In what year was the Polytechnic Museum founded? The history of the creation of the Polytechnic Museum

100 great sights of Moscow Myasnikov senior Alexander Leonidovich

Polytechnical Museum

Polytechnical Museum

Still, it's more than remarkable fact that the world's oldest scientific and technical museum is located in the very center of Moscow.

In addition, the Polytechnic Museum, National Museum history of science and technology, is one of the largest science and technology museums peace.

It all started with the creation of the Imperial Society of Lovers of Natural Science, Anthropology and Ethnography (IOLEAE). This association of scientists at the Imperial Moscow University arose in 1864. The Society's goal was to promote the development of science and the dissemination of scientific knowledge.

Polytechnic Museum, one of the oldest science and technology museums in the world

From the very beginning, scientists spoke about the need to create in Moscow public museum applied knowledge. It was the museum, in their opinion, that was to become a permanent base where educational work could be launched. The collections of the museum, according to its creators, were supposed to represent the world of science and technology in all its diversity and thereby stimulate the development vocational education and ultimately production.

In May 1872, the All-Russian Industrial Exhibition opened in Moscow. It was the largest demonstration of industrial, agricultural, military, scientific, technical and cultural achievements Russian Empire. It was timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Peter I. The success of the exhibition was huge, for three months it was visited by 750 thousand people. In many ways, the unique exhibits of the exhibition formed the basis of the museum.

On December 12, 1872, the Polytechnic Museum received its first visitors in a temporarily rented room at Prechistenka, 7. From that day, the National Museum of the History of Science and Technology began serving the cause of education and progress.

In 1874, on the territory allocated by the Moscow City Duma on Lubyanka, a solemn laying of a special building for the museum took place. The thought also financed the project. The project of the museum was developed by academician of architecture Ippolit Antonovich Monighetti. Ippolit Antonovich, a graduate of the Imperial Academy of Arts, was the chief architect of the imperial palaces in Tsarskoye Selo, built various buildings at the imperial dacha in Livadia, in the Crimea. Monighetti was an excellent practical architect, but he left a memory of himself in the history of Russian art and as an ornamentalist and author of drawings for artistic and industrial productions. A serious illness did not allow the artist to finish the last of his works - the building of the Polytechnic Museum. According to the project of Ippolit Antonovich Monighetti, in 1877 the central part of the museum building was completed.

The southern wing of the Polytechnic Museum was erected in 1883 according to the project of the architect Nikolai Alexandrovich Shokhin. The construction was led by the architect August Egorovich Weber with the participation of the architect and restorer Ivan Pavlovich Mashkov.

The northern building was built from 1903 to 1907 according to the project of Vasily Ivanovich Yeramishantsev together with Vladimir Vasilyevich Voeikov. In total, the construction of the building lasted thirty years.

The Polytechnic Museum from the first days of its work has become a laboratory of advanced scientific and technical thought. Within its walls, many technical ideas were considered, demonstrated and scientifically tested (radio communication, television, telephony, electric lighting, aircraft technology, space travel), fundamental problems of science and society were discussed.

The vigorous activity of the museum attracted the attention of the general public to it, and also stimulated active creative work. Such remarkable scientists as the electrical physicist Alexander Grigoryevich Stoletov, the founder of modern aerodynamics Nikolai Yegorovich Zhukovsky, the founder of the Russian school of plant physiology Kliment Arkadyevich Timiryazev, Nikolai Alekseevich Umov, who devoted his life to theoretical and experimental physics, Sergei Alekseevich Chaplygin, who worked in the field of theoretical mechanics and hydroaerodynamics, and many others.

A special place in the history of the museum was played by the Large Auditorium. It made possible a wide demonstration of scientific experiments, lectures, debates, reports, conferences, literary evenings, political events involving about 1,000 people. It is not surprising that it very soon became the main public audience in Moscow.

AT late XIX At the beginning of the 20th century, the museum became the main scientific, cultural and educational center Russia.

In the post-revolutionary years, the established traditions of the Polytechnic Museum were replaced by new ones. The official setting of the party is the propaganda of the ideas of socialist industrialization.

1934 was a turning point in the fate of the museum - it turned into the exhibition "Our Achievements". The exhibition was, in fact, a "showcase" of industrialization. The main objective of the exhibition is to tell about the successes of technical creativity in the Land of Soviets.

The museum no longer educates so much as propagates. And from class positions.

