IN AND. Sysoev "Alexander Alexandrovich Bakunin Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin(12 (1) August 1797 ( In Pushkin sources, the date of birth (1799) is indicated erroneously), St. Petersburg - September 6 (August 25), 1862, Nice) - lyceum student of the 1st edition (Pushkin), civil governor of Tver (1842-1857), Privy Councilor (1856). Brother - under the impression of meetings with which many poems of the young Alexander Pushkin were written, second cousin of the revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin.

O.A. Kiprensky (1782-1836) Bakunin A.P. (1813)

Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin - son Pavel Petrovich Bakunin- Director of the Academy of Sciences, chamberlain and real state adviser.

August 1 (12), 1797 - was born in St. Petersburg, on August 3 he was baptized in the Church of St. Peter the Metropolitan of Kyiv at the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Emperor Paul I was the godfather.

September 22, 1811 - Alexander I approved the list of those admitted to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, among which was Alexander Bakunin.

Bakunin's mother and sister Ekaterina lived constantly in Tsarskoye Selo in the summer and visited Alexander. In the Vedomosti Lyceum, visits by mother and sister were noted in 1811 - four times, in 1814 - thirty-one times, in 1815 - seventeen times, in 1816 - six times, in 1817 - eight times

“She [Bakunina] often visited her brother and always came to lyceum balls. Her lovely face, wondrous camp and charming appeal made a general delight in all the youth of the lyceum ”(S. Komovsky). Several lyceum students fell in love with Ekaterina Bakunina at once, including three friends - Pushkin, Pushchin, Malinovsky. The first "truly poetic" [“The first Platonic, truly poetic love was aroused in Pushkin by Bakunin” (from the memoirs of a lyceum student S. Komovsky)] love was expressed in the work of Pushkin by the creation of the "Bakunin cycle" of elegies in 1816.

Reviews of teachers about freshman Bakunin (1812): “Bakunin (Alexander), 13 years old .[When entering the Lyceum, Bakunin's mother, apparently, cheated, indicating the year of birth in 1799, which was considered true for many years]. Not without talents and quite good-natured, talkative, funny, ardent and lively, like living silver, and therefore imprudent, impatient, changeable, sensitive with anger and stubbornness, the slightest difficulty stops him, which he could overcome with patience if he had it. Begins to be more attached to the teachings. Noticing his mistakes, he willingly corrects himself. It cannot be said that his moral actions were reprehensible, but they require the diligent observation of leaders until the noble qualities with which he tries to adorn himself become the own properties of his heart.

Pyotr Fyodorovich Sokolov (1791-1848). Portrait of A.P. Bakunina (1792-1862) (1817, State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg)

After graduating from the Lyceum, he began serving in the Life Guards Semyonovsky Regiment as an ensign. In February 1823, he retired from military service and entered the office of the Moscow military governor-general, in 1825 he received the title of chamber junker of the court of His Imperial Majesty. Participated in the work of the circle of the Decembrists in Moscow, was a member of the St. Petersburg Masonic Lodge. In July 1829, he left the service with the rank of court adviser.

October 29, 1817 - Bakunin was assigned to the Semyonovsky Life Guards Regiment as an ensign. His colleagues were S. I. Muravyov-Apostol and I. D. Yakushkin.

July 23, 1824 - marries Anna Borisovna Zelenskaya, illegitimate daughter B.V. Golitsyn(1769-1813), pupil (after death from his father's wounds in early 1813) of the family of D.V. Golitsyn. According to family tradition, her mother was a gypsy.

Portrait by E.P. Bakunina (1824) Anna Borisovna Bakunina, ur. Zelenskaya (1802-1835). She gave birth to her on November 15 (27), 1802, according to contemporaries, a gypsy, and her father was the son of the Queen of Spades: Anna was the illegitimate daughter of the prince Boris Vladimirovich Golitsyn, eldest son Natalya Petrovna Golitsyna, which became the prototype of the main character of the story by A.S. Pushkin "The Queen of Spades".
After the death of the father of the orphaned sisters, ten-year-old Anna and seven-year-old Sophia were taken into the house of the future ruler of Moscow, Dmitry Golitsyn, and his wife, Princess Tatyana Vasilievna Golitsyna.

1825 - Member of the Masonic or friendly "Society of the Seven-pointed Star". There is a lithograph by D.M. Sobolevsky, which depicts eight members of the society, including A. Bakunin. Highest ordered to ignore.

Currently, the version that A.P. Bakunin was involved in the investigation into the case of the Decembrists is being questioned (

Modern historians, incl. P.V. Ilyin, believe that A.P. Bakunin, V.P. Fingers and Prince P.D. Cherkassky was erroneously ranked by the researcher N.P. Chulkov to a secret society. The reason for classifying these persons as a secret society was the released lithographic portrait of the Masonic or friendly society of the Heptagonal Star, which included, in addition to the above three persons: I.I. Pushchin, V.P. Zubkov, B.K. Danzas, Pavel Koloshin, I.N. Gorstkin. It was the proximity to these members of the secret society that was the reason for enrolling them in the Practical Union or in the administration of the Northern Society. All three served under the Moscow military governor-general, Prince D.V. Golitsyn (V.P. Palchikov in 1825 moved from Golitsyn to the Moscow court court) and, naturally, were closely connected with some conspirators.

Shtec E.B. Members of the secret societies of the Decembrists. Part!. Moscow and Moscow province. M., 2011, p. 138.

Evdokia Mikhailovna Bakunina (1793 - 1882) Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin (08/1/1799 - 08/25/1862). (1828)

On July 19, 1829, Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin retired with the rank of court adviser and moved to live in his dear Raykovo. Together with his beloved beautiful wife, the future governor of Tver lived on the Vichug land for more than five happy years.

