Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich works biography. Beautiful paintings by Aivazovsky: Watch and enjoy

Andrey Ivanovich Vorobyov was born on November 1, 1928 in Moscow. In 1936, when he was eight years old, both of his parents were arrested (his father was immediately shot). Next - a boarding school for the children of the repressed, first in Ryazan, then in Perm region. From 1943 to 1944 he worked as a painter and electrician.

In 1953 he graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. From 1953 to 1956 he worked as a doctor in the Volokolamsk regional hospital - therapy, obstetrics, pathological anatomy, pediatrics. Since 1956 - in clinical residency at the Department of Hematology of the Central Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education. Since 1966 - head. clinical department of the Institute of Biophysics of the Ministry of Health of the USSR. In 1987-2011 - Director of the Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, later transformed into the Hematological Research Center Russian Academy medical sciences. In 1990-1991 - People's Deputy of the USSR. In 1991-1992 - Minister of Health of the RSFSR. Currently, he is a chief researcher at the Center for Theoretical Problems of Physical and Chemical Pharmacology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

From 1971 to 2018 - head. Department of Hematology and Intensive Care of the Central Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences since 1984, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences since 1986, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 2000 - Department of Physiological Sciences.

Specialist in the field of clinical physiology of blood, radiation medicine.

Academician A.I. Vorobyov is a Soviet and Russian hematologist who has received well-deserved recognition in our country and abroad. He and his staff are credited with the introduction of program therapy for acute leukemia into domestic medical practice, which made it possible to no longer consider acute leukemia as an incurable disease. He formulated and published his understanding of tumor progression, based on the then original clonal idea of ​​the nature of leukemia, the mutational basis of their variability, morphology and behavior of these tumors, their division into monochannel - benign and, with the presence of subclones, malignant. In the early 70s. (formerly Western colleagues), together with M. D. Brilliant, introduced intralumbar cytostatic prophylaxis of neuroleukemia instead of head irradiation.

For the first time in the world, they developed a system of biological dosimetry, which made it possible, on the basis of clinical signs and the time of their appearance, changes in the blood, chromosome analysis, to determine its future severity, the timing of the development of agranulocytosis, etc., even before the development of clear symptoms of the disease. His contribution to the development of methods is great. the therapy of crash syndrome during earthquakes and in the creation of new, corresponding to the modern development of delivery and evacuation means, the principles of providing transfusion assistance in the foci of natural and man-made mass disasters. For the first time in the country, industrial production of VIII and IX coagulation factors has been mastered, providing itself with factor IX completely. Received a patent for genetically engineered factor VIII.

To combat the very high mortality of puerperas from massive blood loss, a team of assistance was created at the SSC headed by him, which introduced into obstetric practice the stopping of bleeding in puerperas by massive transfusions of fresh frozen plasma, and not whole blood, as was previously practiced - the death rate of puerperas in the country was reduced by half, and in large cities - four or more times.

Successes have been achieved in the treatment of previously incurable lymphosarcomas of various localizations, Burkitt's lymphoma, which was difficult to treat stage IV lymphogranulomatosis, which resulted in persistent remissions in the first cycle of modified high-dose therapy programs. Such remissions after a few years should be considered a recovery. These results were superior to foreign data. Through the efforts of SSC scientists, for the first time in the world, several tumors of the blood system have become curable with an efficiency close to 100%: B-cell lymphosarcomas of the lymph nodes, tonsils of the spleen, stomach.

A fundamental contribution has been made to the development of modern hematology, both in clinical, morphological and experimental terms. A.I. Vorobyov developed a scheme of hematopoiesis, which underlies all contemporary works by leukogenesis. An original theory of tumor progression of leukemia has been developed, based on the phenomenon of increased mutability of tumor cells, the appearance of subclones in a previously monoclonal tumor. Instead of the previously used descriptive approach to tumor growth, universal regularities in the development of malignant tumors were identified, previously unrelated morphological, functional, cytogenetic and clinical signs of tumor growth were comprehended.

The features of emergency acute radiation sickness were revealed, which showed the futility of hopes for bone marrow transplantation. The result of this work was the abandonment of the bone marrow banks already built in the USSR in case of a nuclear war. Thanks to this work, the USSR was significantly ahead of its hypothetical enemy - the United States.

An important concept about cytostatic disease, its pathogenesis, principles and conditions of therapy is formulated. He gave a classical description of the pathogenesis of radiation sickness, created the world's only complex system of biological dosimetry, including the analysis of the kinetics of cell populations, analysis of chromosomal rearrangements and morphological changes in tissues. This led to the development of the theoretical foundations of pathogenetic intensive care in radiation pathology, hematology and other conditions characterized by massive tissue breakdown.

His main merit as Minister of Health A.I. Vorobyov believes that during this time not a single medical institution has been privatized. During the years of his directorship at the SRC, the number of beds in the clinic of the center has quadrupled.

In 1986 A.I. Vorobyov is the initiator of the creation and a member of the government medical commission for the Chernobyl accident. Our medicine turned out to be ready for the Chernobyl accident, when the indispensability of pathogenetic intensive care was confirmed in conditions of massive radiation injuries during the elimination of the consequences of the accident.

