How to make applesauce for baby. Applesauce for kids.

Applesauce for babies will not be the first dish that he will try as he introduces complementary foods. WHO recommends starting complementary foods no earlier than 6 months with vegetables or cereals. At a certain stage, the baby will begin to eat fruit. As the first fruit, it is better to offer the child an apple.

In addition to useful substances, white and green apples have hypoallergenic properties, so they are recommended to be given even to kids who are familiar with such a problem as allergies.

What age to start

If the first complementary foods (vegetables) are introduced to the child from 6 months, the second (porridge) - from 7 months, then fruits can be introduced as the third. Thus, the child will get acquainted with fruits when he is 8 months old. The age for introducing fruit into the diet may vary depending on how many months the baby began to feed.
Apples are highly acidic and contain coarse dietary fiber. With an earlier use of fruits, the baby often develops eating disorders and allergies.

Fruit selection

Ready-made purees often contain food additives - starch, sugar and citric acid. A child who is familiar with such a problem as food allergies should not be given these products.
To be sure of the quality of the puree, it is better to cook it yourself. It is not difficult to do this at home, the main thing is to find high-quality fruits.

Apples should not contain a large amount of nitrates, be subjected to long-term storage and chemical processing. Fruits of white and green varieties from your own garden are ideal. But if it is not there, you can contact your friends. It will be more difficult to find safe fruits in a store or on the market - often even farmers who position their products as environmentally friendly use fertilizers and chemicals.

Cooking methods

It is much easier to find a recipe for a healthy treat than to find good fruits for it.
Usually applesauce for babies it is prepared in two ways - with and without heat treatment.

To avoid food poisoning, it is better for a baby not older than 6 months to give mashed potatoes from thermally processed fruits. If the apples are cooked first, they will digest better. After cooking, the acidity of the product decreases, pectin fibers soften, which contributes to digestion. Reduces the likelihood of eating disorders and bloating.

You can cook apples different ways- boil, steam, bake. Do not be afraid of losing vitamins after cooking apples.

In ready-made apples, up to 60-80% of all useful substances remain. Vitamin C is destroyed the most, but this helps to reduce the acidity of the finished puree. It is better to use a recipe with a cooking method that produces the least amount of decoction, since some of the nutrients pass into the decoction, i.e. steam or bake fruits.

Cooking puree with heat treatment

The recipe for making applesauce includes three steps:

  1. fruit preparation;
  2. cooking in the chosen way;
  3. chopping cooked apples.

What you need to do with apples before you start cooking:

  • wash with soap or baking soda;
  • rinse with boiled water;
  • peel and core;
  • cut into slices.

If the apples are baked in the oven, then they do not need to be peeled and cut. Before baking in the microwave, they are peeled and cut into pieces. When the fruits are prepared, they are processed in any of the ways.

How long to cook apples:

  • cook for 2-3 minutes;
  • process with steam in a slow cooker / double boiler for 15-20 minutes;
  • bake in the oven in a mold or foil for 15-20 minutes;
  • bake in the microwave in a bowl, adding a couple of tablespoons of water, 10 minutes at maximum power

All that remains to be done is to chop the fruit.

For the smallest apples, it is preferable to chop with a blender or rub through a sieve to obtain a uniform consistency. For older children who can chew their food, apples can be grated or crushed with a fork.

As you can see, the recipe for applesauce is very simple, and it will not be difficult to repeat it.

Recently, convenient household appliances for cooking have appeared. baby food- blenders. All you need to do is put prepared fruits or vegetables in a double boiler. After cooking, you need to turn the device over, which grinds everything to a homogeneous mass. Such a device will come to the aid of mothers who do not have time to cook a child at all. homemade food, but there is no desire to feed with purchased products.

Cooked baby puree can be rolled into jars. But before that, the container must be sterilized, and the puree itself must be brought to a boil in a separate bowl before laying.

