2 year old children parenting features

Psychology of parenting brought to the section of science in the 40s of the twentieth century. The purpose of this direction is to find solutions in the problems of raising children's personalities, their harmonious formation, the development of morality, etc. The psychology of raising children is the basis of educational psychology, which helps to solve and understand the problems of each child and find an approach to the younger generation.

Psychology of parenting 2 years

Raising children of 2 years is not such a simple matter as it seems at first glance. Difficulties associated with raising kids repeatedly arise for many parents. A kid who is two years old often gives his parents a lot of trouble with his stubbornness,. At this age, the baby for their parents can be a "tough test". A small tyrant often objects to an adult who is somewhat larger than him. The most difficult is for those parents who are sure that the baby should obey them in any case. Often a 2-year-old baby shows his character, reacts with irritation, throws tantrums, rejects the help of adults, and parents often cannot understand what is happening to the baby.

A baby at the age of 2 years has a well-developed motor function and for him there are no such places, wherever he can reach. The baby already has a better command of his speech and, thanks to his skills, he tries to be “self-governing”. If adults understand that these are only his physical achievements, then it will be easier for them to show their tolerance than to assume that he wants to specially unbalance his parents.

Psychology of raising children under 3 years old - tips

The kid should be asked questions that he can answer either "yes" or "no", while the adult should be ready to accept both of these options. For example, when it is necessary to leave with the baby playground, then you should tell him about it like this: “we leave in 5 minutes.” After the time has elapsed, action should be taken. It is necessary to confidently say: “it's time to go”, if the child resists, then you need to persistently take him away.

You should give the baby the right to choose - for example, choose your own version of clothing from the two provided.

The psychology of raising children under 3 years of age includes flexibility in education. It is important to support any choice of the baby and teach him to take responsibility for his choice. For example, if the baby is hungry, but refused to eat, then you should not categorically insist on eating at this particular moment, you should simply put the food aside. The kid will definitely return to the proposed food. If adults follow these tips, then the difficult age of two-year-old crumbs will pass unnoticed.

Psychology of parenting 3 years

Every parent wants to raise their child correctly so that it grows up to be a full-fledged, healthy and creative person.

Raising a child of 3 years old requires a lot of attention and patience from adults. Over the next years of life, the main traits of character will be laid in babies, and ideas about the basics of behavior during adult life. Often the behavior of a child of 3 years old is marked by capriciousness and tantrums. In such situations, it is important for adults not to lose, to patiently and calmly explain to the baby what they don’t like about the behavior of the crumbs. It is recommended to focus the attention of the baby on what exactly upset the adult. After that, you need to divert attention with something interesting and not focus on this conflict.

The psychology of raising a child of 3 years old is aimed at eliminating unnecessary prohibitions and the manifestation of rigor, otherwise in the future the baby will become unnecessarily demanding, capricious and fastidious. You can not beat and humiliate the baby, you should let him feel on an equal footing with adults.

A three-year-old baby begins to realize himself as a person, but due to the lack of life experience, the baby does not know how to show his independence, perseverance, activity in achieving the goal. In order for a child to develop harmoniously, it is necessary to fill his life interesting activities, games, walks. The baby should always be treated tactfully and fairly, and then the child, having matured, will repay with his love and respect.

Psychology of parenting 4 years

Raising a 4 year old is a difficult task. At 4 years old, the baby is a separate person with his own desires, his own opinions and emotions.

Proper upbringing of a child of 4 years old will affect all aspects of his later life, so this issue needs to be approached very carefully. If in early childhood emotions and instincts mainly control the baby’s life, then by the age of 4, his behavior becomes more conscious.

In order to choose the right direction in raising a 4-year-old child, one should consider the key points in the development of crumbs at this age.

