Life in the Celestial Empire through the Eyes of a Ukrainian Woman: Chinese Beauty. How to distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese and a Korean Are European faces popular in China?

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Even if you have been to China, love the local cuisine or learn the language, you hardly have a clear idea of ​​the intricacies of the Celestial Empire. Why do the Chinese have a long nail on the little finger? Why can't stick chopsticks in rice? Do the Chinese consider themselves educated? And what, after all, is it that a girl wears a cleavage?

Editorial website shares the truths that must be studied before a trip to the Middle Kingdom, gleaned from the writer and traveler Alexei Vinokurov, as well as from personal experience life in exile.

1. We've all heard that heaven rewards. Chinese family the birth of a boy and mock her by sending her a girl. This attitude may still be alive in some provinces, but in large cities, the gender of the child is not so dramatic. But still patriarchy is strong in china: the older generation is still inclined to see in a woman first of all a housewife and wife, and many fathers are prejudiced against the desire of modern daughters to receive higher education (God forbid, also abroad) and actively build a career.

2. Chinese men love to take care of themselves and do not hide it. Again, this applies primarily to the younger generation. Guys willingly use all sorts of perfumes, make trendy styling and haircuts, dye their hair and carefully think through their wardrobe. There is an opinion that the Chinese borrowed the growing desire for a “male aesthetic” from South Korea known for its cult of beauty. The difference between the Chinese of the old and the new generation is sometimes simply amazing: mature men rarely bother with the choice of clothes, not to mention the rest of the details of the men's toilet.

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3. What is the reason for such drastic changes in the appearance of the Chinese? It's simple: appearance is the first thing that declares your well-being, and high income is the blue dream of a true Chinese. And in fact, this is what unites Chinese fathers and children. Is it under the influence European culture young people strive to have a relief figure, and a mature Chinese will never hesitate to flaunt his solid belly: let everyone around know that he eats well and can afford to get fat.

4. Long nail on the Chinese little finger often causes bewilderment among Europeans, but it is extremely transparent for his compatriots: this is another way to show others that you are not the person who is used to earning a living by hard physical labor. No, no, no, his everyday life passes with comfort, he knows his own worth and, in general, intelligence is his main working tool.

5. The obscene antics of all non-Chinese are treated condescendingly and maybe even a little condescendingly: "Western" behavior, what to take from him. By the way, deep cleavage here is considered a much greater manifestation of debauchery than a short skirt. Just like bright makeup. The Chinese women themselves do not make up at all or use a minimum of cosmetics.

6. Raised western people or not, they are without a doubt very beautiful. Because they are fair-skinned and big-eyed. Nationality does not matter, the main thing is that you have a clear “European” appearance, which means, according to the Chinese, you could easily show off on the cover of some fashion magazine.

7. It can be difficult for a Westerner to keep his HR within reason when in China. And it's not just that you are considered a written handsome man. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, in principle, are very generous with compliments.: yes, if your lexicon is limited to the carefully pronounced "Nihao!" (“Hello!”), you will certainly be told that you have a chic Chinese. Also, you are stylishly dressed. And this hairstyle really suits you.

8. For the dark-skinned nations, the Chinese have their own terminology. If you speak the local language, don't be surprised to hear the expression "coffee people". However, speaking about your dark-skinned acquaintance, think about whether he is a coffee person or still more of a chocolate person.

9. The Chinese love to drink and, perhaps, even know how. For the most part, preference is given to beer, which is bought immediately in boxes for any celebration. By the way, alcohol and cigarettes are freely sold here even to teenagers. At the same time, you will hardly meet a drinking or smoking child here: it seems that the local underage youth does not even think of arranging drunken revels and using such indulgences of the law.

10. In continuation of the previous point: be mentally prepared for the fact that with ease you can meet a child of any age in a bar. No, of course he didn't come to blow off some steam after screwing up a math test. It's just that his parents are gathering here today with relatives or friends. And yes, once again: Chinese children show no interest in alcohol.

