Simple Works for Vivaldi Quintet. Vivaldi music usa

Name number: 9

People born under the number nine have the ability to forgive everyone around and high spiritual qualities. In addition, they have well-developed flair, empathy, the ability to empathize, creative thinking. They can realize their talents in creative fields and achieve considerable success. They also always enjoy the recognition and love of others, which can play both a good and an evil role in their fate.

The meaning of the letters in the name Rahat

R- people with the letter "R" in their names have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have a well-developed intuition, they are extremely negative about lies. Constantly striving for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

BUT- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are quite hardworking. They like to take the initiative in everything and do not like routine.

X- striving to gain prestige in society by all means. Despite this, they have high moral character. They react violently to what people say about them. They are responsible and responsive. Such people have a lot of friends and acquaintances.

T- people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative natures. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition, adapt well to different conditions of the world around them. Capable of being generous.

Name as a phrase

  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • BUT- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • X- Kher (Cross, Cross, Cross out with a cross, Black out, Cross out)
  • T- Firmly

Name Rahat in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the first name, then the patronymic with Latin letters and then the last name. You may need to write the name Rakhat in English when applying for a passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The name Rahat has several options:

  • Rakhat - in Russian, male name.
  • Rakhat - in Russian, masculine full name.
  • Rakhat - in Russian, a female full name.

Rakhat, in Russian, a male name.

Full Forms named after Rahat: Not specified. Names with the same meaning: Not listed. ★Rahat★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Get the meaning of the name Rahat. The meaning of the name Rahat. Name Rahat on the site Names of the World. The meaning of the name Rahat. Rahat name meaning. origin of the name Rahat The secret of the name Rahat. Interpretation of the name Rahat. - Names of the World.

Letter R

Letter BUT

Letter X

Letter BUT in the name Rahat: a symbol of the beginning, the desire to start and fulfill, the desire for physical and spiritual comfort.

Letter T

★Rahat★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Get the meaning of the name Rahat. The meaning of the name Rahat. Name Rahat on the site Names of the World. The meaning of the name Rahat. Rahat name meaning. origin of the name Rahat The secret of the name Rahat. Interpretation of the name Rahat. - Names of the World.

Rakhat, in Russian, a male full name.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Rahat.

Letter R in the name Rahat: the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

Letter BUT in the name Rahat: a symbol of the beginning, the desire to start and fulfill, the desire for physical and spiritual comfort.

Letter X in the name of Rakhat: setting to succeed in life on your own, to gain authority, an independent position in life. A person is sensitive to what people say about him. This letter in the name reminds that its owner must behave in such a way as not to violate any moral law.

Letter BUT in the name Rahat: a symbol of the beginning, the desire to start and fulfill, the desire for physical and spiritual comfort.

Letter T in the name Rakhat: an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.

★Rahat★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Get the meaning of the name Rahat. The meaning of the name Rahat. Name Rahat on the site Names of the World. The meaning of the name Rahat. Rahat name meaning. origin of the name Rahat The secret of the name Rahat. Interpretation of the name Rahat. - Names of the World.

Rakhat, in Russian, a female full name.

Short forms named after Rahat: Not specified. Names with the same meaning: Not listed. ★Rahat★[Free] find out the meaning of the name on the website Names of the World. Get the meaning of the name Rahat. The meaning of the name Rahat. Name Rahat on the site Names of the World. The meaning of the name Rahat. Rahat name meaning. origin of the name Rahat The secret of the name Rahat. Interpretation of the name Rahat. - Names of the World.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Rahat.

Letter R in the name Rahat: the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.

Letter BUT in the name Rahat: a symbol of the beginning, the desire to start and fulfill, the desire for physical and spiritual comfort.

Letter X in the name of Rakhat: setting to succeed in life on your own, to gain authority, an independent position in life. A person is sensitive to what people say about him. This letter in the name reminds that its owner must behave in such a way as not to violate any moral law.

Letter BUT in the name Rahat: a symbol of the beginning, the desire to start and fulfill, the desire for physical and spiritual comfort.

Letter T in the name Rakhat: an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.

Reveal the secret of the name RAKHAT(in Latin transliteration RAHAT) looking at the results of the calculation in the numerological magic of numbers. You will discover hidden talents and unknown desires. Perhaps you do not understand them, but you feel that you do not know something about yourself and your loved ones.

