Famous Dungan people. Dungan, the origin of this people

(city of Bish-kek, north of Chui and Is-syk-Kul oblasts, Osh oblast), in the south-east of Kazakh-sta-na (Al- ma-Ata region and the city of Jam-bul) and the east-ke Uz-be-ki-sta-na (Fer-gan-skaya do-li-na).

The number in Kyrgyzstan is 58 thousand people, in Kazakh-sta-ne 36 thousand people, in Uz-be-ki-sta-ne 1.8 thousand people (2007, estimate). In Russia, 0.8 thousand people (2002, re-re-writing). They speak in the Dun-Gan language, race-pro-countries are also Kyrgyz, Kazakh, Uzbek, Ui-Gur, Russian languages. Believers - mu-sul-ma-ne-sun-ni-you ha-na-fit-ko-go maz-ha-ba.

Dungan - in a way-ki hu-hey, pe-re-se-liv-shih-xia in Central Asia and Ka-zakh-stan from China after the after-leaving of the Dun-gan-sko-go resurrection of 1862-1877. You-walkers from the province of Gan-su se-li-li first-at-first-but in the village of Yr-dyk near Ka-ra-ko-lom and in Osh; later, a part of the Osh Dungans moved to the north and os-no-va-la, the village of Dun-ga-nov-ka (now-not Jal-pak-Tyu-be) near the city of Aulie-Ata (now -not Ta-raz); you-go-tsy from the province of Shen-si po-se-li-lis in the sho-lah Ka-ra-ku-nuz (first-on-chal-but Yin-pan, literally - temporary la -ger) and Shor-Tyu-be on the right bank of the Chu River, opposite the city of Tok-mak; from the province of Xinjiang - in the village of Alek-san-d-rov-ka on the So-ku-luk river, the city of Jar-kent (dung-gan-skoe - Sa-myr, now not Pan-fi-lov), se-lah Chi-lik and Ili, near the city of Ver-ny (we are not Al-ma-Ata). At the beginning of the 20th century, the Dun-gan-sky po-syo-lok arose in the Sred-chir-chik region near Tash-ken-tom. In 1884, there were about 8.8 thousand people.

The main traditional occupation is pa-shen-noe, mostly rain-water, earth-le-de-lie. In Kazakh-stan and Kir-gi-zia, the Dungans introduced ri-so-vod-st-vo (dung-gan-sha-la variety) and vi-no-gra- gift-st-vo, in the Is-syk-Kul-sk kot-lo-vi-ne (Ka-ra-kol city) - bo-bo-vye and le-kar-st-ven-ny poppy, in Osh- skoy to-whether-not re-pri-nya-whether among the Uzbeks cotton-to-water-st-in; in all-me-st-but once-ve-something-sort-no-thing-st-in. Earth-lu about-ra-ba-you-va-li with a Chinese plow (shao lihua), when about-mo-lo-te use-pol-zo-va-li ka-men-ny 8-sided ka-tok (gun-za). Once-in-di-whether large horned cattle, poultry. Were there shi-ro-ko races-pro-countries from-those, shor-ny and other industries, in a middle-no-che-trade-la. Dun-gan slo-bo-dy arose in the cities of Ver-ny, Pish-pek, Jar-kent, Tok-mak, Ka-ra-kol, Osh, Au-lie-Ata .

Traditional in-se-le-niya re-gu-lyar-noy plan-ni-ditch-ki. Zhi-li-sche car-kas-noe cheese-tso-voe or stone-noe, otap-li-va-moose ka-nom (kon), ori-en-ti-ro-va-but you-ho -house to the south, had a male and a female in a lo-vi-well; com-na-you you-ho-di-whether on the roof-thu-thu-ruzh-ny ha-le-ray. Men's and women's clothes are close to the North-Chinese-Thai: right-in-for-pash-nye (men-ranks are also straight-for-stitched) ha -la-you and kurt-ki, shi-ro-kie pants, ma-ter-cha-tye shoes without cab-lu-ka; pre-ob-la-da-yut black and blue colors, women's clothes, yes uk-ra-sha-et-sya vy-shiv-koy. Headwear - so-lo-men hats, fur and howling hats. Mo-lo-dye wives-we-ho-di-li with not-on-the-roof-that head-howl, elderly but-si-li scarfs. Traditional food - cha-sche va-ryo-naya or p-go-to-flax-naya for a couple: noodles from wheat-nich-noy (la-myang), go-ro-ho -howl or bo-bo-howl mu-ki (fyn-tiao), rice with pre-pra-va-mi from meat and vegetables, pam-push-ki; in de-li-chie from the Chinese, Dungans upot-reb-la-yut fats. Also, pe-kut in the tan-dy-re of the middle-not-Asian-at-sky le-pesh-ki. They eat pa-loch-ka-mi, tra-pe-zu na-chi-na-yut from tea, lunch for-can-chi-wa-yut soo-pom.

In-se-le-niya Dungans about-ra-zo-you-va-whether castle-well-thye communities, managing-lying-sie-sya-bor-us-mi elders-shi-on- mi and ob-e-di-nyav-shie-sya in sa-mo-governing-scha-scha-sya-lo-ty. The decisive influence was the chosen Muslim spirit of the ho-ven-st: the imam, who performed the Friday divine service ; mu-dar-rsi - akhun, who taught children in the spiritual school; ha-tip-akhun, co-executing about-re-for-ing, etc. Until the middle of the 20th century, large families were preserved, in-li-gi-nia, complex sva-deb-rite (swa-to-st-vo, exchange as a gift-mi, de-vish-nick with op-la-ki-va-ni-em not- weight-you, sva-deb-ny train, ri-tu-al-naya wrestling and games with tre-bo-va-ni-em you-ku-pa, etc.; until 1930 s would-wa-lo minds-ka-nie). Women-schi-we-pol-zo-va-lis in the family av-to-ri-te-tom.

