Stesha is the full name. Stesha - name meaning

This female name is most suitable for a girl who was born in enough religious family. The meaning of the name Stephanie reports that its owner is endowed with a very strong and at the same time independent character, which can seriously interfere with communication with others and loved ones.

When choosing this name for a child, you need to think carefully and carefully study the meaning of the name Stephania, because in childhood girls have rancor, cunning and increased demands on people.

origin of the name Stephanie

The name Stefania is derived from the Greek name Stefanos (Stefan, in Russian transcription - Stepan), meaning "crown", "tiara". In European countries, the name Stephanie can also sound like Stephanie in England, in France, Stephanie, Steffi in Germany, Estefania, Estefania in Portugal, Stephanie in Romania, Stepania, Stepanida, Stephanida in Ukraine, Stepan in the Czech Republic, Stefan in Bulgaria, Stevan, Stevania, Stepania, Shchepania in Serbia. The diminutives Fann (Fana) and Nina are also independent names.

Stephanie's character makes her a strong, unaffected woman. Usually this name is given to a girl born in a religious family, so she gets a good upbringing, grows sedate, serious, demanding of people.

Little Stephanie can be cunning, vindictive, gloomy, but most often they are energetic, joyful and affectionate girls, very intellectually developed.

The adult owner of this name also largely depends on her upbringing. She can be closed, self-confident, intolerant of people, or she can quite harmoniously combine a naturally complex disposition with inner sensitivity and kindness.

Often the morality that Stephanie defends so much, under some kind of her inner impulse, fades into the background, and then she commits rash, impulsive acts - not always decent and benevolent. Therefore, the owner of this name has few friends, and even colleagues try to communicate with her only when necessary.


Negative qualities of character can seriously spoil her relationship with men. This means that the love idyll with the chosen one does not last long, pretty soon after the meeting, the relationship between the partners becomes complicated.

Such a woman falls in love very quickly. Just as soon, she can change the objects of her affection. This happens because of the rapid cooling to the object of your desire.

Stefa craves boundless adoration from a man. For her, guardianship by a partner is also important. In a pair, these representatives of the fair sex love to lead and “crush” a man for themselves.

Most often, Stefanida chooses men with a complex character and far from positive actions for relationships. Often, even being married to a loved one, such ladies are lonely and unhappy.


The family for such a woman is very valuable. You can even say that the husband and children represent the most important thing for her in life. Stesha loves her children very much and tries to be with them for as long as possible. But, sometimes, she can hurt her beloved offspring with words or cruel deeds.

If Stephanie is unhappy and lonely in a family union, then it is the children who become a certain outlet for her. But from the duties of a wife, such women tend to get tired quickly. Soon after the marital union begins to turn into a routine, Stefanida finds herself a new hobby or goes entirely to work.

Maximum strong marriage she can build with men named Alexey, Artyom and Valery. A family union with Cyril or Sergey can also be happy.

For Stefa, recognition in the profession is very important. Moreover, she is absolutely not embarrassed by the fact that in most cases she does not have an outstanding talent in her chosen profession. Such women easily climb the career ladder.

It is especially easy for Stefanida to take on the duties of an organizer and generator of ideas. Such qualities always attract a large number of colleagues to her. Perseverance and perseverance, although they help her in her work, still sometimes cause some problems.

Colleagues and superiors can hardly convince her on any issue, which means that it can be difficult to find a compromise.

Women named like this should choose the professions of a prosecutor, diplomat, employee tax service, translator, television worker, policeman, architect or cook.

The secret of the name Stephanie

A woman named Stephanie has a controversial and strong character. She is proud and eccentric, loves to surprise the audience and draw attention to her own person. Outwardly, Stefania is always very bright, in clothes she prefers extravagance and catchiness.

The nature of such a woman is fully consistent with her appearance. She is temperamental, easily excitable and impulsive. In addition, she is characterized by natural cunning and deceit, which they use so skillfully!

For her, the opinion of others is very important, therefore she often “plays for the public”. However, it rarely lends itself to outside influence.

Relatives have a hard time with the complex and stubborn nature of Stephanie, she does not like to give in, if her pride is hurt, she does it out of spite.

