Vitold petrovsky periscope official contact group. Cause of death of Tatiana Petrovskaya

Tatyana Petrovskaya was the wife of Vitold Petrovsky, Russian singer, who received all-Union fame in the television project "Voice" of the fourth season. Before that, he successfully performed in Oleg Mityaev's Long Live the Muses program, dedicated to the work of the composer David Tukhmanov on the Pushkin theme. He was followed by tours around the country and the Near Abroad, collaboration with Valery Meladze and many other projects. The cause of death of Tatyana Perovskaya, his wife, is suicide.

In 2015, Petrovsky became a member of the Voice program and gained millions of fans and admirers throughout Russia. Having sung the song “Another Minute” at a “blind” audition, he captivated the audience and became a member of the project in the class of Grigory Leps. In one of the interviews, he admitted that he dedicates every song he sings to his wife Tatyana, who died tragically, but was loved. All his admirers wanted to know the love story of his idol, and one day he told it.

They had known Tatyana since childhood. Once Vitold saw a 13-year-old girl in the yard and made friends with her: she lived nearby. After they met, many years passed before they got married. Young people always think that love and happiness are endless, but life usually makes its own adjustments to any fate. The young couple lived together for 12 years, and then this marriage cracked. Quarrels and grievances, showdowns began.

Vitold's concert activity not only took a lot of time and required a colossal return of strength. She also separated the young spouses too often. Vitold became the initiator of the breakup. He carefully formulated the reason for the breakup as “that not everyone was able to forgive”, without specifying the circumstances of what happened. The lovers parted and began to live separately, sometimes meeting in Tatyana's apartment. Their last meeting took place there.

Called by his ex-wife by phone, Vitold came to her and their communication began quite peacefully, but then, as always, mutual accusations and showdowns were used, for which he simply did not have the strength. He left and for the first time did not stay in the apartment for the night, as usual. Two days later, a friend of his wife called him to ask why Tatyana did not come to work. He did not know the answer and could not say anything. In the evening, they brought him news of terrible news: Tatyana, it turns out, decided to die - she hanged herself. Witold spent 10 whole days in the fog before he realized that he loved his wife and her loss was the worst tragedy in his life.

This story caused heated discussions among the singer's fans, in which the most polar opinions were expressed about what happened, about Vitold's sincerity and signs of true love. Many people asked why Tatyana Petrovskaya actually died and what kind of person she was, how her life went on, regardless of her divorce from her husband. There are no answers to these questions: Witold is silent about this, stubbornly dedicating his songs to his dead wife.


young (29 years old) professional lyric singer.
Known to fans and connoisseurs of the work of Oleg Mityaev,
as successfully participated in his project
"Long Live the Muses"
to verses by A.S. Pushkin and music by D. Tukhmanov,
for participation in which he became a laureate of the Tsarskoye Selo Prize
(along with Veniamin Smekhov and David Tukhmanov),
joint tours with O. Mityaev
in all large and medium cities
Russia and abroad in 2007-2010,
as well as participation in the "Slavianski Bazaar" (2009),
TV show "Shelter of comedians", etc.,
in numerous television and radio broadcasts
on the channels "Culture", "A-minor",
constant participation in concerts and creative evenings
Eldar Ryazanov at the Eldar Cinema Club (Moscow).
Performed the soundtrack to the film "Quiet Outpost"
(to lyrics by O. Mityaev).

Vitold Petrovsky has
not only unique in range,
impeccably beautiful strong volumetric voice,
but also especially confident
and intelligently restrained manner of performance.

V. Petrovsky's repertoire is very wide:
romances on verses by A.S. Pushkin, author's works, classical repertoire (including music by I. Krutoy, verses by L. Vinogradova),
author's song (including Natalia Dudkina, Yana Simon, etc.),
songs and romances from films, popular songs, popular classics in Italian, French.

Nevertheless, Vitold Petrovsky is primarily a romantic singer.
Creativity Petrovsky does not leave indifferent any audience with the widest age range.

“I can't stop singing. I will go to the end, no matter what happens, because this is mine and there is no need for another, ”Vitold Petrovsky’s professional creed.

Fans evaluate the singer's work in terms of "unique", "divine", "soulful", "sublime". He is predicted a great stage future. At the same time, there are people who insist on the opinion that the artist’s talent will be fully revealed if he sings in Russian, and the performance in foreign language doesn't suit him.

Childhood and youth

The young performer and show participant Vitold Petrovsky was born in Kolomna on February 27, 1986. His parents Vitold Kolyakov and Tatyana Semyonova had nothing to do with art. But the son from childhood began to show the ability to vocals.

