Unusual museums where you can take pictures. The strangest and most unusual museums in the world

At the word museum, the names immediately pop up in our memory - the Hermitage, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Louvre ... However, there are a lot of strange museums, which are very different from those familiar to a simple layman. Here are just a few of them.

Sewer Museum in Paris, France

The Sewer Museum of Paris, located on the Quai d'Orsay near the Pont de Alma, traces the history of the city's sewerage from the first Aubrio tunnels under Charles V to the Belgrand sewer network currently in use. It is quite logical that this museum is located in an underground tunnel, descending into which visitors will be able to get acquainted with the history of city drains and the development of the sewerage network, as well as take a walk through both the wide main tunnels and the narrow secondary ones.

Museum of Ventriloquists at Fort Mitchell, USA

At the ventriloquist museum in Kentucky, mannequins tell funny stories, roll their eyes in response to remarks and have their own opinion on any account. The uniqueness of the museum at Fort Mitchell lies in the fact that it is the only one of its kind in the world. It seems that endless rows of wooden dolls are lined up within its walls. With their "eyes" they follow all the movements of visitors, as if trying to hypnotize them and subjugate them to their own will. In this creepy place, many have to really restrain themselves in order not to scream in fear.

Cesare Lombroso Museum of Criminal Anthropology in Turin, Italy

The famous Museum of Criminal Anthropology in Turin was founded in 1898 by the criminal physiognomist Cesare Lombroso. This museum houses a collection of about four hundred skulls of the most different people. All this is a consequence of the museum founder's obsession with the idea that criminal inclinations and various deviations in behavior are determined by the shape and size of the human skull. It is for this reason that the doctor collected the skulls of lunatics, criminals, soldiers and ordinary citizens. His collection consists of skeletons in full height, human brains and images of dissected bodies. The main "chip" of the museum is the head of Lombroso himself, which is perfectly preserved and is kept in a glass chamber.

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death Museum in Los Angeles, USA

The scary museum, called Psychiatry: An Industry of Death, was founded in 2005 by Scientologists who criticize established treatments for psychiatric illness and mental disorders. The exposition of this museum consists of materials telling how a worldwide conspiracy of doctors and pharmacists contributed to the destruction of American Indians and Australian Bushmen, which was a consequence of the beginning of apartheid and the Holocaust. The building in Los Angeles also serves as the administrative center for the Citizens Commission on Human Rights.

Barbed Wire Museum in La Crosse, USA

The original barbed wire museum opened in 1971 in the US state of Kansas. He tells all visitors about the history and evolution of barbed wire, which is popularly called the "Devil's Rope". To date, the museum's exposition consists of more than 2 thousand types of barbed wire, the most valuable exhibits date back to the 19th century. Sightseeing tour includes a visit to the Barbed Wire Hall of Fame and the Science Library. Most visitors also visit the cinema hall, which shows an educational film about the history of this unusual but highly lucrative industry.

Mutter Museum of Medical History in Philadelphia, USA

The Mütter Museum of Medical History is a museum of human diseases and pathologies, antique medical equipment and biological exhibits, located in the ancient medical complex USA. Most of all, this museum is "famous" for its unimaginable collection of skulls, but that's not all - all kinds of unique exhibits are collected within the walls of this creepy institution, for example, the corpse of a woman turned into soap in the ground where she was buried, Siamese twins with one liver, the skeleton of a newborn baby with two heads, and much more. Entrance to this nightmarish museum is forbidden to all the faint of heart and impressionable natures, as well as pregnant women and children.

Rabbit Museum in Pasadena, USA

An American couple managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records thanks to rabbits - Candice Frazee and Steve Lubansky converted their house into a real museum of cute rodents. Their mansion in Pasadena has a collection of 28.5 thousand different items, one way or another connected with rabbits and hares. And it all started with an innocent gift, when a couple in love on Valentine's Day exchanged toy animals. After that, they began to constantly give each other rabbits and everything connected with them - postcards, clay figurines, toys, dishes, lamps, furniture, bathroom accessories, and, in the end, decided to have live rabbits. All this led to the museum, which opened in 1999.

