Photos of old Russa look into the past. Staraya Russa

2. It has been experimentally proven that on clean human skin in 10 minutes. 85% of pathogenic bacteria die, and only 5% on a dirty one.


a) What is the reason for the death of bacteria?

b) what hygienic conclusion follows from this fact?

Explanation of hygiene requirements

1-a): Only healthy clean skin can perform its functions normally. Proper Care behind the skin prevents its diseases and premature aging (decrease in elasticity, the formation of wrinkles and folds, color deterioration). You should wash your face with water at room temperature, as hot water reduces elasticity, makes it flabby, and cold disrupts the normal outflow of secretions of the sebaceous glands, contributes to blockage of their excretory ducts and the formation of acne.

1-b); When the integrity of the skin is broken, bacteria enter the wound. But it is not necessary to disinfect the wound with iodine, since living skin cells - keratinocytes are very sensitive to iodine. Therefore, it is recommended to treat only the edges of the wound with iodine.

1-c): In adolescence and youth, sweating increases. Sweat often acquires an unpleasant odor over time. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly wash the armpits with soap, without postponing this procedure until the weekly bathing.

Irregular washing of feet, a rare change of stockings and socks contribute to sweating of the feet and the appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor. With constant hydration and irritation, the epidermis then loosens and can be damaged, scuffs and cracks appear, through which pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the dermis.

1-d): Underwear should allow easy air change under clothing. The air adjacent to the body contains carbon dioxide, the evaporation of the waste products of the sebaceous and sweat glands. Good breathability and hygroscopicity of underwear promotes gas exchange, removal of excess harmful vapors, maintaining a constant body temperature. Regular change of cotton underwear promotes skin respiration and good condition of the skin.

1-e): Shoes should always be dry, clean and not tight. Winter shoes should be warm, as cold feet contribute to the occurrence of colds. Tight shoes squeeze the leg, deform the foot, and increase the tendency of the skin to sweat. If the shoes have rubber soles, put a felt pad in them and make sure that they are not wet.

1st): The appearance of a person depends largely on the quality of the hair. Healthy hair is soft and plastic, has a shine. The main way to take care of your hair is to wash it regularly. Dry hair is washed after 10 days, and oily hair is washed once a week, more often if necessary. But frequent shampooing is not recommended, while the hair becomes dry and brittle. Hair growth is adversely affected by hypothermia of the scalp: when walking with an uncovered head in cold weather, a narrowing of the superficial blood vessels occurs. And this disrupts the nutrition of the hair.

With irregular cutting of nails, a huge number of pathogens accumulate under them. Therefore, the nails must be carefully trimmed, observing the rules of hygiene. Fingernails should be cut in a semicircle, and toenails should be cut straight without rounding the corners. Otherwise, the nails may cut their edges into the nail bed and have to be removed.

1-g): Fashion and customs often dictate such styles of clothing and footwear that do not meet hygiene requirements at all. Although they provide an opportunity to somehow stand out from the environment of others, to attract attention. So, for girls, high-heeled shoes are harmful, since the wrong position of the foot resting on the fingers leads to its deformation, reduces the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsupport and body stability. In such shoes, it is easy to twist the leg, stretch the ligaments.

2-a): The bactericidal properties of dirty skin are sharply reduced, they are almost a 17 times lower than that of clean skin. Only clean skin is able to release a special substance - "antibiotic" (lysozyme).

2-b): You should wash your hands, face, neck and feet with soap every morning and evening, A during the day - before eating and after going to the toilet, as well as after communicating with animals. Every time after washing, the hands must be wiped dry, otherwise cracks appear on the skin. Microbes get into them and the cracks turn red - the so-called "chicks" are formed.

VII. Search problem solution.

Data The reasons

A. Coloring of the skin different people different shade and color. Sunburn occurs after exposure to the sun.

B. Thin people freeze faster than fat people.

AT. Special exercises you can "achieve" more expressiveness of the face.

D. At the sight of a dog, the cat's fur is ruffled. When we are cold or scared, our hair stands on end.

D. Examine the fingertips and the capillary lines on them. This is where most of the receptors in the hand are located.

E. After the bath, "breathing easier."

G. Increased sweating reduces the load on the kidneys.

1. Mimic muscles give the face liveliness and expressiveness. By contracting, they form skin folds that determine the facial expression.

