Interview with Vika Gypsy. Vika Tsyganova: “I have a strong marriage - my husband and partner, and brother, and father, and child

We managed to talk with Vika Tsyganova by phone a few days before her concert in Kirov. In an interview with the Primary Source, the singer told what she associates our city with, shared her impressions of her recent trip to the Crimea and revealed the secrets of strong family relationships. Viktoria, will you come to Kirov for the first time?

I was in Kirov many years ago. I would like to see how this Russian city has changed, what new things have happened. Interesting to see what it looks like now.

What do you associate the city with?
First of all, with the Dymkovo toy. I really like her. In nature, I have not seen analogues of the Vyatka Dymkovo toy. They are so kind, they breathe childhood and a holiday. They are fabulous. It is very pleasant that they were born on your Vyatka land. I also know that Vyatka was the center of fur production in Russia.

You recently returned from Crimea...
Yes, I arrived in Sevastopol before the referendum. My first performance was February 26th. At that time, the mayor Alexei Chalov was elected there. At three o'clock in the morning from Moscow, we contacted the city authorities. And in the morning they were already there. Even my mom didn't know about the trip. I didn't tell her anything so as not to scare her. The concert was held at Nakhimov Square. Despite the fact that it was raining, more than 25 thousand people came to the concert. And after Sevastopol, I performed in Feodosia, Evpatoria and Simferopol. Being in the Crimea, I felt an incredible unity of souls. People have been waiting for this event for 23 years.

By the way, the leadership of the Kirov region also returned from Crimea the other day...
It's great that the leadership of your region is establishing ties with the leadership of Crimea. There is a need cultural life to restore, it is necessary to develop tourism. And of course your Dymkovo toys there must be there. This is a souvenir and a kind of representation of Russia. It may seem funny, but in fact, souvenirs are what gives an idea of ​​the country. Now it is necessary to support the Crimea. The main thing is to have a desire and kind heart. Zyuganov often communicates with me and speaks kind and good things about me. I told him: "If you change the communist slogans, I will immediately join your ranks." Communism and fascism are equal concepts. This is something our people have yet to understand. Gennady Andreevich very often says wise things, but hides behind a communist sign. The communists destroyed temples, destroyed the whole world of the nation. Lenin was a Satanist. He hated everything Russian and Orthodox. This needs to be communicated to people carefully. Maybe in wonderful Kirov the street names will be changed. We need to know the names of the real heroes. I always feel good when my people feel great. People need to open their eyes to the truth. God is not in power, but in truth.

Victoria, have you always been a believer or did it come over the years?
Faith is also hereditary. Man cannot live without faith. My great-grandmother was an old believer. Grandmother was also very religious. The Cossacks were all baptized. Of course, in our Soviet youth we were far from this. But man has a spirit. He must feel this spirit in himself. Ideology and spirit are two different things. When people live according to their conscience, they share in the holy message. So they live according to the Gospel, they live according to the commandments. My family lived by the commandments. She was very friendly and hardworking. Love reigned in her. In this regard, I am very happy man. My family is very big. But she's almost all Far East. Here I have only my mother, sister, my godchildren and nephews.

Since we are talking during Great Lent, I cannot help but ask. Victoria, are you fasting?
I try my best. Now I have combined fasting with a diet. Soon I will start eating buckwheat porridge. Right now it's just water. I had nervous and stressful trips. I had to eat what they would give, I violated the routine.

How do you recuperate between trips and performances?
I have a hobby. I have been into fashion and clothing for a long time. I sew fur products. I myself partly demonstrate them, I like to dress beautifully. An artist must look beautiful. Now they come on stage in T-shirts, and shorts, and in shorts - it's not clear how. It is associated with poverty and poverty of the individual.
And I also have a beautiful house. My husband and I built a bathhouse. We have a wonderful swimming pool. Just before our conversation, I left the bathhouse. She swam great. Rest is different. Be sure to meet up with friends. Sometimes I can not communicate with anyone, I get tired.

One of your hits is "Russian vodka, black bread, herring". Do you yourself like feasts and cheerful companies?
Before, I loved everything. Now it's getting less and less. But I like to arrange events, bachelorette parties, meetings with my fan club. Also in the family we always celebrate Christmas and Easter. AT Easter week we invite guests. We eat, sometimes we eat. We paint eggs together at Easter. We also gather every year for Saturdays. Spring is now. Soon we will clean our garden. My nephews and godchildren always help me. Lyudmila Mikhailovna, my mother, also helps me. By the way, now she is writing a book about me. I don't know everything about our family. I will be interested in reading it.

Victoria, what did you want to be as a child?
Believe it or not, I wanted to become a heroine mother. Each child is guided by what he sees. My grandmother had eight children. And I wished I had ten. I dreamed of educating them. Then I wanted to become a doctor. When I finished school, I went to apply and take exams for medical school. But for some reason, in the end, I turned around and left. I remember I came and told my mother that I was going to Theatre Institute act.

Do you remember your first performance on the big stage?
My first solo concert took place in Moscow at the Variety Theatre. I also remember my performance at the “Song of the Year” in 1989. I performed under my maiden name Zhukova and sang the song "Love Caravel". As a result, I took first place in the letters of radio listeners and bypassed Alla Pugacheva herself, who sang the song “Lake of Hope”. I remember that I performed in shorts and a vest. This caused a misunderstanding among the leaders. At that time, I was a self-confident girl, one might even say impudent.

Last year, you and Vadim Borisovich celebrated a silver wedding. Share the secret of a strong relationship?
The main thing is patience, humility and love. This must be learned. We all went through and became closer. I hope the Lord will give another 25 years to live.

What is your final wish to the readers of the newspaper?
Faith, hope and love!

