Approximate tasks for the museum quest. Quest “The Mystery of the Old Diary” in the Russian Museum Add to favorites

The level of education: basic general education

Target audience: class(es): Grade 7, Grade 8, Grade 9 or mixed groups of no more than 6 people each. The role of the leaders is performed by the participants of the local history circle or students who have passed the game earlier.

Item(s): extracurricular activities (history, local history)

Purpose of the lesson: the formation in the younger generation of a sense of civic consciousness and patriotism, respect for the memory of the dead, a sense of gratitude to the participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Used equipment: stands in the military glory room and recreation areas of the school, cards with tasks and hints, a TV set, a video fragment of a film reenacting the events of the tank battle on the Kursk Bulge.

Short description:

The main method of realizing the purpose of the event is a combination practical work different-age or same-age group using various sources of information (Internet resources) based on information posted on the stands of the museum room, frames from documentary chronicles. The event contributes to the development of attention and interest of schoolchildren in the history of their homeland, native land, encourages students to engage in research activities, forms a sense of mutual assistance, the ability to work in a group, distribute responsibilities for solving common problems.

Lesson progress

Presenter 1:

War - there is no crueler word,
War - there is no sadder word,
In the anguish and glory of these years
And on our lips is different
It still can't be...
(A. Tvardovsky)

70 years have passed since the joyful event of the Great Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This victory was made possible thanks to millions of Soviet people. Each of them contributed to the Victory. Every city, village and village did their best to ensure that we lived under a peaceful sky. Today you are going through the pages of history, which are reflected in our school museum. You have to complete tasks. When performing them, you can use the Internet. Having gone all the way, having completed all the tasks, you will learn the name of our fellow countryman - the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Each group receives a card with its task, only by answering the question correctly, you can find the information you need on the stand and test yourself. After that you will be able to work further and win the game. ( Participants of the game receive cards with tasks that must be completed in a group, answer the question on their own or find the answer - confirmation at the stand.)

Task 1. “Amazing square”

Card text: “Select one number from each row and each column, find the sum of the selected four numbers and you will get an answer to the question: “How many days did the Great Patriotic War last”? On which of the stands is this information posted? (a stand dedicated to the duration of the war and the number of people killed in it.) (Fig. 1). After completing the task, the team receives the next card.

Task 2. “Bread is the head of everything”

Information on the card: “What part of the loaf of bread is shown on the dish? (Fig. 2). What information can you tell about this part of the bread loaf? Which of the stands dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War tells about the courage and tragedy of the Soviet people” (a stand dedicated to Leningrad in the museum room).

413 218 474 567
569 74 630 979
195 0 256 349
221 26 282 375

Fig.1. amazing square

Fig.2. Bread is the head of everything

Host 2:

And flyers flew from the sky
On the thresholds of frozen apartments:
"There will be bread. Do you want bread?..."
"There will be peace. Do you dream of peace?"
Children, crying, asked for bread.
There is nothing worse than torture.
Leningraders did not open the gates
And they did not go to the city wall.
No water, no heat, no light.
The day is like a black night.
Maybe there is no power in the world,
To overcome all this?
They died and said:
Our children will see the light!
But they did not open the gate.
Don't get on your knees, no!
Is it any wonder that in military work
Is our city like a soldier good? ..
Peter built it in a swamp,
But you will not find a stronger land.
1942 (Elena Ryvina)

Task 3. “Poster”

The game participants receive a card - a fragment of a photograph from one of the stands (Fig. 3). Need to remember where they saw this photo (Stand “Battle for Moscow”) and go to this stand.

Fig.3. Poster

Here they answer the presenter's question about which village the Great Tank Battle took place under and move on to the stand telling about the events on the Kursk Bulge.

After answering the question and moving to the stand, watching a video clip about the battle of Prokhorovka.

Lead 3:

Forty third
Bitterness of wormwood
I smelled from afar -
Charred plain
I see the Kursk Bulge.
"Tigers" rod,
wildly stubborn,
But with me
In this difficult moment
Straight to the panorama eyepiece
my whole regiment
Confidently got in.
Halfway across the world.
Like torches burning...
No, not in vain lives in me
All this
Three decades in a row!
Those fights
As a measure of our strength.
That's why she's precious
addicted to death
to Russia,
Kursk great arc ...

(participant of the Battle of Kursk Mikhail Borisov, Hero of the Soviet Union).

The leader gives out a card with the next task.