Petrovsky became a member of the Artist program, which was broadcast on the Russia-1 TV channel. Witold heartily sang the popular song "I Can't Live Without You". , who was present at the program as a member of the jury, could not restrain herself and began to cry. The celebrity explained her reaction by the fact that the singer "sang with his heart", and she could not resist.

Vitold Petrovsky and Rodion Gazmanov - "All For Love"

In September 2015, Vitold participated in the mega-popular project "Voice", after which he became the object of adoration for millions of fans. At the "Blind Auditions" Petrovsky performed the song "Another Minute". Of all the mentors, Witold chose the team. At the “Fights” stage, the musician, together with his mentor, sang the soundtrack from “The Three Musketeers” - All For Love, after which the son of the Russian pop star left the show.

"Knockouts" were remembered by Petrovsky as a small hitch - he began to sing the song "Don't Cry" before the orchestra played. Another judge and mentor advised not to despair and to be able to present such moments as a special idea for the future.

Vitold Petrovsky in the show "X-factor" - "I draw you"

The following year, the artist went to Ukraine to try his luck in the X Factor show. Vitold conquered the local audience by performing a cover of the hit of the 80s “I draw you”, the composition “Give me back the music”. For a duet with he chose one of the most popular songs "I love only you." After the performance on the Web, a fierce discussion unfolded between Petrovsky's fans and supporters of the judge, who believed that Vitold should learn from Alexander.

Vitold Petrovsky and Alexander Ponomarev - "I love only you"

The jury criticized the singer more than once for the monotony, but the young man quickly found an answer:

“I have long decided on my repertoire and will not sing what I do not feel. I can even perform "Butyrka" or "Leningrad". But I don't want to because it's not mine. It's like looking at the actors of cheap TV shows with fake emotions. I don't want that."

With all this, Vitold won in an Internet poll of X Factor viewers who chose their favorite performer of the show. As a reward, the artist received a diploma and a photo shoot from a glossy magazine.

Personal life

Personal life is a topic that brings up painful memories for Witold. His wife's name was Tatyana. Young people met at the age of 14 and since then began to meet. When both turned 25, they got married. But one day there was a breakdown, as a result of which Tatyana and Vitold, having lived in marriage for a year, broke up. The singer, who initiated the separation, did not specify the details, he only said that not everyone can forgive.

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Spouses occasionally saw each other, but dates ended in quarrels and mutual reproaches. After one such meeting, Tatyana did not go to work, and the next day Petrovsky found out that her beloved had committed suicide. He was very upset by the departure of his wife, and now almost every song is a dedication to her memory. There were no children in the marriage.

In memory of another tragedy - the death of his brother Eugene - Witold got a tattoo.

Name: Vitold Petrovsky

Zodiac sign: Fishes

Age: 30 years

Place of Birth: Kolomna

Growth: 176

Activity: artist-singer

Participants of the mega-popular show "Voice" on Channel One instantly become popular and recognizable. Singer Vitold Petrovsky, who appeared in the 4th season of the project, was no exception. The young man, originally from the provincial town of Kolomna, was liked by the viewers. The young man was born on February 27, 1986. Petrovsky grew up in the most ordinary family, his mother and father have nothing to do with creativity or the world of show business. The boy's parents soon divorced, and the son began to bear the harmonious surname of his mother.

Vitold from the very early childhood was not indifferent to music. Karate kyokushinkai is another passion of the performer. FROM early years he was interested in sports and vocals. The guy's extravagant hairstyle is associated with a passion for martial arts, since samurai in Japan wear a similar pigtail. After school, Vitold did not abandon his hobbies. Petrovsky is a candidate master of sports.

creative way

First steps in creative career begin in the project of Oleg Mityaev. In this program, Vitold performed compositions in which the words belong to A.S. Pushkin, and the music was written by D.F. Tukhmanov. The listeners noticed the young talent, appreciated the ability to work with the voice. Participating in the project, Vitold receives recognition and wins the first award: he becomes the winner of the Tsarskoye Selo Prize. The biography of Vitold Petrovsky as a singer begins during this period.

After participating in the program, the artist goes to a three-year tour through the cities and villages of our vast country. Concerts were held not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries. The debut on television took place in the program "Shelter of Comedians".

Popularity came to Vitold after the program "Live Sound". The singer chose the lyric song "100 Steps Back", originally performed by Valery Meladze and the Via Gra group.

Witold is considered a universal artist: he can perform both classical compositions in French and popular hits. Petrovsky has unique vocal abilities, his voice fascinates with the power of sound. Petrovsky is not only a singer, but also a composer, as well as a songwriter.

Witold is not new to television for a long time, he actively storms popular TV shows, radio programs, communicates with famous people, for example, with the cult director Eldar Ryazanov.