Modern area of ​​​​settlement and population

Total: 110000
Kyrgyzstan: 58409 () , 59994 ()

Kazakhstan: 51577 ()

Russia: 1651 ()

Language Religion Related peoples
traditional Chinese: 東干族
Simplified Chinese: 东干族
Dunganese name
Dungan: Huizu
Xiao"erjing: حُوِ ذَو
Romanization: Hueyzw
Hanzi: 回族

Dungan- people living in Kyrgyzstan, southern Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. There are also over 9.8 million Chinese-speaking Huizu Muslims in the PRC, who are often referred to as the same nationality. Dungans are descendants huizu, some of whom, like the more numerous Uighurs, moved to the territory of the Russian Empire in the 1880s after the defeat of the anti-Qing Dungan uprising in northwestern China. Dungan self-name in the modern Dungan Cyrillic script - huihui(cf. Chinese 回回), Huiming(Chinese 回民) "Hui people", lohuihui(Chinese 老回回) “venerable huihui" or җun-yan zhyn(Chinese 中原人, "People of the Central Plain"). Their language (see Dungan language) they call, respectively, "the language of the people hui"(dung. huizu yuyang; cf. whale. 回族语言) or "language of the Central Plains" ( Yun-yang hua, cf. whale. 中原话). In the USSR, during the process of national-state delimitation in Central Asia, initiated in 1924, the ethnonym Dungans, which had been used earlier in Russian literature, was chosen as the official name for Chinese-speaking Muslims. In inner China, this word was not known. In Xinjiang, it began to be used by the surrounding peoples as a name (but not a self-name) of those huizu, who were massively resettled from the provinces of Gansu and Shaanxi as military settlers - mainly in 1871 during the formation of the Ili Governor General with the center in Ghulja. According to one version, the word "Dungan" is of Turkic origin. According to another, recently proposed by Xinjiang University professor Hai Feng, the word dungan goes back to the Chinese word tunken(屯垦) - "military settlements of border lands", widespread in Xinjiang during its development by Qing China. In Chinese literature, words dongganren(东干人) "Dungan", dongganzu东干族 "nationality dungan» is used only in relation to the Dungans of the USSR / CIS countries.

One of the many restaurants in the Dordoi market in Bishkek advertising "Dungan cuisine"

Currently, the Dungans are most widely represented in the population of the Dzhambul region of Kazakhstan (about 40 thousand people; 36.9 thousand in all of Kazakhstan according to the 1999 census), as well as in northern Kyrgyzstan, where this people has approximately 55 thousand or 1 ,2% of the population of the republic (51,766 according to the 1999 census) According to the 2002 census, 800 Dungans live in Russia.

In the village of Milyanfan

Dungan in Kyrgyzstan

Notable Dungans

  • Masanchi, Magazy - a participant in the revolutionary movement, civil war, the struggle for the establishment of Soviet power in Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
  • Vanahun, Manzus - participant in the Great Patriotic War. The hero of the USSR
  • Maneza, Maya
  • Shivaza, Yasyr Dzhumazovich - Dungan Soviet writer
  • Chinshanlo, Zulfiya - Kazakhstani weightlifter, world and Olympic champion

The Dungans are the descendants of the Huizu, who belong to the Chinese ethnic group. This people lives on the territory of Central Asia. It has traditions and way of life similar to other Asian peoples. However, there are also some differences. A characteristic difference between the Dungans and the Chinese is that they profess Islam.


The Dungans are a small ethnic group compared to the Chinese. There are about 115,000 of them.

Where live

The Dungan settlement area is distributed as follows:

  • Kyrgyzstan: 60,000;
  • Kazakhstan: 51,000;
  • Russia: 1,600.

Also, some part of the Dungans is located on the territory of Uzbekistan.


Dungan belongs to the Chinese branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family. Writing was first conducted on the basis of Arabic characters, then in Latin, and later in Cyrillic.


The Dungan religion is Sunni Islam. These are very pious people who read the Quran. However, there are no religious fanatics among them.

Dungan mosque


The ethnonym "Dungan" has several versions of its origin. According to one of them, the term is a transformed Turkic word "turgan", which means "remaining". Legends say that the Dungans descended from the descendants of Tamerlane, who remained to live in China. Chinese researchers are considering a version of the origin of the term from the Chinese "tunken". It denoted the inhabitants of the lands bordering China, speaking their language.


Dungans have all the signs of the Mongoloid race. They have round faces with narrow slit eyes and full lips. Epicanthus is present. The nose of most representatives of the ethnic group is somewhat longer and larger than that of the Chinese. Compared to the latter, they have more muscular, strong figures. In men, there is vegetation on the face and body. Previously, it was customary to wear a beard and mustache. The skin is swarthy, like all Asians. The hair is black, straight, the girls braid it in braids. In general, the people are quite attractive.


The ethnogenesis of the Dungans is quite complex. Participated in the formation of the people Turkic peoples, Arabs Mongols, Chinese. There is a legend according to which the Chinese emperor called Arab warriors to protect his country from enemies. In order for them to live on his land, he gave them beautiful Chinese girls. They founded families with them, from which the Dungans went. Most historians adhere to this version, considering the Dungans to be descendants from the marriages of Persians and Arabs with Chinese women. It is believed that the Mongol Yuan dynasty influenced the formation of the ethnic group. The population of non-Mongol origin was called "semuzhen" - people with colored eyes. They included all descendants from mixed marriages. From this group, the Mongols recruited people to control Chinese subjects. This explains why subsequently there were many merchants, bankers, and managers among the Dungans. Semuzhen practiced Islam. After the end of the Yuan reign, the Chinese emperor established a law according to which the Mongol population was obliged to marry Chinese women. Thus, the Chinese language spread among them. However, the attempt of assimilation by the Chinese failed, since Islam was the greatest spiritual value for the Dungans.