11. Another example of an unknowable oriental miracle is found on the roads of the Middle Kingdom: the rules are regularly violated, and the pedestrian is practically not considered a participant traffic, but the number of accidents is ridiculously low. Chinese drivers manage to pass, brake and maneuver exactly at the second when it is necessary. It seems to be passed down genetically.

12. Ordinary Chinese rarely speak English or on any other foreign language. The exception may be students, staff of expensive hotels or residents of mega-progressive cities like Hong Kong. With the rest, get ready to communicate with gestures.

13. You can smoke everywhere. Though choosing noodles in the store.

14. A delicate but important moment: paper in a public toilet(if there is one) it is worth looking in advance somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwashbasins and right before you get into the booth. This applies to the vast majority of Chinese establishments.

15. It is better to refrain from touching The Chinese don't like it. Handshakes are accepted only by those who are used to working with foreigners and familiar with their culture. If a business card is handed to you, try to take it and put it as carefully as possible: the business card symbolizes a person, and it must be respected.

16. Accepting an invitation from a Chinese, say, for lunch or even stay in his city for a few days, keep in mind: he intends to pay for you. To argue with him means to challenge his right to be a hospitable host and, in general, do not give a damn about the soul. It is better to praise his efforts and generosity in every possible way and show sincere gratitude.

17. Going to a typical Chinese gastronomic establishment, remember: there are no forks and never will be. Even if eating with chopsticks is an ordeal for you, never do the following:

  • Don't stick chopsticks in rice (unless you're at a funeral).
  • Do not scatter chopsticks on the table - this is a disaster.
  • Do not poke chopsticks at a neighbor during a conversation - this is an insult.
  • Do not tap your teeth or your cup with chopsticks - extremely bad form.
  • Do not take food with the reverse ends of the chopsticks (it is difficult to confuse, but still).
  • Do not prick food with one chopstick.
  • It's relatively acceptable, but extremely amateurish, to pierce food (such as a dumpling) with your chopsticks in an attempt to finally get it to your mouth.

No matter how much you suffer during such a feast, remember that your heroic attempts are eaten as expected. decent person deeply impress your Chinese acquaintances.

18. Many consider the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire to be extremely impolite, and this is understandable: they constantly push, climb out of line, push through and generally behave as if there are no other people around. Forget your apologies and accept that the Chinese behind you in line will find it very convenient to lean on you. They themselves comment on this as follows: “Yes, we know that such behavior seems rude to foreigners, but they have never lived in a country with such a large population. There are too many of us; you will never get a seat on the bus or a good job if you think about how to be polite.” Well, it's hard not to believe them and not sympathize when you see a photo of an entrance exam to an art school like this.

We are convinced that those who love China and often go there could make their own list of things that must be studied before traveling to this amazing country. Some rules may work for the north of the Celestial Empire or for megacities, but are rarely found in the south or in the provinces. We have tried to collect the most versatile points for you and are waiting for stories from your personal travel experience in the comments!

Hello, dear readers - seekers of knowledge and truth!

Most Europeans often have difficulty in correctly determining the national identity of an Asian. Chinese, Japanese , Koreans, Thais, Vietnamese - it seems that they are all almost "on the same face."

But this is only at first glance. If you look closely, they are very different. We have already written about. And today we will find out together how the Chinese differ from the Koreans. The article below will tell us about their differences in appearance, style, language and manners, and hopefully it will help not to confuse the Chinese Lee with the Korean Kim)


China is a multinational country with more than fifty different ethnic groups. All of them are considered Chinese, but outwardly they can be very different from each other. This is the main difficulty in our difficult business. However, it is possible to distinguish common features, which are inherent in representatives of different countries.

The Chinese are the owners of a round face shape with wide cheekbones and a slightly flattened nose. Their eyes are larger than those of Koreans, slightly rounded and seem to bulge. Other Asians even sometimes compare them to fish because of the structure of their eyes.

The lips are not voluminous, but the lower lip is usually fuller. The hair is straight, and in hairstyles preference is given to simplicity and conservatism.

