Natalya Senchukova she is who by nation. Natalya Senchukova: biography and personal life

Singer Date of birth October 25 (Scorpio) 1970 (48) Place of birth Georgievsk Instagram @natalasenchukova

Singer Natalya Senchukova was remembered by the audience for her sonorous girlish voice and uncomplicated, cheerful compositions. She recorded most of the albums together with Viktor Rybin. Their family duo became successful musical project and gained immense popularity. The songs they created exist outside of time and still delight fans.

Biography of Natalia Senchukova

The future artist was born on October 25, 1970 in the city of Georgievsk. Parents - Valentin and Lyudmila - were military personnel. When their daughter was five years old, they took her to a dance club.

Natasha immediately fell in love with choreography and decided to connect her life with this difficult art. Like many athletes, she had to go through many hours of training, injuries and tears. All this helped the girl to temper her character, gain endurance and make sure that she wanted to become a dancer.

After school, Senchukova entered the Stavropol choreographic school. Upon completion of her studies, she went to Moscow to find work in her profession. So Natalia got into the "Dance Machine" team. The process of staging the numbers was led by the famous Soviet singer and dancer Vladimir Shubarin.

One year later successful career, Natalia left the team. She wanted change and career growth. Like everyone who comes to the capital, the girl had many ambitions and prospects. However, the reality turned out to be much more severe in relation to the dancer. Due to high competition, she was rejected almost everywhere. Senchukova had to get by with odd jobs in variety shows, as backup dancers for jazz and pop performers.

To return home without money, with dashed hopes, would be a loss. Natalia could not allow this, so she continued to work with all her might. During this period, at one of the concerts at the Olimpiysky, she met Viktor Rybin from the Dune group.

The young man convinced the girl to give up dancing in favor of vocals. Classes began with a professional teacher who taught her voice and breathing. Immediately after that, the musicians from the group "Dune" and Natalya Senchukova went on a joint tour. The image for the newly minted singer was invented by Rybin.

The idea to sing with "Dune" turned out to be a failure, but Senchukova again showed her characteristic fortitude. The artist began work on recording her first album. In 1991, the disc "Everything That Was" was released in collaboration with the Malina group.

In 1994, several more songs by Natalia were recorded, which were included in the album “You are not Don Juan”. In her works, the singer was no longer a hooligan invented by Rybin, but feminine, soft and lyrical. The first clip of the performer was filmed for the title track of the second album.

Like everything new, the listeners gladly accepted the songs of Natalia Senchukova. They were played on a tape recorder in every yard, at discos, on the radio. The popularity of the singer grew every day and the records came out one after another.

In 1995, Natalia released her first joint album with Rybin. It was called "Remember the golden childhood." As part of the concept of the project, the duet covered various songs from children's cartoons.

Throughout her career, Senchukova has released 12 albums and over 20 music videos. Most of the works were presented to the public jointly with Viktor Rybin. The most popular compositions are "Tic-Tac-Toe", "It was snowing", "My dear nerd", "You told me, believe" and "It's about tonight".

“We immediately asked: “Is there any salvation for us?” We were told that we needed to resort to radiation therapy. I have already removed only the external manifestation of cancer, this is the very speck, and the problem is much more serious, deeper, ”said Victor ...

“We immediately asked: “Is there any salvation for us?” We were told that we needed to resort to radiation therapy. I have already been removed only the external manifestation of cancer, this is the very speck, and the problem is much more serious, deeper. Finished two weeks ago... Skin cancer: which of the celebrities was not spared by an insidious disease

Skin cancer: which of the celebrities was not spared by an insidious disease

Secret for a million with Lera Kudryavtseva: “Viktor Rybin and Natalya Senchukova are sick, and they have the same diagnosis for two ...”

Many people think that it is impossible to combine career, family, youth and beauty at the same time. Something is bound to get hurt.

It's time for such skeptics to turn to the star Natalia Senchukova. Her life easily refutes any such claims.

secret city

In the very south of the Stavropol Territory, there is the town of Georgievsk, a small warm town as part of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody resort ring. Its name will say little to most of those who are interested, but, nevertheless, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin often came here at one time, Mikhail Lermontov constantly visited his grandmother here. Maxim Gorky and General Bagration loved to visit. And Alexander Solzhenitsyn buried his parents here.

In the USSR, for the military, the city became a "mailbox" - a place of secret objects, where they were often sent to serve. This is how the officer Valentin Senchukov got here with his young wife Anna. The couple were a good Soviet family, which already had a boy. And on October 25, 1970, in Georgievsk, Valentin and Anya had a girl. The daughter was named Natasha, and it was the future beauty and honored singer of the country Natalya Senchukova.

