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Which table will be rated higher: the one where everything is delicious or the one where everything is beautiful? Without a doubt, the beauty of serving and original decorations make even the simplest dishes tastier! Therefore, we take into account modern tendencies and we recommend that you pay attention to various techniques decorating dishes and cuts. The highlight of the fish plate will be red fish roses (salmon, salmon, etc.) made to decorate the table. So let's talk about how they can be done.

Sliced ​​​​salmon in itself becomes a table decoration, but if you lay out thin plates of fish in a special way, then your treat will be remembered for a long time by everyone without exception! And you will experience a feeling of real gastronomic satisfaction!

Moreover, you can use such an unusual serving not only for a romantic dinner or a festive feast, but also in an everyday version of a family dinner! Don't your loved ones deserve an everyday holiday?

Step by Step

1. Cut off 2 cm strips of salmon with kitchen scissors. Rosettes of this size will look great on sandwiches and canapes.

To decorate salads or plates with fish slices, you can make bigger roses (salmon strips will be 3-4 cm).

2. We begin to fold the strip.

3. Having passed 2/3 of the way, turn the strip a little to the bottom, as shown in the photo (as if opening the petal) and continue to turn to the end of the strip.

4. If you have already prepared sandwiches, then immediately glue the rosette to the butter. If you decide to make sockets and only then decorate your dishes, then it is better to fix them with toothpicks or kitchen skewers.

Rosettes from salmon in a single strip

In the video, the master shows how to roll salmon pieces into "rosettes" and place them on a Japanese sushi-style rice dish.


Rosettes from several stripes of red fish

A quick and easy sandwich snack that can be made in minutes! Great for small dinners, meetings and parties.

You can create a socket in the form of a rose from various kinds fish, the main condition is to cut it thinly. It can be any kind of red fish or a simple herring.

With such a masterpiece, you can decorate a finished dish (fish salad "fur coat", salty cakes), decorate a plate with fish slices or make a festive version of sandwiches (salmon, butter and caviar).

Decoration of festive dishes with salmon roses

Dishes from fish, and especially from salmon, are not only extremely tasty, but also beneficial for health with their healing substances. Red fish contains unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which are not synthesized by the human body, but are involved in many metabolic processes. Salmon is also rich in vitamins and mineral salts, other fatty acids. Therefore, you will improve not only serving, but also increase the nutritional value of the treat!
Enjoy your meal!

The article is devoted different options cuts of fish and ways of its beautiful design

On any festive table meat and fish cuts are in the spotlight. To create this bright dish, any salted or smoked fish is used. You can buy fish gastronomy in the supermarket, you can smoke or pickle it yourself.

Most importantly, the fish must be cut into as thin slices as possible, preferably across the grain. To do this, you need a sharp filet knife. It is easier to work with chilled fish, you can slightly freeze it.

Related video: Fish cutting technique

There are no strict rules, proceed from the availability of products.

Decoration of fish slices

When decorating a dish, it must be taken into account that the decor should go well with the fish, shade and enrich its taste.

The following products are used for registration:

  • slices of fresh vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers of different colors);
  • lettuce, fresh herbs;
  • olives, olives;
  • lemon slices;
  • shrimps;
  • canned peas and corn;
  • Red caviar;
  • butter;
  • eggs, preferably quail;
  • pomegranate seeds.

Ways to beautifully cut

Traditional cutting method

The simplest option for decorating fish slices is that several varieties of fish are laid out in layers in a plate, repeating its shape. Using fish of different colors, you can create interesting compositions. Salmon fish fillet is red or pink, and river fish is ivory. It is advisable to purchase at least two varieties of fish. Interesting composition it will turn out if you get salmon fillet and mackerel. The main thing here is to beautifully cut the fish into thin slices.

fish flowers

Cover half of the plate with lettuce leaves, put 3-4 layers of mackerel “scale” on top of it. Make roses from red fish. Roll the salmon plates into a tube, wrap several of the same plates until you reach the necessary pomp of the flower. All uneven and small fillet slices will go into the flower. Fasten the resulting flowers with a toothpick or skewer, put them on the free part of the dish, straighten the petals and garnish with parsley sprigs. Draw the border between the varieties with lemon semicircles.