Task 4. “Great battles - great people”

Card text: “When people talk about the Battle of Kursk, they often mention Operation Citadel, the German offensive plan. Meanwhile, after the onslaught of the Wehrmacht was repulsed, the Soviet troops carried out their two offensive operations, which ended in brilliant successes. The names of these operations are much less known than Citadel.

On August 3, 1943, the troops of the Voronezh and Steppe Fronts launched the Rumyantsev offensive operation, named after the Russian commander. On August 5, Soviet troops captured Belgorod and then proceeded to liberate the territory of the Left-Bank Ukraine. During the 20-day operation, they defeated the opposing forces of the Nazis and went to Kharkov. On August 23, 1943, at 2 am, the troops of the Steppe Front launched a night assault on the city, which ended in success by dawn.

On July 12, 1943, the troops of the Western and Bryansk fronts went on the offensive in the Oryol direction. Three days later, the Central Front began its offensive. During this operation, which bore the name of another Russian commander, a major defeat was inflicted on the German Army Group Center.

What is the name of the Russian commander. Decide which direction your group will go now. (the name of the operation is “Kutuzov”, the participants of the game must go to the stand “Generals”).

Task 5. “Cryptists”

The text of the card “Using the program decipher the QR code and name the statement of one of the commanders of the Second World War. To do this, take a picture of the drawing offered to you and place it in the program. (Fig. 4).

(There are undoubtedly few better warriors than the Siberian and the Uralets in the world, so the hand involuntarily writes these words with a capital letter. R. Ya. Malinovsky, Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union).

After decryption, the team receives from the presenter a photograph with the image of the order “Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union”.

Task 6. “Star of the hero”

Presenter 4: You need to remember where you saw what is shown on the card (Fig. 5). Find this place in the museum room and complete the next task. Fill in the gaps in the text. You can recover information from memory, use the Internet or other sources of information ( The information is posted on the stand in the museum).

After finding the photo on the stand, the team receives a card with a new task.

Fig.4. Cryptographers

Fig.5. hero star

Task 7. “Glory to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War”

During the Great Patriotic War, residents of the city of Cheremkhovo and the Cheremkhovo district collected _____ million rubles. for the construction of 2 _____________________ and a squadron of aircraft. In memory of the heroes of the front and rear, _________________ was erected on a pedestal, equipped with ___________________. Solemnly opened on November 4, 1981 on Nekrasov Street. The square where the memorial is located was named after Pavel Petrovich Postyshev. Funds were raised in _______________ years.

The names of Cheremkhovites who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War are carved on the memorial wall - 4769 surnames established by the military registration and enlistment office and the council of veterans.

Presenter 5: The history of the heroic deeds of Siberians is, first of all, the history of specific people, and the memory of them, who dedicated their lives to Russia, Siberia, should not remain only a legacy of the past, it should be with us, those who will come to replace us.

Here you have reached the last stage of the game. You have to remember the name of the hero who brought the long-awaited Victory Day closer. The one who wrote the chronicles of the Great Victory.

Before us are the pages of the newspaper “Cheremkhovsky Rabochiy” Issue No. 20 dated May 21, 2014 and a portrait of the hero, drawn by a student of school No. 8 in Cheremkhovo (Fig. 6).

Fig.6. Portrait of the Hero of the Soviet Union Cheremkhovets Nikolai Petrovich Kudryashov

In honor of fellow countryman - Hero of the Soviet Union

The main event of the solemn line on the occasion of Victory Day at school No. 8 is a meeting with the descendants of Nikolai Kudryashov, a native of Cheremkhovo, who was posthumously restored to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. His nephews, grandchildren and great-grandchildren came to visit the guys to remember the difficult years of hard times together with them and honor the memory of our fellow countryman.

Recall that at the beginning of the war, Senior Sergeant Kudryashov was a shooter of the 161st Infantry Division. Later, Nikolai Petrovich - squad leader and commander of a rifle company. He fought on the Western, Voronezh, Bryansk and also the first, second and fourth Ukrainian fronts. Was wounded four times.

Fighter Kudryashov distinguished himself during the liberation of Kyiv, where he temporarily acted as a platoon commander of the 520th Infantry Regiment of the 167th Division. His platoon at that time destroyed more than two hundred German soldiers.

In January 1944, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, for the exemplary performance of combat missions, the courage and heroism shown at the same time, Nikolai Kudryashov was awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

In 1945, our countryman was demobilized from the army and returned to his native city of Cheremkhovo, where he continued to work at the mine named after. Kirov.

By the will of fate, 1952 became a fatal year for Nikolai Petrovich Kudryashov. He was convicted of hooliganism and illegal possession of firearms, for which he was deprived of all titles and awards. It seemed like a simple act of hooliganism. But it was he who became a stigma for Nikolai for many years.