Roswell UFO Museum and Research Center, USA

The New Mexico UFO Museum and Research Center is one of the five most visited museums in the United States. This fact is quite logical, because people have always wanted to touch the mystery of the supernatural, flying saucers and aliens. Most of the exhibits presented in the museum are ordinary images on a screen or on pieces of paper, but there are exceptions among them, such as the lid of a sarcophagus from Mexico or a container of dirt collected after a UFO accident that occurred in one of the local deserts in 1947. Obviously, it was this incident that became the starting point for the creation of a thematic museum in the American southwest.

Museum of hearses in Barcelona, ​​Spain

It is noteworthy that the gloomy museum of hearses is located in the building of the main funeral home of Catalonia. Anyone can get into the dark basement of this institution and absolutely free of charge, although, as a rule, there are very few people who want to. In several halls of the museum you can find ancient funeral carriages upholstered in black velvet, mourning carts, carriages and modern hearses, which saw off the last journey of Barcelona residents from the 18th century to the present day. The Barcelona Museum also has the world's first mourning cars. well-known brand"Studebaker" and more modern vehicles designed for these mournful purposes.

Museum of Fried Wieners with Currywurst Sauce in Berlin, Germany

In the capital of Germany in 2009, the grand opening of a thematic museum dedicated to fried sausages with curry powder and a special sauce based on ketchup took place. The reason for the appearance of such an unusual object is the sixtieth anniversary of the dish adored by the Germans. Acquaintance with the German delicacy takes place as part of an interactive exhibition, which includes a story about the history of the origin and role of Currywurst sausages in the culture of the country, as well as acquaintance with the most delicious and unusual recipes for this dish. We have to admit that in terms of popularity, the museum itself is significantly inferior to the cafe operating under it, where you can try the legendary dish in combination with a variety of sauces.

This incredible underwater museum with dozens of life-sized sculptures used as artificial coral reefs for local flora and fauna.

2. Hermann Boerhaave Museum. City of Leiden, Netherlands

Before becoming a museum dedicated to human mutations, before mutation became a great discovery in medicine, botany and physiology, this building was a simple hospital. Now in it you can see the collection of Sebald Justinus Brugmans, which includes jars, test tubes and various kinds of mutations in them.

3. Museum of instant noodles Momofuku Ando. Osaka city, Japan

5. Divorce Museum. City of Zagreb, Croatia

Each item in this collection - be it Wedding Dress or even an ax - has its own history in the final stage of a failed relationship.

6. Museum of bad art. City of Beston, Massachusetts

This museum displays works famous artists, where everything went awry, as well as strange copies of paintings by other artists.

7. Sewer Museum of Paris. City of Paris, France

Believe it or not. But this museum dedicated to the sewers of Paris was founded in the Paris sewers in 1800, and it is still active today. It presents many historical exhibits and not necessarily on the theme of its name.

8. Mutter Museum. City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

This museum boasts hundreds of specimens of skulls and skeletons showing numerous pathologies in the human structure.

9. Museum of dog collars. City of Kent, England

This museum contains accessories for best friend man for five centuries.

10. Museum of death. City of Los Angeles, California City of New Orleans, Louisiana

According to its creators, the museum was founded in 1995 "so that visitors can find out the whole truth hidden from them in the media regarding some events related to the death or murder of people." The museum does not conduct tours. Each visitor can independently examine everything, which will take about an hour.

The museum itself, in addition to numerous autopsy documents, videos and photographs from crime scenes, also contains the head of Bluebeard, a French serial killer.

11. Vent-Heyvan Museum. City of Fort Havan, Kentucky

This museum has collected incredible collection posters and photographs that describe the history of talking dolls. It is worth a visit if you are not confused by the sight of hundreds of dolls watching you from the very beginning to the end of your visit to the museum.

12. Museum of paintings "Cat's House". City of Amsterdam, Netherlands

This museum has collected an incredible collection of sculptures, paintings and other utensils about cats. All of them indicate that these hairballs are an integral part of human life.

13. Museum of Bread Culture. City of Ulm, Germany

Despite the fact that this museum has collected 16,000 relics related to baking, there are almost no examples of baking or recipes for it in this museum.

