Demis Karibidis: biography of a Comedy Club resident. Demis karibidis became the father of many children Denis karibidis

Name: Demis Karibidis
Date of Birth: December 4, 1982 (age 36)
Place of Birth: Tbilisi, Georgia
Activity: humorist, resident of the Comedy Club
Family status: married
Instagram: demiskaribidis

Real name popular artist Demis Karibov. He himself says to himself that he is Greek by nationality, and he came to KVN back in the days Ancient Greece. The artist is known to the viewer as a member of the KVN team "Krasnodarsky Prospekt", and then "BAK". Unlike many of his stage mates, he managed not to squander his individuality and multiply his popularity. The miniatures with his participation are very popular with the audience, and on the Internet they are gaining thousands of views.

Childhood and youth of Demis Karibidis

The future artist was born in Georgia on December 4, 1982. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the comedian's family moved from Tbilisi to Thessaloniki. This is the city of a million people in Greece. In his historical homeland, the boy studied until the seventh grade. Demis practically did not know Russian.

From childhood, the future comedian was distinguished by his love for creativity, fantasies and music. Especially fascinated by his rhythm percussion instruments. It all started with my mother's pots. The boy turned them over and began to entertain those around him with “music”. The brother encouraged such interest and once presented Demis with a drum. The boy immediately began to realize his talent. Masterfully mastered the art of playing a percussion musical instrument - percussion. The comedian carefully keeps his first instrument at home.

Only the boy was 14 years old, as the second move in his life happened. Now the family has moved to Gelendzhik. Difficulties awaited the boy at school. AT short time he had to quickly learn the language and adapt to the new school curriculum. The teacher even talked to my mother about this. She was surprised that very often Greek letters slipped through the dictations. It was not easy, but the boy did it. Demis received his higher education at the Sochi University of Tourism. There he studied English and Spanish. The young man assured the whole process of learning that he was not going to stop at four languages. I plan to study rare dialects. Will they come in handy?

Demis Karibidis in KVN

Throughout his life, Demis was accompanied by humor and fun. Improvisational jokes have always had a strong effect on others. No one was surprised that he joined the ranks of the KVN participants. The university helped him in this.

The first team of the young humorist was Russo Turisto. The professional direction of education affected the name. Erudition and wit favorably distinguished the young man from his classmates. Images of naive and good-natured simpletons fell in love with the viewer. Even his height of 168 centimeters, the artist was able to turn into his highlight. And in 2004, he moves to a higher level and gets into the Krasnodar Prospekt team. Again, brilliant performances, but at the level of the Premier League. Then Demis moved to the BAK team (Bryukhovets Agricultural College), with which he already entered the Major League. Presidential KiViN, KiViN in Zolote, second place at the 45th anniversary of KVN - not a complete list of the team's merits. But the guys became champions only by joining forces with the “Partners” team. In 2009, losing only 0.1 points to the Prima team, the team members decided to merge. And in 2010, the place of the champion of the Major League was taken by the team "BAK - Partners". In addition to Demis, Vitaly Pashenko, Evgeny Romantsov and others showed themselves strongly.

Demis Karibidis on TV

The ability to independently work out your numbers has not gone away. When Demis got on a TV project comedy club, he also continued to invent his own miniatures. It often turned out that the numbers changed right on the stage in a fit of creative inspiration. On stage, Demis now performed on his own or with other residents of the humorous club who had already become widely known. Many of the author's jokes have already passed into the lives of viewers and fans of the comedian, and have long been living their own independent lives. After all, a talented artist does not shy away from strong expressions, which emphasizes the originality of those that he raises in his sketches. In all his speeches, Karibidis likes to walk the line of vulgarity and vulgarity, but in no case should he cross it.

Surprisingly, in 2010, immediately after receiving the status of the champion of the Major League of KVN, Demis categorically stated that he did not intend to perform on the Comedy Club stage. Already after, after a year, he realized that this project gave him an excellent launching pad for the rapid development of his talent as an author and artist.

In no way inferior in charisma, Demis appeared on stage with Garik Kharlamov, Timur Batrutdinov, and other residents. Since 2013, Karibidis has formed a permanent duet with Andrey Skorokhod. Their sketches instantly found their audience.

Other humorous projects on the TNT channel did not stand aside. Demis visited the stage of "Comedy Vumen". In the TV series Nasha Russia, he played the role of a policeman, with whom everyone's favorite character Alexander Rodionovich Borodach appears in a skirmish. In several episodes, he flashed both in "Real Boys" and in "Univer".