The psychology of raising children of 4 years old needs to be changed due to a shift in emphasis from motor activity on mental activity (for a baby, all kinds of creativity are of interest: modeling, drawing, making various crafts); such behavior should be encouraged, especially if the baby is not assiduous. At 4 years old, if health permits, it is recommended to send the baby to the sports section (swimming, gymnastics, and so on). We must not forget about daily walks, which strengthen the immune system well, and games in the fresh air develop large motor skills. If the baby already knows the alphabet, then he should be taught to read. It is advisable to familiarize the baby with the basics of mathematics in game form.

At 4 years old, the emergence of curiosity and endless “why?”, Which can unbalance any adult, is noted. The questions of the crumbs should be answered directly and without unnecessary details. If an adult does not have the necessary information, then you should say so to the baby and promise to find an answer in the near future.

If the child is already attending Kindergarten and he had problems with adaptation in the team, then an adult should help him in overcoming them. First you need to determine the cause of this condition (shyness, embarrassment, jealousy), and then teach the baby to properly communicate with peers, share toys, or, if necessary, stand up for themselves. If this problem cannot be solved, and it becomes global, then it is better to seek help from a child psychologist.

Family psychology for raising children of 4 years old takes into account certain changes that the baby's psyche undergoes in the process of growing up. A 4-year-old child begins to experience new feelings for himself: irritation, resentment, shame, sadness. He is not able to cope with them on his own, may not obey, behave badly. During this period, it is important to support the baby, to explain that everyone experiences emotions - and this is normal. It is necessary to tell the child that it is better to express their feelings not with bad behavior, but with words. It is required to praise the baby, since the lack of praise for the crumbs is felt very sharply, and it is worth punishing strictly on the case, so that it is clear why. Praise the child should be for new achievements or for great efforts in any business. It is required to always tell your four-year-old about your love, even if the behavior is not encouraging.

Raising a child 4 years old girl. As practice shows, it is easier to educate a girl than a boy. This is due to a more calm and obedient disposition inherent in purely female character traits. Girls prefer to play "daughters-mothers", "hospital", "shop", "barbershop". By encouraging such games and behavior, it is important to maintain confidence in your daughter in her beauty and exclusivity. This will allow her to have adequate self-esteem in the future. A girl needs to instill a love for cleanliness, punctuality, femininity.

Raising a child 4 years old boy. Boys are naturally more active and often aggressive. At 4 years old, a boy should understand that girls cannot be offended and know why. A man from the family must be involved. It can be both dad and other male representatives of the family - an uncle or grandfather. It has great importance. In addition, it is necessary to set as few prohibitions as possible for the boy, since an active child will still find the opportunity to overcome them.

The more adults spend time together with the baby for games and various activities, the more inquisitive, capable and quick-witted he will grow.

Psychology of parenting 5 years

A child at the age of 5 continues to learn both himself and other people - representatives of society. He begins to realize little by little that there are some connections in the relationships of people, as well as in their social behavior. In the behavior of 5-year-old children, one can detect the formation of the rudiments of self-regulation. Toddlers begin to make demands on themselves that adults made before them. Five-year-old children are already able to complete the work they have begun, not be distracted by interesting things, they are able to put away toys, put things in order in the room.

The psychology of raising children of 5 years old should include perseverance on the part of adults, since kids at this age begin to realize that there are generally accepted norms, rules of behavior, they begin to understand their responsibility and obligation to comply with these norms and rules.

Emotionally, the baby is able to experience the assessment of his behavior given by others, he begins to understand how he himself observes generally recognized norms and rules, whether he corresponds to moral and moral ideas.

It is quite easy for a five-year-old child to comply with norms in interaction with people who are pleasant to him, for example, with friends. With peers, a five-year-old kid is able to control his aggression, play and share toys, and immerse himself in educational games with interest.

The psychology of raising children for 5 years reveals changes in the self-image in the crumbs. Grades and opinions of friends become important. At this age, the baby selectively approaches the choice of friends; with peers, he is able to establish stable relationships. A child of 5 years old takes as friends those who possess positive qualities or successful at something. You can often hear from a five-year-old child that his friend does not fight and he is interested in playing with someone.