The audience's love for Vika Tsyganova has been a boundless and constant value for many years. Each person, listening to her songs, can look at himself from an unexpected angle. Her work makes you think about life. Her songs are always a heart-to-heart conversation, very personal and honest. Our conversation with her turned out to be just as frank and honest on the eve of a big solo concert, which will be held in St. Petersburg on October 3 at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall.
Victoria Yuryevna, you are a person who has his own civic position. How important is it for an artist today to have a point of view on current events in the country?
- Even Pushkin answered this question: "You may not be a poet, but you must be a citizen." The artist has been given talent from God, and the stage is his tribune. The artist projects his behavior onto the public, fans are formed under the influence of the idol's talent. Therefore, a person entering the stage must be brought up in the correct understanding of good, evil, about the spiritual conception of life. Patriotism is a sincere conviction, the attitude of a person towards his state, homeland, people, culture. And the artist must demonstrate and broadcast this to the public, influence it with his creativity, songs, behavior - everything in the aggregate.
The Ministry of Culture of Russia is going to create a register of patriotic music. Do you think this will contribute to the “promotion of domestic and Russian musical art on a global scale” and raise the “cultural and educational level of the population”?
“As long as it's done with love. In our country there are many different "unions of writers, journalists, composers." But as a person who is outside these limits, I can say that there are “unions”, there is a ministry of culture, but there is no culture in the country. And if this is done without love, without a soul, and only for money and with profit, then neither our Russian people nor any others will need it. It must be a sincere desire to preserve the spirit of the people. The creative patriotic movement should help to rise to high spiritual values. And if people who will cut money are involved in this, then nothing good will come of it. Get a pseudo culture. After all, you can compose songs about your homeland and still not love it. This is my conviction of a person who does not belong to any camp and who has earned the right to have his own point of view, position and freedom in this life.
Is there anything in your life that you are proud of? Tell about it.
- My concert on Nakhimov Square in Sevastopol, which took place on February 25, 2014 in honor of the return of Crimea. And my visit to Odessa on the anniversary of the liberation of the city from the Nazis. I'm proud to be there. There have been many such events in my life. As the saying goes, "man proposes, but God disposes." And if you are driven by high intentions, sincerity and love, then everything in your life is arranged in such a way that you can express yourself. And if a person does not have any internal high settings, then he will never do anything special. I have been to war many times. I went there in order to share the fate of the guys: the soldiers and officers who were there. It was necessary for me to understand the hardships of war, to go through strong emotional outbursts, tension on the verge of life and death, so that songs were born. You can, of course, just sit down and write. But the most valuable thing is when a person who knows how to write music and poetry can also share these powerful emotions with people close to him, first of all I'm talking about the officers, soldiers to whom I sing. That's when real songs are born. Maybe today they are not so in demand, but they look like those people who serve, do their duty, they are not visible, but they are. These songs are necessary for people. I receive many sincere words of gratitude, after them I want to live and work further. Especially when these words are spoken to you by a person who serves on a nuclear submarine, its commander, you understand what they are worth. These people do not just throw words into the wind and do not crumble in gratitude.
During his creative way you have changed your stage image several times. Was it a search for yourself? What Vika will Petersburg see on October 3?
- The real one, the way it is and the way it has always been. There are many facets in a person and in life too. And if you are a living person, then you perceive this life fully and with different sides. Everything that is characteristic of the Russian soul and character is peculiar to me. And immersion in oneself on the one hand, and insolence on the other, and humility. And all this is in my songs, and is displayed in my images. The most important thing that I value and cherish in myself is that I do not deceive myself. And when I have moments of downfall and frustration and dissatisfaction, I try to be honest with myself. Thank God that there is a temple for this, the secret of confession and just a connection with God. You can pray, repent and be cleansed. You need to go out to the viewer with good feelings and emotions, but I am a living person, and nothing human is alien to me. And the struggle of passions and despondency - all this is in me and everything is displayed in my images.
Tell us about your collaboration with the famous Serbian composer Ninoslav Ademovich, with whom you recorded the album "Far, Far Away". What was new and unusual in the creation of the album and how will you surprise your fans?
- Fans who love me, I think, will sincerely rejoice at this union, because the main thing is just our meeting with him. Ninoslav Ademovich is a patriot of Russian culture, a passionate admirer of painting, music, Russian history, and the Orthodox religion. It is a pleasure to work with such a person. You don't have to grind out anything. You just give him a creative impulse, and the person deciphers it, conveys it and adds his own to it. And the result is a very powerful result. I really like his songs “Russian Steam Locomotive” or “Far Far Away”, “Drop”, I think that these are world-class things. These works will have long life, they will gradually reach the public. And they will take a worthy place in the human soul. These songs are very lively, bright, juicy, colorful, emotional and honest. Our cooperation with Ninoslav continues. And now we have enriched our ranks with the Italian maestro Fio Zanoti and we hope that our union will bring good and good results. Anyway, I've been waiting for this for over 20 years. As our friend Valentin Gaft says: "The one who knows how to wait wins."
Victoria Yuryevna, what makes you feel joy and delight? What inspires you?
“Genius people cause joy and delight. I am inspired by nature, meetings and, of course, creative torment. Sometimes I don’t sleep at night because I get so excited about my ideas, because there are so many interesting things in life, but I get upset because I understand that life flies inexorably. Although after 50, I believe, life is just beginning, because a taste for life and its understanding comes, the meaning is precisely crystallized and determined. But at the same time, time is compressed and flies rapidly. And there are still a lot of ideas and desires for implementation. I rejoice every day that brings new meetings and emotions. A creative person cannot live without emotions. A new day brings information that excites me to a positive or negative reaction. The body lives fully, and sometimes excessively.
When I asked if the concert at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall would be any different from performances at other venues, Viktoria Yuryevna honestly answered that everything would be the same as always. For her, it does not matter on which stage she sings: in the cities of Ivanteevka or in Priozersk. Everywhere you need to work honestly and bring joy to people.

Interviewed by Maya Pavlova.

On November 25, a solo concert by Vika Tsyganova took place at the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall. And this is not a hello from the 1990s. As part of the project, the singer presented not only her favorite hits and new songs, but also an exclusive collection of the Imperial Style TSIGANOVA brand. A popular artist today reveals her talents to the viewer from a different angle, the philosophy of her songs and costumes as works of Russian art is worthy of great respect. And as Vika herself said, “everyone who wants to understand what the Russian soul, the Russian spirit is and how it manifests itself, what a good song is like a real comrade and friend, welcome under my banner!”.

- Victoria, you are a charming woman, a singer, a favorite artist of many.
You are also a successful fashion designer. How do you manage to combine two activities?

- It's all creativity. I have been singing and sewing since childhood. Both my dad and grandfather sewed outerwear. I was born in Khabarovsk, where the winters are cold. I immediately decided: if sewing, then only furs. This is a genetic memory, love for oneself
the best to the present.

– Your work as an artist and as a designer is in harmony: Russian songs, Russian soul warmers…

– Yes, I really want to show our people that we need to appreciate what we have. We often look towards the West, they say, something is better there, but we do not appreciate our own, dear. I have already created three collections that were recognized as the best collections of the year at Mercedes Fashion Week. At my shows Historical Museum Rashid Karim, the Princess of Orleans, many diplomats were on Red Square, and all these people are excitedly saying: this is Russian, this is real, this is truth, this is valuable. And our people do not appreciate, you understand? But these values ​​represent our culture. I would like more attention of our people to Russian. I believe that if a Russian girl puts on jeans, they become Russian! And if you wear a Russian vest with furs to these jeans ... Today, everything is somehow unified, faceless, it is not clear who is of what tribe. I think that Russian bohemians - ballerinas, opera divas - are simply obliged to wear such things so that the whole world understands that they are from Russia.

– Why do you think that our women are afraid of everything Russian?

– I see it in my photo shoots. For example, we do a woman's hair, make-up, shoot in interiors. Luxurious images are obtained, but I see that the woman is afraid, she asks herself: is it really me? And in these images there is no mothballs, I am a creative person and I feel trends and history very keenly. You know, today the big fashion houses - Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci and others - do what I did 20-25 years ago. Now is the time that sable can be worn with jeans, diamonds can be on a rubber bracelet.
There is eclecticism, but there must be harmony in the image, you can’t put on everything at once.

Is fashion misleading?

– Partly it is. After all, there are so many professions around fashion - designers, stylists, makeup artists, make-up artists - as if people themselves are helpless. And the inner creative feeling is lost, harmony is lost. You need to work on yourself. I am happy that I graduated from the theatrical institute, I read and continue to read a lot of good literature and dramaturgy. I constantly get this knowledge, sensations from my inner piggy banks and use it as a person. The Internet is, of course, good, but it does not teach people to think, it does not teach them to immerse themselves in themselves, to think, to analyze.
Everything is too easy, you do not need to make an effort to find, understand something, but you just need to enter a question into a search engine.

– Tell us about the Imperial Style collection.

- These are really very expensive things, they are expensive in execution. From 3 to 6 people work on one thing, it is impossible to fake it. Things exist exactly in the form in which they came to my imagination: there should be just such an embroidery, sable, exactly a brocade lining. This collection is alive, because its idea is the revival of the empire, and I really want to show it in the Northern capital - the capital of the imperial state, where the empire collapsed. I want to recreate everything, demonstrate it, so that the seeds of rebirth grow from here. For the first time I combine a concert with a collection show. No, once I did this in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, but it was a closed event. Filo Zanotti came, the composer I'm currently working with, he has 12 platinum discs, he's a real music guru. He said: "I want to create a new religion, let it be music, and let this the music will go From Russia". So I did a little private show. It is important for me to popularize my creativity, to show people how beautiful we can be, and for people anywhere in the world to understand that we are Russians.