2. The skin is involved in gas exchange. Skin respiration accounts for approximately 2% of the total GVDOObmsna. Air enters the cavity of the sweat gland tube.

3. The function of the kidneys is partially performed by the skin. Sweat contains 98% water, 1% dissolved salt, 1% organic matter. Sweat is similar in composition to urine, but less concentrated.

4. There is a tiny muscle at the root of the hair, the contraction of which raises the hair. This is a vestige of those muscles that "puff up" the fur of a frightened or hypothermic animal. A person in such cases is covered with goose bumps.

5. Skin color is determined by the amount of coloring pigment - melanin. With gradual exposure to ultraviolet rays, the amount of melanin increases.

6. The subcutaneous fat layer protects from cooling.

7. There are more receptors on the fingertips than on the palms. They are located in the recesses of the grooves formed by the capillary lines. Objects are usually felt with fingertips, their patterns are individual for each person and therefore are used in forensic medicine.

Correct answers: A - 5; B - 6; IN 1; G - 4; D 7; E - 2; J - 3.

VIII. To consolidate the material, the following programmed work is proposed.

Question 1. What are the functions of the skin?

Answer: a) protective, maintaining the constancy of the composition of the internal environment of the body; b) protective, excretory, respiration, thermoregulation, receptor; c) protective, receptor, secretory, integumentary; d) protective, receptor, thermoregulation.

Question 2. What is the structure of the skin?

Answer: a) cuticle, skin itself, receptors, sebaceous and sweat glands, hair, nails; b) cuticle, skin proper (receptors, sebaceous and sweat glands, hair bags), subcutaneous fatty tissue, hair, nails; d) cuticle, subcutaneous fat, hair, nails.

Question 3. What signs of the skin indicate that our ancestors were mammals?

Answer: a) the presence of hair, nails, receptors, b) sweat and sebaceous glands; c) receptors in the skin; d) hair and nails.

Question 4. What tissue forms the actual skin and what subcutaneous fatty tissue?

Answer: a) epithelial; b) connecting; c) connective and nervous; d) connective and epithelial.

Question 5. What tissue forms the cuticle?

Answer: a) epithelial; b) connecting; c) epithelial and nervous; d) nervous.

Question 6. Why do microorganisms die on clean skin?

Answer: a) a substance secreted by the skin has a detrimental effect; b) the ultraviolet rays of the sun and the oxygen of the air have a detrimental effect; c) there is no nutrient medium for microorganisms; d) on clean skin there can be no microorganisms.

Answers to work: 1b; 2c; 3g; 4b; 5a; 6a.

When fixing the material, problematic questions can also be proposed:

1. Why, despite the continuous peeling of scales, the skin does not become thinner and does not wear out?

2. Explain why a person in the cold, in a state of intoxication with alcohol, freezes and dies faster than a sober person, although he initially feels warm?

3. A person lies under a blanket and shivers from chills: "It's cold, cover with something else!" They cover him with another blanket, but he can't get warm. The person got sick. Measure the temperature of his body - 39.8 °. How so? The patient has a high temperature, he has a fever, and he is cold. How to explain this contradiction?

Chapter 2. Functions of the skin. skin diseases and their prevention

skin functions. The cells of our body live in a liquid environment. Through the blood, lymph and tissue fluid, they receive nutrients and oxygen, release decay products in them. A whole organism is in a gaseous environment, it is surrounded by air. The skin is the organ that separates the internal environment from the external, reliably protecting its constancy.

Outside, the skin is covered with a thin layer of integumentary tissue - the epidermis. It consists of several layers of rather small cells. The epidermis is followed by the actual skin - the dermis. It is mainly connective tissue. Bundles of collagen fibers give the skin strength, and elastic fibers make the skin elastic. Thanks to them, the skin of young people is elastic and elastic. In older people, the elastic fibers become thinner and the skin becomes flabby. The dermis is permeated by a dense network of blood vessels and nerves. In the skin itself there are muscles that can lift the hair. Since the secrets of the sebaceous glands through their ducts enter the hair follicles, with every movement of the hair, the fat is squeezed out to the surface.

The subcutaneous tissue connects the dermis to the underlying muscles and bones. It is rich in fat cells. Adipose tissue is a reserve storage of nutrients and water and protects the body from cooling. Water is stored in numerous lymphatic vessels and capillaries, as well as in tissue fluid. There is little water in the fat cells themselves.