At the age of 5, there is not much difference in raising a girl or a boy. Of course, boys are more energetic, and girls are diligent, but the main points from the psychology of education are suitable for both sexes. At the age of 5, the change of mood does not occur so violently, and the matured baby becomes much calmer. If you turn to him with a request, he will adequately respond to the words and requests of adults. Adults should constantly explain to the child why something should not be done.

By brushing aside various children's “why?”, adults will help the baby become less proactive and think that there are some taboo questions that are better not to ask. The more often parents will answer the questions of the baby, the better for adults. Thus, the child will understand that he can turn to his parents with his questions and, therefore, in adolescence, faced with problems, he will come to his parents for advice. So that the baby does not become closed, you should constantly maintain communication with her. If an adult noticed that the baby wants to say something, then you can get ahead of him and ask him leading questions. If a child asks, you should always answer. In order for the upbringing to go right, it is necessary to give the crumbs a sufficient amount of attention.

Summing up, it should be noted that the psychology of raising a child should correspond to the age needs of the crumbs. The full development of the baby is possible under the condition of security and feelings of love. Otherwise, an adult runs the risk of confronting the resistance and passivity of his child. The upbringing of the child will have an effect if the child succeeds in any kind of activity. Having survived such a moment, the educated person will feel a sense of satisfaction from his result and participation in the activity. The educational process should not be open, otherwise the baby will realize that they are trying to influence him with moralizing and will actively resist.

The baby grows up, but the worries do not become less. Disobedience, whims, increased activity are common problems that fathers and mothers face. Patience and wisdom required parents gives a variety. The most important factor is personal example. It is unlikely that a child will be able to calm down if an adult yells at him. Restrained behavior, a calm reaction to tantrums will help to cope with the task. The child perfectly feels who can be manipulated. The daily routine, long walks and established rules of behavior are the main assistants in raising a child.

The period of up to three years is considered the most fertile for the acquisition

good habits and useful skills. Accuracy, the desire for cleanliness and order, the ability to bring what has been started to the end are instilled in the very younger age. At 3 years old, the baby is able to brush his teeth, wash himself, get dressed and perform the most elementary tasks. Let it be imperfect, but independently. And if you praise him for his achievements and good deeds, he will try twice.

A child at 2-3 years old actively absorbs new knowledge and learns easily. Invaluable time spent with parents reading fairy tales, encyclopedias for the little ones. Try memorizing poems and songs together, this is great for developing memory and speech skills. A wide variety of educational methods offer classes in a playful way. The kid is interested in everything, he is ready for new discoveries. Do not be afraid to overdo it in learning, the child himself will make it clear that it is time for him to rest. Versatile development includes physical activity (exercises, gymnastics), and communication with peers.

The psychologist Ekaterina Murashova left A new book. It contains sketches of the behavior of children and parents in various situations, so loved by many. But there is no subsequent "debriefing": the reader will have to think out a way out of a difficult situation on his own. True, each “ticket” situation has options for answers: as when solving tests in an exam. Here's what the "tickets" for 2-5 year olds look like. The correct answers are in the links below.

Aggressive child

Every day they gathered at the playground as if they were going to battle. The father (who willingly spent time with Andryusha at home) categorically refused to walk with his son. Grandfather took validol with him. The older brother, if he agreed to take a walk with the younger half an hour or an hour (his services were bought for additional time at the computer), invariably returned Andryusha to the family angry and crying after receiving slaps from his brother. The mother had nowhere to retreat - you still need to walk with the child. Some especially reverent mothers, seeing Andryusha joyfully running towards the sandbox, simply took their children and left the playground.

According to the conviction of his entire family, Andryusha, in essence, was neither evil nor greedy. He was simply active, loved new experiences, demanded the fulfillment of any of his desires, and took everything from everyone. If they gave it away right away, they didn’t play for long, and after that, they brought it and gave it to the owner. However, he was inaccurate in operation, he could have someone else's toy and break. If they didn’t give back kindly, he always got into a fight. The age of the child did not matter - he pushed away the kids who were falling like skittles, he threw himself at both six- and seven-year-olds.

