Educational tasks for 6 year olds. Educational tasks for kids

Exercise 1.
The artist did not finish the portrait of Petushka. Follow in the footsteps of the Artist, collect the paints that he lost and color the Cockerel.

Task 2.
The rider needs to get to the finish line. Help him avoid collision with stones and cacti. Color all the objects in the picture so that the Racer can see them better.

Task 3.
Help the Rabbit collect all the carrots. Draw the shortest path for the Rabbit to find each carrot. Color all the carrots found by the Rabbit. How many carrots did the Rabbit collect?

Task 4.
The driver leads his train to the depot. Show the driver which way to go. Color the train.

Task 5.
Little Fisherman's line is tangled. What did Rybak catch with his line?

Task 6.
The mouse opened the faucet and water flowed into the hoses. Which taps are open and which are closed - the Mouse does not know! Help Mouse, check all the hoses and taps. Where will the water come from? Find this faucet, draw a stream of water, put a bucket under the faucet and color it.

Task 7.
Mishutka lost in winter forest. Guide him to the flag so that he does not get lost.

Task 8.
Bunny hurries home. Help him find a safe path along the bridges across the river.

Task 9.
Which route should Mishutka take the plane to get to his airfield? Help him land, color the desired route and Mishutka's plane.

Task 10.
Which path should the Chicken run to get to his Mom? Help him find the right path. Color the picture.

Task 11.
Help the Hamster ride his skateboard through the maze. Color the picture in full.

Beginning with early age, it is extremely important to give children for toddlers, aimed at improving:

  • logic,
  • fine motor skills,
  • speeches, etc.

Such tasks can be printed on our website and used at work and in the classroom at home.

Entertaining tasks for kids will be useful both for parents who want to independently develop their children, and for teachers and educators in kindergarten and any preschool. To do this, just print the tasks and apply at the right time.

Entertaining tasks for kids, aimed at developing logical thinking, are often used in preparing children for school. Earlier, back in Soviet times, such exercises were published in children's magazines such as Murzilka, and it was popular to solve such riddles with children. Today, children's crosswords, puzzles are increasingly used as one of the elements of education and upbringing, mainly in children's educational institutions. But after all, every parent can probably find free 10-20 minutes a day to sit next to the baby and do 2-3 such tasks. So it is not necessary to run to the development center to teach the child something new: this can be done at home. Entertaining exercises for kids can be successfully downloaded and printed from the Internet and used every day.

Tasks for the development of logical thinking for kids are a great help to a teacher or educator preparing children for school. They can be used as a kind of test to determine the level of preparation and the peculiarities of thinking of incoming children, to give homework, defuse the situation in the lesson, etc. In kindergarten, such exercises can be performed by the whole group, which will be very useful and entertaining. To do this, you just need to find assignments that are suitable in meaning and subject, download them or print them from our website and apply them in your work. Many drawings make wonderful coloring books, even if you don't aim to develop any other child's abilities.


Examples of tasks for logical thinking:

Thus, entertaining tasks for preschoolers can not only develop logical thinking, serve as material for preparing for school, but also become a pleasant pastime.

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By the middle of Yana's third year, the tasks for colors began to seem monotonous. I wanted to pick up something more interesting and I got the idea to offer tasks for sorting by styles. I assume that these tasks will develop systematization skills (finding common features of objects) and attention to detail (silhouettes, tones, etc.). The usual sorting for colors and sizes includes a classification according to one attribute. Sorting by styles includes classification by multiple attributes at the same time.

Lotto "Santa and his retinue"

In this version of the lotto, there are 4 sets of New Year's characters (Santa Claus, a snowman, a deer), made in different techniques. The task of the kid is to find for each Santa his individual snowman and deer. For kids under two years old, it is better to offer a lightweight version of the game. For example, searching for a given character drawn in all styles. Simply put, ask them to sequentially select all Santa Clauses from the cards, then snowmen and deer.

To prepare cards with a hard backing, this time I used cardboard box, curly scissors and glue. The drawings are printed on plain A4 paper and glued to squares cut out from a cardboard box.

Lotto "Christmas tree with decorations"

If on reverse side glue pieces of adhesive pads to make reusable stickers.

The lotto includes: 4 types of Christmas trees, 4 types of Christmas balls, 4 types of gifts, 4 types of New Year's socks. Our game "went with a bang", so the version from plain paper quickly lost appearance. I immediately laminated the second one and the loto took the form of a pleasant board game.

The goal of the game is to distribute the objects among the Christmas trees. There are several game options:

  • Application. We glue objects on the Christmas tree with glue.
  • "Stickers". It is very convenient to use UHU Patafix adhesive pads as an alternative to glue. They are reusable and do not damage the paper when peeled off. After the game, the decorated Christmas trees can be hung on the wall, again with the help of glue pads. It would not be superfluous to add that this option is suitable for children who do not put little things in their mouths.

I think that sorting by style is suitable for kids from about 2.5 years old. Younger children will be happy to just decorate the Christmas tree. In this case, one Christmas tree and a set of balls will be enough.

Sorting objects

For the first time, the task of sorting by styles can be difficult. Difficulties occur due to incorrect presentation of the material. For the first time I made a number of mistakes, but later I rehabilitated myself and I became interested in games.

I will give points that must be taken into account so that a 2-year-old child likes style tasks. At the very first acquaintance with printed material, it is necessary to give the child freedom of action. Those. let him get acquainted, as he himself wants. Then you can offer the easiest option - decorate the Christmas tree with any toys, and put any gifts under the Christmas tree.

It is better to offer tasks for sorting by style when the child has already played enough of the simplified version. For the first time, we take two pictures with Christmas trees and two types of balls that have the least similarity with each other.

There are a lot of objects in this lotto, so be prepared to spend at least half an hour with scissors in your hands.

Mazes for kids

Labyrinths are designed for kids from about 2.5 years old. There are 11 sheets with a variety of labyrinths and 5 sheets with tasks to circle objects in the distribution.

Christmas coloring pages

Includes 31 coloring pages. Some of them are very simple, designed to be painted in one color. They are suitable for kids from 2 years old. The part is more difficult with 2.5.

Yana, despite my efforts, has recently cooled down to drawing. She began to prefer finger paints with thick layers of application, which as a result does not look aesthetically pleasing. I have already come to terms with the fact that I will not have beautiful drawings and decided to limit myself to photographs of unpainted examples.

But the children are full of surprises, last night Yana suddenly demanded watercolor paints, coloring pages and pleased us with the long-awaited masterpieces. I advised to paint the stripes of the Christmas trees in different colors, but the choice of specific colors and the execution of the Christmas trees in the photo below is exclusively by Yana.

The key to an aesthetic coloring result for the little ones is correctly selected drawings and paints with pure beautiful colors. big luck when compiling a selection, I count the find of creative Christmas trees. A few of them are shown in the photo above. There are countless options for coloring them, and most of them can claim to be genius 😀 .

And of course, what New Year's drawing without sparkles:

Unfortunately, the glitter is not very visible in the photo. I still need to practice shooting this direction. We came across unsuccessful glitter pencils, so Yana first painted, then spread the glue with a brush and sprinkled sparkles on top of the picture.

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