The first function of the skin is mechanical. The skin protects deeper tissues from damage, drying, physical, chemical and biological influences. Recall that the skin performs a barrier function, separating the internal environment from the continuously changing external environment. But in this case, how do the cells directly adjoining the air live? The cells of the most superficial layer of the epidermis are dead. Only the inner cells of the epidermis are alive. They intensively multiply, near the dermis, the same layers that are pushed closer to the surface, become keratinized, gradually die off and, finally, exfoliate. So continuously, layer by layer, the cells of the epidermis are renewed.

This process takes place from the moment of a person's birth until his last hour and continues for some time even after death.

Fat and sweat secreted by the sebaceous and sweat glands create an environment unfavorable for microorganisms harmful to humans, and prevent the penetration of chemicals and water. However, any adaptation is relative. Some substances, including harmful ones, like mercury salts, are able to penetrate the body through the skin. Animal and vegetable fats can also be absorbed into the skin through the openings of the sebaceous ducts. This is the basis for the use of various medicinal ointments and cosmetics.

The second function of the skin is related to heat regulation. The skin has sweat glands. Standing out on the surface of the skin, sweat evaporates and cools it. Cooling of the skin is also achieved by expanding the skin blood vessels. The blood passing through them gives off part of its heat to the external environment. Vasoconstriction and reduced sweating help to retain heat.

The third function of the skin is receptor. In the dermis and subcutaneous tissue there are many receptors - the endings of sensitive nerve fibers and specialized formations that perceive touch, pressure, cold, heat, pain. Many receptors are involved in reflexes that protect our body from injury, through them we receive information about the objects with which we have to contact. The pads of the fingers are especially sensitive to touch. They show grooves and depressions that form a pattern that is individual for each person. Under the epidermis at the bottom of these recesses are numerous receptors that perform tactile functions. Thanks to them, a person is able to subtly perceive the relief of the surface with which the fingers are in contact. This ability of the hand arose in connection with labor activity.

The fourth function of the skin is excretory. Together with sweat, many liquid and gaseous substances harmful to the body are removed from the body: mineral salts, some metabolic products.

Finally, the skin also has a respiratory function. Carbon dioxide is removed through the sweat glands, and the oxygen of the air, dissolving in the sweat fluid, penetrates into the tubules of the sweat glands and is captured here by the red blood cells flowing in the parietal vessels. This gas exchange is called skin respiration. For the body, its value is small, but skin respiration is useful for the condition of the skin itself.

Causes of skin disorders and skin lesions. Usually distinguish between internal and external causes that violate the normal state of the skin. Among the internal causes may be errors in the diet, contact with substances, causing allergies, violation of hormonal regulation, lack of vitamins.

So, too much food leads to the fact that the skin turns red, becomes greasy. The consumption of alcoholic beverages changes the complexion, leads to puffiness and other cosmetic defects due to disruption of the functioning of skin vessels and changes in blood circulation.

Contact with allergens often causes hives and itching. Allergic reactions can be caused by eating certain foods - eggs, strawberries, oranges, inhaling plant pollen, or the smell of fresh hay.

Violation of the skin is largely determined by the state of the hormonal system. So, skin pigmentation depends on pituitary hormones, their absence can lead to complete discoloration of the skin. A lack of thyroid hormones makes the skin swollen, while an excess makes it red, hot, and moist. The skin of people with diabetes is sticky, streaks of blood vessels are visible on the face, purulent infections are frequent, and itching.

Diabetes develops when the pancreas fails to produce enough of the hormone insulin. This leads to a violation of the constancy of the composition of the internal environment: an excess of glucose in the blood dehydrates the tissues, disrupts the functioning of the liver. At the same time, fat metabolism also suffers.

Vitamins have a strong effect on the condition of the skin. So, vitamin A affects the growth of nails and hair, as well as the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands. With a lack of vitamin A, the skin becomes dry, cracks, darkens, baldness appears, the composition of the secretion of the sebaceous glands changes. A lack of B vitamins can lead to atrophy of the sebaceous glands, cracks in the corners of the mouth and brittle nails, and eczema. An insufficient amount of vitamin C in food leads to subcutaneous hemorrhages, roughness and pallor of the skin, and a decrease in the body's resistance to colds.