14. House of Winchesters. City of San Jose, California

In 1884, the house was purchased by Sarah Winchester, widow of William Winchester, son of Oliver Winchester, inventor of the famous rifle.

After her husband's death, Sarah had an audience with a medium in Boston who "communicated with the spirit of her late husband." The spirit of the deceased allegedly reported that Sarah's misadventures (the death of her only daughter shortly after birth, the relatively early death of William) are due to the fact that the family is cursed with those killed by a rifle created by his father. In order to avoid further problems, the woman must build a special house in which the spirits cannot harm her. The widow bought the house and spent almost all of her millions on rebuilding it.

15. Museum of British lawn mowers. City of Southport, England

Not only does this museum have 200-year-old lawn mowers, but visitors are also allowed to try out the lawn mowers used by Princess Diana and Prince Charles.

16. Jurassic Technology Museum. City of Los Angeles, California

The name of the museum has nothing to do with dinosaurs. Here is a whole collection of scientific and artistic rarities.

According to the head of the Smithsonian Institution, "Museums like this one, unlike most others, are very important because they show the history of the development of scientific technology, thereby igniting people's interest in science."

Despite the fact that some of the exhibits, such as the decaying bones of the Russian dogs Belka and Strelka, are fake, the guides still show them as genuine. Visitors have something to discuss among themselves.

17. Barney Smith Art Museum. City of San Antonio, Texas

In our world, there are a huge number of museums that present various exhibits, mainly cultural values. But there is also unusual museums of the world in which visitors will find not quite simple works art, but rather extravagant. It is these museums that will be discussed here.

It is always interesting for any person to see something original and unusual, something that cannot be found everywhere. Unusual museums attract visitors for this very reason. Lovers of sweets will be interested in visiting the chocolate museum, and lovers of psychology in the museum of dreams of Sigmund Freud.

Although such museums do not open often, there are already quite a large number of them, and over time there will be even more of them. On the pages of this site we will try to give as much information as possible about unusual museums of the world.

Having been in Lisbon, it is impossible not to visit the most popular museum in the capital of Portugal - the "National Carriage Museum". The building in which it is located is organically connected with the history of this transport that has sunk into oblivion. As early as 1787, Prince Huang, later King Huang VI, began the construction of the Royal Arena for training in horseback riding. The building itself was designed by the architect Giacomo Azolini in the neoclassical style, but the subsequent decoration of the exterior and interior continued for more than 40 years.

These are unusual museums in which visitors find themselves in a real tropical paradise filled with beautiful butterflies that flutter everywhere. It maintains a tropical climate: temperature + 28 degrees, and humidity - 70%. Often in such museums you can also see exotic birds, fish, a large number of living tropical plants. A magical corner of the tropics will not leave anyone indifferent!

In the center of Stockholm there is an unusual museum dedicated to dance. Apart from permanent exhibitions The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions that change from year to year. Live performances can be seen at these exhibitions. Many tourists even plan dates on purpose, as the dance museum hosts various events depending on the time of year.

There is a kamikaze museum in Japan. It was opened in 1975 in the village of Tiran. Since 2007, it has been the city of Minamikyushu. The museum was opened on the site of the former Japanese Air Force base. As the name implies, all the exhibits of the museum are dedicated to Japanese kamikaze pilots who gave their lives for the prosperity of their homeland.

Everyone knows about the tragedy that happened on August 9, 1945 in Japan, when the US military dropped on this city atomic bomb. But few people know that a museum dedicated to this tragic event has been organized in the city itself. Today we will talk about the atomic bomb museum.

Winter is a beautiful, beautiful time. Around everything is white-white and snow is falling. A part of all this beauty is a snowflake. How interesting and fun it is to watch how snowflakes fall from the sky. As you probably already guessed, in this article we will consider the snowflake museum, which is located in Japan on the island of Hokkaido. It should be noted that the only museum of its kind in the world, so it is doubly interesting.

If you are in Hungary, then you simply must go to the marzipan museum. Yes, you heard right - this is a very interesting, unique and "sweet" museum. All exhibits presented in the museum are made of marzipan!

