Applesauce for baby. How to make baby applesauce.

The apple is often the first fruit tasted by young children, and often the first food, besides mother's milk, introduced into the infant's diet. Juice squeezed from an apple can be offered to babies at the age of 2-3 months, and a little later, somewhere at 4-4.5 months, you can add applesauce.

How to make applesauce for babies

As already mentioned, apple juice and puree often become the first complementary foods for babies. In the nutrition of babies, you can use ready-made canned mashed potatoes, or you can cook it at home yourself. The second option is preferable for young children.

For the first time, baby applesauce should not be given more than 0.5-1 small spoons. In the absence of a reaction to this fruit, a single dose is gradually increased, bringing it to the age norm.

You can make puree with the addition of fructose or sugar. This dish is suitable for older children. It's getting ready in the following way. Apples are well washed and peeled. Then they are finely chopped and poured into a small container, a little is poured there. clean water so that it slightly covers the pieces of fruit. Place a container with apples and water over medium heat, bring to a boil and reduce the intensity of the fire, then cook for another 10 minutes. After that, the mass is crushed with a blender or fork until smooth, adding sugar or fructose to taste.

In the nutrition of infants, in addition to simple applesauce, a combined puree made from several components, for example, from apples and pears, apples and carrots, apples and bananas, can also be used.

Experts from all countries recognize the apple perfect product for babies. These fruits can be eaten in any form: fresh, baked, canned. The composition of apples is very rich and balanced. Here there is fiber, tannins, natural pectin, vitamins, in particular C, A, B groups, P and others, organic acids, minerals (manganese, potassium, iron, silicon, iodine, zinc and others), essential oils.

Apples are easily absorbed by the body, this quality is important for organizing the nutrition of children. Their use contributes to the good growth and development of babies, maintaining appetite and normalizing digestion processes.

Exist various ways making applesauce. It can be one-component or include several ingredients, prepared from fresh fruits or those that have been previously cooked.

fresh apple puree recipe

For very young children, puree is best suited, which includes only one component, that is, which is prepared only from an apple.

The method of preparing applesauce for babies from fresh fruits is quite simple. The apple is thoroughly washed several times clean water, remove the peel from it and rub it on a fine grater. Then carefully grind the mass through a sieve to exclude the presence of small pieces. For babies who have not yet reached 10-12 months, it is worth taking only green apples. Such fruits do not cause allergies and are better suited for baby food.

Moms should remember that eating applesauce with babies can cause increased gas formation and bloating. If this happens, then for the preparation of mashed potatoes it is better to use not fresh, but boiled or baked fruits.

baked apple puree recipe

To prepare such a puree, you need green apples. They are washed and cleaned from the skin and core. Fruit pulp is baked in the oven or boiled until softened. After that, the apples need to be cooled and carefully chopped, rubbing through a sieve. The resulting puree has a laxative effect, so it should not be given to a child with diarrhea, but with constipation, it can normalize the stool.

For diarrhea, fresh fruit puree, which has stood in the open air for some time, is best suited for a baby. The same darkened applesauce is indicated for babies with anemia.

Children who easily bruise, that is, increased fragility of blood vessels, and headaches often occur, should eat more sweet apples, since they contain a lot of pectin and vitamin P. These substances help strengthen blood vessels and remove bad cholesterol.

Carrot-apple puree for babies

For babies, applesauce with the addition of carrots is prepared by mixing two masses. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients: carrots and apples, 120 g each, a small spoonful of sugar, the same amount of white bunches, half as much butter and a large glass of milk.

Carrots are washed, peeled, and then boiled until completely softened. The boiled vegetable is rubbed through a fine sieve. Apples are peeled from seeds and skin and crushed with a fine grater. You can also use boiled or baked fruits. Along with this, the sauce is cooked separately. For him, milk is put on fire, flour is stirred in it and brought to a boil, after 3-5 minutes it is removed from heat and butter is added. After that, mix the sauce, vegetable and fruit puree.

At a slightly older age, children can be offered apple-carrot puree with cranberries. It needs an apple and carrots, 100 g each, 2 small spoons of sugar and a large spoon of cranberries. Carrots are washed and peeled, and then rubbed on a fine grater. The apple is also peeled and crushed. After that, both masses are mixed, pouring sugar into them and adding carefully mashed cranberries.