“Retired Bakunin in the villages” - from a letter from the former director of the lyceum E.A. Engelhardt - F.F. Matyushkin dated November 18, 1829.

“Bakunin with his wife and children plunged into rural life; about him neither a rumor nor a spirit ”- from a letter to E.A. Engelhardt - F.F. Matyushkin dated January 22, 1831.

About Anna Borisovna, who became the wife of Alexander Bakunin, a contemporary wrote: "Bakunin has a most amiable wife, much nicer than him." Soon after her marriage, she began to live in the Vichug region, in the Bakunin estate Raikovo. Here she gave birth to five children, two of whom died in infancy. All the children were baptized in the Trinity Church in the village of Zhiryatino, and the babies were buried near it. Firstborn, born January 31, 1826 and named Boris in honor of his grandfather, died on December 30 of the same year. Daughter Tatiana born 3 February 1827 21 September 1828 son born Nicholas. On October 7, 1829, another son was born - Alexander who died in July 1831. The last child was a daughter Catherine, born June 21, 1833

The Bakunins had a serf artist Yakov Streshnev. Four portraits are known to have been painted by a serf master in Raikovo: portraits of Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin, his wife Anna Borisovna, and their young children Tatyana and Nikolai. All portraits were painted in 1832. It is likely that the serf Yakov was a Vichug native. Such an outstanding master could have painted many other paintings, but if they exist, then, most likely, under the name of an “unknown artist”.

Streshnev Yakov, serf of the Bakunins. Anna Borisovna Bakunina, ur. Zelenskaya (1802-1835). Illegitimate daughter of Prince B.V. Golitsyn, wife of Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin, fellow student and friend of Pushkin. (1832)

In addition to the portrait of 1832 by Yakov Streshnev, Anna Borisovna was captured in 1824 by her husband's sister Katenka Bakunina (see above).

Both in the portrait by Ekaterina Bakunina and in the portrait by Yakov Streshnev, Anna Borisovna is depicted with a monocle on a cord hanging around her neck. In the first case, the monocle is hidden behind a belt at the waist, and in the second, Anna Bakunina holds the monocle in her left hand. Images of women with monocles are extremely rare. And “Lady with a Monocle” by Yakov Streshnev is perhaps a true masterpiece!

There is also a portrait of the famous Karl Bryullov in 1835, but this, apparently, is the author's copy from the portrait of 1824.

Karl Briullov (1799-1852) Anna Borisovna Bakunina, ur. Zelenskaya (1802-1835). (1835)

A year earlier, in 1831, another artist, Nikolai Zheren, the son of the famous miniaturist Ivan Zherin, who painted portraits of high-ranking persons, depicted in his watercolor the interior of the Bakunin house on the Raikovo estate with the family sitting around an oval table. Another painting of the Raikovo estate by an “unknown artist” is known, which depicts an idyllic picture with a herd of cows, a bend in the river. Sunzhi, with the manor house and village houses on the shore.

On February 11 (23), 1835, disaster struck - Anna Borisovna, who had previously suffered from soreness, was dying of consumption at the age of 32. She was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

After the death of his beloved wife, Bakunin left Raikovo, this heavenly corner of a happy family life, and again entered the service in Moscow.

“Bakunin is a widow. He manages and takes care not of acquiring honors, but of the essential.

November 12, 1835 - Bakunin was transferred to the post of adviser to the II department of the Moscow Chamber of the Criminal Court.

But, apparently, in the summer he visited his Vichug estate, and the inconsolable promising young widower became the object of close attention of the daughters of local landowners. One of them eventually won his heart. It was Maria Alexandrovna Shulepnikova. January 10, 1838 they got married, the wedding took place in the village. Spas-Nozoga near Plyos. As a dowry, Alexander Pavlovich received various Vichug villages: neighboring Krasnye Gory and Savinskaya, distant Zakatnovo and Babino. They had a daughter barbarian(1838-1904), who married Alexey Petrovich Olenin. Son Alexander, born in 1848, did not live even a year.

In October 1839, he was appointed in St. Petersburg to the post of vice director of the I Department of State Property, and from May 1840 he became director of this department.

December 16, 1842 - appointed acting civil governor of Tver, where he served for fifteen years.

In December 1844 he received the rank of real state councilor.

They wrote about Bakunin that he "gradually became the real master of the Tver province, and the master must know everything, control everything, be both a confessor, and a judge, and a father." That is what he became. True, for a long time Alexander Pavlovich avoided his Pryamukhin relatives, especially taking into account the reputation of the state criminal revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin. But later these relations began to improve gradually.

In the last years of his leadership of the Tver province, A.P. Bakunin was preparing a peasant reform, which he perceived negatively.

Bakunin resigned as a result of mutual misunderstandings that arose with Minister of the Interior S. S. Lansky. In the report on his resignation, the reason for it was indicated - "due to illness."

In 1857 he left the post of governor and received the rank of Privy Councilor. Soon appointed as a senator.

Photograph of Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin from the 1860s

1858 - compiled by A.P. Bakunin scheme "Management, common to all provinces of the Russian Empire, not consisting of special positions."

In the summer of 1862, due to deteriorating health, he left with his wife for treatment in Nice.