Soon Nikolay left for Yakutia, worked as a mining worker, and later as a forklift driver. Nikolai Kudryashov died in 1973 in the village of Nyurba. There he is buried.

For many years, his relatives sought justice, but his old comrade aviation veteran Mikhail Tikhonov decided to get to the bottom of the truth, who sent a copy of Kudryashov's personal file to the right authority.

Decree of the President Russian Federation in October 2013, Nikolai Kudryashov was posthumously reinstated in his rights to state titles and awards.

Now, one more has been added to the list of eight heroes of the Soviet Union, natives of Cheremkhovo.

Members of the school military-patriotic club "Peacemaker" decided to open an exposition dedicated to our countryman. The guys searched for the closest relatives.

The students of the school have prepared an interesting concert program for them. The guys performed the legendary dance “Yablochko” and showed a sketch “Memories of the Future”. It took only a few hours for the ninth grader Polina Khokhlova to draw with incredible accuracy the portrait of the hero, which was handed to the granddaughter of Nikolai Kudryashov.

Presenter 1: You went through all the stages of our game, completed the tasks, learned about how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for their freedom and our lives. Today you learned the name of another hero, a resident of our city, Nikolai Petrovich Kudryashov. The man, thanks to whom we are clean blue sky and we can enjoy each new day.

Excursion and game program


Purpose of the program: to create conditions for participants to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the onset of the holiday - International Museum Day and to promote the popularization of the international action "Night of Museums".

Tasks: a) introduce various types of museums, broaden their horizons; b) to instill a culture of familiarization with museum exhibits; c) to develop interest in the study of the subject world of past eras through interactive forms of museum work; d) contribute to the formation of a strong desire to continue acquaintance with the museums of the city of Novosibirsk.

Short description: The program involves pupils of children's associations (from 6 to 12 years old) with their parents, teachers additional education, heads of structural subdivisions of the House children's creativity Kirovsky, Novosibirsk. The total duration of the program is approximately 1 hour. 15-20 min.


I stage.

Foyer House of children's creativity "Kirovskiy". Duration- 10 min. ( See photo No. 1,2.)

On display stands reproductions of paintings and photos of museum items from the Louvre, british museum, Hermitage, Tretyakov Gallery. Quiet calm music sounds.

"Imaginary tour" through the halls best museums peace. Conversation, viewing photographs and reproductions.

good evening, Dear guests,lovers of antiquity and just inquisitive people! We welcome you to the opening of the program dedicated to international day museums, which is celebrated annually on May 18! And on the eve of this day, the action "Night of Museums" is held in many cities of the world. In the city of Novosibirsk this year, as many as 25 museums will be open to visitors all night.

And who can say what a MUSEUM is? Yes, that's right, but how should one behave in this amazing place that stores works of art and antiques? Now that we have remembered the rules of behavior in the museum together, we begin our “museum evening” with an imaginary walk through the best museums in the world.

We got into The British Museum, famous for the world's greatest collection archaeological finds. Look at the photos of its halls, what items does this museum store? Yes, this is mainly sculpture and works applied arts. Who knows what countries these works are from? That's right, these sculptures from Ancient Greece And ancient rome. And these itemsfrom ancient egypt, Africa.

Among the most mysterious exhibits of this museumthe so-called Lindows man. This photo shows the remains of a young man in his 25s, found in August 1984 in the swamps of northwest England. His height was 168 cm, and his weight was 65 kg. The acidic swamp environment preserved the corpse perfectly: when the mummy was found, they even thought that this man had become a victim of a recent crime. The examination showed that the man died about 2000 years ago. It looks like he was the victim of a druid ritual murder (who knows who the druids are?). Yes, that's right, these are the priests of an ancient European people called the Celts. The young man was hit on the head with an ax and his throat was cut, and the young man was not an ordinary one: he had the remains of a manicure, and his mustache and beard were carefully trimmed.

And now let's continue our imaginary journey and move on to the world's most famous museum in Paris - the Louvre. The pearl of the Louvre is the painting of the famous Italian artist and the inventor Mona Lisa, aka Gioconda ". Do you know why this painting has two titles? Because the full title isPortrait of Mrs. Lisa del Giocondo. This is the name and surname of a young woman, the wife of the merchant Francesco del Giocondo.