Puree without heat treatment

This recipe allows you to maximize the useful substances. However, in babies not older than 6 months, such a product can cause indigestion due to the high acidity of apples and the content of indigestible fiber in them. Against the background of digestive disorders, allergies can worsen if the baby has a tendency to it. Therefore, it is better to offer fresh fruit puree to an older child, when he has already mastered new way nutrition and actively eat complementary foods.

Fruits are prepared in the same way as before heat treatment, then crushed with a blender or rubbed through a sieve. When the baby develops chewing skills, apples can simply be grated.

Fresh mashed potatoes should be eaten immediately, because when in contact with air and under the influence of light, useful substances are quickly destroyed.

How many spoons should I start giving New Product? As with any other type of complementary food, take 1/2-1 teaspoon in the morning and then carefully monitor the child's reaction. Although apples are considered hypoallergenic, some babies have food allergies to them, so any new product should be introduced with caution.

Making your own applesauce is pretty easy. The recipe is detailed in the article. The main thing is to choose good and safe fruits. And it is necessary to start giving a new product gradually - then digestive disorders and allergies will bypass the child.

Today, stores are rich in an assortment of mashed potatoes, baby formulas and cereals. The childhood industry is thriving, bringing in colossal revenues to well-known brands. However, many parents do not consider it necessary to spend money on ready-made mashed potatoes and curds, growing vegetables and fruits on their beds, from which they then make food for their children. Apples, pears, plums, pumpkins, zucchini, potatoes, carrots and various berries can be grown on your site. It is more difficult, of course, for city dwellers who, purely physically, cannot grow anything on their windowsill. An apple is a symbol of health. This fruit contains a lot of vitamins and microelements, which are so necessary for both the sick and healthy, both small and adults.

Puree for babies: do-it-yourself for the winter

Recently, pediatricians have argued that applesauce should be introduced into complementary foods after vegetables. After all, apple juice can harm the fragile stomach of the crumbs. There is a deal of truth in it. Therefore, you need to start feeding the child with zucchini, then pumpkin, and only then with an apple.

Some mothers do not want to cook mashed potatoes on their own, preferring pannochki from the store. But good puree is expensive in the store, so it is much easier and cheaper to make a natural product yourself. In addition, most manufacturers add starch, sugar and citric acid to the puree, and this is not always indicated on the packaging. All these products will not bring any benefit to the growing body, but can provoke intestinal upset or allergies.

Do-it-yourself puree for babies for the winter is not easy to make, because in order for it to be stored for a long time, you will have to add sugar, and this is not always suitable for a child. Pumpkin and zucchini can be peeled, cut into small pieces and put in the freezer. In winter, vegetables can be taken out a little, and steamed, and then rubbed with milk and fed to the baby.

To prepare applesauce, the apple must be peeled, cut and boiled in a saucepan in a small amount of water over low heat. In order for the puree to turn out really tasty, you need to rub it through a sieve or grind it with a blender, and then add a little milk. It is advisable not to store such mashed potatoes for a long time, but to cook at one time. In order for the vitamins in the apple to be preserved, you can make a baked apple puree. If the child is not prone to constipation, pear puree can be prepared for him. Apricots and plums can provoke liquid stool, so you need to be careful with these fruits and not give a lot at a time.

For the winter, mashed potatoes are prepared in the same way as for one time, only after grinding the mashed potatoes, you need to put it back on the fire and boil it again, and then decompose the sterile jars. If the jars are clean and well sterilized, then the puree can be stored even in the room. You don’t need to prepare a lot of mashed potatoes, because the child is growing and the number of foods that he can eat is increasing. Most likely, the baby, who ate mashed potatoes in the summer, will already gnaw apples in the winter.

Apple juice used to be recommended to be given to children from three months, then studies began, and pediatricians unanimously shouted that at this age apple juice is harmful, and you can give it only after a year. At what age parents decide on their own to give juice to a child, the main thing is not to start giving little by little, that is, a few drops.