He bequeathed to bury himself next to his first wife. For two months the coffin with his body was transported from Nice by ship to St. Petersburg. October 19, 1862 - the coffin with the body of Bakunin arrived in St. Petersburg. The next day, in a separate car, the ashes were transported to Moscow for burial in the Novodevichy Convent, next to the grave of Anna Borisovna's first wife. The second wife, who remained abroad, was not present at the funeral

Children from the first marriage with Anna Borisovna Zelenskaya (1802-1835) (all born in Raikovo): Tat `yana Aleksandrovna(February 3, 1827-1900). She was a maid of honor of the imperial court and lived in the apartments of the Tauride Palace. Nikolai Alexandrovich(1828-1893, Moscow) - real state councilor, chamberlain, founder of a glass factory (in the village of Sazonovo, Vologda region). Bakunin Nikolai Aleksandrovich (September 21, 1828 - June 11, 1893) - founder of a glass factory (1860) in the Pokrovsky estate ( now the village of Sazonovo, Chagodoshchensky district, Vologda region), son of the Tver governor A.P. Bakunin (1797-1862).

Nikolai Bakunin (previously 1893)

Born September 21 (October 3), 1828 in the mustache. Raykovo, Zhiryatinsky volost, Kineshma district, Kostroma province (now a tract on the territory of the Semigorevsky rural settlement of the Vichugsky district, Ivanovo region), baptized in the Trinity Church with. Zhiryatino. Until the age of six, Nikolai lived in a mustache. Raikovo, during this period was captured in 1831 in a watercolor by N. Zherin “Raikovo Estate. The interior of the Bakunin's house "and in the portrait of 1832 by Y. Streshnev. After the death of his mother in early 1835, the family moved to Moscow. Nikolai was educated at home, knew three languages. From 1846 he served in the Semyonovsky Life Guards Regiment. "For excellent diligent and zealous service" in 1856 he was awarded the Order of St. Anne, 3rd degree. He retired in 1858 with the rank of captain of the guard; later Bakunin - chamber junker (1875), real state councilor, chamberlain (1886). He died on June 11 (23), 1893, and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

The Pokrovskoye estate belonged to Bakunin's father, and he gave it to his son. In Pokrovsky, before the abolition of serfdom, there were 460 souls.

Bakuninsky glass factory (later became known as Pokrovsky) was founded on August 14, 1860 on the left bank of the Pes River. There were sufficient supplies of glass sand in the district. Near the plant, 15 houses for craftsmen were built. There was an elementary school and a factory shop. Initially, the plant produced wine bottles, later - milk lids, chemical bottles, cylinders, insulators and window glass. In the 1880s, it employed more than 400 people.

On November 12 (24), 1861, Nikolai Alexandrovich married Antonina, daughter of the adjutant general and infantry general Nikolai Nikolaevich Muravyov-Karssky.

Antonina Nikolaevna Muravieva(1835-1893), daughter of N.N. Muravyov-Karsky (1794-1866) and N.G. Chernysheva (1806-1884); was married since 1861 to Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bakunin (1828-1893). (1850s)

They had three sons and two daughters. One of the daughters of Nikolai Alexandrovich and Antonina Nikolaevna Bakunin- Sofia Nikolaevna Bakunina(Turgenev, Campioni) (b. 1868), husband - Alexey Nikolaevich Turgenev(1862 - 1906), the last of the writer's paternal relatives I.S. Turgenev, his guest in Spassky-Lutovinovo. (their grandfathers with I.S. Turgenev were brothers) Ekaterina Aleksandrovna(June 21, 1833–1911), pianist. She died in 1911 in Paris

In his second marriage to Maria Alexandrovna Shulepnikova (d. 1871), Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin had a daughter, Varvara.

Tver. Nikolaev railway

Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin was born on August 12, 1797 in St. Petersburg in the family of Pavel Petrovich Bakunin, director of the Academy of Sciences, chamberlain and real state councilor. The godfather of the child was Emperor Paul I. On October 19 (according to the old style), 1811, Alexander became a lyceum student of the first set of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, a classmate of Alexander Pushkin, Anton Delvig, Ivan Pushchin, Fyodor Matyushkin, Alexander Gorchakov and other prominent people of Russia. Pushkin fell in love with his sister Ekaterina and created the "Bakunin cycle" of elegies in 1816.

Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin

In 1843, the state of the Tver streets was completely ugly, (as it is now - ed.) Bakunin ordered the leveling of the roadway, sidewalks, ditches, pipes and bridges, and then immediately begin excavation and carpentry work.

After graduating in 1817, he served as an officer in the army for six years: first in the Semyonovsky Life Guards Regiment, where he was appointed adjutant to General Nikolai Raevsky, and then he was transferred to the Finnish Life Guards Regiment.

At the beginning of 1823, he was dismissed from military service with the rank of lieutenant and assigned to the office of the Moscow Governor-General D.V. Golitsyn, promoted to titular advisers. The following year, he married Anna Borisovna Zelenskaya, a pupil of the family of the Governor-General, and was happy in this marriage.

In the spring of 1825, Alexander Bakunin was granted the title of chamber junker of the court of His Imperial Majesty. He was involved in the investigation into the case of the Decembrists, but he justified himself, and he was "Highly ordered to be ignored", although the threat to freedom was quite real.

In the summer of 1829, Alexander Pavlovich retired with the rank of court councilor and lived peacefully with his family for six years in the Kostroma estate of Raikovo. He was shocked by the death of his beloved wife at the age of 32, and Bakunin moved from the scene of the tragedy to Moscow, where he was appointed an adviser to the Moscow provincial government, then served in the Moscow Chamber of the Criminal Court.

Two great events took place in his life in 1838: he married Maria Alexandrovna Shulepnikova, and soon after that he was appointed vice-governor of Novgorod. In October 1839, State Councilor Bakunin became vice director of the 1st Department of State Property in the government of the Russian Empire, and in May 1840, director of this department. At the end of the same year, he successfully carried out the responsible assignment of the government to solve problems with the procurement of grain in eight provinces with a visit to the field.