Now I will tell you the fascinating story that made this portrait world-famous.Over a hundred years agothe painting was stolen by an employee of the Louvre, an Italian mirrormaker. The picture was found only two years later in Italy - and the thief himself was to blame for this, responding to an ad in a newspaper and offering to sell the Gioconda to the director of one of the galleries. Perugia was sentenced to a short prison term. During this period, the Mona Lisa did not leave the covers of newspapers and magazines around the world, as well as postcards, so it is not surprising that the Mona Lisa was copied more often than all other paintings. The painting became an object of worship and an example of mystery. The smile of the girl gives the human eye the impression that the expression on the face of the heroine is changing. Depending on where our gaze is focused, we perceive Gioconda's face in different ways. If you look into her eyes, then she smiles a little, but if you look down at her lips, then the smile disappears.

Now try to guessWhich museum, located in St. Petersburg, contains in its funds 3 million museum items and the most large collection pictures in the world? That's right, this is the Hermitage. Here is a photo of it famous museum. Among the variety of its exhibits, I want to draw your attention to h aces "Peacock", made in English masters. How did the watch get to Russia? In 1777, a well-known political figure, a favorite of the Empress prince , decided to purchase one of the products of James Cox as a gift for the empress.The outlandish machine arrived in Russia disassembled. Potemkin instructed the talented Russian mechanic Ivan Kulibin to put this watch in order. Since some parts of the watch were lost, Kulibin had to sort out the entire mechanism, make the missing parts, reassemble everything and gild it. All this took two whole years, but Prince Potemkinnever saw his gift collected, as he died in 1791. The uniqueness of this clock lies in the fact that it is still in working order (the clock works, and the Peacock itself starts every Wednesday at 19:00), and this is the only all over the world, a large machine gun of the 18th century, which has come down to our time without changes.

And now I suggest you get acquainted with another type of museums, where you can not only see all the exhibits, but also touch some of them, work on ancient machines and mechanisms. This amazing museum is located in our house of children's creativity and is called "Ancestral Workshop". I give the floor to the head of this museum.

II stage

Showroom Houses of children's creativity. Duration- 10 min.

(See photo No. 3,4)

Props, exhibits, inventory: Exhibits from the paleontological collection (fragments of bones, teeth and tusks of mammoths) and the anthropological collection of the children's museum.

Forms and methods, activities: Demonstration of exhibits, conversation with elements of a problematic dialogue.

Hello guys and dear adults! We will get to the workshop of our children's archaeological and local history museum a little later, after the game program. In the meantime, I suggest you take a closer look at some of the exhibits. You know that museums store not only paintings and works of arts and crafts. What items do you see here? And what do you think, what animals could these huge bones belong to?

Of course, these are mammoths, the largest mammals on the planet. The individuals that own these remains roamed the territory of the Novosibirsk region about 34 thousand years ago. Carefully pass these fragments to each other, they are quite heavy and fragile. Look how huge this piece of mammoth tusk is. But he belonged to a little mammoth! Why do you think the mammoth has such huge tusks? (common responses: defend against enemies ). And which of the animals of the Pleistocene fauna could be the enemy of the mammoth? But could wolves bite through a thick skin covered with a layer of thick matted wool? But would a cave bear, which is three times smaller than a mammoth, dare to attack him, especially since there are smaller prey around? So why then did these giants, who roamed the vast snow-covered plains, need such large, rounded tusks? ..

Well done for guessing! Of course, for food. Mammoths were herbivores. With these tusks, the animals raked layers of snow in search of grass and small shrubs.

And who knows how old mammoths lived?No, they did not live up to 300 years, but on average, up to 70-80 years, like people. A mammoth's teeth have changed several times throughout its life. See what a layered structure they have, because they gradually grew not from below or above, as in humans, but from the back wall of the jaw. How many teeth did a mammoth have? No, only four teeth, but each of them weighed at least a kilogram!

A contemporary of the mammoth was a primitive man who built his own dwellings from the bones and tusks of a mammoth, and cut warm clothes from the skins. We invite you to visit "in the skin ancient man". Please go to the game room.

Stage III

Game room. Duration 20 min .(See photo #5-10)

Props, exhibits, inventory: Illustrations depicting primitive people, ancient animals. Theatrical props: stylized "primitive" costumes and accessories, "spears", "darts". Working models of disc and bow drills, devices for making fire, stones, branches.

Forms and methods, activities: Theatrical game program. Performance competitive tasks, team competitions in “making fire”, javelin throwing, etc.

