How to cook unusual dishes for children up to a year

Newborn babies are just getting acquainted with new adult products, so all dishes for children should be prepared according to special recipes - without spices, pickles and smoked additives. By the age of one year, the kids' menu is already quite diverse, which allows you to create original and tasty treats.

The very first complementary foods for newborns will be vegetable or, so the proposed recipes can be used already with 4-5 months tiny life.

  • Pumpkin with apple is a great option for breakfast, as such puree contains a large amount of vitamins. Pumpkin and apples should be thoroughly washed and the peel and seeds removed from the fruit. Fruit cut into small pieces is boiled in a small amount of water, you can cook the fruits in microwave oven, it will save a lot of your time. When the pieces become soft and fragrant, they need to be crushed to a mushy state with a mixer or with a regular fork, it is allowed to slightly dilute the puree with sugar syrup, but then it will need to be boiled for several minutes.
  • Cauliflower will become your baby's favorite dish if cooked properly. It is necessary to disassemble the head of cabbage into inflorescences, thoroughly wash the cabbage and clean it from hard parts. Prepared pieces to stew on not big fire with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of boiled water. After boiling the fruit, rub the cabbage through a sieve or use a blender. In puree, you can add ½ of a hard-boiled egg yolk and a few drops of good vegetable oil.
  • Potatoes with greens - involves the use of several components for cooking. A couple of potatoes should be boiled in lightly salted water, then cool and beat with 2 tablespoons of milk. If you use a blender for mixing, then greens (dill, parsley) can be added simply during the grinding process, and when using a pusher, green additives should be finely chopped with a knife.
  • Assorted puree is prepared from the collection of various vegetables: potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, beets, cabbage are suitable. All ingredients should be taken in equal proportions, but it is better to cook them separately to prevent mixing of flavors. Boil vegetables in plenty of water, then cool slightly and peel. Now you need to mix everything with a blender. If the puree is too dense, it is permissible to add a little boiled milk. To avoid adding salt to the puree, boil the vegetables in salted water.

These recipes for children under one year old are also popular with older kids, they also go with a bang with adults, because familiar products, served in an unusual form, always seem tastier.

From 7-8 months, meat is introduced into the diet of babies, so from that moment on, meat purees, pates and cutlets should be present in the menu of newborns every day.

  • Delicious and tender meat puree is made from chicken or rabbit. We wash the fresh meat well under running water, cut it into small pieces and put it in a saucepan, fill it with water so that it covers it completely, and set to cook over high heat. After boiling, reduce the power of the stove and continue to simmer until cooked under a closed lid. When the water has almost boiled away, the meat should be taken out and passed through a meat grinder, then rubbed through a sieve. You should get a dryish mass, so it should be diluted with the meat broth in which the meat was cooked, in addition, you can add a piece of butter.
  • Chicken souffle is made from fresh minced chicken without any additives, mixed with raw chicken yolk. The resulting mass should be placed on a greased pan and baked in the oven until a light crust is obtained. Such a dish for children in the microwave turns out well, the cooking time depends on the chosen power of the oven.
  • Liver puree will be a good addition to meat and fish dishes, it goes well with any puree, and can also be used as a pate. Wash the beef or chicken liver thoroughly, remove the streaks of bile and stew a little in a saucepan under a closed lid (so that the liver does not burn, it is recommended to add water to the vessel). Grind the cooled pieces with a mixer, then dilute with warm milk and boil for about 5 minutes. Butter will help emphasize the delicate taste of milk liver.
  • Fish cutlets will appeal even to picky crumbs. Babies can be offered low-fat varieties of fish, for example, cod, hake, pollock (it is better to choose a fish without small bones, it is easier to work with). The fish should be cleaned of skin and bones, then rinsed and scrolled through a meat grinder along with the crumb white bread, dilute with egg yolk and salt a little. The resulting minced meat should be thoroughly mixed and formed into small balls. Cutlets are placed in a deep bowl, poured with water or milk and stewed over low heat for 20-25 minutes, in a double boiler for 10-15 minutes.

In the process of cooking, you can slightly change the proposed recipes for children and add other components to them. For example, a delicious souffle will turn out not only from chicken, you can take lean pork or rabbit, however, it will take a little longer to cook such a dish, etc.