A short period of service in the Ministry of the Interior ended with the appointment on December 16, 1842, of the acting civil governor of Tver. His rank of V class did not allow him to be approved in the governor's office until after a three-year probationary period and receiving the rank of real councilor of state. On January 15, 1843, he entered the administration of the “Highestly entrusted to him province”.

In the first year of the governorship, the most important economic event was the completion of the construction of the Upper Volga beishlot (dam with locks) near the exit of the Volga from Lake Volgo in the modern Selizharovsky district. As a result, a vast reservoir was formed - the first on the Volga. The water supply was enough to support shipping on the Volga from Rybinsk to Tver and back in the low water - the driest period of summer and autumn. “Tver Gubernskie Vedomosti” wrote at the end of 1845: “... the successful navigation of the Vyshnevolotsk system this year is completely due to the Upper Volga reservoir, and if it did not exist, then not only the entire autumn, but even most of the low-water caravan should have been to stay for the winter on the Volga.

A week after taking office, Bakunin demanded that measures be taken to provide additional lighting to the central streets of Tver. Financial and contractual issues were considered, including in St. Petersburg, for almost the entire year - much longer than the work itself was completed.

The condition of the Tver streets was completely ugly, and Bakunin ordered the leveling of the roadway, sidewalks, ditches, pipes and bridges, and then immediately begin excavation and carpentry work. The following year, owners of private houses, heads of institutions and departments received an even stricter circular regarding the type of houses and the roadway. Serious measures of responsibility for failure to fulfill the obligation were envisaged, and monetary payments were supposed to be made for the proper fulfillment of it. The rules for improvement, according to the criminal code, also extended to other cities and villages of the province.

A new administrative measure was the revision of counties, which was personally carried out by the governor. In the very first year, Bakunin audited the Novotorzhsky, Ostashkovsky and Vyshnevolotsky counties, and spent about a month in each of them. Possessing vast experience in state office work, the governor paid special attention to monitoring the progress of affairs in institutions, examined archives, checked treasuries, police, fire departments, prisons, hospitals, paid attention to the improvement of cities and the condition of roads. Ostashkov made the most favorable impression on him in these relations.

According to the information of the Ministry of the Interior, the governor annually signed about one hundred thousand (!) documents, that is, an average of about 270 per day. Of course, with such a document flow, he did not delve into the content of most of them, completely trusting the office and the provincial government. Rightly fearing information leakage or its use for selfish purposes, Bakunin personally opened and first read all correspondence, and then painted it for its intended purpose. It must be said that his officials were experienced and conscientious, and Bakunin took care of them, promoted them and rewarded them.

An important event in the Tver province was the noble elections of 1845. Bakunin consistently fought for compliance with the law and executive discipline, and not everyone liked it. There was even a secret opposition headed by the former governor Yakov Bologovsky. But the authoritative nobles managed not to bring matters to intrigue and open confrontation, and the pro-Bakunin candidate for the post of provincial marshal of the nobility Ivan Nikolaevich Kozhin won the election.

The 1840s became the time for the improvement of Rzhev, and the role of Governor Bakunin was great in this, who, after the audit he carried out, ordered to equip the main streets and exits to the Volga, as well as create a boulevard and put the embankment in order. Inspired by the attention of the governor, the Rzhev mayor convinced the merchants and townspeople to donate the sums necessary for the improvement, which annually amounted to a quarter of all city incomes. Already in the spring of 1847, the construction of the boulevard was completed.

Bakunin did not consider anything trifles and, in particular, developed detailed and reasonable rules for street trading, streamlining the places where it was to be carried out. The topography of trade in the provincial center has not changed since that time for almost a century and was approved by the townspeople.

Numerous documents show the specialization of counties in the development of industry. Shoe sewing stood out everywhere, comparable in value to the rest of the manufacturing industry. Ostashkovsky district, Kimry and Torzhok were leaders in this respect. Blacksmithing was especially developed in Ostashkov, Tver, Kalyazin, Staritsa, and in some volosts in the countryside. The products of the Ostashkov blacksmiths were famous for their excellent quality throughout Central Russia and were literally snapped up at any fairs. There were still a few factories and factories, and the volume of production was small. In addition to traditional textile and food industries, there were also innovations: the production of dyes, crystal glassware, various glassware, faience. The timber processing industry was rapidly gaining strength.

A lot of routine, but necessary things, as well as important initiatives, could be written down by Governor Bakunin. He paid close attention to transport issues. Only through the Vyshnevolotsk water system passed to St. Petersburg up to 5,000 ships with cargo. The shipping route was served by thousands of specialists and laborers who were fed from these occupations. In addition, the construction of transport ships and their accessories, as well as ropes, linen and other materials, has become a whole local industry. In 1847, the first Ostash steamship with a 40 hp steam engine was built and launched on Lake Seliger. The Sovereign Road St. Petersburg - Moscow was maintained in a very tolerable condition.

In 1847, with the direct participation of the governor, a “Brief Description of the Tver Province Based on a Comparison of the Statistics of 1783 and 1846” was compiled and published. The first date corresponds to the "General Land Survey" of the times of Catherine II, which fixed the economic and resource state of the Tver vicegerency. The work of Bakunin and his subordinates should still be regarded as the most valuable source on the history of the Tver region, which needs to be republished.