It was a long time ago. Our distant ancestor lived on our green and flourishing planet. Look. How he looked. The man had neither sharp teeth nor claws, he could not fly, however, he was fast, agile and quick-witted. See what the ancient man was wearing? And who will guess why he needs a skin? How the primitive man escaped from the cold, you guessed it, well done! And now we will turn into primitive people and go on an exciting journey ....(Participants change clothes)

At the head of the primitive people was the leader, he was helped by the elderswise old people who taught the young how to make weapons, collect fruits and much more. Now I will turn into the elder of our primitive collective, take my rod and we will begin our journey into the past.I am Elder Wise Raven. Let each of you come up with a name for yourself. It could be " keen eye”, “Fluffy tail”, “haste” or something else. The one whom I touch with the rod must state his name in front of the whole tribe. so... (The facilitator touches, the participants name names.)

How do you think primitive people could communicate? Here our man is going to hunt, how to call others? That's right, you can call with gestures. And show me how to call facial expressions? Yes, it is possible with a voice, but at first the ancient people communicated only with sounds, and only centuries later they came up with a language and different words. What words do you know related to antiquity? We will play with you now. I throw the ball as if it were a hot potato, you need to immediately throw it back to me, naming a word from antiquity.(Game "Hot Potato")

What quick-witted and dexterous people in our tribe! Let's make weapons and go hunting! What can weapons be made from? No, iron appeared later, and only wood, bone and stone were available to primitive people. Ancient people learned to make knives, darts, spearheads, ax blades out of stone; and from wood - the very shaft of the spear and the handle of the ax. They tied the stone point to the shaft with the help of flexible plants - vines, like this. Let's try to make a spear of a primitive man. Get comfortable. You need to take the tip, attach it to the shaft and wrap it tightly with a rope. Parents can help their children. Yes, hard times. And you need to save yourself from predatory animals, and get food for everyone.

(Participants are divided into three teams, each team receives three darts. Each team “hunts” their animal)

We had the most accurate hunters ... I declare them the best hunters of the tribe and reward them with amulets!("fang" on a string of salt dough).

Our wonderful prey must be cooked, because the meat cannot be eaten raw, it is tough. That's right, we'll roast it at the stake! What do you need for a fire? We collect sticks, fallen trees and put them here. Here we will make a fire. Now we sit down around our future fire. Take two of these stones, which are called flint and a smooth stick, with their help you can make fire. Try hitting stone on stone to knock out sparks so that they fall on pieces of bark and moss! Yes, it's hard, do you feel how the stones are heated and smell of sulfur?

Now try to make fire with the help of such devices that primitive people came up with. We call them bow drill and disc drill. Yes, fire is hard to come by. It takes a long time to train.

What are we going to cook our meat in? No, you forgot that primitive people could not buy a ready-made pan. And you have to make the dishes yourself! Head to our Ancestral Workshop.

IV stage

Children's Archaeological and Local Lore Museum "Workshop of Ancestors". Duration - 30 min. (See photo #11-13)

Props, exhibits, inventory: Remodeled costumes. Clay raw materials, bone tools, stamps for vessel ornamentation.

Forms and methods, activities: Interactive tour. Manufacturing and ornamentation of clay vessels.

Hello, members of the primitive tribe! I learned from an elder that you need to learn how to make dishes. Do you know what materials were used to make dishes in ancient times? That's right, wood, stone, clay.

I will tell you one secret: not any clay is suitable for making dishes, but only very plastic one. How do you understand this property? Yes, this is the one that easily takes any shape, like plasticine. And if the clay crumbles like sand, it is called skinny and is added to it. organic matter. And if it is too oily, and strongly sticks to the hands, on the contrary, it is emaciated with the help of sand.

Clay suitable for modeling is mined along the banks of rivers, ravines, ancient masters called these places “kopantsy” and kept them a secret. Before sculpting, clay must be sifted, cleaned of litter and soaked for several hours in water. Well-crumpled clay does not stick to hands and easily changes shape.

Take each a piece of clay, try to crush! First, we roll a ball out of it, with our thumb we begin to make an indentation in the center of the ball, while simultaneously stretching the resulting walls. Well, how do you get a bowl? It can be increased in size by applying such flagella in a spiral and sticking them well. And you can also flatten the ball between your palms, pinch the edges with your fingers, slightly pulling it up - you get a blank to which you can stick a thin sausage - a handle, you get a cup. Feel free to try different ways making dishes, and with the help of these bone stamps, you can decorate your products with intricate ornaments!

When your dishes are ready, do you think you can start cooking in them right away? Yes, of course, you need to dry it thoroughly first.