The Hui people (Chinese name Dungan) are known to have participated in the uprisings that took place during the reign of the Qing Dynasty (mid-1800s). Fleeing from extermination, many representatives of the people fled to the territory of the Russian Empire. They settled in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. The Chinese emperor demanded to extradite the refugees, but was refused. The adoption of Russian citizenship caused some misunderstanding. The authorities banned early marriages, which were accepted among the Dungans, as well as the custom of having long hair in men. The Dungans have much in common with the culture of the Chinese, but their identity remains original.

A life

Traditionally, the Dungans were engaged in agriculture and gardening. Gardening and raising domestic animals are widespread among rural residents. Rice growing has long been an important branch of agriculture. Irrigation systems were used for fields, water distribution through dug canals. Wheat, barley, millet, beans, corn were grown. Cultivated pears, apple trees, apricots. Rice was sown by hand, after the seed germination, the plot was weeded. Rice fields filled with water. The field was divided into several sections, separated by boundaries. Rice and wheat were threshed in water mills. Sesame, flax, and cotton were grown as industrial crops. Oil was pressed out of them. Linen and cotton were used to make fabrics. There were such crafts as:

  1. Blacksmith craft.
  2. Carpet production.
  3. Pottery.
  4. Weaving, sericulture.
  5. Embroidery.
  6. Manufacturing jewelry.

Sericulture and cotton growing played an important role. Since ancient times, the Dungans have been familiar with weaving, methods of making silk fabrics, satin, poplin, cambric. The materials were dyed by hand with plant substances. After that, a pattern was applied by stuffing or stamping. Cotton fabrics were used to make underwear and lining fabric. Silk, satin, satin were used for elegant clothes. Pottery is a highly developed type of craft. Masters made dishes, vases, vessels for wine, covered with colored glaze. There were many pottery schools of different directions. Each master has his own art style. The predominant motifs were drawings of birds, animals, flowers. Images of pomegranate, peaches, apple blossoms were popular. Masters were also engaged in engraving of dishes, carving, stamping.

Jewelers made jewelry from gold, silver using precious stones. Used stones such as: ruby, turquoise, emerald. Pearls and corals were widely used. There was a division of labor according to certain types of jewelry. For example, there were masters of rings, earrings, bracelets. By order of wealthy people, jewelry was made for horse harnesses and military equipment. Stones trimmed the hilts of cold weapons, scabbards. Many types of women's jewelry were made: chest capes, pendants for the head, ears, nose, inserts for women's braids, voluminous necklaces. Precious stones were supplied from India, Iran, Russia.


Marriage unions among the Dungans were previously concluded at the choice of parents. There were early marriages, which is typical for Asians. Girls are not married to men of other faiths. But a Dungan man can marry a woman of another religion. Their children are raised as Muslims. The wedding ceremony begins with matchmaking, then they agree on the size of the kalym. The bride is provided with a rich dowry. At the wedding, not only relatives walk, but the whole village. The number of guests often reaches 500 people. The wedding lasts 3 days. A bachelorette party is arranged for the bride, where she says goodbye to her relatives. Then they go to the groom's house. There, young people are given gifts, congratulated, danced, and treated themselves to festive food. Modern Dungans celebrate their wedding with a mullah, and then register in the registry office according to Russian tradition.
Dungans celebrate traditional Muslim holidays. This:

  1. Ramadan. This is the holy month for Muslims during which fasting is observed. It starts at dawn and ends after sunset. Muslims consider this period a time of service to Allah.
  2. Eid al Adha. The holiday of breaking the fast is celebrated at the end of Ramadan.
  3. Eid al-Adha. Feast of the Sacrifice. Dedicated to the prophet Ibrahim, who remained faithful to religious beliefs. The most important and beloved Muslim holiday.
  4. Nowruz. This holiday has nothing to do with Muslim customs, but it is celebrated by many Asian peoples. This New Year according to the astronomical solar calendar. It is celebrated on the day of the spring equinox.


the National costume Dungan resembles Chinese clothing. The main elements of the men's suit: a white calico shirt without a collar, canvas harem pants. The shirts have a loose fit, long straight sleeves without cuffs. They are worn loose. A straight-cut caftan is put on top, which also lacks a collar. In the cold season, they wore quilted robes with a turn-down collar. The dressing gown has a wide shelf fastened with a side fastener. The clothes were girdled with a wide belt, which was tied at the back. Small hats with a round crown like a skullcap served as a headdress.

Women's clothing more varied. The girls also wore costumes consisting of bloomers and a short shirt with wide sleeves. The clasp was made on the side. The bottom of the sleeves, the collar were processed with colored ribbons. A sleeveless jacket with a deep neckline is put on top. Also among the Dungans, dresses in chinese style straight cut with stand-up collar. They have narrow sleeves. The clasp is traditionally done obliquely. The edge of the shelf is treated with braid or garus. Despite the simple cut, the dresses are very feminine, emphasizing the elegance of the female figure. Another type of dress has a robe-like cut. This is a loose-fitting garment with wide, collarless sleeves. The edges of the shelves are trimmed with wide ribbons of a contrasting color. The dress has a wide smell, fastens with hinged loops.

Elegant clothes were sewn from silk, satin, richly decorated with embroidery. Zoomorphic, plant patterns are widespread: birds sitting on branches, ducks, pomegranates, grapes, peonies, lotuses. These are symbols of wealth, longevity, love, fidelity. Especially a lot of embroidery on the clothes and shoes of the bride. It is all covered with symbols reflecting a happy life, well-being. On holidays, a shoulder decoration such as a cape is worn over the dress. It consists of several dozen decorative elements, decorated with embroidery and rhinestones. The cape covers the entire chest and shoulders of the girl, at the top it reaches the neck. Festive shoes are sewn from silk fabrics on a lining. Boots are decorated with applique, color patterns. The head is decorated with a hoop with pendants, flowers.