Along with mashed potatoes, babies also need liquid food, so from the very beginning of complementary foods, crumbs should prepare a variety of soups.

  • Vegetable soup is suitable for the youngest children, as it can be prepared with both meat and vegetable broth. Boil finely chopped carrots in salted water for about 10 minutes. At this time, prepare the rest of the ingredients - peel and cut into small cubes potatoes, cabbage, peel green peas. After boiling water, we throw prepared ingredients there and cook until tender. The finished soup can be decorated with herbs, or you can make soup puree by grinding the cooked mass with a blender.
  • Meat soup can be served plain or mashed, it is equally tasty in both versions. The meat is cooked together with onions, after which it cools a little and is torn into strands. Chopped vegetables are added to the finished broth - potatoes, carrots, you can add a little washed cereal - wheat, rice or buckwheat. At the end, chopped boiled meat and greens are added.
  • Children's borscht is suitable for babies older than 9 months, it is cooked in meat broth. To begin with, the washed meat is boiled in salt water until soft, beets, carrots and potatoes should be prepared separately. Cut vegetables into strips, stew beets with carrots in a deep frying pan with water, then grind through a sieve. Add chopped potatoes to the meat broth and cook for about 15 minutes, divide the cooked meat into strips, add to the potatoes. At the end of cooking, throw the grated stewed vegetables into the saucepan and boil a little more. If desired, you can decorate the borscht with finely chopped greens.

Liquid meals for children must be present in the diet, and the faster the baby weans from grated food, the easier it will be to adapt to ordinary solid foods, and the baby will more easily endure the process of teething.

6 months

Zucchini puree
1 small zucchini
1 small potato
1 tsp olive oil or milk.

Peel vegetables, steam. Make a puree, season with olive oil or milk.

Carrot and zucchini mousse
120 gr. carrots
150 gr. vegetable marrow
1 coffee..l. vegetable oil.

Cut vegetables into small cubes, steam. Grind until puree, add oil.
Thus, puree can be made from all vegetables: carrots, zucchini, squash, cauliflower, broccoli, White cabbage.

Ready mashed potatoes can be frozen: put mashed potatoes in ice molds, freeze in the freezer. Pour the frozen cubes of mashed potatoes into bags, writing the composition and date on them. You can store these cubes for a month. 30 minutes before eating, put 2-3 cubes in a bowl and put in hot water.

7 months

Apple-pumpkin puree with porridge
150 gr. pumpkins
1 apple
1.2 tsp fructose
1 tbsp cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice)
1.2 Art. milk

Peel pumpkin and apple, cut into pieces and steam. Boil porridge. Pass the pumpkin and apple through a meat grinder or sieve, add 1 tsp. fructose, bring to a boil. Cool puree, add butter. Introduce puree into porridge.

Antonovka puree soup with rice
100-150 gr. apples
1 tbsp rice
1 tbsp fructose
4 g cinnamon.

Bake an apple without a core in the oven. Cool, peel, rub through a sieve. Boil 1 glass of water, add 1 tsp. fructose, cinnamon and rice. Boil until done. Rub the rice through a sieve, mix with applesauce. Add the remaining fructose, beat, let it steam.

Rice porrige
250 gr. milk
2 tbsp fructose
1.2 cups of rice

Mix milk and fructose in a saucepan, add raisins, vanilla, bring to a boil. Pour rice into boiling milk, cook. Cool down. You can replace raisins with dried fruits or fresh fruit.

Potato and pumpkin
70 g potatoes
70 g pumpkin

Boil diced vegetables in 300 ml. Water on low heat. Beat with a mixer. Dilute with milk, add butter. You can add cottage cheese or orange juice.

8 months

Rice pudding with fruit
50 gr. rice
100 ml. milk
100 ml. water
2 quail eggs
12 gr. fructose
15 gr. raisins
20 gr. candied fruit
5 gr. butter.

Boil dairy rice porridge. Add egg yolks, washed raisins, chopped candied fruit and pour in the whipped whites. Transfer to a greased form and bake in the oven.

