Music TV Award Director Arman Davletyarov: MUZ-TV is not a channel for my favorite songs

On Tuesday, February 2, students of the RMA Business School are invited to a meeting with the General Director of the MUZ-TV channel Arman Davletyarov. The event will be held as part of the preparation of a new project on MUZ-TV aimed at supporting interesting ideas young startups.

On April 21, the portal celebrated its eighth birthday at the RAY club - in honor of the celebration, project managers, top managers of radio stations, TV channels and media holdings met to discuss modern tendencies music business, and the Muz-TV channel filmed the Top Hit Party 2011 gala concert with the participation of show business stars. Listeners took part in the organization of the press conference and the concert educational program"Management in the music business and the entertainment industry", as well as students of the higher education program of the faculty "Management in show business". About 60 students, graduates and teachers of the RMA attended the party as guests - among the latter, Alexander Kushnir, Evgeny Safronov, Dmitry Konnov and Arman Davletyarov.

He shared great news with subscribers of his microblog on Valentine's Day CEO channel MUZ TV Arman Davletyarov - on the eve of this holiday, February 13, he became a father for the fourth time. The wife of a 45-year-old top manager gave birth to his long-awaited daughter. Before that, the couple had only guys. There are three of them in the star family. The sons of Arman Davletyarov and his wife are 10.8 and 5 years old.

Happy father of many children posted a photo with a newborn baby in her arms, signing: “The long-awaited daughter was born in our family! We are happy!" Under the post short term there were hundreds of comments. Arman Davletyarov is congratulated on the birth of the heiress in two languages ​​- Russian and Kazakh. “It's just wonderful! Congratulations! Health to mom, baby and your whole family!”, “Three sons and a sweet daughter - everything is according to the scenario”, “Congratulations on the birth of a princess!”, “Arman, accept congratulations from Astana. This is great. Let your kids be healthy and happy,” write Arman Davletyarov’s microblog subscribers on Instagram.

Her parents have not yet disclosed the name of their little heiress. According to some reports, the daughter of Arman Davletyarov and his wife was born in a Miami clinic. In the same place where Christina Orbakaite and other stars of Russian show business gave birth to their children. The growth of a newborn baby is 52 centimeters, weight - 3,030 grams.

Note that recently several famous men have become fathers at once, and not for the first time. At the end of January, he became a dad four times famous actor Andrey Merzlikin. The artist and his wife had a son, whose name the couple has not yet announced to the public. AT last days January gave birth to a son, the young wife of the 58-year-old star of the series "Streets of Broken Lights" Alexander Polovtsev. For the actor, the newborn boy, who was born a little earlier than the doctors predicted, became the second child. Last weekend, Alexey Ryzhov, lead singer of the Disco Crash group, received congratulations on the addition to the family. In the family of the performer and his young wife, a girl was born, who became the second child of Ryzhov. From the first marriage, the star has a son, with whom he spends quite a lot of time.

The director of Muz-TV, Arman Davletyarov, has long been considered a recognized leader on Russian television. He has been running this popular channel for more than nineteen years and has a whole army of fans. Therefore, the personal life of a famous producer has always interested fans of his work.

Childhood and youth

The head of the national channel "Muz-TV" and director of the TV award issued in the field of popular music, Arman Davletyarov was born in the Orenburg region, in the small village of Tamar-Utkul on August 13, 1970. The showman remembers his childhood with great warmth. Parents managed to create a friendly and happy family.

Arman Davletyarov, whose nationality both by father and mother is Kazakh, studied in his native village until the eighth grade, and after graduation high school moved to Moscow. From childhood, he dreamed of becoming a lawyer, and therefore went to the capital to make his wish come true. In 1985, the young man entered an ordinary vocational school. Arman Davletyarov graduated from vocational school with honors. Having received a red diploma from the school, the young man immediately applied to the Kuibyshev Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, but did not manage to graduate from the university.

It's time for military service. Initially, Davletyarov was sent to Ukraine, where he was assigned to a training unit in the Zhytomyr region. After that, he was sent to Hungary. After the disbandment of the unit, Arman was transferred to Baku, where he finished his service in the ranks of the Soviet army.

Creative biography

Having given back to the motherland civic duty, Davletyarov returned to the capital. Having a military ID in hand, he easily entered the Law University. The famous producer today recalls the time of study, as well as practice in one of the police departments of Moscow, as the most interesting stage his life. And although the student studied diligently, however, he did not begin to work in his specialty for certain reasons. Arman Davletyarov, whose biography is inextricably linked with television, becomes the director of Mediastar Concert, but a few years later he already manages the entire Mediastar production center, replacing Yuri Aizenshpis in this post.