Stefania dreams of great love, but family life is far from cloudless due to her obstinate nature.

Numerology Of The Name Stephanie

For the owners of the name number 8, a propensity for business is characteristic. The G8s are for the most part very strong personalities, putting practicality and material gain at the forefront. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest and breaks.

They don’t get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is among the "eights" that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants.

"Eights" by nature are not inclined to make a large number of friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is overtaken by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Stephanie

WITH- common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own way in life.
T- an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.
E- the need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as an intermediary, insight due to the ability to enter the world secret forces. Talkativeness is possible.
F- the need to shine, to be the center of attention, friendliness, originality of ideas, at first glance chaotic, but containing a very valuable grain of truth. The pleasure of making people happy. The internal inconsistency of the view is a bizarre mess of all philosophical systems. The ability to lie, to put into action the allegedly necessary lies with the best intentions.
A- a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
H- a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."
AND- subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen for hiding a romantic soft nature.
I- feeling dignity, the desire to achieve respect and love of the environment and the ability to get them.

The name Stephanie became popular in Europe largely due to Napoleon's adopted daughter, Stephanie de Beauharnais, who later married Grand Duke Karl of Baden (Germany) and became Grand Duchess.

The name is still considered fashionable and is chosen by the parents of daughters quite often.

Stefania is a proud, very emotional and self-confident woman. She has a subtle sense of humor, which often helps her not dwell on conflicts and failures.

Stefania's purposefulness is the key to her career achievements, and her sociability, friendly disposition towards people, the ability to ignite them with her ideas make her a team leader.

Stefania is very amorous, but her feelings can easily change and fade away. When getting married, he claims to be a leader in the family, and this, in turn, causes a lot of misunderstandings in relations with loved ones.

Housekeeping can be a burden for Stephanie, and only limit yourself family concerns she definitely won't. She cherishes her freedom very much.

Characteristics of the name Stephanie according to B. Khigir

Translated from Greek - "crowned". Russian synonym for Stepanida.

Stephanie is a woman with an extremely complex character. She is stubborn, vindictive, does not tolerate the slightest pressure and is able to act out of spite (the latter especially applies to winter women). She is obstinate and turns her independence into a kind of cult.

She is devoid of ambition, not fussy. Often a girl with that name appears in a family of deeply religious people and is brought up in the spirit of strict religious morality. It gives the impression of unsmiling, closed, not talkative, but under the external gloom a very sensitive nature is hidden. This woman has extraordinary intuition and is able to accurately evaluate people.

These women have an analytical mindset and an enviable memory that allows them to learn well educational material, although they do not have a special desire for science. They dream of being loved, but often choose men who are far from their ideal.

Their family life develops in different ways, the most successful - among the "autumn" women. For the most part, having married, Stefania remains lonely in her soul.

Stephs are excellent culinary needlewomen, they are especially good at first courses. Home, family, children - this is what they value above all. In old age, many of them are prone to heart disease and nervous stress.

Personality Stephanie. Women with the smell of winter.

Character. 92%.

Radiation. 97%.

Vibration. 70,000 vibrations/s

Color name Stephanie. Orange.

Main traits. Will - sociability - activity.

totemic plant. Hyacinth.

totemic animal. Fox.

Sign zodiac. Twins.

Type. Women of excessive excitability, frenzied activity and cunning, like foxes! Ironic, like to laugh at others.

Psyche. Stephanies do everything to be noticed: they dress brightly, extravagantly, they need constant communication. They are not amenable to influence, they know how to extricate themselves from any situation.

Will. Strong, relies on intelligence and dexterity.

Excitability. The family life of these wonderful women is not always strewn with roses.

Speed reactions. They react strongly, impulsively.

Field activities. Stefania loves languages, can become an excellent translator, stewardess, work in trade, in the diplomatic field, they can turn out most talented actresses and singers.

Intuition. Under the theatrically relaxed appearance hides a very sensitive and sensitive nature.

Intelligence. Stephanie has an analytical mind. An enviable memory allows them to pretend that they have mastered the educational material, although in reality they simply mechanically repeat what they remember.

