Pompidou Center tickets. Pompidou Center in Paris (information, address, buy a ticket)

Georges Pompidou Center for Art and Culture(or it is also called Bobur) is one of the most impressive and controversial buildings in Paris.

This cultural center is open to visitors daily from 11.00 to 21.00. Entrance is paid, but it is quite inexpensive. There are a lot of people who want to visit this place, so it's best to come about an hour before the opening.

Although I do not consider myself a fan of abstractionism, the museum has something to see even for people who are generally far from art. I don’t really like and understand contemporary art, but the exhibits of the exhibition and the very appearance of the Georges Pompidou Center struck me.

The center is located in the Beaubourg quarter, between the Marais and Les Halles. The idea of ​​creating this center belongs to the former President of France - Georges Pompidou.

The center is considered the same cultural landmark of France as, for example, the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre.

A free entertainment program is held on the square near the center, where everyone can watch the performances of circus performers and musicians.

This modern building is about 166 meters long, 60 meters wide and 42 meters high. The center was built according to an innovative design by architects Richard Rogers and Renzo Piano, which was selected from a competition of 680 entries. Unusual idea architects was to locate all pipelines, various fittings, escalators and even elevators outside the building, thereby increasing the usable area inside the building. The building looks like it turned inside out.

Reinforcing joints on the building are painted in White color, ventilation pipes are painted blue, electrical wiring is yellow, elevators and escalators are red, and water pipes are green.

On the square to the right of the center is the original and amusing Tingelli Fountain, in which colorful figures are spinning.

When we were inside this unusual building, it felt like we were inside some kind of huge mechanism.

In total, the Georges Pompidou Center has 5 floors. There is a cinema on the first floor of the center. Occupies two floors public library with a huge collection of books, CDs, movies and other video files. The third and fourth floors of the building are occupied by the Museum of Modern Art, whose collection includes about 60,000 works by more than 5,000 authors. There is painting, design, sculpture, architecture, photography, installations and more. You can't even list everything.

On the fifth floor there is the Grand Gallery, where temporary exhibitions are most often shown. There is also a large concert hall and the Institute for Research in Acoustics and Music.

In general, all the exhibits in the museum are very interesting to look at; here you can even watch a short film about art.

This museum presents the most incredible and daring thoughts in the abstract thinking people: various products from garbage, iron bottles, cardboard and other similar materials. It was not always clear to me personally what exactly the author wanted to express with his work.

In the center there is a small cafe where you can eat.

In this center you can see, so to speak, the non-standard side of art or simply expand your horizons. Everything is perfectly organized and the tour does not tire at all.

In 1977, a new attraction appeared in Paris - a center of culture and art, studying contemporary art in all its forms - dance, plastic arts, painting, sculpture, etc. Despite its young age, the center quickly gained popularity among both Parisians and visitors to the city. Today this center, named after the French President Georges Pompidou, is one of the most visited places in the French capital (only the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower are visited more often).

In 1969, President Pompidou decided to build a multifaceted cultural center in the Beaubourg quarter, which is located in the 4th arrondissement of Paris. The center was supposed to give a new impetus to the development of previous cultural projects that were never fully realized. Among them were such large-scale ideas as the construction of the largest public library in France, as well as the rehabilitation national museum contemporary art, which experienced an acute shortage of resources and huddled in the side wing of the Tokyo Palace.

In addition to the public library and the relocation of the Museum of Contemporary Art, it was planned that the new center would unite other areas of contemporary art research. Center for Contemporary Studies musical creativity led by Pierre Boulet, who had left France a few years earlier in protest against the state of modern music. Another department of the new cultural center was engaged in arts and crafts, François Matei took over its leadership.

When the French government announced a competition for the best architectural project, 681 applicants from 49 countries of the world applied for participation in it. The winner of the competition was the Italian Renzo Piano and the Englishman Richard Rogers. The innovative project proposed by them involved the placement of most of the engineering structures (escalators, elevators, pipelines, etc.) outside the building, which made it possible to use the internal area of ​​the building as efficiently as possible. The architects also offered to paint each type of communication in a different color. All wiring has been painted yellow, elevators and escalators - in red, water and ventilation pipes - in blue and green.