Prepared by:

Marina Yakovleva

cardiologist of the highest category

pulmonology department

GBU RO "Design Bureau named after N.A. Semashko"

Vorobyov Andrey Ivanovich

Andrey Ivanovich Vorobyov - Soviet and Russian hematologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences (1986) and Russian Academy of Sciences (2000), professor, doctor of medical sciences, director of the Research Institute of Hematology and Intensive Care, head of the Department of Hematology and Intensive Care of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (RMAPO) .

Vorobyov Andrei Ivanovich, was born on November 1, 1928 in Moscow. In 1953 he graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute. From 1953 to 1956 worked as a doctor in the Volokolamsk district hospital, where he was engaged in therapy, pathological anatomy, and pediatrics. In 1956, he entered the clinical internship of the Central Institute for the Improvement of Doctors at the Department of Therapy under the guidance of the largest Soviet therapist - Academician Iosif Abramovich Kassirsky.

After residency, he was left at the department as an assistant, and in 1956 he became an assistant professor. In 1963 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences, devoted to the study of the structure of erythrocytes in hemolytic anemia.

By 1965, he formulated and published his understanding of tumor progression, based on the then original clonal idea of ​​the nature of leukemia, the mutational basis of their variability, morphology and behavior of these tumors, their division into monochannel - benign and, with the presence of subclones, malignant (future doctoral thesis).

In 1966, A. I. Vorobyov was appointed head of the clinical department of the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Ministry of Health. Some of the employees of the Kassirsky department left with him. The main theme is radiation sickness. For the first time in the world, they developed a system of biological dosimetry, which made it possible, on the basis of clinical signs and the time of their appearance, changes in the blood, chromosomal analysis (Evgeny Kirillovich Pyatkin), even before the development of clear symptoms of the disease, to determine its future severity, the timing of the development of agranulocytosis, etc.

The first bone marrow transplantations began in the clinic, aseptic boards were created (and A. E. Baranov). All this was then transferred to the State Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

In 1968, A. I. Vorobyov defended his doctoral dissertation on the problems of tumor progression of leukemia, and in 1969 he was awarded the academic title of professor.

In 1971, after the death of I. A. Kassirsky, Andrei Ivanovich, according to his will, became the head of the Department of Hematology and Intensive Care of the Central Institute for the Improvement of Doctors.

In the early 70s. (formerly Western colleagues), together with M. D. Brilliant, introduced intralumbar cytostatic prophylaxis of neuroleukemia instead of head irradiation.

Working at the Institute of Biophysics and at the department, the team of A. I. Vorobyov worked closely with scientists from the Institute of Blood Transfusion I. L. Chertkov, L. S. Lyubimova, V. V. Kochemasov. Even then, the features of emergency acute radiation sickness were revealed, which showed the futility of hopes for bone marrow transplantation in her case. The result of this work was the abandonment of the bone marrow banks already built in the USSR in case of a nuclear war. Thanks to this work, the USSR was significantly ahead of its hypothetical enemy - the United States.

At the same time, an important concept was formulated about cytostatic disease, its pathogenesis, principles and conditions of therapy. He gave a classical description of the pathogenesis of radiation sickness, created the world's only complex system of biological dosimetry, including the analysis of the kinetics of cell populations, analysis of chromosomal rearrangements and morphological changes in tissues. This led to the development of the theoretical foundations of pathogenetic intensive care in radiation pathology, hematology and other conditions characterized by massive tissue breakdown.

Together with the outstanding organizer of "radiation medicine" V. I. Shakhmatov, the situation of emergency acute radiation sickness was clinically simulated. And although it was impossible to foresee the epidemiological consequences, our medicine was ready for the Chernobyl accident in 1986, when the indispensability of pathogenetic intensive care was confirmed in conditions of massive radiation injuries during the elimination of the consequences of the accident.

In 1984, A. I. Vorobyov was elected a corresponding member, in 1987 - a full member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR.

The work of the team under the leadership of A. I. Vorobyov received well-deserved recognition in our country and abroad. It is he and his staff who are responsible for the introduction of program therapy for acute leukemia into domestic medical practice, which made it possible to no longer consider acute leukemia as an incurable disease. In 1987, Andrey Ivanovich with co-authors was awarded the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize for the series of works "New methods for diagnosing and intensive therapy of diseases of the blood system."

In 1988, from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, A. I. Vorobyov was elected a People's Deputy of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, later - the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

From 1987 to 2011 he was the director of the Hematological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

As a director, the organizational talent of A. I. Vorobyov was especially clearly revealed. His work on organizing the liquidation of the medical consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, for which he was awarded the order Lenin (1988). His contribution to the development of methods for the treatment of crash syndrome during earthquakes and in the creation of new delivery and evacuation means corresponding to the modern development, the principles of providing transfusion assistance in the foci of natural and man-made mass disasters is great.

A. I. Vorobyov achieved the transfer of the Center from the subordination of the Ministry of Health to the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

For the first time in the country at the Institute of Blood Transfusion. AA Bogdanova State Scientific Center has mastered the industrial production of coagulation factors VIII and IX, providing themselves with factor IX completely. Received a patent for genetically engineered factor VIII.