Fish rolls

To create this dish you will need a round plate. Cut the red fish into thin rectangular slices. For the filling you will need Philadelphia cheese, you can replace it with grated hard cheese mixed with mayonnaise. Spread each fish plate with cheese, roll up. In the center of the plate, create a pile of chopped lettuce, dill, and parsley. Lay fish rolls around this slide in three layers, each subsequent layer should be smaller than the previous one. Chop a fresh cucumber into circles, cut each of them in half. Arrange the cucumber around the edges of the plate, interspersing the cherry tomato halves. The dish turns out to be unusually festive, bright.

Fan of salmon

Spread thin slices of salmon on a square plate like a fan, leaving one of the corners free. In this corner, you need to place a red salmon flower. Make green leaves around the flower. Chop the olives into rings, cut the boiled quail eggs in half. Decorate the ends of the salmon fan with olive slices and quail eggs. A few lemon slices complete the composition.

Sliced ​​with sprats

Arrange the lemon wedges along the edge of the plate. On these circles, place golden sprats with their heads to the rim of the plate. Cut three flowers from white or red bulbs, place them in the center, decorating with greenery. Roll up salmon or salmon plates, giving them a triangular shape. Arrange the fish on a plate around the flowers.

Any fish cut can be quickly decorated by spreading chips in the center or edges of the plate. Put some red caviar, canned corn, green peas on the chips, garnish with herbs and olives. The dish will sparkle with new colors.

Photo of a beautiful sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfish

Read also

It is difficult to imagine a festive home table without fish. It goes well with most cereals, vegetables and other products, provided it is properly presented to guests. Serving fish has a set of rules that you can follow to impress your guests.

Fish table basics

Special devices

In addition to the main appliances, when serving fish, additional ones are also required. The list of devices should include the following items:

  • A knife with a blunt blade, shaped like a spatula;
  • Fork with three prongs;
  • In rare cases, a fish fork may be shaped like crab claws. The middle prong is slightly deepened for easy separation of fish from bones;

Fish menu

It could be:

  • Salad, the main ingredient of which is fish;
  • Hot fish snacks;
  • Jellied dishes;
  • Assorted fish;
  • Varieties of fish caviar;

Successful serving of appetizers means almost complete success. If appetizers are served incorrectly or unoriginally, guests will not expect more at the subsequent stages of the table, and may refuse fish dishes.

Fish table setting

There are certain rules and tricks for decorating the table. It is his presentation that should make guests want to quickly taste this or that dish, at least because the table is beautifully decorated with fish products.

Sprats and canned food

Before serving sprats, they are cleaned, while removing the inedible head. After you put the fish on a plate at your discretion, you can decorate it with eggs, fresh or lightly salted cucumbers and cover with mayonnaise on top.

Canned fish

This type of seafood is transferred from cans to porcelain saucers or trays. For a more spectacular look, you can use lettuce leaves as bedding, as you would for any other fish cut. If there is oil, get rid of it. Of course, canned food can be in oil, but they should not float in it.

jellied fish

No experience here. It is the experience of cooking that will help you prepare the perfect dish with aspic fish, the highlight of which is the broth. By sticking to the right broth recipe, you can guarantee a successful aspic dish that will be hard to pass up.

Rules for serving fish

First meal

Almost any fish soup served after sprinkling with herbs, at the discretion of the hostess.;

Liquid dishes are served in a heated dish so that the soup is not cold;

Main courses

  • As a rule, you need to serve on the dishes on which the fish dish was prepared;
  • Before serving, the fish should be stored either in the oven or in a closed pan, but not in an open state. Before serving, leave it where it was prepared;
  • Baked dishes are usually served fresh from the oven. There is an exception where you can serve a baked dish, divided into portions right in the foil;


  • Fish cutting and dressing should be carried out immediately before serving, to preserve the freshness of the product. In no case do not cut fish into slices the day before the feast, or even several hours before. She may lose her taste;
  • Cold snacks should not be warmer than 10-15°C before you serve them to guests;
  • The number of servings on one dish should not exceed 10 pieces;

Wine with fish

Often, in addition to fish, wine is put on the table. There are no specific rules for choosing wine in combination with fish dishes. This choice is individual and should refer to the taste of the hostess or host. As a rule, red or pink dry wine is served with seafood.

