Chinese traditions presentation. The extraordinary culture of China

◦ China is an amazing and beautiful country where
Millions of tourists come from all over every year
the globe to get acquainted not only with her
sights, but also to look at the way of life
local people, their culture.

Rules of etiquette

◦ Getting to know any country starts with
greetings, and for the Chinese it is extremely important. Short
bow with folded palms means good
intentions and lack of weapons. The lower the bow, the
more respect a person gives to a guest.
o Tourists should not
wear bright clothes
to attract
attention because
she is not welcome
local residents.
It's better to dress
clothes more
calm bed
Like a foreigner
to greet
For a foreigner
allowed and simple
nod, no bow
necessarily. Among
Chinese youth
also popular
becomes small
head tilt at
meeting, in European

Tea ceremony

◦ The tea ceremony is a daily family tradition.
The Chinese love for tea sometimes comes to worship
this drink. As a rule, they prefer to drink here.
green tea, gently brewing it in beautiful
teapots, and serving on the table in cups or bowls. Drink
tea can be on any occasion: before the wedding, as a sign
respect for the eldest member of the family, or for
Tea room
o Tea party as a sign
o Tea drinking as an occasion for
family meeting
o Tea drinking as a way
ask for forgiveness
o Wedding tea
o in winter - tart black
o in summer - green tea
o spring - floral
o autumn - young

Chinese wedding

◦ A Chinese wedding is impossible without astrologers, compiling
horoscopes of future spouses, and divination for their future life.
If, in the opinion of the family, all the stars coincided, and the couple soon
get married, the bride is presented with gifts, the size is determined
ransom, and all points of the marriage contract are negotiated. Things
brides three days before the wedding are transported to the groom's house, and
stored until the wedding day in a special, clean
room. The key to a happy marriage is the silence of the future
wife during the entire wedding ceremony, and for a happy life
spouses must be dressed in all red.
Since ancient times
red color at
love, prosperity,
joy and happiness.

Family values

◦ Respect for elders is instilled in the Chinese family
literally from the cradle. Elderly people are the bearers of wisdom and
traditions, so they need to be honored, and
listen carefully to their advice. Any meal
begins with the fact that the first to start eating can
the eldest of the family, and the rest start the meal
after him.
By no means
give dear
gift. his owners,
most likely not
will accept and will
Also in China never
do not give watches, and any
items in the amount of 4
pieces is the number

Holidays in China

◦ Chinese traditions in modern times are, first of all,
well organized, bright holidays. Especially
it is necessary to highlight the most popular folk holiday
in the country - New Year(Chinese) or Spring Festival.
◦ New Year in China is a tradition that every year
attract thousands of tourists who want to
see how every house, on New Year's Eve, is decorated
various drawings. After the end of the New Year in
country immediately celebrate the holiday of lanterns.
Holidays in
Traditions of the New Year
in China are tied up, in
first of all, with
beginning of field


◦ China, today, successfully combines traditional
lifestyle and modern technologies. Reforms in the second half of the 20th century
made China a strong power to be reckoned with.
However, many customs eventually began to lose their
attractiveness for today's Chinese youth, which
complicated relations in Chinese families. Opponents
modernizations oppose using traditions
other countries in Chinese culture, so recently in the country
there is a propaganda of returning to their origins, culture, art,
etiquette features.


3. Yandex.images

"Country China" - Average July temperature in the SE. Resources. Arid climate prevails in the desert regions. Coal is the basis (80%) of the fuel and energy base. Population density 115/ The climate of the central and Yu.-Z. Most of the country is covered with mountains and deserts. More than 90% of China's population are Han Chinese originating from the north of the country.

"The Artistic Culture of China" - Along with the development of song and dance art, the technique of playing the musical instruments. Music. In painting 15-17 centuries. old traditions were firmly preserved. art. Theatrical art China is connected in its origins with folk songs and dances. World Art.