And if you pour water into a clay cup, what will happen to it? That's right, it will absorb water and get wet. What to do? Already in the new Stone Age (in the Neolithic), people learned to burn clay products in special pits or even ovens. Then they became stronger. What is the baked clay called? Yes, it's ceramic the first artificial material in the history of mankind.

What a beautiful, comfortable dish you have turned out! Well done boys!

Come to our museum more often, you can learn how to make threads from nettles, weave fabrics on these ancient looms, process bone and stone, make amulets and arrows. And today our journey comes to an end, return to the game room.

Stage V

Game room. Duration - 5 min. (See photo #14-15).

Well, did you like your trip to antiquity? What do you remember about the life of an ancient person? I'll ask questions, who knows the answer - puts his hands on his head, like that. Who does not know the answer, hides his hands behind his back, like this. Only the one whom I touch with the “spear” can answer. If the answer is correct, I give a chip. Whoever collects more chips becomes the leader of our tribe. Ready?

1. How did primitive man get fire?

2. What did he wear?

3. What was the primitive man armed with?

4. What did he make his weapons from?

5. What animals did primitive people hunt?

6. Where did primitive man live?

7. What is the name of fired clay dishes?

8. What is the name of the institution that stores ancient objects and the remains of ancient animals?

9. What was the name of the most important person in the tribe?

(Counting chips, rewarding the winner, declaring him the leader of the tribe.)

And so our primal adventure ends. Now the light goes out, and when it comes on again, we will again become boys and girls living in our world. ( Music. Lights off and on. The host helps the children to remove the “skins”)

And now we will stand in a circle. Here is a beautiful flower that has grown in our field. Let's pass it around. Everyone will give his real name and say what he liked and remembered in our journey through the museums. (A game reflection is being carried out)


Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 3

Photo 4

Photo 5

Photo 6

Photo 7

Photo 8

Photo 9

Photo 10

Photo 11

Photo 12

Photo 13

Photo 14

Photo 15

(K2Splitter) An open system for creating personalized museum games and quests. Allows museum workers to independently create and publish game and quest scenarios for visitors. Can be used both inside the museum building and on the street. The system includes an administrative module for editing and creating new game scenarios and group mobile applications, which provide the user interface with the game. The application contains links to examples of mobile and web applications for various groups tourists. Local History Game Museum Secrets Game id=org.suai.karmus6 Museum quest Online game "Points of interest on the map" Online game "One word"

(K2Splitter) An open system for creating personalized museum games and quests. Allows museum workers to independently create and publish game and quest scenarios for visitors. Can be used both inside the museum building and on the street. The system includes an administrative module for editing and creating new game scenarios and a group of mobile applications that provide a user interface with the game. The application contains links to examples of mobile and web applications for various groups of tourists. Local History Game Museum Secrets Game id=org.suai.karmus6 Museum quest Online game "Points of interest on the map" Online game "One Word"

Out of 100 with 0 ratings

An open system for creating personalized museum games and quests. Allows museum workers to independently create and publish game and quest scenarios for visitors. Can be used both inside the museum building and on the street. The system includes an administrative module for editing and creating new game scenarios and a group of mobile applications that provide a user interface with the game. The application contains links to examples of mobile and web applications for various groups of tourists.

Game "Local orienteering"

Game "Secrets of Museum Items"

Online game "Sights on the map"

Author's team:
Alexandrov Alexey Vitalievich - service design. Balandin Sergey Igorevich - service architecture development. Balandina Ekaterina Alekseevna - programming. Vasiliev Andrey Mikhailovich - programming. Zharinov Roman Feliksovich - programming. Morozov Alexey Borisovich - idea, scenarios "In a word" and "Sights on the map". Petrova Natalya Yuryevna - idea, scenarios for museum games "The Secret of Museum Items" and "Museum Quest". Paramonov Ilya Vyacheslavovich - programming. Trifonova Yulia Viktorovna - visual design of the service.

Year of release of the program: 2014

From 5 years
Cost: 1,500 rubles. from a group (up to 15 people) + tickets to the Museum (200 rubles per student), 1 accompanying person free of charge; Subscription for 3 classes - 3600 rubles. + Museum tickets
Everything by appointment

In the museum you can participate in excursion-quest around the halls of the "Museum Keepers" while responding to interesting questions and completing tasks on the life and work of the artist, scientist and thinker Nicholas Roerich. On the game “Beyond the mountains, beyond the seas there is a wonderful country…” you can go in search of a country that is not on the map, but about which there are so many legends. As part of project "Country of Culture" children can build their own country and come up with its laws. And in "The India of Svyatoslav Roerich"- get acquainted with the customs of this country and participate in a master class in Indian dances.