– What do you think about the state of the Russian fashion industry?
– I read a big report on this subject by Alexander Shumsky, president of Mercedes Benz Fashion. He said an important and very correct thing:
identity must be Russian. She's not there, you know? Our designers don't. I was convinced of this again when I was on the commission together with Zaitsev at the show of young designers. I remember I took his books, looked and thought how my collection is similar to his. Zaitsev was always fascinated by the Russian theme - Ivanovo chintz, Pavlovsky Posad shawls, Vologda lace. And there is no one around! Look at Fashion Weeks - there is no such grain that would distinguish us from Western collections.

– Tell us about the shower jacket for Melania Trump.

- Yes it interesting story. There was a press conference with Fyodor Konyukhov, a famous traveler, we have been friends for a long time. By the way, not everyone knows that he
is an academician of the Academies of Arts in London and Russia. We cooperate with him, not in the field of travel, of course, but in the field of painting, we
We want to do an exhibition soon. So Konyukhov did not come to the conference - he is an adventurous person, he follows his own mood. There were many
cameras, and I, using an informational occasion, took a sable vest from the collection to the conference and said that I wanted to give it to Melania Trump.
It just so happened, such a combination of circumstances. The Russian Post undertook to deliver the parcel, this was announced on cameras. And what a wonderful address:
Russia, Red Square, house one - USA, White House. People ask: "Aren't you afraid for your cargo?" I say: "No, I'm not afraid, let the Russian Post be afraid." Then they tracked it - the package was delivered to the White House. But the answer has not yet come.

- What does the concept of "Russian style" mean to you?

- It's a virtue. It is harmonious, it is expensive. Not pretentious, not vulgar, not intrusive. According to Chekhov: everything in a person should be beautiful, and the face,
and clothes, and soul, and thoughts. If you wear the most beautiful dress, and your thoughts are black, you will never look beautiful, even with the most
perfect facial features. Beauty is creative. You need to match the way the Creator created you. This is an inner desire, and on it strung
and external.

– you are in great shape. Do you exercise or diet?

- I'm not a sports person at all, and I hate fitness. But I like to walk and travel. I visit the pool, I love the bath: brooms, steam - this is my favorite
ritual since childhood. This is Russian! About nutrition: I don’t go on a diet and never did. I believe that then the body takes revenge on a person for this!
But if I ate a piece of cake, I have to walk 5 kilometers. But you know, if I spend a feast in a spiritual atmosphere, not a single gram sticks to me.
And if on the negative, you get up in the morning - a pound stuck. Therefore, you should never lose a positive attitude in yourself. Well, the scene takes a lot of energy, because I do not act, but live.

– Today the audience will see concert program"Dedication to the beloved city." Tell about her.

- We do new album with the Italian Zanutti, and also young Italians came to me, they want to sing “Russian Vodka” with me. To health! I was kicked so many times for this “vodka”, only the lazy one did not push, did not spit, did not beat.
This is from envy, because everyone wanted it - no one succeeded. And again, we do not appreciate. There is no prophet in his own country. Ordinary people love, appreciate, but sometimes they do not have the opportunity to come to the concert. But I need to create, I need to do everything with my throat, with my own health. Today I will sing both old hits and a few songs from the album "Russia" written by Filo Zanutti. We already had a presentation of several songs. But it's difficult here - songs require, if you like,
historical maturity. As are my outfits.

- In what stage costumes do you perform?

– I am now creative, fashionable-stylish-youthful. The stage of sundresses - I can’t say that it is over, but I’m a little tired of it. It is human nature to change something in oneself. Now my images are very young. For example, a silk suit, blouse and sweatpants with prints of Fyodor Konyukhov's paintings. I think that creative people should unite and help each other, defend themselves. Because a lot of "pseudo", and the lack of talent
can also be very powerful.

What is your audience like?

- Very different. Mostly people my age and older - those who remember me from the 1990s. I see young faces too. Lots of young parents with small children, even one year olds, which is great. At the concert, I sing both "My Angel" and "Clusters of Rowan" - these songs are 30 years old. My songs are really remembered. Because they fell in love once and for all.

Interviewed by Svetlana Suderevskaya

Vika Tsyganova is one of my favorite singers. Which in her work never prevaricates and her songs have always been distinguished by the most important value - they were and remain Russian, in fact, in form, in content. For this, the singer does not like the occupational scattered TV.

St. Andrew's flag
(Words: V. Tsyganov, music: Y. Pryalkin)

How much snow has fallen in the fields
And in the churches howling winds are crazy
Gentlemen, our time has come!
Look what happened to Russia

No need to say that the ball is over
No need to put an end to our business
Who understood mother Russia with his heart
He did not tear off the chain from his chest with a cross

And let our strength run out

How many of us perished on the Don,
Near Tsaritsyn and near Simbirsk.
Lord, the whole Fatherland is in smoke
But victory for the Russian flag

More great hour did not come to us
We haven't lost the Motherland yet
Our two-headed eagle will fly to us
The day you've been waiting for will come

Russian flag, St. Andrew's flag
You are tested in battles and on a campaign
And let our strength run out
God is with us and St. Andrew's flag

Gentlemen, our St. Andrew's flag
A white bird flies over the stern
We won't step aside
And let faith in battle warm us

Don't need to say we're leaving
And the waves will bury our banner
That we will shed our blood in vain
That Russia will forget us and is unlikely to remember

Russian flag, St. Andrew's flag
You are tested in battles and on a campaign
And let our strength run out
God is with us and St. Andrew's flag

Vika and Vadim TSYGANOV:

They have been happily married for twenty years. Fifteen as married. She is a famous and wonderful singer. He is her producer, the author of most hits and just, as she says, her guardian angel, her follower. Last Sunday they were guests of Chelyabinsk. And after the concert, Vika and Vadim Tsyganov gave a very candid interview to your obedient servant.


Explain to me WHY it happened that you have been absolutely absent from television for a decent number of years?
Vadim: Will they cut out our answer to this question later?.. Well, okay, I'll tell you. Everything is very simple. There is a small group of people who have seized power (and this is exactly the case, because the press and television are power). Basically, these are people with dual citizenship, ABSOLUTELY not loving Russia who are interested ONLY in money and moreover, receiving them even in other states. They are engaged in the collapse of Russia. It is necessary to deceive, it is necessary to corrupt - and everything will be fine ... The Church is ringing the bells. Perhaps not all, but the most worthy say that we are rolling down. And we are stubbornly pushed to it! Therefore, what is now not on Vicki's television is both glorious and thank God! Because to participate in this SHAME is ... Sheer bad taste! ..
Vika: Sabbat, in a word

- I absolutely agree with you.
Vadim: It's like torn! The most important thing in life is money. Immorality. All this propaganda of sex, violence, money-grubbing! Change everything! But, alas, this is the reality of today's world. Although at the same time they tell us that everything is fine in the country, right? .. A TV in the house is worse than a tank now. Round the clock zombies! And how many kids after all this trash are then taken to psychiatric hospitals? It's hard to imagine!

What do they say to you: Tsyganova is not a format?
Vadim: Yes, of course!
Vika: The Russian soul has never been in the format. And it won't, thank God.
Vadim: At first, Vika was called an alcoholic, then they began to stigmatize that she sings, they say, about thieves (which never happened!), then that she was crazy! ..
Vika: We, I suggest, will not go over to the individual, but if we analyze at least the same Chanson radio, then, do you hear what songs sound there? A lot of people who came here because of the cordon, as they themselves say, to earn money and sing for suckers - this is U-HORROR! You see, there is no poetic, no musical, nothing ...
Vadim: Vika, it's everywhere, all the time! Take any radio. "Europe Plus", "Russian Radio" - this is all a front, in fact it is all ANTI-RUSSIAN. Russian is not even a nationality. Who? Englishman. Who? German. Only one thing - which one? A Russian person is one who loves and respects this land! And he does everything for the sake of this land.
Vika: That's the definition of a spirit.
Vadim: And we already have a Russian - this is a fascist. Can you imagine what kind of stigma has already been brought out ?! It's so unfair! But they shove it on us, consciously impose it. Although the same Ilyin, for example, or Serafim Sarovsky, our great thinkers, they all affirm one thing - only the NATIONAL can save Russia. And this is our culture, our language ...
Vika: Our roots.
Vadim: This is respect for our great-grandfathers. Only CAREFUL attitude to this, you understand, can now save our country from final annihilation!
Vika: And these are those commandments, the great holy commandments... You know, Andrey, I have been working on stage for the last six years with the elder's blessing. I am obedient. All this show business of ours, all these so-called stars - I gave up on this a long time ago. I got it all figured out. And today, many colleagues whom I see, they don’t even turn their heads towards me. Yes, and to health! If they don't want, they don't need to. I go out to people and carry the tasks that are set before me. I work, I am engaged in education, I wake up those genes - healthy, Russian - that still remain in our people. And NOTHING contributes to this so much as a prayer and a voice, believe me.