Dream and Indian Cinema

Little Natasha did not think about any career as a singer. Dancing is the only dream of a girl in childhood. Today, the stage star admits that her mother always dreamed of being a dancer. But during my mother's youth, such a profession was not welcomed, and I had to go to a medical school. So Natalie's mom became a nurse. However, the passion was passed on to the daughter, so much so that at the age of 5 the girl was enrolled in choreographic school, where they took her immediately.

The little dancer inherited a light bone and a good complexion. Flexible, airy, she perfectly coped with all the difficult, dance basics, while others could not stand it and were eliminated. The strongest motivation helped even more - Natasha knew for sure: her destiny was a professional stage. At the age of 14, the young dancer argued with her older brother that she would be famous by the age of 18.

Igor, the brother, teased his sister and agreed to the argument on the condition that the losing sister would owe him a Japanese tape recorder. Natasha didn't hesitate. The day before, she saw the enchanting "Disco Dancer", the cult Indian saga about the world of stage, music and vibrant dance, and was so shocked by this that she was already determined to achieve success in any way.

For the sake of a dream, Natalia successfully graduated from a choreographic school first, and after an eight-year educational period, a difficult choreographic school in the capital Stavropol. By this time, the family had already settled in Pyatigorsk, where the father of the family was assigned to the service after many moves. After graduating from college, Natasha returned home to begin adult life. But she did not connect her with Pyatigorsk in any way.

Quick Miracle

As a student in Stavropol, Natalya did not sit locked up in a hostel in free time. Actively went with her friends to the performances of guest stars, concerts. And one concert became a landmark for the future artist.

On that day, the musicians of the famous "Black Coffee" performed. And they have a young group "Time Out" as the opening act. The soloist of the group turned out to be Kostya, Natasha's classmate at the school. The guy tried to court the girl - tall, slender, with sensual features. But then Natalia was not at all up to boyfriends. She already had dreams of going to Moscow, which she constantly talked about. Fortunately, Kostya turned out to be an understanding man. He did not insist on a relationship, but he remembered the dream of a classmate.

Natalya Senchukova in her youth. Photo

“I will find you an interesting offer in Moscow,” Konstantin simply stated the next day. Natalya was already suspicious of a new attempt to please, but a friend replied that he did not need anything in return. And as soon as she receives her diploma, let her come to the Arbat in Moscow on July 5 at 4 pm.

So the graduate did. We went to Moscow with my dad. We rented a room in the historical Medvedkovo, and in the evening we went to the Arbat. There were no telephones, so they went at random, not even knowing if the one who had made the promise remembers his promise. And he remembered. I came to the meeting, as agreed, and handed my girlfriend ... the phone of the key employee of the best at that time dance show countries of the "Dance Machine"!

"Dance Machine" was the brainchild of the famous dancer, singer and film actor Vladimir Shubarin. The artist once starred with Vladimir Vysotsky, Dzhigarkhanyan, Donatas Banionis, Alla Pugacheva. Invented my own dance style and led his own dance group, which then thundered throughout the country. And Kostya presented Natasha with a real gift of fate, giving her the coordinates of the group's sound engineer and information that the group needed new dancers.

Natalia phoned the specified number, received an invitation to the casting. And when she arrived and began to rehearse, Shubarin himself entered the room. And many years of genuine labors of the St. George girl paid off immediately - the famous choreographer assessed the professionalism of the dancer with one glance and briefly said: "Finish". Natasha was in seventh heaven with incredible happiness. It seemed that dreams came true, and so quickly. But, alas, fate has its own plans.

short dances

Shubarin Natalya conscientiously worked for a year. Despite the fame of the team, her earnings were low, hardly enough for a rented room and some kind of food. Lived with a friend. However, Natasha Senchukova was truly happy. After all, to start youth from such a start was a great achievement. The girl lived independently in Moscow, doing her favorite thing under the guidance of a famous master, loving father and mother supported her daughter in everything. And the income will come.

But, unfortunately, 1989 was on the nose, and it was in this year that the “Dance Machine” ended its history. At first the group stopped for a break, and then broke up altogether. Natalie was left without work and means of subsistence. I had to look for a new job. Stretched not very joyful days of part-time jobs, dancers, variety shows. Natalya and her friend took on any job to make ends meet. For example, to act as an opening act at the Olimpiyskiy during a concert.