"Cosmo Quest" at the Multimedia Art Museum
From 5 years
Cost: 500 rubles.
Until September 11, on Saturdays (except September 3)

As part of the Russian Space exhibition, the museum is holding a quest for children. You can not only see the famous descent vehicle "Vostok" Yu.A. Gagarin, models of an iron airship, rockets and a trumpet "for listening to the music of the spheres" made by Tsiolkovsky. In an exciting excursion game, children complete tasks, getting into the world of space and stars. Each work in the exhibition keeps a secret or an encrypted code, by solving which, you can find out the secrets of the universe. In the final part of the quest, the children build a spaceship.

Historical quest "Curse of Tsaritsyno"

From 12 years old with parents, from 14 years old alone
Cost: 2 700 rubles. for a group of up to 5 people, tablets are issued free of charge (on deposit)
Daily, by appointment

In Tsaritsyno Park you can take part in adventure quest on a tablet computer. The plot of the game is based on a real historical event - the construction of a luxurious palace in the village of Tsaritsyno, which Catherine II first entrusted to the court architect Bazhenov, and then demolished to the ground. The tablet has everything you need for an investigation: old diaries with entries, photographs, maps and secret signs. Also, before the game, the participants are shown a film that tells about the historical mystery.
The game lasts 2-3 hours, it has a host. A tablet with the game can be obtained at the main entrance to the Kolomenskoye park.

Quests and games in Kolomenskoye
From 5 years
Cost: from 300 rubles. per person
Tuesday - Sunday (each program has its own schedule), 10:00-17:00

In the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, you can study history in an exciting game format by choosing one of the many game programs. For example, during travel games "In search of royal wisdom" participants will walk around the male part of the Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and unravel the saying, encrypted in museum exhibits, invented by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Museum Quest "Lost Treasures" will help to independently learn the history of Kolomenskoye, having studied the history of the grand ducal and royal sovereign's court. BUT fantasy quest "Tsar John's scepter" will help unravel the history of the 19th century: the Russian historian Professor Tikhomirov became interested in the strange fate of the scepter of Ivan the Terrible and, apparently, found out not only its location, but also revealed another secret associated with it. The professor died tragically, but the diaries left after him with strange notes, drawings, maps will help the participants repeat the path of the professor and uncover the secret of the scepter of Ivan the Terrible.
There are also quests in Lublino and Izmailovo.

Quests and games in the Museum of Moscow

The associations of the Museum of Moscow have several options for quest leisure.

IN Museum of Archeology of Moscow can participate in a role play game program"Playing in the past." It has different games. In Game "I'm an archaeologist!" you can actually get acquainted with the science of archeology, learn how archaeological excavations are carried out and what you need to take with you on an expedition, take part in impromptu excavations. IN game "I am a mammoth hunter!"- get acquainted with the conditions of life in the Stone Age and learn how to make fire. There are also games “I am a craftsman!”, “I am a merchant!”.
From 5 years
Cost: from 350 rubles / per person, subscriptions: from 1,200 rubles / 4 lessons
According to the schedule - from September to November, registration is required



At present, the work of school museums is being activated in the schools of our city: new ones are being created, and existing ones are being restored. And an important part of their work is the creation and training of museum assets school museum which includes students from different grades. This game will allow heads of school museums to diversify their activities in the theoretical and practical preparation of the Asset, as well as to consolidate the skills of working with basic museum documentation.

Preparing for the game:

For the game, students are divided into teams. Each team is representatives of a museum, the name of which, the profile and content of the activity, the guys come up with before the game. Also, before the game, each team selects one museum item and draws up its description. The description of the item (its name, purpose, conditions of occurrence, description of the application, etc.) must be placed in a folder with files, because during the game, participants change objects, and work with a new object, relying only on its description.

introduction host:

How the running waters change their course,

Replacing each other, the peoples pass.

And how many of them were gone forever?

Nations pass, but man lives.

He is a man, and he will be in the world,

As long as man lives in man.

And in this I believe, as the son of all time,

Because I was born as a human.

Man is the crown of creation. Everything that is made by his hands is an integral part of human culture, which keeps the memory of past times and bygone peoples. Culture is the basis of morality, it is a connecting thread between generations. Therefore, it is very important for all mankind to preserve cultural heritage our ancestors, the preservation of memory. After all, there is no future without the past, and a person should not forget the history of his ancestors.

Keep the fire of the native hearth

And do not covet other people's fires

Our ancestors lived by this law

And bequeathed to us through the centuries

Keep the fire of the native hearth.