Personal life of Demis Karibidis

Fans for a long time did not know what was happening in the personal life of a popular comedian. To all the questions of journalists about the relationship, he only laughed it off. Demis showed his beloved to the public only when he made an offer at the anniversary Comedy festival in Jurmala, where the girl said “Yes” to a standing ovation from the audience. The rest of the residents took the stage with bouquets of flowers to congratulate the bride. A year later, Pelageya (not to be confused with the singer Pelageya, the chosen one of Karibidis is only her namesake) became the wife of Demis. The holiday was played in Gelendzhik, on the Black Sea coast. In 2015, the first daughter Sofia was born. The young father was very happy, did not give rise to gossip and jealousy, everything free time dedicated to the family. A year later, the wife gave the artist a second daughter. Fans and journalists learned about the birth of two beauties after the happy event had already taken place. Now, on her Instagram, the comedian's wife posted a photo with a newly rounded tummy. The couple did not hide the third pregnancy.

About humor, Demis simply says that there is no difference in fun at different ends of the planet. In Tbilisi, in Greece, in Gelendzhik, and now in Moscow, he is surrounded by humor everywhere. Despite this, Demis distinguishes himself between the real and the stage. In all interviews, he calls himself "an artist of the humorous genre." After all, comedian is not a profession. Comedian is a talent. Therefore, he always corrects that a comedian must be born, that this is a gift to make people laugh with one of his appearances or simple actions. Karibidis, however, has to put in a lot of effort to show the viewer a quality act.

Materials taken from the source:

Demis Karibidis (Karibov) - showman, team member KVN of the Kuban team, as well as a resident of the Comedy Club. The future humorist was born in the city Tbilisi December 4, 1982. Although Demis was born in the capital of Georgia, but by nationality he is Greek.

Demis Karibidis

Biography of Demis Karibidis

Little is known about the showman's family. In all likelihood, it is Greece that is the home of his family. At a minimum, Demis repeatedly joked about the fact that he became a KVNschik many years ago in ancient Greece.

Demis Karibidis in childhood

After the collapse of the USSR, the Demis family was forced to move to the city Thessaloniki (Georgia), after which he was sent to a local school, where he studied until the seventh grade. As a child, because of his environment, the boy did not speak Russian well. At a young age, Demis was an inquisitive and very active boy. From a very young age, the child showed interest in music. According to the showman himself, love for music and musical instruments appeared from early childhood especially the boy was attracted to percussion instruments.

Karibidis says that, as a child, he really liked knock on mom's pots. After what he saw, the elder brother of Demis gave him a real drum. From that time everything started. Time did not go in vain, and after a few years the boy was able to master the art of drumming. As you know, Demis Karibidis keeps his first instrument to this day.

Demis Karibidis in his youth

AT 14 years of age the family of a teenager was again expected to move, but already to a resort town Gelendzhik. At this age, the boy could not speak Russian calmly, but he understood Greek quite well. It is always difficult for teenagers to accept any changes, but since Demis studied at a Russian school, he was forced to accept them, which, however, he succeeded. Despite not very long practice, Karibidis was able to successfully join the Sochi University of Tourism. Because of his specialty, Demis studied spanish and English languages . But, as the showman himself said, he was not going to stop there. Already, as a student, the comedian already showed his sense of humor and, therefore, the young man took part in the game in KVN.

Karibidis performs

Participation in KVN

No one will argue that the young comedian began to earn fame for himself in KVN. It all just started after Demis entered the university. Being a very young student, Karibidis was able to understand that his place was in a humorous environment, next to the same cheerful and atmospheric people. In the university team of KVN, he took part in the team " Rousseau Touristo". In a team, a humorist could demonstrate his best humorous qualities, as well as wit, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

Demis Karibidis in Jurmala

In the big KVN Demis Karibidis was in the team "Krasnodarsky Prospekt", for which he began to play already in 2004 year. Then after some time, 2010 year, Demis was able to reach the Major League as part of a team from the village Bryukhovetskaya- "BAK". Humor, irony, pun and sarcasm have become an integral part of the showman's life. The actor preferred to create his monologues, funny parodies and bold jokes himself. They say that it was not uncommon for a humorist to improvise right on stage. Despite the fact that there is a special department that deals with this, Demis always wanted to bring a share of himself and his humor to the scenes.

Demis Karibidis during a speech

A television

After the achievements in KVN, the next stage of the comedian was the well-known " Comedy Club". Already quite consciously perceiving his level of performance, the guy carefully, but with great pleasure and enthusiasm, prepared for each release of the program. After some time, the young man managed to become a resident of the show, together with, and many others.

