double and multiple.

    Schengen visas can be of the following types:
    - airport transit (A);
    - short-term (C).

    Airport transit visa(A)

    1. An airport transit visa entitles foreign persons to cross the international transit zone of airports without actually arriving at the national territory of the country during a stopover at the intermediate points of an international flight or transfer between two stages of a flight.
    2. Citizens of the states included in the list specified in Appendix 3 of the General Advisory Instructions for Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices of the States that have signed the Schengen Convention 2005/C 326/01 dated December 22, 2005 (hereinafter referred to as the General Consular Instructions), or persons who who are not citizens of these states, but have travel documents issued by the competent authorities of these states, must have an airport transit visa.

    Short stay visa (C)

    1. A foreign person holding a short-stay visa may arrive and stay for the time specified in the visa, but not more than 3 months within six months from the first day of arrival in the Schengen area.
    2. For transit through the Schengen countries, a short-stay visa (C) will be issued marked "transit".

    National visa (D)

    1. An alien holding a national visa may enter the Republic of Lithuania and stay there for more than 3 months, but not more than 12 months.
    2. A foreign person who has a national visa can move freely in other Schengen countries and stay up to 90 days within 6 months.
    3. The national visa can be single and multiple.
    4. Single entry national visa issued to an alien who is allowed to temporarily or permanently reside in the Republic of Lithuania.
    5. A foreign person who has a work permit in Lithuania (issued by the Labor Exchange) or accepted for full-time study at a Lithuanian university is issued a multiple-entry national visa valid for up to 12 months.

    Visa type "D" is not extended. Further stay in the Republic of Lithuania is possible only with a valid residence permit. Documents for obtaining a residence permit must be submitted in advance, as the relevant applications are considered for up to six months.

    6. More detailed information about national visas and residence permits in the Republic of Lithuania can be found on the website of the Migration Department under the Ministry of the Interior at

  • Documents required for applying for a visa
    Schengen visa
    - Tourism/Other private visits
    - Business/work trip
    - Visiting close relatives/family members
    - Cultural or sporting events
    - Treatment
    - Transit

    National (long-term) visa type "d"

  • Visa Information for Minors
    To obtain a Schengen visa, minors must provide the original written consent of parents or guardians, notarized or in the ZhES "e, and a copy of it.

    Citizens of the Republic of Belarus, as well as Foreign citizens and stateless persons, under the age of eighteen, can leave the Republic of Belarus only with the written consent of their legal representatives (parents, guardians) or accompanied by them, as well as in the case of a permissive court sanction. If the parents or guardians already have a visa, the Consulate must provide copies of these visas.

  • Consular fee for issuing visas
    Consular fee for issuing Schengen visas charged in EUR only and for citizens of the Republic of Belarus is 60 euros.

    When applying for a visa, the consular fee is not charged from the following categories of citizens:

    Children under the age of 12;
    - family members of citizens European Union, including family members of citizens of the Republic of Lithuania;
    - schoolchildren, students and accompanying teachers or lecturers traveling for study or educational purposes - upon presentation of documents confirming this;
    - researchers - third-country nationals traveling for the purpose of carrying out scientific research, within the meaning of Recommendation 2005/71/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 28 September 2005;
    - representatives of non-profit organizations under the age of 25 who participate in seminars, conferences, sports, cultural or educational events organized by non-profit organizations;
    - holders of diplomatic and service passports;
    - persons traveling to visit a seriously ill close relative or family member or to attend the funeral of a close relative or family member upon presentation of documents confirming this;
    - persons of Lithuanian origin, upon presentation of documents confirming this;
    - citizens of the Republic of Belarus applying for a national visa type "D";
    - persons who have retained the right to Lithuanian citizenship upon presentation of documents confirming this.

    If the visa application is rejected, the consular fee of 60 euros cannot be refunded, as it is a reimbursement of the cost of the administrative procedure and is paid regardless of the decision taken on the application.

  • Rejection of a visa application
    When refusal to issue a visa the applicant is notified of this in writing, indicating the reasons for the decision.

    The decision to reject the visa application may be appealed in accordance with the procedure established by the Law on Proceedings in Administrative Cases of the Republic of Lithuania through the Vilnius District Administrative Court within 14 days from the date of delivery of the decision.

