Ch perro the most famous fairy tales. Scenario of the quiz "Journey through the fairy tales of Charles Perrault

Lesson in drawing from nature
« Autumn leaves»
senior group

To teach children to draw from nature, conveying the shape and color of autumn leaves.
improve fine art(mix watercolors to get complex shades and convey autumn color).
To acquaint with a new way of obtaining an image - to apply paint on the leaves, trying to convey the color, and "print" them on paper.
Encourage children to embody art form their ideas, experiences, feelings; support the desire to convey the characteristic features of objects and natural phenomena; support creativity.

Preliminary work:
- Observation of leaf fall on a walk;
- Examination and collection of autumn leaves of beautiful shape and color;
- Didactic game"What tree is the leaf from?"

Materials, tools, equipment.
- watercolor paints, white sheets of paper, palettes, brushes, jars of water, simple pencils, erasers;
- autumn leaves collected by children for a walk;
- plume of autumn.

Lesson progress
The teacher reads a poem by O. Driz "What happened"
Oh what was
What happened!
The door quietly opened
And quietly closed.
We judged, we rowed
Yes, and gave up thinking:
Who are we across the threshold
Threw a yellow leaf -
A letter from autumn?

The teacher demonstrates an autumn train with an unfinished leaf pattern.

Educator. Children, what do you think this could mean?
The teacher reads a letter from autumn:
Children, I'm getting ready for the autumn ball.
I decorate my train with beautiful autumn leaves, but I don’t have time to finish it on time.
Please help me.

Educator. Children, do you want to help autumn? (Answers of children).
Educator. How can we do this? (children's answers)
Do you want to give autumn for a train leaves drawn with
nature as if real?

The teacher invites the children to look at the autumn leaves laid out on the table, choose one of them and sit down in their places.
The teacher explains to the children the sequence of the image of the sheet from nature:

Educator. Look carefully at the sheet.
Circle it with your finger to remember its shape.
draw first with a simple pencil(so that you can erase it with an eraser), and then color it
watercolor paints, accurately matching colors on the palette.

The teacher makes a descriptive story about the shape and color of the maple leaf:

This is a maple leaf. It looks like a crown
(the teacher circles the sheet in the air, repeating its shape)
Autumn painted this leaf yellow, like gold
crown. And I added a few spots - it's light here -
green and orange here.

The teacher shows two or three pieces of paper in turn.

Educator. Children describe beautiful words leaf shape and color.

Compilation by children descriptive stories about leaves.
The teacher offers to look at the leaves again,
so that the pictures look like the real thing.
The teacher reminds - first you need to draw a sheet with a simple pencil.

Children's work management:
In the course of the lesson, the teacher helps the children to choose the right
color matching, advises mixing colors on the palette, adding a few drops to the lighter - darker.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher introduces the children to the “print” drawing method:
Shows an autumn leaf, applies paint on it, trying to convey the color of the leaf. Apply to white paper.

Independent printing by children on white sheets.

Summary of the lesson. Children place works on the autumn plume. The teacher offers to admire the beauty of the leaves drawn from nature.

Questions for children:
Guess guys - these are the leaves from which trees? (the teacher shows, the children call).
- What is their difference? (Children name the characteristic signs of leaves).
- What shades are used for coloring the sheet? (Maple, oak, etc.).
- How did you get it?

Educator. Children, and now each of you is given the opportunity to evaluate your own work.
- If you coped with the task, you did it - select the red circle!
- If drawing leaves from life or getting shades when mixing paints turned out to be difficult - choose a blue circle!

The teacher offers to admire the magnificent autumn train once again.

Attached files

Target: learn to draw a still life.
- to introduce the artistic genre "still life", to teach to convey the beauty of autumn leaves, to observe proportions, to learn to select the desired color scheme, to use a palette;
- develop imagination, memory, hand motor skills, eye;
- bring up careful attitude to nature.

Materials and equipment:
Illustrations depicting autumn bouquets in a vase, sheets of paper, brushes, a palette, paints, jars of water, simple pencils, staging a vase with a sprig of autumn leaves.

Preliminary work:
Drawing autumn leaves in a wet way, observing autumn trees, reading works of art on the theme of the beauty of nature in autumn.

Lesson progress:

Guys, what time of year is it?
- autumn.
What happens in autumn?
- the leaves turn yellow, red, orange, fall off.
In the last lesson, we drew an autumn leaf with you. How did we convey the beauty of an autumn leaf?
- painted with different colors.
And how did they do it?
- until one paint was dry, another was added and they merged.
And today I propose to draw a still life.
Still life is a French word, translated as "dead nature".
Still life is a genre visual arts, depicting a group of inanimate objects. A painting or photograph may contain flowers, fruits, crockery and other items arranged in such a way that a harmonious composition is obtained. The traditional still life is painted in a realistic style from nature (looking at the original).

Look at these pictures

There is a discussion about these pictures.