Only at the beginning of the 70s of the XX century, genuine museum traditions began to return and strengthen in the activities of the Polytechnic Museum. Including the formation of the museum collection from the position of documentation historical process technology development. Both the Polytechnic itself and visitors are increasingly aware of it as a museum in the classical sense of the word.

Finally, in December 1991, the museum was declared federal property and defined as a particularly valuable object of the national heritage of Russia, including the museum itself and the Central Polytechnic Library.

Today, the museum collection contains over 90 collections and more than 130 thousand items, many of which are unique monuments of science and technology.

The exposition of the museum occupies about 10.5 thousand square meters. It is built chronologically. It presents authentic historical materials, monuments of science and technology. There are widely used working layouts and models, demonstration installations, artistic dioramas.

Each section of the museum is unique and unrepeatable in its own way.

One of the most interesting collections in the "Automatic" section. The exposition "Clocks and Watch Mechanisms" contains several eras of watch development.

In the Radio Electronics and Telecommunications section, you can see the world's first radio receiver by Alexander Stepanovich Popov and a collection of telegraph devices, starting from the first electromagnetic telegraph by Russian electrical engineer Pavel Lvovich Schilling. One of the museum's oldest collections, "Minerals, rocks, minerals” is presented in the “Mining” section.

Nine antique cars, including a 1911 Russo-Balt passenger car, the only Russian car of that time that has survived in the world, are displayed in the Transport section.

The Polytechnic Museum, the national museum of the history of science and technology, one of the largest science and technology museums in the world, successfully fulfills the once set task of promoting the development of science and the dissemination of natural science knowledge.

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The Polytechnic Museum is one of the largest scientific and technical museums in the world. It was created on the basis of the funds of the Polytechnic Exhibition of 1872 at the initiative of the Society of Lovers of Natural Science, Anthropology and Ethnography.

The Polytechnic Museum has always been a popularizer of ideas and solutions that determined the path of scientific and technological progress. Devices and objects illustrating the stages of development of technical thought are collected and carefully stored here.

In December 1991, the museum was declared a particularly valuable object of the Russian cultural heritage.

What are we working for?

We open to people the past, present and future of science. The work of the museum is to tie together the technical achievements of the past, modern research and scientific perspectives.

, dedicated to achievements Russian science, opened in Pavilion No. 26 at VDNKh in April 2014. The structure of the exposition is determined by the key historical exhibits of the Polytechnic Museum, as well as specially created interactive and multimedia objects. The exposition "Russia makes itself" - the key platform of the Polytechnic University for the entire period of reconstruction historical building.

For the first time in the history of Russian museum work, it opens access to the museum depository to the general public; tells how the exhibits are collected, stored and studied.

We are creating a territory of enlightenment, free thought and bold experimentation. The Polytechnic Museum is one of the centers for the popularization of science for schoolchildren, students, and young professionals.

- This workshops in biology, mathematics, robotics, chemistry and physics for children and adolescents. The program of the Scientific Laboratories includes school lessons, circles, one-time classes, scientific research, experiments and experiments conducted by young practicing scientists. Since 2014, the Scientific Laboratories have introduced special programs for graduates to prepare for the Unified State Examination and programs for career guidance and choosing a university for high school students. Since 2015, classes in the Scientific Laboratories have been held for adults as well.

We believe the world is driven by curiosity and creativity. But without knowledge, curiosity cannot become a creative force. So the main objective of all our projects - education.

- scientific and educational project of the Polytechnic Museum. It is a meeting place for modern scientists and specialists in different areas science with children 7-14 years old.

Which in 2014 turned 150 years old - one of the world's largest repositories of scientific and technical literature. Today the fund of the Polytechnic Library has 3.5 million copies of books and magazines published in the 16th-21st centuries in Russian and foreign languages. Since 1921, the library has received a mandatory free copy of every publication on natural sciences and technology published in Russia.

annually attracts thousands of guests. The atmosphere of the holiday open sky, acquaintance with scientists, exhibitions, installations, lectures, interactive games, participation in scientific experiments gives children and adults the opportunity to feel part of a living scientific environment.

has been held annually since 2011. Now its program includes not only documentary and scientific films, but also films about discoveries and new technologies that are changing the world before our eyes. The discussion program has become an integral part of the festival: the topics raised in the festival films are discussed by leading scientists, experts and popularizers of science.