Applesauce for babies can be stocked up for the winter, and then the baby will be able to eat in the cold season, when there is a particularly large deficiency of vitamins. For such a preparation, you need to take a kilogram of sour apples and carrots, about 250 g of sugar will be required, you can add a small pinch of salt to taste. Fruits and vegetables are pre-peeled and boiled, then they are kneaded into a smooth puree. Measured sugar and salt are also poured into this mixture. The whole mass is placed in a saucepan and turned off at the moment of boiling. After that, the puree is transferred to jars sterilized in any way and closed with lids.

Apple banana puree for babies

Easy and quick for babies, you can cook applesauce with a banana. It needs apples, bananas and milk. Fruits are washed, peeled and chopped with a blender. About 10 g of milk is poured into this mass and mixed thoroughly. After that, the puree can be given to the baby. This dish is suitable for children older than six months.

When to give applesauce to babies

Modern pediatricians strongly disagree on the exact moment from which it is possible to start introducing apple food in the breastfeeding diet. Some believe that from the age of 2 months a baby can be given a little apple. First, he is given apple juice, squeezed through several layers of gauze from a quarter of the fruit and diluted with the same amount of pure water. Gradually, a single amount of juice is increased, and by 3-3.5 months it can reach up to 30 g. It is not worth giving apple juice to young children in its pure form, as it negatively affects the walls of the stomach. It is better not to offer purchased juice to children under one year old. Applesauce is introduced to babies from about 3-4 months. One-time volume also needs to be increased gradually.

Applesauce for babies is an additional source of vitamins, iron and other useful substances. This type of complementary foods is one of the first to be introduced into the baby's diet, since apples, primarily green-skinned varieties, rarely cause allergies.

Applesauce has a pronounced attractive taste, so it should not be given to the child before cereals and vegetables, otherwise it will be difficult for the baby to get used to more insipid food. You can introduce such puree into the baby's diet from the age of six months.

Making applesauce at home is easy. It can be a dish for immediate consumption or a healthy preparation for the winter.

Healthy complementary foods

Apple fruits are popular with people who care about their health and proper development children, because this fruit:

  • stimulates appetite;
  • contains antioxidants that help strengthen the baby's immunity in the first years of life;
  • rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamins PP, C, A;
  • serves as a source of iron, which is necessary for normal hematopoiesis and an increase in hemoglobin levels;
  • thanks to tannins, it improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • due to the high content of pectin, it cleanses the intestines, removes toxins and toxins from the body;
  • prevents the processes of decay in the intestines;
  • contains potassium and calcium, which are necessary for the formation of muscles and the skeleton.

A simple recipe will help you cook delicious and healthy complementary foods daily, or make a supply of vitamins for the winter. A contraindication to the introduction of this fruit into the diet of the baby is individual intolerance.

Choosing apples

The ideal option is a crop grown on your own plot without the use of harmful chemicals. But in most cases, apples have to be bought in stores and markets.

For the preparation of complementary foods for babies, it is recommended to opt for domestic varieties. First of all, this is the Simirenko variety - green fruits, rich in substances necessary for the child's body. You can also use White Bulk, Cinnamon and Antonovka, local varieties adapted to the climate of your region.

Imported fruits look spectacular, they are available all year round but not suitable for baby food. So that the fruits do not suffer from pests and do not lose their presentation during transportation, they are treated with various substances that can harm the baby.

When buying apples, choose unsightly-looking fruits, including those with wormholes - this is an indicator of their "naturalness". Please note: during the harvest season, fruits contain a maximum of useful substances, while local apples that survived the winter are practically devoid of them.

Having prepared applesauce from high-quality fresh apples “without chemistry” at the end of summer or autumn, you will provide your baby with vitamins for the winter. A home-made product will be a worthy alternative to purchased mashed potatoes, which may contain additives, allergic at the baby.

Baby puree at home

If you do not know how to make applesauce for babies, choose the appropriate recipe from the ones below. A sweet apple product does not need to add sugar, if the fruit is sour, you can put a little powdered sugar in the puree.

Recipe without heat treatment

Take a sweet apple with a crumbly structure, cut off the skin on one side of it. Scoop out some of the pulp with a spoon (you should get the consistency of mashed potatoes) and feed it to your baby. For the first time, half a teaspoon is enough, then gradually increase the amount eaten.