From time immemorial, rice has been the staple food of the Dungans. Also in the diet there are a large number of vegetables, there is meat, flour products. However, rice still remains the special, most important product of the Dungan cuisine. Often it is cooked without salt, boiled for a couple. Rice is placed in bowls, a side dish of vegetables and boiled meat are placed in the middle of the table. Prepared from vegetables spicy snacks like Chinese. Traditional types of vegetables are: carrots, beets, turnips, cabbage. In the second half of the 19th century, the cuisine was enriched with such products as sweet peppers, potatoes, eggplants, and tomatoes. Dungan cuisine uses a large amount of spices, just like Chinese cuisine. Onions, garlic, chili peppers, dill, celery, coriander, ginger, zira are widely used.

For the preparation of meat dishes, lamb, beef, poultry meat is used. Dungan vinegar is used as a marinade and an additive to dishes. He has dark shade, has a pungent odor. Flour products are served with rice and meat dishes. Dungan cuisine distinguishes 6 main types of dough. Some are kneaded in salt water with the addition of soda, others - in animal fat. Noodles, pies, pasties, as well as brushwood and other sweets are prepared from the dough. Popular Dungan dishes:

  1. Lagman. This is a thick fatty soup with meat, vegetables, noodles. There are many variations of its preparation. The ingredients are boiled in a large cauldron over an open fire. For a classic lagman, everything is cut into large pieces.
  2. Mampar. Soup with dumplings. The dish consists of a broth with potatoes, carrots, onions, in which pieces of dough are placed.
  3. Spicy eggplant. Young eggplants are boiled until soft, seasoned with vinegar, red pepper, olive oil.
  4. Khoshans. flour products, appearance reminiscent of deep-fried manti. Prepared from 2 types of dough. Unleavened is mixed with yeast, stuffed with chopped lamb meat and lard. Fried in oil.
  5. Funchoza with vegetables. Carrots, cucumbers, sweet peppers are cut into strips, mixed with olive oil, lemon juice, curry, soy sauce. Rice noodles are added to the ingredients. Add garlic, cilantro, sprinkle with sesame seeds on top.
  6. Alcoholic drinks are prohibited among the Dungans, this is dictated by the laws of Islam. Important role given to tea. Various types of tea are drunk with nuts, ginger, dried fruits, dates. There is an Asian recipe for tea with salt and milk.


Due to the fact that the Dungan ethnogenesis was strongly influenced by the Arab, Turkic, Mongolian peoples, a large number of names of various origins are common among this ethnic group. Traditional for Muslims are the names of the Prophet Muhammad and his associates. Also in use are the names of Arab caliphs. A lot of borrowings came from the Uighur, Chinese languages. A feature of the Dungan language is that it has a multitonality. In this case, the lexical system is based on the repetition of syllables. These features of the language make it possible to form a large number of names based on one source. When forming a derived name, the following rules are used:

  • doubling individual syllables;
  • adding a suffix to the word: -zy, -zhe, er. For example, Mamar means male name;
  • softening the name with a suffix. For example, woman's name Fatur is translated as Fatimochka.

From each original name, 20-30 derivatives were formed. Therefore, now there is a strong variety of modern names. For example, from the anthroponym Muhammad, such names are formed as: Mur, Mumuzy, Murdanza, Khava, Hager, Mayor. From the female Fatima there were such names as: Fafar, Famer, Mezhez, Meme, Fatur.

Distinguish between an honorary name and a small, or household name. The first is called "jinmin". It is given to a person according to Islamic norms and represents the main name. The small one is called "shchemir", as they call a family member in everyday life. Examples of shemir education:

  1. The name is given in honor of an event that occurred in a time period coinciding with the birth of a child: the birth or death of his relatives, family incidents, religious holidays.
  2. Boys can be assigned character traits, girls - the names of plants, animals, precious stones (Sanhu - coral, Shandan - lily).
  3. The naming according to the account of each born child is the second, third, fourth. At the same time, the first was simply called "son" or "daughter."
  4. Assigning a name by the name of the day of the week on which the child was born (if he was born from Thursday to Saturday, since these days are considered lucky).

Sometimes the child was given a negative name (a bad character trait, the designation of an animal that was considered evil, ugly). This was done in order to scare away evil spirits. The number of Dungan surnames is not so large. Their ancestors brought popular Chinese surnames: Lee, Dan, Ma. However, such reproduction is rare. More often there are 2-3-complex surnames. Often they consist of a root, to which a title or position is added. Modern Dungans may have Russian, European names.

Famous people

  1. Abdujalil Yunusov. Master of Sports of the USSR in the types of wrestling sambo, judo, champion of the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR in 1983, recognized as the best judoka in Kyrgyzstan.
  2. Maya Maneza. Weightlifter, playing for the national team of Kazakhstan. Born in Kyrgyzstan, lived in China for a long time. 2 times became the world champion, she is also the champion of Kazakhstan, the Asian Games in 2010.
  3. Zulfiya Chinchalo. A young athlete, Honored Master of Sports of Kazakhstan. 2 times won the title of world champion in weightlifting. She is also the champion of Kazakhstan, the silver medalist of the Asian Games in 2010 and the Olympic Youth Games in Singapore. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest athlete in the history of the championships.

The famous Dungan writer is Shivaza Yasyr. He participated in the Great Patriotic war, awarded with orders and medals. Wrote several novels, many poems about wartime people. Manzus Vanakhun is a Hero of the Soviet Union for participating in the Battle of Kursk during the Second World War.


