"Sunstroke": non-standard understanding of love in Bunin's work. "Accidental" love in the story of I.A.

The theme of love is the main one in the work of Ivan Aleksandrovich Bunin. " Sunstroke is one of his most famous stories. The analysis of this work helps to reveal the author's views on love and its role in the fate of a person.

What is typical for Bunin, he focuses not on platonic feelings, but on romance, passion, desire. For the beginning of the 20th century, this can be considered a bold innovative decision: no one before Bunin openly sang and spiritualized bodily feelings. For a married woman, a fleeting relationship was an unforgivable, grave sin.

The author argued: "All love is a great happiness, even if it is not divided." This saying applies to this story as well. In it, love comes like an inspiration, like a bright flash, like a sunstroke. It is an elemental and often tragic feeling, which, nevertheless, is a great gift.

In the story "Sunstroke" Bunin talks about a fleeting romance between a lieutenant and a married lady, who sailed on the same ship and suddenly inflamed with passion for each other. The author sees the eternal secret of love in the fact that the characters are not free in their passion: after the night they part forever, not even knowing each other's name.

The motif of the sun in the story gradually changes its color. If at the beginning the luminary is associated with joyful light, life and love, then at the end the hero sees in front of him "Aimless Sun" and understands what he experienced "terrible sunstroke". The cloudless sky became grayish for him, and the street, resting against it, humped. The lieutenant yearns and feels 10 years older: he does not know how to find the lady and tell her that he can no longer live without her. What happened to the heroine remains a mystery, but we guess that falling in love will also leave an imprint on her.

Bunin's manner of narration is very "dense". He is a master of the short genre, and in a small volume he manages to fully reveal the images and convey his idea. The story contains a lot of short but capacious descriptive sentences. They are filled with epithets and details.

Interestingly, love is a scar that remains in the memory, but does not burden the soul. Waking up alone, the hero realizes that he is again able to see smiling people. He himself will soon be able to rejoice: a spiritual wound can heal and almost not hurt.

Bunin never wrote about happy love. According to him, the reunion of souls is a completely different feeling, which has nothing to do with sublime passion. True love, as already mentioned, comes and goes suddenly, like a sunstroke.

See also:

  • Analysis of the story "Easy breathing"
  • "Cuckoo", a summary of Bunin's work
  • "Evening", analysis of Bunin's poem
  • "Cricket", analysis of Bunin's story
  • "Book", analysis of Bunin's story
  • "Dense green spruce by the road", analysis of Bunin's poem

In the work of I. A. Bunin, perhaps, the theme of love occupies a leading place. Bunin's love is always a tragic feeling that has no hope for a happy ending, it is a difficult test for lovers. This is how it appears to readers in the story "Sunstroke".

Along with a collection of stories about love " Dark alleys", created by Ivan Alekseevich in the mid-1920s. "Sunstroke" is one of the pearls of his work. The tragedy and complexity of the time during which I. Bunin lived and wrote were fully embodied by the writer in the images of the main characters of this work.

The work was published in Sovremennye Zapiski in 1926. Critics accepted the work with caution, skeptically noticing the emphasis on the physiological side of love. However, not all reviewers were so sanctimonious, among them were those who warmly welcomed Bunin's literary experiment. In the context of symbolist poetics, his image of the Stranger was perceived as a mystical mystery of feeling, dressed in flesh and blood. It is known that the author, when creating his story, was impressed by Chekhov's work, so he crossed out the introduction and began his story with a random sentence.

About what?

From the very beginning, the story is intriguing in that the narrative begins with an impersonal sentence: "After dinner, we went ... on deck ...". The lieutenant meets a beautiful stranger on the ship, whose name, like his name, remains unknown to the reader. They both seem to be hit by a sunstroke; passionate, ardent feelings flare up between them. The traveler and his companion leave the ship for the city, and the next day she leaves by boat to her family. The young officer is left all alone and after a while realizes that he can no longer live without that woman. The story ends with the fact that he, sitting under a canopy on the deck, feels ten years older.