Susceptibility. On the one hand, these are sedate persons, on the other hand, they are eternally young, full of the joy of life.

Moral. They pretend to be righteous, but under the influence of a minute or wanting to attract attention to themselves, God knows what they are capable of.

Health. When Stefanies are cheerful, they feel great, but when they are immersed in sadness, everything starts to hurt them. Respiratory organs must be monitored.

Sexuality. They dream of being loved, but they often cheat on themselves, choosing men who are far from their ideal, who do not even suspect what kind of woman is in front of them.

Activity. Stefania often pretends to be ambitious just to gain weight in the eyes of society.

Sociability. These women need a society where they can shine.

Name Forms

  • You can affectionately call the little girl Stefochka. Another diminutive nickname is Stefi.
  • Derivatives: Tesha, Fanya, Stesha, and also Stenya.
  • In short, Stephanie can sound like Stenya, Stefa, Stesha, Steff. In addition, girls can be called Fana for short.
  • The declensions are pronounced as Stephanie - Stephanie - Stephanie - Stephanie.
  • Name variations are quite numerous. In another way, a woman with that name can be called Eshtefania, Steffi, Stephanie, and Stepania.
  • Orthodox sound, given in honor of the holy martyr - Stephanida.

No wonder people at all times attached special importance to the choice of a name. After all, the whole subsequent life of a person will depend on the right, thoughtful decision. Any word carries a certain meaning, a charge of energy. It's like a powerful message, a push given at birth to a baby. Therefore, it is necessary to figure out where this or that name came from, what it means and what qualities are inherent in its owner. If you like ancient Greek names, and in your home you want to grow an energetic and impulsive personality - Stesha, full name Stephanie, you're definitely welcome. Such a girl will become a real treasure for her parents.

Meaning of the name

The name Stesha traces its genealogy to distant Greece. This word meant a wreath, a golden crown. In some transcriptions: crowned, crowned, noble. Already from these "definitions" one can guess what a person will be like in the future. The Greeks gave names quite accurately, noticing some features of their owners. In one of the meanings, the wreath denotes integrity, inviolability, and even chosenness among people. However, there is also back side which they also mentioned. Such women are quite powerful, strive to possess all the gifts of the world, often turn the pursuit of wealth into the goal of their whole life. The “crowned” has always subconsciously felt her superiority over others, and this does not necessarily apply to power or finances. She is a true professional in what she loves.

Little Stesha's childhood

Despite the fact that in adulthood these women are eccentric and even arrogant, their childhood passes under a completely different “banner”. The girl grows closed and even unsociable. She can shy away from strangers, while limitlessly trusting her parents. Alone with her family, she is active and cheerful, her mood often changes, she either cries or laughs loudly.

You have a real princess growing up - she is modest and smart, she easily remembers educational material. The girl does well at school because she likes to be the first. Although she does not have a special desire for science. The fact is that for Stesha it is too boring. A teenage girl can go to different extremes: from goth style to fanatical needlework. There is no need to be afraid, she is just looking for herself. Stefania, Stesha, as her relatives and friends call her, turns into a leader and everyone's favorite. She has an inquisitive mind with her.

adult ladies

Such girls grow up very expansive and proud, and sometimes even eccentric. The problem is that it is very difficult for them to find a middle ground in their "cool" disposition. For the owners of this name, the determining factor in life will be their upbringing and the surrounding society. Parents should teach the girl restraint and self-control. Such events will teach her to be more rational and balanced in the future. But you can't overdo it either. Otherwise, her sensual nature can simply “hide” from the whole world, and then feelings will spill out on an unprecedented scale.

Stesha, her full name is sometimes interpreted as Stepanida, her nature is very multifaceted and fragile. She resembles a girl from "high society", who toils from the imperfection of the world. And then she decides to live, as they say, "to the fullest."

How to get along with her?