The meanings and origin of the name RAHAT

The first letter P of the name RAHAT will tell about the character

The most patient and accommodating. However, not to infinity: there is a limit beyond which you will not yield to anyone and in nothing. You cannot be brought to your knees. To avoid family troubles, choose a partner from your friends.

Characteristic features of the name RAHAT

  • power
  • comfort
  • dogmatism
  • constant pressure
  • self-confidence
  • search for an ideal
  • sensitive creative personality
  • law-abiding
  • inconstancy of feelings
  • sexual problems

RAHAT: the number of interaction with the world "9"

The vibrations of the number nine make people strive for excellence and work on themselves throughout their lives. "Niners" are very strong and versatile people, sometimes not very pleasant in communication: they are just as demanding of others as they are of themselves, they are harsh on the tongue and do not always know the measure in criticism. The words - the best weapon nine people, but it is not always used in the best way; often anger or resentment makes the “nine” say something completely different from what he thinks, and this causes serious problems, sometimes dragging on for a long time. The shortcomings of the people of the nine are numerous and varied, but certainly surmountable - there would be a desire. "Nine" can change his character, habits and manners, but he will be severely punished if he does this not for himself, but only in order to please another.

For people of the Nine, it is very important not to become isolated in oneself: to see the world, to be interested in the affairs of others, to comprehend the sciences they need for self-development and peace of mind. No matter how difficult the "nine" may sometimes seem in communication - carried away, fickle, sometimes forgetting about compromises and a sense of tact, a positive beginning prevails in their character, and quickly becomes obvious to everyone. However, a person of the nine does not really need company and, left alone, does not lament about his fate. He always has a lot of things to do, interests and reasons for reflection, and around him there are people who need help, support and love.

"Nine" is able to dissolve in love entirely and enjoys it, even if it does not receive reciprocity. He needs little and gives much; neither his own strengths nor material factors are of great value in his eyes, therefore they do not particularly strive for comfort or wealth. For people of the nine, it is much more important to ensure that their life is rich and interesting. That is why they usually prefer the city to the countryside and do not get joy from a passive, inactive holiday.

It must also be remembered that the nature of the “nine” is influenced by the vibrations of all numbers, so the behavior of such a person may seem unpredictable to many. Logic and rational judgments are not the best helpers in the matter called "understanding the man of the nine." Here, intuition will be more likely to be useful, and trust will not be superfluous - it must be admitted that in most cases the "nine" does the right thing and, if he is not interfered with, solves problems in the best possible way.

RAHAT: the number of spiritual aspirations "2"

Those born under the influence of the deuce strive for balance and harmony in everything. It is these people who reconcile quarreling relatives, seek a reasonable compromise with the second half, willingly sacrifice their own interests for the sake of friends. However, cherishing the dream of world peace, the losers do only what they see fit - attempts to put pressure on them will end in a complete fiasco.

Cunning and weaving intrigues is also not the best idea, since these people will not only see through the insidious plan of the manipulator, but they will also take care of fair retribution. Losers are surprisingly honest and sincere, sometimes it even comes to the point of absurdity. They expect a similar attitude from others and are able to seriously take offense at hypocrisy.

People under the influence of a deuce love naturalness and therefore experience great discomfort if they have to follow rules that they do not understand. As a rule, they can boast of innate literacy, and those whom nature has not awarded with such a talent simply ignore spelling.

Losers do not understand anything in technology and the exact sciences, but in the field human relations are simply irreplaceable. They are friendly, sincerely interested in others, able to empathize. You can’t lure a person of two with pathos slogans and eloquent words, however, at the sight of someone else’s grief, he will always sacrifice himself in order to somehow alleviate the fate of the poor fellow.

Endowed with a valuable ability to understand people, Losers, however, have difficulty getting along with those they love. It is those born under the influence of the deuce who suffer from the attacks of the family tyrant, endlessly forgive betrayals and addictions to their partners, and endure children's whims for a long time. They forgive their loved ones even that which cannot be forgiven, while they themselves are tormented by the discrepancy between expectations and reality. A loser will be able to become truly happy next to a person who will be able to appreciate the depth of his experiences, learn to read between the lines, and understand his subtle nature.

People under the influence of the deuce love art and often achieve outstanding success in this area. Another area that causes their genuine interest is mysticism. However, the occult sciences can turn out to be not only tempting, but also dangerous, because the losers sometimes get so immersed in them that they forget about reality.

RAHAT: the number of true features "7"

People who are under the influence of the number 7 perceive the surrounding reality calmly and peacefully. They always obey the voice of reason and have enviable self-control. When those around them lose self-control, the people of the seven remain completely calm, and take the situation into their own hands.