At one of these concerts, in the moment of preparation, an incomprehensible man in a strange outfit, unsightly, short and plump, approached Senchukova. He was wearing a ridiculous jacket with badges, plaid pants and a cap. Moreover, in response, he was surprised to be interested in the costume of the dancer herself. Looking at the funny man from the height of her heels, Natasha stepped aside, making it clear that she did not want to talk. But it was her future husband - the famous Viktor Rybin.

Love triangle

About who approached her, the proud woman found out that same evening. I saw how he went on stage, and how the hall exploded, and then the speakers were announced - "Dune". The dancer changed her anger to mercy. But not at all because of the singer's fame, but because he didn't have a backup dancer, which means there was a good chance to get a good job. And Victor liked the stranger right away. After the performance, he took her phone number and soon called.

He called on business, the shooting of the video was on fire, the recording participants were needed, the singer decided, why not the beautiful Natasha. The agreement took place, but the clip itself did not take place. The day was clearly unsuccessful, and the shooting went awry. But new acquaintances were able to communicate and make friends, and very soon Natalya realized that Vitya was a real fairy-tale prince. Reliable, loyal, protective, brave, caring, and affectionate. Well, appearance is the tenth thing. Victor fell in love with the long-legged beauty almost immediately.

In the photo Natalya Senchukova with her husband Viktor Rybin

It would seem that, happy love. Well no. Victor was married and with a newborn daughter. And even though Victor's marriage was difficult, because he had to marry on the basis of his own broken heart, without love. But Natasha got the annoying role of a homeowner. By 2018 strong marriage Victor-Natasha Rybinykh is already 20 years old, and the acquaintance is almost 30 at all. But the topic love triangle until now, pain echoes in the soul of both Victor and Nata.

Nevertheless, the fateful meeting of youth gave the girl another life - a stage one. Vitya insisted that Natasha give up her difficult career on the dance scene and come under his wing as a singer. The southerner was then 19, she clearly lost the argument to her brother. But she didn't regret it at all. Fame was pushed back by only a few years.

New field, glory and tears

A new working biography began with the organization of his own group. The name was chosen - "Raspberry". The project was taken seriously. Natalya was arranged at the Gnesinka (Gnessin Russian Academy of Music) to set up her voice. A TV presentation was prepared to be shown in Morning Post. The image is selected, and the wardrobe to it. It was supposed to present a female version of Victor's group - a girl in street clothes with a cocky manner.

The first concert was to take place on February 14, 1991. All night before, Natasha and Victor were finishing the costume, attaching rhinestones around the entire perimeter to torn jeans. The shirt and boots were also picked up conspicuous, the shirt was with cucumbers, and the boots were yellow. The performance went according to plan. But there was no excitement. It was a clear mistake to pass off the plastic, feminine Natasha with a soft voice for a hooligan girl. They decided to change tactics, and that's when it went.

"Raspberry" was postponed, a place for the soloist was found in the "Dune" itself. It was there that the gentle singer in beautiful dresses was appreciated by both the old fans of the group and the new fans of the soloist herself. Beautiful girl with romantic songs, she so well set off the hooligan style of the collective, but so harmoniously fit into the general idea that less than a year later Natalia Senchukova became the favorite artist of the people. In singing, Nata turned out to be no less talented than in dancing, and solo performances were not long in coming. Albums flew to the masses:

  • All that was, 1991;
  • You are not Don Juan, Let it be so, 1994;
  • About love - endlessly, Remember your golden childhood, 1995;
  • Sky #7, 1996;
  • Ocean of Love, 1997;
  • Don't call again, 1998.

The 1995-96 album Mi Amor (my love...) Sobre La Arena (...on the sand) was completely in Spanish. The album was released and sold out in Spain, without even hitting the Russian markets, and Leonid Agutin himself was the author of the songs for it.

With personal life, everything was much more complicated. Victor was not able to immediately dot it, and for 2 years the lovers led the lifestyle of lovers, hiding their relationship. Only joint performances allowed them to constantly be together. But, in the end, Victor's wife, Elena, understood everything and one day she herself went to talk with her husband.

The conversation was very difficult. "How are we?" Lena then asked. And this question still hangs like a cold memory on Victor's soul. But Lena turned out to be a wise woman, and yet she let her husband go. And Victor subsequently did everything to thank for such an act. However, then the whole tragedy had to be endured together, and Natalya was just as hard. And the first news of the freedom of a loved one brought not at all stormy joy, but pain.

own family

Victor and Elena broke up, Natasha no longer needed to worry about their relationship. The couple officially began to live together. At first, Vitya was in no hurry with a divorce. The fact is that he loved his daughter and Lena, Masha, madly, and wanted only the best for her. Including education. But the elite school she was chosen only accepted children from complete families. So I had to stay in the same status.