Basic Recipe

A thoroughly washed and scalded fruit should be peeled, cut into two or four parts, seeds and hard partitions removed. Grate the peeled apple and chop with a blender.

You should not use a meat grinder - if its far corners were poorly washed after meat processing, pathogenic microbes can get into baby fruit puree.

If the baby's body reacted to a raw apple with indigestion, switch to a thermally processed product that is easy to make at home.

A simple recipe with heat treatment

Dip a well-washed whole apple into a container of boiling water and cook for three to four minutes. Remove and cool the fruit, remove the skin from it and remove the core. The softened pulp can be easily turned into a smooth puree with a blender.

Recipe for multicooker

Place the peeled and cut into small pieces of fruit on the grid of the multicooker and cook for about 20 minutes in the "steam" mode. Let the pieces cool slightly and mash with a fork.

Combine pear, zucchini, banana or carrot pieces with an apple and make a multi-ingredient puree if the child is not allergic to an additional product. By the way, you can read the link on how to make zucchini puree for babies.

Recipe for the oven

Baked apples are not only tasty, but also very healthy, they are easier to digest by the body. Remove the core from whole fruits, place the fruits in small muffin or cupcake molds (so that the juice does not spread), put in a heated oven for 20 minutes. Mash the softened apples with a fork, removing the skin.

Recipe for the winter

Prepare small jars for baby food (an open product is stored for no more than a day in the refrigerator), wash them thoroughly with soda and steam sterilize. Also treat the lids with boiling water so that the puree does not deteriorate over the winter.

For a kilogram of sour apples, you will need 1 tablespoon of sugar (preferably cane) and 0.5 liters of pure (filtered or bottled) water. Peeled and cut into pieces, turn the fruits into a homogeneous mass with a blender. Transfer it to a saucepan with water, add sugar and mix. Turn on a strong fire and wait until it boils, then simmer for 20-25 minutes over low heat.

Pour hot puree into jars and cover with lids, turn them upside down and wrap them in a blanket. Store cooled jars in a dark place. Such a preparation for the winter will delight your baby.

Vegetable and fruit purees are included in the baby's diet as one of the first complementary foods, they can be given from 6 months. On the shelves of stores - slender rows of all kinds of jars from different manufacturers, the eyes run wide from the choice! But why buy (be that as it may, but store-bought products are store-bought), if you can do a lot yourself! Make and be sure of the freshness, quality and naturalness of the product!

Making apple puree is very simple and not very troublesome. Judge for yourself.


  • apples - any tasty
  • water - purified drinking

How to make applesauce for kids

Do not put sugar in mashed potatoes, if the apples are sweet, then the mashed potatoes will turn out sweet enough. But, if you still want to sweeten, then put a pinch of powdered sugar, it will dissolve faster than sugar. You can also take honey if the child is not allergic to it.

To enjoy delicious puree from your apples, you can prepare it for future use. Boil and arrange in sterile jars that need to be stored in the refrigerator. Or divide into containers and freeze.
For older children, you can add a little cinnamon to the puree - it's very tasty and fragrant.

And, by the way, the apple skin that is cut off can also come into play.

It is rich in vitamins (and we already have it), so put it in a bag and freeze it (you can dry it in the oven or microwave). And in winter we will add it to tea or make apple uzvar with honey. The smell of apples will remind you of summer, cheer you up and help you overcome gloomy rainy winter days.

Tell me, are there apples in stores in winter? But I assure you, no winter variety of this fruit will ever put you in the summer mood and provide your child with so many vitamins.

When to start fruit feeding? Usually they are introduced into the diet of the baby two to three weeks after vegetables or cereals, starting at six months, and sometimes from four. For the first two months, all fruits, except for bananas, are given in boiled form, making mashed potatoes from them. It is best to start feeding with a green apple.

Applesauce is an ideal option to start fruit complementary foods.

Why an apple?

  • Rarely causes allergies.
  • It contains various vitamins and minerals in large quantities, the iron contained in it is especially valuable.
  • Improves digestion and promotes better emptying of the baby's intestines due to the pectin contained in it. It also helps to remove various harmful substances from the body.
  • Increases appetite.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Helps normalize blood sugar.
Apples increase immunity and remove toxins from the child's body.

