Children's developmental classes from 4 years old

I welcome all visitors to our site, if you have looked here, then you probably have children, and you want them to grow up creative and developed.

I, Tretyakova Natalya, lead several groups of integrated development in our center. If you want your kid (3-4 years old) to learn to be independent, make friends with children and learn a lot, then I invite you to our studio "I am myself". In the new year for children, we came up with even more entertainment and educational programs, in these 2-hour classes your child will gain knowledge in such areas as: mathematics, speech development, the world, develop their sensory skills, and most importantly, become more independent and sociable.

The kindergarten features a large garden designed with play equipment for children, located among fruit trees, ornamental shrubs and flower beds. There is also a farm plot in the garden where children and workers grow vegetables, flowers and toboggans. AT kindergarten has its own kitchen with complete, refurbished and modernized equipment.

Method of action within the framework of public tasks performed. Children are recruited on a universal basis. Parents applying to adopt a child in a kindergarten submit a registration form completed to the director of the kindergarten from 1 to 30 years old. Activities in the budgetary and extrabudgetary economy.

Well, if you go to kindergarten, or are just not ready to leave your baby in class for 3 hours, then come to " complex classes» in the evening. We will work with children 3-4 years old and 4-5 years old for 1 hour, twice a week. We will study according to the famous program "School of the Seven Dwarfs", and so that your children know even more about mathematics and reading, we will study according to the author's methods and workbooks of the Lomonosov School. This comprehensive program consists of 12 areas of development, which will allow your child to successfully learn and develop.

A fee paid by the parents of children attending kindergarten. Donations supporting didactic activities. How to receive and process questions. Admission of children to kindergarten is based on application forms submitted by individual parents.

Principal receives parents working time. Forms of cooperation with parents are organized in the following way. Consultation points with specialists: speech therapist, educational psychologist. Kindergartens publish newsletters for parents of children in different age groups.

6-year-olds: "A six-year-old boy." 3-year-old: "Newspaper Kubusia Puchatka". For parents of newly arrived children: "At home and in kindergarten." Records, records and archives, as well as the rules for sharing the data contained therein. Register of insurance cards.

Well, for those who will soon go to school (children 5-6.5 years old), we have "Preparing for School". In these classes, children will receive a solid and extensive knowledge in the field of mathematics and speech development, learn to count, solve problems, read and write. And most importantly, they will love to learn and will happily go to school.

Comprehensive development program for children 4-5 years old.

This program includes the annual course of the program "School of the Seven Dwarfs" and the Lomonosov School, creative classes and the use of author's methods as didactic material, such as: manuals by Voskobovich, Nikitin, Doman, Gyenesh, Zaitsev.

Accident in the event of an accident at work and registration of accidents. Registration of work certificates and certificates of employment and wages. Vacation record. Health care leave record. Our kindergarten is located in Opole in the Zaodzha district. It is located in a separate two-story building adapted to the needs educational institutions. They have the opportunity to play in the large and friendly garden of the kindergarten, equipped with a variety of facilities and equipment to help them develop their physical fitness.

Approximate structure of one hour lesson:

  • 5 minutes. Greeting and warm-up (finger games or rhythmic warm-up)
  • 15 minutes. Speech development (work with didactic material or workbooks)
  • 15 minutes. Creative task (drawing, application, design)
  • 15 minutes. Mathematical development(work with didactic material or (and) with workbooks)
  • 10 min. Checking the assimilation of the material, homework. Didactic game.

The program includes the following areas:

The kindergarten organizes its activities in a way that meets the needs and developmental opportunities of the child, in contact with parents and the social and natural environment. We provide care, education and learning in an atmosphere of acceptance and safety, creating an environment that enables the child to reach “school maturity” and develop skills and abilities. In didactic and educational work, we use and prefer active methods and an open style of work. We take into account the individual needs and the developing, emotional and social needs of children.

  1. Account, form value
  2. Logic, thinking
  3. Recipe
  4. Time, space
  5. Diploma
  6. Speech development
  7. What is made of what different materials and their properties.
  8. Folk crafts
  9. Animals
  10. Nature
  11. Space.

Also, in the learning process, visual materials and computer programs are used.

We encourage children's activity, the desire to learn and learn. He also works with the child's family environment, teaching, cultivating in an atmosphere of acceptance, safety and tolerance. Kindergarten focuses its activities on. Development of proper social, environmental, patriotic and healthy attitudes. Promote and develop culture Everyday life, a culture of tolerance, cooperation and compassion. Preventive activities and psychological and pedagogical assistance to children and parents.