Chapter 3 Methodological developments on the topic "The structure of the skin"

Lesson #1 Hardening of the body. Hygiene of skin, clothes, footwear.

1. Educational:

a) To reveal the essence and role of hardening of the body, its forms, conditions and physiological mechanisms.

b) To study the hygienic requirements for skin, clothes, shoes.

2. Developing:

a) Show the connection with the processes occurring throughout the body;

3. Educational:

a) The impact of hardening on human health, compliance with hygienic requirements for skin, clothes, shoes.

Methods: storytelling, conversation, student messages, defense of design work, questioning, testing.

Equipment: tests, questions of a blitz questionnaire, train model, phonogram “Sounds of the Forest”, station names - “Recreation Area”, “Skin”, “Tempering Club”, “Hygienic”, “Moydodyr”, “Neboleika”, “ Bad habits", posters "Skin is a mirror of the soul", "The sun, air and water are our best friends" etc.

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Actualization of knowledge - testing.

1) Name the layers of the skin.

2) What is the most important function of the skin? 3) Name the derivatives of the skin.

4) In which layer of the skin are the sebaceous and sweat glands located?

III. Learning new material.

The topic and purpose of the lesson is announced.

introductory word teachers.

Dear Guys!

Today we will go with you on a journey on the Health train. The next station is called "Recreation Zone" (phonogram - "Sounds of the forest").


Sit straight, arms lowered along the body, close your eyes and relax. Imagine that we are now in the forest, in a forest clearing. We are caressed by the warm rays of the sun, gently blown by a fresh breeze. We feel the pleasant aroma of flowers. Leaves rustle, birds chirp loudly. You can hear the babbling of a stream. We are good, we are very good! We listen, feel and enjoy!

They opened their eyes. I wish that the pleasant feelings that you have will continue throughout the day.

The station we are at now is called "Skin".

Do you know that…

1. The mass of the skin is approximately 15% of the mass of the average person 12 years old.

2. For every 6.45 sq. see skin accounts for an average of:

94 sebaceous glands;

65 hair follicles;

650 sweat glands.

3. If the skin of an average-sized adult is laid out on the ground, it will take up approximately 10 square meters. m.

4. The skin has a wide range of colors, due to the different content of melanin in it, but its functions remain the same regardless of color.

5. The lips, palms, and heels do not have hair. Our train leaves for the Tempering Club station.

At different times, there were various health systems, schools:

1. Competitions of young men of primitive tribes.

2. Athenian educational system.

3. Spartan education system "Severity or cruelty".

4. Chinese gymnastics "Qigong - a method of destroying diseases and lengthening life."

5. Yoga is the way of perfection.

6. Knightly tournaments of the Middle Ages.

7. Olympic Games modernity.

Question: Who is Porfiry Ivanov? What do you know about his followers?

A message about Porfiry Ivanov is being heard.

Question: Who are walruses? Is it possible to swim in the ice-hole in winter without preparation?

Speech by a student engaged in winter swimming in the club "Walrus".

Let's do a quick poll.

1. How often have you had a cold this year:

0) never;

1) from 1 to 4 times;

2) more than 4 times.

2. Do you have chronic respiratory diseases?

1) 1 disease;

2) a complex of diseases.

3) Do you have days of general malaise (lethargy, loss of strength, drowsiness, mild headaches)?

Let's sum up the results of the blitz survey.

0 - 1 point - health is in order;

2 - 4 points - you are at risk;

5 - 6 points - your body is weakened.

In order for a person not to catch a cold, he needs training for cold effects. Our body is a hostel for microbes. The body's defenses restrain reproduction and "subversive activity." But with adverse conditions defensive forces weaken and the person becomes ill.

Summing up the results of the survey, we saw that among you there are those who have poor health and are prone to colds and illnesses.

Question: How can you help yourself?

There is only one answer - hardening.

Question: What is hardening?

Question: Name the methods of hardening.

Hardening methods:

washing cold water faces.

Washing with cold water up to the waist.

Pouring cold water over the whole body.

Cold foot baths.

Cold and hot shower.

Swimming in the pond.

Wiping with snow up to the waist.

Rubbing with water up to the waist.

But, starting to harden, you need to remember that ...

First you need to get rid of the “microbial nest” in the body, in the form of diseased teeth, inflamed tonsils, etc.

Hardening should be gradual.

You need to harden systematically, without missing a single day.