Demis Karibidis and

It should be said that, despite all the showman's accusations of using profanity and also the share of vulgarity in his jokes, Karibidis has many fans. Demis managed to win over all his viewers, not only thanks to his excellent sense of humor, but also with the help of charisma. It is also known that the comedian prefers to write texts for his miniatures on his own. Not long after coming to Comedy Club" Demis Karibidis made friends with Andrey Skorokhod, after which from 2013 year, the duo performs along with their sketches. Duet numbers are considered very popular. "How to Become Caucasian", "Pablo Coxobare" and "Disgruntled Guards".

Karibidis and Andrey Skorokhod

As part of the project, the artist decided to launch a series of sketches called " Foreign languages". Together with Andrey Skorokhod and the comedian played the role of a foreigner who was taking an exam to get Russian citizenship in the scene "Exam in the Russian language."

Karibidis and

With 2015 of the year, the artist takes part in miniatures as part of a trio, together with Dmitry Kozhoma and Ivan Pyshnenko. Among the numbers of young people, "Time Travel" and "Hospitality in Sochi" are very popular. In addition, Demis Karibidis also participated in the filming of « comedy woman"and" Our Russia ". In the latter, the humorist was in the frame together with. Demis played the role of a policeman who always brought a security guard - Alexander Rodionovich Borodach.

Demis Karibidis and

The fact that the humorist tried himself not only on stage, but also in the cinema remains well known. The debut began with a small role in the film " Real boys» . After the debut, the young man flashed among the heroes of "Univer" and already in 2011 year fully played a role in the sitcom " University. New hostel". The artist was given the role of one of Michael's relatives. After that, Demis began to actively act in films. In 2013, Karibidis appeared on the screens of viewers in the image of Serzhik in the film "Sea. The mountains. Expanded clay " and already in 2016 starred in the comedy " bearded man».

Karibidis and Skorokhod

Personal life

Demis Karibidis did not like to talk publicly about his family and tried his best to hide it exactly as long as it was still possible. Only at the festival "High Humor Week"”, which was organized in honor of the “Decade of the Comedy Club”, fans were able to find out the name of his beloved. It was very unusual.

Demis and Pelageya Karibidis

This action took place in Jurmala. After numerous jokes about the wedding and matrimony, Demis decided to make a marriage proposal to his girlfriend, who at that time was sitting in a full hall. After everyone heard “Yes”, the hall seemed to drown in applause, and all the spectators greeted the young couple standing up. Demis wanted to make this act very beautiful and memorable, so he asked Soso Pavliashvili perform one of your songs. It was at this moment that the young man made a marriage proposal to his beloved. After this celebration, all the participants appeared on the stage. Comedy Club", who, in turn, decided to congratulate the young couple, as well as give a bouquet of flowers to the bride.

Demis and Pelageya Karibidis: photos from the wedding

May 2014 Demis and Pelageya got married, which they decided to celebrate a week later in one of the hotels in Gelendzhik. Among the many guests, journalists were able to notice and. After the wedding, almost nothing has changed. The couple still does not like to advertise their relationship.

Demis and Pelageya Karibidis

However, Demis and his wife tried to the last not to tell the public that they would soon have a replenishment in the family. Already in May 2015, a young couple had their first child - daughter Sophia. Some time later, in October 2017, a girl was born again to Demis and Pelageya. Now Demis has begun to relate to the public easier, as evidenced by family photos on Instagram.

Demis and Pelageya Karibidis in the hospital

Demis Karibidis now

Demis Karibidis actively cooperates with Marina Kravets and Recently, numbers in their joint performance have been very popular. Scenes are considered very popular "Husband and wife in the club" and "The wife is waiting for her husband", which in turn cause a real sensation among the audience. In addition, old sketches do not cease to be less popular. For example, the same sketch Passport Office” was able to gain more than 11 million views on the Internet.

Demis Karibidis and Marina Kravets

The number turned out to be very memorable. "The Yurets is blaming." In one of the issues of the Comedy Club, artists of the musical label "Black star mafia ". The singer was also invited Christina C. During the performance of the singer, the so-called Yurets appeared on the stage, who was played by Demis, and he asked the musicians to help him make peace with the girl.

At the end of May 2018, a humorous program was aired "Where is the logic?”, whose guests were Demis Karibidis and Andrey Skorokhod. The essence of the program was that the audience opposes the team of artists. But, unfortunately, the team of spectators won with a score of 8:3.

Demis Karibidis in the car

Some time later, Demis was appointed to the role of host of the evening together with Marina Kravets. The event was intended to celebrate the end of the 10th season of the KHL, and the event itself was held in " Barvikha Luxury Village». Also, in addition to the athletes, various show business stars were present, such as Stanislav Yarushin and.