    Zygimanų g. 2, LT-01102 Vilnius

    Stamp in the passport of the applicant is used for official purposes and means that the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania has processed the visa application.

    This stamp does not affect subsequent visa applications when applying to the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania or the Embassies of other Schengen member states.

  • List of travel companies and agencies accredited by the consulate of the Republic of Lithuania
    You can see the entire list of travel agencies and agencies accredited by the consulate of the Republic of Lithuania.
    In connection with the change in the agreement on representation of the Hellenic Republic for the purpose of issuing Schengen visas, from May 18, 2015, the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in Grodno accepts documents for obtaining a Schengen visa for a trip to Greece only from members of official delegations and holders of diplomatic and service passports.

    For all questions about obtaining a Schengen visa for a trip to Greece, we recommend that you contact the Consulate General of Greece in Moscow or Visa Center Greece in Minsk.


    Required documents

    All documents must be presented in original. Copies of documents, the originals of which are subject to return (namely, passport, insurance, tickets, certified invitation), must also be carried with you, making copies at the visa department is not possible. Only complete sets of documents may be accepted. Each applicant submits his own separate full package of documents.

    An agreed list of documents required for Belarusian applicants to obtain a Schengen visa is attached below. For greater clarity and better orientation, you can also use the following list:

    Passport, the validity of which must exceed the validity of the visa by at least 90 days (original and photocopy of date pages and previous Schengen visas) and which must not be older than 10 years and has at least 2 free visa pages.

    Questionnaire, filled out completely in Latin capital letters, with 1 passport photo pasted.

    Document confirming the purpose of the trip (original and photocopy):
    - business trips - an invitation certified by the Police for Foreigners of the Czech Republic + a letter from the inviting party and a letter from the sending organization. In the case of multiple trips, an agreement or contract on cooperation with a Czech organization is provided. Documents must contain information about the exact purpose of the trip, information about the place of stay (hotel, address, telephone) and who pays the costs associated with accommodation;
    - organized tourism - a fully paid voucher issued by a travel agency;
    - individual tourism - voucher / hotel booking (on letterhead with contacts and bank details of the hotel, with a stamp and signature of the person in charge at the hotel). We warn that the cancellation of the reservation will lead to the cancellation of the visa! Booking confirmations by email via,, etc. NOT ACCEPTED).
    - guest trips (visiting relatives and friends) - the original and a photocopy of the invitation certified by the Police for Foreigners of the Czech Republic;
    - international conferences, seminars, symposiums, cultural and sports events - the applicant encloses an invitation from the organizer and an official letter from the sending organization (note of the ministry, sports association, enterprise, etc.). Documents must contain proof of financial support and exact dates trips.
    - business trips of persons who are members of a Czech legal entity - extract from the trade register (original or certified copy)
    - property owner - extract from the real estate catalog (original or certified copy)

    Medical insurance valid in the Schengen area for the duration of the trip + 15 days (with a corridor of 15 days), with an insurance amount of at least 30,000 euros. For a multiple entry visa, it is necessary to additionally sign an insurance obligation on the fourth page of the Questionnaire.

    Proof of availability of funds - proof of work with salary information for the last 3 months; or bank statement (min. 45 EUR/day of stay up to 30 days, 1.700 EUR for stays of 60 days, 1.850 EUR for stays up to 90 days, 3.500 EUR for an annual visa).

    Document confirming the provision of accommodation during the stay in the territory of the Czech Republic. (voucher from a travel company, official hotel reservation, host's application for accommodation).

    Confirmation of booking plane / train / bus tickets (round-trip), or driver's license for the car + registration certificate of the car.

    Other documents for certain categories of applicants

    Children under 18 years old - a copy of a Schengen visa or a notarized consent of a parent not participating in the trip with information about the duration of the trip and the place of stay abroad, the name and surname of the accompanying person;
    - Students - confirmation from the university. If necessary, a certificate from the work of one of the parents indicating the salary for the last 6 months + sponsorship letter;
    - Unemployed and housewives - certificate from the last place of work with information on earnings and position, original and copy of the work book and the same documents from the person sponsoring the stay in the CR, including a sponsorship letter with a certified sponsor's signature;
    - Pensioners - a copy of the pension book;
    - Entrepreneurs - original and photocopy of registration, certificate of income and payment of taxes for the last 6-12 months;
    - Bus and freight drivers - driver's license + technical certificate; transportation license of the employer company; a letter from the employer stating that the applicant works for him, indicating the salary and with a request to open a visa for the applicant; a copy of the work book, the employer's contract with the Czech partner. When applying for a multiple-entry visa, you must attach a list of trips on the last Schengen visa

    All documents or their copies attached to the visa application remain at the consulate.