Puree for babies: a recipe for the winter

If the child is properly fed for the first three years, then he will not have problems with being overweight and there will be no gastrointestinal diseases. What to give the child in the first place? It is better to start complementary foods with vegetable puree, then you can introduce cereals, cottage cheese, and after fruit puree.

Vegetable puree can be bought at the store or you can make your own. This will require cauliflower, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, turnips, beets, potatoes, carrots and spinach. Wash and clean vegetables before cooking. Then cook them in a double boiler or in a ladle with a small amount of water. Cooked vegetables should be rubbed through a sieve, add milk and a few drops of vegetable oil. Mother's milk, which must be expressed in advance, is best suited. If the child is bottle-fed, then milk mixture is added to the puree. In no case should you use cow's or goat's milk, at this age they will not bring any benefit to the stomach. After a year, sugar or salt can be added to the puree.

Puree for babies recipe for the winter can be found on the Internet or look in a book on healthy eating for babies. There are no special secrets in cooking, the main thing is to boil the puree again after cooking and sterilize the jars in which it will be laid out. In order not to worry about the safety of mashed potatoes, you can put it in the refrigerator. It certainly won't go bad there.

Recipe for applesauce for babies for the winter

In order to prepare mashed potatoes, you need to take a ripe green apple, preferably local, wash it, peel and cut into small pieces. Homemade not always bright apples with wormholes are much tastier than their imported counterparts. Therefore, preference should be given to fruits, vegetables and berries from your own garden and orchard. After the apple is cut, it must be put in a saucepan and boiled in a small amount of water (the level of water and apples should be the same). The fruit should be boiled over low heat for about ten minutes, there is absolutely nothing to digest. After that, the apples are slightly cooled and kneaded by hand or with a blender. If the child is not prone to allergies, you can add a little fructose or sugar to the puree. Although it is better to do without any additives. The chemical compounds found in applesauce have a beneficial effect on digestive system baby. After all, an apple is rich in polysaccharides, oligosaccharides, unsaturated fatty acids and dietary fiber, and one can talk endlessly about the amount of vitamins available in apples.

The recipe for applesauce for babies for the winter is simple. Apples are boiled, ground and laid out in sterile jars. In order for the puree not to turn sour, full jars can be sterilized again in a closed saucepan.

Pear puree for babies recipe for the winter

Pear is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins. It does not cause allergies, speeds up metabolism, normalizes bowel function and is well absorbed. A good multivitamin one-component complementary food is pear puree. This puree can be given to children from six months.

Pear puree for babies recipe for the winter. To prepare mashed potatoes, you need to wash the pears, peel them and boil them in a small amount of water in a saucepan. After that, grind the resulting mass and boil it again. Next, the puree is laid out in clean sterile jars. After that, the jars are sterilized again and after complete cooling they are put in the refrigerator. It is easier to make mashed potatoes in summer, as fresh fruits eat either in the garden or in the store. In winter, these are more difficult. There is nothing in the garden and in the garden, and on the shelves of shops there are fruits and vegetables stuffed with preservatives and unknown chemical compounds that allow them to be stored for a whole year. Therefore, parents have to buy expensive ready-made mashed potatoes.

Pumpkin puree for babies recipe for the winter

Pumpkin is considered a universal fruit. It was specially grown in North America, then it spread throughout the planet. Pumpkin contains vitamins PP, A, B, E, C, K, T, calcium, silicon, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper and beta carotene. Vitamins are needed for the proper development and growth of the child, trace elements allow the bones to get stronger, phosphorus and magnesium develop nervous system, zinc prevents inflammation and strengthens the immune system, beta-carotene improves vision.

Pumpkin puree for babies recipe for the winter is simple. First you need to wash the pumpkin, then cut off a small piece, peel it and boil it either in a double boiler or in a ladle in a small amount of water. Then crush the vegetable, boil it again and put it in a sterile jar. Still, it’s better not to make pumpkin puree in advance, but simply freeze small pieces. In winter, just take out small pieces and boil in a ladle.