The construction of the Polytechnic Museum lasted from 1871 to 1903. Different parts of the museum were built according to the designs of architects Ippolit Monighetti, Nikolai Shokhin, Georgy Makaev and other architects. The large auditorium of the Polytechnic Museum opened in 1907 and immediately became an important center cultural life. In 1913-1916, Mayakovsky, Burliuk, Bunin spoke from the podium of the Large Audience, disputes flared up about the ways of development modern culture.

In 1918, heated discussions took place here between symbolists, imagists, futurists, at which Kruchenykh, Khlebnikov, Yesenin, Mariengof, and Bryusov spoke. From the same tribune in the 1910-1920s, poetry was read by Blok, Chukovsky. Stormy literary battles and crowded poetry evenings ceased in the mid-1920s, when the repertoire of the Large Auditorium of the Polytechnic University began to be completely dictated by the requirements of official propaganda and ideological censorship.

In August 1920, a trial was held here in the case of the anti-Bolshevik Tactical Center. According to Melgunova’s memoirs: “... the public was allowed in with tickets, each of us was given 6-12 tickets in our hands, and we had to first write down everyone to whom we would distribute them with addresses, degree of relationship, etc.” Some of the accused did not live to see the trial, 28 members of the coalition appeared before the court (including S. Melgunov, N. Shchepkin, S. Trubetskoy), of which 19 were sentenced by the Revolutionary Tribunal of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee to death - with replacement for prison terms.

April 26 - May 8, 1922, meetings of the Revolutionary Tribunal on the Moscow Church Trial were held here. The resistance to the seizure of church valuables, provoked by the Soviet authorities, became the reason for the start of a series of trials against clergy and laity. On May 4, the meeting of the Politburo, having heard the question “On the Moscow trial in connection with the seizure of valuables,” decided “to issue a directive to the Moscow Tribunal to immediately bring [Patriarch] Tikhon to trial,” and also instructed “t. Trotsky, on behalf of the Politburo, to instruct the editors of all Moscow newspapers today about the need to pay incomparably greater attention to this process and, in particular, to clarify the role of the top of the church hierarchy.

On May 5, Patriarch Tikhon was summoned to the tribunal as a witness. When the patriarch appeared in the Great Auditorium, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses, three-quarters of the audience silently rose from their seats. The patriarch behaved with dignity, spoke calmly and clearly, took full responsibility for writing and distributing the appeal of February 28, 1922, which protested the forcible seizure of church valuables. The tribunal, chaired by M. Beck, insistently sought from the patriarch to recognize the appeal as illegal. The patriarch objected: “From the point of view of Soviet law, it is illegal, from the point of view of the church, it is legal.”

The tribunal, in accordance with the directive of the Politburo, issued a private ruling on bringing the patriarch to criminal liability and arrest. 11 people were sentenced to death; 5 of them were shot, the rest were replaced by 5 years of imprisonment. Another 23 people were sentenced to various terms of imprisonment.

In the 1960s, the Large Auditorium of the Polytechnic Museum again became the center of culture, becoming one of the symbols of the “Khrushchev thaw.” Bulat Okudzhava, Vladimir Vysotsky, Andrey Voznesensky, Bella Akhmadulina, Yevgeny Yevtushenko and many others performed here. It was the Great Audience that Voznesensky dedicated the poem "Farewell to the Polytechnic".


On May 30, 1872, the Grand opening the first polytechnic exhibition in Moscow, the exhibits of which subsequently served as the basis for the famous Polytechnic Museum.

This event was timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of Peter I. The Polytechnic exhibition was located in the center of Moscow - inside and around the Kremlin in temporary pavilions and the Manezh building. More than 70 temporary structures were built specifically for the exhibition. Most of them were small wooden buildings in the "Russian style". The highlight of the exhibition was the pavilion of the Maritime Department, built entirely of metal and glass. The metal frame of the building was made of rails at the Putilov plant in St. Petersburg. Contemporaries accepted the pavilion with enthusiasm. I. Repin wrote: "Of all the pavilions, the Maritime Department is very good, at least a pan-European thing."
Exhibits of the Buis & Co. perfumery firm, which enchanted guests with fountains made of fragrant waters and a bouquet of porcelain flowers, in each inflorescence of which perfumes with a characteristic this flower aroma.