    Each application is considered on an individual basis. The consulate may request other additional documents. The applicant may be called for a personal interview. Fulfillment of all conditions does not give the legal right to grant a visa.

    The Consulate reserves the right to request additional documents.

    Attention: As a rule, the consulate does not accept scanned copies of documents or confirmations sent by e-mail.

  • Appendix
  • Photo Requirements
    Photo requirements you can.
  • Joint memo of the member states of the Schengen agreement on documents for issuing short-stay visas
    BELARUS - List of supporting documents provided by applicants for obtaining short-stay visas

According to the principles governing competences under the Convention on the Application of the Schengen Agreement, the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in Grodno accepts an application for a Schengen visa for consideration only when:

  • The Republic of Lithuania is the main purpose of the trip.
  • In case of intention to visit several member states of the Schengen Agreement, it is planned to stay in the Republic of Lithuania mainly.
  • It is impossible to unequivocally determine the country of the main residence and entry into the Schengen area will be through the Republic of Lithuania.

If the applicant has never been to Lithuania or one of the countries of the Schengen area and applies for a Schengen visa for the first time at the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in Grodno, he can only apply for a single short-stay visa.

Documents of citizens of the Republic of Belarus and citizens of other states who have a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus are accepted for issuing a visa.

Applicants who do not have Belarusian citizenship must additionally present a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus and a copy of it.

Reception of documents for issuing a visa is carried out by appointment.

Documents for obtaining a visa can be accepted for consideration no earlier than three months before the intended trip.

A decision on an admissible application is made within 5 working days from the date of its submission.

IN special occasions, in particular, when a more detailed study of the application is necessary or additional documents are required, the period may be extended from 30 to 60 calendar days.

An applicant applying for a Schengen visa without an invitation certified by the Migration Service of the Republic of Lithuania must confirm the availability of funds at the rate of 40 euros for each day of stay in Lithuania (traveler's checks and their copies or an account statement on an international bank card).

The possession of a visa does not in itself confer an automatic right of entry.
The presence of a visa is only one of the conditions required for entry into the European territory of the Schengen Agreement member states. When entering the European territory of the Schengen Agreement member states, the presence of the necessary prerequisites is checked again.


  • List of states whose citizens enter the Republic of Lithuania without a visa
  • The text of the interim agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on mutual trips of citizens (to be applied from 21.12.2007)

Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania 220088 Minsk, st. Zakharova 68
Visa department: tel: (+375 17) 285 24 49
fax machine: (+375 17) 285 31 74
Ambassador's Reception: tel. (+375 17) 217 ​​64 91
fax machine: (+375 17) 285 33 37
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Visa Application Center of the Republic of LithuaniaMinsk, st. Zheleznodorozhnaya 33

Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in GrodnoConsular department Grodno, st. Gorky, 104

Tel.: (+375 15) 2485 635
fax machine: (+375 15) 2480130
Email: [email protected]
Pre-registration of visitors (individuals) for obtaining a Lithuanian visa is carried out from Monday to Thursday from 10:00 to 13:00 or on the website

Visa to Lithuania

Single Tourist (impersonal submission)

multiple business

Multiple and single tourist (personal filing)

Single Entry Visa to Lithuania (impersonal submission)

A one-time Lithuanian visa upon registration requires a standard package of documents. Below is a detailed list:

1. Passport (not older than 10 years), the validity of which is 3 months longer than the validity of the requested visa, with at least two free visa pages;

3. Medical insurance policy (can be issued with us)

5. Visa fee: 20 euros (at the exchange rate in Belarusian rubles on the day of payment).

5. Consular fee: 60 euros (at the exchange rate of Belarusian rubles on the day of payment).

Service cost:

  • up to 7 days - 79, 00 white rub. (790,000) Bel. rub.
  • up to 14 days - 89,00 bel rub. (890,000) white rub .