In 2001, Arman Davletyarov opens his own production company called Musical Unity. It was in cooperation with this company that we started our musical career such famous artists, like Batyrkhan Shukenov and Murat Nasyrov, the bands “Inveterate scammers”, “Shtar”, “Dynamite”, “Propaganda” and other stars popular in our country.

The firm "Musical unity" was the organizer of a large number of concerts in Russia and abroad. Many domestic and foreign pop stars collaborated with Davletyarov. Among them are  Kirkorov, Presnyakov, Kristina  Orbakaite,  Agutin, Dolina, A’Studio, Smokie and many others.

"Musical Unity" organized round tables, held conferences for businessmen and festivals for musicians from the most different countries peace. It was this production company that established and held several awards for Russian business people and journalists at once.

In 2007, Arman Davletyarov graduated from the Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, choosing the specialty "Psychology of Management". Within the walls of this higher educational institution he completed his doctoral dissertation.

Russian Grammys

In 2008, a well-known producer joined the team at the Muz-TV channel and after a short period of time became the director of one of the most significant and prestigious projects in musical life countries - "Prizes Muz-TV". Every year this show gathers millions of viewers and dozens of talented artists, not only of a high level, but also just starting their careers on stage. The award ceremonies, which are directed by Arman Davletyarov, are always accompanied by performances by world stars.

Social activity

With the direct participation of the current director of Muz-TV, many significant events are held. Davletyarov is also involved social activities. His active civic position has a very fruitful effect on many processes of interaction with authorities state power. He constantly travels around the country with lectures.

In 2011, Arman wrote a book called "The History of Moscow Genghis Khan", where he spoke in an interesting way about how to conquer the impregnable and arrogant capital.

"Muz-TV" and Davletyarov

Thanks to the purposefulness and energetic work of its leader, this Russian TV channel has perfectly established itself as an international youth platform for fashionable contemporary music. "Muz-TV" is an unrecognized leader among analogues on domestic television. Moreover, for the on-air design, he received the TEFI award in the Television Design nomination. And Arman Davletyarov himself was recognized as the "Best Media Director" in 2015 in the BRAND AWARDS 2015. But this is far from his only award. In 2016, he was awarded the title of "Best Media Director" as the CEO of Russia's first cult music channel at the Tophit Music Awards.

His first love was a rather painful event in the life of this famous producer. He met her while still a student. Having fallen in love very much, Armand decided to propose to his beloved, but his older brother, whose opinion he always listened to, forbade doing this until the young man graduated from the university. The obstinate young man even wanted to leave his parental home in order to get married. So, probably, it would have happened if the girl had not refused Arman, explaining her decision by the fact that she would never become a stumbling block in his family. Interestingly, in friendly family Davletyarov, all its members communicate with each other only on “you”. According to the well-known producer, this approach has a positive effect on life together and virtually eliminates scandals.

A family

Arman Davletyarov can hardly be called a gentle and complaisant person. After an unsuccessful first love, the young man devoted himself entirely to personal development. This went on for a long time, until his mother finally got tired of the current situation. She decided to find a bride for her son on her own. Her short search soon ended in success. The future daughter-in-law turned out to be eleven years younger than the groom.

The married life of the producer cannot be called cloudless, but Arman Davletyarov and his wife successfully overcame all hardships. Of course they have family happiness there were many ups and downs. Spouses even several times found themselves on the verge of divorce. However, the wisdom of Armand's wife always smoothed over differences. Feelings between them awakened gradually. Just a few months after his marriage, Davletyarov was able for the first time to feel the support and care of his wife. This happened when his older brother died. Arman's wife own initiative decided to stay in the village with her heartbroken mother-in-law. She nursed this unfortunate woman for many months.

The second time Arman needed the support of his wife, when he decided to run for the State Duma. Davletyarov not only invested his own savings in the election campaign, but also borrowed a lot of money from friends and acquaintances. But in the end, he did not get into the Duma and, moreover, was left without funds and with huge debts. At that time, as the producer himself says, everyone turned away from him. Next to him was only his beloved wife, whose support Arman Davletyarov needed so much at that time.

The children of a famous producer are his wealth

Today, the director of Muz-TV considers himself a happy husband and, most importantly, a father. Until the year before last, with his wife, they raised three beautiful boys and were not going to stop there. Today, a happy husband and father is already raising four children. In February 2016, the wife of the general director of MUZ-TV finally gave him a girl. The forty-five-year-old father was incredibly happy and for several days received congratulations from his star friends, such as Kobzon, Baskov, Pugacheva, Arash. The fans of Arman Davletyarov did not disregard this event either.