Travelers and researchers describe the character of the Dungans as bold and resolute. Men are quick-tempered, they can violently sort things out. The Chinese consider them evil and vengeful. Perhaps this is a consequence of the long-term enmity between these two peoples. Dungans are distinguished by endurance and perseverance. They have a desire for a goal, good businessmen and managers come out of their midst. They are very sociable people who love fun, noisy companies.

In shaping this Russian people religion played a decisive role. Descendants of Arabs and Chinese, the Dungans were deeply religious Muslims - and this is in the middle of Confucian-Taoist China! Thanks to the Russian Empire, the Dungans were saved from extermination.

The remaining

The main place of residence of the Dungans are the former Central Asian republics of the USSR - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. In Russia, according to the 2010 census, there are more than 1600 representatives of this people. The closest relatives of the Dungans - Huizu - live in their common historical homeland - in China, which almost all Dungans left in the second half of the 19th century.

There are several legends about the origin and appearance of the Dungan in China. The most romantic one says that one day the Chinese emperor dreamed of a monster that tried to kill him. Only a young man in green clothes could defeat him. In this figure, interpreters saw a symbol of Islam, which was supposed to protect the emperor and his country from enemies. Then the ruler invited three thousand Arab warriors, and in order to keep them, he married beautiful Chinese women. The mass wedding took place according to the canons of Islam, but taking into account local traditions, and Dungans came from these marriages.

A more severe version of the legend claims that the Arab warriors themselves came to Chinese soil and took the most beautiful girls, taking advantage of the fact that no one was able to stop them. However, no matter how the authors of the legends evaluate the kinship with foreign Arabs, everyone recognizes its very fact.

There is no unambiguous version of the origin of the name of the people. Some researchers believe that it is connected with the Turkic word "turgan" - "remaining". Others are sure that it appeared when the Dungans moved to Russia and said that they came from the east, and this, supposedly, sounds like "Dungan" in one of the Chinese dialects. In any case, the people received this name already in Central Asia. The Dungans themselves used the self-name "hoy-hoy" - "Muslim". They were also called by the Chinese.

Shortage of brides

The path of the Dungans to the Russian Empire was associated with tragic events. In 1862 - 1877, this people raised an uprising, which was severely suppressed by the Chinese authorities. Fleeing from extermination, they fled under the protection of Russia. It is known from historical documents that the Chinese authorities demanded that the Russians extradite the fugitives, but were refused. The Russians, as always, came to the defense of the unfortunate and disadvantaged people.

However, the new place was not without problems and misunderstandings. For example, the Dungans were forbidden to marry in early age(in China they could start marriages from the age of 10), and for men to wear a long Chinese braid. The Dungans resisted these prohibitions with their inherent harshness and irascibility, they could threaten them with weapons. the Russian Empire received very emotional and not very law-abiding subjects.

However, no matter how persistent the Dungans were, in the new place they had to partially change their way of life. They did get married later. But this was connected not only with the requirements of the authorities, but with demographic situation. In the Central Asian lands where they moved, there were fewer women than men, and the size of the bride price increased significantly. Not everyone could collect such a sum quickly. Because of this, the Dungans began to marry not only their own, but also local girls and lamented that the "Russian" wedding costs them much more.

According to ancient customs

The wedding ceremony of the Dungans takes place according to ancient customs. It was always preceded by matchmaking, the exchange of gifts, a bachelorette party and the mourning of the bride. During the celebration itself, a ransom was demanded for the girl, various ritual games and wrestling took place. Almost until the middle of the 20th century, the Dungans also practiced bride kidnapping. Polygamy was allowed, however, as well as divorce (albeit for a good reason).

In the Dungan family, a woman enjoyed authority and walked with an open face. Unmarried women could not cover their heads at all. Girls were taught to read and write on a par with boys, studied Islam, the Arabic alphabet. Children from an early age were taught to unquestioningly obey adults in everything. The older man is the undoubted head of the family.

In general, Dungans are distinguished by their love for cleanliness and order. They zealously follow the rules of hygiene, eat a lot of vegetables, so they can be safely called adherents healthy lifestyle life. Back in the 19th century, researchers noted that Dungans differ from their neighbors in good health and longevity.

Unifying lagman

One more distinguishing feature people, noticed by all ethnographers, is a special reverence for food. Dungans love to cook and eat. They have many traditions and rituals associated with food.

So, the future mother-in-law will approve the candidacy of the bride only when she is convinced of her ability to cook. On the fourth day after the wedding, the spouse's parents go to the newlyweds with gifts - four bundles of noodles, meat and vegetables. From all this, you immediately need to prepare a lagman. It is believed that one of the most terrible insults for a Dungan woman is to call her a bad cook and housewife.

Dungans cook food only in a separate room - "zhuefon". It is necessary to observe almost surgical cleanliness there. Unwashed dishes are by no means put aside for the morning: they compare it with the dead, who was not buried and left at home.

The basis of Dungan cuisine- noodles, rice, meat and vegetables. There are six main types of test only, which are also divided into subspecies. Dungans are very fond of tea and start any meal with it, and end with soup. It is strictly forbidden to knock chopsticks loudly or clink spoons while eating: this can scare away wealth. The owner of the house cannot be the first to leave the table, and the guest cannot refuse food after tasting it. Dungans also keep sweets brought from the holidays: according to legend, they attract happiness to the house.

Almost a cult dish for Dungans is lagman. They claim that it was their people who made this dish popular all over the world, and its name comes from the Dungan word "lyumyan" or "lamyan" - "stretched dough". One of the favorite legends of this people is just about the appearance of a lagman: three hungry travelers who met by chance simply threw into the wok what everyone had - flour, dried meat, radish and spices. The resulting dish allegedly liked the nobleman who came by so much that he rewarded them. Since then, the travelers have been friends who do not know poverty.