You can check the deadlines for submitting documents with our specialists.

Registration at the Lithuanian Embassy

Our company offers such a service as booking coupons in Lithuanian embassy. You will not need to waste time and effort trying to get coupons on your own - the specialists of our company will do everything for you. You are only required to name the required date on which you want to visit the Lithuanian embassy. The service of registration at the Lithuanian embassy can be implemented both separately and in combination - along with the full processing of a Schengen visa for you.

To receive a ticket from you, you need the name and surname as in the passport, the passport number.

Ticket price - 22 Bel. rub. (220,000) Bel. rub.

Lithuanian Business Multiple Entry Visa

A visa is issued at the Lithuanian Consulate with a personal submission.

Documents required for applying to the Lithuanian Consulate for a business visa:

2. One photo 3.5×4.5 cm on a white background, 70-80% of the face (the photo should not be older than 3 months);

3. Original or photocopy of the company registration certificate;

4. Contract with the Lithuanian side signed by the head of the enterprise at your place of work and certified by the seal of the enterprise;

5. For individual entrepreneurs - a certificate of payment of taxes;

6. Application from the organization indicating the salary;

7. Medical insurance (can be purchased from us);

8. An additional consular fee of 60 euros is paid when submitting documents

Service cost: 130.00 BYR (1,300,000) Bel. rub.

You can check the deadlines for submitting documents to the consulate with our specialists

Multiple tourist visa to Lithuania (personal submission)

The main criterion for obtaining a multiple-entry Lithuanian visa is the presence of Schengen visas for the last 3 years (preferably Lithuanian)

Required documents:

1. Passport (not older than 10 years), the validity of which is 3 months longer than the requested visa, with at least two free visa pages;

2. One photo 3.5×4.5 cm on a white background, 70-80% of the face (the photo must not be older than 6 months);

3. Help about wages for 6 months;

4. Extract from cards. accounts with movement for 3 months;

5. Medical insurance policy (can be issued with us);

6. Consular fee: 60 € when submitting documents to the Embassy;

The cost of the service when applying through the Embassy

Going to Lithuania for the weekend is a common thing for residents of the Grodno region. Someone prefers to go to the Belarusian capital, and someone likes the Lithuanian Vilnius. However, there is nothing unusual in this; residents of many border regions like to go “abroad”. But for such trips, of course, you need a visa. Where and how to get it in Grodno, we will now tell.

What is an embassy

World politics is arranged in such a way that states cannot live in complete isolation from each other. That is why individual countries establish diplomatic relations with each other. The heads of state are not able to go on an official visit to another country on every issue, so an embassy is located on the territory of a foreign state. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary has the right to resolve issues related to foreign and domestic policy, economic and other relations.

In addition, the embassy also has a consular department, whose employees deal with citizens' issues: issuing passports, powers of attorney and other official documents, as well as visa permits.

There can be only one embassy of a foreign state in another country, and according to international agreements, the embassy is always located in the capital.

Lithuanian Embassy in Grodno

According to international rules, there can be only one embassy of a foreign state in the territory of another country. This rule also applies to the Lithuanian Embassy in Belarus. - the only one on the territory of the Republic of Belarus is located in Minsk. There is no Lithuanian embassy in Grodno, never was and cannot be.

Official diplomatic mission The Republic of Lithuania, once again, is located in the capital of Belarus, in the city of Minsk.

What is the difference between an embassy and a consulate

People often confuse two concepts: embassy and consulate. Let's finally dot the "and" and analyze what is the difference between an embassy and a consulate. An embassy is an institution that officially represents one state on the territory of another. The authorized representative of the embassy, ​​the ambassador, represents the interests of the state in a number of important political issues.

But Belarusians, of course, are mostly concerned about another question: Does the embassy issue visas? Yes, it does. And to resolve this issue, there is a consular department at the embassy, ​​whose employees process visa applications.

As for the consulate, things are different here. The consulate is just a subdivision of the embassy, ​​which can simply function independently. There may be several consular offices, unlike the embassy. What is the reason for this? Necessity. For example, most often Belarusians apply for a Polish visa, so there are two consulates of the Republic of Poland on the territory of Belarus. Things are a little different with Lithuanian visas, so the Republic of Lithuania has limited itself to only one consulate on the territory of our country.