To pick up the "key" to the soul of such women, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

Female name Stesha defines her as an extraordinary person. In public, she can be reserved and mannered. But with close people, she behaves relaxed and even arrogant. However, you should not be offended, so she expresses her boundless trust to her loved ones. Although you can expect impulsive, and sometimes even extravagant acts from her. She does not want to harm others, but her character is very complex and even domineering. Therefore, getting under her “hot” hand will be very unpleasant. She tends to analyze people and forms opinions very quickly. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to convince her otherwise. She has excellent intuition and is able to feel people, see their intentions.

Family and Children

These women always dream of great love that will happen to them once and for all their lives. But in reality, it often turns out differently. They choose a companion for a very long time, but, as a rule, the choice becomes not entirely successful. Stesha is guided by passions and emotions. And when they pass, she feels lonely and abandoned. Although Stesha herself is often to blame for this state of affairs. The meaning of the name emphasizes her love of freedom. She strives to become the main one, and not all men like it. And then the discord in his personal life begins.

For children, the owner of this Greek name is an excellent mother. For their sake, she is ready to give up her principles, to become more measured and calm. She will always protect them, she values ​​her children much more than any man in her life. However, she demands the same dedication from her children. Because of this state of affairs, she often quarrels with them when they grow up.


Stesha, whose full name sounds proudly - Stephanie, keeps her life in her own hands. She has unlimited possibilities, she can become anyone. Thanks to excellent people, she can lead people, perfectly lead complex projects. She is creative and smart, always ready to offer a new approach to the usual routine activities. A wonderful hostess, cooks well (if there is a mood), loves cleanliness and order. If she is fond of needlework, then she succeeds. She likes it when people notice her eccentricity and unique style.

What the stars say

Stephanie comes to this world under the star of the Sagittarius sign, and therefore has some of the qualities of this unrestrained hunter. But the planets that patronize such women are Mercury and Jupiter. These giants stand out among other planets, giving such a quality to Stesha. Astrologers define the nature of these people as impulsive, open, energetic. Stesha's name day, the full name of Stephanie, is celebrated on November 24, and Stephanida of Damascus is considered the patroness. The lucky color of these ladies is black, although silver and deep blue are great for energy. And here great gift for her will be a labrador stone talisman.

Knowledge of the secrets of names is a journey into the fascinating world of the human soul, as a result of which there is an understanding of his behavior and actions. Today we will analyze the character of women who bear the name Stephanie. The meaning, origin, influence on life and much more will be described by this publication. You will learn astrological characteristic and the names of men with whom there are more chances to create a friendly family.

Today, rarely does anyone give their girls such a name, but it does not go out of use. The female name Stephanie (abbreviated Stefa) in ancient Greek means "crowned". Its owner is a proud nature, prone to extraordinary behavior. However, these qualities may be completely absent in her or be pronounced, depending on the environment in which the girl grew up.

for a child

Most often, believing people call their daughters this name. This quality is transmitted to little Stephanie, who observes. The girl has an analytical and remarkable memory.

The name is Stephanie. Significance at an older age

Adult Stefa is able to control her own destiny. From the outside, she looks harsh, uncommunicative and withdrawn. However, it hides an active, persistent and self-confident personality that can arouse the interest of others. She is very emotional, vulnerable and so freedom-loving that if other people try to command her, she will do everything in defiance. Stefania will never forget the offense, although thanks to the upbringing of her parents, she forgives her enemies. This nature has a successful career. Thanks to her abilities, the girl can work with a large amount of information. The scientific field of activity does not interest her at all.

What does the name Stephanie mean to the family?

A girl from childhood dreams of a loved one who will protect her all her life. In harsh reality, she meets far from the man who was in her dreams. Even if Stephanie decides to marry him, she will still feel lonely in her soul.

More likely to marry safely with Stefa, who was born in the fall. For this person, the family hearth is the main value in life. She will make a delightful hostess who knows how to cook and needlework perfectly. In old age, it is often irritated, which is why it is prone to diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The name is Stephanie. Significance in astrology

The owner of this name is protected by two and Jupiter at once.

  • The talisman stone is a labrador.
  • The color of the name is purple and black.
  • Plant-amulet - barberry.
  • The guardian animal is an electric stingray.
  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • Auspicious day - Saturday.