The beauty of pumpkin is that it does not cause allergies, has a positive effect on the digestion process and improves stool.

Plum puree for babies for the winter

In order to prepare plum puree, you need to take a few ripe fruits, wash them, remove the skin, remove the stone and boil them in a small amount of water in a ladle. Delicate soft fruits of strawberries, peaches, plums and apricots can be ground and given fresh, but fresh fruits and berries can cause a serious allergic reaction. Therefore, it is better, of course, to boil fresh fruits or steam them. Plum puree for babies is prepared for the winter in the following way. When the plum darkens during cooking, the heat treatment can be stopped. After the plum has cooled, it must be rubbed through a sieve and boiled again over low heat for five minutes. After that, the puree must be decomposed into sterile jars, closed with lids and turned over until completely cooled.

Zucchini puree for the winter for babies

The baby is growing and normal development he needs a supplement to his mother's milk. From three months, you can start introducing complementary foods. Zucchini puree is ideal for starting complementary foods. Zucchini does not cause allergies, stimulates digestion and prevents constipation. This vegetable contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the development and growth of the baby.

Zucchini puree for the winter for babies is easy to prepare. Gotta take one small zucchini, wash it and clean it, if there are seeds, remove them. After that, the zucchini is cut into small pieces and placed in a double boiler or bucket of water. It cooks quickly - about 5-10 minutes. Then the vegetable needs to be crushed and put into sterile jars, then boil the mashed potatoes already with the jars.

Nowadays, women spend a lot of time at work, they have absolutely no time left for household chores. Flat modern woman filled with electronic servants who take care of most household chores. But no matter what, a woman should remain a woman and at least sometimes do something for her family that is not related to money and work. It is important to leave at least two days a week for the family and devote them to creating home comfort, cooking and socializing. Cooking for your family is fun. Therefore, do not neglect home cooking. After all, it is not at all necessary to work in the kitchen alone and then fall on the bed from fatigue. All family members can be involved in cooking and putting things in order in the house. Together it is much faster and more fun, and there will be time for family games, watching TV or just talking in the evening.

The appearance of a small child in the house changes the way of the whole family. Mom can no longer run to the store and to work when she needs to. You have to devote a lot of time to cooking and caring for the child. Some mothers quickly stop breastfeeding, transfer the baby to artificial feeding, they buy ready-made mashed potatoes in the store and leave the crumbs in the care of their grandmother. This happens because working mothers cannot afford to stay at home for one and a half or even three years, they feed the whole family and sometimes earn more than dad.

Many new parents are concerned about everything related to baby food and making a balanced menu. They are especially interested in what foods are first introduced into the diet of crumbs. After reading today's article, you will learn how to cook applesauce for babies.

Why this particular product?

Of all the existing variety of fruits, ripe green apples are used for the first feeding. The choice is due to the fact that these fragrant fruits rarely cause allergic reactions.

It is also important that they can be purchased throughout most of the year. And they sell them at very reasonable prices. It is also worth noting that for the baby, the recipe of which will be presented in this article, it is prepared very quickly and simply. And in most cases, no additional ingredients are used for its preparation.

What fruits are suitable for these purposes?

To prepare a truly healthy applesauce for babies, you need to carefully choose fruits. It is important that the fruits are not subjected to chemical processing and long-term storage. In addition, they should not contain an increased concentration of nitrates.

Ideally, for these purposes, you need to select your own grown fruits of green or white varieties. In the absence of such an opportunity, you need to turn to friends who have their own garden. There are practically no safe apples in markets or supermarkets. Unfortunately, often even farmers who claim to sell environmentally friendly products use chemicals in the process of growing them.

When buying fruits from which applesauce for babies will be prepared, the recipe of which you will learn a little later, it is important to pay attention so that they do not have brown spots and dots. You should not buy soft fruits, as they may be frozen or rotten. Also, a strongly pronounced characteristic aroma should come from the fruit you have chosen. Any unpleasant odor can indicate that the fruit is starting to spoil.