However, the divorce sooner or later was carried out. However, Nata and Vitya were still in no hurry to register their union in the registry office. And only the imminent appearance of the first-born gave Victor the idea that his child should be born in marriage! December winter day future dad I ran home and dragged Natasha with an 8-month-old pregnancy to apply. They signed immediately, quietly, without noise, but satisfied and happy. It was already 1998.

son Vasya

On February 12, 1999, a long-awaited event happened - a child, son Vasya, appeared in the family. The young mother confidently decided to leave her active touring career and devote herself to her son. But that didn't apply to my dad. Dad continued to travel and earn money for his extended family. It turned out great for him - by the time his son was born, he had already built a large separate house in Dolgoprudny, where the family moved from a small apartment.

The photo shows the son of Natalia Senchukova and Viktor Rybin - Vasily

However, Mom-Senchukova could not completely abandon music. There were too many feelings, inspiration from happy events. The singer stopped singing with "Dune", but began to sing a duet with her husband. And new albums were born:

  • Not a word about love, 2000;
  • Don't cry, girls, 2002;
  • I am not your pie (2003).

But most of the attention went to the growing boy. And it did not remain fruitless. At the age of 5, Vasya was sent to karate classes - for 10 years the boy achieved incredible results in this, having won all conceivable awards. Today he has about 130 prize medals from various competitions. At the age of 15, dad taught the boy to play the drums, the son mastered it so well that by the age of 18 he made his own group, where he turned out to be the leader.

Mom wasn't far behind either. The music of youth in the family is still being created. New turn albums included works:

  • Start over, Case by night, (2009);
  • Necessity, 2011;
  • Law of Attraction, 2013;
  • Wonderful!, 2017.

And over the years, the spouses not only are not used to each other, but find more and more new points of contact. And so much so that they decided to create their own new professional duet, where only they will sing. Now Natasha with Vitya - official group"RybSen", gaining new popularity among grateful listeners.

Natalya Senchukova today

Today Natalya Valentinovna Senchukova is a happy wife, mother, businessman, still amazing beautiful woman and a singer. Marriage with Viktor Rybin turned out to be one of the strongest on the national stage among constant divorces and betrayals. The spouses are truly in love with each other so far, this can be seen from the way they are everywhere together, at any talk shows, meetings, performances. Social media Natalia are devoted most of all to her husband and son.

Vasily Rybin

By 2018, son Vasily has grown into a tall, strong, handsome man with an athletic build, which many Western stars can envy. The young man has already left karate, professional sports, as you know, are not good for health. But from the sports past the young man left strong body, flexibility and fighting spirit. Currently, Vasily Rybin is a student at the Moscow State Institute of Cinematography, a future director of theatrical performances. Part-time model, leader musical group Another One Divide.

Natalya and her husband not only make music, but also maintain their own ship, Mikhail Lomonosov. The cruise ship is fully equipped with a professional crew, including a personal cook, and serves as an excellent place for family, friends and advanced clients to relax.

Despite the outward lightness, the singer has a rich biography, and some Interesting Facts are worth a lot of attention:

  1. The singer never allowed herself to gain weight. With a height of 167 cm, her weight has been stable at 53 kg almost from her youth. The secret is active movement, proper nutrition, positive mood.
  2. Natasha's parents lived together for 40 years. But in the year Vasya was born, Natasha found out that her mother was seriously ill. The father could not withstand such a blow, unfortunately, the parents quickly burned out one after the other, with an interval of only a month.
  3. At one time Senchukova N. was approved as a member of the Mirage group. But the issue was decided by admission to the Jazzballet team, which managed to agree with the girl earlier.
  4. In "Jazzballet", the young dancer met the sister of the famous Galina Belyaeva, the heroine of the film "My Sweet and Gentle Beast". Later, having met the actress herself, Nata became so friends with her that she lived with her for several years as a friend.
  5. Nata's first solo disc was completely written by Leonid Derbenev.
  6. The singer is closely friends with sports. In her youth, she worked for a youth category in tourism. Now she is the owner of a black belt in karate and 4th dan. Moreover, she is the president of the Interregional Karate-Do Federation in Russia.
  7. In 2011, after 20 years of dating, Natalia and Victor got married in the Church of Our Lady of Kazan. And then they arranged a celebration, which they did not have during the distant registration of the union in the registry office.
  8. In 2016, the singer was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.
  9. Godmother of the daughter of Miss Universe Oksana Fedorova - Lisa.