In the event of a fire, the “seven” will be the first to remember the evacuation plan, and in the event of a shipwreck, it will look for life jackets and boats. He is not afraid to experiment, making sure at first that he will not harm himself and his environment.

In peak situations, the “man-seven” is necessary, but also in Everyday life his ingenuity certainly does not hurt. "Seven" is satisfied with his life. He does not set himself impossible tasks and does not regret what happened, he always acts deliberately, but is not alien to reasonable risk. He overlooks the little things, which sometimes lets him down a lot. However, having set a goal for himself, a person of the seven usually achieves it, thanks to the support of reliable associates.

"Seven" is able to defend its interests, but does not forget about others. He makes every effort to improve the lives of his loved ones, but he is also concerned about global problems, in the solution of which he participates to the best of his ability. A person of the seven will not pass by other people's suffering, because of a heightened sense of justice and the ability to empathize with the undeservedly offended.

Usually these people choose independent activities. When working in a team, they spend too much effort to establish a comfortable, calm, friendly environment among colleagues. "Seven" prefers not to use the beaten path.

It is interesting for him to succeed on the path where others have failed. Thus, he shows himself and everyone else that for him, as for a person who is strongly passionate about any idea, everything in this world is possible.

Antonio Lucio Vivaldi(March 4, 1678, Venice - July 28, 1741, Vienna) - Italian composer, virtuoso violinist, teacher, conductor, Catholic priest. Vivaldi is considered one of the largest representatives of the Italian violin Art XVIII century, during his lifetime he was widely recognized throughout Europe. Master of the ensemble and orchestral concert - concerto grosso, author of about 40 operas. Vivaldi is mainly known for his instrumental concertos, especially for the violin. His most famous work is a cycle of four violin concertos "The Seasons".

early years

Antonio Vivaldi was born in the Venetian Republic, it happened on March 4, 1678. The child was born prematurely and was very weak. Later it became clear that the boy had asthma, he suffered from asthma attacks, it was difficult for the child to walk, and climbing stairs was equated with torture. But no physical handicaps affected the amazing inner world Vivaldi. His fantasy knew no barriers, and life abounded in colors, it only happened in the world of music. An important stage in Antonio's life began when his father, the barber Giovanni Batista, received an invitation to the chapel of the Cathedral of San Marco. At that time it was the largest orchestra in all of Italy. Four organs, orchestra and big choir provide great sound. This so impressed the imagination of the seven-year-old Antonio that he never missed rehearsals and eagerly listened to the music. outstanding masters. Such selfless self-immersion in art could not go unnoticed. Soon the famous violinist and teacher Giovanni Legrenzi became interested in the boy. In addition to musical knowledge, he instilled in Antonio a desire to experiment. In order to more accurately and vividly express his thoughts, Vivaldi began to create works and look for new forms. By the way, the works of the composer, created by him at the age of 13, have survived to this day. But at this age, young Antonio was in for major changes.

red priest

Considering the poor health of his son, Giovanni Batista decided that it would be better if Antonio became a priest. Vivaldi did not disobey his father. Over time, he received a tonsure and the title of "goalkeeper" - he opened the gates of the temple. Later, he took several more degrees of initiation in order to receive the title of priest and be eligible to celebrate Mass. For several years, young Vivaldi comprehended church knowledge, although his heart was constantly drawn to creativity. Fate had mercy on Antonio, and one day he got the opportunity to do what he loved. It was rumored that during one of the services, the “red-haired priest” (as he was nicknamed for the characteristic color of his hair) constantly left the altar in order to quickly record the melody that visited his head. After such liberties, Vivaldi was removed from the services, and music again became his main occupation.

A witty young man with expressive eyes and long hair masterfully owned the violin and other instruments, he always showed compassion to others and was a welcome conversationalist. Thanks to the received spiritual dignity, he was able to become a teacher in one of the women's conservatories of the city-republic. The future seemed to Antonio very promising. He was not even disturbed by disagreements with the clergy. Vivaldi plunged into the world of creativity and became a universal favorite in Venice.

He enthusiastically worked at the Pieta Conservatory. Conservatories were then called shelters at monasteries, which provided a good education, including music. Antonio was first officially called the head of the choir, and later became the conductor. Vivaldi also taught the pupils of "Pieta" to play various instruments, taught vocals and constantly wrote music. This conservatory was well known to Venetian connoisseurs of music, and now, under the leadership of Antonio Vivaldi, it has become the best in the whole republic. Wealthy citizens hurried to send their daughters there.