25. Te Papa Tongarewa National Museum (Wellington, New Zealand)


The National Museum of New Zealand focuses on the history of the island nation and the culture of its indigenous population - the Maori. Nature lovers will be pleased with the huge collection of dinosaurs, birds, fish, insects and even mythical creatures such as orcs. And all because it was in New Zealand that Peter Jackson filmed the famous film trilogy "The Lord of the Rings".

24. Museum of Latin American Art (Buenos Aires, Argentina)


The exposition of the museum is devoted mainly to works of Latin American art of the 20th century: on the first floor there are works contemporary masters, and on the second - an earlier painting. Almost all exhibits are owned by the Argentine philanthropist Eduardo Constantini.

23. Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses (Xian, China)


The Great Wall and the Terracotta Army are one of the most recognizable symbols of China, the construction of which took place during the reign of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the united Chinese state. In them, the powerful ruler saw the bulwark of the security of his country and the continuation of personal power in the afterlife. It is noteworthy that among the figures there are no identical warriors: they all differ in rank, weapons used and facial expressions.

22. Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial (Jerusalem, Israel)


The Holocaust Memorial Complex is located on Mount Herzl in the western part of Jerusalem. Everlasting memory about the catastrophe and a tribute to all the fighters against fascism.

21. National Gallery of Art (Washington, USA)


The complex consists of a sculpture garden and two buildings connected by an underground passage. The museum's collection displays a myriad of works of art from different eras and styles. By the way, a considerable part of the exhibits are masterpieces of the Hermitage, bought by American connoisseurs of beauty from the Soviet authorities.

20. Inhotim (Brumadinho, Brazil)


Art objects under the crowns of primeval forests? Why not! Items in the Brazilian park-museum contemporary art placed directly below open sky. Of course, there are also closed exhibition centers most different nature. Bright Inhotim is often called "Disneyland for adults."

19. Ricardo Brennand Institute (Recife, Brazil)


The cultural center is owned by the Brazilian collector Ricardo Brennand and includes a museum, art gallery, library and park. A considerable number of exhibits are dedicated to the colonial era of Brazil. Of particular interest to tourists is an impressive collection of weapons.

18. National Air and Space Museum (Washington, USA)


The Smithsonian Institution Research Center is a real outlet for those who, for whatever reason, cannot become a pilot or. Under the high vaults of the museum, unique specimens of real aircraft and spacecraft are collected.

17. Getty Center (Los Angeles, California)


The Getty Complex will delight its visitors with amazing architecture with stunning views of Los Angeles. The museum presents the work of European photographers, sculptors and artists. The adjacent park is famous for the unique murmur of its waterfall. Within the walls of the research institute, training sessions and exhibitions are held.

16. Pergamon Museum (Berlin, Germany)


The exposition of the museum is divided into three blocks: Antique collection, Museum islamic art and the Asiatic Museum. Here are monumental works of architecture, sculpture, mosaics, relief and writing with a very difficult fate. The fact is that the bombing of Berlin during the Second World War touched the Pergamon Museum, as a result of which part of the collection was transported and has not yet been returned.

15. National World War II Museum (New Orleans, USA)


The opening of the museum was timed to coincide with the 56th anniversary of the strategic landing operation in France in 1944. The atrium of the building displays military equipment that contributed to the Allied victory in World War II.

14. Academy of Fine Arts (Florence, Italy)


Within the walls of the first academy of painting in Europe, you can see world-famous art objects, for example, Michelangelo's David. Don't like sculpture? All the same, do not pass by: tourists, who adapt themselves to the naked stone bodies in an original way, will amuse you pretty much.

13. Vincent Van Gogh Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)


The beautiful has no price, but we have heard more than once about the fabulous sums for which the paintings of the famous Dutch post-impressionist artist are sold. In addition to the works of the master himself, the museum exhibits works of his no less famous contemporaries: Paul Gauguin, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso.

12. British Museum (London, UK)


For centuries, colonists from british empire discovered the most hidden corners of the planet and grabbed interesting “souvenirs” from there, which later became exhibits of the second most visited museum in the world. The huge collection covers the most different eras, cultures and arts.