Following the example of the pre-war years, branches of the Center were opened in Krasnoyarsk and Arkhangelsk.

To combat the very high mortality of puerperas from massive blood loss, an assistance team was created at the SRC (under the leadership of V. M. Gorodetsky, he also wrote instructions for providing assistance), which traveled almost the entire country and introduced into obstetric practice the control of bleeding of puerperas by massive transfusions fresh frozen plasma rather than whole blood, as previously practiced. As a result of this work, the death rate of puerperas in the country was reduced by half, and in large cities - by four or more times.

High-dose and, as it turned out, highly effective programs began to be introduced (A. V. Kremenetskaya). Successes were achieved in the treatment of previously incurable lymphosarcomas of various localizations, Burkitt's lymphoma, which was difficult to treat stage IV lymphogranulomatosis, which resulted in persistent remissions in the first cycle of modified high-dose therapy programs. Such remissions after a few years should be considered a recovery. These results exceeded the data of foreign publications.

Through the efforts of SSC scientists, for the first time in the world, several tumors of the blood system have become curable with an efficiency close to 100%: B-cell lymphosarcomas of the lymph nodes, tonsils of the spleen, stomach, Burkitt's lymphoma.

In 1991-1992 - Minister of Health in the government of B. N. Yeltsin. In the difficult years of the collapse of the economy and the financial system, putting the needs of the patient above all else, with the help of like-minded people in the Government, he prepared a Presidential Decree on financing especially expensive types of medical care as a separate line of the budget: cardiovascular surgery, neurosurgery, hematology, etc. This Decree (dated 26 September 1992) saved high-tech medical care, which was not covered by conventional insurance and the budget, contributed decisively to the preservation of the domestic health care system, scientific personnel and priority scientific directions and centers.

As a result, not only the Center survived, but also highly qualified personnel remained.

The scientific school of A. I. Vorobyov, among the leading scientific schools in Russia, received support from the Russian Foundation fundamental research. He repeatedly represented domestic medicine at international forums and conventions.

The scientific team led by A. I. Vorobyov made a fundamental contribution to the development of modern hematology, both in clinical and morphological and experimental terms. He developed a scheme of hematopoiesis, which underlies all modern work on leukogenesis. An original theory of tumor progression of leukemia has been developed, based on the phenomenon of increased mutability of tumor cells, the appearance of subclones in a previously monoclonal tumor. Instead of the previously used descriptive approach to tumor growth, universal regularities in the development of malignant tumors were identified, previously unrelated morphological, functional, cytogenetic and clinical signs of tumor growth were comprehended.

The study of the differentiation of erythropoiesis according to the age profile using the analysis of the kinetics of lysis showed the existence of potentially isolated (reserve clone) erythrocytes, which are produced by the bone marrow under conditions of intense erythropoiesis. Using the same methodological approach, the fundamental difference between erythrocytes of different age groups(with their morphological similarity), which was another confirmation of the theory of "cell layers".

Based on a comprehensive analysis of the widest spectrum of human pathology, primarily leukogenesis, the theory of "cell layers" is proposed, which states that in the postnatal development of the body there is a change in functionally related parental cellular elements, which, in particular, explains the fundamental difference between tumors of one age period from morphologically similar tumors of another age period.

The work of A. I. Vorobyov is inextricably linked with the teaching of not only hematology, but also cardiology, transfusiology, morphology, differential diagnosis and intensive care critical conditions at the Department of Hematology and Intensive Care of the Central Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education (now the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education). His brilliant lectures on the problem of internal medicine, morning conferences, at which, starting from specific clinical situations, the most sharp questions diagnostics and treatment are widely known not only in Moscow, but also far beyond its borders. Held under his leadership, since 1972, the annual ten days in memory of I. A. Kassirsky "New in Hematology and Transfusiology" have become almost informal congresses of hematologists from all over the country and the CIS countries.

Author of about 400 scientific papers, including monographs, textbooks and teaching aids. The most important of them are: "Kardialgia" (1998), "Acute massive blood loss" (2001), "Guide to hematology in 2 volumes" (2002, 2003). Under his leadership, 57 dissertations were defended, including 15 doctoral ones.

Since 2000, A. I. Vorobyov has been an academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

For more than 30 years, Andrey Ivanovich has been the chairman of the Moscow City Scientific Society of Therapists, the chief therapist of the Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. He is the editor-in-chief of the journal Hematology and Transfusiology.

President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Professor V.I. Skvortsova

Original taken from loxovo in LESS! The Hematological Center in Moscow collapsed: hundreds of employees were fired in 2 years

Blood loss
Hematological Research Center lost dozens of qualified doctors as a result of the "reform"
For doctors and patients of the Hematology Center, this story began in 2011, when Academician Andrey Vorobyov, who had headed this organization since 1987, was dismissed from the post of director of this scientific and medical institution.