But did you still have friendly relations with anyone?
Vika: My current social circle is mostly acting. I love Mikhail Nozhkin, Alexander Yakovlevich Mikhailov, Churikov, Gleb Panfilov...
Vadim: We have a lot of associates. It's in spirit. That was Michael Krug. Vladimir Kvachkov, who is now accused of attempting to assassinate Chubais, is also our close person very. Mironov Boris. Now we can calmly talk with Alexander Novikov. Igor Slutsky is our friend. We maintain relationships with spiritual people. Father German. With an old man from Optina Pustyn. There are friends among entrepreneurs, many among the military, from Vympel ...
Vika: Moreover, we may not see each other for a long time, but I clearly know that, for example, this person always remembers me in prayer, and I remember him when I go to church ...
Vadim: People who will always come and help if needed.


- ... My friends, WELL REALLY you have never been invited even once to any talk show ?!
Vadim (smiling): Never. Not a single government program!

Vadim, I do not believe, to be honest.
Vadim: Yes, here's a cross for you! (He makes the sign of the cross.) Let's say, Paratrooper's Day. Kalmykov, commander-in-chief, is calling us. "All! - he says, - I promise you that you will be on the air! General's word! We sing - cut out. And he can't even handle it! But because he is not the master in this life. Ernsts, Goldsteins are standing there - and they cut, cut, cut, and specifically cut! .. Just a report comes so that Vicki is not there.

Not so long ago I talked with Alexander Serov ... By the way, do you know what they call him now in show business? "The Downed Pilot" So he has the same situation with ethers. He says: “I am ready to pay the lave – how much? Just show me two of my scrap concerts!” Useless…
Vadim: They don't need money. They have this money, you know how much?
Vika: It's a principle already, a conviction.
Vadim: I also brought money, so what? .. Serov, maybe he had a fight with someone there. But we didn't quarrel with ANYONE. Believe me. With no one! .. They consider us ... well, I don’t know, maybe inferior? Maybe we are not human to them at all? Maybe we are fascists for them? Don't know. But personally, I, and Vika, we have never done ANYTHING bad to these people.

But because of something, the scythe found on a stone?
Vika: Because of the truth.
Vadim: People should read Ilyin, read the "Dulles plan" for the collapse of the Soviet Union! After all, look, now there are people in power who are SPECIALLY introduced there, who are EXERCISING over Russia. Is it not visible, is it not clear? Their task is to obedit, I'm telling you! Instill in people the anti-spiritual!

Serov told me the same thing guys...
Vadim: Money, you say?! Yes, they have all been living in Miami for a long time, where they have their own banks!
Vika: I filmed a concert for the fleet - and it was with the blessing of the elder that it took place, we spent huge money on our scale, since a number of fellow businessmen helped - no, it was not shown. With difficulty, we were able to break through in the end only "TV-Center". At the same time, all the people who participated in its recording - cameramen, directors, the sailors themselves - they were in ecstasy! They said: “We have not seen better! We have never worked on such a spiritual uplift!”
Vadim: Silence. Silence, if you will. This is one of the most powerful weapons.
Vika: Oblivion. Silence is grave. You see, if I were at least chided!
Vadim: There is an installation on all channels - MINIMUM Orthodox! And if you let it go, then early morning on weekends when no one is watching!.. And, for a second, we are not talking to you now for the whole church. The church is an institution where there are teachers, both good and bad. We are talking about the ROD. Well, what is stage? To be honest, she doesn't interest me at all. I am not interested in all these "ninth companies", all these Bondarchuks. It's EMPTY, you know? This is what toothless patriotism is, and we have it today, unfortunately, both as a bogey and a flag. No calls, no nothing. “I’ll walk barefoot across the field”, “I’m going through the most beautiful country” - oh, as much as you like! .. I don’t know, we need such patriots ...
Vika: They need to be under the covers, on the sly!
Vadim: How much do slot machines cost? How much suicide after that? And how much singed alcohol around?
Vika: I heard there is such a directive, which says that it is enough for Russia to leave only a colony of fifteen million people. And even then only to serve the dirtiest nuclear waste and the Siberian road ...
Vadim: Dostoevsky spoke about this. Ioann of Kronstadt said when he warned us... Vaughn Chubais recently declared here: “I re-read Dostoevsky for the second time. I hate his work! And this is said by a man looking over Russia?!
Vika: Satan.
Vadim: Do you know why so little is written about him? He gives money so that they do not write about him ANYWHERE! Can you imagine? He will never appear in any Forbes! Although he has even more money than Abramovich, several times ...
Vika: The Lord says: whoever remembers him, he also protects him. We all walk under God. And he sees everything ... And without God's will, not a single hair will ever fall from a person's head! So I'm not scared at all. Although there were situations when they threw stones at me and asked: aren’t you afraid to speak out so sharply and sing such songs as “Officers of Russia”?
Vadim: What about the murder of Misha Krug? No matter how many interviews I give on this subject until now, they cut me out everywhere. He wasn't killed for money! I beg you - well, what kind of vo-o-ora ?! And not because of the showdown! Because he talked a lot. specific order. He's kind of a brat. He gave almost everything to finance the temple ...
Vika: And that's why they didn't let him anywhere either. Not on any channel, not in any Kremlin. Here I was supposed to have a solo concert in the Kremlin the other day - they didn’t let me go there! They said: "Tsyganova will never be on the stage of the Kremlin!"
Vadim: And they did everything as it should have been: beaten, scared, shot, and even so that he suffered before his death! .. And Talkov? fiction. There is a scene where, therefore, a car drives into the city, and there - well, just a landing of entertainment! Clubs, casinos, restaurants, parties, a sea of ​​lights, garlands, slogans: “Take everything from life!” And people are so zombified at the same time go. Today I stopped in Chelyabinsk and caught myself thinking that ... here it is - everything is exactly the same as it was in that movie! EMPTINESS…
Vika: This "Comedy Club" ... Some kind of nonsense in general! Shameful! Immoral! And most importantly - mediocre!


Vika, did the thought ever arise ... to give it all up?
Vika: That's why I went to Optina Pustyn to see the elder. To quit, to tie ...
Vadim: Father listened and said: "Work in obedience, and that's it."
Vika: Yes, he blessed me, and since then it has been much easier for me to work, because my work now has a certain meaning.
Vadim: Artists have a certain pride, vanity, don't they? The crown is rising. And when you realize that you are working for the glory of God...
Vika: If God gave me a talent, then I have to work it out. A person who embarks on the path of faith understands that here we are JUST LEARNING to live. And life THERE still needs to be earned, do you understand? Therefore, I sincerely and honestly go on stage. I know that there (smiling, raising his eyes to the sky) everyone is taken into account.


How do you feel about the movie "The Island"?
Vadim: Well, this is probably one of the strongest films of recent times. The film is repentance. Mamonov ... no words! Everyone else, I think, is just in disguise. And here is the deep repentance of a person, it can be seen immediately ... I am sure that the Lord intervened there, in this film. For it is impossible to simply comprehend and convey it! Honestly, I haven't seen the director's work, I've only seen finds. To him, you see, the Lord gave this piece of ice, let's say - he took it off. Because IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND! Apparently it all fell from the sky. There are only two or three camera movements ...