Pumpkin and apple pudding
200 gr. pumpkins
130 gr. apples
20 gr. boiled rice
10 gr. fructose
20 gr. sour cream
1 quail egg.

Grate pumpkin and apples on a coarse grater. Mix with rice, fructose, sour cream and beaten egg. Put in a greased form and bake in the oven.

vegetable puree
head of green onion
olive oil

Simmer everything in oil and water until soft. Beat in a blender or skip several times through a meat grinder and salt.

Black currant kissel
6 tsp currants
4 tsp fructose
1 tsp potato flour
200 ml. water.

Squeeze the currant juice, boil the squeezes for 5-10 minutes, strain. Throw fructose into the broth, bring to a boil, pour in the flour diluted in cold water, squeezed juice. Cool down.

cranberry drink
4 tsp cranberries
4 tsp fructose
200 ml. water.

Squeeze the cranberry juice, boil the squeezes for 5-10 minutes, strain. Throw fructose into the broth, bring to a boil, pour in the flour diluted in cold water, squeezed juice. Cool down.

Dried fruits compote
4 tbsp dried fruits
1.5 tsp fructose
320 ml of water.

Boil dried fruits, rub through a sieve, add fructose to the compote, bring to a boil, cool.

9 months

Vegetable puree soup
120 gr. meat (chicken, lean veal, beef)
200 gr. potatoes
400 gr. young carrot greens.

Turn the meat through a meat grinder, pour 0.5 liters. water and cook for 1 hour. Boil vegetables, chop. Strain the meat broth, add vegetable puree, boil.

Chicken with apples
1 apple
1.2 fillets from chicken breast
1.2 tsp butter
1 tsp lemon juice.

Peel the apple, cut into pieces. Finely chop the chicken fillet. Simmer an apple in a small amount of water. Simmer chicken in water with oil. Mash apples with a fork, mix with chicken and lemon juice.

Pumpkin with nutmeg and veal

20 gr. veal tenderloin
100 gr. pumpkins
olive oil

Finely chop the meat and pumpkin, put in a pan, pour in water, olive oil, sprinkle with nutmeg and simmer for 15 minutes. Grind in a meat grinder. You can use chicken, turkey instead of veal.

Chicken soufflé
1 egg
White bread
3 tbsp milk
1 tbsp oil

Boil chicken meat without salt. Pass the finished meat through a meat grinder. Soak the pulp of white bread in 1-2 tbsp. warm milk. Skip the meat with bread through the meat grinder again and mix with a mixer. Whisk the protein. Add the yolk to the mixture, pour in milk, protein, 1 tbsp. oil and a little salt (you can add chicken broth). Grease the form with oil, pour the soufflé, bake in the oven or, better, steam.

Boiled vegetables with sauce
1.2 tomatoes
vegetable marrow
5 green beans
1.2 avocado
1 tbsp orange juice
1.2 kl lemon juice.

Carrots and zucchini take 3 cm each, cut into strips, cut off the ends of the beans. Boil carrots and beans in boiling water for 12 minutes, add zucchini for 5 minutes. Cool down. Peel the tomato, remove the seeds, cut into small pieces. Mash avocado with a fork, mix with orange and lemon juice. Put the sauce on a plate, decorate with tomatoes, arrange vegetables around.

Green Pea Soup
1 tbsp rice
2 tbsp green peas
2 tsp sl. oils
1 st. water

Boil rice. Combine with peas and rub hot through a sieve, with liquid or scroll through a meat grinder. Bring to a boil and season with butter.

Chicken fillet with asparagus
15 spears of asparagus
30 gr. white meat chicken
1 cl. sour cream
olive oil
6 chervil leaves.

Cut off the top of the asparagus - 2 cm from the head. Cut chicken fillet into slices, put meat, asparagus in a pressure cooker, pour 0.5 l. Water and cook for 15 minutes. Mix olive oil with sour cream and finely chopped chervil. Drizzle sauce over chicken and asparagus.

10 months

Green beans in lamb broth
green string beans
1 potato
20 gr. lean lamb tenderloin

olive oil

Cut beans into pieces, potatoes into 4 parts. Cut the meat into small pieces. Put the meat in cold water with cumin, bring to a boil. Add beans, potatoes, cook for 10-15 minutes. Take out the meat, strain. Blend everything in a blender and add olive oil.