The grand opening of the center took place on January 31, 1977. Despite the protests of some critics who compared the center to an oil refinery, the architectural innovation was very well received by the Parisians.

In addition to the permanent exhibition, specialized exhibitions were held annually in the center, thanks to which its popularity grew rapidly. During the first 20 years of operation, the center received over 150 million visitors, so its reconstruction was required. It was decided to expand the exposition area by arranging the external territory, and in 1997-1999 the area of ​​the center increased to 100,000 square meters. Some organizational changes were also carried out, the cinematographic direction, the conversational genre and live shows of contemporary performers entered the scope of the center.

On January 1, 2000, the renovated Pompidou Center opened its doors to the general public, and again it was a stunning success. In 2000, the center received an average of about 16,000 visitors daily.

What to visit in the Pompidou Center

This largest European collection of its kind, includes more than 60,000 exhibits related to different types arts that fill 40 exhibition halls. Painting and graphics, sculpture and architecture coexist here with design elements and installations. The earliest exhibits of the museum date back to 1905. The exposition is replenished every year latest works art. The upper level of the museum (5th floor of the Center Pompidou) is devoted to the period 1905-1960, the floor below exhibits works dating from the period from 1960 to the present day.

The upper level of the museum introduces us to such art movements as cubism, fauvism, surrealism, expressionism, etc. Here you can see the masterpieces of the late Picasso, Matisse, Modigliani, Kandinsky, Malevich, Chagall, projects architectural buildings, made in the styles of Bauhaus and functionalism, as well as sculptural compositions. The lower floor of the exposition is dedicated to such areas as new realism, pop art, and experimental art.

Today, in order to remain a museum of contemporary art, and to overcome competition with new, avant-garde exhibitions opening in Paris, the Pompidou Center is constantly updating its collection. For example, in 2015 it was replenished with paintings by Salvador Dali, Andre Breton and Raoul Hausmann.

Because the permanent exhibition museum of modern art is increasing every year, currently considering the possibility of transferring part of the collection to the Tokyo Palace in the west of Paris.

It is better to plan your visit to the museum in advance. Excursion to English language Available only once a week - on Saturdays. However, you can visit private excursions with a Russian guide by signing up in advance.

Minors can visit the museum free of charge every first Sunday of the month. For those who visit Paris often, there is an annual subscription. The museum's day off is Tuesday. The purchase of a combined ticket will give you the opportunity to visit not only the permanent exhibition, but also temporary exhibitions.

Spaces for temporary exhibitions are located on Level 1 South Mezzanine, as well as in the Grande Galerie on Level 6. On average, these premises host 25 exhibitions per year. Each of them invariably becomes the brightest event of world culture.

Since temporary exhibitions are designed to reflect contemporary art even more than the main fund of the museum, the curators approach the formation of the program with all responsibility. During the year, you can visit both thematic exhibitions (dedicated to one or another direction in art), and personal exhibitions of the most advanced creators of our time. Artists such as Yves Klein and Nan Goldin exhibited here.

As well as the permanent exhibition of the museum, the exhibitions cover various branches of art - painting, sculpture, architecture, photography, contemporary arts and crafts, design elements and much more.

Public Information Library (BPI)

Two floors of the Pompidou Center are reserved for the Public Information Library (Bibliothèque publique d'information). It stores books, periodicals, films and other types of information on all possible media, including the most modern technologies. The book stock of the library is 350,000 volumes. Also available here is a collection of 24,000 periodical titles, 2,000 films, a large number of voice and music recordings, maps and plans, as well as foreign television channels - and this is not full list information stored in the library. Scientific seminars, discussions, creative meetings and film screenings are held on the basis of BPI.