Do you know Peter?
Vika: No, unfortunately. The Lord has not yet united us. But I read a lot of Peter's interviews. Of course, a person just stands on this path! On the way of knowing his soul, his inner struggle, he got into circulation, began to believe, therefore ...
Vadim: Oh, I remembered, we are still very good friends with Lyubov Vasilievna Rodionova, she just called! We flew to Chechnya many times with her, this is the mother of Zhenya Rodionov, our holy soldier, whose head was cut off with a blunt saw ...
Vika: Because he did not take off the Orthodox cross. If only there were more people like this in our society...
Vadim: Everyone just needs to understand one elementary thing. Orthodoxy is our way, whether we like it or not. We are already on it. And we won't come down.
Vika: And there is no other choice. Not for Russia, not for the world.
Vadim: We have been told for so many years that this is bad, that this is terrible, right? And it's so great, so wonderful! That's why I'm happy that people appreciated this movie so much.


Besides that, what else is your life filled with right now? What business, events?
Vika: I don't know if it's necessary to talk about it, but it's charity. I work with orphanages, help in any way I can. Vadyusha helps to restore temples, makes windows and doors there. He also deals with my furniture, its design, makes, I must say, truly exclusive things ...
Vadim: Vika is the same - she has several ateliers.
Vika: By the way, here are all the clothes that Chelyabinsk people saw on me today, it's all invented and made by me.

Seriously? Very beautiful…
Vika (smiling): Well, everything should be fine in a person. I respect the classics! (Laughter) But it's not a business for me. Rather, it’s just a hobby, a hobby, I have been sewing since childhood, and I really liked it. First theater studios, groups in which I sang - as they say, the need forced me to go out in a new dress. And now there are friends, customers who like my style - this is the art decor. Plus, I still work with fur ...

I look at Vika and admire her beauty and youth ... By God, time has no power over a person! (Vika laughs.) We haven’t seen each other for fifteen years, but ... it’s as if we didn’t even part.
Vadim (smiling): In everyday life, she is a completely different person. There she probably saves energy. Therefore, apparently, quite often he gets sick and mopes ... This is spiritual beauty. Do you understand what I'm talking about? And Vika should not be embarrassed. She is not physical. It's like, you know, sometimes you look at some great old man and you don't understand how old he is? Or sixty, or one hundred and twenty? Of course, I'm not saying now that Vika is one hundred and twenty (general laughter), but ... her image is already so well-established that time seems to have no power over her.
Vika: I agree, it is rather a spiritual transformation. No, of course, I try to take care of myself as much as I can, but, you know, just now I looked at our joint photos, Andrey, fifteen years ago ... There I am still passionate, more so bold, (smiles) naughty, or what?
Vadim: So, are you different now? (Laugh.)
Vika: And now I'm working on it! I’m fighting!.. No, in fact, it doesn’t go anywhere, it can only be… perhaps polished, asking for this God’s help, grace, so that some bad things in yourself can still be eradicated. At least try. You know, Seraphim of Sarov said amazing words: “Save your soul. And then thousands will be saved around her.” Oh, I would really like the soul to be really clean. And if possible, help open people's eyes to the truth. Because it is a great happiness to be Orthodox. This is great joy! It… UNEXHAUSTABLE source inspiration and creativity! Any ambition - they go out. I’m looking now at some of the artists with whom I started: an extinct look, some stupid ruffiness, some cars, diamonds ... And in the eyes there is emptiness. Scorched field. And so it becomes a pity for them! After all, he had talent. It was a gift from God. But everything in these ambitions burned down. Burnt…


And the last question. You've been together all your life, right? Tell me what is the secret of your happiness?
Vadim: In Orthodoxy only. In faith... Love is hard work. Love is not sex. Love is not kissing. This is, first of all, SPIRITUAL intimacy.
Vika: Also a creative process! Living with a genius - oh-oh-oh! The therapist will tell you what it is. (Laughter.) But seriously… It will be twenty years with Vadik this year life together And it's like we just met yesterday. And this despite the fact that in our life there were many ... different ...
Vadim: What?
Vika: Showdown! But, you know, when you win something, discover for yourself and see a new facet in your loved one, then ... And you win yourself first of all. Because it is impossible to change the character of another, you can only revise YOUR view of this person and the situation. (Smiling.) And then? Hmm, well, maybe give in...

March, 2007

Newspaper "South Ural Panorama"
(publication of the government and the Legislative Assembly of the Chelyabinsk region)

Our songs for those who are rooting for Russia...
Interview with Vadim and Victoria Tsyganov.

The song album "Officers of Russia", released with the support of the veteran movement "Combat Brotherhood", is undoubtedly your new creative success. Although this is a bold, I would even say, a brave step! Patriotic songs, born of the Soviet era, once very popular, for the most part today are forgotten over the years or, at best, cause only a condescending smile... However, listening to your songs, you begin to believe in the sincerity of the author. From the first words...
VADIM: The songs that you mentioned at the beginning are a monument to our recent past, when they tried to build a "bright future for all mankind" through "great construction projects". Today, thank God, a difficult but good time is coming - a time of building one's own souls... As for sincerity and faith, they are most likely born from our listeners, because these songs are not made up, they are not written in office, and not to order ...

– Tell us what inspired you to create them?
VADIM: Since 2001, Vika and I have repeatedly been in Chechnya, in "hot spots": in Grozny, Khankala, Gudermes, in the Argun Gorge. The war was then still in full swing, and we saw with our own eyes the terrible truth about it. There was only one lie on the TV screens, and the officers and conscripts did not even know what they were fighting for. Later, the whole world found out how corrupt this war was, how money was laundered, how prisoners were traded ... Therefore, the songs turned out like that ... How could one be silent?
VIKA: We wanted to sing of the guys - both the dead and the living, who went through this "meat grinder". It was very difficult for them. It was necessary to raise their spirits. Even today they must be sure that they are not alone and not abandoned. There are so many good ones among them. good people! Not in words, but in deeds, defending the Motherland and bearing unfair reality on their shoulders, they sincerely want to save their souls, receive spiritual support, grace, strengthen their will ... We address these songs not only to military people. The war in Chechnya touched everyone's heart. All of Russia was at war... This is, firstly, and secondly, listeners will find in "Officers of Russia" songs on other topics that are important for the soul of any person...

- What do you remember most about those "dangerous tours"?
VADIM: For my creative life on which concert venues we didn't have to perform, but there... Vika sang on an armored train, on KAMAZ trucks, on a broken airfield... During our very first concert right above us, militants shot down a helicopter. The situation was shocking... And once we were met on an armored train. Intelligence reported that a terrorist attack was being prepared and it was better to go by other transport. The armored train went on, and we flew to Khankala by helicopter. Later it became known that there really was an explosion. People died, including peaceful, innocent people. Among them was a woman who brought us bread and salt ... I also remember how on one of our last trips to the North Caucasus we flew on board, on which there was a load of 200 and a load of 300 - dead and wounded. They were eighteen-year-old soldiers, undressed, barefoot... Horror... The guys themselves said that sometimes they were forced to take off clothes from the dead militants... Imagine, they washed them with their hands and wore them...
VIKA: I will never forget the trip to the Argun Gorge that we had in 2004. The main canal passed there, through which weapons, supplies, medicines for bandit formations were transported to Chechnya several years ago, the wounded were taken out and new groups of militants were going. And now, after the Argun operation, there was relative calm here ... We arrived in non-flying weather, and in the morning there was a parade. Young guys, border guards, were marching along the clay parade ground ... After the concert, we took pictures - can you forget how happy their eyes were! Next to us on that trip was Lyubov Vasilievna Rodionova, the heroic mother of the warrior Yevgeny Rodionov, who was tortured and brutally executed by Chechen fighters. They demanded one thing - to remove the Orthodox cross. This eighteen-year-old boy found the courage to not deny Christ. He went into eternity as a Hero...
VADIM: I remember how we returned home and immediately the first lines fell on the sheet: "I will sing these bitter lines like a prayer For the guys who died in the corrupt war. Someone up there, infinitely cruel, Unleashed this massacre in brutal Chechnya" . And so on. So the "Golden Crosses" appeared ...