Cooking by stewing

To make a truly healthy treat for a child, you need to choose the fruits of green varieties. It is desirable that they be sweet so that you do not have to add sugar. On the initial stage you need to cut the pre-washed and peeled fruits into several parts and remove the core from them.

In order for applesauce for babies to bring maximum benefit, drinking filtered water should be used for its preparation. One tablespoon of liquid is required for each fruit. All ingredients must be placed in a saucepan and sent to the stove. The contents of the dish must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. Ten minutes later, pieces of stewed fruit should be rubbed through a sieve or beat with a blender. After the puree has cooled, you can feed it to the baby.

Steam technology

Pre-washed and peeled fruits must be cut in half. The slices obtained in this way should be placed in a previously made water bath and left there for ten or twelve minutes. This time should be enough for them to become soft.

The readiness of fruits is checked with a knife. To get a tasty and homogeneous applesauce for babies, you need to beat the pieces softened into a couple with a blender. This recipe is ideal for feeding babies, since it contains nothing but the fruits themselves.

Recipe from boiled and baked fruits

It does not take much time to prepare such complementary foods. As a rule, the whole process takes no more than half an hour. The preparation of applesauce for babies from boiled fruits begins with the preparation of raw materials. To do this, pre-washed, peeled and chopped fruits are placed in a small saucepan filled with filtered water. After the contents of the dishes boil, you need to reduce the heat and wait ten minutes. After this time, the fruits are beaten with a mixer, cooled and given to the baby.

As for mashed potatoes prepared on the basis of baked fruits, everything is also quite simple here. Having spent a minimum of time, you will please your baby with a tender and rich dish. In addition, such complementary foods will not provoke the appearance of colic. To prepare such applesauce for babies, you need to choose a ripe and sweet fruit. Washed and cut into thin plates, the fruit is laid out in a glass heat-resistant container, covered with a lid and sent to the oven. After twenty minutes, it turns out to be a rather soft mass, which needs to be lightly beaten with a fork. You can feed the baby with a cooled dish.

Applesauce for babies from fresh apples

Cooking this complementary food won't take much time. And the technology itself is so simple that even an inexperienced young mother can handle it. The pre-washed and peeled fruit is crushed on a plastic grater. If small lumps appear, the resulting mass can be beaten with a mixer.

There is no need to add sugar to the finished dish. It is advisable to give applesauce for babies from fresh apples to the baby in the daytime, so that before nightfall it has time to fully digest and does not cause colic.

Applesauce for babies for the winter

Thanks to this recipe, your baby will be able to eat tasty and tasty during the cold season. healthy dish made from organic fruits. To make such a complementary food, you will need three kilograms of ripe fruit, one hundred grams of brown sugar and a liter of filtered water.

For these purposes, it is advisable to choose green varieties, as they are considered one of the best sources of iron and many vitamins. To prepare homemade applesauce for babies for the winter, you must first rid the fruit of the peel, grains and stalks. After that, the raw materials are crushed in a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The resulting puree is transferred to a saucepan, water and granulated sugar are also sent there. The contents of the dishes are brought to a boil and simmered over low heat for twenty minutes, not forgetting to stir occasionally. After this time, the finished dish is transferred to pre-sterilized small jars, closed and sent for storage.

Applesauce with cream

A delicacy prepared according to this recipe can be treated to older children. It is advisable to enter it into the menu after the baby tries cereals, fruit and vegetable puree. This dish has a delicate taste and contains everything necessary for the child nutrients. It perfectly meets all the needs of an eight-month-old baby.

To prepare such a puree, you will need two large green apples, a tablespoon of sugar, half a glass of filtered water and two tablespoons of natural cream. In the liquid previously brought to a boil, it is necessary to send grated apples and reduce the heat. After fifteen minutes, cream and granulated sugar should be added to a saucepan with boiling fruit. The resulting mass must be thoroughly mixed and cooled. After that, applesauce is ready to eat.