The most significant in terms of the presented exposition was the Technical Department. It included sub-departments: mechanical, technological, manufacturing, manual industry, printing, railway, postal and telegraph, applied physics and astronomy.
Of particular interest was the building of operating mechanisms. Here one could observe dozens of industrial and handicraft industries in action: from lathes to water pumps. In the medical section of the exhibition, visitors could see Professor Wagner's anatomical preparations prepared by him using the freezing method.
The "native" pavilion of Turkestan aroused great interest among the guests. It was a copy of the Shirdar Madrasah in Samarkand, reduced by two and a half times. The Department of the Caucasus was located in a semicircular wooden extension to the Manezh, made using local building techniques. A living Turkestan bee flew in the rooms, silkworms crawled - sick and healthy, opium, marijuana and poppy heads were exhibited.
After the closing of the exhibition, most of the exhibits were transferred to the fund created at that time.
museum time. They are transported to the specially rented for this purpose Stepanov's house on Prechistenka, where on December 12, 1872, the museum was solemnly opened, later called the Polytechnic Museum.
The very first years of the museum's activity show that the existing space is not enough for the full-fledged work, so its creators are doing everything possible to build their own big building. This project is being carried out under the guidance of the architect I.A. Monighetti, already known for the works on the construction of the Marine Department of the Polytechnic Exhibition, the Anichsky Palace in St. Petersburg and park buildings in Tsarskoye Selo.
Three years later, in May, an exposition opens in the new main building of the Polytechnic Museum, a few years later the right and then the left wing of the building appears. Thus, the construction of the museum has been going on for 30 years and is completed already in the 20th century in 1907.
However, all these years, active work has not stopped at the Polytechnic Museum. In his
On the walls, such outstanding scientists as Stoletov, Yablochkov, Timiryazev, Mendeleev, Zhukovsky and many others give lectures. Its collection is constantly replenished, here you can get acquainted with the latest inventions in the field of engineering.
The activity of the Polytechnic Museum reflects all the political and historical changes in the life of Russia. Right after October revolution it becomes the arena of heated political battles, acquires another direction of activity - political. And yet the main thing for its employees are the traditions laid down during its creation.
In the 1920s, the museum's research work was intensified, the funds were replenished, and new laboratories were opened. But, unfortunately, it does not do without losses: the leadership, reinforced by the workers - communists, is reconstructing the museum to strengthen its ideological activity. “Ideologically alien” are withdrawn exhibits, part of the staff quits.
In the 1930s, the Polytechnic often hosted famous people, among them N. Bor, L. Feuchtwanger, the famous Chelyuskinites and pilots: Chkalov, Baidukov and Belyakov, who made a non-stop flight from Moscow to New York.
During the Great Patriotic War the museum is closed to the public, but it continues to carry out work aimed at solving defense problems. In 1944, the previous mode of operation was restored.
The rapid development of new areas of science in post-war years lead to the appearance of new sections and expositions in the museum: nuclear energy, polymer chemistry. The space age, opened by the Soviet Union, brings new exhibits to the Polytechnic Museum in the Cosmonautics section.
The second half of the 20th century sets new tasks for the museum staff to strengthen the museum collection, develop a new concept of existence. In the 1970s, the Polytechnic Museum was part of the international organization of museums - ICOM. And since 1991, by the Decree of the President of Russia, the museum has been declared a particularly valuable object of the country's cultural heritage.
On January 13, 2013, the museum was closed for reconstruction, and its further fate is in doubt.

The Moscow Polytechnic Museum was founded in the second half of the 19th century - in 1872. The founding of the museum on the basis of a scientific exhibition was timed to coincide with the 200th anniversary of the birth of the great Emperor Peter I. At present, the Moscow Polytechnic Museum is one of the most ancient museums similar profile in the world.

Since 1991, the Polytechnic Museum has been included in the list of especially valuable objects of the cultural heritage of Russia.

The historical building of the museum, in which it was originally opened ( New Square capital), under reconstruction until 2020. The main exposition area is located at VDNKh, in pavilion No. 26. It is called "Russia does it herself." There are also sites in the ZIL Cultural Center at the Avtozavodskaya metro station (Scientific laboratories of the museum) and in Tekstilshchiki, at the site of the former AZLK, the current Moscow technopolis (Library of the Polytechnic University and Open Collections).

Polytechnic Museum: tickets and opening hours

Prices for tickets to the Moscow Polytechnic Museum depend on the site - a separate ticket is purchased for each.