On distant approaches to the site, the mother always conducted a “safety briefing” with her son:

- Andryusha, do you remember that you can’t take away toys from children? If you want something, you need to ask and say: "Give it, please." You can still change. You give him your truck, and he gives you his car. You understand?

- Yes Yes! Andryusha nodded impatiently, he wanted to run away and plunge into the thick of interesting events.

As soon as he was within the limits of the site, all his mother's instructions and his own assurances seemed to be blown away by the wind.

If there was still someone on the playground who defended his own by force or even took away toys from Andryusha himself, the boy did not cry, did not take offense, but, on the contrary, immediately began to “be friends” with this child and offer him all sorts of joint pranks.

“If this is all true now, when he is four and a half,” the grandfather lamented, returning with his grandson from a walk and sucking on validol, “then what will happen next?” What will he grow up to be? Corrupt? Gang leader? Maybe something can be done right now?

Answers and solutions:

BUT Pay no attention, let them figure it out. Natural selection nobody canceled.

B In general, pick up Andryusha from the site and for now walk with him separately. Perhaps, as he matures, he will learn to interact more constructively with other children.

AT Treat the child with a neurologist.

G Always be on the site nearby, teach alternative behavior, how else you can get your way, get in touch, etc. Organize joint games with rules that Andryusha (if he wants to play) will have to obey.

D Walk with children on the playground. If he offended someone, immediately punish him, developing a conditioned reflex according to Pavlov. After all, most people don't steal just because they're afraid of going to jail.

developmental delay

All children of the same age on the playground are already talking, some even reciting poems. And one mother says that her daughter, three and a half years old, can already read by syllables. Maybe true, maybe not, but still.

Nadya, at her more than three years old, speaks well if it's twenty words. Yes, and those: mother, woman, give, cook (doll), b-bi (car) ... She doesn’t want to look at books, she doesn’t collect pyramids. Can't string beads on a string. Sleeping and eating poorly. True, he plays well with children in the kindergarten and on the playground, he never fights and is not offended. Despite the virtual absence of speech, somehow agrees, and they understand it. But still...

The neurologist says to mom:

— What do you want? Was there an anhydrous period in childbirth? Was. Moreover, an operation for the infringement of the esophagus immediately after birth - two hours of general anesthesia. Of course, the brain is damaged. Recovery is underway, and development is also underway, but slowly ...

"But when?" When? And... will she be normal? Well, the same as all children?

"Who can tell you for sure?" - Philosophically shrugs an elderly neurologist (fifth in a row, the best in the city, very expensive). - And whoever says that he knows - so he will lie, do not hesitate. In the meantime, drink this drug to improve cerebral circulation ...

All five neurologists prescribed different drugs. One of them said that Nadya could only study at a special school, and that she needed more work. The other is that everything will work out, the main thing now is not to overload the child. But all drugs prescribed by neurologists have side effects ...

Mom no longer has any nerves - it’s time to be treated herself. At night, after putting Nadya to bed, she reads forums on the Internet. They also write different things there, and it’s not clear what to focus on ...

Parents either buy Nadia colorful manuals and spend hours with her, then, in despair, they leave everything and turn on cartoons that the girl is ready to watch for hours ...

"Get away from her, all of you!" - Grandma demands in her heart. - We read all sorts of nonsense, and even heard a lot of doctors. They also need to earn money somehow. And she is like a child! Come here, Nadenka, in the kitchen you will help me prepare dinner...

Nadia willingly goes. And "helps" the grandmother. The main thing is not to give her glassware - she is awkward, she will definitely break it. And mom sits and thinks: maybe grandma is right and nothing needs to be done at all?