Back in 1842, Emperor Nicholas I signed a decree on the construction of the St. Petersburg - Moscow railway, defining: "Build the road in a straight line." Taking into account the uninterrupted movement and prospects, it was immediately decided to make it a two-track one. The southern management of the road was located first in Vyshny Volochek, and then in Tver. All construction works were distributed at auction to large contractors on bail. Skilled carpenters and masons were recruited in the Tver, Kaluga and Vladimir provinces, a huge number of peasants for unskilled work were attracted from nearby provinces. Engineers, realizing that manual labor prevails, did their best to develop such a technology that would significantly reduce the labor intensity of work, introduce specialization and a continuous production method.

The construction of the road lasted eight and a half years. Bakunin, as the master of the province, had the most direct relation to him. The movement was opened in stages, as individual sections were ready. On June 29, 1850, traffic between Vyshny Volochok and Tver was safely opened, and on September 7, Emperor Nicholas I followed this route. In August 1851, he proceeded through Tver to Moscow. In Vyshny Volochek, he went out to the platform and, going up to the locomotive, touched it with his hand and said: “This is the kind of horse I made for myself.” Only on wooden bridges he was afraid to pass in a train, got out and, having let the train go forward, went ahead and got into the train after the bridge. On August 20, Governor Bakunin met the sovereign at the Tver railway station. He was very pleased with the trip and the most expensive one. And on November 1, 1851, the first passenger train delivered 192 passengers from St. Petersburg to Moscow via Tver in 21 hours and 45 minutes, opening regular traffic on the new road. To this day, the old building of the Tver railway station, which has preserved its architectural appearance, pleases the eye.

Vladimir Sysoev writes: “Gradually, Bakunin became the real master of the Tver province, and the master must know everything, control everything, be both a confessor, and a judge, and a father.” That is what he became. True, for a long time Alexander Pavlovich avoided his Pryamukhin relatives, especially taking into account the reputation of the state criminal revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin. But later these relations began to improve gradually.

Many big and small events took place in the Tver province in the 1850s. One of the most visible of them was the creation of a public city garden in Tver in addition to the palace and governor's. It was created on Znamenskaya Square (in front of the current building of the Gorky regional library), and its project, developed by architect Ivan Lvov, was approved by the sovereign himself. The opening of the garden took place in 1853, and it became the largest in terms of area. At the same time, the central streets of Tver were paved with cobblestones and equipped with sidewalks.

The military units stationed in the Tver province took part in the Crimean War against the coalition of Turkey, England and France in 1854-1956. Merchants and townspeople donated significant sums to officers and lower ranks. The participation in the defense of Sevastopol of a detachment of sisters of mercy, which included the second cousin of the Tver governor Ekaterina Mikhailovna Bakunina, is widely known. Of great importance was the Supreme Manifesto on the creation of a state militia. Four Bakunin brothers - Nikolai, Ilya, Pavel and Alexei - joined the ranks of volunteers, the fifth, Alexander, was already defending Sevastopol. The Tver Provincial Committee of the State Militia was headed by Governor A.P. Bakunin.

August 26, 1856 Alexander Pavlovich was granted the Privy Councilor. In the last years of his leadership of the Tver province, he was mainly engaged in the preparation of the peasant reform, which he perceived rather negatively. October 18, 1857 was followed by his resignation from the post of governor of Tver. In the resignation report, the reason for it was indicated “due to illness”, but it was based on a conflict with the Minister of Internal Affairs Lansky and disappointment in the Tver society, which, according to Bakunin, did not sufficiently appreciate his services to the province. In addition, he was very upset by the defeat of his party in the noble elections on February 8, 1857, when a prominent liberal figure, collegiate assessor Alexei Mikhailovich Unkovsky, was elected provincial marshal of the nobility in Tver.

On December 5, 1857, Count Pavel Trofimovich Baranov arrived in Tver and took office as governor, on whose shoulders the peasant reform fell.

The last years of his life Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin spent mainly in Moscow and in the Raikovo estate. At first, he completed a unique author's work - "Management, common to all provinces of the Russian Empire, not consisting of general provisions." Vladimir Sysoev writes: “This is a scheme of relations between powerful state bodies, which include autocratic power, the State Council, the Cabinet of Ministers, the Governing Senate, the Holy Synod, as well as various ministries with the heads of provinces, provincial marshals of the nobility, bishops, provincial and county governments and control, by individual officials, up to the townsfolk and landlord peasants. This scheme was literally gained by Bakunin, it was the quintessence of not only his gubernatorial, but also all administrative activities.

The radical transformations that took place during the Great Reform reduced the relevance of Bakunin's scheme, but his demand for reduced control over local institutions by the central ones, the demand for greater decentralization of management remains relevant today, in the current "vertical of power".

Having left with his wife for treatment in Nice, Alexander Pavlovich died there on September 6, 1862. He was buried in the necropolis of the Novodevichy Convent in Moscow.

Bakunin N

(18?) double coat of arms included in the General Heraldry part V, 41

Bakunin Alexander Alexandrovich

(1821-1908) was a vowel of the Novotorzhsky district and Tver provincial zemstvos, then a justice of the peace.

Bakunin Alexander Vasilievich

(1924.04.07--, 1992) resident of Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk): Pervomaiskaya st., 82 apt.

Bakunin Alexander Ilyich

(1857-1921,† Moscow, Novo-Devich.kl-sche, 4-ed.) Doctor, nephew of the revolutionary M.A. Bakunin [Kipnis S.E. New Memorial. M., 1995]

Bakunin Alexander Mikhailovich

(--1854.12.09, Pryamukhino village Novotorzh. U., in the crypt) collegiate adviser [Sheremetevsky V. Russian. provincial. necropolis. T.1. M., 1914]

Bakunin Alexander Mikhailovich

(1768-1854) State Councilor, was the Novotorzhsky district and Tver provincial marshal of the nobility.