Here it is, a green apple!

When is the best time to puree?

Fruit puree can be given before any baby feeding or even twice a day, depending on your baby's appetite and how the new food is digested.

If your baby's stomach is easily upset, it is better to limit yourself to once a day.

Vitamin D deficiency is observed in children who were born in the autumn-winter period. This deficiency can lead to the development of rickets in the newborn. has several stages of development. It is necessary to treat the disease immediately after the diagnosis is made, otherwise irreversible processes begin.

After fruit complementary foods, you can begin to introduce vegetables. is one of the most the best options vegetable complementary foods. A bright dish is prepared quickly and babies simply adore it.

How to introduce complementary foods?

The child needs to get used to the new food. Start with half a teaspoon, gradually increasing the serving to fifty grams per feeding. Look at the reaction of your baby's body. The baby is calm, eats with appetite - everything is fine, we continue feeding. If the baby's stool changed color and smell, became more liquid, the cheeks turned red, the tummy swells, a rash appears - stop giving complementary foods. And enter it again only after consulting a pediatrician.

- Yummy!

Which one is better?

There is still no complete agreement on the question - what kind of food is better, store-bought or home-made? Let's talk a little about both.

Puree from the store

The easiest way is to go to the store and buy ready-made apple puree. It can be sold in glass jars or in cardboard packaging. What package to choose?

Eco-friendly. tasty and fast.

Glass is considered more environmentally friendly, it does not contain harmful impurities. But look at the date of manufacture.

The longer a transparent jar of puree stays in the light, the faster the amount of vitamin C in it decreases, even the taste and color of the product may change slightly.

Do not take food that is nearing its expiration date.

If the fruit puree is packed in a cardboard container, it retains its beneficial features until the end of the term.

Carefully read the composition of the product, it should not contain any preservatives, except for ascorbic acid (vitamin C), as well as food additives. At the beginning of complementary foods, do not take jars where their contents include sugar and starch. Starch is poorly absorbed by the baby's body, and sugar can cause an allergic reaction.

The result of a low-quality product is obvious.

Pay attention to the label - from what age is it recommended to give this product, how long can you keep a jar of baby food open.

And homemade is better!

Of course, buying ready-made mashed potatoes in the store, you save your time. And yet the most useful and delicious is what you cook yourself. The advantages are obvious:

Natural, non-GMO, from my own garden.
  • You know exactly what matures used good quality apples.
  • The homemade product, unlike the store, contains small lumps, which teaches the baby to chew.
  • Always freshly prepared.
  • No preservatives or food additives.

Making your own apple puree

Every mom knows how to make applesauce.

But still I will repeat the technology in more detail.

Green apples do not cause food allergies.

So, first choose the bullseye. It is better to take green, it has the least allergens. Taste it - is it sweet? If the apple is sour, you will have to add sugar, and this is undesirable. Look for rot, dents on the fruit. When using such fruits, poisoning or an allergic reaction may occur.

Before preparing the puree, it is necessary to wash the apples properly.

Now wash it thoroughly with warm boiled water. Cut off the skin, remove the core. Now we proceed directly to the cooking process.

Prepare puree in a variety of ways.

Give your child a dessert, using a different recipe each time. See which of the three dishes he would eat best.

As always, word to moms

Isolde from Germany wrote:

"We are on breastfeeding. Therefore, I was in no hurry to introduce complementary foods. I started at six months with a green apple. Gave on a spoon quite a drop at first. And soon we were already eating a teaspoon.

Evgenia from Moscow:

“The introduction of other types of complementary foods helps to prepare the baby for gradual weaning. And the best place to start is with applesauce. Give complementary foods before breastfeeding. The initial portion is half a teaspoon, gradually increase the dose over the course of a week. To determine the serving size, multiply the number of months by ten (e.g. 6 months - 60 grams)."

Young mother Anya warns:

“If using store bought food, be sure to try it before giving it to your baby. Several times I came across sour ones.

Another valuable advice is given by Irina from St. Petersburg:

“When I started introducing complementary foods, I started a food diary. There I wrote down the name of the product, doses by day, how my son reacted to this or that product. If something went wrong, when contacting a doctor, this diary helped him a lot to find the cause of the problem and its solution.