Today, the Dungans cook lagman both on weekdays and on holidays, and he again unites them at one common table.

Maria Andreeva

Faces of Russia. "Living Together, Being Different"

The multimedia project "Faces of Russia" exists since 2006, talking about Russian civilization, the most important feature of which is the ability to live together, remaining different - such a motto is especially relevant for the countries of the entire post-Soviet space. From 2006 to 2012, within the framework of the project, we created 60 documentaries about representatives of different Russian ethnic groups. Also, 2 cycles of radio programs "Music and songs of the peoples of Russia" were created - more than 40 programs. Illustrated almanacs have been released to support the first series of films. Now we are halfway to creating a unique multimedia encyclopedia of the peoples of our country, a picture that will allow the inhabitants of Russia to recognize themselves and leave a picture of what they were like for posterity.


DUNG'AN, Dungan (Turkic), Lohui, Lohuihui, Hui (self-name), people in Kazakhstan (30.2 thousand people), Kyrgyzstan (36.9 thousand), a small part in Uzbekistan (1106 people). In Russia, Ingushetia, 635 people. The total number is over 69.3 thousand people. They speak the Dungan language of the Sino-Tibetan family. Russian, Kyrgyz, Kazakh and other languages ​​are also widespread. Writing based on the Russian alphabet. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

According to the 2002 census, the number of Dungans living in Russia is 1 thousand people. Number in Russia according to the 2010 census. - 1 thousand 651 people.

The Dungans are descendants of the Hui who migrated to Kazakhstan and Central Asia in the late 70s - early 80s of the 19th century from the Chinese provinces of Shaanxi, Gansu and Xinjiang, fleeing the persecution of the Manchu-Chinese authorities after the suppression of the liberation uprising of 1862-77. On the new lands, the Dungans settled in compact groups according to the compatriot principle: in Kazakhstan, in the villages of Karakanuz and Shortyube, the Shaanxi (immigrants from the Shaanxi province), in Kyrgyzstan, in the village of Yrdyk, the Gansu (Gansu province), in the village of Aleksandrovka on the Sokuluk River, the Xinjiang. Initially, there was almost no communication between them; regional differences in culture and endogamy persisted for a long time. By the 30s of the 20th century, a literary language was formed.

The main occupations are agriculture (irrigated rice growing, vegetables), animal husbandry (mainly cattle), poultry farming, part of the Dungan is engaged in trade and industry. The Dungans had a beneficial effect on the development of agriculture among the neighboring Turkic peoples.

The family is small, but traditions are strong big family, kinship and compatriot ties. In the past there was polygamy.

Settlements of a regular layout. traditional dwelling frame-pillar construction (walls made of raw brick or stone) or adobe, multi-chamber, with access from the rooms to a covered outdoor gallery. A characteristic feature was a heated couch (kan) in the bedroom. They slept on it, ate, sitting at a low table.

Traditional men's and women's clothing is similar in cut: a swing jacket, fastened on the right side, and wide trousers. Women's clothing is decorated with embroidery. Cloth shoes.

Food - predominantly flour (long flour and starch noodles, rice porrige etc.) and vegetables seasoned with meat (beef, lamb, chicken). For frying, vegetable oils are most often used. Numerous snacks and sweet dishes. Many types of food are steamed, boiled is preferred. Meals begin with tea, dinner ends with soup. They eat with chopsticks. They consume a lot of pepper, garlic, onion, vinegar, etc.

Preserved ethnoscience, rich folklore (traditions, fairy tales).

In the 20th century, ties with other peoples grew significantly. Forms have received significant distribution modern culture which is reflected in the transformation of housing, clothing, food, family organization. National literature and intelligentsia were formed.

A.M. Reshetov


There is always brushwood under the big tree

Is it possible to start acquaintance with a whole people not from songs, fairy tales, myths and legends, but from something else? For example, from the kitchen, that is, from the art of cooking.

Of course it is possible. After all, it is not by chance that someone said: show me how you cook food, and I will tell you who you are.

So, Dungans cook food in a separate room called "Juefon"

(translated from Dungan: fire-room). Crockery, utensils, each item has its own specific place. Starting cooking, the hostess should put on an apron, a scarf on her head, and wash her hands thoroughly.

Wash your hands up to the elbows

From this action, often repeated, apparently, the Dungan proverb was born: “Shi shu shchido zhu”, which means “Wash your hands up to the elbows”.

The kitchen is constantly kept clean and tidy. For a Dungan woman, it is an insult if she is called untidy and inept in cooking.

Previously, when choosing a bride for her son, the mother first of all learned about the girl's ability to cook. Only after making sure that the future daughter-in-law knows how to cook well, matchmakers were sent to her.

Dungans never leave unwashed dishes overnight. They compare it to a dead man lying at home, not buried.

To get rid of insects, Dungans do not resort to conventional chemicals. To do this, they use various spices and aromatic substances. For example, the smell of fresh celery repels flies. They also do not sit on meat if it is anointed with cottonseed oil.

Food in Dungan families is taken at a low square table around which eight people can be accommodated. Mandatory table setting items are chopsticks - cuesas (instead of spoons and forks), a tea bowl, as well as condiment appliances. After the end of the meal, the table is placed on the edge with its front side to the wall. Cooking usually begins with the preparation and primary processing of products.

Primary processing includes: selection, cleaning, washing and cutting. Products are cut into thin strips, slices, cubes, squares, plastics, small pieces. According to Dungan culinary specialists, products that are unevenly cut in thickness and length will either overcook during heat treatment or will not be brought to readiness. Such a dish, of course, will not be tasty and nutritious.