Bakunin Alexander Pavlovich

(1797-1860) Privy Councilor, in 1842-57 he was the governor of Tver.

Bakunin Alexander Pavlovich

(1842) in 1842 province of Tver (1842-1857)

Bakunin Alexander Petrovich

(1913, Bashkir ASSR, Ufa district, Nizhne-Zhukovo village --- 1943.01.29) Russian, education: incomplete secondary, member of the Komsomol, aircraft mechanic of the 27th reserve air brigade, lieutenant technician, resident: Leningrad region, s.Saltsy, :, Military town, 2 Arrest: 1942.07.08 Convicted. 1943.01.16 OSO under the NKVD of the USSR. Rev. participation in k.-r. group and conducting anti-state agitation Disaster. 1943.01.29. Place of execution: Moscow region, Kommunarka Reab. June 1989 USSR Prosecutor's Office [Moscow, execution lists - Kommunarka]

Bakunin Alexey Alexandrovich

(1825--1882.01.13, Pryamukhino village Novotorzh. U., in a crypt) 57 p. in 1860-62 he was marshal of the nobility in Novotorzhsk district. [Sheremetevsky V. Russian. provincial. necropolis. T.1. M., 1914]

Bakunin Alexey Alexandrovich

(1854--1882.07.27,†pryamukhno Novotorzh. U., in the crypt) son of Alexander Alexandrovich Bakunin, 28 years old. [Sheremetevsky V. Russian. provincial. necropolis. T.1. M., 1914]

Bakunin Alexey Alexandrovich

(1919, village of Daniltsevo, Yaroslavl region --- 1941.10.) kr-ts. In Vel.Otech. went missing in the war. [NWC, Vol. 5, p. 30.]

Bakunin Alexey Antonovich

(Abakumov) (1878, Kaibitsky district, village of Ebalakovo--, 1929) Russian, Sole proprietor., resident: Kaibitsky district, village of Ebalakovo Arrest: 1929.10.30 Arrested. Condemned. 1929.12.23 Judicial board of the OGPU TASSR. Rev. under Art. 58-8, 58-11. () Sentence: 3 years in concentration camps. Reab. 1990.03.15, foundation: rehabilitated [Book of memory of the Republic of Tatarstan]

Bakunin Alexey Efremovich

(1887, Spassky district, village of Ustran, native--, 1931) individual peasant Arrest: 03/1931/10 Convicted. 1931.04.15 troika at the PGPU of the Moscow Region. Obv. 58-10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR Sentence: to 3 years of deportation to Kazakhstan Reab. Ryazoblprokuratura, foundation: by Decree of the PVS of the USSR of 1989.01.16 [Book of memory of the Ryazan region]

Bakunin Alexey Ilyich

(1875--, 1907) in 1907 he was elected a deputy of the 2nd State. thoughts from Tver lips.

Bakunin Alexey Filippovich

(1883, Moscow region, Lotoshinsky district, village Ivanovskaya --- 1937.09.16, Moscow, †Butovo) Russian, education: lower, b / n, No specific occupation, resident: Mosk. region, Lotoshinsky district, village Ivanovskoye Arrest: 1937.08.22 Convict. 1937.09.15 troika at the UNKVD in the Moscow region. Obv. counter-revolutionary terrorist agitation Disaster. 1937.09.16. Place of execution: Moscow Reab. July 1989 [Moscow, execution lists - Butovo firing range]

Bakunin Alexey Filippovich

(1883, Moscow region, Lotoshinsky district, village Ivanovskaya--) Unemployed, resident: undefined. place of residence [Book of memory of the Moscow region]

Bakunin Anatoly Mikhailovich

(Yaroslavl, Yaroslavl region --- 1942.07.) kr-fts. In Vel.Otech. went missing in the war. [NWC, Vol. 7, p. 64.]

Bakunin Boris Konstantinovich

(1905.03.20, St. Petersburg - 1941.06.29) submariner Education: Mortechnical school (1927) IIVT (1931) KKS Diving training squad (1935) Captain 3rd rank. PK G5-36V from 1937.06.30 became part of the Northern Fleet as (22.06.36-04.01.39V r01.09.39-23.09.39i (23.09.39-29.06.41 ft near Libava U

Bakunin Boris Nikitich

(1901--, 2002) for 2002 resident: Moscow region Lukhovitsky district, Dedinovo S. St. Lane Citizen. D.6

Bakunin Vasily Mikhailovich

(--1766) valid Councilor of State was Secretary of the College of Foreign Affairs (1737) Consul in Persia (1743-47) Member of the College of Foreign Affairs (1749)

Bakunin Vasily Stepanovich

(1899---1944.04.) Red Army soldier died in Vel. Otech. war

Bakunin Vasily Terentievich

(1913--, 2002) for 2002 resident: Altai region Maralikh, Krasnoshchekovsky

Bakunin Vasily Yakovlevich

(1908.09.29--, 2002) for 2002 resident: Moscow region Balashikhinsky district, Fadeeva 10-169

Bakunin Vladimir Vladimirovich

(1916, China, Pogranichnaya station, northern Manchuria --- 1938.03.27) Russian, education: secondary, member of the Komsomol, artel, electrician Arrest: 1937.08.14 Obv. 58-8, 58-10, 58-11 1938.03.27 Reab. September 1958 [Book of memory of the Republic of Bashkortostan]

Bakunin Vladimir Ivanovich

(1912--, 2003) resident: Ryazan region, Spassk district, Spassk-Ryazansky, Lomonosov st., 30

Bakunin Vladimir Mikhailovich

(1924, Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region --- 1944.04.) kr-ts. In Vel.Otech. went missing in the war. [NWC, Vol. 5, p. 30.]