Answers and solutions:

BUT Engage with the child on developmental benefits as much as possible. Patience and work will grind everything - she will catch up.

B Create a sparing regime, surround the child with love and care, the main thing is that he be healthy.

AT More play with the child role-playing games ask questions appropriate for the age of the child and answer them yourself.

G Try to get your child to interact more with normally developing children. Children are imitators, she will imitate them and learn something.

D Do not touch the child at all, it is not his fault that he was born like that. Themselves - sit down and cry about how unlucky you are.

Buy this book


I will definitely use your advice.

very useful article!

Comment on the article "How to educate correctly? Pass the exam: a child 2-5 years old"

That's right, spoiling a child's nerves with an additional exam and conveying to him your hesitation about passing it is where it's like. What does "in your place" mean? My child took the exam a year ago, but it never occurred to me to send him to the base "just in case."


If I understand correctly, the profile results will be very close to the issuance of certificates.
What if they don't check? Do not issue a certificate?

I don't have an answer to this question. Mine does not write, because she does not see the point in this. Well, he won’t write a profile for the required score, he will retake it in a year.

Making predictions is a thankless task. Reminds me of the movie Back to the Future. According to the story, all teenagers should already have self-lacing sneakers and flying skateboards. And neither one nor the other is yet to be seen. But still, let's dream up a little and imagine what the school of the future will look like. The learning process Informatization is no surprise to anyone. Electronic diaries that allow you to check your child's grades via the Internet. The "Visit and Meal" system, thanks to which...


In the picture on the left, the boy himself made a model of the aircraft. In the picture in the center, the boy stupidly presses the buttons of the toy. This is regression, not progress.
In addition, what does a skill that will come in handy in the future mean? Isn't this a skill of creativity that develops from simple to complex? If it's anything specific, then technology is advancing so fast that by the time a child graduates from school and can work, their knowledge will become obsolete. That is, if the additional education circle educates Creative skills on the example of a specific activity, interesting child- this is one thing, but telling parents that children there receive specific skills for the profession is a deception. Therefore, earlier in Russia it was given Special attention basic systematic education, and a narrow specialist has already been made out of him on this basis by an enterprise that needs a specialist.
Second question. A teacher is not a mentor, but a "conduit of information". And who develops this information? If everyone will only be able to search for information, then who will make discoveries, make new inventions? Or will the elites be trained separately, and the eternal consumers - separately?

Children now have great opportunities thanks to technology, and this, of course, should give rise to new sections and projects and everything else, and I agree that modern school looks much more interesting than the post-Soviet

From the negative points, I highlight the following. Teaching takes place on German, which makes it difficult for listeners to understand the basic rules and speech structures. AT modern methodology teaching a foreign language without using native language in class at this moment already considered controversial. From my own experience, I can say that this technique is not suitable for all students. foreign language. It is difficult in such a situation for both young listeners and students of elegant age. Co...


Interesting, thanks. And if the level is higher, what would you advise? I now want to get a B2 certificate for Goethe, so far I am studying with a private teacher via Skype, for 6 euros \ 60 minutes.

it is not necessary to choose exactly Moscow teachers, who have high prices.

If you have the same infa in mathematics and Russian for preparation, please hand it in) 09/03/2015 23:51:16, Marlen616. It is worth working with a tutor this year, but not so much for preparation, but for improving the level, and the child will be more confident in the exam ...


I'll tell you how we prepared for admission this year.

the child went to courses, but from the point of view of preparation, they did not give anything (the courses focused on speaking and more complex grammatical constructions).
We were preparing for a specific exam format, without tutors, I myself made 5-6 similar assignments and gave them to the child. At the exam itself, there were still tasks for the comparative degrees of adjectives (this topic is indicated, but there are no tasks for this in the example). + be sure to take the time to ask questions! this was a problem area for us, but after my explanations, the child began to correctly ask questions to any type of sentence.
Topics were prescribed together with the child, then they were simply memorized, but you need to be prepared that after the topic they will ask questions (we had questions for the future and past tense).