According to former deputy director of the SSC for scientific work Vladimir GORODETSKY , under the leadership of Academician Andrei Vorobyov, the Institute of Blood Transfusion has become a unique scientific center:
- From the Institute of Blood Transfusion, which it was before 1987, Vorobyov and those people who came with him, made the Hematological Research Center. This is a multidisciplinary clinical research institution that has developed, studied and treated the most complex diseases of the blood system, oncological and not only, and the problems of transfusiology - transfusion of blood and its components.
Vladimir Gorodetsky is now a professor at the Department of Hematology and Transfusiology at the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. He says that with the advent of the new leadership in the scientific center, the atmosphere has changed and domestic medicine may lose its achievements in the treatment of serious blood diseases:
- Over these two-plus years, about 60 candidates and doctors of sciences alone have been fired! And not all by age. Although in medicine, as nowhere else, experience is very important - unless the specialist is sick, crazy or fell into insanity. And I guarantee you that of those 60 people who were fired during the more than two years of Valery Savchenko's rule, not one of them is insanity. This is where the main conflict lies. Under the previous administration, there was no such indiscriminate layoff of employees. On the contrary, we have always been proud of the fact that the center managed to maintain a professional core that worked perfectly. Those areas and laboratories that developed under the previous administration are simply being disbanded today, and people who have never had anything to do with medicine are now working in the leadership of the center.
What is happening in the Hematology Center cannot but excite patients. They care about which doctors will treat them.

Co-Chairman of the All-Russian Union of Patients Yuri ZHULEV urges not to rush to conclusions and wait for the results of the work of the ministerial commission, which is now checking the Hematological Research Center:
- Human resources are extremely important in healthcare. I know that there are complaints in the center, I heard about it. There is a reform going on. Yes, indeed, there is a new leadership. And there is a reformatting of the state. This question is always very difficult. It is necessary to understand patients - they get used to a particular doctor, especially when we are talking about complex problems such as blood diseases. It was announced that the Ministry of Health was seriously checking the activities of the SSC. Let's see if there are any violations. Official verification by the relevant department is also important. You can understand patients because the patient goes to his doctor. There are specialists who, of course, have a lot of experience. And the departure of such people from any institution is associated with a certain loss of quality.
According to Yuri Zhulev, if the reform of the Hematology Center is unsuccessful, then, given the uniqueness of this medical institution, this should be regarded as nothing less than a blow to the country's security:
- This is the first Institute of blood transfusion created in the world. This oldest institution is, of course, of strategic importance. Because there have always been two main directions. This is hematological care - diseases associated with oncohematology and general hematology, blood clotting disorders or thrombosis. The second area of ​​work is the Blood Service, that is, blood transfusion stations - the so-called transfusiology, this is the science of using blood components for medicinal purposes. There is information about the closure of laboratories. The Ministry of Health is aware of this. Here it is necessary to decide how expedient it was to close these laboratories. The result of any reform must be strengthening. If that happens, great. If there is a weakening of the Blood Service, then this is a blow to the security of the country, in fact.
Doctors of the Hematological Research Center, despite everything that is happening in this medical institution, continue to treat people, including seriously ill patients. As Professor Vladimir Gorodetsky said in an interview with Radio Liberty: "We remain doctors."

Radio Liberty, 01/21/2014

"Destroyed whole scientific schools and directions"
Almost 700 employees were fired from the Hematological Research Center in two years
A scandalous situation has developed around the Hematological Research Center in Moscow. Hundreds of employees were fired from this federal medical institution and about 20 departments were closed. Free medical care is curtailed for patients. Gazeta.Ru is trying to sort out the situation.
On January 21, Vladimir Putin held a meeting on the state of healthcare, in which he also touched on the ongoing structural optimization, noting individual cases of a “formal, bureaucratic approach.” As a positive result, the president called the increase in the salaries of doctors and paramedical personnel. tells about what is happening in a single federal medical institution.
Last week, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, by order of Veronika Skvortsova, began to inspect the Hematological Research Center in Moscow. It was the result of protests by doctors and patients that began at the end of last year. Blog posts, a petition on, an open letter from doctors of the Hematological Research Center to Russian President Vladimir Putin, pickets in Moscow and St. Petersburg - the goal of these actions is the same: to stop the actual destruction of the Hematological Research Center.