Today we have gathered with you at the game to reveal the secrets of the past, which are kept behind seven seals. And not only to touch them, but also to learn how to preserve the memory that they bring to humanity.

Game progress:

    So, we open the first seal. And we were at the presentation of the best museums in the city. You will have to adequately present your museum within three to five minutes. And the team will begin the presentation ...

    So we found out what school museums exist in our city and how much unique they store. Are you curious to know what lies behind the second seal? Behind this seal, you will be tested to see how good you are at museum business. You will be asked questions, and to them there are two possible answers. You have cards with the numbers 1 and 2 on the table. If you think the correct answer is number 1, raise the card with the number 1, if 2 then the card with the number 2. Are you ready? Then go ahead!

Questions for the game (shown on the screen, the correct answer is colored):

The museum item on display is called:

1) exhibit

2) model

One of the types of stock documentation that contains information about the history of the item, its environment and its owner; compiled by the owner of the object or a museum employee according to the owner - this

1) inventory book

2) item legend

Volumetric model that reproduces appearance an object made to a certain scale is called:

1) layout

2) fake

Accommodation in museum halls historical monuments (exhibits)

1) exposure

2) exhibition

The text in the exposition, which is an annotation to a separate exhibit, is called:

1) label

2) label

The form of acquisition of the museum collection, the trip of a group of museum staff to study a particular topic is

1) conference

2) expedition

An item created to mimic or replace another item is called:

1) copy

2) original

    And we open the third seal. Behind her is a very important and responsible task for all museum workers who have gathered in this hall. You have to go on an expedition. Now you will be offered exhibits and their legends, in accordance with which you will have to draw up field documents. You have signal cards in the form of a diamond on the table. If you need the help of a leader, then you raise a pink signal card, if you have completed all the tasks, then a green one.

Participants are invited to fill out the forms of the following museum documents: a field inventory and an act of acceptance of the transfer of historical and cultural monuments.

    Our expedition is coming to an end. And ahead of the fourth seal. Let's open it. Here is another test for you. Those exhibits that you have collected on the expedition must be properly transported. You have a task in front of you. It lists options for transporting historical and cultural monuments. You need to choose the right options for your subject.

Rules for the storage of historical and cultural monuments in the field

a) put a temporary cipher

b) protect from moisture

c) shift with clean sheets of soft paper

d) wrap in cotton wool

e) try to restore the monument in the field if it is poorly preserved

f) large sheets fold four times

g) put in carton or plywood box

h) pack in envelopes and put in folders with flaps

i) protect from deforming loads

c) put it neatly in a bag

l) wrap in soft clean paper

    We are finally back from a long expedition. And we are waiting for the fifth seal. Behind it is a new responsible task for you, young museologists. You have to properly arrange the exhibit for further storage in the museum. On the table you see a package of documents. Carefully consider them and proceed to the design of the exhibit. Don't forget the signal cards.

Participants are invited to fill out the forms of the following museum documents: the inventory book of the school museum, the card of the main fund, the label for the exhibit.

    Here is the sixth, penultimate seal. What did she prepare for us? In order for the exhibits to please the eyes of museum visitors for a long time, they must be properly stored, so that they do not fade with time, do not become covered with a thick layer of dust, and do not collapse. And now we will check how well you know how to do it. You will be asked questions, if you agree with the statement, then raise the card with the answer "Yes", if you do not agree - with the answer "No". The cards are on your tables.

    Is it true that every museum object
    assigned a cipher? Yes

    Is it true that all museum items must be protected from dust and direct sunlight? Yes

    Is it true that fabric products are stored in cardboard boxes? Not

    Is it true that glass museum objects
    need to be stored on the shelves of wooden cabinets? Yes

    Is it true that documents are glued with glue when compiling an exposition? Not

    Is it true that the air temperature in a museum should be +25°C? Not

    Is it true that books, brochures, diplomas can be placed in glassed-in showcases or cabinets? Yes

    Is it true that the museum room should be located on the sunny side of the building? Not

    Is it true that handwritten documents should be stored with sheets of clean soft paper? Yes

    The last seventh seal has been opened. You did a great job and found a new interesting exhibit to your museum. In order for this event to be known throughout the city, it is necessary to give information to local newspapers. And now you need to write an article about your find.

Students are offered a form for writing an article and its main points.

    Come up with a title for your article

    Describe where and how your expedition took place.

    Briefly describe the museum items you found.

    Make a conclusion about the importance of the historical and cultural monuments you have found for future generations.

At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winner is determined by the sum of the points scored.