"Culture in China" - Masterpieces of Chinese architecture. The great Wall of China. Art culture China. The construction of the Great Wall of China began in the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e., and ended by the 15th century. Yungang Monastery. Yungang Monastery is a cave temple belonging to the masterpieces of world architecture. Garden and park complex. Significant impact on development Chinese culture rendered religious and philosophical teachings,

"China and the Chinese" - Paper, brush, ink, ink. The phenomenon is unique among the various scripts of the peoples of the world. Tea in China is served everywhere in small cups, very hot. China is a country with a rich past and no less interesting present. Tea. Ink. Martial arts. Astronomy. Ceramics and porcelain. Much later, the Arabs guessed to use gunpowder for warfare.

"Journey to China" - Man. Travel to China. Business card. Route sheet. The role of China. Tianjin. Meeting on the Chinese side. Chinese saying. "Together for Common Prosperity". Population. China. Culture of China. History and culture of China. "Mountains of people, many people." S = 9 million 561 thousand km2. Chinese industry in the world market.

"Culture of China" - The philosophy of ancient China is based on the ethical and political teachings of Confucius. A bit of history… The Amazing Culture of China. Calligraphy. Confucianism. Architecture. Yin Yang. Later on a large number of leading powers medieval world. Chinese culture has made a significant contribution to the development of world culture.

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Presentation slides

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chinese tradition,

their role in the development of tourism in the country

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Chinese culture

China is one of ancient civilizations. The history and culture of the Celestial Empire goes back several thousand years, and during this time the Chinese have changed little. And this, to a large extent, is due to their religion and philosophy, which modern China still adheres to.

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This state has always been peaceful and hospitable, which was determined by their vision of the world, their attitude towards each other and towards nature. Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism brought up a kind, calm, hardworking people who honored their traditions and preserved them to this day. These teachings nurtured in people love and respect for harmony in everything. And indeed, it's true. Proverb: "Sit on the bank and wait for the corpse of your enemy to float down the river" - about the Chinese. Although they were famous for their knowledge of military affairs and the invention of gunpowder, crossbows and mines, they preferred to resolve wars by diplomacy, because war is unpleasant for a person. Isn't that right, wise people? Such peacefulness and wisdom simply cannot but inspire respect.

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Greeting as a custom that should not be forgotten

Philosophy, culture and traditions of China brought up respectful attitude to the people around. Of course, there is a certain gradation of respect, especially if there are people from different social classes or ranks (at work, for example). Therefore, to different people applied different kind greetings, but always respectful. In the old days, the Chinese greeted each other by placing their palms together and bowing. Thus, they showed that their intentions are pure, and there are no weapons in their hands. If a noble lord and a commoner met, the latter should bow deeper. In our time, China has partially preserved the traditions, from the greetings - only bows remained, and the subordinate always greets the boss with a deep bow, which expresses respect.

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Attitude towards elders in Chinese culture

As Chinese customs show, the elders and the elderly have always enjoyed honor and respect, as they were the bearers of the wisdom that they passed on to other generations. Therefore, the attitude towards them was special. They were even addressed in a special way - "xiansheng", which meant "teacher", "master". As for family relations, no one has ever contradicted the head of the family, a man, and this tradition has come down to our times. In the patriarchal society of China, the head of the family always began to eat first, and the rest of the family began after him.

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Visiting a Chinese family

If you are invited to visit by a friendly Chinese family, do not come empty-handed. You can give sweets that will be very useful for tea. You can not give knives and watches, which in China symbolize death, as well as expensive gifts that can embarrass the owners of the house. Avoid gifts in the amount of four - the number four is consonant with the hieroglyph for death, and is considered an unlucky number. If you were given a gift, then accept it with both hands and open it at home.

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Tea ceremony

The Chinese tea ceremony - Gong Fu Cha or, as it is often called in China, Kung Fu of tea, is one of many historically established, Chinese traditions originated several thousand years ago in ancient China. Chinese Gongfu-Cha is the ancestor of all tea traditions that have spread throughout the world, which is a separate ritual of admiring the taste of a tea drink, originating from the Chinese provinces of Fujian and Guangdong.