- What songs from the album "Officers of Russia" are the most dear to your heart?
VIKA: All songs. Military, about Russia, Cossack songs... After all, this blood flows in our veins. My grandmother was a Don Cossack, and Vadim is a descendant of other Cossacks - Yaitsky ... A person must remember his roots ... I really love Golden Shoulder Straps. Why is she dear to me? .. When I was recording it at the studio, the phone suddenly rang, and we were told that Igor Talkov had just been killed. We were familiar with Igor, just the day before we saw each other. Already 15 years have passed ... He was a real poet of Russia, talented from God. He said: "I am Russian Orthodox person... Victory over evil is the goal of my life ... "I remember, I shrunk so much, gathered myself and without panic inside I began to sing:" Gold shoulder straps, my Russia, you will put on again, faith in God will wake up ... "I recorded a song from the first take. She went by herself - just inhale and exhale. Not a single blot ... I love to perform it very much ... The audience always, without exception, warmly accepts it ...

- Vika, you were dubbed the "Voice of Russia" a long time ago, did you try to use this during the election campaigns for public office?
VIKA: I won't do it, because all this is money and a complete lie. The only person whom I supported and, if necessary, I will support again, is Vladimir Vasilyevich Kvachkov, who was meanly and falsely accused of attempting to assassinate "the country's main grabbing agent." I bow my head before him, because Vladimir Vasilyevich is a unique personality. Our entire Army should look up to him. The trust of the people in him is so great that it covers all PR campaigns! What is important, Vladimir Vasilyevich is a deeply religious person. Being in Matrosskaya Tishina, he said: "Everyone felt sorry for me, they thought that I was vegetating there, but I prayed more, and wrote so many works on military affairs." This is a man kissed by God. I am sure, if necessary, he will give his life "for his friends." By and large, he's already doing it...
VADIM: I want to add a few words about "will give his life." Once Vladimir Vasilievich was at our concert and after the song "Officers of Russia" he approached Vika and said: "For your songs, I am not only ready to present all the flowers of the world at your feet, but also to give my life for you." This, you see, is more expensive ...
VIKA: In general, as long as there are such people in Russia, not everything is lost...

- I know that you perform the repertoire of "Officers of Russia" at almost all solo concerts. Who is the most grateful listener of these songs?
VIKA: Ordinary Russians simple people... Thank God, for some reason I am accepted everywhere as their own, dear. I don't sing in nightclubs, and what's the point of singing there... No one will feed us, except for the provincial Russian towns and villages, the peasants who live and work there. And the one who boasts of his position in society, his flickering on TV channels, his "advancement" - this is all from the evil one. High personalities have always been characterized, first of all, by a high sense of patriotism. All our decisive battles were fought by the patriots of the Fatherland. And we have always defeated the enemy. Even when they died, they won, even when they were in the minority, as Evpaty Kolovrat, the hero, the Ryazan boyar, fought. In the winter of 1237, his regiment defeated the horde of the Mongol conquerors. Myself folk hero was killed in an unequal battle. What supported him? - only the Holy Spirit and the patriotism of the soul. And our contemporary Zhenya Rodionov, a simple Russian guy?! Russian military guys are still sent to where it is hardest, where it is most responsible. Russia always bears this Cross - to fight, save and help... In general, I am very happy when I see young soldiers, officers, cadets who have decided to link their fate with the Army. This means that we have someone to protect us and not everything is lost, which means that Russia has a future. I love to sing in front of such an audience, and joy visits me. And not in front of those who do manicures and tattoos in salons, put earrings in their ears and talk about love for foreign subtleties ... You need to love your mother, Motherland, woman, your children. A man must always be a man...

- In my opinion, the album "Officers of Russia" is very well composed. The measure is sustained in everything: both in genre and in theme. Everything is very harmonious, sometimes you can’t even distinguish where the patriotism is, where the lyrics are ...
VIKA: In a song, as in life, everything resonates, everything is close by. And love songs must be! On our planet, even without this, love has become scarce over the past decades. We have become terrible egoists. Everything is for you, everything is for you. It's time to learn to love and give again! A good lyrical song is very useful for our souls... Sometimes it even happens that I always insert something entertaining into the program, but the conversation still turns out to be serious. A recent example is one of latest broadcasts on the radio "Chanson". The songs were very funny, and the topic was touched on a very difficult one, about the events in Kondopoga. People called and said that we must not remain silent, we must unite, we must define and express our civil position, we must tell the truth ...

- Our legislation, to put it mildly, does not really allow this very truth ...
VADIM: Yes. Sometimes you think - it's better not to say something, but not to say something at all. But we are part of our people and must do at least what is in our power, what depends on us. Although, by and large, the time has come when you need to tell the truth in the forehead and no longer hide. Because everything that is happening now leads to the inevitable catastrophe of the Russians as a people, as a nation... This is an organized campaign. Why can't Russian be called Russian? This, it turns out, is synonymous with fascism. Russia and Russian is not a nationality, it is the territory of the spirit. Russia united many different peoples, and therefore it once began to be called Great Russia. Today, we are traveling through small towns and we see that the most disenfranchised population is Russian ... Some control it, others “protect” it, the flags of others ... And these are not our invaders - they were allowed to settle, they are indulged, they turn a blind eye to their lawlessness . It is terrible and dangerous that in this way we are pushed head-on. Someone is very profitable to start Civil War.
VIKA: People tried to ask our President questions via the Internet about who is the boss in Russia, who manages our natural resources. These "calls of the crying" were the overwhelming majority, but, unfortunately, other questions lay on the table for Putin ... The fact that they are afraid to discuss this openly, do not look for solutions at the state and administrative level, only brings evil. After all, this abscess will definitely break through, but it will break through not in its best form. Salsk, Kondopoga - this is no longer a bell, these are the thunder of an approaching thunderstorm ... We do not need a revolution and a civil war. However, this is not the way to deal with the great Russian people...
VADIM: Endlessly endure the fact that Russians in Russia cannot be desecrated... But this does not mean that you need to take up arms: when people do not have sufficient internal purity, fighting one negative, they fall into another, even greater negative. We need very competent, very wise people, pure in soul, who will begin the process of transformation. You can’t help here with just a crowbar… But if your personal dignity and people close to you are violated, a person has every right to defend himself. How? In different ways, but always guided by conscience and reason... After all, it is very important now not only to have the will, but at the same time not to succumb to provocations. In general, I would urge both Russians and Russian Muslims, whom I respect and with whom I have lived side by side for many years, to sensibly regard any critical situation. People with a dirty soul can take advantage of this ... Now, in parallel with the video album "Voyage-vintage", we are writing a new military-patriotic album. Most likely, no one will ever hear him, like the "Officers of Russia", either on the radio or on television. Our topics do not suit them, but Berl Lazar, who forbids our spiritual books - Ilyina, for example, is suitable? And who then incites national hatred? Our army is being destroyed, there is no science, no economy, no culture. Homosexuals are given stars, do folk artists. Seats are for sale, ranks are for sale, shoulder straps are for sale... Russia stands on the very edge. This is scary!
VIKA: It's time to get up off your knees! It's better to die with music than to bleat and moo. When you understand why you live, then everything makes sense, then many things are not terrible. After all, fear only feeds our enemies. We need to be churched! When a person lives with God, he is not afraid of anything. He knows that there are angels, there is grace, there are spiritual forces that will always come to the rescue if a person calls them... I liked one photo on the book. It depicts a commando with a machine gun, and above him - an angel. Bullets don't take such people. The angel covers them with his wings. Someone will say that this is a fabulous fiction, a picture, but in fact it is. Look, today money seems to have replaced everything: the majority is no longer up to love, not to conscience, not to the Motherland. But this is not so - there is a soul, there is love, there is faith, there is the Fatherland. The history of Russia did not begin in 1917, but with the baptism of Russia. The priority has always been the preservation of faith and service to the Motherland. Remember how they swore in the old days? - "For the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland!"...
VADIM: We need to unite only around the Church. Someone says: "We don't have that Church, we don't have real priests." No, the Church and God are in our chest! Look for your priests. Look for your temples. If possible, decorate them, help them live. After all, the temple - the place where we come to repent and ask for forgiveness, should be well cleaned ...