11. New Acropolis Museum (Athens, Greece)


The complex, costly and lengthy construction of the museum was due to two interrelated reasons. First, Greek history has accumulated an excess of artifacts. Secondly, the British did not want to return the stolen historical and cultural values, referring to the fact that there was nowhere to exhibit and store them. I had to give up in the end.

10. National Museum of Anthropology (Mexico City, Mexico)


The culture of the indigenous peoples of Mesoamerica is shrouded in a haze of fantasy, ideas about their bloodthirstiness and unprecedented wealth. How true all this is, you can appreciate in the main museum of Mexico, which presents the ancient values ​​​​of such powerful civilizations of the past, such as the Maya or the Aztecs.

9. Vasa Museum (Stockholm, Sweden)


Scandinavia's most visited museum was built around the 17th-century Swedish ship, the Vasa. This is the oldest warship that has survived to this day. And, oddly enough, a very quick crash during his first voyage helped him to withstand the test of time. Having plunged into low salinity waters, the ship was not eaten by sea worms.

8. State Museum (Amsterdam, Netherlands)


The central place in the exposition of the museum, founded in 1808 by Louis Bonaparte, is occupied by paintings by Dutch masters of painting of the 15th-19th centuries. For example, Rembrandt's "Night Watch" is placed here - a canvas measuring 363 by 437 cm, which is famous for its difficult history with attempts at destruction, a lot of mysteries and several mentions in the cinema.

7. London National Gallery (London, UK)


The art gallery annually receives about 6.5 million tourists. More than two thousand paintings are exhibited in chronological order, which helps the unprepared viewer to follow the development Western European painting starting from the 13th century.

6. State Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg, Russia)


Mecca for all guests of the Northern capital of Russia, with a breathtaking number of exhibits, unimaginable decoration, as well as representative offices throughout the country and beyond.

5. Louvre (Paris, France)


Trying to guess the smile of the Mona Lisa through the lens of a smartphone is the sacred duty of every visitor to Paris. To do this, you have to look into the most popular art museum in the world. However, before your date with the painting by Leonardo da Vinci, you will have a photo session with a glass pyramid - the main entrance to the Louvre.

4. Prado National Museum (Madrid, Spain)


Along with striking works of art belonging to the masters of the Flemish, English, German and French schools, the museum, of course, keeps the richest collection of paintings by Spanish painters. Admirers of El Greco, Velazquez and Goya will be delighted.

3. Art Institute of Chicago (Chicago, USA)


The museum is concurrently the highest artistic educational institution USA, where such creators as Walt Disney were educated. Of course, among the exhibits there are many examples of American art.

2. Musee d'Orsay (Paris, France)


The museum collection is located in the building of the former railway station. In addition to a rich collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist works, visitors can enjoy wonderful views of the Parisian Seine here.

1. Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, USA)


In the "Big Apple" and so there is nowhere for an apple to fall, and then there are millions of visitors running from one attraction of the city to another in order to get acquainted as soon as possible. The Metropolitan Museum of Art will not work quickly: even a cursory acquaintance with some of the "motley" exhibits will take many hours.

Have you ever been to an interesting museum? Tell us about it in the comments.

The beginning of the collection of the merchant Pavel Tretyakov was laid in 1856. In the space of 62 halls, the best examples of Russian art of the 10th-20th centuries are collected - icons, paintings, arts and crafts. In the "fabulous" building in Lavrushinsky Lane, built at the beginning of the last century according to the drawings of Vasnetsov, a collection of graphic works and sculptures of the 18th-20th centuries is exhibited.

per. Lavrushinsky, 10

Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val 0+

Creative heritage collected in the building on Krymsky Val domestic masters who worked from 1920 to 1960. The complex hosts exhibitions of works contemporary artists, master classes, lectures and meetings with cultural workers. Chagall, Kandinsky, Williams, Gerasimov - the art of the 20th century lives here.

st. Krymsky Val, 10

Multimedia Art Museum 0+

Photo exhibitions of Russian and foreign photographers, meetings with artists, performances, film screenings and installations are held one after another on seven floors of the art and educational complex. On the territory of the museum there is the famous school of multimedia and photography. Rodchenko. The museum has long become a large-scale art and educational complex, where the masters of world photography prefer to exhibit.