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

You need to use every opportunity to harden and have a good emotional mood.

Question: Name the means of hardening.

Let's hear from students:

a) water quenching.

b) Air quenching.

c) sun exposure.

And now let's execute test.

Choose the correct answer:

1. You have decided to harden your body. What will you start with?

a) Consult with a doctor, parents;

b) Start pouring cold water over your entire body;

c) You will swim in the river until you freeze.

2. When is the best time of year to start hardening?

c) at any time of the year.

3. Arrange the hardening sequence in the form of a series of numbers:

1 - washing the face with cold water 2 - swimming in a pond 3 - rubbing with cold water up to the waist 4 - contrast shower 5 - dousing the body with water

(Answer - 1,3,4,5,2)

Test results (mutual verification).

Hardening rules:

Tempering procedures are carried out taking into account the state of health, individual characteristics and development of the student, learning conditions and extracurricular activities.

The systematic use of hardening procedures.

The gradual increase in the strength of the irritating effect.

Sequence in carrying out hardening procedures.

It is impossible to know everything, but everyone needs to know about skin care.

Skin is a mirror of health!

And now we are going to the next station “Hygienic”.

Student messages:

Skin hygiene.

Hair hygiene.

Foot hygiene.

Shoe hygiene.

Clothing hygiene.

Student performances on project work"Cosmetologist Profession".

The next station is Moidodyr.

Q: The berries of this plant whiten the skin of the face, making it supple. (strawberry).

B: Infusion of the leaves of this plant wash the head (celandine)

Q: A decoction of this plant gives the hair a golden hue, and the skin becomes soft, velvety (chamomile flowers).

Q: Signs of what disease: redness, itching of the hands, a desire to constantly itch (scabies).

Q: How to avoid sunstroke? (headdress, shadow).

Q: How to avoid pediculosis? (wash your hair, do not use someone else's comb, someone else's bed).

The train goes to the station "Bad Habits".

Q: A friend asks you to give her a comb.

Your actions:

a) offer a comb;

b) give, but wash after use;

c) politely refuse.

Q: Why can't you change clothes, shoes?

(You can get lice, infectious and fungal diseases).

Our train is returning to the Kozhnaya station.

Assignment: I'm presenting facts, opinions about skin care. Determine what is "true" and what is "false":

Our mood does not affect the condition of the skin and hair (lie - stress - metabolic disorders

Communication with animals does not affect the condition of human skin (false - fungal diseases, lichen)

I began to go to the pool for hardening, and my nails became brittle, with a white coating (true - walking barefoot - fungal diseases).

Narcotic substances make the skin ruddy and healthy (lie - a sharp reddening, wrinkling, a person loses weight dramatically).

Taking multivitamins in winter improves skin condition (true)

In summer, you need to wear synthetic clothes, it is beautiful and not hot (false - does not let air through, the body sweats - heat stroke).

For many, the skin deteriorates during the flowering of poplar, quinoa (true - allergies - a rash, redness of the mucous membrane).

Final word teachers:

We had a very interesting time, we learned a lot. You are growing, changing, so you always need hygiene rules and procedures, and cosmetologists and dermatologists, Health magazines, Liza, etc. will tell you the choice of skin care products, medicines for the treatment of skin diseases.

Homework: pp. 174 - 181, questions, RT.


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And shoes. CLOTHING HYGIENE. The properties of clothing are determined by the properties of the fabric, and the properties of the fabric are determined by the properties of the fibers. That is, the hygienic property of clothing depends on the physical properties of the fibers of the fabric. Clothing is used by a person to protect the body from adverse environmental factors - low or high temperature, excessive solar radiation, wind, rain, snow and other meteorological and ...

1-2 tbsp. spoons of dry inflorescences pour 1 glass of water and boil for 10 minutes, then, after cooling, strain. With a cotton swab dipped in a decoction, wipe the face 2-3 times a day, after washing. 3 SKIN TYPE TESTS TEST 1. Oriflame This test will help you determine your skin type. 1) What will your skin look like if you treat it with cleansing milk and wash it off with water? ...

Same time. The room should be well ventilated before going to bed. The temperature in the bedroom should not exceed 18 ° C. Remember that your health and performance largely depend on yourself. 2. Personal hygiene of preschool and younger children school age It is well known that human health is laid in childhood. The child's body is very plastic, it is much more sensitive to external influences.