In Russian, topics of 6-8 sentences were prescribed during the year, closer to the exams they began to try to write the full version with the text and questions. The main thing for a child at the exam itself is not to write abstruse sentences, but at the same time, it is not worth it for very simple sentences.

They prepared for mathematics according to Heidman, also before the exam they solved 6-7 options for a while (so that they fit in 25-30 minutes).

well, look at the child, our acquaintances did not enter, studying with tutors in all subjects.

you have nowhere to write, lather, I will hand over the info-)

SCHOOL WITHOUT MATHEMATICS Livanov suggested taking the basic exam in mathematics after the tenth grade. Behind this "innocent" proposal (see [link-1]) is an indirect recognition of the failure of the experiment with the division of the Unified State Examination in mathematics into two levels. Teachers of "ordinary" schools, focusing on preparing graduates for the basic USE, "forgot" about the profile exam, which led to a landslide decrease in its average scores (see [link-2]). It looks like the Ministry of Education has taken care to release the teachers...


I agree that the school should be separated from passing the exam. Schools should teach, not coach. Examinations in general should become a matter of voluntary and independent.

And this idea seems to me extremely reasonable. It is quite possible to complete a school mathematics course in 10 years, and in the 11th grade, devote more time to core subjects. Again, for those who did not cope with the basic exam, it is possible to organize separate groups in the 11th grade, where instead of higher mathematics they will be engaged in repetition, and give the children the opportunity to retake the exam in a year.

Parenting and relationships with children adolescence: transitional age, problems at school, vocational guidance, exams, olympiads, Unified State Examination In the future, a participant in the Unified State Examination, if desired, will be able to take an exam in this subject in an additional period.


The rules have already been laid out for you. I'll just support. My son managed to get to the hospital, was discharged yesterday, and plans to go to the exam tomorrow. The rules for issuing a certificate, just in case, were also studied.

see item 5
If the USE participant for health reasons or other objective
reasons cannot complete the examination paper, he
may leave the audience. In this case, he turns
to the organizer
he invites a member of the SEC, and they draw up an act of early termination
examination for objective reasons. In the future, the participant of the exam, with
desire, will be able to pass an exam in this subject in an additional

"THE COUNTRY IS PREPARING FOR THE USE AS FOR WAR" BUT TO WHOM THE WAR AND TO WHOM THE MOTHER IS NATIVE ... The opponents of the USE are accused of lobbying the interests of university teachers, whom the unified exam deprived of the opportunity to take bribes for entrance exams. This argument is widely accepted, despite its obvious stupidity. The fact is that in addition to entrance exams, each student in the learning process takes about a hundred more exams and tests. The bribe-taker has a place to turn around. Especially...


I am a supporter of the exam, so what? I myself know everything about my social portrait.
And why did Gushchin not please the opponents of the exam?

Who wants to understand something else about Gushchin. Just recently in "Teenagers" there was a link to his article in the teachers' newspaper. I subscribe to every word of this article. And yes, I am a supporter of the Unified State Examination, despite ... Because I am the mother of such a provincial who studies at one of the best universities in the country. Previously, I would have simply not dared to do so. And further. By the third link go to the site "foxford" (former 100 USE) There are really very good teachers (From those whom I know) But Gushchin, unfortunately, is not among them.

The domestic education system has been formed over the centuries and is an element of national identity inherent in all the peoples of Russia. Fashionable talk today about healthy conservatism, conservation and saving national traditions- families, religions - do not at all affect the topic of preserving our traditions in the field of education. On the contrary, our once best educational system in the world is demonstratively destroyed at all levels with sadistic rapture. Created in education...


school and teachers need to be saved from many mothers, and here also under their control.

Now the undereducated generation of the 90s is becoming parents. Do you think they will manage the schools.
On the contrary, I would like to urge parents not to interfere, as our parents did not interfere in the educational process, not to take tutors without exception. And then you can't hide the full scale of the catastrophe. The state will have to recognize this and do something about it. Parents cover up the problems of education.