st. Ostozhenka, 16

Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts 0+

Impressionist paintings and works by contemporary American and European artists, Schliemann's gold and artifacts from archaeological sites of ancient civilizations, world-class art from Holland, Germany, Italy and Greece - only 1.5% of the 670 thousand copies of rarities stored in museum.

st. Volkhonka, 12

Museum of Moscow 0+

The history of the capital of the Russian state is presented in the main museum building and its seven branches. at the Museum of Archaeology, estate culture, the history of Lefortovo, the English Compound, the Russian harmonica, the estate "Vlakhernskoe-Kuzminki" and "House on the Embankment" collected more than one million exhibits, science Library has a fund of more than 60,000 volumes and 50,000 subscription periodicals.

Zubovsky Blvd., 2

M.O.S.T. Iconic Car Museum 0+

Guests of the M.O.S.T. Museum of Iconic Cars they will be able to see thematic exhibitions, get acquainted with the technical structure of custom cars, attend lectures and film screenings on automotive topics and admire the iconic De Lorean dmc-12, designed in the Back to the Future style.

st. Krymsky Val, 10, entrance opposite Gorky Park and Central House of Artists

Museum of Modern Fortification "Bunker 703" 6+

Located underground at a depth of 43 meters, Bunker 703 used to serve as a protected special archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Today, a unique museum dedicated to the history of modern fortification has been opened here.

per. 2nd Novokuznetsky, 14, building 1

House of Burganov 0+

The museum space is filled with author's works, works of ancient classics, African and Western European masters, Russian medieval sculpture and products folk art, unique books and engravings - everything that made up unusual worlds Russian artist. "New Romanticism" - this is how Alexander Nikolaevich designated the direction in which he worked; "Surrealism" - we say, considering many of his works.

per. Bolshoi Afanasievsky, 15, building 9

Moscow Museum of Modern Art 6+

First in Russia state museum, which specializes exclusively in the art of the late XX - early XXI centuries.

st. Petrovka, 25, per. Ermolaevsky, 17, b-r Tverskoy, d. 9, b-r Gogolevsky, d. 10, st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 15

Museum of the Cold War "Bunker-42 on Taganka" 16+

You are not afraid of enemy nuclear strikes and aviation bombing - if you are at the "Bunker-42 on Taganka" facility. The building was built for in 1956, but it was never used for its intended purpose. Now it is a popular tourist place where excursions are held around the clock - many tickle your nerves, descending at night to a depth of 65 meters.

5th Kotelnichesky lane, 11

Historical Museum 0+

Five million exhibits, over fifteen million historical documents - the museum, founded by decree of Alexander II, houses the richest collection of national rarities. Pokrovsky Cathedral, the Museum of the War of 1812, the chambers of the Romanovs - such is the geography of the museum space. Each museum exhibition is an event in cultural life country that is of great public interest.

Red Square, 1

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art 0+

The activities of this museum of contemporary art are developing in three directions - exhibition, educational and research. Today, Garage is a respected international expert in the field of contemporary art.

st. Krymsky Val, 9, building 32

Polytechnic Museum at VDNKh 0+

The history of the famous Polytechnic University began in 1863, when the first public museum in Moscow, which promoted the dissemination of technical and natural science knowledge, opened its doors to the residents of the capital. At the beginning of 2015 Polytechnical Museum- one of the most major museums country. More than 190 thousand exhibits have been collected in its funds, more than 150 collections have been formed in various fields of science and technology, technical library The museum has over three million volumes.

Prospect Mira, 119, pavilion No. 26 VDNKh, 42 Volgogradsky Ave., building 5

Space Museum 0+

The pearl of the museum is the layout of the base compartment of the Mir space station, the original of which was sunk in the Pacific Ocean. Of the rare exhibits that attract the attention of guests - the first spacesuit of a cosmonaut - E. Leonov went into outer space in it, stuffed Belka and Strelka, the museum MCC - on its screen you can observe the life and work of astronauts in orbit on-line, an interactive monitor with information about distant galaxies and planets.