  • Achievement of children of school age.
  • Educate children about their rights and responsibilities.
  • Effective parenting.
  • Equalization of educational opportunities for children.
A graduate of our kindergarten.

Svetlana Cherednichenko
Synopsis of a correctional and developmental lesson for children 4–5 years old

Target: Correction fine motor skills , the formation of ideas about color, shape, size. Tasks: Learn to distinguish between right and left hand, vertical, horizontal arrangement of objects. Development of logical thinking.

Duration classes: 25 minutes

He has the knowledge and skills to take on the responsibilities of a student in a school. He adapted to his age habits and attitudes towards pro-health, pro-social, environmental and patriotic.

  • He is culturally, socially busy, socially active, active.
  • He cares about the health and safety of himself and others.
  • He can solve problems according to his ability.
Our Kindergarten provides an environment for all-round, safe and joyful development for all children, enabling them to reach maturity in school.

Group occupancy: no more than 10-12 people

materials: set of geometric shapes, toy car, maze pattern

Age: 4-5 years

move classes I.Organizing time opening speech teacher- psychologist:

Everyone, everyone, good afternoon!

Get out of the way, our laziness!

Don't stop working

Don't stop learning!

We treat each child individually and objectively. We make him feel accepted, loved, happy and safe. Kindergarten "Kindergarten" is a non-public kindergarten. The pedagogical supervision of the kindergarten is the responsibility of the Board of Education. in Warsaw. The legal basis for the activities of the institution is: Implementation of the provisions of the Law on the Education System. This charter is given by the governing body.

The creation of the institute is educational and educational in nature. Target preschool education in accordance with the core curriculum is to: - help children develop talents, once they have formed the intellectual activity they need, in everyday situations and in further learning. - building a system of values, including raising children so that they know better what is good and what is bad, - forming in children the emotional resilience necessary to rationally overcome new and difficult situations, including those who suffer less from stress and failure - developing social skills that are necessary in proper relationships with children and adults - creating conditions conducive to common and consistent play and learning for children with different physical and intellectual abilities, - taking care of the health and physical culture of children, encouraging participation in the game and sport games. - the formation of children's knowledge of the social, natural and technical world and the development of the ability to present their thoughts in a way that is understandable to others. - Raising children in the world of aesthetic values ​​and developing conversational skills through music, small theatrical forms and art. - formation childish feeling affiliation and patriotism; - providing children with better educational opportunities, supporting their curiosity, activity and autonomy, as well as forming the messages and skills that are important for school education.

Teacher-psychologist, - What is it now occupation?

Pupils: - Correctional lesson. II. Topic message occupations Teacher-psychologist: - Children, today on lesson we'll go to fairyland "Geometric shapes" where various geometric figures, shapes and colors live. We will not go there alone, but a faithful assistant will help us. And who will! You yourself will now find out by guessing my riddle:

The goals are realized in all areas of education in kindergarten. The time spent on the implementation of the core curriculum is 5 hours per day. The detailed tasks of the kindergarten and ways of their implementation are determined. in annual and monthly work plans.

All kindergarten teachers are members of the pedagogical council. The Pedagogical Council acts on the basis of accepted rules by itself and its meetings. The Pedagogical Council meets at mandatory meetings according to the schedule, at least twice a year. Teachers must maintain professional secrecy regarding resolutions, motions, and observations at a board meeting.

“I am cheerful, mischievous, simple and colorful!”


Teacher-psychologist - Children who are they!

Pupils: - Pencil!

II. physical minute

Target: activate the activity of the brain, cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

How is it going? - Like this!

How are you going? - Like this!

Are you running? - Like this!

Do you sleep at night? - Like this!

Information about a child can only be shared directly with the parents or legal guardians of the child. The kindergarten is open throughout the school year. The main unit of the kindergarten is a group of children of the same age, taking into account their needs, interests and talents. Kindergartens can attend children aged 2.5 to 5 years. The kindergarten is provided for 26 children. Groups can be combined with fewer children. There are 3 single meal: breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea.

Detailed organization of training and care in this academic year determined by the director of the kindergarten in the organizational structure. The organization of work during the day determines the framework schedule of the day prepared by the director, including time spent on didactic activities, fun, air, activities, sports, food and recreation. The duration of compulsory classes depends on the individual needs and needs of the children and the program, but the study unit should not last more than 30 minutes. Additional activities included in the offer - rhythm, English and art classes, all financed by the owner.

How do you give? - Like this!

Do you take? - Like this!

How are you kidding? - Like this!

Are you threatening? - Like this!

III. Finger and palm massage exercise

Target: activate brain activity, stimulate the development of speech skills, activate memory, attention, develop creative imagination.