Demis Karibidis at a performance

There is an opinion that a happy event can happen in a star family at the beginning of 2019. Showman Demis Karibidis can become a dad for the third time. Spouse of the resident Comedy Club" this time she did not hide her position. Moreover, this time she herself posted a photo of herself on Instagram, in which her tummy is clearly visible. So it's not that hard to guess that Demis's wife is pregnant again. Before Demis's wife posted her new photo on the social network, no one even thought about her "interesting" position. However, after the exposed photo, in which the mother's tummy is visible, the couple was simply hit by a wave of questions from their own subscribers. Everyone is very interested in whom and when the spouses are expecting. Almost everyone who subscribes to the celebrity couple in social networks, sent a message with the same text: “Can I congratulate you already?”. The answer to numerous questions did not wait long. Moreover, the showman's wife decided to publish another photo on her personal blog, which she had already signed with the words: "Suddenly it seemed to someone - so that it would no longer" seem "".

Comedian Karibidis is being made up

Himself Demis Karibidis has yet to comment on his wife's statement. The couple's star subscribers sincerely wish the spouses not to stop there, and wish the showman himself that his long-awaited son is finally born.

Damis Karibidis - a descendant of an ancient family of Pontic Greeks, was born in Georgia, the city of Tbilisi on December 4, 1982. Damis established himself as an actor in the humorous genre and became a widely famous humorist on the Russian stage. Demis' fiancee received an offer to marry him at the High Humor Week festival in the summer of 2013. During the performance, Damis offered her his hand and heart. The wife of Demis Karibidis is a girl with rare name Pelagia.

Young spouses keep secret her origin and age. Neither her middle name, nor her maiden name, nor the profession of the comedian's wife is known in the press - nothing that would enable fans to gossip a little on this topic. Moreover, the name Pelageya may also not be the real name of the girl.

Demis Karibidis' wife - photo

It happened in Jurmala. When Damis Karibidis proposed to his future wife, she went to him on stage. The hall gave a standing ovation. Soso Pavliashvili sang a song dedicated to the future spouses. In May 2014, Demis and Pelageya played a wedding, which was attended by many famous guests.

Demis Karibidis and his wife do not advertise their personal lives. Most likely, the nationality of Damis's wife is also Greek, despite her Russian name. The photo of the wife of Demis Karibidis shows that this beautiful woman I found my happiness in my family and I am quite satisfied with my life.

The eldest daughter of happy spouses, Sofiko, was born in May 2015. In October 2017, another beauty was born in the Karibidis family. Demis Karibidis spends a lot of time with his wife and children.

The artist's joy knew no end when he recently had another child. His wife gave him a son, whose name has not yet been made public, but Demis posted on social networks a photo of the baby in his arms. Demis Karibidis and his wife, along with their daughters, are happy to pose for the camera and publish their joint photos. The time is not far off when we will see the artist's family in in full force and learn the name of his heir.

Briefly about Damis

The biography of Damis Karibidis can be started from that day, 450 years ago, when his ancestors, the Pontic Greeks, left their homes in sunny Hellas to escape the Turkish yoke. Most of them landed on the then deserted coast of the Black Sea. Over the past few centuries, the Pontic Greeks have preserved not only their language and culture, but also the purity of the genus. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Demis's parents decided to return to their historical homeland with their children. There, Demis changed his surname to the Greek way.

Damis Karibidis' parents could not adapt to the crazy rhythm of capitalist life. Few of the Greek settlers assume that oblivion, unemployment and a constant struggle for survival await them in their distant homeland. Be that as it may, they returned to Gelendzhik. By that time, the children had already adapted in Greece and had forgotten the Russian language.

Everything had to start over. However, Damis Karibidis coped and entered the Sochi University of Tourism. At the university, his abilities for foreign languages ​​were manifested. But he found his place and profession in the humorous Club of the cheerful and resourceful. The first university team of KVN was called "Russo Turisto".

Damis Karibidis has mastered humorous genre. His jokes and funny performances have become an integral part of Russian concerts. His small stature is often the butt of jokes. In 2010, their team "Team of the Kuban humorist" from the Comedy Club received a ticket to the high stage and became the champion of the Major League.

Currently, Damis Karibidis is one of the brightest residents of the Comedy Club. In addition to participating in humorous scenes, Damis showed himself as a good actor and starred in several television series.

The well-known resident of the Comedy Club Demis Karibidis plays from TNT.