Bakunin Egor Ivanovich

(1876, Moscow -) stove-maker, Lyubertsy printing house, resident: Moscow region, st. Laptevo, Rabochiy settlement, 6 [Book of memory of the Moscow region]

Bakunin Ivan

(1567) in 1567 watch.-Yaroslavl-y.

Bakunin Ivan Andreevich

(1873, Moscow region, Kolomensky, N. Beloomut --) watchman, Beloomutsky s / s, resident: Moscow region, Kolomensky, N. Beloomut [Book of memory of the Moscow region]

Bakunin Ivan Ivanovich

Bakunin Ivan Ivanovich

(1915.10.01--, 2002) for 2002 resident: Moscow region Lukhovitsky district, Oct Revolution D.4-6

Bakunin Ivan Ignatievich

(1876, Yaroslavl region, Pereslavl district, village of Veslevo--, 1932) Peasant, resident: Yaroslavl region, Pereslavl district, village of Veslevo Arrest: 1932.01.13 Convicted. 1932.03.08. Rev. 5810 Reb. September 1989 [Book of memory of the Yaroslavl region]

Bakunin Ivan Mikhailovich

(--1874, †Lower Toropets.-u.) [Sheremetevsky V. Russian provincial necropolis. T.1. M., 1914]

Bakunin Ilya Alexandrovich

(1815--1900.03.21,† St. Dyadino Novotorzh.-u.) retired second lieutenant 85 years old. [Sheremetevsky V. Russian. provincial. necropolis. T.1. M., 1914]

Bakunin Ilya Modestovich

(1800--1841) artillery major general, Russian-Turkish participant. wars of 1828-1829

Bakunin Kiryan Ivanovich

(1567) in 1567 estates - Yaroslavl-y.

Bakunin M.P.

(17--1802) chamberlain()

Bakunin Mark Isaakovich

(1923.12.14--, 1992) resident of the city of Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk): Industry st.

Bakunin Mikhail

(1834) graduate in 1834 of the Mikhailovsky Artillery Academy

Bakunin Mikhail Alexandrovich

(1814, village of Premukhino, Novotorzhsky district of the Tver province - 1876, Bern) The son of the provincial marshal of the nobility. He studied at the St. Petersburg Artillery School, after his resignation from the army he attended lectures at the Moscow University as a volunteer. revolutionary, one of the ideologists of anarchism and populism. In the 30s, a member of the circle of N. V. Stankevich. From 1840 abroad, participant in the Revolution of 1848-49 (Paris, Prague) in 1849.05. one of the hands. uprising in Dresden. In 1851 issued by the Austrian. Russian authorities, imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress, then (in 1854) in the Shlisselburg Fortress, from 1857 in exile in Tomsk, then in Irkutsk. In 1861 he fled abroad, collaborated with A. I. Herzen and N. P. Ogarev. The organizer of the secret roar. Society (con. 1864-65) and (1868). Since 1868, a member of the 1st International, opposed the line of K. Marx and his supporters, in 1872 by the decision of the Hague Congress. expelled from the International. Work B. (1873) had a great influence on the development of the populist. movements in Russia, and the so-called. to this work has become one of the software docks rev. populism.

Bakunin Mikhail Alexandrovich

(1891, Perm region, Chusovsky district, Pashiya village --- 12/1937/09) Russian, resident: Perm region, Chusovsky district, Biser village Arrest: 10/1937/02 Convicted. 1937.11.13. Rev. Charge: ASA. Discord 1937.12.09 [Book of memory of the Perm region]

Bakunin Mikhail Alekseevich

(1896, Moscow region, Lukhovitsky district, village of Nudovshi--) Collective farmer, resident: Moscow region, Lukhovitsky district, village of Nudovshi [Book of memory of the Moscow region]

Bakunin Mikhail Vasilievich

(1730--1803.02.12,†pryamukhino Novotorzh. street, in the church, behind the altar, in the crypt) act. state councilor was vice-president of the College of Chambers (1779)

Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin(August 12 (1), 1797, St. Petersburg - September 6 (August 25), 1862, Nice) - lyceum student of the 1st graduation (Pushkin), civil governor of Tver (1842-1857), privy councilor (1856). Brother of Ekaterina Bakunina - under the impression of meetings with whom many poems of the young Alexander Pushkin were written, second cousin of the revolutionary Mikhail Bakunin.

Early years. Lyceum (1811-1817)

Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin is the son of Pavel Petrovich Bakunin, director of the Academy of Sciences, chamberlain and real state councilor.

  • August 1 (12), 1797 - was born in St. Petersburg, on August 3 he was baptized in the Church of St. Peter the Metropolitan of Kyiv at the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Emperor Paul I was the godfather.
  • September 22, 1811 - Alexander I approved the list of those admitted to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, among which was Alexander Bakunin.
  • October 19 (October 31), 1811 - the grand opening of the Lyceum.

Bakunin's mother and sister Ekaterina lived constantly in Tsarskoye Selo in the summer and visited Alexander. The Vedomosti Lyceum records visits by mother and sister in 1811 - four times, in 1814 - thirty-one times, in 1815 - seventeen times, in 1816 - six times, in 1817 - eight times. "She she often visited her brother and always came to lyceum balls. Her lovely face, marvelous figure and charming appeal made a general delight in all the youth of the lyceum.(S. Komovsky). Several lyceum students fell in love with Ekaterina Bakunina at once, including three friends - Pushkin, Pushchin, Malinovsky. The first "truly poetic" love was expressed in Pushkin's work by the creation of the "Bakunin cycle" of elegies in 1816.