The main principles and mission of the library is to ensure maximum accessibility up-to-date information for all, active participation in cultural life countries, cooperation with other cultural institutions to create a single information and research center. Following its tasks, the library annually updates not only its collections, but also technical base, giving visitors more options to access information. For example, there are language laboratories where you can conduct classes foreign languages. It is worth noting that reading rooms equipped with special equipment for the blind and visually impaired.

The main contingent of BPI visitors are Parisian students. 2,200 reading places and 370 places for working with multimedia sources cannot always accommodate everyone, especially since admission to the library is completely free. Therefore, it is better to come here in the late afternoon, after 18.00.

Two cinema halls of the Pompidou Center are located on its 2nd level. It regularly hosts retrospectives of films by the most iconic film directors of the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as film screening programs thematically united by a certain period in the history of cinema, or various genres of modern cinema. Cinemas of the cultural center are the base for major film festivals.

The basement of the cultural center contains 4 theater venues. Of course, it is difficult to call it theater in the traditional sense of the word. It has no stages and curtains, stalls and an amphitheater. These are premises that meet the needs of a modern understanding of the performing arts, where a high-quality, relevant and fashionable theatrical product is produced. The brightest and most advanced directors, actors and set designers, such as Ludovic Lagarde and Pierre Leon, work here.

These venues host not only dramatic performances, but also dance performances, musical concerts, non-traditional theatrical exhibitions, non-standard excursions, as well as conferences, seminars and discussions.

Institute for Research and Coordination of Acoustics and Music (IRCAM)

IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique) is part of the Georges Pompidou Cultural Center complex, but is located in a separate building on Stravinsky Square.

It is one of the world's largest public research centers that considers music not only from an artistic point of view, but also from a scientific point vision. Musical sensibility here coexists with the latest technology. The institute defines its activities in three main areas: creativity, research, broadcasting. Works created within the framework of IRCAM activities can be heard in the program of Paris concerts and musical performances in different countries ah world.

How to get there

Address: Place Georges-Pompidou, Paris 75004
Telephone: +33 1 44 78 12 33
Website: centrepompidou.fr
Metro: Rambuteau
Working hours: 11:00-22:00

Ticket price

  • Adult: 14 €
  • Reduced: 11 €
Updated: 11/16/2018

The Georges Pompidou Center is the most unusual museum contemporary art in France. This building, as well as exhibitions, can amaze everyone's imagination. A visit to the center will definitely become one of the highlights of your vacation in Paris.

As for the parameters of the building, this glass and steel parallelepiped is 166 meters long, 60 meters wide, and 42 meters high.

Creation of the Georges Pompidou Center

In 1969, President Georges Pompidou decided that a modern cultural center should be built in the Beaubourg district.

It opened in early 1977. This place immediately became popular with residents of Paris and tourists. Works of art by contemporary designers and artists were exhibited there. In 1992, transformations began in the center. There was a department cultural development, thanks to which lectures, open discussions, film screenings and other events began to be held.

From 1997 to 1999, the center was renovated - the gallery hall was expanded, after which the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe center reached 100,000 square meters. Now the center consists of the Museum of Modern Art, exhibition halls, a library, the Institute for the Study and Coordination of Acoustics and Music, the Center for Industrial Design, cinema halls, and an observation deck.

In 2010, a branch of the center was opened in the French town of Metz, and in 2015 in the Spanish city of Malaga.

Between 3.5 and 3.8 million people visit the center every year.

Building Features

The appearance of the museum in 1977, when it was opened, surprised the inhabitants of Paris: most of the engineering structures were not inside the building, but outside.

The architects suggested painting the electrical wiring yellow, water pipes blue, ventilation pipes green, and elevators and escalators red.

In general, the building became the epitome of high-tech style, which was a breakthrough in architecture in the 1970s, and the center is one of the best examples of this style.