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National cuisine of China

Because China is multinational state with a long history, it has a rich and varied cuisine. Different provinces had their own dishes, which was determined geographic location and specialization of the region. Contrary to popular belief that Chinese cuisine is represented only by rice and fish dishes, I would like to note that national traditions China also includes the use of meat - pork, lamb, beef. In ancient times, meat was really consumed in small quantities, and the dominance on the table belonged, of course, to rice. Now the diet of the Chinese has diversified and is represented by all kinds of soups, fish and meat dishes, noodles and vegetables.

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Holidays in China

The traditional cultural festivals of the Chinese are associated with their agricultural activities and nature. The Chinese celebrate the winter solstice, All Souls' Day and Mid-Autumn Day, associated with the end of the harvest. Along with traditional holidays that have been celebrated for many centuries, relatively new dates have appeared associated with the communist history of China. The People's Republic of China also celebrates International Women's Day, which also falls on March 8.

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Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year, which after 1911 in literal translation is called the Spring Festival, has long been the main and longest holiday in China. It is often informally referred to as the "Lunar New Year" because it is derived from the lunisolar Chinese calendar and its exact date is based on the phases of the moon. According to the Chinese, on this first day of spring, nature awakens, the earth and the sprouts of life stored by it come to life. Each year is designated by one of the 12 zodiac animals and a color according to the "Five Elements" ("U-sin") system.

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Mythology of the Chinese New Year

According to ancient myth, at the beginning of each new year, the Chinese hide from a monster called Nian (in Chinese, 年 (nián) means "year"). Nian comes on the first day of the New Year to devour livestock, grain and food supplies, and sometimes villagers, especially children. To protect themselves, residents put food at the entrance to the premises, in front of the door, with the advent of each new year. According to legend, the more food there is, the kinder and more compliant the beast will be, and after Nian is satisfied with the food prepared for him, he will no longer attack people and leave them alone. One day, people saw that Nian was afraid of a small child dressed in red clothes and decided that he was afraid of the color red. Since then, every time the New Year comes, people hang red lanterns and red scrolls on the windows and doors of their dwellings and light fireworks. According to popular beliefs, these traditions frighten off the Nian and force him to bypass the settlements.

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Chinese medicine

The achievements of the Chinese in medicine are truly enormous. Since ancient times, the problem of health has disturbed this people. And although many of their recipes and discoveries are lost or forgotten, even those that remain known to contemporaries are in many ways ahead of European medicine. Medicine in China is one of the oldest sciences, dating back 4,000 years. In the classical work "Huang Di Neijing", written 2400 years ago, some concepts of anatomy, physiology, pathology and diagnosis are given, as well as methods for treating various diseases. This book laid the foundation for Traditional Chinese Medicine.

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Chinese opera

Chinese opera is a popular form of drama and musical theater in China with roots going back to early periods in China. This is complex performing arts, which is an amalgamation of various art forms that existed in ancient China and developed gradually over more than a thousand years, reaching its mature form in the 13th century during the Song Dynasty. The early forms of Chinese drama are simple, but over time they included various art forms such as music, song and dance, martial arts, acrobatics, as well as literary art forms to become Chinese opera.

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What attracts tourists to China?

National songs and dances, opera and drama, customs and mores, which have centuries-old traditions, are the treasury of China's tourism resources. Tourists in China can enjoy Peking Opera, xiangsheng humorous dialogue and other national art with original charm, as well as to get acquainted with national customs and mores by participating in such holidays as the “Water Festival” of Dai people, the “Torch Festival” of Yiyang, the “March Bazaar” of Bai people, the Zhuang song competition, “Nadom”, etc. Acquaintance with Chinese cuisine is another exotic when traveling in China. Tourism in China is a highly developed sector of the economy and has been developing rapidly in recent decades. In terms of the number of tourists visiting the country, China ranks 3rd in the world, and this is due to the beautiful, unusual and fascinating traditions of this country.