There were many turning points in the life of a young performer, when fate tested him for strength, which is why the performance of lyrical compositions is obtained at the highest level. Vitold Petrovsky does it so sincerely and soulfully that the audience involuntarily bursts into tears. This incident took place in one federal channel. Vitold Petrovsky participated in the rating program "Artist", which goes to "Russia 1". On stage, Vitold sang V. Meladze's song about the unrequited feeling "I can't live without you." The jury was the performer Yulia Savicheva, who was so emotional that she could not hold back her tears. The celebrity admitted that she burst into tears, as she felt the pain and feelings of this guy.

Vitold Petrovsky is a purposeful person, he does not leave attempts to become a truly recognized artist with many fans. The show "Voice" has become a new stage in the singer's career. The mentors turned to the contestant, but he preferred the team of the eccentric Grigory Leps. A handsome young man almost immediately gained fame among girls and women, because Witold not only sings well, but also has an attractive appearance.

Today Vitold records videos, gives concerts in large halls in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and conquers Ukraine with his talent on the X Factor show.

personal tragedy

The personal life of Vitold Petrovsky keeps many secrets. The fan and journalists do not fully know what happened to his wife. Allegedly, the wife committed suicide after a quarrel with her husband. Petrovsky even shot a short video about it and posted it on the Web. Many did not like the video, users condemned the singer in excessive frankness, bordering on pretense. Not everyone approves of the artist's desire to share the details of his wife's death.

Vitold Petrovsky and Tatiana

Why did the wife of Vitold Petrovsky hang herself and why did this happen after a conflict with her husband? There are several versions of this. Tatyana and Vitold, although they knew each other from adolescence However, they lived in a legal marriage for only one year and at the time of death they were no longer together. Living together was not particularly happy and cloudless, because the young man, due to his busy work schedule and non-stop filming, practically did not pay attention to Tatyana. The indifference of the husband could cause the wife's infidelity, but this is unconfirmed information. Allegedly, Tatyana became a lover best friend artist, but Petrovsky could not forgive the betrayal.

The last meeting of the former spouses ended in a quarrel. Young people sorted out the relationship for quite a long time, and then Petrovsky left. On the evening of the next day, he learned of Tatiana's death. Many are still wondering: did the tense relationship between a man and a woman become the reason for such a desperate act, or did Tatyana take her own life for another reason. Vitold Petrovsky, a participant in the Voice show, is still experiencing this tragedy.

Vitold Petrovsky - I draw you (X-factor 7)

Vitold Petrovsky - Memory from the past (Video clip)

Vitold Petrovsky - Another minute (Blind auditions - Voice)

Vitold Petrovsky - organizing a concert, ordering artists on the agency's official website. To organize performances, tours, invitations to corporate holidays, call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of the agent Vitold Petrovsky - pop singer, author musical works, semi-finalist fourth season popular TV show "Voice". The artist, originally from Kolomna, was born on February 27, 1986 in a family far from art. The singer has been engaged in martial arts since childhood. Now he is a candidate master of sports in karate. On the school years account for the beginning of Vitold's serious passion for music. Having received a secondary education, the guy for four years was looking for his place in the sun: he worked as a security guard and a carrier of building materials, studied at a music school.

Creative achievements

The first notable performance of Vitold Petrovsky on stage took place in 2007 as part of the Long Live the Muses project. At that time, the novice performer had a chance to collaborate with such luminaries of the national stage as Oleg Mityaev and David Tukhmanov. The reward for participating in the program for the vocalist was the Tsarskoye Selo Prize. For the next three years, the young artist, together with Mityaev, toured neighboring countries and Russian cities.

In 2009, the singer was a contestant " Slavic Bazaar", starred in the program" Shelter of comedians. At the beginning of the 2000s, Petrovsky received an order to develop his own musical career, so he left the Mityaev project. By that time, the vocalist already had an extensive repertoire, including French and Italian classical works, lyrical romances, author's songs.

Vitold became known to a wide audience of viewers after performing in the Live Sound program (2013). The singer's next step on the path to fame was participation in the talent show "Artist" (2014). The project “Voice”, during which Petrovsky was mentored by Grigory Leps, made the vocalist really popular. At the show, Vitold performed the songs: “Another minute”, “Don't cry”, “Faster”.


On February 14, 2016, the artist presented a new composition "Intersection", dedicated to the Day lovers. Now he organizes performances in different cities of Russia, participates in broadcasts on radio and television programs. On June 16, the first solo concert of Vitold Petrovsky will take place. More information about the work of Vitold Petrovsky is contained on his official website.


Vitold Petrovsky ordering concerts, contacts, organization of artists' performances. Invite a star to a wedding, corporate party, anniversary - you can contact us by phone in Moscow +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40, on the official website of the agent, write to the mail, in contacts menu.