Main characters and their characteristics

  • She is. From the story, you can learn that this woman had a family - a husband and a three-year-old daughter, to whom she returned on a steamer from Anapa (probably from vacation or treatment). The meeting with the lieutenant became for her a "sunstroke" - a fleeting adventure, a "clouding of her mind." She does not tell him her name and asks him not to write to her in her city, as she understands that what happened between them is only a momentary weakness, and her real life is something completely different. She is beautiful and charming, her charm lies in the mystery.
  • The lieutenant is an ardent and impressionable man. For him, a meeting with a stranger was fatal. He only managed to truly realize what had happened to him after the departure of his beloved. He wants to find her, return her, because he was seriously carried away by her, but it's too late. The misfortune that can happen to a person from an overabundance of the sun, for him was a sudden feeling, true love, which made him suffer from the realization of the loss of his beloved. This loss had a profound effect on him.


  • One of the main problems in the story "Sunstroke" of this story is the problem of the essence of love. In the understanding of I. Bunin, love brings a person not only joy, but also suffering, making him feel unhappy. The happiness of short moments later results in the bitterness of separation and painful parting.
  • From this follows another problem of the story - the problem of the short duration, the fluctuation of happiness. And for the mysterious stranger, and for the lieutenant, this euphoria was short-lived, but in the future they both "remembered this moment for many years." Short moments of delight are accompanied by long years of longing and loneliness, but I. Bunin is sure that it is thanks to them that life acquires meaning.
  • Subject

    The theme of love in the story "Sunstroke" is a feeling full of tragedy, mental anguish, but at the same time it is filled with passion and ardor. This great, all-consuming feeling becomes both happiness and grief. Bunin's love is like a match that rapidly flares up and dies out, and at the same time it suddenly strikes, like a sunstroke, and can no longer leave its imprint on the human soul.


    The point of Sunstroke is to show readers all the facets of love. It arises suddenly, lasts a little, passes hard, like a disease. It is both beautiful and painful at the same time. This feeling can both elevate a person and completely destroy him, but it is precisely this feeling that can give him those bright moments of happiness that color his faceless everyday life and fill his life with meaning.

    Ivan Alexandrovich Bunin in the story "Sunstroke" seeks to convey to readers his main idea about the fact that passionate and strong emotions do not always have a future: love fever is fleeting and like a powerful shock, but this is what makes it the most wonderful feeling in the world.

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Many literary heroes passed the test of love, but Bunin's heroes are a special category.Ivan Alekseevich looked at the theme of love in a new way, revealing it from all sides. In his works one can see spiritualized love, enthusiastic, passionate, fleeting, unhappy. Most often, Bunin's heroes are unhappy in that they did not find long-term love, but they are happy that they comprehended, though fleeting, but true love, which overtook them like a “bright flash”, like a “sunstroke”.

This writer deserves more

ranks best classic XX century, as he made so many innovations in the world of literature. His works are full of feelings and peculiar details. AT short stories he was able to describe significant episodes from the life ordinary people. So in the story "Sunstroke" we see how love overtakes the main characters at the most unexpected moment. Both of them travel on the same ship, only the Lieutenant is single, and the Lady who touched his heart is married.

Their love story is not unique. She is as old as the world. This has already happened to many couples: they got together, overwhelmed feelings, broke up and never met again. But Bunin spends

their characters through the whole gamut of feelings. He shows that not even a single fleeting set of circumstances passes without a trace. Each life event leaves its mark, leaving a mark in the soul of people. The lieutenant and the stranger spend one night together, and the next morning they part, without getting to know each other better.

He wanders for a long time that day, not finding a place for himself and trying to find at least one clue leading to her, but he does not find it. He doesn't even know her name, after all. All that is known about the lady is that she is married and has a three-year-old daughter. She, in turn, is pretty embarrassed by the feeling that overtook her, but she does not regret what happened at all. It's just time for her to go home, and it's time for him to return to work. They both understand that this case will leave a distinct mark in their souls. As long as the memories are alive, the pain will remain.

Everything reminds him of her: the smell of her perfume, an unfinished cup of coffee. Overpowering himself, he goes to bed completely broken, and tears roll down his cheeks. The next morning, everything returns to its normal state, as if there was no meeting, no parting. The past day is remembered as a distant past. Leaving the pier, he feels ten years older. This bittersweet feeling prevents him from enjoying life, but he again notices the smiles of people, which means that the wound will heal soon.

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The writing

Most Heroes literary works, created in the 19th century, passed a kind of test by the strongest feeling - love. The authors again and again asked themselves the question, trying to answer it in their creations: can love last until the end of life, will it destroy or, on the contrary, become the only salvation?