Mira Ave., 111

Russian Submarine Museum

The location of Moscow at a distance of a thousand kilometers from the sea did not prevent the opening of the Museum of the Navy in the capital. It is placed on board the Novosibirsk Komsomolets diesel submarine - the ship went on trips on two oceans, and then ended up on the pier of the Khimki reservoir. Among the exhibits are military relics, equipment, documents, uniforms, military equipment, etc.

st. Freedom, Vlad. 50−56, North Tushino park

Museum of Creativity and Life in the Gulag 16+

The history of our country has many pages, unfortunately, not all of them are bright. As a reminder to the living - so that this does not happen again - this museum was created. People, even in the most inhuman conditions, strove for beauty, evidence of this are numerous examples of camp creativity. In the museum exposition - works of painting, graphics, sculpture.

per. Maly Karetny, 12

Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center 0+

One of the most high-tech museums in Europe opened in 2012. $50 million was spent on its creation - donations came from all over the world. The exposition is built in such a way that it shows the entire history of the country through the prism of one nationality. The museum houses the Center for Tolerance and Avant-Garde, a children's center and the Schneerson Library.

st. Obraztsova, 11, building 1a

Museum "Underground Printing House of 1905-1906"

What tricks do people go to in order to convey their thoughts to others. A classic example is the arrangement of an underground printing house in a fruit shop, directly opposite the gendarme department. The events took place in 1905. The guys entered the history of Moscow. Glory to adventurers and daredevils. If only they knew how it would all end...

st. Lesnaya, 55

Museum of the history of vodka

It will be about the national product - vodka. It is strongly associated with foreigners with Russia. Inside the country, there are many tales and stories about her. Museum staff will tell new facts about the strong drink, remember the history of its creation and dispel the most common misconceptions. After the tour, guests will have a tasting of the product in one of the halls of the museum. A traditional Russian appetizer is offered for an aperitif.

Izmailovskoye highway, Vlad. 73 w

If you want to know how your parents had fun forty years ago, you are welcome to this museum. If you are tortured by nostalgia for childhood - you are here. sea ​​battle and "Safari", "Magistral" and "Basketball" - all exhibits are in working order. Do you want vodka? Soviet soda machines pour water at 1 kopeck per glass (without syrup).

Prospect Mira, 119, building 57, first floor

Museum of Russian Costume and Life

Clothing is the first thing that says about our belonging to a particular nationality. It tells about the history of the people, their traditions, indicates the place of their residence, reflects the character of its creators. The unique collection inspires guests to create their own original wardrobe sets, and designers around the world have long used folklore elements of costumes in the formation of annual collections.

Altufevskoe sh., 2, cor. one

State Biological Museum named after K.A. Timiryazev

In the museum exhibition of one of oldest museums Moscow reflects various natural science objects, sections of the main disciplines of biological sciences and various types of functioning environment and a person. Herbariums and minerals, skeletons of invertebrates and artistic and graphic images of the living world, animalistic sculptures and collections of stuffed animals, anthropological reconstructions and the results of organ transplants in animals and birds - the museum funds contain more than 81,000 items that belong to 23 storage groups.

st. Malaya Gruzinskaya, 15

Darwin Museum 0+

The museum, promoting the foundations of the evolutionary doctrine, appeared in the capital thanks to the brilliant idea and enthusiasm of its founder, Alexander Fedorovich Kots. Until the end of his life, he collected his collection, an experienced patriarch lit up with boyish fervor when he saw a new successful acquisition. To date Darwin Museum- one of the best scientific and educational institutions in Moscow. According to independent experts, the museum is in first place in terms of popularity among family vacation destinations.

st. Vavilova, d. 57

Bakhrushin Theater Museum

Craving for the theater was the meaning of life of the famous Moscow philanthropist and industrialist Alexei Alexandrovich Bakhrushin. With his savings, he founded and long years supported the museum, which became the world's first full-fledged repository of the history of the theater. Its walls contain unique props, costumes famous actors, scenery of great theater artists, publications on theatrical art, programs and posters. At the beginning of 2015, the museum has ten Moscow branches and one regional one - Sochi.