Koreans have a more “square” face, flat, with the same “square” cheekbones, which are quite clearly defined and are high. Their noses are thinner, and their eyes narrower. They are more likely to have a hanging eyelid.

The lips of Koreans are thinner than those of the Chinese. Often you can meet among them happy owners of slightly wavy hair, which are not so many among Asian residents.

If you see an Asian in front of you with a reference appearance, as if he had stepped off the cover of a magazine, then there are 9 out of 10 chances that this is a Korean.

People in Korea are downright "obsessed" with their appearance, they are so willing to meet international beauty standards that they are even ready to go under the surgeon's knife, and more than once.

Korea breaks records plastic surgery. Eyelid surgery here is the most desired gift from parents for coming of age, graduation, graduation. There were cases when the appearance of young people and girls changed so much that they became completely different from the photographs in the documents.

You can also distinguish Chinese from Koreans by skin color - among the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, it is darker. That is why the Chinese do not sunbathe, but in stores they sweep whitening creams off the shelves, and they appear on the beach in swimsuits that even cover their faces.

However, all Asians have a cult of whiteness, therefore, on the basis of skin color, only a person who distinguishes shades very well can distinguish them.

It is believed that Koreans are distinguished by their tall stature and small hands.

For convenience, you can list the external features that one and the other have.


  • round face;
  • Round eyes;
  • wide cheekbones;
  • wide nose;
  • plump lower lip;
  • darker skin tone.


  • "square face";
  • "square" high cheekbones;
  • narrow eyes;
  • narrow nose;
  • thin lips;
  • bright skin;
  • possible "plastic";
  • high growth.


The Chinese can also be distinguished from the Koreans by their clothes. The former do not attach much importance to how they look and what they are wearing. Or their sense of style fails.

It is often said that the Chinese are careless in their clothes, they can appear on the street in home clothes, and wardrobe items sometimes do not match at all in color and style. Also, according to our personal observations, the Chinese dress more colorfully compared to the Japanese and Koreans. It is easy to recognize by clothes that this is a mass-market product or simply consumer goods.

Even Chinese fashionistas don't pay much attention to style. They often choose comfortable casual clothes with a claim to the classics: trousers, shirts, jackets. And, not always from one suit.

Koreans, on the other hand, are more selective in their clothes and like to show off new outfits. They choose products of more famous and expensive brands.

Residents of Korea are not afraid to stand out from the crowd, although the whole crowd mostly looks stylish and tasteful. Girls dress quite catchy: extreme mini, heels, bright colors of the last season.

Young people prefer monochrome colors but bold cuts: tight jeans and T-shirts, trousers and shirts. They are not afraid to buy ultra-modern things - it only gives them courage and originality.

In both Korea and China, it is considered completely normal to wear short shorts or skirts. But at the same time, the top should always be closed - a frank neckline is considered the height of indecency.


Another way to distinguish a Korean from a Chinese is to listen to their speech. By one of its tonality, one can determine belonging to the country.

Chinese speech is literally filled with different tones: neutral, ascending, descending, ascending-descending. In addition, their speech seems to be abrupt, because it consists of short syllables in any dialect.

Koreans, on the other hand, speak more buoyantly, softly. Each phrase ends with a polite address. And the vowels seem to envelop the entire space around the speaker.


Habits and manners in society also betray people with their heads. So, for example, the Chinese are famous for their impulsiveness, sometimes even turning into loudness.

Arriving in China, you can find that it is very noisy here: not just because there are a lot of people on the streets, but because they themselves are quite noisy - they talk loudly, champ, smack their lips, spit, laugh. At the same time, they are very open even towards strangers, and are not afraid of tactile contacts.

Residents of Korea are more calm and modest in behavior. They are not so loud, they keep their distance with others. Strangers or foreigners may be hugged or shaken by the hand if required by the rules.

In other cases, they confine themselves to greeting, waving their hands or slightly tilting their heads. They speak quietly, try to wear headphones when using gadgets, do not answer calls in crowded places.


It turns out that the people of Korea and China are not so similar, are they? And they are surprised that we confuse them. However, we are also surprised when we find out that we are the same person for them)

You can also learn more about the inhabitants and traditions of South Korea.