Applesauce is a dish that is one of the first foods given to babies as fruit food. How to make applesauce for babies, many mothers simply do not know. Therefore, this issue should be dealt with. After all, puree can be a child aged 3-4 months of life. In addition, apple complementary foods are easy to prepare even without losing vitamin composition.

The benefits of apples

Sweet and sour varieties of this fruit will be suitable for the first children's apple food. Over time, dishes from fresh or baked fruits can be included in the children's diet. Apple food contains a number of useful compounds, such as pectin, fiber, vitamins, organic acid, essential oil.

For the baby, so that its growth and development are complete, iron, potassium, carotene and calcium, which are contained in the fruit, are very important. Mineral components help strengthen muscles, normalize and calm the nervous system.

A fresh apple contains enzymes that promote the rapid digestion of food. They serve as protection for the body of the baby from harmful effects atmosphere, strengthen the immune system. Applesauce is an excellent remedy for constipation, it improves appetite, strengthens blood vessels. Frequent intake of such a dish helps to normalize blood sugar, cleanses the body of toxic substances. The advantage of apples is that they almost do not cause allergic reactions.

Raw baby puree

Fruits in any form for babies can be purchased at supermarkets, but in order to avoid all sorts of consequences as a result of the accumulation of toxic substances in the canned puree, mothers are advised to make it on their own using fresh fruits. How to make your own applesauce for babies? The recipe for a fruit dish from apples is as follows: the fruit is washed and peeled from seeds and peel. Rub on a fine grater or rub through a sieve. An important condition How to make apple puree is the use of a plastic grater, since the metal grater is in poor contact with raw fruits, as a result of which the vitamin composition of the product is destroyed.

The introduction of the first fruit puree into the baby's menu should not exceed a serving of 1 tsp. If the baby tolerated the primary apple food well, the proportion should increase every day. For lunch and afternoon snack, you can prepare apple puree in the amount of 50 g. It is important to remember that it is often impossible to take apple juice, as well as its puree - this will cause stomach cramps and intestinal upset, since fruit malic acid causes irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Apple complementary foods for babies should be moderate.

Raw puree can often cause copious gas formation, as a result of which the baby will cry and act up. To fix the problem, the apple must be cooked after a thorough heat treatment.

Boiled puree

If fresh fruits are not very well tolerated by the child, they need to be boiled. Apple puree for babies, the recipe of which is incredibly simple, is prepared as follows:

  1. Rinse the fruit, peel, remove the seeds.
  2. Cut into small pieces, put in a metal container with collected water.
  3. Boil.
  4. It takes a maximum of 10 minutes to prepare.
  5. Remove the apple with a slotted spoon and chop with a blender.
  6. You can remove sourness with a sugar substitute - fructose.

Children whose age less than a year, do not have a sense of taste, salt and sugar are not recommended during this period. Any spices for children of this age can affect the metabolic process, causing its dysfunction.

Baked apples

Cooking a baked apple is easy, the main thing is to choose a juicy, strong green fruit. They will need to be washed, cleaned, freed from the pulp of the seeds. Apples cut into slices are placed in the oven. After they are ready, they are mashed to a puree state.

To make puree quickly, you should purchase a blender. So that there are no microbes from the device in the dish, the resulting mixture is boiled over low heat. Baked apples are better than boiled ones due to the preservation of the original beneficial properties. Cooking promotes the transition of the vitamin composition from the apple crumb to the liquid.

Puree for a couple

How to make applesauce for babies at home? The fruit must be peeled, core removed, cut into slices. Put the pieces of apples into the prepared double boiler and let them steam there for 10-12 minutes. The state of readiness is checked with a knife - it should easily enter the pulp of the fruit. Fruit mousse is whipped with a blender.

To make an apple dish in the oven for the first time, you need to heat it up to 180 0 C. You can even cook fruit in the microwave. After the apple is baked, it is cooled, cut, and the excess is removed. The mass is whipped or kneaded with a fork. For taste, you can make honey gravy.