The building has six floors in total. There is also an underground floor, there are cinema halls, studio 13/16 for children and teenagers, creative studio- "Studio for children" and a gallery of photographs. On the first floor there is a cinema hall, where art-house film festivals, exhibition halls and a library are held. There is a library on the second and third floors. Books can be read in a separate room, you are not allowed to take anything with you. Entrance to the library is free. On the fourth and fifth floors there are exhibitions “Museum: latest art and Graphic Art Gallery. On the sixth - Gallery of Evolution (Grande Galerie). There is an observation deck on the roof.

Exhibitions at the Pompidou Center

The halls contain 60,000 exhibits that belong to different types of contemporary art - painting, music, architecture, graphics. There you can see the works of Salvador Dali, Henri Matisse, Wassily Kandinsky and other masters. In total, the works of 5,000 authors from all over the world are presented.

The Evolution Gallery (Grande Galerie) displays temporary exhibitions - you will see works of art related to such areas as surrealism, cubism, expressionism.

There are also interesting studios for children from 9 to 12 years old - "Factory", and for teenagers from 13 to 16 years old - "Studio 13/6". Designers, sculptors and artists from all over the world hold interesting workshops there. In addition, children can participate in the creation of works of art.

Opening hours and tickets

There are slight discrepancies in the opening hours of the exhibition halls and the library.


  • halls from 11:00 to 21:00. Thursdays until 23:00 (only temporary exhibitions on the sixth floor).
  • the library is open from Monday to Friday (except Tuesday - a day off) from 12:00 to 22:00. Saturday and Sunday - from 11:00 to 22:00.

Cost of visiting

  • The ticket "Museum and exhibitions" includes admission to all halls and the observation deck. Full ticket -14 euros, for students, children and people with handicapped— 11 euros;
  • ticket only to the observation deck - 5 euros;
  • a ticket to the cinema, full - 6 euros, preferential - 4 euros.

On the first Sunday of each month, admission to the museum, observation deck and children's gallery is free for everyone.

How to get there

The center is located in the Beaubourg quarter between Les Halles and Marais. You can get there like this:

  • by metro - to the station "Rambuteau" (Rambuteau - line 11), "Hotel de Ville" (Hôtel de Ville - lines 1 and 11), "Chatelet" (Châtelet - lines 1, 4, 7, 11 and 14) ;
  • by buses No. 29, 38, 47, 75 to the stop "Centre Georges Pompidou";
  • you can drive to the center by private or rented car. Using a Google map, you can follow the route to the museum from the Champs Elysees (about 30 minutes on the way) or from Charles de Gaulle Airport (about an hour on the way).

You can also get to the center by taxi — Taxi G7, 01 Taxi, Taxis.

Center Georges Pompidou on google panorama

Center Pompidou on video

Metro: Rambuteau or Hotel de Ville rer: Chatelet-Les Halles
Working hours: from 11:00 to 21:00, closed on Tuesdays
Entrance: 12€, 9€ from 18 to 25 years old, under 18 years old free of charge.
Ticket only to the observation deck - 3 €.
Website: www.centrepompidou.fr

The Center Pompidou, located in the Beaubourg quarter of the fourth arrondissement of Paris between the famous old quarters of Les Halles and Marais, is undoubtedly considered the pearl of French modern art. Built in 1977, the Georges Pompidou National Center for Arts and Culture (this is the official name of the Georges Pompidou Center), which the surprised Parisians instantly dubbed Pompisaur and Beaubourg for its too original forms and designs, annually attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.

And the history of the creation of this complex, which looks like a multi-colored glass-metal space plant, is no less interesting than its appearance itself.

The resident of France, Georges Pompidou, already at the very beginning of his reign, decided to take a course towards the complete modernization of France, and of course, his political agenda needed a visual symbol of modernization. Then the resourceful president announced a competition for the most original architectural design of the building of the Museum of Modern Art.

681 projects from 49 countries were submitted to the competition, of which the jury was most impressed by the innovative project of Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers. The authors proposed to move all technical structures outside the perimeter of the building and thereby free up the maximum usable area. The project was approved unanimously, and already on December 31, 1977, at midnight, the new museum was inaugurated.