Educational psychologist: - And so that we have them mobile, write and draw well, we will now stretch our fingers. Massage.

It is possible to extend the offer of additional activities, but in this case, the costs incurred by the parents will be incurred. The duration of the extra activities is adapted to the age and developmental potential of the children. Children can be paid by speech therapists for an additional fee.

Kindergarten fees include services provided by the institution related to education, care and training, child insurance, and food. All fees are set by the governing body. The payment for the child's accommodation in the kindergarten is charged in advance, up to 5 times a month.

So that our finger is healthy,

Let's give him a massage.

Let's grind harder

And let's move on to another.

Rubbing fingers from the back

We are on the other side

The finger must be rubbed

To make him happy

He was healthy and did not get sick.

Rubbing fingers from the inside

To be strong palm -

Let's massage a little:

Children have the opportunity to use the playground with appropriate equipment for the daily use of children. When applying for more children than the admission rules, the criteria set by the lead body are decided. The entry of a child into the list is made on the basis of a written notice and payment of the buy-in. Parents may, within 14 days of receiving the decision, contact the head of education who oversees the institution through the governing body. Kindergarten recruits based on universal availability.

Press ten times

And change hands.

Back hand massage

Here are some funny chicks

They came to the garden to the garden.

They walk happily

Grains peck quickly.

Palm massage from the inside (picture)

Here are friends - chickens

They climbed into another bed.

There the children are pecking grain

Also bold and agile.

Employee employment rules comply Labor Code. The number of employed teachers and other employees is determined annually by the organizational chart. Volunteers are allowed to work. The rights and obligations of employees are determined in separate provisions and agreements with the staff of the nursery.

The kindergarten has teachers with higher education in the field of pedagogy and directed training. Kindergarten teacher conducts didactic and educational work in accordance with applicable programs, is responsible for the quality and results of this work. He respects the dignity of the child and respects his rights. Teachers surround the care of each foster parent and liaise with parents to recognize and take into account children's developmental needs and provide parental support and educational assistance.

Patting the palm with fingertips on both sides

VI. Didactic game house.

Target: Formation of ideas about the shape, size. Vertical, horizontal arrangement of objects.

materials: a set of geometric shapes.

We're building a house now


It won't be brick

But not paper.

Teachers have the right to pursue a career. Teachers' salaries are determined on the basis of individual contracts. Kindergarten workers are working. Their main task is to ensure the smooth operation of the kindergarten as an institution, keeping the facility and its surroundings in good condition and cleanliness, taking into account health and safety regulations. The specific responsibilities of these officers are determined by the governing body.

Kindergartens can attend children aged 2, 5-5 years. No treatment other than life or health is allowed in kindergarten. All kindergarten students are insured against the consequences of accidents. The insurance is paid by the lead agency at the beginning of the school year.

It is high, below the garage.

What is our house made of?

Children, let's build a house together with you! Take geometric shapes - these are our building materials and let's start building. Where the triangle and the cone are the roof.

V. Labyrinth with a secret

Target: fine motor correction, develop clear coordinated actions in conjunction with speech; training of high-speed skills for performing mental operations.

materials: toy car, maze pattern

The labyrinth has an entrance and an exit, between which you must first find the shortest path by drawing it with a simple pencil. After passing the maze, you will get a colorful picture. By painting the entire route with different colors, you will get a colorful picture. Squares that do not fall on the line do not need to be painted.

VI. Outcome lessons

Educational psychologist: - With which geometric shapes we met on lesson?

Pupils: – Square, circle, triangle, rectangle, cylinder.

Educational psychologist: - Who was today on occupation by our assistant?

Pupils: - Pencil!

Educational psychologist: - Why do we do finger exercises?

Pupils: - So that the fingers write better, draw, etc.

Educational psychologist: - Well done! You all did well today.

When compiling classes used literature:

1. Bityanova M. R. "Adaptation of the child in school" corrective- developmental education M., "Ped. Search", 2008

2. LavrentievaG. P. "Practical psychology for educators" collection of tests, Kyiv, 2002.

3. Vasilyeva N. N. and Novotortseva N. V. "Developing games for schoolchildren", Yaroslavl, 2006

4. Vasilieva S. V. “Diagnostics of mental states children preschool age”, S.-P. "Speech", 2005

5. Volkov B. S. "Tasks and exercises in child psychology", M. "Education",

6. Collection psychological games and exercises "Edge of Success", / compiled by: V. N. Nokhrina, N. A. Uvarova, N. A. Shtyrts; - - Ect. GOU DOD TsDOD "Palace of Youth" 2006.

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