Banana, apple, carrot

Banana juice can be mixed with apple juice, and their pulp in the form of puree is quite possible for feeding babies only after they have been well mastered separately. The mixture for babies should be done in equal shares - 100 g each.

For a thinner consistency, milk is added to the banana mousse. The banana is peeled and mashed with a fork, the apple is peeled, cut into pieces and passed through a fine grater. A blender will help to mix the fruits. The resulting puree must be boiled.

Carrot-apple complementary foods also have a place to be in the baby's diet. It is prepared like this: fresh carrots and an apple are grated, beaten with a blender until smooth. The dish is seasoned with olive oil. This kind of apple food can be safely prepared for babies older than 6 months.

autumn stock

If fruits are grown in the country, you can make fruit puree for the first feeding with your own hands. For a variety of taste, you need to cook ripe pears, apples, preferably green varieties. How to make apple puree for babies for the winter? To do this, initially you need to prepare the fruit, wash them, free them from the core and peel.

The recipe is the following:

  1. Grate the fruit individually on a grater.
  2. Boil the resulting mixture and eventually beat with a blender.
  3. To close the puree in jars, the container should be held over steam (sterilized), boil the mixture, close it tightly with a lid.
  4. Fruit mousse in rolled jars is placed upside down to cool, covered with a cloth.

It is important to follow the order of administration apple food. So, for starters, they begin to give the child apple juice, diluting it with boiled water. When the baby is 3 months old, he can safely offer up to 30 ml of apple juice per day. At 4-5 months you can 1.5 tsp. mashed potatoes, gradually bringing to a portion of 100 g. At the age of 8 months, a child can be given for the first fresh grated apple. If baby puree is purchased in a store, it is better to take it in a glass container. Such puree should not contain food additives, sugar, starch, preservatives. The presence of ascorbic acid is allowed in a small percentage. Take care of your child's health - choose only a quality product!

When to start fruit feeding? Usually they are introduced into the diet of the baby two to three weeks after vegetables or cereals, starting from six months, and sometimes from four. For the first two months, all fruits, except for bananas, are given in boiled form, making mashed potatoes from them. It is best to start feeding with a green apple.

Applesauce is an ideal option to start fruit complementary foods.

Why an apple?

  • Rarely causes allergies.
  • It contains various vitamins and minerals in large quantities, the iron contained in it is especially valuable.
  • Improves digestion and promotes better emptying of the baby's intestines due to the pectin contained in it. It also helps to remove various harmful substances from the body.
  • Increases appetite.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Helps normalize blood sugar.
Apples increase immunity and remove toxins from the child's body.

Here it is, a green apple!

When is the best time to puree?

Fruit puree can be given before any baby feeding or even twice a day, depending on your baby's appetite and how the new food is digested.

If your baby's stomach is easily upset, it is better to limit yourself to once a day.

Vitamin D deficiency is observed in children who were born in the autumn-winter period. This deficiency can lead to the development of rickets in the newborn. has several stages of development. It is necessary to treat the disease immediately after the diagnosis is made, otherwise irreversible processes begin.

After fruit complementary foods, you can begin to introduce vegetables. is one of the most the best options vegetable complementary foods. A bright dish is prepared quickly and babies simply adore it.

How to introduce complementary foods?

The child needs to get used to the new food. Start with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the serving to fifty grams per feeding. Look at the reaction of your baby's body. The baby is calm, eats with appetite - everything is fine, we continue feeding. If the baby's stool changed color and smell, became more liquid, the cheeks turned red, the tummy swells, a rash appears - stop giving complementary foods. And enter it again only after consulting a pediatrician.

- Yummy!

Which one is better?

There is still no complete agreement on the question - what kind of food is better, store-bought or home-made? Let's talk a little about both.

Puree from the store

The easiest way is to go to the store and buy ready-made apple puree. It can be sold in glass jars or in cardboard packaging. What package to choose?