Stefa will successfully create a family with a man whose names are Alexei, Artem, Arnold, Valery, Leonid, Lev, Ignat, Maxim, Mikhail, Pavel, Sergey, Timofey and Foma. The marriage with Andrei, Alexander, Yermolai, Igor, Konstantin, Mark, Nikita, Peter, Ruslan, Taras and Fedor will turn out to be fragile.

According to user ratings, the reliability of the above information on the conformity of traits is 67.91%.


The female name Stephanie is extremely rare today, although it is present in the Russian name book. Much more popular in countries European Union. It has excellent significance and endows the newborn with good and at the same time rare characteristics ...

History and origin of the name

The question of the meaning and origin of the name Stephanie has been raised more than once by researchers from this area, and in the end it was solved one hundred percent. It turned out that the roots of this name are hidden in ancient Greek culture. There, its source was the word “stephanos”, which means “crown” or “diadem” in translation.

Like all name forms that came to us from Ancient Greece, this one also has influential factors and promises a newborn girl many rare and at the same time important qualities. The character of such a future lady will be difficult, but unique.

On this moment this name continues to be in demand in Europe, but it sounds different in all languages. For example, in England it is Stephanie, in Germany it is Steffi, in France it is Stephanie, and in the Czech Republic it is Stepan.

Name day:January 3, November 24

The meaning of the name Stephanie

This is an ancient Greek name, derived from the word "stephanos", which translates as "diadem". Well, the topic of the meaning of the name Stephanie is not as complicated as the origin story, but it was also unraveled. Not without astrology and the study of various symbols. In fact, research has shown that early age such a girl will be too active, energetic, restless and mobile.

It is difficult for parents to cope with her, curbing her energy is simply unrealistic - endless pranks, pampering, and even clear leadership in peer companies, all this will lead to a lot of problems. Her character is such that she simply loves to be in the spotlight - the children respect her, obey her, and always look forward to new ideas. Mother and father will have to make a lot of efforts to raise her as an exemplary lady, and not a spoiled brat and rowdy. Although, in many ways, the zodiac influence can help here ...

Just like any name for a boy or girl, this one is also subject to the influence of the season, but in this particular case it will be weak, because the name itself has unreal power. So, it continues to endow the schoolgirl with a craving for pampering, and it also grants talkativeness, which will not be welcomed by teachers. In studies, too, "uneven" - she can not concentrate, and is too inattentive, craves only adventure and entertainment. But she is attracted to creativity, which is also good. Teachers will often call parents to school, but there will be nothing serious of misconduct behind it. Over time, it will acquire seriousness and diligence, which is quite important, but, unfortunately, it will not curb diligence.

After school, he will begin to miss his early lifestyle. Her task will be simple - to get the greatest number of possible friends, have fun, have fun, take risks and get new experiences. She is not up to studying in higher institutions, but she likes to take an example from others, and if students are in her social circle, then she herself will become a student. He does not like to lag behind others, on the contrary, he dreams of being ahead. Her big minus is that she does not distinguish between good and evil, she is naive and shy, an idealist who attributes to everyone features that they do not have. Because of this, many disappointments and troubles will come into her life, but in the end she will still learn to unravel people and acquire caution.

Most often, a lady named in this way becomes the owner of a charm that attracts members of the opposite sex. But he selects the guys scrupulously and in the end will trust only the truly honest and devoted. For the sake of a loved one, she is ready to make sacrifices, and in general she will always come to the aid of a loved one, if necessary, sacrificing herself and her own happiness. But there is also a turmoil - for a long time she is not ready to lose her independence, and therefore she will go for a marriage combination at a late age, when she walks up one hundred percent ...

The name Stefania came into Russian from ancient greece and here is the story of how it happened. In Greece there is male name Stefan comes from the word Stefanoss (Στέφανος), which means "wreath" or "diadem" in translation. The name Stefan entered the Russian language in a slightly modified transcription - Stepan. But the name Stephanie remained unchanged. Logically, the meaning of the name Stephanie is "wreath" or "tiara", same as the original name.