Can there be no consulates at all? Yes, definitely. In some cases, there is simply no need for such institutions.

Does the consulate issue visas? Yes, sure. This is the immediate task of this institution. However, only citizens who territorially reside in the area of ​​activity of the consulate can apply to a particular consulate.

Lithuanian Consulate in Grodno

As already noted, one operates on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, which is located in the city of Grodno. Grodno was not chosen by chance. It is the inhabitants of this territory (the city itself and the region as a whole) that most often apply for a Lithuanian visa. Only citizens who, according to official documents, live within the Grodno region, have the right to apply to the Grodno consulate. What do you mean by "officially"? If you are registered in the Grodno region, i.e. You can permanently reside in any other city in the country, but registration must be in Grodno.

Can an applicant with a residence permit in Grodno, permanently residing in Minsk, apply for a visa at the Embassy of Lithuania? NO! Your application will not be accepted!

Where else can you apply for a visa

Well, with the territorial strictness of applications for visas sorted out. But making an appointment with a Lithuanian embassy or consulate is not always easy. How to be in such a case? Where else can you apply for a visa?

Residents of Grodno, in addition to the General Lithuanian Consulate, can apply for a visa at, which has been accepting visitors since 2015. You will have to pay for the services of the visa center, because. in essence, the visa center is only an intermediary between the applicant and the Consulate General, but it is much easier to get an appointment here.

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On December 20, 2007, Lithuania joined the Schengen area. From now on, a Schengen visa is required to visit the country, which can be obtained at the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Minsk or the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania in Grodno.

The Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Minsk accepts applications for a Schengen visa only when:
1) The Republic of Lithuania is the main purpose of the trip.
2) In case of intention to visit several member states of the Schengen Agreement, it is planned to stay in the Republic of Lithuania mainly.
3) It is impossible to unequivocally determine the country of the main residence and entry into the Schengen area will be through the Republic of Lithuania.

If the applicant has never been to Lithuania or one of the countries of the Schengen area and applies for a Schengen visa for the first time at the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania, he can only apply for a single short-stay visa.

Documents of citizens of the Republic of Belarus and citizens of other states who have a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus are accepted for issuing a visa. Applicants who do not have Belarusian citizenship must additionally present a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus and a copy of it.

The Embassy of Lithuania in Minsk serves all citizens of the Republic of Belarus with the exception of the Brest and Grodno regions (residents of these regions can apply for a visa at the Lithuanian Consulate in Grodno).

Visas are of the following types: Schengen and national.

Can be single, double or multiple. As well as airport transit (when you cross the international transit zone of airports without actually arriving on the territory of Lithuania during a stopover at intermediate points of an international flight or transfer between two stages of a flight) and short-term (this type gives the right to arrive and stay during the time specified in the visa, but not more than 3 months within six months from the first day of arrival in the Schengen area). For transit through the Schengen countries, a short-stay visa (C) marked "transit" will be issued.

National visa gives the right to stay in Lithuania for more than 3 months. However, it is issued to an alien who is allowed to temporarily or permanently reside in the Republic of Lithuania, or to an alien who periodically arrives in the Republic of Lithuania to work or engage in other legal activities.

To visit Lithuania for tourism purposes, a single short-term visa is issued for a stay of up to 30 days. When applying for a Schengen visa, you must provide the following documents:

1. Fill out the questionnaire (personally traveling, responsible for the correctness of the information provided). The questionnaire can be found on the website of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Republic of Belarus -

2. Valid international passport with free visa pages: the passport must be valid 3 months after the expiration of the visa, have two blank pages marked “visa” and have been issued within the last 10 years.

3. A document confirming the purpose of the trip to the Republic of Lithuania (invitation, natural or legal person, certified migration service Republic of Lithuania, except for cases when this invitation is not required, or if another document confirming the purpose of the trip is presented). If there is no invitation, then you must provide traveler's checks and their copies at the rate of 40 euros for one day of stay in Lithuania, or a bank statement (no later than five days ago, certified by the bank's seal), confirming the availability of funds on an international bank card Visa, Mastercard , Maestro, etc.

4. Salary certificate for the last six months. Individual entrepreneurs present a registration certificate and its copy. Pensioners present a pension certificate and a copy of it. Officially not working persons - documents confirming the availability of funds.