Soup with veal and chicory
20 gr. veal
1 chicory
1 potato
2 pinches fructose
250 gr. water.

Cut the veal into small pieces, chicory into thin slices, potatoes into cubes. Pour in water, add fructose and cook for 20 minutes. Beat with a mixer.

Meat casserole
1 potato
30 gr. minced meat
30 gr. sl. oils
2-3 thyme leaves
1 sprig rosemary
1 s. garlic
1 kl sour cream.

Boil potatoes, mash with sour cream. Mix finely chopped thyme and rosemary with minced meat, simmer in water with oil for about 5 minutes. Rub the mold with garlic, grease with butter. Lay mince on top mashed potatoes, sprinkle plums. butter and bake in the oven for 5 minutes.

Turkey fillet with carrot puree and apples
2 carrots
20-30 g turkey fillet
1/2 apple
3 tbsp milk.

Finely chop the carrots, put them in a saucepan with fillets, cook for 10 minutes. Drain the water. Peel the apple, grate and stew in milk for 5 minutes. Whisk carrots with 2 tbsp. milk to puree. Serve with sliced ​​fillets and an apple. You can replace milk with cream, cottage cheese. You can substitute carrots for turnips.

11 months

Pork with vegetables
pork fillet on ribs
1 potato
1 celery root
1 circle of carrots
1 bulb
1 clove of garlic
1/2 tsp next oil
2 sprigs of parsley.

Cut vegetables into cubes, add chopped garlic. Stew the fillet and vegetables, sprinkle with thyme and close the lid. Simmer for 15 minutes. Serve finely chopped and sprinkled with parsley.

Pasta "alphabet" with sauce "Bolognese"
30 gr. pasta
20 gr. minced meat
20 gr. cream

Finely chop the onion, thyme sprig / 2-3 sage leaves and mix with minced meat. Put out the mince. Boil pasta in salted water, mix pasta with minced meat. Add cream and simmer. You can use other pasta instead of the "alphabet".

12 months

Flounder baked with leeks
1 leek (white part)
30 gr. flounders
1 potato
3 drops lemon juice
1 coffee liter olive oil.

Chop the onion. Finely chop the potatoes. Boil vegetables in water for 10 minutes. Put flounder, vegetables in foil, pour over lemon juice and olive oil. Bake in the oven for 6 minutes at 180 gr.

Chicken fillet with asparagus
15 asparagus sprigs
30 gr. white meat chicken
1 coffee liter sour cream
olive oil
spices (basil, oregano, marjoram).

Cut off the top of the asparagus - 2 cm from the head. Cut chicken fillet into slices, put in a pan, add asparagus, 0.5 l. water and cook for 15 minutes. Mix sour cream, butter and spices. Pour the sauce over the chicken and simmer for 2 minutes.

Omelette in a water bath
3 quail eggs
1/2 st. milk
1/2 tsp butter.

Beat eggs, add milk, salt. Pour into a mold, put it in a double boiler and cook an omelet.

A source -

I found very interesting recipes for soups for our babies, maybe someone needs:
Broth from meat or chicken.

Lean beef or chicken meat - 10 g

Water - 400 ml

Parsley root - 5 g

Carrot - 10 g

onion - 5 g


We wash the beef meat in cold water, clean it from films and cut off the fat and the mode in small pieces. Put the prepared meat in a saucepan and pour cold water. The broth should be simmered over low heat for about 2 hours, stirring occasionally and removing the foam formed during boiling.

Already in the finished broth, add salt, finely chopped onions, carrots, parsley root, then, closing the lid, boil for another 5-10 minutes. We filter the finished broth through a strainer or gauze folded in half, remove the floating fat from above and boil again.

Such meat broth can be given to a child as a separate dish, seasoned with mashed vegetables or with croutons, or soups from cereals and vegetables can be prepared on this broth.

Chicken broth is prepared in the same way.

Vegetable puree soup.