In general, it is accepted that white wine should go with fish “in the kit”, but there are many exceptions here. Again, it all depends on the taste preferences of the hostess and on the audience of guests who will enjoy the dishes at your table.

Decoration of fish slices

The possibilities for the run-up of fantasy when decorating almost any fish dish are indescribably great. An important parameter for cutting individual slices is their size - it should be one bite. To prevent guests from getting their hands dirty when they take slices of fish with their hands, use skewers or toothpicks in the cut. To make the table a little brighter, just buy multi-colored skewers.

Compositions of different families of fish look spectacular on one vessel. Try to fit as many of the displayed fish colors as possible on one plate, such as a combination of white and red fish. When laying the slices, add vegetables traditional for fish: black olives, lemon slices, cut in an original way.

Small pieces of butter, in the form of thin petals, should be presented to guests for the opportunity to make a compact sandwich, covering the butter with a slice of red fish.

For a variety of fish dishes, some slices can be made in the style of flowers, while adding greens and other fish ingredients. It is important to remember that with a complex arrangement of products on a plate, they should not cause problems for guests to take them. They must always be available.

Serving fish is a rather laborious process that requires special attention and lots of time. But if your imagination is at a decent level, following certain rules for combining ingredients, you can create your own fish table, giving the impression of a creative hostess.

In order for the pieces of fish to turn out thin, it is better to freeze it a little first. And of course, in such a difficult task, one cannot cope without a sharp knife. It is better to divide the fish into two fillets, completely removing the backbone. When the bones are removed, the parts of the fish must be laid on the board with the skin down and begin to cut off thin plates with a knife at an angle of 20 degrees. You should not leave parts of the fillet on the skin, because it is here that the most delicious and fatty pieces are located.

If there is a fish steak for cutting, but it is very thick, then before serving it can be wrapped in cling film and placed in the freezer, and then cut into thin slices.

Frozen fish fillet does not fall apart when cut, the thickness can be adjusted, and the pieces are incredibly even, neat.

For a delicious fish platter, you can choose several types of product at once: salted, smoked, in oil, and even sprats. by the most in a simple way will cut into thin plastics all types of fish and beautifully distribute layers on a plate. Top cutting can be decorated with lemon slices, olives, various herbs.

With such a serving of fish cuts, each guest will be able to put a piece they like on their plate or make a sandwich. To do this, it is better to place sliced ​​​​bread and butter in a special container next to the fish platter.

Such thin plates can be laid on a plate or rolled out of them into roses, envelopes, rolls, which should be combined with olives, pickled onions, lemon and fresh vegetables, red caviar, even currants, lingonberries or cranberries. It turns out incredibly beautiful and appetizing.

Serving snacks in the form of canapes is very popular; for this, the fish must be cut into small squares and strung on a skewer. Pieces of fish can be combined with vegetables, lemon slices, shrimp.

When it is not possible to freeze the fish, you can simply cut it into small circles, while the backbone does not need to be removed. In addition, this method of cutting is appropriate when the fish is smoked, because in this case it is undesirable to expose it to low temperatures. Yes, and this method of serving will be appropriate if you plan to serve a side dish in the form of rice, baked potatoes with fish. Fresh greens and pickled onion will perfectly complement the picture.

But not only salted and smoked fish can be beautifully cut. A baked dish can also be served to the table quite in an unusual way. For example, if you bake a whole fish carcass, then before serving, you just need to cut the fish along the rings. At the same time, to make the serving more spectacular, it is worth inserting lemon slices, onion rings or vegetables between the chopped pieces of fish.