And, finally, Natalya believes that her children are not only Vasya, but also Victor's daughter Masha. With her, the artist has an excellent, close relationship based on complete understanding.

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V. Rybin was born in August 1962 in the city of Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region. His father was a worker, his mother was an educator in kindergarten. When Victor was seven years old, his father passed away. It happened under very dramatic circumstances - the father stabbed himself in front of the child. After that, Victor was silent for six months, and the doctors doubted whether he would recover at all after such a shock. But, fortunately, everything worked out.

Victor grew up as a “classic” difficult teenager: he studied poorly at school, wandered around the streets idle, “shot” coppers for a smoke from younger guys. When he got older, he picked up the guitar for the first time and began to play in the evenings on the dance floor as part of an amateur ensemble.

Victor married early - at the age of 20, to a girl named Katya, who was two years younger than him. As soon as they got married, Victor was drafted into the army and he left to serve in Kamchatka. Then he entered the military school in Severodvinsk. His wife came to live with him, but she could only endure the first ten days, after which she packed her things and returned to her homeland. So Rybin's first marriage broke up.

The second time he married in the mid-80s, when he returned to Dolgoprudny (his wife's name was Elena). He then played drums and was an administrator in a local rock band, which was never imprinted with anything special in the memory of a Russian listener. However, in 1988, the band members came up with the idea to change their image and transform from a rock band into a stag ensemble with all the ensuing attributes: a children's panama hat, plaid trousers and badges. The name was invented by the whole world and at first they settled on the "Hammer and Sickle". However, in the regional philharmonic, officials twirled a finger at the temple and advised not to joke like that anymore. I had to come up with something simpler, for example - "Dune". That's what they decided on.

The debut of the new team was surprisingly successful. The song "Country Limoniya" performed by Viktor Rybin instantly became the hit of the season, however, unofficially. The fact is that the appearance of an openly banter group on the Russian stage was met by the "sharks" of show business with distrust and a special fate was prepared for the team - the mass listener knew the group, but the media tried not to notice it. From here, Dune did not appear in almost any Russian "chart". However, time put everything in its place. Who today remembers different "stars", "fairies" and other groups that have sunk into oblivion? And "Dune" plays to this day.

In 1990, another change took place in Rybin's personal life - he suddenly fell in love with 20-year-old dancer Natalia Senchukova. Their meeting took place on May 2 during a gala concert at the Olimpiyskiy. Natalya then lived with her parents and brother in Pyatigorsk, with early years was fond of dancing and by the will of fate in 1988 she ended up as a dancer in the fashionable ensemble of Vladimir Shubarin "Dance Machine". It was with this team that she performed at the Olimpiysky. She recalled the first performance and meeting with Viktor Rybin: “I was in an incomprehensible tulle suit, which was practically non-existent ... In general, that day I was wearing a skirt made of a black turtleneck: I cut something off, made a frill, and It turned out to be a tight-fitting short stretch-type skirt. It was in this outfit that Victor saw me. It wasn't love at first sight, just normal male interest."

It is worth noting that at that time Rybin's wife was kept in the maternity hospital for several months, and during this time the husband managed to get carried away by another. Rybin had a daughter, Masha, but this event could no longer save the family - Victor fell hopelessly in love with Senchukova. The latter recalls:

“When we first met, I didn’t know anything about his wife’s pregnancy, although he didn’t hide anything. Called - let's meet. And immediately: do not smoke in the car, they say, he does not smoke. He said that four months ago his daughter was born. He speaks about his wife with respect, not as husbands usually say: the wife is a bitch - but in a kind way, this bribed me. And then, how could I know that he was looking after me? We met at work, on the set of the video, it was rather love affair at work, and only two weeks later I “finished it” that he was caring ...