The beginning of composing

In 1710, fame gradually began to come to the musician. In the Guide to Venice, he is called a virtuoso violinist. All those who were lucky enough to hear the works of the genius live talk about him outside of Italy. Vivaldi was introduced to the Danish king Frederick IV, he subsequently dedicated twelve sonatas to the ruler.

After some time, Antonio decides to raise the bar by writing operas. In 1713, his works "Roland pretending to be mad" and "Otto at the Villa" were published. They brought him fame and recognition; over the next five years, eight more operas saw the light of day. The Italian composer Bendetto Marcello was one of the critics of Vivaldi's work. He published a pamphlet that ridiculed the musician's operas. Because of this, Antonio stopped working on major works for a while.

In 1717, the governor of Mantua offered the virtuoso to take the post of Kapellmeister at court. It was in this magnificent town that Vivaldi came up with the idea of ​​a cycle of concerts, called in the original "The Four Seasons". Little is known about this period of life, in total the composer spent three years in Mantua, then he returned to Venice.

While working in Mantua, Antonio met opera singer Anna Giro. She had a sister Paolina, the girls accompanied the composer everywhere. Various rumors circulated around the city, but Vivaldi assured that they were just his students. Paolina and Anna lived in the same house with the musician, helping him in every possible way to fight asthma. Because of this, in 1738, Vivaldi was banned from entering Florence, as he was accused of the fall. But the composer denied these gossip to the last. In 1723, Antonio first came to Rome, where he was engaged in staging the opera Hercules on Thermodon. His work makes an impression on the inhabitants of the city. Johann Quantz, a music theorist, reported that the Romans could not perceive other music for half a year after listening to an opera.

Wandering years

After a series of victories, Vivaldi decides to take an extended vacation, travels around Italy and Europe. There was a period of time when he was in the service of the governor of Mantua, Philipp von Hesse-Homburg. While there, Antonio met the singer Anna Giraud, who later performed as a soprano in his operas. Their relationship was quite close, Anna and her sister were often companions of the composer on his trips.

Living in Rome, in 1723-1724, the composer had the opportunity to present his music to the Pope, where he produced good impression on him.

In Amsterdam, he continues to publish concerts. The culmination of creativity was a set of 8 concertos, published in 1725. Titled Il cimento dell' armonia e dell' inventione, the collection included internationally acclaimed concertos called The Four Seasons. They were accompanied by short verses describing seasonal sketches, which Vivaldi tried to repeat in his music. Other works in this collection, such as the violin concertos Storm on the Sea and The Hunt, were no less picturesque.

The next, last published, cycle of concerts "La Cetra" was published in 1727. This collection was dedicated to the Austrian Emperor Charles VI, whom Vivaldi met in Vienna in the early 1920s. The emperor, being an amateur composer, was impressed by the works of Antonio.

This is confirmed in the report of their meeting in 1728: "The Emperor talked with Vivaldi about music for a long time, they say that in 15 days he spoke in private with him more than he spoke with his ministers in two years."

Homecoming and period of decline

From the beginning of the 30s, the fame of Antonio Vivaldi passed into a period of long decline. New composers and new styles of music captured the attention of the public. His long absence from Venice took its toll, and he was no longer able to return to his former activities in the Pieta. During the carnival of 1734, the audience of the theater "Sant'Angelo" saw new opera Vivaldi on the libretto of the "Olympias" Metastasio - one of the most famous creations of the poet-playwright. Such a multifaceted plot in terms of dramatic collisions undoubtedly inspired the composer to create a highly artistic work. Such an authoritative connoisseur of Vivaldi's opera as A. Casella wrote that Olympias stands out among other operas of the Italian composer with the incomparable beauty of music.

Despite the approach of the composer to old age, his creative productivity remained amazing. In Verona, his "Tamerlane" and "Adelaide" (1735) are performed, and in Florence "Ginevra, Princess of Scots" (1736). However, the following year, in the midst of preparations for the carnival in Ferrara, Vivaldi suffered a severe blow of fate. On November 16, 1737, the Apostolic Nuncio in Venice forbade him, on behalf of Cardinal Ruffo, from entering Ferrara, which at that time belonged to the Papal States, and “this is because,” wrote the composer, “that, being a clergyman, I do not serve Mass and take advantage of the singer’s favor Giraud. At that time, this ban was an unheard-of shame and meant for Vivaldi, who once played in front of the Pope, a complete discredit of him as a clergyman. No less significant was the material damage.