Picket at the Ministry of Health
The situation in this scientific and medical institution is more than strange: go mass layoffs highly qualified specialists — hematologists and reputable scientists.
« Over the past 2 years, more than 100 major hematologists have been fired: academicians, professors, doctors and candidates of sciences, leading researchers - entire scientific schools and areas have been destroyed(an incomplete list of dismissed highly qualified specialists is given in Appendix 1, 2) (in this incomplete list there are 52 people, including an academician, 8 professors, doctors and candidates of science. - Ed.). In addition, less eminent scientists and workers were fired. These are laboratory employees and laboratory assistants (including candidates of medical sciences, candidates of biological sciences, graduates of reputable universities) with unique experience in setting up complex analyses, in developing unique methods, in differential diagnostics of the most complex diseases, ”the employees say in an open letter to the president. The message also states that, according to some information, today the total number of employees laid off over the past two years is about 700 people.
Appendix 2 lists 17 closed departments and laboratories of the SRC, including the laboratory of hemocytology, the laboratory of genetic engineering, the laboratory of clinical immunology, etc. The center for the treatment of hemophilia was closed. The only enterprise in the country for the production of blood coagulation factors has been closed.
The employees of the SSC say that this actually led to the destruction of the achievements accumulated over almost a century of the existence of the center, to the destruction of scientific schools.
The successes of previous years in the field of treatment, in particular, oncological diseases of the blood, are associated with the leadership of Professor Andrey Vorobyov, who left the post of director of the center in 2011.
For patients, the current situation means the actual cessation of free examination and treatment.
“It has become a common picture when a patient needs to pay from 10 to 50 thousand rubles for an examination,” write the staff of the State Scientific Center. - And this is far from affordable for everyone, and many people in need are forced to refuse examination, which means - to refuse treatment. But we have helped many such people before.”
Judging by the open letter, the role of the director of the center, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Valery Savchenko, is incomprehensible in all this: “He seems to be in charge of the State Scientific Center, but, as it were, not. Today, the actual management of all the activities of the SRC is concentrated in a person who has nothing to do with medicine - Mrs. L.N. Prusova". The head of the polyclinic department A.L. Melikyan conducting "destructive activities".
The salaries of doctors and researchers, according to information from an open letter, do not meet any standards: “Today, a doctor of medical sciences, a leading researcher, receives at the SSC one and a half to two times less than a worker at a factory or a district doctor in a neighboring clinic.”
* * *
Yulia KRIZHEVSKAYA, former leading researcher of the center, who was fired after 30 years of work, shared her point of view on what is happening at the Hematological Research Center:
- How can you comment on the story of your dismissal?
- My story is no different from the story of all my other colleagues who were fired along with me. The director of our center for a long time was Andrey Ivanovich Vorobyov, who has unquestioned authority in the world as the greatest hematologist and therapist. He created and brought up a wonderful, very strong team, because he was not afraid smart people. Andrei Ivanovich was a very authoritative person and was not afraid to have his say. He completely disagreed with the policy of the then Minister of Health Zurabov, he did not quite agree with Golikova's policy and objected to a lot of organizational measures that were taken in our healthcare.
And the main problem of our health care is a catastrophic underfunding.
Unfortunately, in 2011, Andrey Ivanovich resigned as director of the State Scientific Center for health reasons. And Valery Grigoryevich Savchenko, who was known as a major leader, a very good doctor and, as I can say from my own experience, a very decent person, became the director of the center. But it so happened that after Andrei Ivanovich left, a disaster struck at our institute. Because all affairs are now managed by a certain lady Prusova, she is the deputy director for finance, economics and personnel. In my personal impression, personnel today are managed by a person who does not have the necessary training and is incompetent to deal with such issues. And with the change of leadership, they began to lay off people in huge numbers.
I can agree that if there is no money, then a certain number of scientific departments could be reduced, science is a costly thing. But at the same time, our only laureate of the State Prize, Doctor of Biological Sciences Nina Ivanovna Grineva, was laid off, she is the author of one of the hundred best Russian inventions.
Following the scientists, they began to cut doctors, right from the bed of the patient.
For example, we had such a doctor - Svetlana Petrovna Shcherbinina. She created a method for treating such a serious disease as hemochromatosis, when iron is deposited in the tissues, which leads to the death of the patient. She figured out how to treat it. I saw how, at international conferences, foreign experts wrote down every word behind her. And she was fired.
- And the director did not intervene in this situation?
- He actually retired. Many say that he is just hiding behind.
- Why does he need it? Should he be interested in qualified doctors and scientists?
Of course, you should be interested. His position is completely incomprehensible to me.
- The open letter says about very low salaries. This is true?
— Quite right. I left the post of leading researcher with a salary of 11 thousand rubles.
- It is also said that free diagnostics and treatment have actually disappeared.
— Yes, we now have many tests that have become paid, procedures have become paid.
- Then, perhaps, this is an attempt to transfer all medical care to a paid basis?
- I think the main thing behind this is the lack of money.
And this is a crime on the part of those who tailored such a budget.
— Is there an alternative for hematological patients? Can they be treated somewhere else, or is the SRC a completely unique medical institution?
— SSC is still in Soviet times was such for the USSR, and now it is such for Russia. We mainly get the most difficult cases that the regional centers and Moscow city hospitals have not coped with. Those patients who often failed to make a correct diagnosis. Only we can do this. We had an excellent laboratory base, which is now being destroyed. We have a department for the improvement of doctors, and we have trained doctors from all over Russia and from the CIS countries. We carried out diagnostics, started treatment, brought the first cycle of treatment to a result, and only then sent patients for treatment at their place of residence.
- Now the Ministry of Health is checking the SSC. Do you think it can bring results?
— I think that a real test of the center is absolutely necessary. And it is necessary that someone else there began to make decisions.
* * *
Last week, Gazeta.Ru contacted Valery Savchenko, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, director of the Hematological Research Center, with questions regarding the conflict situation in the center, but no response was received at the time of publication.

Gazeta.Ru, 01/22/2014


employees of the Hematological Research Center

President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin

Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Professor V.I. Skvortsova

In the Hematological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (SSC), the destructive activities of the leadership in relation to hematologists, scientists and hematological patients continue.