And you can get to know the customs of the Chinese better at. Thank you very much for your attention, dear readers! We hope you enjoyed our article. Share the link to it with your friends on social networks!

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For the majority, the heirs of two great civilizations - the Chinese and the Japanese - "are the same person." But let's find out!

1. Unity and Diversity

The very first difference lies in the fact that the Japanese are still a single nation that has been formed. A Chinese from Beijing or Shanghai are "two big differences", and that's not to mention Taiwan.

2. For one person?

Among all Asians, the Japanese are considered the most "pale-faced", the skin of women is more well-groomed. The faces of the Japanese are more elongated, the nose is long, the eyes are wide for Asians. The Chinese, on the other hand, have wide cheekbones and thicker hairline. You are more likely to meet a mustachioed Chinese than a Japanese. Now the average Japanese is half a head taller than the Chinese, although quite recently it was the other way around.

3. The student has surpassed the teacher?!

Despite the fact that the Japanese borrowed the culture of tea drinking from China, the current Japanese tea ceremony is very different from the Chinese. In the Chinese version, the guests feel at ease: they chat with each other, ask the master questions, study tea, as they please - complete improvisation. The Japanese ceremony is a whole mini-performance with pre-written roles. For the Japanese, the taste of tea is not as important as the careful observance of each step. The Chinese joke: "The tea tradition in China is a lot of tea and few ceremonies, in Japan there are a lot of ceremonies and little tea."

4. Tea is good, of course, but what about everything else?

We have already analyzed Chinese cuisine and remember its unique variety well. In the country rising sun the choice is more modest - its inhabitants focused on "seafood". Another distinguishing feature of Japanese cuisine is not only to preserve, but also to emphasize the natural taste of the dish. The attitude towards food is also different. The Chinese in food, as in everything else, are more pragmatic - in a flying bird, he sees first of all food, and Japanese aesthetes first of all enjoy the beauty of flight. And one more thing: the Chinese focus on the taste of the dish, and the Japanese - on the appearance.

5. Friendship

The Chinese are a bit of a consumer. If you are on the list of friends, then be sure that your Chinese friend will immediately overwhelm you with requests, regardless of your professional activity, but you really can safely do the same. In Japan, it takes years to become a friend, but no one will bother you.

6. Attitude towards foreigners

To write foreign words and names in Japanese, a special alphabet is used - katakana. The same rule applies to names. foreign citizens who are of Japanese origin - so it is emphasized that they are no longer quite Japanese. The Chinese have the opposite - non-Chinese names, no matter how difficult it is, are written only in hieroglyphs - in this way everyone becomes at least a little Chinese. Why? The Japanese are used to withdrawing into themselves, and the Chinese have always perceived themselves as residents of the "middle kingdom" - the center of the world.

7. Features of the national business culture

It is unusual for Russians to do business with both the Chinese and the Japanese. And even if you have learned to build things with some, ready-made recipes will not work with others. For the Chinese, a contract is an incomprehensible piece of paper, especially if it does not contain penalties (well, they will find excuses for this). For the Japanese, fulfilling the treaty is a matter of "saving face."

8. And a little more about the features of the national character

The Japanese woman takes better care of herself. Even in the nearest cafe, she goes out in full dress and, most importantly, in full "war paint". The Japanese dress more non-standard than the Chinese (sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse), and on average more expensive.

If you come across a group of Chinese or Japanese along the way... Run! Joke. If the group is noisy, then the Chinese. If the quiet and carefully examines the sights, and not just clicks cameras, - the Japanese.

Courageous and active girls who once were not afraid to leave their comfort zone and move to another country for permanent residence share their inspiring stories of life abroad. About the peculiarities of culture and oddities of mentality, interesting facts, shocking details and other moments that turn our view of the world, Yulia Khromova tells - a Ukrainian woman who traveled to China two years ago to heal love wounds, explore a new civilization, and study.