In I. A. Bunin, love is always tragic, and sometimes it does not save, but, on the contrary, leads to death. His lyrical hero does not acquire family happiness, high feelings are not destroyed by everyday life and everyday life. The story "Sunstroke" is a prime example of this attitude.

This work tells about the experiences associated with love. The author looks at everything through the eyes of his hero, but at the same time actor becomes a heroine. It is no coincidence that Bunin avoids mentioning names: after all, the name gives the plot concreteness, evokes in each reader some of his own, individual associations, while the writer strives for imagery, generalization.

The beginning of the story is traditional - HE and She get to know each other on the ship, feel a strong attraction and quickly understand each other, enter into a hasty relationship (perhaps without even introducing themselves to each other). The next day turns out to be a disappointment, the hero and heroine pretend that nothing special happened to them. Soon she leaves without leaving any information about herself. He understands that they most likely will not have to see each other again, and does not experience any feelings about this.

But after a while, strange things begin to happen to the hero, the "lieutenant". A carefully disguised feeling unsuccessfully seeks a way out, dooming a fleeting lover to long moral suffering. At the end of the story, the lieutenant finds himself on the ship again, feeling insanely tired, disappointed, he "feels ten years older."

Let us now turn to the title of the story - "Sunstroke". The first impression is a feeling of something lightning-fast, inevitable, striking on the spot and leaving behind grief and suffering. The presence of nature in the story is constant, it not only represents a certain background, but also, as it were, participates in the layout of the plot: “There was darkness and lights ahead. From the darkness a strong, soft wind beat in the face, and the lights rushed somewhere to the side ... ". The romantic atmosphere of a warm night becomes the reason that pushed Him and Her to each other. Further, we see how the picture of dawn becomes a kind of epitaph of a suddenly flashed feeling: “... the dark summer dawn was dying out far ahead, gloomy, sleepy and multi-colored reflected in the river, which still glowed in some places with trembling ripples ... Far below it, under this dawn, and the lights floated and floated back, scattered in the darkness around ... "

The author managed to achieve an amazing effect - the space itself characterizes the feelings and thoughts of the characters: the landscape described at the beginning indicates that He and She still have everything ahead, that a man and a woman will certainly find happiness in each other's arms. But the lights floating away into the distance personify the monotony of life, its routine, in which there is no place for a high, bright feeling.

In the descriptions of the heroes there are many very accurate details noticed by the writer, indicating the nature of the feeling that has arisen, for example, the mutual attraction of young bodies. The heroine's hand, "small and strong, smelled of tan ... She was strong and swarthy all under this canvas dress after a whole month of lying under the southern sun." There is no spiritual beginning in this love - only physiology, stimulated by the romantic atmosphere of the journey. Further actions the author describes men and women by deliberately adding an excessive number of verbs to the narrative - “rushed”, “came out”, “rose”, “passed” - in this way the necessary dynamics is achieved, emphasizing the thoughtlessness of the act.

The name for this fleeting but very passionate romance - "sunstroke" - was invented by the heroine. It is she who shows maximum discretion and tact, saying goodbye to her lover. She is not going to prolong their relationship - Bunin emphasizes her attitude to what is happening with the word “easy”: “in a light and happy spirit”, “just as easy”. The lieutenant is also not ready to continue this casual relationship.

But the further development of the plot confuses all the cards. The hero understands that he is experiencing “a completely new feeling - that strange, incomprehensible feeling that did not exist at all while they were together, which he could not even imagine, starting yesterday, as he thought, only a funny acquaintance, and about which I couldn't tell her now." Memories of an old event become a terrible torment for the lieutenant. He does not know how he will continue to live, tormented by uncertainty. All his future existence seems to him vulgar, meaningless, worthless: "How wild, terrible everything is everyday, ordinary, when the heart is struck - yes, amazed, he now understood this - this terrible sunstroke, too much happiness ...". And only after describing these tragic experiences, Bunin for the first time draws the reader's attention to the appearance of his hero ("... an ordinary officer's face, gray from sunburn, with a whitish sun-bleached mustache and bluish whiteness of the eyes"), perhaps because only after realizing his love the lieutenant becomes a man, acquires some kind of appearance.