I then worked from morning to evening - rehearsals, concerts, danced someone, I needed money. Then my friend and I even went to Golitsino-2 to dance at discos for military children - 15 rubles for two for two days off, in the middle of nowhere. Therefore, when we just started talking with Vitya, it seemed to me that it was so cozy and warm with him, and that this is exactly what is mine ... "

Having gone to Senchukova, Rybin did not file a divorce with his wife for five years. ex-wife. Why? Here is how he answers this question: “I did not divorce my wife because of my daughter. Wanted her to go to good school- they study Chinese, English, give appropriate education. But they are accepted there only if there is a father and mother. I always wanted my daughter to get a good education. In no case did she go into music. Show business is pretty dirty…”

In 1991, Rybin persuaded Natasha to quit her career as a dancer and retrain as a singer: “I realized that so that I don’t have a fourth option in marriage, Natasha and I should be together as much as possible. And she began to travel with me on tour. Why just ride. I told her: "Let's learn to sing." As it turns out, she can sing. We worked out for three months - I set my breath ... "

In the same year, the first solo album with the unpretentious name "Natalia Senchukova". As the legend says, at the family council it was decided not to let it out anywhere - Victor himself smashed it to the stalls and put it on sale next to Dune. Two years later, another Senchukova album was released - “You are not Don Juan”, in which Natalya again appeared in such a female version"Dunes": torn pants, shirt "in cucumbers". However, this album was not successful. It was then that it was decided to start experimenting, as a result of which Natalya Senchukova became what we know her to this day - a sweet lyrical singer who sings, albeit unpretentiously, but sincerely and with soul.

1994 almost became the last in the life of not only the star couple Rybin - Senchukov, but also the entire "Dune". What happened?

Late in the evening on January 10, a group in in full force returned on the Ikarus from a tour from Kostroma. There was very little left before Moscow, and, it seems, nothing foreshadowed trouble. However, at the moment when the bus entered the bridge, which hung over the railroad tracks, the driver suddenly fell asleep at the wheel. The car began to shake from side to side, and at that time the headlights of a heavy-duty MAZ approaching at full speed flashed brightly ahead. Next, let's listen to the story of a witness to the incident - N. Senchukova: “Having seen the approaching hulk, everyone screamed wildly. The scream woke the driver. Quickly realizing what was happening, he slammed on the brakes. Something screeched, the car jerked and, turning sharply, crawled to the edge of the bridge. To put it mildly, we closed our eyes and began to say goodbye to life. "Ikarus" crashed into the fence of the bridge, knocking out one link. Everyone froze like stones. The moment of waiting - fall or not - was terrible. Far below, the rails gleamed, on which we could easily spread ourselves mixed with fragments of iron. But from the sharp braking, the bus flew off the wheel, and at the very last moment it got stuck on the “edge of the abyss”. We didn’t have time to realize that from young, healthy people, miraculously, we didn’t become a “wet place”, as from hard hit we were thrown from side to side. In the first seconds, we really could not make out anything, only realized that something terrible had happened. This "MAZ", which did not have time to slow down, crashed into the bus with all its might. I was horrified to find that I was covered in blood. But at first I didn't feel pain. Only later it turned out that my leg was cut and my nose was broken.

We started breaking glass that still survived and climbing out of the windows. People fell on the icy asphalt. And Lenya Tolstoy, the director of "Dune", generally flew out the windshield and ended up about 15 meters from the bus. MAZ, according to our calculations, could explode at any moment. The people fled to different sides away from the scene of the incident. For some, it cost simply incredible effort - after all, several people broke one arm, one leg.

I don’t know how much time has passed - it seemed like one moment, and then it really crashed. "MAZ" exploded. Tongues of flame lit up the entire pavement, like in some cool action movie. We all lay down on the ground, covered our heads with our hands and waited to see how it would all end. For a moment, I thought I was gone. A few minutes later, an ambulance, traffic police cars and firemen arrived. Doctors began to put people on stretchers and take them to the car. There were screams and groans all around. God, I was so scared! Hands were shaking. We actually almost died…”

Over the past four years, the Dune group has released four new albums, each of which had two or three full-fledged hits. The reader probably still remembers most of them: Borka the Womanizer, Communal Apartment, Zhenya, etc.

To date, the Rybin-Senchukova couple still lives in Dolgoprudny. Only if earlier they lived in an old house (a former communal apartment) at the intersection of Oktyabrskaya and Komsomolskaya streets, now they have added one more to this dwelling - a cozy brick house in the same city, which was built for them by a team of builders from the Belarusian-Polish enterprise. According to V. Rybin, they do not communicate with the artistic world. All their friends live in Dolgoprudny… In addition, they have property in distant Spain.

From an interview with V. Rybin: “I consider the financial situation of the family to be normal. We have forty-fifty thousand dollars a year ( we are talking about August 1997. - F. R.). We have enough of this. Therefore, I do not allow Natalia to work a lot. She must be a popular socialite...