Over the past 2 years, more than 100 major hematologists have been fired: academicians, professors, doctors and candidates of sciences, leading researchers - entire scientific schools and directions have been destroyed (an incomplete list of dismissed highly qualified specialists is given in Appendix 1, 2). In addition, less eminent scientists and workers were fired. These are laboratory staff and laboratory assistants (including candidates of medical sciences, candidates of biological sciences, graduates of reputable universities) with unique experience in setting up complex analyses, in developing unique methods, in the differential diagnosis of complex diseases.

Thanks to the well-coordinated work of a complex team built over decades, new unique methods of treating previously incurable blood diseases were worked out and created. It is no coincidence that authoritative foreign scientists and leading pharmaceutical companies sought to cooperate with the SRC.

According to some reports, to date, the total number of employees laid off over the past 2 years is about 700 people. Closed about 20 departments and laboratories (their partial list is given in Appendix 2). Some of the departments have been preserved, for example, the polyclinic. But even here there are dramatic errors. For example, the head of the same outpatient department Melikyan A.L., having no experience in managerial work, either through misunderstanding, or purposefully, or forced, in fact, carried out and continues to conduct destructive activities in the department, destroyed many of the achievements of previous years.

The polyclinic closed a free examination for needy hematological patients, there are no discounts for the disabled and war veterans. All examinations are free of charge. In addition, due to the liquidation of previously functioning laboratories, incoming patients have to be sent for examination to other laboratories in the city, all of which are paid. As a result, the picture has become common when a patient needs to pay from 10 to 50 thousand rubles for an examination. And this is far from affordable for everyone, and many people in need are forced to refuse examination, which means to refuse treatment. But we have helped many such people before.

The library is closed: dissertations of employees, unique books - all this is thrown into a barn on the territory of the institute due to uselessness. This undermines the authority of the director of the institute, Savchenko VG, who, as it were, manages the SSC, but, as it were, does not. Today, the actual management of all the activities of the SSC is concentrated in a person who has nothing to do with medicine - Mrs. Prusova L.N. And the deputy director for science Mendeleeva L.P. only manages to sort out the scandals and squabbles perpetrated by Prusova L.N. and Melikyan A.L.

Great destruction befell the social sphere of the State Scientific Center. For example, a dispensary doctor was fired, who supervised the employees very well, and the medical cards of the employees were handed out as unnecessary. Thus, today the remaining doctors and employees of the SSC have found themselves without regular medical supervision. Indeed, a shoemaker without boots!

The salaries of employees are extremely low, people are “brought to the door” with low salaries. This is despite the fact that the President of the Russian Federation tirelessly talks about increasing the remuneration of doctors and that it should be higher than the average for the region. Today, a doctor of medical sciences, a leading researcher, receives one and a half to two times less at the State Scientific Center than a worker at a factory or a district doctor at a neighboring polyclinic. Candidates and Doctors of Sciences were given notifications about joining the minimum wages pay for the title, and it is already against the law.

Thus, the Federal State Budgetary Institution Hematological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was completely destroyed, huge damage was done to domestic science and medicine in the field of hematology and blood transfusion.

However, we hope that the "point of no return" has not yet been passed, that all is not lost yet. That is why we are turning to the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin for help. Domestic hematology is in danger, Mr. President, and this situation threatens the security of the country. During the Great Patriotic War and during later complex events (including not only during military events, but also during earthquakes, floods, and other shocks), the achievements of domestic hematology made it possible to save the lives of thousands and thousands of our compatriots.

We urge you to intervene. It is very important. Perhaps an audit is needed from the Counting Commission, or the Prosecutor's Office, or the Investigative Committee - you know better.

Employees of the Hematological Research Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and an initiative group of patients January 2014