Charles de Brosse, who met Vivaldi in 1739, wrote from Venice: “To my great amazement, I found that he is far from being valued here as highly as he deserves - here, where everything depends on fashion, where too listened to his stuff for a long time and where last year's music no longer collects.

At the end of 1740, Vivaldi parted forever with Pieta, which for so many years owed him its musical fame. The last mention of his name in the documents of the conservatory is associated with the sale on August 29, 1740 of many concerts for one ducat apiece. Such a low cost is undoubtedly due to the financial difficulties of Vivaldi, who was forced to prepare for a long journey. At the age of 62, he made a courageous decision to leave his ungrateful homeland forever and seek recognition in a foreign land.

Last years

In mid-May 1740, the composer leaves Venice and goes to Emperor Charles VI. At that time, the war began in Vienna, the emperor died shortly after the arrival of Vivaldi, the heirs entered into a lively struggle. Because of this, Antonio had to leave the Austrian city, moving to Dresden. Most likely, it was there that the disease overtook him. The musician had practically no money, close people, and health problems became more and more serious every day. He returned to Vienna. It was there that Vivaldi died on July 28, 1741. According to doctors, death was due to internal inflammation. He was buried in a cemetery for the poor. A month later, the sisters Margherita and Zanetta received a notice of the death of the composer, and the bailiffs described all his property to pay off the debt.

Amazingly, the work of a talented musician was unfairly forgotten for almost 200 years. It was not until the 1920s that the Italian musicologist Gentili came across the composer's recordings. Nineteen operas, more than 300 violin concertos and other compositions have been found in the manuscripts. Vivaldi's authorship is officially confirmed only for 40 operas, although it is known that during his life he wrote more than 90 major works.

The importance of Vivaldi in the history of music

The brilliant composer of the Baroque era, Vivaldi made an invaluable contribution to the development musical art. His amazing insights were ahead of their time in many ways. Vivaldi experienced the painful contradictions of time - those high ideals of humanism, the harmony of man and the world, and that harsh, sometimes gloomy reality that he had to face both as a person and as a musician.

The duality of man - one of the leitmotifs of the Baroque - was acutely experienced by Vivaldi - a sick man and a passionate creative person, a priest - and a deeply secular artist, for whom the full-fledged sensual side of life was by no means closed, a day laborer at the conservatory and opera house, obliged to continuously compose - and a musician who looked into the soul of music. The patterns he left behind, the pre-classical form of the violin concerto he created, the early symphony, program music- all this had a profound impact on Bach and Handel, Tartini, Geminiani, Locatelli and many other composers and violinists. Haydn used, for example, the theme of his cello concerto in his concerto for this instrument, not to mention The Four Seasons.

Vivaldi gave impetus to new musical and artistic concepts, a new level of musical instrumental thinking. With his work, he showed that music has enormous possibilities of expression, building an ideal model of the world and man. His rich melodic and harmonic gift, innovative musical language, where the violin was the main means of expression, allowed him to embody in sounds the most tremulous movements of the soul, the most ardent and subtle human thoughts about the world and about himself.

Notable writings

Antonio Vivaldi is a prolific composer. He is the author of 90 operas, including Roland the Furious, Nero Who Became Caesar, The Coronation of Darius, Deception Triumphant in Love, Farnak, Cunegonde, Olympias, Griselda, "Aristides", "Tamerlane", "Oracle in Messenia", "Ferasp". Oratorios - "Moses, God of the Pharaoh", "Triumphant Judith", "Adoration of the Magi" and others.

Some interesting facts

  • Vivaldi was born seven months old, very weak, but as red as his father, whom even in the orchestra of St. The brand's name was Rosso, which means "red".
  • Antonio's first and main teacher was Giovanni Battista, who by that time had already become a famous virtuoso.
  • In a 1713 guidebook for visitors to Venice, Giovanni Vivaldi and his priest son Antonio are mentioned as the best violinists in the city.
  • Vivaldi first introduced the type of concerto for violin and orchestra, as well as for two and four violins. He created about twenty such concertos, including the only concerto for two mandolins in the history of music.
  • Johann Sebastian Bach was interested in his works, especially the violin concertos, which he created transcriptions for other instruments. He arranged six Vivaldi concertos for piano or organ and orchestra. These works were considered works of Bach for more than a century and a half.