Unfortunately, everything is turned upside down for us. Not a single normal artist, with the exception of ours, "cards" thirty concerts a month for some meager money. In the West, everything is different. The artist released an album, made an advertisement for it, and that's it ... then he lives half his life on this money. And with us - he released an album, received a penny and took everything to television so that your video was shown. Well, if enough is enough, and if not, then forward across the country - to earn money. Then you realize that you also need to work for your family. You plow for another two months. It's good that for yourself ...

In our country, compared to ordinary people, we are rich, and compared to world-class stars, we are simply poor. They have an annual income of forty to sixty million dollars. And I have never seen a million dollars. Once I saw a hundred thousand dollars, and then they were not mine ...

We (Dune. - F. R.) differ from many artists in that we do not like and do not want to work concerts in Moscow. After all, what is a concert in the capital? You need to work out a concert and even spend a lot of money to hold it. And that means you won't earn anything. I'd rather fly to Siberia. I am sometimes asked why I do not film my solo albums for television. I answer: in order to film a solo concert for showing on television, you need to pay a lot of money. I won’t even name the amount, it will seem wild to a mere mortal. I say, until they themselves offer, I will never go for it. And what do you think: in the 96th they offered. But how long did it take! And next time I will also demand money so that the television pays me for filming our “solo album”. That's my job. As far as I know, VAZ still doesn’t give out cars to anyone for free. So why should I give away my songs for free, and even pay money? Don't misunderstand me, I don't mean the audience, but television and radio. They immediately say, they say, this is advertising. I don't care about ads! Stop drinking blood from us. So much has been pumped into this fame, including advertising. Let them now drink blood from the young ... "

From an interview with N. Senchukova: “Vitya will never raise his hand against me, but if some woman brings him down, he can slap him. There are women - such bitches! Once in Kamchatka we are sitting after a concert in a restaurant, they bring the bill and suddenly instead of 4 thousand, for example, we are announced 16 ... We don’t feel sorry for the money, but because of the principle Vitya asked to count. Some dishwasher came out, who turned out to be the headmistress, and started yelling: “You, cattle ...” He tried to ignore her for a long time. No, she does not let up - she took him by the scruff of the neck ... She brought him so that he could not stand it - he cooled him a little with a slap in the face ...

I, too, can sometimes flare up, once I even had a fight with a policeman. There are on tour showdowns with service personnel. But mostly I try to be polite. When I get irritated, I go to the mirror and make faces. Although, if you constantly be an angel, you can die at the age of 25 ... "

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AT Rybin NOTES OF STALIN'S BODYGUARD I came to Moscow from Leningrad, where I worked as an inspector of the DSI. In Moscow, I ended up in the OSNAZ division and studied at the 3rd border school. But soon the chief of staff of the division, Mironov, was sent to the operational department of the OGPU of the government

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Alexey Rybin INSTEAD OF A PREFACE This book is not the history of the rock band Zoopark, not a chronicle of concerts and studio recordings, not a description of the adventures of reckless rockers in the country of victorious socialism. We did not want to write about this, in fact, extremely interesting and

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Natalia ANDREICHENKO N. Andreichenko was born on May 3, 1956 in Moscow. Her father, Eduard Stanislavovich, was from Belarus, her mother, Lidia Vasilievna, was a native Muscovite from a wealthy merchant family (her grandfather had a large two-story house in Likhobory). Strange as it may seem, but

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Natalya “My family is multiplying, growing, making noise around me. Now, it seems, there is nothing to grumble about life and there is nothing to be afraid of old age. A bachelor is bored in the world: he is annoyed to see new, young generations; one father of the family looks without envy at the youth surrounding him. From

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Anatoly Rybin THE TRANSFORMED STEPPE Fig. V. Kurbatova Cars go along the wide recently laid motorway Orenburg - Gas building. The October wind is catching up cold heavy clouds from the north, threatening either with falling rain or sleet, but the mighty steppe sun

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1977, No. 7 Vladimir Rybin HELLO GALAXY! Rice. Galina Boyko and Igor ShalitoScience fiction storyFinally silence. No pre-stellar whirlwinds, no wild vibration that made even robots go dumb, no frantic screams of twins. Silence. I want to close my eyes and

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1980-1981 Alexey Rybin and "Garin and Hyperboloids" A group under this strange name appeared in the summer of 1981 after or during a trip to the Crimea, where Tsoi, Lesha Rybin (Fish) and future vocalist and drummer Oleg Valinsky (Basis) went. Let's give the floor historiographer. Andrey

Singer Natalya Senchukova posted a photo of her 19-year-old son Vasily on Instagram, and the subscribers were delighted. Women gave the young man a lot of compliments, compared him with others Hollywood stars and even asked to meet their daughters.