Attachment 1
LIST of academicians, corresponding members, professors, doctors of medical sciences, leading researchers dismissed from the Hematological Research Center over the past 1.5 years
1. Ivy O.P. - academician, professor otd.
2. Kovaleva L.G. - professor, chief Dept., Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation
3. Kozinets G.I. — professor, honored worker of science
4. Gotman L.N. - professor, chief otd.
5. Khoroshko N.D. - professor, chief otd.
6. Pogorelov V.M. - professor, chief otd.
7. Sakhibov Ya.D. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof., Head. lab. (fired with all laboratory staff)
8. Bulycheva T.I. - professor, chief lab., transferred to consultants
9. Donskov S.I. — d.m.s.
10. Sarycheva T.G. — d.m.s.
11. Gorodetsky V.M. - corresponding member, professor
12. Kochemasov V.V. — Doctor of Medical Sciences, Deputy Director for Research
13. Migunov V.N. — Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head. lab.
14. Ershova L.I. — MD, leading researcher
15. Kochina E.N. - Candidate of Medical Sciences, accountant. Secretary
16. Nikitin I.K. - spec. for international relations, lab.
17. Martirosov A.R. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher
18. Grigorieva M.A. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, transferred to a dietitian in the kitchen
19. Kremenetskaya A.M. - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head. otd.
20. Vinogradova Yu.E. — PhD, hematologist, specialist in T-cell lymphomas
21. Lorie Yu.Yu. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher
22. Kucher R.A. - doctor of the highest category
23. Zhuravlev B.C. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher
24. Kolodey S.V. - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head. lab. anemia of rare forms
25. Levina A.A. - Ph.D.
26. Tsybulskaya M.M. - senior researcher
27. Karagyulyan S.R. - removed from the head. hir. otd.
28. Galuzyak B.C. transferred from operating surgeons to duty officers
29. Dyageleva O.A. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher
30. Naumova I.N. - Ph.D.
31. Misyurin A.V. - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head. lab.
32. Zakharova A.V. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher
33. Tikhonova L.Yu. - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head. lab.
34. Samoilova R.S. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher
35. Shpakova A.P. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher
36. Kozlov A.A. - head. lab.
37. Likhovetskaya Z.M. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher
38. Aleksanyan M.Zh. - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head. blood transfusion station
39. Shcherbinina S.P. - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head. Department, dealt with hemochromatosis
40. Kabasin V.I. - head. otd.
41. Shavlokhov V.S. — d.m.s.
42. Aleksanyan M.Zh. — d.m.s.
43. Zybunova E.E. - Ph.D.
44. Kalinin N.N. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
45. Kolosova L.Yu. - Ph.D.
46. ​​Tentsova I.A. - Ph.D.
47. Domracheva E.V. - prof., head. lab.
48. Tikhonova L.Yu. - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head. lab.
49. Semenova E.A. - Ph.D.
50. Kaplanskaya I.B. - Ph.D.
51. Glasko E.N. - Ph.D.
And so on…
* * *
Appendix 2
LIST (incomplete) of closed SSC departments and laboratories
1. Scientific and organizational department for transfusiology
2. Scientific and technical laboratory
3. Department of forecasting, management and implementation of scientific programs in hematology and transfusiology
4. Emergency Department
5. Laboratory of hemocytology
6. Laboratory of genetic engineering
7. Clinical Immunology Laboratory
8. Laboratory of complex blood processing
9. Laboratory of Pathological Physiology
10. Laboratory of blood plasma preparations
11. Radioisotope laboratory
12. Laboratory for the diagnosis of anemia
13. Blood group standardization laboratory
14. Laboratory of functional morphology of hemoblastoses
15. Department of diagnosis and treatment of hemochromatosis
16. Department of hyperbaric oxygenation
17. Department of extracorporeal blood purification
And so on… (to the 80th birthday)

February 5, 2003 marked the 80th birthday and 55 years of scientific and pedagogical activity of the head of the Department of Microbiology with Virology and Immunology of the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Anatoly Andreevich Vorobyov. This significant event was dedicated to the Ceremonial meeting of the Academic Council of the Medical and Preventive Faculty of the MMA. THEM. Sechenov. It seemed that the huge auditorium of the anatomical building could not accommodate all the guests. His students, associates, representatives of ministries and departments came to congratulate the hero of the day: Ministry of Health Russian Federation, Ministry of Industry, Science and New Technologies, Ministry of Defense, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

The ceremonial meeting was opened with his welcoming speech by the rector of the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor M.A. Fingers.

The honorary role of the host of the Solemn meeting was entrusted to the First Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences G.G. Onishchenko.

about creative and life path Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor A.A. Vorobyov" - this was the name of the speech of the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Prevention, Professor Yu.V. Nesvizhsky.

Anatoly Andreevich Vorobyov was born on February 5, 1923 in the city of Kurganny Krasnodar Territory. He graduated from the Naval Medical Academy in Leningrad (1945), postgraduate studies at the Department of Physical and Colloidal Chemistry (1948-1951) of the same academy. Then he worked at the Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR and the Ministry of Microbiological and Medical Industry of the USSR in various positions. Currently, he is the head of the Department of Microbiology with Virology and Immunology of the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov.

Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, three times Laureate of State Prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Major General of the Medical Service, awarded 4 orders and 19 medals.

Being a doctor by education, A.A. Vorobyov went through a good scientific and organizational school. A big role in the formation of A.A. Vorobyov as an immunologist and microbiologist was played by the outstanding domestic immunologist Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR P.F. Zdrodovsky, microbiologist Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR G.V. Vygodchikov, virologist Professor A.T. Kravchenko and immunochemist Professor A.V. Markovich.

Success in the scientific and scientific-organizational activities of A.A. Vorobyov was facilitated by creative and working contacts with prominent scientists of the country: academicians A.P. Alexandrov, Yu.A. Ovchinnikov, A.A. Baev, R.V. Petrov, M.A. Paltsev, E.D. Sverdlov, as well as academicians of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences E.I. Smirnov, P.N. Burgasov. IN AND. Pokrovsky, N.P. Bochkov, V.M. Zhdanov, N.F. Izmerov, D.S. Sarkisov, V.A. Tutelyan, K.V. Sudakov, N.N. Bazhanov, I.P. Ashmarin, B.F. Semenov, R.M. Khaitov, G.I. Rumyantsev, M.G. Shandala and many others.