As the hero's relationship to life changes, so does the surrounding reality. Small, but very capacious, significant details allow us to be convinced of this, to understand the full depth of the feelings and experiences of the lieutenant.

There is one very characteristic detail in Bunin's stories: the love described by the author never has a future, no further development events. Heroes for various reasons cannot find mutual, long-term happiness, they are initially doomed to mental suffering and long torment. And in the story "Sunstroke" we see another realization of the author's understanding of human relationships: "Having fallen in love, we die ..."

Many of I. Bunin's works are hymns of true love, which has everything: tenderness, passion, and a feeling of that special connection between the souls of two lovers. Such a feeling is also described in the story "Sunstroke", which the writer considered one of his best works. Pupils get acquainted with him in the 11th grade. We offer to facilitate the preparation for the lesson by using the analysis of the work presented below. The analysis will also help you quickly and efficiently prepare for the lesson and the exam.

Brief analysis

Year of writing- 1925

History of creation- I. Bunin was inspired to write the work by the nature of the Maritime Alps. The story was created at a time when the writer was working on a cycle of works related to love.

Subject- main topic works - true love that a person feels both in soul and body. In the final part of the work, the motive of separation from a loved one appears.

Composition- The formal organization of the story is simple, but there are certain features. The elements of the plot are placed in a logical sequence, but the work begins with a plot. Another feature is the framing: the story begins and ends with a picture of the sea.

Genre- Story.

Direction- Realism.

History of creation

"Sunstroke" was written by I. Bunin in 1925. It is worth noting that the year of writing coincided with the period when the writer worked on stories dedicated to the theme of love. This is one of the factors that explains the psychological depth of the work.

I. Bunin told G. Kuznetsova about the history of creation. After the conversation, the woman wrote the following in her diary: “We talked yesterday about writing and about how stories are born. I.A. (Ivan Alekseevich) it begins with nature, some picture that flashed through the brain, often a fragment. So sunstroke came from the idea of ​​going out on deck after dinner, from light into darkness. summer night on the Volga. And the end came later


In "Sunstroke", the analysis of the work should begin with a description of the main problems. The story showed motive, very common both in world and domestic literature. Nevertheless, the author managed to reveal it in an original way, delving into the psychology of the characters.

In the center of the piece subject sincere, passionate love, in the context of which Problems relationships between people, separation of lovers, internal contradiction caused by incompatibility of feelings and circumstances. Issues works based on psychology. The system of images is unbranched, so the reader's attention is constantly focused on two characters - the lieutenant and the beautiful stranger.

The story begins with a description of lunch on the deck of the ship. It was in such conditions that young people met. A spark immediately flew between them. The man offered the girl to run away from strangers. They got off the ship and went to the hotel. When the young people were left alone, the flames of passion immediately engulfed their bodies and minds.

The time at the hotel flew by. In the morning, the lieutenant and the beautiful stranger were forced to part, but it turned out to be very difficult to do this. Young people wonder what happened to them. They assume it was sunstroke. In these arguments lies the meaning of the title of the work. Sunstroke in this context is a symbol of a sudden mental shock, love that overshadows the mind.

Beloved persuades the lieutenant to escort her to the deck. Here the man seems to be struck by sunstroke again, because he allows himself to kiss a stranger in front of everyone. The hero cannot recover for a long time after separation. He is tormented by thoughts that his beloved most likely has a family, so they are not destined to be together. A man tries to write to his beloved, but then he realizes that he does not know her address. In such a rebellious state, the hero spends another night, recent events are gradually moving away from him. However, they do not pass without a trace: it seems to the lieutenant that he has aged ten years.


The composition of the work is simple, but some features are worth paying attention to. Plot elements are placed in a logical sequence. Nevertheless, the story begins not with an exposition, but with a plot. This technique enhances the sound of the idea. The characters get to know each other, and then we learn more about them. The development of events - a night in a hotel and a morning conversation. The climax is the parting scene between the lieutenant and the stranger. The denouement - the outbreak of love is gradually forgotten, but leaves a deep imprint in the soul of the hero. Such a conclusion provides the reader with the opportunity to draw certain conclusions.

The framing can also be considered a feature of the composition of the work: the story begins and ends with a scene on the deck.


The genre of the work of I. Bunin "Sunstroke" is a story, as evidenced by such signs: a small volume, leading role plays story line lovers, there are only two main characters. The direction of the story is realism.

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