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    The Art of Cooking Chinese cuisine has the most ancient history and rich traditions. Like medicine, culture and all spheres of life in China, it is inextricably linked with ancient Chinese philosophy. As far back as the second millennium BC, the sage Yi Yin created the theory of “food harmonization”. And Confucius taught culinary arts in the 6th-5th centuries BC. And today in the province of Shandong, his recipes form the basis of Confucian cuisine. The balance of products with vegetables, seasonings, spices creates a unique taste, aroma and color. The harmonious unity of these three elements has always been at the heart of Chinese culinary arts.

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    A variety of geographical and climatic conditions led to the emergence of numerous local cuisines: Beijing, Shanghai, Sichuan and Hunan (southern cuisine with very spicy and exotic dishes), Harbin (very close to Russian: brown bread, salmon caviar, salmon from red fish), Shandong , Cantonese, Hangzhou, Henan, Huaiyang, Fujian, Huizhou, Ningbo, Wuxi and others.

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    High gastronomic level The most ancient archaeological finds, testifying to a rather high gastronomic level of the Chinese, were found in the city of Anyang, Henan Province. These were bronze pots, knives, kitchen boards, shovels, scoops and other utensils.

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    Culinary canons Despite the regional diversity of Chinese cuisine, some cooking rules remain common to all cooks. The culinary canons of China demand from the cook that the food is not only tasty, but also healthy, and sometimes medicinal.

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    "Food as an ideology" Meat can only be an addition to a dish, not its basis. It can add flavor and aroma to a vegetable dish. In the diet, animal proteins account for no more than 20%. And the main source of protein are peanuts, mung beans, soybeans and other legumes, which also contain a lot of complex carbohydrates. The basis of nutrition is vegetables and fruits, which provides a large amount of fiber. Taste sensations in Chinese cuisine are given special meaning. To enhance them, a variety of spices and spices are used, which practically do not contain fat.

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    The combination of Yin flavors (“warm” foods, they are characterized mainly by warm colors) and Yang (“cold” foods, mostly cold colors) makes the dish balanced and almost fat-free.

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    Meal In China, it is believed that food is given to people by heaven, as a result of which the Chinese are not familiar with the concept of "snack". Eating is always regarded as a moment of familiarization with the culture of the nation.

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    Dishes for a meal Dishes for a meal are selected so that liquid and soft foods predominate among them. The meal begins with the laying out of the components on plates. So, at a large ceremonial dinner, up to 40 different dishes are served, while everyone sitting at a table, usually round, receives a bowl of unleavened boiled rice and sticks. Common dishes are placed in the center of the table.

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    Order of use First, they drink green tea, without sugar and milk, then serve bowls with cold snacks, usually liver, meat, fish or vegetables cut into small pieces. The Chinese eat slowly and little by little, enjoying the process. guest as a sign special attention, the highest care and respect, it is customary to put treats in the bowl with your chopsticks. At the end of the meal, broth is served and again tea, but a little oil is added to it. It is this composition and order that is considered the most favorable for digestion.

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    "Five Taste Senses" Chinese cuisine is very rich in spices. At the beginning of our millennium, the Chinese spoke of the "five tastes," which are spicy, sour, salty, bitter, and sweet. Ginger, vinegar, salt, wine and molasses gave the appropriate taste to the dishes.

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    Chinese sticks Today, without Chinese sticks, Chinese cuisine would not be Chinese, because everything unusual dishes China should be eaten only with the help of well-known Chinese chopsticks. In Chinese they are called "kuaizi"

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    From the history of Chinese chopsticks The history of Chinese chopsticks dates back several millennia. Scientists believe that they were first used in China before our era. According to one version, this happened during the reign of the Shang-Yin dynasty (approximately 1764 - 1027 BC).