And our still life will be called "Branch with autumn leaves."
Look, in front of you is a vase with an autumn branch.
Let's take a look at our setup.
What is the vase on?
What vase?
What form?
What shape are the leaves?
What color are the leaves?
Let's get to work. First, let's sketch in a simple pencil.
Let's outline the table, the height and the middle of the vase:

These are auxiliary lines for the vase, so we draw them thinly, without pressing hard on the pencil.
Now we draw a vase:

Twig, leaves:

And now let's rest.

Physical education:

The autumn rain drizzles from the clouds,
(throws with relaxed hands)
The tree, having shed its leaves, stands
(hands up, fingers pointing up (tree branches))
The autumn wind shakes the branches
(slowly shake hands)
The wind drives the leaves under the tree.
(they sit down and “turn the leaves” under the tree, imitating their rustling: “sh-sh-sh-sh ...”)
The wind is blowing, blowing, blowing, blowing
(wave your hands towards yourself)
The yellow leaves are plucked from the tree
(circling in place)
and the leaves fly
Circling the path (tiptoe around)
Leaves fall right at our feet. (turning around in place, squat).

Now let's do our drawing in color. Let's draw the branches first. What color and brush do we need?
- Brown or black, with a thin brush.

Draw the leaves:

1 option: we cover the entire sheet with green paint, then, until the paint has dried, we apply yellow paint from the edge or in the middle. And vice versa.
Option 2: cover with red paint, then add yellow and vice versa.
3 option: cover with green paint, then add red and vice versa.
Let's get to work.
Now paint over the vase and the table. Our still life is ready.

Summary of the lesson:
Guys, tell me, what did we draw today? What was difficult and what was easy? Do you think we managed to be real artists? Your still lifes are so beautiful that I propose to arrange an exhibition.

Elmira Gimranova
Synopsis of the GCD on the activity "Autumn Leaves"

Tasks: Learn to draw from life, convey the shape and color autumn leaves. Learn to mix paints to get shades. Develop creative imagination.

preliminary work: Observation on a walk leaf fall, viewing and collecting autumn leaves. Didactic the game: "From which tree sheet".

materials: Watercolor paints, Paper, pencils, autumn leaves. Reproductions of paintings by Russian landscape painters. box-package with leaflets.

The children are sitting on the carpet.

Educator - Guys, a package has arrived in our group (shows box).

Reading a poem by O. Driza: "What happened"

Oh what was

What happened!

The door quietly opened

And quietly closed.

We judged, we rowed

Yes, stop thinking:

Who are we across the threshold

Threw yellow leaflet-

Letter from autumn?

Let's see who it's from.

Guys, this is a letter from Autumn. Look how beautiful she is leaflets(lays out leaves on the table) .

it Maple Leaf it looks like a crown. Autumn turns the leaf yellow like it's a golden crown (this is considered two or three leaflet) .

Now choose your favorite sheet and sit down at the tables.

Let's think about what we can do with leaflets(listen to children's guesses). Let's draw a gift Autumn. And we will draw not just like that, but from nature. This is what artists do leaves The picture looked like the real thing. Take a close look sheet, circle it with your finger to remember the shape. First, let's draw sheet with pencil and then color it in.

In the course of the lesson, the teacher advises the children how to mix paints on the palette, adding darker colors to the light ones.

at the end of the lesson, the teacher offers to admire the drawn leaves each other and think about what you can decorate with them.

Literature: A poem by O. Driza:"What happened",

I. A. Lykova: Visual activity in kindergarten. Senior group.

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Master - class on drawing for children 5-6 years old: " colorful autumn».

Author: Matveeva Alla Valerievna, educator of MBDOU d / s k / in No. 18, Razvilka village, Leninsky district, Moscow region.
Description: Drawing master class on the topic: “Colorful autumn” for older children preschool age using an unconventional drawing technique: “poke” with a hard semi-dry brush. this work is an interesting material for preschool teachers and parents when teaching children creativity using non-traditional techniques drawing.
Purpose of work: the composition “Colorful Autumn” will be a wonderful decoration for the corner of the MBDOU “Our Vernissage”, a participant in the exhibition “Autumn Kaleidoscope”, and a decoration for the dressing room of the group.
Target: teaching children how to create a composition “Colorful Autumn” using an unconventional drawing technique: “poking” with a hard semi-dry brush.
Tasks: Continue to introduce children to the technique: “poke” with a hard semi-dry brush. Learn to place the image on the entire sheet of paper. develop thinking, Creative skills, fine motor skills fingers. To form an aesthetic taste, a sense of color and composition. To fix the techniques of working with a brush: with the whole pile and the end of the brush. To improve the ability to tint a sheet of paper using the technique: drawing "on raw". Cultivate accuracy, independence.
Description of non-traditional drawing techniques used in this work:
- drawing "on raw" - a technique in watercolor, when paint is applied to paper abundantly moistened with water;
- "poking" with a hard semi-dry brush - we lower the brush with hard bristles into gouache and hit it on the paper, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled.
Autumn is a beautiful season. It has always been sung by poets and inspired artists to the most beautiful pictures.
How beautiful autumn
In a colorful sundress,
In the clear sky, sing
Maple burns like a flame.
Birch above the water
Golden candle.
And the leaves float
Down the quiet river.
T.A. Shorygin.

Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention a master class that will help you create an autumn composition on the theme: “Colorful autumn”.
For work we need material:
1. Watercolor paper (A4 size)
2. A simple pencil.
3. Oilcloth for drawing.
4. Watercolor paints.
5. Gouache paints.
6. Pile brushes No. 5, No. 3.
7. Flat brush with hard bristles No. 12.
8. Glass - non-spill.
Preliminary work with children: conversations about autumn, looking at illustrations, paintings, learning poems, reading works, guessing riddles, drawing trees, conducting GCD on the topic: “Autumn”.

Execution sequence:

Let's prepare all necessary material for work

Draw a horizon line with a simple pencil (divide a sheet of paper into two parts: sky and earth).

With a pile brush (No. 5), we tint a sheet of paper with watercolors in blue and brown, using the technique - drawing "on raw".

The background is ready (see note).

Next, we continue the work with gouache paints.
With white color, draw birch trunks, starting with the end of the brush and gradually pressing on the entire pile.

In brown, draw the trunks of the maples, using the same drawing technique.

With the end of the brush, paint the bushes in brown.

We continue the work using the “poking” technique with a hard semi-dry brush
In yellow we denote the contours of the crowns of birches.

We paint over the crowns in yellow.

Add some green spots in the middle.

In red we denote the contour of the crowns of maples.

Paint crowns red

Add spots of orange and yellow.

In orange and red color we draw foliage on bushes.

Southeast District Office of Education

State educational institution kindergarten

compensating type No. 2099

Summary of educational activities

in the field of "Artistic Creativity"

on the topic: "Drawing "Autumn Leaves".

(for children (ZPR) of the senior group)

The summary was compiled and conducted by:

teacher Voronkova O.V.


Theme: “Drawing “Autumn Leaves”.

Preliminary work: Observation of leaf fall on a walk. Examining and collecting autumn leaves of beautiful shape and color. Didactic game "From which tree is the leaf?"

Methodical methods: Examining beautiful autumn leaves, a surprise moment, reading a poem by O. Driz “What happened”, showing work methods, explanation, explanation, indication, encouragement.

visual material : Parcel (box) with leaflets.

Handout: Watercolor paints, white sheets of paper, palettes, brushes, jars of water, pencils or charcoal, eraser. Autumn leaves collected by children before class or on a walk.

The course of educational activities:

1.Motivation of educational activities

Before class, the children sit on the carpet. The teacher reads to the children a poem by O. Driz “What happened”:

Oh what was

What happened!

The door quietly opened

And quietly closed.

We judged, we rowed

Yes, and gave up thinking:

Who are we across the threshold

Threw a yellow leaf

A letter from autumn?

The teacher shows the box to the children, opens it and says that our group also received a package from Autumn. The package contains beautiful leaves. Invites the children to come up and choose one leaflet at a time (the teacher lays out the leaflets on the table so that it is more convenient for the children to examine and choose).

2. The main part.

The teacher invites the children to sit in their seats and think about what they can do with the leaves. After the answers, the children are advised to draw autumn gifts - leaves. And draw not just like that, but from nature, as artists do, so that the leaves in our drawings look like real ones. To do this, you need to carefully examine the sheet, circle it with your finger to remember the shape, and first draw with a simple pencil (so that you can erase inaccuracies with an eraser), and then paint with watercolors, accurately selecting colors on the palette.

The teacher shows the children in turn two or three leaves and asks them to describe their shape and color in beautiful words, for example, like this: “this is a maple leaf, it looks like a crown (the teacher circles the leaf in the air, repeating its shape), autumn colored this leaf in yellow, like a golden crown, and added a few spots - light green here, and orange here. And this is a chestnut leaf, it resembles a palm with spread fingers (the teacher invites the children to show their palms and spread their fingers); for the chestnut leaf, autumn saved up orange paint, first painted the entire leaf orange, then mixed orange with brown on one “finger”, and orange with green on the other.

The teacher advises the children to carefully consider the gifts of autumn and draw them so that the leaves in the drawings look like real ones. Reminds you to draw the leaf first

with a simple pencil.

Finger gymnastics: "Autumn Bouquet"

In the course of the lesson, the teacher helps the children choose the right color combination, advises mixing paints on the palette, adding a few drops to the light darker ones.

3. The final part.

5 minutes before the end of the lesson, the teacher lays out autumn leaves of a simple form of small size (linden, birch) on the children's tables and offers to get acquainted with a very interesting drawing method called "printing". Shows an autumn leaf, applies paint on it, trying to convey the color of the leaf, and applies it to white paper. Children enthusiastically examine the print and begin to “print” on their own.

Application No. 1

Finger gymnastics: "Autumn Bouquet"

One, two, three, four, five

Let's collect the leaves

birch leaves,

rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves.

We will collect an oak leaf

Mom will take the autumn bouquet.

(Children bend their fingers, starting with the big one).

(Clench and unclench fists.)

(Fingers are bent, starting with the big one).

(“Walking” on the table with the middle and index fingers).