Reviews of teachers about freshman Bakunin (1812): Bakunin (Alexander), 13 years old. which he could overcome with patience if he had it. Begins to be more attached to the teachings. Noticing his mistakes, he willingly corrects himself. It cannot be said that his moral actions were reprehensible, but they require the diligent observation of leaders until the noble qualities with which he tries to adorn himself become the own properties of his heart.

  • June 8, 1817 - the first graduation of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

Service in the army (1817-1823)

  • October 29, 1817 - Bakunin was assigned to the Semyonovsky Life Guards Regiment as an ensign. His colleagues were S. I. Muravyov-Apostol and I. D. Yakushkin.
  • April 9, 1819 - received the rank of second lieutenant.
  • February 9, 1820 - appointed adjutant of General N. N. Raevsky.
  • January 24, 1821 - transferred to the Finnish Life Guards Regiment.
  • April 21, 1822 - promoted to lieutenant.
  • February 14, 1823 - dismissed from military service to be assigned to state affairs.

Service in Moscow (1823-1829)

  • May 26, 1823 - appointed to the office of the Moscow Governor-General D.V. Golitsyn.
  • November 19, 1823 - promoted to titular councilor.
  • July 23, 1824 - marries Anna Borisovna Zelenskaya, illegitimate daughter of B.V. Golitsyn (1769-1813), a pupil (after the death of her father) of the family of D.V. Golitsyn.
  • 1825 - Member of the Decembrist Society of the Seven-pointed Star. There is a lithograph by D.M. Sobolevsky, which depicts eight members of the society, including A. Bakunin. He was involved in the investigation into the case of the Decembrists. Highest ordered to ignore.
  • April 3, 1825 - granted the title of chamber junker of the court of His Imperial Majesty.
  • July 15, 1827 - promoted to collegiate assessors.
  • July 19, 1829 - resigns with the rank of court adviser.

Life in the Raykovo estate (1829-1835)

From 1829 to 1835, Bakunin lived a quiet family happiness in his Kostroma estate Raikovo.

  • “Retired Bakunin in the villages” - from a letter from the former director of the lyceum E.A. Engelhardt - F.F. Matyushkin dated November 18, 1829.
  • “Bakunin with his wife and children plunged into rural life; about him neither a rumor nor a spirit ”- from a letter to E.A. Engelhardt - F.F. Matyushkin dated January 22, 1831.
  • 1831 - Nikolai Zheren paints the painting “Raikovo Estate. Interior of Bakunin's house.
  • 1832 - Yakov Streshnev, serf of the Bakunins, paints four wonderful portraits: Alexander Pavlovich Bakunin, his wife Anna Borisovna and their children Tatyana and Nikolai.

In the same years, an unknown artist paints a watercolor painting "The Raikovo Manor".

  • January 21, 1833 - Bakunin was appointed an honorary trustee of the Kostroma gymnasium.
  • February 4, 1834 - Bakunin was appointed a member of the Kostroma Committee for Prisons.
  • February 11, 1835 - at the age of 32, his wife Anna Borisovna dies.
  • February 19, 1835 - Bakunin resigns from the post of trustee of the Kostroma gymnasium.

Return to Moscow.

Back in service (1835-1842)

  • July 7, 1835 - Bakunin was appointed an adviser to the Moscow provincial government.
  • July 11, 1835, from a letter to M.L. Yakovleva - V.D. Volkhovsky: “Bakunin is a widower. He manages and takes care not of acquiring honors, but of the essential.
  • November 12, 1835 - Bakunin was transferred to the post of adviser to the II department of the Moscow Chamber of the Criminal Court.
  • June 25, 1837 - received the rank of court adviser.
  • January 10, 1838 - marries Maria Alexandrovna Shulepnikova, the wedding took place in the village. Spas-Nozoga near Plyos.
  • April 16, 1838 - appointed Novgorod vice-governor.
  • July 12, 1839 - A.P. Bakunin received the rank of State Councilor.
  • In October 1839, he was appointed in St. Petersburg to the post of vice director of the I Department of State Property, and from May 1840 he became director of this department.
  • July 12, 1840 - awarded the Order of St. Anna II degree.
  • August 22, 1840 - awarded a distinction for 15 years of impeccable service.
  • December 2, 1840 - sent to 8 provinces to solve problems with the procurement of bread.
  • December 12, 1841 - transferred to the Ministry of the Interior.

Tver Governor (1842-1857)

  • December 16, 1842 - appointed to the post of civil governor of Tver.
  • October 13, 1843 - approved by the vice-president of the Tver Trustee Committee on Prisons.
  • April 10, 1845 - approved by the civil governor of Tver.
  • December 27, 1846 - awarded the Order of St. Vladimir III degree.
  • August 26, 1856 - granted to the Privy Councilors.

In the last years of his leadership of the Tver province, A.P. Bakunin was preparing a peasant reform, which he perceived negatively.

  • October 18, 1857 - resignation from the post of governor of Tver.

Bakunin resigned as a result of mutual misunderstandings that arose with Minister of the Interior S. S. Lansky. In the report on his resignation, the reason for it was indicated - "due to illness."

Last years of life (1858-1862)

  • 1858 - compiled by A.P. Bakunin scheme "Management, common to all provinces of the Russian Empire, not consisting of special positions."
  • Summer 1862 - due to deteriorating health, he left with his wife for treatment in Nice.
  • August 25 (September 6), 1862 - died in Nice. The coffin with the body was sent by ship to St. Petersburg.
  • October 19, 1862 - the coffin with the body of Bakunin arrived in St. Petersburg. The next day, in a separate car, the ashes were transported to Moscow for burial in the Novodevichy Convent, next to the grave of Anna Borisovna's first wife.