A.A. Vorobyov took an active part in the implementation of the decisions of the USSR Government on the development in our country of molecular biology, genetics and genetic engineering, biotechnology, immunology and microbiology. Heading large scientific teams at the Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense, science at the State Institution "Biopreparat", he directly supervised the creation and formation of scientific centers, institutes, laboratories, the training and placement of scientific personnel, the definition of topics, the development of programs, the coordination of research with other departments, etc. .

Proceedings of Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Vorobyov A.A. and his schools have made a significant contribution to the development and establishment of modern immunology and microbiology. This became possible thanks to the talent, diligence, organizational skills and versatile fundamental knowledge of A.A. Vorobyov. Under the leadership of A.A. Vorobyov and with his participation, many important fundamental and applied problems of immunology, microbiology and biotechnology, as well as the theory of the practice of natural science, were solved. In particular:

A.A. Vorobyov made a great contribution to the improvement of the educational process in teaching microbiology and immunology in medical universities. Under his leadership, the teaching program was revised, three textbooks were written, a computer atlas on microbiology and immunology, many textbooks were created, and a rating system for assessing knowledge was introduced into teaching.

A.A. Vorobyov created a school, brought up a galaxy of prominent scientists in the field of immunology and microbiology. Under his leadership, 29 doctoral and 35 master's theses were defended.

A.A. Vorobyov constantly makes keynote presentations on immunology, microbiology, biotechnology at international and Russian conferences, sessions of the Academy of Medical Sciences, in print, on television.

A.A. Vorobyov has a great literary heritage; he published more than 500 scientific papers, including 25 books, textbooks, teaching aids, 24 copyright certificates for inventions, patents of the Russian Federation and Lithuania.

Activities of A.A. Vorobyov is highly appreciated by the Government of the Russian Federation and the scientific community. For solving major scientific problems, he was awarded the State Prizes of the USSR and the Russian Federation three times, personal prizes to them. N.F. Gamaleya RAMS, them. M.P. Chumakov RAMNT and others, he was awarded the title of “Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation”, awarded 4 orders: “Patriotic War I degree”, “Red Banner of Labor”, two orders of the “Red Star”, as well as 19 medals. For his contribution to the country's defense capability, he was awarded the rank of Major General of the Medical Service.

A.A. Vorobyov - a participant in the Great Patriotic War, participated in the defense of Leningrad in 1941.

A.A. Vorobyov is full of strength and energy, his creative, pedagogical, scientific and organizational activities continue.

Mikhail Vinogradov,
head of the press center
medical and preventive faculty
MMA them. THEM. Sechenov.

Andrey Ivanovich Vorobyov (born 1928) is an outstanding Russian hematologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, professor, doctor of medical sciences, director of the Research Institute of Hematology and Intensive Care, head of the Department of Hematology and Intensive Care of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (RMAPO). The first Minister of Health of the Russian Federation in 1991-1992. Below is his note on the case of Elena Misyurina, who was sentenced to 2 years for "medical error". The original note by Academician Vorobyov was published in Alla Astakhova's health blog. You can read more about the case of Elena Misyurina in the article by Katerina Gordeeva. You can sign an online petition in defense of Elena Misyurina.

Why did the patient die?
Commentary by the largest oncohematologist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Andrey Vorobyov on the case of Elena Misyurina

In the city of Moscow, which is well provided with a blood service with large supplies of any blood components, a patient suddenly dies from bleeding from vessels allegedly injured by a trephine during a standard diagnostic procedure - trephine biopsy. Let it be true (although it is impossible to admit this in experienced hands) that the doctor confused the ilium with the sacrum, even if (which is extremely unlikely and was not observed by anyone) the vessels of the pelvis were injured by a trephine. But surgeons were engaged in ligation of bleeding vessels during the operation, they know how to tie vessels. It's pointless to question it. Why did the patient die from massive blood loss? Today, people do not die from bleeding from torn vessels, even when a leg is torn off by an explosion.

At the same time, surgeons in the clinic, observing the patient for two and a half days, opened abdominal cavity, bandage all the vessels that seemed to them a source of bleeding. Unsuccessfully. Why did the patient die? Because the stoppage of bleeding is mechanical, from a large vessel it does not stop bleeding from small ones, caused by a violation - depletion of coagulation factors.

In general, this case has a standard error. At one time, obstetricians did not know DIC, called uterine bleeding after childbirth - "atonic". This was followed by a complex medical measures: massage of the uterus, ligation of blood vessels, stitching of bleeding tissues, blood transfusion, preferably “warm”, amputation of the uterus ... If the patient survived until the arrival of a special team, transfusion of 1-2-3 liters of fresh frozen plasma immediately stopped the bleeding. This is a typical picture of DIC - a diagnosis made in the hospital for the patient Bobkov. Exposed, but not treated, the only effective remedy is fresh frozen plasma intravenously 1-2-3 liters.

It must be borne in mind that DIC was first described in the world in the sixties by our compatriot Maria Semyonovna Machabeli. Later, Zinoviy Solomonovich Barkagan suggested treatment with fresh frozen plasma. Before the treatment of obstetric DIC with fresh frozen plasma, our country lost 6-8 times more puerperas than Europe. Now all this is in the past.