Now Yulia is 25 years old, she studies and lives in one of the most beautiful cities in China— and she's got a lot interesting stories about China, the Chinese and the difficult, and sometimes even funny life"laovaya" (read about this funny word in the text) in China. In the first issue of her blog, Julia talks about beauty in Chinese: which girls are recognized beauties in China, do the Chinese consider Europeans to be beautiful, and how, in general, it turned out that we perceive the Chinese as a kind of “eccentrics”, and they think of us exactly same?

Julia Khromova student in China studying Mandarin

Hey! I the same girl who firmly believes that it's never too late to start. It doesn't matter if it's baking cakes, dancing hip-hop or studying penguins in New Zealand. Having studied journalism, having worked as a reporter, TV presenter and investigative journalist, I threw it all away in the summer of 2015 and bought a one-way ticket. To China. She explained to her parents that she suddenly decided to learn a new language, while she herself had a fog in her head. The romantic in me defeated the cynical journalist and just wanted adventure, but I still think main reason of my move, not a boring job (I just loved it), but a series of love failures. And what distracts from heart troubles, if not new impressions? Radically new. This is what my stories and “tales” are about: about what to catch in the Middle Kingdom, what to learn from Asians and how to stay sane when you see shocking things around.

China for me has always been and remains a different world, a huge mystery. Even after moving here and living for a couple of years in the constant environment of “Ni hao!” (“Hello!” in Chinese), “Zaoshang hao!” (" Good morning!”) and “Zai zen!” (“Bye!”), my perception of this eastern country has not changed dramatically. In China, there is a clear framework of imaginary permissiveness, which only an Asian can feel, while a foreigner who does not understand the centuries-old logic and hierarchy of society simply does not knowing the language It is impossible to fit imperceptibly into this society.

For ordinary Chinese people who don't travel much (or don't travel at all), I will always be an "alien". Small children strive to touch my white cheeks, ask why my hair is “yellow” (all this is not happening in China, I would definitely be indignant, they say, forgive me - pure blond!), face in the elevator. It comes to stranger things: in the first days of my arrival, a Chinese woman on a bicycle stared at me so much that she fell off it on the go and caused a traffic accident (it’s good that no one was hurt). Another time, a friend said that someone tried to take a picture of her in the toilet "on business" - probably to make sure that we are arranged like the Chinese.

The Middle Kingdom (中国), as the people of China themselves call their country, the Celestial Empire for a very long time was a developed empire, surrounded on all sides by barbarian tribes. This was one of the reasons for the high, slightly arrogant conceit and building relationships with foreigners on the principle of "I'm better - you're worse", "I'm the boss - you're a subordinate." Barbarian neighbors admired the rich empire, instead of conquering Beijing, they were content with assimilation within the country and quickly adopted the traditions of the Chinese. A blow to the empire was the arrival in mid-nineteenth centuries of armed Europeans: they defeated the Chinese in the so-called opium wars to promote their goods in Chinese markets, they pulled the country apart into colonies and possessions. Add to this that for a long time the Celestial Empire was a closed country: the Chinese were allowed to travel openly only in 1997. As a result, against the backdrop of an arrogant worldview, an almost forgotten hatred of Europeans and a genuine interest in the rest of the world, a contemporary attitude Chinese to everything foreign and alien.

For them, a foreigner is often "a person who does not understand anything in this life." They consider themselves the smartest. Ancient history and 5 thousand years of tradition. rustic or very simple people, not embarrassed, they will easily shout “Hey, laowai!”, And if someone suddenly from the passers-by could not find my white hair in a crowd of black ones, they also shouted and poked a finger so that everyone would surely pay attention. What is "laowai"? Someone says that this word is translated from Old Chinese as “overseas devil”, others are more realistic: lao - “old, venerable”, wai - “outside”, which could literally be translated as slightly familiar, but good-natured appeal to a foreigner. But it was not there!