- You are not allowed on television, so why not distribute your songs through monasteries and temples? There will be a hundred times more fans and supporters of your views throughout Russia ...
VADIM: We do not need television in order to seek recognition for ourselves. Entire cities come to our concerts. We just want to bring this album, Orthodox, Russian, to listeners. We are still not only not allowed on TV, but also carefully "cut out" from television recordings that were made at the country's main concert venues. In the Kremlin, in the Hall of Columns, in Central house The youth spectators received Vika standing. The applause did not stop, and she sang "Officers of Russia" twice. Still cut out!
VIKA: People call, are indignant at this arbitrariness, write to our website: "What kind of idiots do they take us for?" The audience is changing before our eyes. The vast majority no longer need the cleaned, licked "Star Factory". Even youth! She is like fresh grass, fresh flowers reaching for the light. Wants to serve the idea, seeks ownership of this idea. I feel it very well... Apparently, the time has come when people are tired of being lulled to the sound of false songs.

The interview was conducted by journalist Natalia GLEBOVA

Today, money seems to have replaced everything: the majority is no longer up to love, not to conscience, not to the Motherland. But this is not so - there is a soul, there is love, there is faith, there is the Fatherland. The history of Russia did not begin in 1917, but with the Baptism of Russia. The priority has always been the preservation of faith and service to the motherland. Remember how they swore in the old days? "For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!"

Singer Vika Tsyganova and her husband, poet, composer and producer Vadim Tsyganov, are known not only in Russia, despite the fact that Vika Tsyganova has not been on television for many years. In the song "Television" the singer sings:

And they took me away on the First,
and closed me on the Second,
And generally removed, probably
maybe tomorrow, maybe later...

Vadim and Vika have been happily married for twenty years, married more than 15 years ago, both are Orthodox and are convinced that only faith will save Russia today. Few people know that the oak cross near the shaft in the monastery of the Royal Martyrs (Ganina Yama) was donated to the monastery by the Tsyganov couple.
Vadim in a recent interview spoke about it this way: “Once we had a pilgrimage to Yekaterinburg to Ganina Yama. In the people this place has long been called the Russian Golgotha. When we arrived at the mine, I was greatly shocked by the realization of the crime. However, the place itself radiated such grace! I approached the abbot of the monastery, hegumen Sergius (in the world, Nikolai Romanov!) and asked: “Father, can I make a worship cross for this place?” He looked at me carefully and said briefly: "Do it."

The material for the cross was oak, which grew on the famous Prokhorovka field, where at the turn of the Great Patriotic War a historic tank battle took place. It was cut down in 1947. When I bought it, it was full of fragments, and I had to manually pull out these fragments. The cross turned out to be powerful, four meters high, knotty. When it was installed, it was obvious that it seemed to have grown into the place chosen for it.
They say that by the grace of God, cases of miraculous help are known to people who, in difficult moments of their lives, prayed at the cross. There were, they say, cases of healings ... But that's not all. The Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye Vikenty liked the cross very much. What kind of crosses he was not offered to put on that sacred place: both iron and stone, even gold, but when he saw this cross, the bishop had no doubts. It was he who suggested that I put up a chapel with a glass floor right on the site of the mine.
I made a sketch, sent it to Yekaterinburg, but after a while a message came that Ganina Yama was being left open, and my chapel would be placed nearby. I was upset, but I resigned myself to the idea that everything is in the hands of God. The chapel was placed in a lowland.

And then one day people discovered that a stream was flowing from under it. It turned out that right under the chapel hammered the key.
Vadim Tsyganov is also one of the authors of the monument to St. Andrew the First-Called. In the same interview, he noted: “I wanted the monument to be not benevolent and prettier, but such that, looking at it, a person would think. I thought about myself, about Russia, which has already been crucified for our sins. That's what I called it for myself - "Crucified Russia". We are a living people, but with all this we are already on the cross. We have forgotten that we are a great nation, that we have a great and ancient culture that the heart of Russia has always been the Orthodox faith. F.M. Dostoevsky, who is very disliked by those who do not love us, said clearly: "A Russian man without faith is rubbish." We have given up faith. We wanted democracy, but got the corruption and genocide of everything Russian.

It's time to get up off your knees. It's time to get out of the state of apathy, indifference, irresponsibility. It hurts my soul when I think that our boys foolishly end up in skinheads and other alien gatherings. Seeing only lies all around and not having faith in their souls, they fail to resist the onslaught of cruelty and evil. But they are not our golden youth, and not Ksenia Sobchak. Our golden youth is Zhenya Rodionov, who, in the face of the enemy, refused to take off his Orthodox cross and was martyred” (interviewed by N. Glebova, “”).

Vika Tsyganova flew to Chechnya about ten times, including with a cargo of 200. These trips turned the mind of the singer, made her evaluate the surrounding reality in a different way.
The following fragments of conversations with Vika and Vadim are taken from different interviews and, I think, will help our readers to get to know the work of the Russian singer Vika Tsyganova better.

- How did your family treat the Orthodox faith?

At a time when my grandparents were young people, few dared to confess their faith openly, but I know for sure that they were baptized, Orthodox people. It is also known that one of my great-grandmothers was a deeply religious and pious woman. Now, when I began to remember her in prayers for repose, I felt how she helps me. I believe that there, in Heaven, she is praying for me.

Has your life changed in any way since you were baptized?

Since that time, my life has not only changed, but clearly divided into two segments: before and after my coming to Orthodoxy and meeting with my husband Vadim. And this is not surprising. How, for the most part, do we come to the Lord? What do we bring to His feet? Most often - a life mutilated by sins ... The Lord, with a caring hand, begins to clean off dirt, sores, passions, vices from us. The human soul is gradually washed, becomes brighter and cleaner. This relief, healing, sanctification is impossible not to feel.

- By virtue of your profession, you are obliged to be a person "in plain sight". Is there enough time to communicate with God?

There was a moment at the very beginning of my churching, when for two months I went to church for the daily Liturgy. Soul called. But then gradually I got the feeling that God is always and everywhere with me, and the urgent need to attend worship as often as possible disappeared. But, nevertheless, if I do not go to the temple at least once a week, I feel uncomfortable.

There was a time when I liked to pray in solitude. Now I prefer to pray in the temple, along with everyone. During these hours, I pray for myself, for people, and I feel that someone is praying for me nearby. This is an amazingly blessed feeling of catholicity, or something ... When I come on tour to unfamiliar cities, I catch myself subconsciously looking for the domes of churches with Orthodox crosses. When I find them, I breathe a sigh of relief - we can assume that I am at home.

- If it falls out free time, what do you do?

I really love doing needlework. But most importantly, I study vocals with a unique, in my opinion, singer - Gennady Vasilyevich Trofimov. If you remember, it was he who first performed the romance “You will wake me at dawn ...”, which later became very famous and beloved by many.
He has a wonderful vocal gift, an aristocratic voice. In addition, he is close to me in religion. In the house of Gennady Vasilyevich, an Orthodox-Christian way of life reigns. We always begin our classes with a prayer to St. Roman the Melodist.