Member Name: Arman Davletyarov

Age (birthday): 13.08.1970

City: Tamar-Utkul village, Orenburg region

Job: General Director of MUZ-TV

Family: married, have children

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Arman Ilyubaevich Davletyarov was born on August 13, 1970 in the village of Tamar-Utkul, which is located in the Orenburg region. The family has always supported all the undertakings of the son, their communication took place on a friendly and warm note.

After studying at a school in his native village, Arman decided that he wanted to become a lawyer. It was for this reason that he packed his suitcase and went to conquer Moscow.

Having entered the vocational school, the guy was able to prove himself from the best side and received a red diploma at the end of the course. Arman was not going to stop at this, ahead of him were exams for the capital's engineering and construction university. The strict laws of the time prevented Arman from enrolling in a legal course. The reason for this was the lack of a residence permit in Moscow. Davletyarov could not finish the institute, because he was taken into the army.

Arman served the prescribed time in Hungary, after which he was transferred to Baku. At the end of his service, he decided to return to Moscow. Only then did his dream come true, because Davletyarov was able to enter the Faculty of Law. Practicing in the metropolitan police department, Arman proved to be successful, he had excellent grades in his diploma. Only the guy did not work as a lawyer. He languished for a long time in deciding what to do, until his older brother, a lawyer, made his contribution. He confessed to his brother that it was morally difficult to defend the interests of citizens who violate the law and other villains.

Career in show business

Armand did not fall into despair, because new discoveries awaited him ahead. The assertive young man met the A-Studio group, which at that time was under the tutelage of the Diva herself. Arman met the producer and singer Batyrkhan Shukenov, after which they became faithful comrades.

The young guy very quickly got used to the world of stage and became his own.

In 1995, he was appointed to the position of director of Mediastar Concert, a few years later he took the place of the general director of the production group.

Arman Ilyubaevich decided in the future that he wanted to get another education and his choice fell on Russian academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation on the course "Psychology of Management". At the academy, he defended his doctoral dissertation.

In 2000, Arman Ilyubaevich took the place of the general director of Media Star. In the same year, he was able to open a production company called Musical Unity.

In 2011, he published his book "The History of Moscow Genghis Khan", in which he spoke about his life and work in the sphere of the capital's beau monde.

Work on television

In 2013, he became the head of the MUZ-TV music channel, popular not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other CIS countries. He holds this position to this day.

Arman was actively involved in the development of musical talents in Kazakhstan, and therefore had extensive experience as a producer. The man is sure that in his homeland every resident is not deprived of talent. Thanks to his efforts, many talented people were able to become famous. One of them was the late Murat Nasyrov.

Today, Arman Davletyarov specializes in the development of Kazakh artists and culture. He is devoted to his ethnic homeland and is the only producer on RF TV who is engaged in this business.

Arman Ilyubaevich organizes concerts of world stars in Kazakhstan, pays attention to everyone talented people. On his account, the production of groups " Inveterate scammers”, “Dinami” and the female pop group “Combination”.

The MUZ-TV channel also flourished thanks to the efforts of Arman Davletyarov. Star guests appeared on the air, trendy music plays, new video clips are presented, as well as many interesting videos. All this makes the channel very popular and in demand.

New shows launched on MUZ-TV, including " new factory stars" in 2017, which was released with the support of the general director of the TV channel. Arman personally joined the jury at the casting-selection of participants.

Davletyarov helps to carry out charity concerts and a tour of the territory of the North Caucasus, he permanent member patriotic actions. Thanks to him, the MUZ-TV channel established the MUZ-TV Award, which is prestigious for the stars of the domestic show business. The award ceremony is taking place at the Olimpiysky sports complex in Moscow.

Personal life

In the life of Arman Ilyubaevich, not everything was so smooth. The first love, since the student's time, was unhappy. Armand met a girl whom he was ready to marry, but his older brother did not give him permission to do this until the guy had completed his studies at the institute.

The older brother had for Armand great importance and therefore for a long time he did not dare to go against his opinion. In the end, the guy packed his things and left the house. Only he did not succeed in connecting his life with the chosen one. The girl did not consent to marriage, explaining that she did not want to live all her life, knowing that she had destroyed a good relationship in the Davletyarov family.

Arman devoted himself to work and development. Only Davletyarov's mother was tired of waiting for her grandchildren, and therefore she found a worthy wife for her son. Arman's wife is 11 years younger than him. The young people were not delighted with the proposal of their relatives to play a wedding, but the efforts of the relatives were not in vain and the celebration took place.

The couple are still married to this day. Armand and his wife have four children - 3 sons and a daughter., and the couple declares that they do not plan to stop there. Interestingly, the Davletyarovs communicate with each other exclusively on “you”.

Arman's photo

Arman Davletyarov leads Instagram, where there are more than 250 thousand subscribers.