Eco-friendly. tasty and fast.

Glass is considered more environmentally friendly, it does not contain harmful impurities. But look at the date of manufacture.

The longer a transparent jar of puree stays in the light, the faster the amount of vitamin C in it decreases, even the taste and color of the product may change slightly.

Do not take food that is nearing its expiration date.

If the fruit puree is packed in a cardboard container, it retains its beneficial features until the end of the term.

Carefully read the composition of the product, it should not contain any preservatives, except for ascorbic acid (vitamin C), as well as food additives. At the beginning of complementary foods, do not take jars where their contents include sugar and starch. Starch is poorly absorbed by the baby's body, and sugar can cause an allergic reaction.

The result of a low-quality product is obvious.

Pay attention to the label - from what age is it recommended to give this product, how long can you keep a jar of baby food open.

And homemade is better!

Of course, buying ready-made mashed potatoes in the store, you save your time. And yet the most useful and delicious is what you cook yourself. The advantages are obvious:

Natural, non-GMO, from my own garden.
  • You know exactly what matures used good quality apples.
  • The homemade product, unlike the store, contains small lumps, which teaches the baby to chew.
  • Always freshly prepared.
  • No preservatives or food additives.

Making your own apple puree

Every mom knows how to make applesauce.

But still I will repeat the technology in more detail.

Green apples do not cause food allergies.

So, first choose the bullseye. It is better to take green, it has the least allergens. Taste it - is it sweet? If the apple is sour, you will have to add sugar, and this is undesirable. Look for rot, dents on the fruit. When using such fruits, poisoning or an allergic reaction may occur.

Before preparing the puree, it is necessary to wash the apples properly.

Now wash it thoroughly with warm boiled water. Cut off the skin, remove the core. Now we proceed directly to the cooking process.

Prepare puree in a variety of ways.

Give your child a dessert, using a different recipe each time. See which of the three dishes he would eat best.

As always, word to moms

Isolde from Germany wrote:

"We are on breastfeeding. Therefore, I was in no hurry to introduce complementary foods. I started at six months with a green apple. Gave on a spoon quite a drop at first. And soon we were already eating a teaspoon.

Evgenia from Moscow:

“The introduction of other types of complementary foods helps to prepare the baby for gradual weaning. And the best place to start is with applesauce. Give complementary foods before breastfeeding. The initial portion is half a teaspoon, gradually increase the dose over the course of a week. To determine the serving size, multiply the number of months by ten (e.g. 6 months - 60 grams)."

Young mother Anya warns:

“If using store bought food, be sure to try it before giving it to your baby. Several times I came across sour ones.

Another valuable advice is given by Irina from St. Petersburg:

“When I started introducing complementary foods, I started a food diary. There I wrote down the name of the product, doses by day, how my son reacted to this or that product. If something went wrong, when contacting a doctor, this diary helped him a lot to find the cause of the problem and its solution.

Enjoy your meal!

Regular bathing is simply necessary for newborn babies. Otherwise, they may appear. Prickly heat causes discomfort to babies, if it is not treated in time, it can reach inflammation. At the first manifestations of skin irritation, you should consult a doctor.

Many babies experience digestive problems, particularly constipation. If the baby cannot go to the toilet for a long time, colic begins to torment him, bloating appears, the child constantly cries. deal with the problem?

He will talk about the factors that determine the timing of the start of the coup in babies, as well as what to do if the child lags behind them.

So, let's summarize everything written:

  • Fruit feeding is desirable to start with a green apple.
  • We increase the portion gradually.
  • We carefully monitor the health of the child.
  • At the first signs of a gastric disorder or allergy, we stop complementary foods and consult a doctor.
  • For better control, we keep a baby food diary.
  • We gradually introduce other fruits, be sure to boil them for the first time (except for bananas).
  • And one more thing - having got used to eating delicious fruit puree from a spoon, your baby will better perceive the vegetable one, which you will start giving him soon.