I think that we met him through the Providence of God. Some time ago I came to St. Petersburg to participate in another concert in support of the fleet. Right before my performance, the Leningrad rock band came on stage. What started happening! On the stage, obscene language, behind the scenes, screams and whistles of excited sailors ... I call Vadim, I say that it’s scary to go on stage, they say, no matter how they throw something at me. And he shouts at me into the phone: “Don't be afraid! God with us! Pray and come out!"

And suddenly, on the radio right in the car where I was before the performance, I hear the voice of Gennady Vasilyevich Trofimov. He sang: "Sovereign Emperor ...". Then the stage speakers rumbled and nothing could be heard. But the thought managed to flash through my head: “Lord, help me find this person, I really want to learn from him.”
So, with a prayer, I went on stage. After the second song, I see that the people standing in front of the stage itself suddenly ceased to be an excited crowd. The boys in caps with ribbons, who five minutes ago seemed ready to flare up at any careless word, stood humbly and listened to my songs.

In almost all of your interviews, even on the most “secular” topics, you speak at least a few words, but always speak on a moral, spiritual and frankly Orthodox topic.

It's a joy to confess Christ. I really feel sorry for the unbelievers. They live without God and suffer in their loneliness. I know many people who have everything, but do not have God in their souls. These are unfortunate people.
With the blessing of my spiritual mentor, I really take every opportunity to tell people about faith, about God. This, believe me, is a great joy! I just always ask the Lord to enlighten me how and what to say to people: not to be fancy, but in a simple and accessible way; for a person to think, to become interested in Orthodox life.

- Aren't you afraid of the revenge of the evil one for this?

And I'm afraid, and revenge! It happens that with the help of God it is possible to reconcile someone, for example - wait: something is sure to go wrong in your family. But we pray with Vadim and rely on God's help, on the intercession of God's saints. Many help us, pray for us. But seriously, in fact, I'm afraid of one thing: that the guardian angel would not turn away from us, that the Lord would not leave us. May this never happen to us, Lord! (Recorded the conversation by N. Glebova, the newspaper "Orthodox Life")
- Do you think creativity is a gift from God or also hard work?

For six years I have been singing with the blessing of the Optina Elder Father Elijah. Six years ago I came to him in Optina Pustyn. I was in a state of confusion, even some despair, I cried for a very long time and told the priest that I did not want to do this work. Because the world of show business is incompatible with my soul.

This was especially affected by the Chechen war. Once I flew back with wounded and dead soldiers. And after that I come to Moscow, to some kind of party, where cognac flows like a river, where people fatten ...
And so I came to the priest, with tears, and told him: “I can’t work.” And he blessed me, he wept with me. He, of course, never heard that I sing, and did not know at all who I was. But he is a seer, has the gift of prophecy. "What are you singing about?" - he asked. “Father, I sing about Russia, about the Andreevsky flag ...” He stroked my head and said: “Sing some more.”

Vika, you recently transferred serious illness, all of Russia was worried about you. What helped to cope with the disease?

It was indeed a very serious illness. At first, doctors treated me for a completely different disease. But the source of help is from the Lord. When I lay in the heat, with a temperature of 40, under a dropper (and this went on for several days), I felt exactly the spiritual help. You know, no amount of money can measure this! I felt that something very powerful was fueling me.
And they told me: in one monastery they ordered a prayer service, in another, in Optina Hermitage, in the Urals, in Ganina Yama, everywhere, do you understand? (Interviewed by O.Ryndina, newspaper "Kurier")
- Explain to me why it happened that you are absolutely not on television for a decent number of years?

Vadim: Will they cut out our answer to this question later? Okay, I'll tell you. Everything is very simple. There is a small group of people who have seized power (and this is exactly the case, because the press and television are power).
Basically, these are people with dual citizenship, absolutely not loving Russia, who are only interested in money, and moreover, they receive it even in other states. They are engaged in the collapse of Russia. You need to obydlit, you need to corrupt - and everything will be fine.
The church is ringing the bells. Perhaps not all, but the most worthy say that we are rolling down. And we are stubbornly pushed to it!

Therefore, what is now not on Vicki's television - and thank God! Because to participate in this disgrace… All this propaganda of sex, violence, money-grubbing! A TV in the house is worse than a tank now. Round the clock zombies! And how many kids after all this trash are then taken to psychiatric hospitals?

- What do they say to you: Tsyganova is not a format?

Vika: The Russian soul has never been in the format. And it won't, thank God. All this show business of ours, all these so-called stars ... I figured it all out. And today, many colleagues whom I see do not even turn their heads towards me.
Yes, and to health! If they don't want to, they don't need to. I go out to people and carry the tasks that are set before me. I work, I am engaged in education, I wake up those genes - healthy, Russian - that still remain in our people. And nothing contributes to this so much as prayer and a voice, believe me.

- But at least with someone friendly relations have been preserved?

Vika: My current social circle is mostly acting. I love Mikhail Nozhkin, Alexander Yakovlevich Mikhailov, Churikov, Gleb Panfilov...
Vadim: We have a lot of associates. It's in spirit. That was Michael Krug. Vladimir Kvachkov, who was accused of attempting to assassinate Chubais, is also a very close person of ours. Mironov Boris. Now we can calmly talk with Alexander Novikov. Igor Slutsky is our friend. We maintain relationships with spiritual people. Father German. With an old man from Optina Hermitage…
Vika: Moreover, we may not see each other for a long time, but I clearly know that, for example, this person always remembers me in prayer, and I remember him when I go to church.

- But because of something, the scythe found on a stone?

Vika: Because of the truth.
Vadim: People should read Ilyin, read the "Dulles plan" for the collapse of the Soviet Union! After all, look, now there are people in power who are specially introduced there, who are exercising over Russia. Is it not visible, is it not clear? Their task is to obydit. There is an installation on all channels: a minimum of Orthodox! And if you let them in, then early in the morning on weekends, when no one is watching!
I am not interested in all these "ninth companies", all these bondarchuks. It's empty, you know? This is what is toothless patriotic, which we have today, unfortunately, is both a bogey and a flag.

- What are your impressions from the movie "Island"?

Vadim: Well, this is probably one of the strongest films of recent times. Film-repentance. Mamonov... No words! Everyone else, I think, is just in disguise. And here is the deep repentance of a person, it can be seen immediately. I'm sure the Lord intervened there, in this film. For it is impossible to simply comprehend and convey it!

- Do you know Peter?

Vika: No, unfortunately. The Lord has not yet united us. But I read a lot of Peter's interviews. Of course, a person just stands on this path! On the way of knowing your soul, your inner struggle.
Vadim: Oh, I remembered, we are still very good friends with Lyubov Vasilievna Rodionova, she just called! We flew to Chechnya many times with her, this is the mother of Zhenya Rodionov, our holy soldier, whose head was cut off with a blunt saw.
Vika: Because he did not take off the Orthodox cross. There should be more people like this in our society.

- What else is your life filled with now? What business, events?

Vika: I don't know if it's necessary to talk about it, but it's charity.
I work with orphanages, help in any way I can. Vadyusha helps to restore temples, makes windows and doors there (A. Orlov, Yuzhnouralskaya Panorama newspaper).

- Isn't it scary to go to Chechnya?

Hard to say. I knew that I had to go there. It was the first time, and I feel the same now. And this sense of duty, responsibility, it dominates, and everything else becomes insignificant.
The first time I went to Chechnya was on Russia Day in 2001. I remember that I didn’t specifically say anything to my parents so as not to worry. They saw me on the news program. They were, of course, horrified. But then they realized that it was impossible to stop me: I myself am the daughter of a naval officer, my grandmother is a Cossack, and my husband is a Cossack. So how can you keep me? (From an interview in Chechnya, in the Argun Gorge, L. Samarina, magazine "Combat Brotherhood")

Material for publication was prepared by A. Zueva

P.S. Some materials of the singer's official website ( were used.