Bon Appetit!

Regular bathing is simply necessary for newborn babies. Otherwise, they may appear. Prickly heat causes discomfort to babies, if it is not treated in time, it can reach inflammation. At the first manifestations of skin irritation, you should consult a doctor.

Many babies experience digestive problems, particularly constipation. If the baby cannot go to the toilet for a long time, colic begins to torment him, bloating appears, the child constantly cries. deal with the problem?

He will talk about the factors that determine the timing of the start of the coup in babies, as well as what to do if the child lags behind them.

So, let's summarize everything written:

  • Fruit feeding is desirable to start with a green apple.
  • We increase the portion gradually.
  • We carefully monitor the health of the child.
  • At the first signs of a gastric disorder or allergy, we stop complementary foods and consult a doctor.
  • For better control, we keep a baby food diary.
  • We gradually introduce other fruits, be sure to boil them for the first time (except for bananas).
  • And one more thing - having got used to eating delicious fruit puree from a spoon, your baby will better perceive the vegetable one, which you will start giving him soon.

Apple is the most popular fruit in our country. The apple tree grows in almost every plot, in every garden. It is unpretentious, easily endures Russian winters with hard frost, and almost every year pleases us with delicious ripe fruits. Plus, apples are incredibly healthy! They contain a lot of important trace elements and vitamins. That is why apple puree for babies is so loved by both parents and children.

Benefits of apples for babies

  • They contain antioxidants to strengthen the immune system of the baby.
  • These fruits have all the B vitamins, vitamin C, A, PP.
  • Apples contain a lot of iron, potassium, magnesium, iodine and other trace elements, as well as pectin, mineral salts, and fructose.
  • These juicy fruits stop the processes of decay in the intestines due to the content of beneficial acids in them.
  • Tannins have a positive effect on the kidneys and liver.
  • The high content of fiber cleanses the body of toxins and removes toxins.
  • Apples help cleanse the blood and lymph.
  • This juicy fruit normalizes blood sugar levels.
  • Apples increase appetite.

Which variety to choose?

For baby food it is better to use domestic varieties - "Simerenko", "Antonovka", "White pouring". It is better if these are fruits from your own garden or bought in season. But it is better not to buy glossy, ideally shaped fruits of foreign varieties (Golden, Jonathan and others). Not only have these fruits been processed with chemicals, they may be genetically modified foods.

If you use sour varieties of apples (for example, Antonovka) to make puree, add sweeter fruits - pears, bananas.

Give preference to fruits irregular shape, with a heterogeneous color, with wormholes and barrels. mA, it is better to refuse glossy fruits with a smooth, uniform surface.

How many months to introduce applesauce?

You can introduce apples from 6 months for babies and from 4 months for artificial babies, but it is better to postpone apple foods for several months and first treat the baby with vegetables and cereals.

This is due to the fact that after sweet applesauce (if given as the very first complementary food), the baby is unlikely to want to eat tasteless vegetables or cereals.

apple puree recipes

There are many recipes for baby apple puree. Someone prefers to cook monopurée to let the child feel the true taste of the product, someone mixes it with other fruits (bananas, pears) or vegetables (carrots, pumpkin).

Fresh apple puree

This is the easiest applesauce recipe for babies.

Wash the fruit, peel, remove the seeds and partitions. Next, grate the fruit, and then carefully chop in a blender. You can grind the fruit in a meat grinder, but make sure that it is perfectly clean - a piece of spoiled meat that accidentally fell into baby puree can lead to very disastrous consequences.

Classic apple puree

This recipe is suitable for those who are going to make mashed potatoes "once" and not close it for the winter. To prepare this dish, you will need one fresh apple and 5 minutes of free time.

Dip the apple in boiling water and cook for a couple of minutes. During this time, the pulp will have time to soften. Peel the cooled fruit, remove the seeds and core, put the pulp in a blender and grind thoroughly. Applesauce for babies is ready!

Some advise adding ½ tablespoon of sugar to complementary foods, but if you use sweet varieties of apples (Cinnamon, Melba), then this measure is unnecessary.

This puree can be mixed with bananas, pears, zucchini, pumpkin, carrots and other vegetables and fruits.