By the time the fabrics hiding it were pulled off the building to the beat of the clock, a monster opened up to the surprised gaze of the Parisians, in which all pipelines, elevators, escalators and fittings were brought out. The water pipes have been painted in green, ventilation in blue, electrical wiring in yellow, and elevators and escalators in red.

The people of Paris were shocked. This ultra unusual building did not look like a museum, even of modern art. Conservative Parisians did not want to put up with Pompisaurus spoiling architectural ensemble of their refined city and at first the most active citizens even staged pickets near the building. But after a few months of the museum, it has become a favorite place for tourists.

Parisians realized that the center of Georges Pompidou did not mutilate their city, but, on the contrary, added a modern zest to it, to which millions of tourists are drawn like a breath of fresh air.

But the center attracts tourists not only with its extravagant appearance.
Today, the Pompidou Center is 5 floors, two of which are almost entirely given over to the richest public library with millions of books, disks, video files and microfilms. There are more than 60 thousand volumes of dictionaries alone! There is also literature in Russian, although all this is available only within the Center - you cannot take anything home. There are also monitors for watching movies and language phones for listening to audio recordings - come and enjoy.

On the first floor of the Center there is a cinema - a venue for film festivals. On the fifth floor - the Grande Galerie - mainly temporary exhibitions are shown, and the third and fourth floors are occupied by the Museum of Modern Art.

The Center's collection includes almost 60,000 works by more than 5,000 authors. Absolutely all types of contemporary art are presented here: painting, sculpture, design, photography, architecture, video, performances and installations. And not so long ago, the first comic appeared here - the original of one of the pages of the story about Tintin, written by the artist Hergé in 1956.

Even if you are more than skeptical about non-standard types art, do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting the Pompidou Center - in addition to our contemporaries, the works of the great masters of the last century are exhibited here. Among them are Picasso, Matisse, Duchamp, Kandinsky, Chagall...

Children will also find something to do: art workshops work for them, where your child can get dirty with paints or sculptural clay with enthusiasm.

And having risen on the escalator to the very top, you will see the whole of Paris - from Notre Dame Cathedral to Montmartre hill!

Separately, it is worth mentioning the indescribable atmosphere surrounding the Pompidou Center. Immediately after the opening, the Center began to attract the most progressive youth and intelligentsia, and artists, wandering circus performers, musicians and artists often gathered on the square in front of the center. International theater festivals are regularly held near the extravagant Stravinsky Fountain near the Center.

The Pompidou Cultural Center is one of the three most famous places in Paris, second only to eiffel tower and the Louvre. Its expositions offer visitors to get acquainted with the creations of figures of contemporary art, presented in different directions (painting, sculpture, photography, etc.). In addition to the exhibition space, the center houses cinema halls, a theatre, a public library, a café and a restaurant. And for tourists who want to enjoy the beauty of Paris, an observation deck has been equipped in the institution, from the height of which the picturesque landscapes of the capital open up.

The Georges Pompidou National Center for Arts and Culture has been welcoming visitors since 1977. It is located in the old Beaubourg quarter, located in the IV Parisian municipal district (on the map it is located between the Marais and Les Halles quarters). Every year the museum receives about 3.8 million tourists from different countries. Serge Lavigne is now director of the Center Pompidou in Paris. Previously, this position was alternately held by Pontus Hulten and Domenic Bozo. During the work of these people in a leadership position, the institution was replenished with many valuable exhibits, turning into the world's largest museum of art of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Brief biography of the founder of the center

For the first time, the idea of ​​creating a cultural center in Paris was expressed in 1969 by French President Georges Pompidou. This outstanding statesman was born in 1911 in the department of Cantral in central France. Young Georges Pompidou decided to follow in the footsteps of his parents - rural teachers - and at the age of 20 he entered the Higher Normal School in Paris, which trained teachers for educational institutions. After graduation, he went to Marseille to teach French philology.