A year ago I graduated from the Moscow State University, and now I work as a manager in a fairly large Moscow company. Like all former students, I like to reminisce with friends about my years of study at the institute, and of particular interest to me is the discussion of the process of passing exams before the appearance of the microearphone and during its use. As students, everyone took exams and almost everyone used cheat sheets to pass. I'm in my first and second year of university...

On October 25, Moscow will host the opening of the first Russian Music school Suzuki, which is based on the Shinichi Suzuki method, which he himself called as a method of “educating talents”. The school will be located in the House children's creativity"On Taganka" (Working street, house 30, building 1.). it significant event in music and cultural life capital, as well as in the field of education, thanks to the activities of the Russian National Suzuki Association, founded in March 2014. The opening program will offer...

Section: Whims, tantrums (a child of one and a half years does not speak Komarovsky). So I thought: maybe it’s right to raise children this way - albeit a little tough, but, as they say, fair, and apparently effective.


I get the feeling that your friend is trying to develop in the child the reflex "mother loves only a good (= convenient) child.
I believe that education should be neither hard nor soft, but harmonious. In the above situations - if she obviously didn’t fall hard - “come here, I’ll regret it”, in most cases, then by the time it comes to me, she’ll be distracted by something, and I started doing this when my daughter was 7 months old - she began to get up at the support, if I ran for every fall, I would only run back and forth. But now all the friends are amazed at the calm child - she fell, got up, silently approached her mother, I stroked her, said "you have to be careful" - the daughter went on. If she cries, then the truth has hit hard. They pinched their fingers with a box ... for a long time, but of course she regretted it, while saying, "and my mother said that you need to be careful, you can’t put your fingers in the box." Igruhi naturally takes it herself! And what, even give out toys ??? even when I'm going to play with her, I tell her, bring, for example, cubes. And she carries the box herself. On the handle - according to the situation. Now my daughter understands the phrase "mom is busy", she was little - I cooked with her in a sling. Where it is impossible to climb, a strict voice turns on, the child is removed, with an explanation why it is impossible. Tantrums - we take the child, take it to bed with the words "cry in bed", sit, cry, get out, come to me, I'm sorry, I say "you need to listen to your mother."
At the same time, my daughter is very attached to me, but she can sit and play by herself, she asks to be held, but she also understands when her mother cannot take her. And she also came up with an original way to "ask for forgiveness" - I scold her, and she asks for her hands and makes a kiss sound with her lips - well, how can you not forgive?)))
At Komarovsky’s, I only showed a video about hardening to my husband, in many ways somehow my opinions differ with Komarovsky regarding the same vaccinations, GV, SS.

I never understood mothers like that. A year and a half or two years is nothing at all about age. What pop??? What kind of indifference? What "I warned you"?!
Well, let's see what happens in many years, how it all responds.
There is never too much love, but at this age it is necessary for small ones, like air.

You and I are social beings. Therefore, the socialization of children is a special issue. Every parent thinks about how the child will live in society. The socialization of children with speech, intellect, and hearing impairments is especially difficult. But often parents do not want to send a child to school without health or intelligence problems. To go to school or not to go? The house of the sun presents today three opinions on this matter. We all went through it and don't know why not go through it: high school, college education...


Dear namesake!
It is at least strange to receive numerous letters in a personal message on the topic “you obviously don’t have children” and “everything is ahead of you”, when lines are drawn in each comment, and in the profile, from which, incl. You write, all children are registered, their number and age. Apparently you are so strongly hooked by my comment.
If you want to talk about this, welcome, just learn, please, where the "reply" button is in the conference. But I think it's pointless - you have your own experience, I have mine, moreover, as a garden child, and "home". And I see the difference precisely on the example of my children, and not the OBS agency or the sick Sterligov, who crippled the lives of his children.