Applesauce in a slow cooker

How to cook such food? You will need one apple. Peel the fruit from the peel, seeds and partitions, cut into medium pieces and put on the grid in the slow cooker. Turn on the "steam" mode and cook the fruit for 15-20 minutes.

Mash softened fruits with a spoon or beat with a blender. The finished puree should be slightly cooled and served warm.

Applesauce in the oven

This is another useful fast way make your own fresh apple puree. For one serving, take two medium apples. Use a knife to cut the core without cutting the fruit in half. Put the prepared fruit in cupcake molds so that the juice does not leak out, and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

When the apples are softened, cool them slightly, take out the pulp with a spoon and grind it in a blender. Applesauce is ready!

If your baby already eats almost all the basic foods, the fruit can be stuffed with rice, millet, cottage cheese before baking.

Applesauce for the winter

To prepare 1 kilogram of puree you will need:

  • sour apples - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 spoon;
  • water - 0.5 liters.

If you are mashing for the smallest baby, it is better to replace white sugar with high-quality cane sugar.

Peel the apples from the skin, seeds and core, cut and grind in a blender. Put the finished mass in a saucepan, pour in water, add sugar and cook over high heat until boiling. Next, reduce the heat and simmer the puree for another 20 minutes.

At this time, wash and sterilize jars and lids. It is better to take small jars at a time.

Spread the puree in jars, close and put in a dark place. As you can see, it is not difficult to cook it at all.

What can you pair an apple with?

Applesauce can be combined with almost all vegetables and fruits. The most popular and delicious combinations are presented below.

  • apple + pear

In this case, both fruits are boiled or steamed, and then mixed in a blender. For an older child, you can prepare such a puree with the addition of cranberries or cinnamon. The main thing is that the crumbs do not have allergies.

  • apple + banana

Applesauce with the addition of a banana is prepared according to the following scheme: the fruits are washed, cut, chopped with a blender. Additional heat treatment is not required. You can add a little breast milk to the finished puree.

  • Apple + pumpkin

Requires 1 apple and 1 slice of medium pumpkin. Place them in the multicooker bowl and steam them. Mash the prepared vegetables, add a piece of butter or a little milk and serve to the child.

  • apple + carrot

Take carrots and an apple in equal proportions (1 each). Boil the fruits until tender in boiling water and mash with a blender. You can add a little cream or breast milk to applesauce with carrots.

  • Apple + zucchini

Steam an apple with zucchini (15 minutes). Mash softened fruits with a spoon or blender.

  • Apple + cream

This dish is suitable for older babies who already eat dairy products. Preparing such complementary foods is quite simple: put peeled and chopped apples (2 pieces) in boiling water (1 cup). Boil for 15 minutes, and then pour in the cream (2 tablespoons). Cool the puree and serve to the baby.

Also, delicious complementary foods are obtained if you make combinations with cottage cheese, peach, apricot, cereals.

How to choose ready-made puree?

It is quite difficult to choose high-quality baby food, as a jar with a low-quality product can always be caught. Nevertheless, compliance with a number of rules will allow you to buy only the best for the baby.

  1. Always look at the expiration date of the product. If it has expired, leave the jar in the store, or rather inform the seller or manager about the stitching.
  2. Avoid preservatives! IN baby food only ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is allowed.
  3. It is better not to buy a product for babies that contains sugar or starch. The first is undesirable for the child's body, the second can cause allergies.
  4. Check the label. If the manufacturer has indicated a specific age range (for example, from 6 months), then it is better not to give the product to the crumbs before the prescribed age.
  5. Pay attention to domestic brands - "FrutoNyanya", "Spelenok", "Grandmother's basket" - and to foreign ones - Humama, Hipp, Gerber, Fleur Alpine. In them, apart from apples, water and vitamin C, there are no additional components.
  6. But the manufacturers of Semper and Agusha add starch to the product to thicken it. Heinz puree contains additional lemon juice, which can cause allergies.

If possible, make your own puree. Such a dish will bring many times more benefit to the baby than purchased complementary foods.


Applesauce is one of the best treats for babies. It is useful, tasty, pleasant yellow color, gentle homogeneous texture. If you choose sweeter apples, additional components such as sugar and other fruits (banana, carrot, pear) will not be needed.