IN modern conditions the appeal "laowai" has rather a negative-scornful connotation. Laowai is a person from another country, more often of European appearance, who does not understand Chinese well and is difficult to navigate in Everyday life Celestial. The Chinese will always be able to blame all the troubles on a problematic frame, whether it be a traffic accident, a flea market at a nightclub or a leisurely movement in line. So a foreigner in China- this what an eternal "lost" who clearly feels out of place. Of course, I do not pretend to the title of "overseas devil", but I am not often a "lost" either. But not at ease you have to visit regularly.

A foreigner in China is often “a person who does not understand anything in this life”, such an eternal “lost person”, who clearly feels out of place.

For example, because my blond hair, blue eyes and white skin act like a magnet for Chinese girls who spend money and time on bleaching creams, trying in vain to dye thick black hair into more bright hues and insert colored lenses that enlarge the eyes. These features of the Slavic appearance in most Chinese women cause envy. Others are compassion. Either I am “too fat” for them at a weight of 62 kg, then I am “too tall” with my 174 cm, then my nose is “too long” (their noses are flattened), then my eyes are deep-set.

I have often come across the fact that, having paid attention to beautiful Asians and shared my opinion, I heard in response only “so-so”, “not very”, “nothing interesting”, “usually”. And vice versa: what the Chinese considered attractive seemed very strange to me. Remember what the Western standard of beauty is: this is a girl with a pumped-up ass, outlined cheekbones, a sexy arch of the eyebrows - long-legged and plump-lipped. A sultry and daring beauty. And now cross it all out, because for an ordinary Chinese woman such a girl is no more interesting than a monkey. You can watch, study, but she will never become the standard of beauty.

Remember what the Western standard of beauty is: a girl with a pumped-up ass, outlined cheekbones, a sexy arch of her eyebrows - long-legged and plump-lipped. And now cross it all out, because for an ordinary Chinese woman such a girl is no more interesting than a monkey.

It’s easier with guys: most don’t care if a Chinese woman has bleached skin or not. They like both Asians and exotic foreigners. Probably, there was not a single Chinese who, having learned that I was from Ukraine, would not say the sacramental: “Ukraine girls. Very beautiful! Very very". On the one hand, it's nice, on the other, that's all they know. And, in principle, everything they want to know. But to be married to a foreigner is prestigious! And often, the list of “must” and “should” is shorter than that of demanding oriental beauties. I think that's why Ksyusha, Katya and Natasha easily find happiness in marriages with the Chinese.

What is sexy in China? "Childishness"! Baby face, innocent big eyes, like a cat from Shrek, a short schoolgirl skirt, thin physique, petiteness— an anatomical feature of Chinese women (as well as a very small bust), and, naturally, the skin is whiter than milk. So, recently, after a vacation in Thailand, my tanned fiancé was handed a brightening skin toner by his boss at work. The guy, puzzled, promised to give it to me - they say, girls use it more often, to which in response he heard the Chinese version of the saying "gifts are not re-gifted." Other must-haves in China include the concept of fragility: the slightest visible muscle or cube on the stomach is anti-sex for Asians. The more kawaii a girl is, the more she is in trend.

Asians consider the popular actress Angela Baby, who is called "Chinese Kim Kardashian", an example of such sexuality. A V-shaped chin modified by plastic surgery, incredibly large eyes for an Asian appearance, velvet skin and “cuteness” are the visiting cards of an oriental beauty. Girls want to be like her.

In contrast to the popularity of plastic surgery on the eyes, there is also a fashion for naturalness: Chinese women prefer not to remove any hair from their bodies.

Not on the legs, not in the armpits, not ... not even "there." However, there are different results of understanding beauty. If a girl studied abroad and communicates with foreigners— trying to follow the general canons of fashion. If you live inside the country, then no. All the Chinese are there too. even those who look cool. As do men. And with love for everything short, this naturalness can be easily noticed even in the subway (I'm talking about legs, and not about what you thought).

Miss Michigan 2016 is a clear example of the difference between the Chinese understanding of beauty and the Western one. The girl, a Chinese by birth, but an American by passport, successfully proved herself at a prestigious competition. Liked by an authoritative jury. The Chinese were the first to throw a stone of discontent: “Too fat, her face looks like 43 years old, her skin is like a Negro.” However, the people of China are not upset by the poor choice of the Americans. They already have their Chinese Miss Universe pageant. Last year, before the start of all international beauty competitions, they had already chosen one of the Chinese women and officially recognized as the most beautiful girl in the Universe.