5. One color photo corresponding to the age of the applicant (35x45 mm, 70% of the photo is the face);

6. Health insurance against an accident, which can be done in an insurance company or with insurance agents working directly at the embassy.

7. Consular fee: the cost of a Schengen visa is 60 euros. The consular fee is charged for the consideration of documents (and not for the issuance of a visa). If a decision is made to refuse to issue a visa, the paid consular fee is not refundable.

Documents for a visa are considered within 10 working days.

Before going to the embassy, ​​you must first register. This can be done on the website

You can arrange all the documents for obtaining a visa yourself and give them to the embassy. Or contact travel agencies for visa support, but having paid for its services.

Embassy address Republic of Lithuania in the Republic of Belarus: st. Zakharova, 68, Minsk.
Working hours: Mon-Thu - 9.00 - 18.00, Fri - 9.00 - 17.00. Lunch break: 13.00 - 14.00.
Monday-Friday 9.00 - 13.00.
Issuance of passports: Monday-Thursday 16.00 - 17.00, Friday - 15.00 - 16.00.
Phone:+375 17 285 24 49, +375 17 285 24 48 (these numbers provide detailed information on visa issues). Fax: +375 17 285 31 74.
Email: [email protected]
Embassy website Republic of Lithuania in the Republic of Belarus:

Consulate General Address
Republic of Lithuania in Grodno: st. Gorky 104.
Working hours: Mon-Thu - 08.30-17.30, Fri - 08.30-16.15.
Pre-entry visitors to obtain visas: Mon-Thu - 14.00-15.00, Fri - 13.00-14.00 or on the website
Acceptance of documents for obtaining visas: Mon-Fri - 9.30 - 12.00.
Issuance of passports: Mon-Thu - 15.00-16.00, Fri - 14.00-15.00.
The embassy is closed on public holidays in Lithuania.
Phone:+375 15 2485 635. Fax: +375 15 2480 130.
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Consulate website Republic of Lithuania in Grodno:

Also useful information for you will be recommendations on.

In Grodno, as in many other cities of Belarus, a Lithuanian visa center has been opened.

Visa center address and contact information

The Lithuanian Visa Application Center in Grodno is located on the street. Gorky, 89. All information that may be of interest to potential clients of the institution is available to them on the official website.

An important point: there is only one official Internet resource representing the interests of the Lithuanian Visa Application Center. You can not trust all the sites that are issued by popular search engines when requested.

In addition to the site, which is available to users around the clock, you can get the necessary information by calling +375 17 388-02-82, calls are accepted on weekdays, from 9 am to 5 pm. An employee of the institution will give comprehensive answers to all questions, and official registration of applicants is also carried out by phone.

230000, Grodno, st. Gorky 87b

Acceptance of documents:

Issuance of passports: 09:00-17:00 (Monday-Friday, except public holidays)

Call center: 09:00-17:00 (Monday-Friday, except public holidays)

Submission of documents to the visa center

For registration at the Lithuanian Visa Application Center in Grodno, you must submit:

  • a valid passport with blank pages for a new visa, copies of pages from previous visas;
  • photographs of the questionnaire type;
  • medical insurance policy;
  • documents confirming the type of activity of the applicant, as well as the availability of financial resources necessary for the trip (for employed citizens);
  • bank statements, traveler's checks, other financial documents confirming solvency (for non-working citizens);
  • certificate from the place of study (for students);
  • documents confirming the purpose of the trip to Lithuania (travel agency voucher, hotel or ticket reservation, etc.).

Additional service and cost of services

If necessary, the Lithuanian Visa Application Center in Grodno will provide additional services to its clients. For a very modest fee, the applicant will be provided with:

  • filling out the questionnaire (including its electronic version);
  • registration of medical insurance;
  • provision of photo booth services;
  • taking biometric data (fingerprints);
  • prompt delivery of the passport by courier service.

Payment for services is made only in national Belarusian currency. The service fee will cost the applicant the equivalent of 18 or 20 euros (depending on whether there is a need to provide biometric data). Consular services are paid separately, the cost of which is the equivalent of 60 euros.

You can track information regarding the readiness of a visa on the official website, or by calling the specified phone number. To do this, you must specify a unique code that is issued to each person who filled out the questionnaire.

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