The name Stephanie has become widespread in the Christian world, but every language has slightly changed its transcription. This is how the names Stephanie, Stepanida, Stefanie, etc. appeared. The name Stefanie is very popular among English speakers. German. It has become one of the thirty most popular names in Germany over the past 70 years. Well, the name Stephanie (Stephanie) entered the top thirty popular French names. It's for real popular name in western Europe.

The meaning of the name Stephanie for a girl

Girls with this name grow up mostly affectionate and kind, but they don’t know how to communicate with others at all. Stephanie is withdrawn and wary. It is difficult to make contact with her, since she has very little confidence in the world around her. She reacts extremely aggressively to little things that another child would pass by and not notice. All this creates certain problems in the communicative sphere of the child, but with sufficient diligence and patience, all this is solved.

Stefania studies well, but without joy. The girl has good data for study and other types of activities. She is intellectually developed and has a good memory. Stephanie is easy to remember new information, which will often help her out in the future. Stefania usually does not like to study, as she rarely makes contact with the teacher. She is quite often too harsh with teachers, which of course does not lead to building good relationships.

Stephanie's health is not the best, but you can't call it bad either. A girl's most vulnerable spot is usually her nervous system. Often this is not immediately noticeable, since nervous ailments are usually accompanied by a whole bunch of additional symptoms. In any case, for any health problems, you should not self-medicate, but you need to seek qualified help.

Short name Stephanie

Stefa, Stesha, Stenia, Steff, Stephanie, Styopa, Nina, Nia, Tesha, Fanya, Fanny, Fanita, Fanna, Pan, Steffi.

Diminutive names

Stenyusha, Stefochka, Stefonka, Stefushka, Stefanochka, Stepanidka.

Stefania name in English

IN English language one of the derived names Stephany, which is pronounced Stephanie, is more popular. The name Stephanie is spelled the same as Stephania.

Stephanie name for passport- STEFANIIA, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Stephanie into other languages

in Arabic - ستيفاني
in Belarusian - Stepaniya
in Bulgarian - Stephanie
in Hungarian - Stefánia (Stefania)
in Greek - Στεφανία (Stefania)
in Danish - Stefania
in Spanish - Estefania (read as Estefania)
in Italian - Stefania (Stefania)
in Chinese - 斯蒂芬妮 (transliteration)
in German - Stephanie (read as Stefanie)
in Norwegian - Stefanie (Stefanie)
in Polish - Stefania (Stefania)
in Portuguese - Estefânia (pronounced Estefania)
in Romanian - Ştefania (Stefania)
in Serbian - Stefanie
in Ukrainian - Stefaniya
in French - Stéphanie (read as Stephanie)
in Czech - Štefánie (read as Stephanie)
in Japanese - ステファニー (transliteration)

Church name Stephanie(in the Orthodox faith) - Stephanida. It is this name that Stephanie should use in church sacraments.

Characteristics of the name Stephanie

If you give Stephanie a description, then it can be called independent and strong personality. These are the first character traits that are immediately noticeable to the naked eye. It is also worth noting that Stephanie is enough Difficult person. She is intolerant of other people's shortcomings, while she herself often has similar character problems. Stefania, demanding high moral behavior from those around her, often neglects morality herself. This is especially true for her impulsive actions.

In work for Stephanie, recognition is very important. It is recognition for her that is the main criterion, although the material component is not alien to her. She, often not possessing the talent of the proper level, wants universal respect. This often causes rejection among colleagues, so it is better for Stephanie to moderate her ambitions.

Stephanie's family relationships are built differently. If she can find true humility and moderate his pride, then family relations will be good. If Stephanie brings in family life negative traits of your character, then it will be extremely difficult to talk about a family idyll. Stefania can change quite a lot after the birth of children. She loves her kids very much and this opens her up. inner world for herself.

The secret of the name Stephanie

Stefania's inner world remains a mystery to many. Often, she herself can not understand herself normally. She should think about her actions and the motives that prompted them. If Stephanie can find her best features in herself, then by developing them she will be transformed.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn and Aquarius.

totem animal- Electric Stingray.

Name color- Violet.

Tree- Aspen.

Plant- Barberry.

Stone- Amethyst.