Some types of products require additional processing. For example, to remove bitterness, celery stalks are poured with boiling water, cooled, cut, and only then fried. When cutting products, there should be as little waste as possible. An experienced hostess will always accurately determine the right amount of products for preparing the dish she has chosen.

Dungan food is predominantly flour (long flour and starch noodles, rice porridge) and vegetables with spices from meat (beef, lamb, chicken). For frying, vegetable oils are most often used. Numerous snacks and sweet dishes. Many types of food are steamed. Dungans prefer boiled. Meals begin with tea, dinner ends with soup. They eat with chopsticks. Cakes are broken by hands.

From an ethnographic point of view, the study of traditional nutrition, which is the most stable element material culture, opens up the possibility of giving more complete description people and restore many pictures of the culture of the past, including traditional activities, religious beliefs, interethnic relations and much more.

The Dungans are primordial farmers and are known as wonderful gardeners, rice growers and grain growers. The Dungan tradition of growing horticultural crops continues to this day.

Dungans plant traditional vegetables, spices and spices, hot and sweet peppers, eggplants, radishes, carrots, onions, garlic, tomatoes, large red radishes (which retain their taste for up to one week), kohlrabi, celery, various varieties of legumes and beans, cabbage , tomatoes and much more. Germinated soybeans - du-lauz - can also be attributed to vegetables.

Modern medicine has proven that germinated beans, like wheat, contribute to the rejuvenation of the body, prolong youth and life. Dungans also grow pumpkins, watermelons, melons, including small Dungan melons - liguase. The list of spices is also impressive: sesame, dill, cumin, coriander, cloves.

I wonder how the theme of food, getting food, was reflected in fairy tales or legends? Or, even more broadly, the topic of making money for a living. It turns out that such fairy theme is explored in detail in the fairy tale "Precious Stone".

Everyone knew the lumberjack boy

There once lived a poor woman with her only son. The boy was fifteen years old. Every day he went to the forest for firewood. He will chop, load on his back as much as he can carry, and go to the market. He sells firewood, buys food and every little thing with the proceeds, and returns home. So they lived with their mother. Everyone knew the lumberjack boy.

One day the boy, as usual, went to the forest to cut wood. Suddenly he sees that some outlandish stone lies on the ground. The boy had never seen anything like it. He picked up the stone and put it in his pocket. Then he chopped a large bundle of firewood, took it to the market, sold it, bought some food and returned home. He pulled out a stone from his pocket and threw it into the chest where they kept the flour. There was very little flour - at the bottom. The boy had supper and went to bed.

In the morning my mother got ready to knead the dough. She opened the chest and gasped. The chest was filled to the brim with flour, and some strange stone lay on top. Mother says:

- Hey, son, when did you manage to bring so much flour?

The son replied: - I brought quite a bit, just enough to eat once.

The mother says again: “How about once, if the box is filled to the top with flour?”

The boy was very surprised, went up to the box, looked - the box was indeed full of flour. And on the flour lies a strange stone, which he found in the forest.

The boy began to think: “Where did so much flour come from? After all, I bought quite a bit with the money that I got from selling firewood. Maybe this stone is magic? Well, I'll try it one more time!"

The boy did not say a word to his mother, took the stone and put it in his purse. The next day he opened his wallet, looks - it is full of money. Then the boy realized that the stone he found was not simple, but working miracles.

The boy ran to his mother and told her everything. The poor woman did not want to believe at first, but when she saw the purse, she no longer doubted. She took the stone and put it in the chest, where the only precious thing was kept - a golden bracelet. The next day, the woman opened the chest and gasped again - the chest was filled with gold bracelets.

From that day on, mother and son no longer knew the need and lived in abundance. They built a high spacious house, brought horses, cows, sheep, chickens and ducks.

Soon the rumor that the lumberjack boy had become rich reached the county chief, and he lost his peace. He thought: “Maybe this boy found a magic stone somewhere or robbed someone? No, he is still young to rob, this year he turned only fifteen. Every day he went to the forest, where he probably found a magic stone and got rich with it. But why on earth would this beggar own a magic stone? The stone must belong to me!”

Deciding so, the chief took the guards with him and came to the house of the lumberjack boy. There he began to vilify him in every possible way, threatening him with death if the boy did not give up the magic stone. But the boy was not afraid and did not give the head of the stone. The chief decided to take the stone by force, then the boy quickly put it in his mouth. The chief tried to pull the stone out of his mouth, and the boy inadvertently swallowed it.

The chief was furious and ordered the guards to beat the stubborn. But no matter how much the guards beat the boy, he did not feel pain, he was only tormented by thirst. The guards beat the boy for so long that they got tired. Then the chief himself began to beat him. The mother rushed to him to protect her son, but the guard knocked her to the ground with one blow. Realizing that he could not get the magic stone, the chief with the guards returned to their residence (yamyn).

Meanwhile, the boy was becoming more and more thirsty, and he kept asking his mother for water. I drank a cup of water - I didn't get drunk. Drained the bucket - again did not get drunk. Then he ran out into the street, ran to the river, lay down on the edge of the bank and began to drink. He drank half the river and suddenly felt that his body was lengthening.

Gradually the boy turned into a dragon. The mother saw everything, rushed to her son crying and clasped his leg with both hands. This leg is still human.

Suddenly it got dark, thunder boomed, lightning flashed and rain poured down. The dragon boy looked at his mother for the last time, soared into the sky and flew straight to where the county chief was resting at that time, surrounded by guards. The dragon struck them all to death with lightning.

So a simple lumberjack boy turned into a dragon and took revenge on the county chief, who brought a lot of grief and suffering to poor people.

Serious story to say the least. Her moral is clear: don't conceive of someone else's, otherwise it will be worse anyway. The only pity is that the dragon, after getting even with the offenders, did not turn back into a lumberjack boy. We assume that this will happen in three or five hundred years. In the meantime, we will play or watch the games played by the Dungans.