Being kawaii isn't bad at all, but can you imagine a woman in her 30s in Ukraine or Russia wearing a panda hat or bunny ears? In China, it's easy. I call puppet Chinese women “Angel with a whip”: behind the childish innocence, there is still that character! A Chinese woman can yell at a guy in a public place, beat him with a bag and give him a kick if he really deserves it.

By the way, about the relationship between men and women in China. It often seems to foreigners that girls do not respect or appreciate their men as they deserve. However, when there are 30 million more men in your country, you can probably choose. Hence the extreme importance of showing off the feathers of authority. Any self-respecting Chinese woman will not get married without: a car, an i-phone, an apartment, a bank account, a good job... It seems that the echo of feminism either did not get here, or evolved into something more: guys calmly carry handbags with frilled girlfriends, endure tantrums and even beatings. The Internet is bursting with videos where guys crawl on their knees behind fastidious beauties, begging for forgiveness, and recently a local court for one of these passions officially banned beating her husband.

However, today's China is changing before our eyes. As soon as it opened outside world and for the outside world, slowly and still uncertainly, but Western life began to seep into the most secluded corners of the Middle Kingdom. Increasingly, one can notice how, along with European technologies, both the Western way of life and the value system are borrowed: a focus on personal enrichment and well-being. A European for a Chinese - both his personality and appearance - becomes the standard of happiness and success. Western girls are increasingly participating in fashion shows and photo shoots. Even the most unremarkable, according to our canons of beauty, girl can be popular here. However, China will always remain an oriental mystery, and the introduction Western culture, like everything else in China, is likely to be held according to the system "everything is possible, but within clear limits - with local traditions and flavor."

It is very difficult for us to distinguish the nationality of an Asian, because they all seem very similar. But in fact, the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans have significant differences: using knowledge about them, you can understand who is in front of you and avoid an awkward situation.

Phenotype difference

The Chinese nation is multi-ethnic, 56 different nationalities live there, and some of them are not at all like the Chinese in our view. For example, Uighurs are more like Tajiks. Therefore, it is simply impossible to derive some average Chinese phenotype. However, there are basic principles, which will help distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese and Koreans:

  • The faces of the Chinese are rounder than the Japanese and Koreans, while the Chinese usually have the widest cheekbones.
  • The Chinese are endowed with the darkest skin, so they prefer not to sunbathe.
  • The faces of the Japanese are elongated and oval, the nose is more pronounced, the eyes are large with a wide slit. It is also believed that the Japanese have larger heads.
  • Japanese and Japanese women are the whitest among Asians.
  • Korean faces tend to be flat, with high, square cheekbones. Koreans also tend to have thinner noses.


One of distinguishing features Korean women and men often have "doll" faces. Plastic surgery in Korea - one of the main trends, according to statistics, this country is the leader in the number of plastic surgeries performed (not only for women, but also for men).


The Chinese have a tonal language regardless of dialect, and Koreans like to put characteristic sound markers of politeness at the end of phrases: this can be learned to distinguish with some experience. The language of the Japanese is without accents and raising tones, monotonously polite, they speak in a muffled voice.


Asians can also be distinguished by their behavior. The most impulsive and loud among them are the Chinese. They speak a little strange to our ears, they can spit on the ground even in a public place. The Japanese, on the contrary, are very restrained and delicate, so in Japan, even in public places, it is always quiet.

Style of clothes

The Japanese most often wear clothes of world brands and are distinguished by good taste. The Chinese, on the other hand, can “miss” a little with a combination of clothes. For example, a Chinese woman can easily be met in the evening on the street in pajamas. But the Japanese will never do that. Chinese men allow themselves to walk around in cheap sportswear. The Koreans are somewhere in the middle in terms of clothing style: ahead of the Chinese, but not yet caught up with the Japanese.