Grodno cultural entertainment and exhibition center. Cultural and educational

At the end of August, a new enterprise was established in Grodno by the decision of the Grodno City Executive Committee. The structure of the new institution included the building of the youth entertainment center "Galaktika" and the Grodno exhibition hall on the street. Ozheshko, named government agency Grodno cultural, entertainment and exhibition center. The created center will carry out effective activities aimed at positioning the cultural image of the Grodno region in the field of culture and art of the countries of near and far abroad.

The staff has expanded and a new department of special projects and cultural work has appeared, the function of which will be the organization of such large-scale events as the Festival of National Cultures, the Street Art Festival, the City Day celebrations, etc. The cultural, entertainment and exhibition center will organize and host many concerts and pop show programs are planned circus performances. The first event, in which the Grodno cultural, entertainment and exhibition center will take part, will be the City Day, which will be held on September 23, 2017.

The young and promising director of the center Alesya Alexandrovna Polubyatko told us about some of her plans. Billiards and bowling championships will become new "chips" of the center. At the moment, work is underway to organize a children's playroom for children's parties, with labyrinths, a play area and interactive. Soon the center will have its own sports bar, where fans will be able to enjoy matches broadcast on a huge projector. Already under development are several options for children's themed matinees, which will be held on a grand scale.

The basis of any successful project is up-to-date ideas and a team that can implement these ideas. Therefore, we congratulate the Grodno Cultural, Entertainment and Exhibition Center on the start of a new activity! We wish the fulfillment of all creative and modern plans that are conceived!

State Institution "Grodno City Center of Culture"

Director - Satsyuk Vladimir Nikolaevich.
Deputy directors - Polchenkova Svetlana Pavlovna, Yanchenyuk Andrey Petrovich, Mazepa Natalia Alexandrovna.

Contact phones: 68-20-20, 68-25-73, 68-38-20.
Postal address: 230024, Grodno, Popovich st., 50.
Email address: [email protected]

Grodno city center of culture performs the following functions: informational, educational, educational, educational, entertaining, etc.

Grodno city center of culture is represented by the following branches:
- Branch No. 1 "Concert Hall" (Dzerzhinsky St., 1), tel. 62-00-93;
- Branch No. 2 "Heritage Center" (Reymont St., 12), 68-38-20;
- Branch No. 3 "Palace of Culture" (pl. Sovetskaya, 6), 72-14-17;
- branch No. 4 "Cultural and entertainment center" (street Lidskaya, 1), 68-64-26;
- Cultural center "Festivalny" (Telman str., 4), 71-85-37;
- Exhibition Hall (Ozheshko St., 38), 72-07-42.

The institution has 51 club formations with a total number of participants of about 1200 people. Of these, 10 teams for children. With the honorary title of "people's" - 18, "exemplary" - 2, "Honored amateur team of the Republic of Belarus" - 2, amateur associations - 14.

The work of the Grodno city center of culture is aimed at positioning a positive image of the Grodno region in the field of culture and art, as well as promoting the best examples of domestic and world culture.

More detailed information about the institution can be found on the website:

State Cultural Institution "Centralized Library System of Grodno"

Director - Ekaterina Romanovna Rositsan.
Deputy Director - Svirido Natalya Grigorievna.
Contact phones: 69-68-96, 69-70-35, 68-40-63.
Postal address: 230011, Grodno, st. Soviet Border Guards, 51/2.
Email address: [email protected]

The State Cultural Institution "Centralized Library System of Grodno" is a structure consisting of 12 branch libraries, which is headed by the Grodno City Central Library. A. Makaenka. Among them are 4 branches for children, 6 branches for adult readers and 2 special libraries (for the visually impaired and Polish literature). Residents of the new microdistricts are served by 3 library points in the microdistricts Folush, Devyatovka, Olshanka.

Structure of the State Institution of Culture "Centralized Library System of Grodno"


Address, phone, E-mail

Grodno City Central Library named after A. Makayonka

230011, Grodno, Sov. border guards, 51/2,

tel. director 521433, deputy. director tel.521438

Library point (for children and adults)

st. Limoges, 20, tel. 768507;

st. Folush, 15/203-73a, tel. 650840;

st. Volkova, 10, tel. 935247

Children's Services

Library-branch №1

21 Dovator St., tel. 432516,

Library-branch №2

Library-branch №3

49, L. Chaikina str., tel. 558491,

Library-branch №4

st. Dombrovsky, 55, tel. 432189,

Library-branch №5 (children's)

Pushkin street, 30, tel. 417443,

Branch Library No. 6 (Children's)

4a Cosmonauts Ave., tel. 756012,

Library-branch №7 (children's)

Library-branch №8 (children's)

Library-branch №9

st. Vrublevsky, 33, tel. 480892,

Library-branch №10

Special Library for the Visually Impaired

st. Dzerzhinsky, 98, tel. 480675,

Special Library of Polish Literature

Dzerzhinsky st., 32, tel. 720062

About 50,000 citizens are users of the libraries of the centralized library system of Grodno. They receive more than 1,000,000 documents annually. The activity of libraries extends to all groups of users. Libraries focus on children and adults with disabilities, pensioners, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, youth. Therefore, the acquisition of funds, the organization of services, the development of socially oriented programs of mass information work are carried out taking into account the interests of these categories of users.

The information resource of the library system is more than 500,000 copies of books, periodicals, documents on electronic media.

For library users, plans for mass information activities have been developed in conjunction with institutions, public organizations, creative unions of the city: “Let's be together” - to organize a partnership in serving the elderly with the Centers for Social Services for the Population of the Oktyabrsky and Leninsky Districts of Grodno, “National Mosaic” - on work with national-cultural public associations of Poles, Tatars, Jews, "We and special children" - on work with disabled children of special educational institutions, "Library - the territory of health" - on the prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking, HIV / AIDS with the Grodno Zonal Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology and the Grodno Central City Polyclinic, etc.

More than 1,000 events are held annually, more than 300 exhibitions are organized that reveal to the residents of the city the content of library funds, inform them about significant events in public life, anniversaries that contribute to the revival and preservation of national culture, the preservation of historical and cultural heritage, and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The system has 19 interest clubs (7 for children, 12 for adults), which host more than 150 events annually. At the branch library No. 9, there is a center for socio-cultural adaptation of labor veterans "Inspiring".

All libraries of the centralized library system of Grodno are computerized and connected to the Internet. In the Grodno City Central Library. A. Makaenka Readers are served in an automated mode, there is an electronic catalog. Public centers of legal information have been created at libraries for adult readers, where library visitors can access any legal act of the Republic of Belarus with the help of the Etalon Information System of the National Center for Legal Information, use the service of monthly free legal advice by practicing lawyers in the Grodno City Central Library. A. Makaenka.

Libraries are engaged in publishing activities, more than 100 bibliographic, scenario-methodical and promotional documents are published annually. An advertising and information bulletin about the social mass information activities of libraries "Library Kaleidoscope" is published quarterly, bibliographic lists of literature of the local history series "Persons and Events of Grodno" are published, etc.

The GUK “Centralized Library System of Grodno” has its own website, where, in addition to the news feed and announcements of events, quarterly bulletins of new book collections, lists of periodicals subscribed to the public, a list of services provided by libraries, publishing products, advertising videos and book trailers. The library system is working on the creation of a virtual museum of the life and work of famous figures of culture, art, literature and an electronic local history library "Grodno-Information for All".

You can find more detailed information about the GUK "Centralized Library System of Grodno" on the website.