Cabbage - 20 g

Potato - 20 g

Carrot - 10 g

Water - 100 ml

Milk - 50 ml

Butter - 5 g


Peeled carrots, potatoes, white or cauliflower Rinse thoroughly in running water and finely chop. Then the prepared vegetables are placed in a saucepan, pour water and cook over low heat until tender. Wipe the hot prepared vegetables through a fine sieve along with the broth, add hot boiled milk, butter and salt, and after mixing everything thoroughly, bring to a boil again - the finished dish can be given to the baby.

Pureed potato soup.

Potato - 200 g

Water - 200 ml

Milk - 100 ml

Butter - 5 g

Carrot juice - 5 ml


Peeled potatoes, thoroughly washed, finely chopped and placed in a saucepan, pour cold water. Cook potatoes until tender over low heat, stirring regularly. Then we pour the broth into a separate bowl, and wipe the finished potatoes through a fine sieve. Add the drained broth, milk, salt to the resulting mashed potatoes and, after mixing everything thoroughly, bring it to a boil again. You can add butter or carrot juice to the finished dish if you wish.

Rice and Carrot Soup.

Milk - 50 ml

Rice - 25 g

Carrots - 100 g

Butter - 5 g



We cut the well-peeled and washed carrots into small pieces and, putting them in a saucepan, pour boiling water, adding butter and sugar, and, closing the lid, bring to a boil. Then add the rice and cook the soup for 45-50 minutes, stirring occasionally. We wipe the already boiled carrots and rice through a sieve, and add hot milk to the resulting puree, bringing the dish to the desired density. Then add salt to taste and boil again. Butter can be added to the finished soup if desired.

Soup puree from cauliflower and zucchini.

Zucchini - 100 g

Cauliflower - 100 g

Egg (yolk) -? PCS

Water - 200 ml

Butter - 5 g


Peeled and washed cauliflower finely cut into pieces. Peel the skin off the zucchini and chop finely. We put the prepared vegetables in a saucepan, pour boiling water over it and, covering it with a lid, cook until tender. Pour the vegetable broth into a separate bowl, and wipe the boiled vegetables through a fine sieve. Then we dilute the mashed zucchini and cauliflower puree with the vegetable broth left by us, add salt to taste and boil again. In the already prepared dish, add finely chopped yolk and butter.

Rice soup pureed.

Rice - 10 g

Milk - 150 ml

Water - 200 ml

Butter - 3 g



Pour well-washed sorted rice into boiling water and cook until tender. Then, discarding the rice, we rub it through a sieve and dilute it with hot milk, adding sugar and salt to taste, and put it on the fire again until it boils. Add butter to the finished soup.

Liver soup.

Liver - 50 g

Roll - 50 g

Vegetable broth - 200 ml

Milk - 50 ml

Egg (yolk) -? PCS

Butter - 5 g


We wash the liver well in cold water, remove the films from it and pass it through a meat grinder, adding a roll soaked in milk and the yolk. The resulting mass is well mixed and rubbed through a fine sieve. Then we lower the already prepared mass into a boiling vegetable broth and cook for 10-15 minutes, adding salt at the end. Add butter to the already prepared dish.

Meat soup.

Meat - 100 g

Meat broth - 100 ml

Carrot - 20 g

Onion - 5 g

Parsley root - 10 g

Flour - 10 g


We wash the raw meat well and pass it through a meat grinder twice. In a saucepan, bring the already prepared meat broth to a boil, add the twisted minced meat and wheat flour, previously diluted in water, already prepared finely chopped carrots, onions and parsley roots. All this mass is thoroughly mixed, salt and bring to a boil. Cook the meat soup for 25-30 minutes, then rub through a fine sieve and bring to a boil again. The dish is ready.

Chicken puree soup.

Chicken meat - 70 g

Chicken bouillon– 200 ml

Milk - 50 ml

Onion - 5 g

Parsley root - 5 g

Flour - 5 g

Butter - 5g


Cook chicken broth by adding chopped onion and parsley roots. Then we pass the already prepared boiled meat through a meat grinder twice and pour it into the boiling broth, seasoning it with flour mixed with butter. Next, add milk, salt and bring to a boil again. Chicken puree soup for your baby is ready.