Vasily was born in 1999 in the family of Natalya Senchukova and Viktor Rybin, the lead singer of the Dune group. This is what he looked like as a child.

“Randomly stumbled upon a post about famous people afraid to show their children to the general public. We allowed our son Vasily to be photographed from the age of two months. And he grew up a wonderful guy, open and sociable. This helped him when he competed in karate, now he is a musician and feels great on stage!

At the suggestion of his parents, Vasily early childhood did karate. The young man participated in competitions up to the championship of Russia and won about 120 medals. His father influenced him: Viktor Rybin is the president of the Children's Karate Federation, and he always accompanied his son to competitions.

Senchukova told reporters that during classes, her son injured his joints: ankle, knees, hip and elbows. Having matured, Vasily, at the insistence of doctors, gave up karate, but he began to go to the gym.

A young man is studying at the Moscow state institute culture on the director of the theater and theatrical performances, but at the same time communicates with actors and goes to auditions.

"A real rock musician."

Although in 2009 Vasily said that he had no desire to follow in the footsteps of his parents, he became a drummer and organized his rock band Another One Divide with songs in English.

The young man is compared with Johnny Depp, but he himself focuses on another actor - Travis Fimmel - and grows his hair after him.

Natalya Senchukova was born on October 25, 1970 in the city of Georgievsk, located in the Stavropol Territory. But the family did not live there for long: soon they all moved together to Pyatigorsk. Dad was a military man, and mom was engaged in raising children. In addition to the daughter, the parents also had an eldest son, Igor, but the child suffered from cerebral palsy since childhood. Nevertheless, brother and sister were very friendly in life. The children of Natalia Senchukova and Viktor Rybin grew up not only in a creative atmosphere, but also in material prosperity.

Natalia did not dream of becoming a singer since childhood. She was attracted to dancing, thanks to which, after graduating from school, she decided to enter the choreographic school. They even argued with their brother. That in the near future the girl will be able to become famous. However, the path to glory was not so easy.

In the photo: Viktor Rybin with Natalia Senchukova

Unlike Senchukova, the fate of Viktor Rybin was much more difficult. His own father stabbed himself before his eyes, after which the guy did not speak at all for half a year. When he recovered, he began to skip classes, smoke and even drink. But then the music saved the young man from the crooked path. It is to her that he is grateful for the fact that he was able to find himself and bring people a lot of positive emotions with his work.

Victor and Natalya met in the very beginning of the 1990s. They immediately liked each other, and after a while a stormy romance broke out between them. This was not even hindered by the fact that Victor was still married at that time and he literally had a daughter named Maria not so long ago.

In the photo: Viktor Rybin and Natalia Senchukova with their son

After the beginning of the novel, Senchukova and Rybin began to live together, but they were in no hurry to register the relationship. Young people decided to take such a step only after their son Vasily appeared in their young family. From early childhood, the boy began to get involved in sports (karate and swimming), and also studied Japanese. Now he is already quite an adult, mastering future profession theater director.

Back in 2011, Rybin and Senchukova decided to get married in a church. None of them even thought about leaving the family. Even in the photo, they always try to be present together. They have a lot of joint hobbies, which include collecting ships. They do not just buy ready-made ships, but restore old ships together with well-known wood craftsmen. The family's favorite is the Mikhail Lomonosov motor ship, on which the Rybin family gathers their friends and spends their leisure time.

The personal life of Natalia Senchukova and Viktor Rybin closely intersects with their professional activity. Recently, the couple has retired from performing with the Dune group and is developing their own project, RybSen. They perform not only at private corporate parties, but also at group concerts. So far, they are not as popular as Dune, but their songs are already played on radio stations and you can even see videos on television. The couple decided to completely surrender to the family business.

Regarding plans for the future, Viktor and Natalia are not very willing to talk to the press. If they can still tell something about their son, then almost nothing is known about Victor's daughter from his first marriage. The man believes that these are very personal issues and members of the public should not go into them. It is only known that Maria plays the button accordion perfectly, but she went to work for the police and did not choose creative profession. Rybin maintains a relationship with her and was very worried about how her fate would turn out. Even with the mother of his daughter, he did not divorce for a long time just because he wanted to provide the girl with a good education in an elite school, where children were accepted only if they had a complete family.