We play with dolls, but by the rules

ABOUT national characteristics Dungans can be recognized by watching what games they play. Dungans have many different folk games both for children and adults. Many of them not only serve as entertainment, but also have an important educational value, promoting physical and mental development children. Some games are in the nature of sports.

Small children, especially girls, often play with dolls (faguner, bezhajar). Dolls are made of fabric, stuffed with cotton. Interestingly, in the summer, dolls with braids are made from corn on the cob. Playing with dolls is accompanied by the arrangement of fragments of broken dishes. Thus, children depict the reception and refreshment of guests. Of course, children in such games imitate adults. In fact, they copy how adults greet guests, what words they invite to the table, how they start a treat, how they see off guests.

“Ge bynbyn” is a game of untying (drawing up) figures from threads. Both children and adults are fond of this game. What do you need to play? A thread is taken - for children up to approximately 90-100 cm long, and for adults - 150-160 cm. Its ends are connected. Several people can participate in the game, but usually only two are involved in it. The loser is the one who failed to make the desired figure.

The game starts like this. The knitted thread is wrapped on the palms of the right and left hands once, and then the winding is pulled with the middle fingers and a figure called “ma tso” is obtained - a horse feeder.
The second player makes a “cuesa” figure from a thread - chopsticks. Then, from the cuesa, a "dunio" is obtained - a hanging feeder. From the "melon" is made "nu nyanshchin" - the eyes of a cow. Etc.

In this game, there is also a draw. Players can repeat the same figures several times. But keep in mind that when a “shuzy” figure, which means “saw”, is formed, the game is suspended, because this figure is a sign of a draw. The game of untying figures is a favorite pastime of Dungan girls. But boys can also take part in it.

A popular game among Dungan girls is also the game of pebbles "shuazyr" (grabbing pebbles). The game requires five round pebbles no larger than a pigeon's egg. Several tricks are used in the game, for example: double grip, triple grip, three-one grip, half grip, and also grasping of scattered pebbles. And this is not a complete list of all game options.

"Foot shuttlecock" is the most favorite game of Dungan boys and young men. The shuttlecock was usually made from a Chinese coin with a hole for a wool attachment. There are several tricks in this game. For example, giving a shuttlecock with one foot is “dan”, playing with two legs is “background”, tossing a shuttlecock with bouncing is “le”. There are also more complex techniques: “ta”, “ti” and “zhyan”.

Among the Dungans, the master of this game is the one who, without letting the shuttlecock fall to the ground, performs all the tricks. During the game, you must loudly count the number of tosses (tosses).

We launch a kite into the sky

In the spring, the Dungans usually launch a kite into the sky (fynza background). In the Dungan settlements there were great craftsmen for the manufacture of various shapes kites. So, in the village of Milyanfan in the Kant region (Kyrgyzstan) lived the venerable old man Nasyr Lokhan (he died in 1970 at the age of 101). He was known as a great craftsman. He superbly made complex wukun (centipede) kites.

Haste in creating kites was not welcome, because real craftsmen already made blanks for their air toys in the fall. Women also participated in this process: they prepared special threads from hemp.
According to the stories of Dungan old men, many craftsmen used specially made bamboo tubes to determine the time of launching a kite.

It was done like this: a bamboo tube with a length of no more than 25 cm per quarter is dug into the ground in some non-residential premises. Then they take the fluff of the bird, put it inside the tube and watch when the fluff flies out of the tube.

When she flies out, it is believed that the ground steam has overcome the winter draft and "left her embrace." Then the Dungan masters loudly notify everyone that the time has come to launch the kite.

In the past, in the Dungan villages and urban suburbs, there were specialists - craftsmen who made kites for sale, therefore early spring you could buy them. In some places, this tradition continues to this day.

The Dungans used dozens of forms of kites, for example: mynlyr, which means "door curtains", sykuar - "square", malar - "dragonfly", bagar - "parrot", huter - "butterfly", Ba won - "prince Ba with a banner on the back", wukun - "centipede", moon - "dragon".

"Finza background" (launching a kite) was a real holiday for the Dungan peasants, entertainment and mass game on the eve of spring field work before the working year.

But not only kites are launched by the Dungans into the sky. On the ground, many Dungans go in for sports. Before the revolution, the Dungans had a popular national wrestling, which was arranged on the occasion of some holiday. In contrast to the modern sports "outfit", according to the older Dungans, the wrestlers wore a strong short jacket tied with a belt. The lower part - harem pants with free wide short legs. Simple but tasteful!

During the competition, wrestlers have the right to take hold of the upper part of the clothing and belt, as well as clasp the limbs and torso of the opponent. Undercuts and footboards can also be used. In this regard, Dungan wrestling is very similar to freestyle wrestling, but differs from it in that wrestling is allowed only while standing.

If the body touches the ground with three points and any point of the body above the knee, then defeat is defended.

In addition to this type of wrestling, demonstration performances by masters in mastering various combat techniques (schyan gunku, wushy dechuan) were organized in the Dungan settlements. These techniques were divided into five groups: 1) possession of the head, 2) fingers, 3) fists, 4) body, 5) legs. According to the stories of the Dungans, there used to be even special people who taught children and young men various methods of self-defense and attack. Some of these techniques were kept in great secret.

Completing short story about the Dungan people, I would like to add a few more important touches to the "collective portrait". Among the Dungans you will never meet alcoholics, very few smokers. They have a strong family authority. Everyone knows everything about each other. A family clan can have up to 30 thousand people among the Dungans!

Dungans have a great future. Families are healthy, all men are athletes, many have higher education. In the third millennium, we will hear more than once about the Dungans. About their victories and achievements. Now there are about 25 million Dungans in the world who are healthy in soul, mind and body.