Abbreviated biography

  • How many years: 36
  • Growth: 1 meter 63 centimeters
  • The weight: 70 kilograms
  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
  • SP: married, have children

Demis Ivanovich Karibidis (Karibov) was born in the capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, on December 4, 1982. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, he and his family moved to live in Greece, where he studied until the 7th grade. high school. Then they again changed their place of residence to the city of Gelendzhik, where the humorist studied until graduation.

In the mid-90s, he entered the Sochi University of Tourism, from where he got into the KVN team Russo Turisto and BAK. The latter soon performed in the Major League and brought fame to Demis. Since 2005, he has been a member of the Comedy Club comedy show from the TNT channel.


From the 1st to the 7th grade, Demis studied at a Greek school, so he knew the modern Greek language. Then, with the move to Gelendzhik, he is transferred to the general education school 4 of the city. After receiving secondary education, he enters SGUTiKD at the faculty of "Social and cultural service and tourism".

Professional career

The start for his image of a comedian in show business is participation in the KVN team "Russo-turisto" from the university, and then in "BAK", which falls into major league. He could only become a champion by changing the team for the second time to the national team Krasnodar Territory Krasnodarsky Prospekt in 2010. In 2005, he appeared on television as a member of the Comedy Club, in which he regularly takes part as a resident.

The first film with his participation is an episodic role in the TV series Univer, 2011. Then he hit the "Sea. The mountains. Expanded clay" in 2013, which was shot by Tigran Keosyan. In 2016, he will be a member of the TV series "Bearded Man" from TNT along with Galustyan.


In his free time, Karibov studies foreign languages who knows more than five! Likes to travel the world. He especially likes to surf Europe and ancient cities, such as Rome.

Personal life

In May 2014, Demis married Pelageya, and exactly a year later they had a daughter, whom they decided to name Sofia. The relationship of this couple lasted a very long time and was hidden from the public until the wedding.

Demis and Pilageya Karibova

Photo with Demis Karibidis

Video performances in KVN

Demis Karibidis: biography of the actor was last modified: December 23rd, 2015 by borodach-tv

Member Name: Demis Karibov

Age (birthday): 4.12.1982

City: Tbilisi

Education: State University Sochi

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Reading this article:

Demis Karibidis, one of the most colorful residents of the Comedy Club, was born in Tbilisi, but his childhood was mostly spent in Greece. Parents moved to Thessaloniki immediately after the collapse of the USSR.

The young joker lived and studied in a foreign country until the seventh grade, and after The Karibovs had to move to Gelendzhik. Of course, for young Demis, this event became a real stress - firstly, adaptation and getting used to the new climate caused some inconvenience, and secondly, the guy practically did not know the Russian language.

He had to catch up with his classmates school curriculum while learning a new language. It was very difficult, but Demis did it, so his parents were proud of him, and he himself experienced genuine self-satisfaction.

After school, the artist entered the Sochi University at the Department of Tourism, as part of the training, he learned two more languages ​​- English and Spanish. At that time, he already knew 6 languages!

At the same time, Demis became interested in KVN, first he joined the university team, and then, having gained experience, he moved to the big KVN. Demis participated in two squads - Krasnodarsky Prospekt and BAK, with the first team he even became the Champion of the Higher League.

When the path in KVN came to a logical conclusion, Demis no longer wanted to go to work by profession- he had too many friends and acquaintances associated with humor, there were enough offers, and most importantly, he enjoyed entertaining the audience from the stage.

For this reason, Demis gladly accepted the invitation to become a member of the Comedy Club. His jokes, as colleagues say, live among us, Karibidis shows such numbers in which the audience recognizes the characters presented.

Most often, Demis Karibidis performs in tandem with Andrei Skorokhod, sometimes with.

One looks like a neighbor, the other looks like an acquaintance or relative, but it seems that he is talking about a girlfriend ... Demis perfectly joined the team of comedians, and was clearly not going to stop there.

Karibidis tried himself as a film actor, he took part in several sitcoms of the TNT channel, and also played a security guard in a series of comic issues about the Bearded Man. Demis loves interesting offers, he behaves enthusiastically on stage, and he is the same in life.

Nothing was known about his personal relationship for a long time, but in 2013, at the festival in honor of the 10th anniversary of the Comedy Club, Karibidis first performed a number on the topic of how married men live, and then knelt down and, in all seriousness, to all honest people he proposed to his girlfriend Pelageya.

Her touching and excited "Yes" blew up the hall. A week later the couple got married, and in 2015 their daughter Sofia was born. Here he is, a Georgian guy from Greece, who cannot imagine his life without humor!

Demis's photo

Demis Karibidi leads instagram, where you can see photos from the shooting and personal shots from life.