  • VDNH

You can visit the exhibition "Russia does it yourself" from Tuesday to Friday from 11:00 to 19:00, on weekends - from 11:00 to 21:00, Monday is a day off.

An adult ticket will cost 350 rubles on weekdays, 400 rubles on weekends. Student ticket - 200 rubles on weekdays, 250 rubles on weekends. Ticket for pensioners - 150 rubles on weekdays, 200 rubles on weekends. Children under 14 can only visit the exhibition accompanied by an adult. It is possible to organize excursions for groups and conduct open lessons in physics and chemistry for high school students.

  • Technopolis "Moscow"

A visit to the exhibition "Open Collections" is possible only as part of a guided tour. Group tours take place every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10:00, 12:00 and 15:00. The duration of one tour is one and a half hours. Registration for the tour is carried out at least a week before the start, always with a full prepayment.

The cost of the tour depends on the size of your group: 1200 rubles for a group of up to 5 people, 2400 rubles for 6-12 people. Detailed price list for school groups on this page of the official website of the Polytechnic Museum.

  • Scientific laboratories at the ZIL Cultural Center

On the basis of scientific laboratories are open lessons and practical classes in chemistry, biology, physics and mathematics, as well as robotics for children and adolescents. This is where students prepare for the exam. The cost of classes depends on the chosen discipline and is specified by the site administration.

You can buy tickets for the museum expositions online, at, using the "Buy" button. The purchased online ticket must be printed out - the payment receipt is not a pass ticket.


The exhibition spaces of the Polytechnic University are divided between two sites - VDNKh and the Moscow Technopolis.


The temporary exhibition titled "Russia Does Itself" tells about the great Russian scientists of the past and the present, about legendary scientific discoveries and little-known developments of our time. A standard tour of the exhibition includes: stories about the most unusual ideas use of atomic energy; a boring story about electromagnetic waves and the "taming" of lightning; a story about famous discoveries inspired by nature. You can order an individual excursion on a topic of interest from the field of physics, biology and chemistry.

Technopolis Moscow

The technopolis exhibits the collection of the Polytechnic University, accumulated over almost 150 years of history. Among the exhibits of the exhibition: the first bicycles, cars and computers; antique watch mechanisms; the first space suits and models of rockets. Sightseeing tour of the exhibition called " secret life museum” in a non-boring form tells about the world-famous and previously unexhibited exhibits, about the development of scientific thought in Russia. You can also purchase tickets for interactive program"I am a museum expert." The program is designed for elementary school students and includes quizzes and competitions, stories about the inner life of the museum and its employees.

How to get to the Moscow Polytechnic Museum

Since the exhibitions of the Polytechnic Museum of Moscow are located in different parts of the capital, there is no universal route. Each exhibition has its own individual path.

How to get to the exhibition "Russia makes itself"

The exposition is located at VDNKh, in the exhibition pavilion No. 26. The journey from the VDNKh metro station will take at least 15 minutes. You need to go through the VDNKh entrance and keep to the left. Pavilion No. 26 is located next to the model of the MI-8T helicopter. Also, you can get to VDNKh by trolleybuses, trams, buses, minibuses to the stop of the same name. In order not to go through almost the entire Exhibition Center to Pavilion No. 26, you can take a special minibus that runs around the territory of VDNKh, a map of its route is available at the link.

How to get to the exhibition "Open Collections"

Address of the Open Collections exposition: Volgogradsky prospect, 42, building 5. To get to the Moscow Technopolis, you need to take the metro to the Tekstilshchiki station (the last car from the center). Next: turn right and cross Shosseinaya Street, go past gate No. 3 and enter the entrance with the inscription "Open Collections". There is a stop in front of the technopolis complex public transport"Volgogradsky prospect 47", to which buses No. 161, 193, 703 run.

How to get to «Nauchnih laboratorii»

Before cultural center ZIL can be reached by metro - to the Avtozavodskaya station. From the metro station to the center of ZIL - 11 minutes on foot along Vostochnaya Street. The nearest stop of ground transport, "Vostochnaya", is 8 minutes on foot. Bus number 9 runs to it.

The exhibitions can also be reached by taxi. In Moscow, you can call a car with a driver using all the most popular taxi applications: Taxi Lucky, Yandex. Taxi, Uber, Gett, Maxim.

Video from the exhibition at VDNKh